Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 11/13/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of The Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho! We basked a little in the Orange Glow – but not too much. And we talked about what orange rather than red might mean for the car industry:

. . .

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  1. Rum-soaked RINO Congress Clown has an encounter with AGWs:

    ‘House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul was detained by police at Dulles International Airport earlier this month in an incident that he described as “the result of a poor decision” to mix Ambien and alcohol.

    ‘A McCaul spokesperson confirmed the recent incident, describing the congressman as “a nervous flyer” who took the popular sleep aid Ambien and consumed alcohol before boarding a flight home to Austin, Texas.

    ‘McCaul ultimately missed that flight, he told Semafor, adding that he was disoriented from the combination of the medication and alcohol, subsequently locking himself out of his cell phone.

    ‘He was later found by police, who assumed McCaul was intoxicated and detained him, according to his spokesperson.’

    Something is obviously missing from this story. On alcohol and Ambien, most of us probably would just snooze out.

    One has to suspect that McCaul started throwing his weight around, as Congress Clowns are wont to do [‘Do you know who I am?‘] and provoked the AGWs into detaining him.

    Let us hope that McCaul, perhaps the Ukies’ best friend in Clowngress, wasn’t ripped on Stolichnaya. That would be treason! :-0

    • Sorry Jim H,

      Stolichnaya vodka is distilled at the “Melanis Balsams” facility in Riga,Latvia…a member of NATO…so “misinformation disseminator”……kool your jets…

      BTW….Melnais Balsams is an asskick liquor that you should bring out and let even teetotalers
      suck down at familial gatherings…the elixir is Rooty and potent….aids digestion…
      less sweet than jagermiester and everybody seems to appreciate it’s ….ummm…
      Unique taste?….and subsequent Buzz!

    • Matt Gaetz is sharp as a whip. Can you imagine the stuff he will find out, those who were NOT prosecuted for the most heinous of crimes – like the Obamas who are on the P Diddy list? Matt Gaetz is sharp as a whip. A whole lot of heads could roll, including heads of state.

    • RINO John Thune was elected Senate Majority Leader today, replacing Dirty Old Turtle. Another reason to sabotage the America Last Republiclown Party to the best of our ability.

      Their margin in the House is minuscule. Democrats very likely will reclaim the House majority in 2026: the midterm vote nearly always goes against the incumbent party.

      Then we can impeach America Last Zion Don for a THIRD time in 2027. I’ll be in the gallery, hollering ‘WHACK HIS FAT ASS AGAIN, HARDER!’ 🙂

  2. I created a meme to describe what just happened:

    I wrote this over at The Unx Review:

    “Consider that Biden and Trump are on the same pro-wrestling team – to fool us as the Zionist wars are carried out. Biden starts the wars (match) then tags Trump to finish it, while Trump feigns peace maker after destroying the rest of Gaza.”

  3. So sadly true Jim,
    “America’s story is inextricably linked to…..”AIPAC! as anyone with two brain cells can see. Trump is for sale to the highest bidder, and the Adelsons are on top with hundreds of millions of dollars.

    • One month ago, Secretaries Austin and Blinken sent a sternly-worded letter to Netanyahu, threatening to stop arms shipments to Israel if food shipments to Gaza did not dramatically increase. They didn’t. Result:

      U.S. to Keep Sending Arms to Israel Despite Dire Conditions in Gaza

      The US stands revealed by Netanyahu as a paper tiger, whose empty threats can be ignored, flouted and rejected without consequence.

      USA: Israel’s doormat.

      • The stern warnings IMO are only political posturing to the left. Biden feigns disappointment when US aid relief doesn’t make it, when he knew damn well what was going to happen before he sent it. Biden played resistance to ethnic genocide, Trump will now embrace it – and is picking his team to do just that.

        Trump used Musk, Gabbard, JFK Jr. to get elected, he appealed to the patriots with a “dream” team of reformers. Musk was assigned to DOGE with Swami and soon will fall out and return to private business. Tulsi Gabbard was not picked for Ambassador to the UN nor will she be picked for any substantial post IMO, and JFK Jr., being a Kennedy, an Irish clan hated and killed by Jews, will not get any post.


      • ahem
        I prefer the term I have used to define the mentioned “relationship”….

        The Israeli tail …wags the American dog….
        I mentioned this to a military expert “expeditor”(small hat)….while partying on the St Louis Italian hill way back in the day.
        The dude said he facilitated export of AH64 apaches to …you know where….
        I said , ok so you get the “monkey model export version”…..the small hat grinned and said “hardly”…..parasites to the core.

    • Watch how Trump legitimizes the annexation of the West Bank. It is becoming obvious Biden was pushed aside for Trump so Smotrich can annex the west bank.

      (No Jew is even allowed to be in the West Bank, let alone live there or police it. Now these Jews want it all.)

      With Jews taking Gaza and the West Bank, how long will these Jews allow any Muslim to live in Jerusalem?

      The purge is on, and the evil orange clown is going to rubber stamp it.

      Which means that big mosque on the temple mount, the Dome on the Rock is not going to last much longer. Jews want it and Jews always get what they want, so how long will it take until Trump sends in F-117s to do a sneak attack and blow it up?

    • AIPAC brags it’s backed candidates get re-elected, and now brags the anti-Zionist candidates are booted. What is happening is that Amerika is rapidly being transformed into a fascist Zionist colony, a national socialist state for Jewish interests.

      If there is no dissent, what will stop Amerikan troops from being sent to Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon to fight Iran and the axis of resistance? And what would stop N. Korea from sending troops to help Iran?

      We’ll see what Trump does, but so far, just one week after the election Trump’s picks are not a good sign. My guess is that at any time Iran will be provoked to unleash a BIG missile barrage onto Tel Aviv and IDF air bases, perhaps before Trumpenstein is sworn in. This tit for tat could continue for awhile until it becomes obvious that Israel can no longer take any more pummeling – then Trump the Orange Antichrist will step in and make another “peace” deal, which will only be a deception to allow Israel to recover and plot revenge.

      Trump’s last peace deal, the so-called “deal of the century” or the Abrahamic Accords (brokered by little faggot boy Kushner) is cited as the cause of the Oct. 7th uprising. Very few people know that, but over at Unz and other egghead websites that fact was greatly discussed by scholars familiar with the Palestinian plight.

      I am quite sure Trump 2.0 is going to be a doozy, because of who he is picking, but the jury is still out. We still have to wait just a while longer until Trump’s real intentions are revealed.

  4. ‘We basked a little in the Orange Glow – but not too much.’ — eric

    The Orange Glow turns out to be lethal gamma wave radiation. Pete Hegseth, Trump’s Secretary of Defense nominee, in his own words:

    ‘A moving excerpt from Pete Hegseth’s book, American Crusade, Our Fight to Stay Free (2020)

    ‘Simply put: if you don’t understand why Israel matters and why it is so central to the story of Western civilization — with America being its greatest manifestation — then you don’t live in history. America’s story is inextricably linked to Judeo-Christian [sic] history and the modern state of Israel.

    ‘If you love America, you should love Israel.’

    Another f*cking dual-loyalty traitor, hijacking our country in broad daylight. Trump is showing his true colors: blue and white, with a six-pointed star. He can kiss my ass; I’m done.

    • What Trump is doing is merging Israel and Amerika into one political unit, where Amerika’s interest is identical to Israel’s. The Zionists will line the Trump administration, they will interact with the Israeli Zionists as brothers in arms, and the USA and Israel will merge into the world’s biggest Talmudic Jewish supremacist killing machine.

      Trump may even criminalize criticism of Jews and Israel, and has publically stated as much. Trump will help Israel continue the criminally insane genocide of the native Palestinians. That is utter madness, Amerika is now party to a foreign state genocide. Trump said Bibi to finish the job of ethnic cleansing.

      Zionist Occupied Amerika (commonly called ZOG) is becoming Israelmerika – the Holohoax and Jewish viewpoint the national religion which can not be criticized.


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