Diaper Report: 11/14/2024


This report concerns a slight but noticeable increase in the number of people I have been seeing “masked up” – as the wearing of those facial-effacers are styled – since the Orange Man won the election last week.

Since the only reason – to use a word inaccurately, since reason is that last thing that applies here – for this increase facial effacement is the election – or rather, the results of the recent election – one can infer that the facial effacers are displaying their despair rather than any resurgent fear of inhaling the viral bogeyman.

Adherents of collectivist ideologies often submerge their individual identities in this way. There is a reason why such movements are often characterized by uniforms. The word is italicized for purposes of understanding. Uni – or universal – form. Everyone the same – or at least, looking it. So as to telegraph – visually – that they all think the same. More finely, that they do not think at all.

Thinking – as an individual – is anathema to collectivist ideologies, which expect, require and demand uniformity. The appearance creating the fact. That is why – to reiterate a critically important point, because it must be understood and never forgotten – the collectivists behind the purposely conjured mass-panic event that even to this day is still wrongly styled “the pandemic” (which is like referring to acne among adolescents as a “pandemic”) applied everything shy of bayonets-in-the-backside to force everyone to be . . . uniform.

To look alike even if they did not think alike.

This is extremely important. Because it is how collectivists enforce their ideologies. If people are permitted to see that many do not agree, it is much easier for them to also not-agree.

A personal anecdote from the era of “the pandemic” comes to mind. I went into a grocery store – showing my face, as I always did – defying the sign by the door that said everyone who enters must efface their face. I am someone who does not mindlessly obey signs, so disobeying what this sign said was easy for me. It is probably the result of my having spent the majority of my youth not within government schools – those places wherein children are taught mindless obedience.

At any rate, I walked right on in and began to shop. I was the only person within who had not effaced his face. I looked at the face-effacers, who avoided my look – at least while I was looking at them. As I stood looking at the bread, trying to decide what to get, I felt someone touch my right arm. I expected a confrontation.

But what I got was a thank-you.

An older, slightly built woman said to me: “I wanted to thank you for not wearing a mask; I’m afraid not to but I am happy to see you’re not.”

Italics added.

The bullies who’d imposed “mask” requirements counted on people like this woman being afraid to be the only ones out of uniform. More finely, to make themselves targets for bullies. We saw a lot of that during the – cough – “pandemic” and almost all of it was focused on the handful of individuals who refused to go-along with being inducted into the collectivist Cult of Ever-Abiding Sickness. This telegraphed a clear implicit threat to people who didn’t agree but were afraid to show they disagreed.

Thus creating a false impression of uniformity.

Do you see?

That false impression of uniformity not only preserved and enhance the mass hysteria, it established the carrot-and-stick for what inevitably came next. You want to take off that “mask”? You want to be able to do the things you enjoy again? See elderly relatives, again?

All you have to do is roll up your sleeve.

Do you see?

So when I see a “masker” today, I do not see a sad-sack mentally ill person. A terrified hypochondriac – even though they may be exactly that. They are something else in addition to that, whether they are conscious of it or are not.

They are the weaponized drones of a collectivist ideology that has by no means been defeated. It has suffered a tactical setback. But to think it has been crushed is to think foolishly.

And that’s what I have been seeing more of lately.

. . .

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  1. ‘Trump voter Case Bradford decided to troll the libtards by advertising fluoridated drinking water at $199 a bottle (glass not included).

    “I am now selling fluoridated water in Los Angeles [for $199 a bottle] to the panic-stricken population,” Bradford posted on X.

    ‘Last week, the Los Angeles Times reported that “A Trump win in Tuesday’s election could spell the end of fluoridated water” in California and across the U.S., where 75 per cent of residents live in communities where fluoride is artificially added to the water supply.

    ‘Indeed, before Trump’s victory, RFK Jr. promised that, “On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water,” calling the compound “industrial waste” and asserting it was associated with health risks.’


    First they came for Commiefornia’s fluoridated water … then they came for CARB! 🙁

  2. Brazen lies of the Lügenpresse:

    Kennedy’s Views Mix Mistrust of Business With Unfounded Health Claims

    ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President-elect Trump’s pick for health secretary, opposes fluoride in water and promotes unproven Covid therapies.‘ — NY Slimes

    ‘Unproven’ by whom? Dozens of medical papers have documented results from prompt treatment of covid with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

    This summer I was dog-sick with flu symptoms for a couple of days, till I remembered I had some ivermectin on hand. The first dose erased my symptoms in one hour flat — probably the most dramatic therapeutic experience of my life.

    No frayed-collar, yellow-bellied son of a presstitute is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me with a pocketful of nope. Their ‘proven’ ‘vaccines’ are proven to kill and maim and disable, at an appalling incidence rate.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

  3. Big Pharma faces an extinction event:

    ‘President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be secretary of Health and Human Services.

    “He’s going to help make America healthy again. … He wants to do some things, and we’re going to let him get to it,” Trump said during his victory speech. “Go have a good time, Bobby.”

    ‘That said, Politico suggested that Kennedy “may still face a steep slope to confirmation” over his fight against overvaccination, and his book accusing former NIH official Anthony Fauci of conspiring with Bill Gates and drugmakers to sell COVID-19 vaccines.’ — ZeroHedge

    Big Pharma has plenty of Uniparty Senators on their payroll. Somehow ‘bipartisan’ is a wonderful word … until you oppose corrupt, entrenched interests.

    Death to fake vaccines.
    Try, convict and hang Fauci.

    • Maskers and Vaxxers always remind me of the quote…

      “Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity…and I’m not positive about the Universe!!!”


  4. This just in – Trump nominates RFK,Jr. for head of HHS, get the popcorn and watch Big Pharma’s heads explode. If only he hadn’t put all those zionist warmongers in foreign policy positions…….☹️

    • Hmmm, well I’m good at prepping and analyzing data, being a bit of a data scientist/analyst these days.

      I’ll check it out, Raider! It would sure feel cathartic to help cleanse that nest of vermin.

    • After the read, I’m not sure I qualify as “super high-IQ”, and I think an 80+ hours work week might interfere with my homesteading efforts. BUT, should they become a little more reasonable, I would do a part-time document and/or database analysis job, for modest pay, to further the cause.

    • Shit RG,
      Hell I would come out of retirement to rip some of these smug punks a new asshole….
      That would be fun……I really do not think these punks understand how much fun I would
      have Humiliating some woke asshole DEI hire in an AUDIT…..

      Semper Fi Mac!

  5. I saw an interview with Derrick Broze, where he referred to COVID as COVID-1984. A good reminder of what the plandemic was really all about.

  6. Speaking of insanity, and weaponized hypochondria, did you know that the USPS (naturally) is once again offering to send COVID test kits to people for free?

    It’s the perfect grift that keeps on grifting, and just in time for the holidays!

  7. “They are the weaponized drones of a collectivist ideology that has by no means been defeated. ” -EP

    America thrives on this, covid or not. It is the purpose of government schools.
    It is what politicians campaign on to show us how much they “care”.

    They can’t have people going around with their own, disparate ideas. That’s no way to run a scientifically guided populace.

    The same kind that brought us eugenics and communism, which is ultimately what those claiming to be in charge want.

    That way, they stay at the top and all the worker bees muddle through their lives without the heavy weight of thinking.

  8. “But what I got was a thank-you.”

    I had a similar experience at a local Publix. A lady asked if anyone said anything about my pretty face being unmasked. I said no. She said “Thank You Jesus” and ripped her mask off. Thank Jesus, yeah, but thank Mike since he was the one with the stones to tell the maskholes to foxtrot oscar. The fact that the lady was smokin’ hot didn’t hurt either.

    • Publix was pretty much against masking early on, but then one of their retiree “bagboys” died with Covid. Of course the family sued the store chain, which quickly rushed Publix logo masks into the stores for all of the employees to wear.

  9. Making vaccinazis pay:

    ‘Lisa Domski, an IT specialist for the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM), worked for the company for nearly 40 years before the non-profit canned her for not getting the jab.

    ‘Domski, a devoted Catholic from Wyandotte, Michigan, declined the shots because she believed the vaccines were either tested or developed using fetal cells obtained from abortions.

    ‘BCBSM allegedly threatened their longtime employee with termination. Domski still refused and was ultimately fired on Jan. 5, 2022.

    “This was a woman who was working from home in her basement office who wasn’t a threat to anybody and was completely fulfilling all of her job obligations for 38 years,” [her attorney] Jon Marko told Fox News.

    ‘A jury in Detroit federal court awarded her $12.69 million in total damages. Of the nearly $13 million, $10 million was marked as “punitive damages,” nearly $1.7 million for lost pay and another $1 million in non-economic damages.’


    Nice to see the grifting health care cartel take a solid punch in the teeth. Next up: the Whitmer witch, who should face prison time for her egregious crimes against Michiganders, some of whom wound up dead or disabled from the lethal ‘vaccines.’

  10. FYI, two Kalifornia county health officers have issued mandatory mask-wearing orders for “healthcare workers” as of November 1:
    • Christine Wu MD, Napa County
    • Nicholas Moss MD, Alameda County

  11. “I am someone who does not mindlessly obey signs, so disobeying what this sign said was easy for me. It is probably the result of my having spent the majority of my youth not within government schools – those places wherein children are taught mindless obedience.”

    Going to government schools probably only instilled within me a greater disdain for authority than I would’ve ever had otherwise.

    But yes, it’s obedience that is rewarded, rather than intelligence or thoughtfulness, as many would be led to believe.

    There was a recent and sad story, here in Az, wherein an 18 year old boy and his friend inadvertently killed themselves by running a car while parked in a closed garage. He was reportedly top of his class with excellent grades. Star pupil.

    Now, I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, and condolences to those families, but it does make me think I might’ve had it right all along: The government schools are good are rewarding obedience, and those who succeed there are most likely good at following orders and thinking what they are told to think, but not necessarily so great at thinking for themselves.

    I did plenty of stupid shit when I was 18. But I knew damn well that you didn’t run a car in a garage if you wanted to live. It’s an easy way to off yourself, however, if you shy of guns or drug overdoses. Of all the BS that today’s schools teach, where was the lesson on carbon monoxide poisoning?

    • ‘where was the lesson on carbon monoxide poisoning?’ — BaDnOn

      The lesson was changed to focus on carbon dioxide poisoning … killing us slowly! :-0

    • “Going to government schools probably only instilled within me a greater disdain for authority than I would’ve ever had otherwise.”

      Me too. And church as a kid.

      But I think that this natural skepticism of authority is something you are born with. Maybe it can be cultivated in others, but there are a select few who have this attribute as part of their nature from birth.

      I can remember even at an early age I recognized BS coming from supposed authority figures and rejected it. Some of my teachers (mostly women) I think recognized that in me and treated me badly, even though I was a good, well behaved kid. After all, who was I, as a mere kid, to question and out reason grown adults with knowing defiance in my eyes?

      • I know what you mean, Philo.

        Once, I believe it was 5th grade, I took a test regarding the Solar System. One of the questions was “What is the planet furthest from the Sun.” Being a young astronomy enthusiast, I knew the answer was Neptune, at least until 1999, when Pluto would again become most distant. (Pluto was still considered a planet at the time).

        The teacher marked my answer as wrong, and still wouldn’t yield when I explained to her the reality of the planetary situation. For her and all of the obedient students, the answer was Pluto, because 2 + 2 = 5, and I needed to stop using my own brain.

        • In 1st grade, my teacher, Mrs. Bynum was making me read our spelling words of the day. One of them was “Think”. Well, when I read it (in my Okie accent) it came out sounding like “Thank”. That’s just how I said it, sorry.

          She knew this, but I guess wanted to embarrass me in front of the class, so she corrected me by saying “It’s pronounced THINK. THANK isn’t a word.”

          She immediately realized her mistake. I saw the look of uneasiness in her eyes as I politely told her “THANK you, Mrs. Bynum”. The class erupted.

          Mrs. Bynum, the halfwit bully to innocent, spirited little kids.

          • Haha, that’s ridiculous, but not does not surprise me. Some teachers, unfortunately, are outright dopes, but as long as they can wrangle the herd, they remain in their positions.

  12. Got mask? Oh yeah you go Seattle Geek Girl Con:


    Also the domestic psy op is underway, get the womenfolk stirred up on “rights in jeopardy”. This was also on the local ABC news station in Seattle including the PHd experts tisk tisking over the threats on women with Trump at the helm:


  13. Top articles on The Internet this morning are:

    Eric’s ‘Diaper Report’ today;

    Paul Craig Roberts ‘The Establishment Is Disarming the Trump Insurrection’


    and, the link within that article by Alan Sabrosky ‘Decision in November 2024 Illusion of Choice, Delusion of Triumph’

    ending with the tie it all together bit by Brandon Smith ‘Remember Peanut: A Treatise On Evil And Why The State Killing Of A Squirrel Matters So Much’


    which does well in partly explaining why it is so very terribly evil to force people to: wear face diapers, stand 6′ apart, cancel Thanksgiving & Christmas etc…

    “There are very evil people in the world and the state often colludes with those people to destroy good things. Their goal is to seek out any and all goodness in the world and suffocate it. And this is what has so many people upset about a pet squirrel.”

    Not an optimistic morning.

  14. Who remembers that tweet from the Biden Thing back in 2021 that said something like “Get vaccinated or continue wearing a mask until you do”? I also read a piece from The Brownstone Institute recently that the CDC wanted internment camps for people who refused to comply with nonsensical COVID diktats and refused to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma. Had the CDC accomplished that, we’d effectively be living what neoliberals kept claiming Trump wanted, which would have effectively been modern day Nazi Germany but it would likely been framed as “Protecting public health”. It’s a wonder that the Biden regime didn’t try ANOTHER fear mongering campaign this year over some other virus, such as MONKEYPOX (MPOX) or BIRD FLU.

    3 years later, despite the fact that we KNOW these mRNA jabs are NOT “Safe and Effective!”, the Kamala Harris campaign had a decree that people who wished to work for the campaign had to be “fully vaxxed and up-to-date”. So much for “bodily autonomy”.

  15. Isn’t there some contingent of butch womyn shaving their heads, wearing face diapers, and withholding nookie on account of the ascendancy of Trump? Maybe it’s part of that. I saw a masker driving alone in her car this past weekend. It was always bafflingly stupid, but to see it even now, words just fail.

    • For decades the goddamned lesbo crowd hid behind their lipstick and make up, especially during the 1980s when there was a drastic uptick in this Thelma and Louise aberrant behavior. It was an awful time for a guy to get laid. Youd walk up to a coupla chicks and maybe try and strike up a conversation and all of a sudden theyd be french kissing each other at the got damned bar.

      Much better now that the bitches are shaving their heads. Good. Keep it up. Its better that we know. I urge all lesbians to do that. Useless….

    • Hi BAC,
      I still see the occasional person in their car alone all masked up, just can’t fix stupid. Most of the women(?) proclaiming they will be withholding sex look like they wouldn’t get much anyway.

      • It’s strange indeed, Mike. That most of these women (birthing person? vagene person?) shaving their heads – presumably in support of the legal ability to kill a baby – need not worry about abortion ever being an issue for them. 🤢 Even Apple and Meta cant make beer goggles that make a fat, nose-ringed, leftist woman attractive enough to fuck.

        • Hi BAC:

          If memory serves me correctly in the book “Savage Continent” about the years immediately after WW2 women who slept with Germans had their heads shaved.

          If you had sex with the enemy that was one of the punishments people did to you and now they do it to themselves.


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