Armed Government Worker Krav Maga’s Elderly Man


“Government” – as a concept – can be distilled down to the video accompanying this article. It shows government personified.

As well as what government does.

A man – in this case, an elderly Vietnamese man who is also very clearly a threat to no one as you can see for yourself – is brutally assaulted by an armed government worker for the one crime the government never tolerates:

The man did not obey.

In this case, it appears to be because the elderly (and obviously frail) man didn’t understand – which is true in more than just the literal (language barrier) sense.

There was apparently a minor traffic accident involving the elderly man and the driver of another car. Someone foolishly called the government – and an armed government worker was dispatched to the scene.

The elderly man soon came to understand.

He was subjected to an IDF-style lesson in Who’s the Boss after the probably IDF-trained psychopath embodying everything that “the government” is and does became annoyed when the elderly man balked at signing a traffic ticket. Which probably wasn’t even that, because it’s clear the old man was having difficulty understanding, due to a language barrier. This appears obvious, watching the interaction.

The sudden brutality that ensues is obvious, too.

The armed government worker – who is probably in his 20s or 30s and is definitely twice the size and probably three or four times as strong as the elderly Vietnamese man, goes Krav Maga on the elderly man when the elderly man causally brushes the Inviolate Person of the AGW with his hand. This triggers the Krav Maga’ing. The AGW grabs the elderly man’s arm and twists him around, violently hurling him to the ground while shrieking at him to “get on the ground!”

The AGW then wrenches the elderly man’s arms behind his back and manacles him like an animal – which is an ironic inversion of roles.

Watching this happen is like watching a sicko kick a puppy. It’s worse than that, of course, because in this case it’s a frail old man, perhaps someone’s grandfather. Imagine the mentality of someone who’d do something like what you just watched being done.

Imagine it being done to your grandfather. Or to anyone’s. Because it could have been yours.

Even if the old man had “resisted,” there was no excuse for what was done because there is no need for a young man possessed of all the strength of youth to hurl a frail old man to the ground over a traffic ticket squabble.

But there is a reason – and lesson.

The elderly Vietnamese man got schooled about government – and what happens when a government worker is affronted. He came to understand, in other words.  More finely, he was made to understand – by one of the government’s shock troops. The term is often used by governments – Stalin’s, for instance – in one of the few instances of etymological honesty on the part of government. The Chimp used the term, too. You may recall.

Shock – and awe.

A lesson in what government is – and does. One you will never forget when it is done unto you.

All of this – what you see in the video – happened over a minor traffic accident. Which is a misnomer, you see, because there is no such thing as “minor” when it comes to government. The end-point of everything government does is violence. Up to and including lethal violence. The government will quite literally kill you over a traffic ticket, ultimately. If you believe that’s an overstatement, see what happens when you decline to sign a ticket – as in the case of the elderly Vietnamese man. Or refuse to pay – and get “pulled over” by a government worker later on who goes Krav Magra on you because your government-issued permission slip to use what were once the public rights-of-way has been revoked – and you “resist.”

That is, you defend yourself. Which includes trying to “flee” from the armed government worker.

This is policy – and it is routine. It is the new mentality.

It is only  because this particular incident was video recorded and visually appalling that anything was done to chasten the government’s worker. He was apparently placed on “administrative leave.”

He was not arrested. He will almost certainly not be charged. And – in the unlikely event that public outrage results in him being charged – the odds of him being convicted and sent to prison for brutally attacking a frail, elderly man was who literally was incapable of fighting back are slim to nil.

What is certain – as always in these cases – is that the tax-sheep of the area under the control of the government will be shorn to pay the elderly man’s medical bills and the damages awarded by a civil court. That is how these matters are handled. Which is to say, the people who had nothing to do with what was done get to pay for it while the armed government worker who did it gets away with doing it.

This concludes today’s lesson in the nature of government.

. . .

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  1. “Watching this happen is like watching a sicko kick a puppy. It’s worse than that, of course, because in this case it’s a frail old man, perhaps someone’s grandfather.”

    100 or so years ago, this officer would be hunted by a group of concerned citizens and taught a lesson. Not today. Apparently toxic masculinity is only tolerated when the toxicity oozes from government.

  2. The alternate policing realities in this country are astounding. On one hand you have this, an egregious over reaction by an idiot cop. On the other hand, come to Minneapolis sometime.

    I saw what appeared to be 10-12 year old kids joyriding a stolen car blast through a red light and almost t-bone somebody while an officer was at the intersection waiting for the light to change. He did….nothing. They aren’t allowed to pursue, because if they crash and kill themselves it’s the police fault.

    Off chance the kids to get caught, they’re out on the street again in a couple hours. People with dozens of felonies are walking the streets. Your house got robbed? Go online and fill out a form, they’re not coming to investigate. Policing and justice in this country are beyond broken.

    • Hi Jake,

      I think I know how to explain the incongruity. The old man posed no threat to the pussy AGW. But a gang of feral thugs might end the AGW’s tax-feeding forever.

  3. They may never defund the police again, but if “The Powers That Be” do not step in and make sure the police are not our rulers who demand absolute compliance, it will lead to law enforcement being taken out.

    These steps will be taken place at the police academies where they will be instructed on what can be done at a traffic stop and what cannot be done. If the FED or State do not take those steps, Citizens may have to, and they will not be nice AND THEY WILL BE ARMED. Either you treat our citizens with respect or it may cost law enforcement their lives for forgetting who pays their salary.

    • I’ll believe that when I see it.

      I think most of the pushback will have to come from juries & from insurance companies (after shelling out large payouts for damages).

    • It has already happened. The occupying army treats inner city gang bangers, mafiosi, outlaw bikers, and of course narcos with far more respect than the peaceful, self minding individual. Those groups have already realized that they are at war and the other side will gang up, lie, cheat, plant, and steal to get them. This is the ultimate legacy of the war on drugs- in war there are no rules, only winners, losers, and casualties.

      And don’t get me started on the sacredness of their persons and their doggies. They aren’t sacred and you have every right to defend yourself against them when you are obviously in the right. In the age of universal surveillance it is usually tactically unwise, which simply leads to guerilla warfare/asymmetrical actions.

  4. If the driver of the car had been Benjamin Netanyahu, the agw would have had grounds for arresting the useless eater Bibi, the bum that he is.

    Bibi is a Jew and has every right to bomb Oklahoma City to ruins if he is taken into custody in Oklahoma for war crimes, so don’t pick on Jews, it’ll be Amalek time.

    There’s an air force base in Oklahoma, launch the attack from there, Bibi says so. Go all Waco on Oklahoma City.

    The games Jews play aren’t all that fun, you know, or should know by now.

    Any other ethnic group is fair game.

    If a 6’6″ black man would have been in the car, the agw would have called for backup immediately and would have assumed a more defensive position, firearm at the ready. Fear would have ruled then.

    If you can beat on a 70 year-old frail lady in Loveland, Colorado who didn’t pay for her purchase at a Walmart, you can face-plant an old Vietnamese guy in Oklahoma.

    Can’t say mean things about the Jews and poke some fun at them, the worthless clowns they have become, don’t you dare.

    Well, hell’s bells, I can too. So there.

  5. In this case, highly likely the AGW didn’t even witness the moving violation. He was likely taking the word of the other driver, that the old man committed a driving infraction that caused the accident. That is hearsay and shouldn’t be any reason for citing the old man for anything. The eff-ing AGW should have made an accident report and left the parties as a civil matter to work out. Instead, this escalates from nothing to a full on beat down of an elderly man.

    The AGW will get another gig down the road in the next county.

    We have a huge rogue cop problem in this country, and no one wants to talk about it. You would have thought that the Orangeman would have raised this issue himself being the victim of the Mar a Lago panty raid and lawfare. The more republicans blindly give their undying and un-questioned support to police, makes them own each and every incident like this. This plays right into the Marxist playbook, where this justifies BLM and racial discord to which they can portray white America as brown shirt Nazi’s. At the same time, the police are the enforcers of the failed city-states as tax collectors and robbers of the road on asset forfeiture.

    If this was just one incident out of millions, the victim gets restitution, the AGW loses his job and cortication, we as a country can understand and move-on. However, the Civil Rights Lawyer posts usually twice a week of new incidents of AGW abuse.

    This has got to stop. This is contributing to the decline of our country and who we are as once free people.

  6. AGWs arrest a Georgia mom because her son walked alone outside the house:

    ‘A mom in Georgia is facing jail time after her 10-year-old son walked less than a mile away from home by himself, according to multiple reports.

    ‘It all started on October 30, 2024, when 41-year-old Brittany Patters took another one of her kids to a doctor’s appointment. She told ABC News that she received a call from the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office that her son, Soren left the family’s home in Mineral Bluff and wandered into town. Soren was found by deputies less than a mile from the family’s home.

    ‘Soren was taken home by deputies and apologized for the miscommunication with his mother, which Patterson thought was the end of the situation. However, officers returned hours later and she was arrested.

    ‘Patterson was booked on suspicion of reckless conduct and posted a $500 bond. Authorities have urged Patterson to sign a safety plan, which would require her to make sure her children are under a constant watchful eye. She said she will not sign the form and will fight the charge.

    How’s the kid gonna fight America’s forever wars, when he’s not even allowed to leave the house alone? If he agrees to transition to a girl, maybe they’ll let him and his mom off the hook.

    Does your home have a safety plan, comrade?

    • Hi Jim,

      I saw that one. Unreal. When we were kids, we routinely – almost daily – walked/rode our bikes a mile away from home at that age, unsupervised. Sometimes, a lot farther. I despise what this country has become and the neurotic nanny control freaks responsible for it.

      • I was going to launch into a diatribe against the continuous PUSSIFICATION of the “USA,USA ” milquetoasts….however….”a cold one ” awaits…..thus let’s cut to the chase…

        What do you think these pussy assholes would think about my Mom’s favorite phrase..growing up in the CT woodlands?…..

        “Boys , Get lost in the woods for a few hours mommy needs a nap”. Yeah baby..
        Okay, heck I even have an “automotive” angle for your purported car site..

        Somebody started building a big road … subsequently named Interstate 84..
        about 1/2 mile away in the woods…..Man that was a total blast for little kids..
        tons of steroid fed Tonka toys all over the place, big drainage pipes …just a major
        league playground without any rules for a little kid!!! Now that’s “A free range childhood”..

        Tell that to the Marines!

        • Hi Expat,

          I may have been in the same woods in Connecticut; we lived in Stamford for several years. Just like you, I (and my friends) spent many hours exploring construction sites, too! Today, it’s call CPS! Saaaaaaaaaaafety!

    • If you want a perfect example of why the birth rate is cratering you could not find a better example than this. Who in their right mind would want to bring a child into the world to then be subject to maintain a “constant watchful eye” and forced to develop a “safety plan”.

      Yet you will still hear countless “conservatives” bitch that the childless are being “selfish” by not having kids. Is it “selfish” to not want to bring a kid into the world that he or she will continually be subject to surveillance and harassment by AGWs? To me it seems the rational choice.

      • Want to know why the birth rate is cratering? There is nothing at all hard to understand. Welfare, abortion, and “child support” all provide perverse systems of incentives. Until we undo several decades of femmunism our society and civilization will be dying, and it will deserve to.

        These things were NOT problems prior to the 1960s. A child out of wedlock might be a bastard or an orphan. The parents could marry, or a court/jury could assess culpability including moral assessments of mother and father, or the unwanted baby could go to an orphanage to be cared for and await adoption.

        Now the man is always 200% responsible, the woman is not responsible and is rewarded for whatever choice she makes, and the state skims and meddles throughout the process. Thousands of very well paid bureaucratic jobs depend on this manufactured, evil system.

        • Hi Ernie,

          Yes. I’d add that there are now many inducements “nudging” rational men and women to avoid having children. They include a crushing tax burden/cost-of-living that serve to effectively force both the man and the woman to work full time to have enough money to pay for a home in which to raise kids. I read the other day that the average price of a single family home is now $420,000 and the average age of a first time home buyer is… 54.

          Now add to this the weaponization of the system against parents. A fine example being the news item the other day about the woman who was visited by cops (and arrested) for the Great Crime of her 10-year-old son walking about a mile away from home, something kids did routinely when I was that age back in the ’70s. Today, parents are effectively required to be helicopter parents – their kids never out of sightm even when they are old enough to be outside playing with their friends or just exploring the world – and that sounds about as appealing as wearing a “mask” all day long. Add in “safety” seats and so many other things that – when combined – make having kids sound like something to avoid.

          • Shit, when I was ten, we went out into the woods, built forts, and shot off beer can cannons and BB guns. We played “Army” and ENJOYED ourselves!

  7. 1. It’s Krav Maga, or Jew Jitsu if that’s easier.

    2. Citizens are not required to sign a ticket for traffic violations.

    3. Government is required to provide translation services.

    You are right however, nothing will be done to this punk more than a slap on the wrist. At least, not criminally or administratively. I hope the old man sues him in civil court.

  8. Governments main purpose is force of violence. The problem comes from those in government being so retarded as to not know the appropriate levels at the appropriate times. Iron fist and velvet glove are often confused by those in the employ of the state.

    Trillions spent and cant win a war to save our lives, yet fully capable of crushing a frail old man whose only offense is, ‘so solly,’ playing the language card against officer friendly. I’m sure the other boys in blue will be paying for pitchers at the local watering hole. They’ll all raise frosty mugs as they spit harrowing tales of the struggle involved in returning home safely.

  9. One thing I notice…. no matter how much negative press it gets,,,no matter how disgusting it is… it continues unabated.

    Some day in the future this violation of human dignity will likely serve to earn the agw a promotion and/or a pay raise.

  10. Eric,

    That would be Krav “MAGA”, which only coincidentally is spelled like the Orange Man’s abbreviation. Or is it?..

    I took a semester of Krav Maga lessons in college. Great for self-defense. Atrocious to use against the helpless.

    That maneuver could’ve killed the old man. But I’m sure the cop will not have to worry about so much as a fine for his psychotically brutal actions.

    But Alex Jones must pay $1.5 billion. Right.

      • If I remember correctly; during WW2 some very talented people in aid of the war effort worked for $1.00 a year. No doubt the contacts they made benefited them but they still did it. I’m sure some people will volunteer that are qualified if only to try and downsize the government.

      • I hate that I’m so jaded about the intentions of oligarchs. This seems like another in a long line of narrative honey pots. Not all of these are designed to entrap, some are solely for the misallocation of energy. It takes Vivik off the board for a cabinet post. Since we know all the important jobs go to Israel firsters, at the very least, Vivik would’ve made a good one, don’t remember the three letter designation, as they seem to be running out of iterations, DEA, nope DOE, nope, DUI, thats it, Department of Useless Indoctrination.

        The previous version of this narrative is the one where JewVanka the princess gets patriots who could make a difference to load their resumes on a website, then in best Gomer Pyle voice, “Surprise surprise surprise,” it all disappears into the ether and Trump has no choice but to put his faith in the expertise of the ‘good people’ of the swamp. Now, We have fake and gay Elon, acting like a modern pied piper, calling all patriots to help ‘reign in leviathan.’ I expect it to end just as every Govco blue ribbon commission ever across the lengthening roads of my lifetime, nothing but a bunch of blahblahblah, drizzle drizzle, my negros.

        • And if you DO work for Govco 80 hours a week when you’re the chair and CEO of a publicly-traded company, you should be fired on the spot.

          Shareholder revolt. In Elon’s mottled mind, it’s like a slave revolt — illiterate field hands gone wild, crying ‘oogaboogah’ and ‘reparations’ and
          muh free money, mon.’

          Secure the plantation.

  11. What’s particularly sickening is the hero-worship and bootlicking of cops by “conservatives.” “Conservatives” are supposed to “conserve” the Constitution and the Bill of rights, which limits government power.

    But “conservatives” are also bootlickers for Israeli Zionists, ignoring George Washington’s explicit advice to not become enslaved to foreign nations:

    “The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave…

    Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.”

    Perhaps they are not really “conservative” at all…

  12. We had a similar situation years ago where an elderly Indian man was strong armed by police. While my heart goes out to these two gentlemen and my disgust at AGWs is reinforced, part of me says since they lived in a country but didn’t speak its language or understand its culture, then they bear some responsibility.

    • Actually, I think his English was fine. I tried SSL a few years ago and couldn’t get much past “No habla Espanol!” (questioned by the spell checker here as I typed it…. too ethnic?) The “I don’t understand what you are talking about.” was questioning why he was getting a ticket and would have to go to court because of a collision. He seemed to be making a pretty cogent argument that he was not making a U-turn and that the other car hit him. The cop seems to have had the language problem in not understanding “I did not….”

  13. Another part of the “law enforcement” absurdity is the “all or nothing” mentality that most people seemingly have about it. At least that’s their fire-for-effect cover stories.

    Well, just like I’m old enough to remember being able to freely enter/leave an airport w/wo a ticket, I’m also old enough to remember when places as (now) shit as Southern California had decent people as police officers and the rabid, ultraviolence freaks, were the exception and rare.

    I saw plenty enough of their “transition” from that to the absolutely psychotic animals that they’ve become, were we’re at full inversion from the preceding paragraph, i.e., the exception that’s rare is the seemingly level headed copy that will just talk to you unless you pull some shit. When you come across that 1-in-a-1000 rarity, go buy a lottery ticket, it’s your lucky day!

    How in hell is it that nobody is talking about making these rabid animals behave like normal human beings again? How come nobody is talking about examining the laws that lead to greater opportunity for AGW interventions (i.e., to eliminate them or water them down)?

    I know part of the reason why! Because it’s not in the interest of AGWs, their stations, their unions, and most importantly the politicians that passed these ridiculous laws where the imaginary “victim” is the state itself when people won’t cooperate. Politicians never admit to being wrong about anything while simultaneously pointing out that they are responsible for getting us to where we are, i.e., up to our eyeballs in tyrannical oppressive shit.

    We all know that the “defund the police” fuckers were not serious. It’s the controlled opposition that wants different centralized police instead, not less intervention or even making those LEO psychopaths have to behave like decent human beings. And the “back the blue” fuckers want it all and more!! They can’t seem to identify a problem in the situation even when it comes to their house, murders their dog, and beats someone into the hospital for saying “boo.”

    For fuck’s sake, yes, we humans need something like police, but fuck no, we don’t need violent psychopaths that are allowed to quite literally get away with anything including actual murder. I know that sounds crazy, right?

  14. ‘The end-point of everything government does is violence. Up to and including lethal violence.’ — eric

    Even lethal violence on a mass international scale, as news reaches us of “Biden’s” farcical last stand against the perfidious Ruuuuuuskies:

    “Russia remains the sole obstacle to just and lasting peace,” a new G7 joint statement says. It pledges to support more measures “in support of Kyiiiiiv as the thousandth day of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine approaches.”

    “The G7 confirms its commitment to imposing severe costs on Russia through sanctions, export controls and other effective measures. We stand united with Ukraine,” the statement added.

    ‘The EU’s chief Ursula von der Leyen issued a simultaneous statement on X saying the “G7 reiterates its unflinching support to Ukraine.”‘

    Mainly, the lost Ukie war is a leftist phenomenon, among the North American, European and Japanese members of the G7.

    Occupied Japan and occupied Europe rubber stamp America’s bloodlust, as they are obliged to do by our yankee occupation troops, as well as nukes stashed on their territory.

    Soon their dramatic defeat in Ukraine will become impossible to conceal. The Ukie debacle may lead to the crack-up of NATO — a glorious twofer for mankind!

    • Meanwhile, ex German military officer ‘b’ details how Secretary Lloyd ‘Raytheon’ Austin’s DoD — which can’t pass an audit — is cooking the books to loot the US Treasury for the Ukies:

      ‘All reports previously indicated that there was $4.3 billion left in the Presidential Drawdown Authority account, which reimburses the U.S. armed forces for munitions and equipment sent to Ukraine.

      ‘Turns out, the number is actually $7.1 billion, thanks to some revised accounting [sic] the Pentagon has done.

      ‘Creative accounting like this, i.e. faking the books, is a no-no for commercial entity as it might well end with time spent in jail.’

      Our country is now run by bandits and embezzlers.

      ‘The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.” — George Washington.

    • ‘The end-point of everything government does is violence. Up to and including lethal violence.’ — eric
      Just as the very foundation of all government is the assumption of authority to kill you if you disobey, period, end of sentence.

    • “It is important to remember that government interference always means either violent action or the threat of such action. Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of policemen, gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.” Ludwig von Mises

  15. The cop is a sadistic, authoritarian thug. All three characteristics are resume’ enhancements for those seeking employment in GovCo, especially those applying to be AGWs.

    This guy obviously fled Vietnam after it fell and he came here only to get the same type of treatment. The Communist, and their long march through the institutions, have won…and most are totally unaware of what has been wrought. And it dovetails with Israel and the IDF.

    Even google offers up this link when searching “some call it communism, I call it Judaism”

  16. “Yeah yeah yeah. Save it for the judge, buddy” – Common line in 1940s crime films

    “That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear!” – Kyle Reese, The Terminator

    Don’t talk to the cop. He doesn’t care. His job is to hand out paper.

  17. Disgusting is one of many words that describes this. Sadly virtually nothing will be done against the attacker, maybe that’s why I don’t back the blue anymore.

  18. ‘Are you Jewish?’ — American stopped by Israeli police

    Kinda rhymes with the dark humor of the late novelist Philip Roth:

    ‘In what is perhaps his finest joke, in The Ghost Writer, Roth has a young Zuckerman begin to believe that he’s found Anne Frank, who has in fact survived the camps and is living incognito in the United States. She is beautiful.

    ‘Zuckerman imagines courting her, and then imagines the conversation with the Zuckerman parents, who believe that his stories are bad for the Jews.

    “I met a marvelous young woman while I was up in New England. We are going to be married.”

    “Married? But so fast? Nathan, is she Jewish?”

    “Yes, she is.”

    “But who is she?”

    “Anne Frank.”

    In [Roth’s novel] Sabbath’s Theater, Mickey Sabbath, contemplating suicide, composes his own obituary.

    “Morris Sabbath, Puppeteer, 64, Dies.” After a lengthy, deadpan description of his crazy life, the final section lists his surviving relatives and then, out of nowhere, concludes, “Mr. Sabbath did nothing for Israel.

    Nor did I, my friends. Nor did I.

  19. Love how AGW’s get “administrative leave” – aka paid vacation, another insult to the taxpayers. If I screwed up on my job I would get an actual suspension, without pay, to drive home the lesson. Be better off ruled by the Mafia, at least they’re honest about what they do.

    • You’re probably employed “at will” meaning at any time, for any reason your employment might end. Oh you can try to sue, and maybe you’ll get a year’s pay, but fact is you’re replaceable.

      It’s just business.

      I’ve found that even if your boss goes to bat for you, once the decision was made, that’s it. HR will take it from here. Often times there’s a pretty long paper trail leading up to the last day, but there are automatic triggers too. DUI was a big one with my former employer, since most of us drove company vehicles.

      Job protection is one of the biggest things that has to change in our government. The intention was “noble,” in that you couldn’t be fired by elections, but reality is that the spoils system kept government small and out of people’s business. Once the bureaucracy was created it required everyone to defer to the expert -which is now an expert at being a bureaucrat.

  20. This reminds me of your other recent article with the guy speeding on his motorcycle and the cop going absolutely batshit fucking insane over it. These people are not right in the head. Anyone! Any-fucking-body that elects to be a part of “law enforcement” should be shunned and ostracized. No decent person has any business associating with, never mind being friends with that kind of violent animal. It makes me sick to my stomach to see the cop cars parked at houses in my neighborhood. I will have nothing to do with them or even their families.

    Don’t talk to me about “good cop, bad cop” or a “few bad apples”. The only possibility of redemption would be someone that being so naive to believe they’re helping people or society enough to sign up but then would have to immediately leave once they saw what kind of people they really are. And we know that just about never happens.

    Nope. Forget it. In my mind, anyone that elects to be part of them or even friends/friendly with them, you may as well be friends/friendly with (or part of) MS13 or a Mexican drug cartel. Them, their enablers, and sympathizers are the enemies of humanity.

  21. Even the most masculine of us must genuflect when approached by armed gangs authorized to kill us at the slightest concern for their safety.

    It’s quite the predicament that we are in when the vast majority not only approves of their own subjugation, but wants more of it.

    In a just world a mob would descend on that psychopath cop. No self-investigations. No paid vacations.

    • Local A Hole: “In a just world a mob would descend on that psychopath cop.”

      Solzhenitsyn made that point in Gulag Archipelago. People would just walk by as a few government thugs beat citizens senseless. I sometimes wonder why “riot cops” aren’t taken out since “the mob” could easily overwhelm them. I guess that there is no match to ignite the flame. Not judging the right/wrong of the particular “mob”, just a reflection on how 100:1 odds are not realized. I suppose no one wants to take the first nightstick or bullet, so no one reacts. And we have the ongoing lesson being taught to the “J6 Insurectionists”. Not saying I am brave enough to be the one. I really do not like pain! But history shows that at some point someone, who is willing to take the risk, will.


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