Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 11/15/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bull Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford,  OR. We got into what the Orange Man could do to make cars more affordable again, among other things:


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  1. Everyone needs to read this and look at the charts:

    Scroll down to Table 4a

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 3.618% 3.502% 0.117%

    Man made CO2 causes 0.117% of the greenhouse effect.

    Think about it, they want to cancel ICE vehicles because of CO2, and man made CO2 is only causing 0.117% of the greenhouse effect, which is very close to zero, rounded to the nearest integer it is zero, and the warming effect is not even measurable.

    If you scroll back up to the first chart, that 0.117% is shown graphically.


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