When Romans fought for Rome, it was hard to fight against Rome. But as the centruries passed, Romans became averse to fighting for Rome. Mercenaries from places such as Germania were hired to do the fighting for them. Rome became easier to fight.
Eventually, there was no Rome. Well, no more Roman Empire.
America has often been described as the modern Rome – see the bundled Roman fasces in the Capitol. For that matter, see the Capitol itself. Augustus would feel right at home.
There is another way America has become like Rome. It pays mercs to do its fighting – usually against people in countries far away that have not attacked America and aren’t in a position to do it even if they had the inclination. For instance, Iraq. And – maybe soon – Iran. A country that has no Navy to speak of, no ICBMs at all and no way to send an army to or even near America.
If America – that is, if the people running the government that controls America – decides to attack Iran on behalf of Israel, which is our “ally” in the sense that a blood-fattened tick laden with Lyme disease is the “ally” of a dog – then who will be doing the actual attacking? It won’t be the armchair warriors in the imperial capitol. It will be the mercenaries they force Americans to pay for.
And yes, that’s just exactly the right word. Definitionally. A “mercenary” being a soldier-for hire; someone who is paid to wear the uniform and bear arms on behalf of his employer, the state. Some of these mercs may be motivated by “patriotism” – but one wonders whether they’d continue to “serve” if the paychecks and benefits stopped coming or were reduced to what conscripts were paid when America still relied on that form of “service.” Which was a form of involuntary servitude – also definitionally – as those who were “drafted” (as the euphemism goes) were not given the choice to decline “serving.”
It is interesting to point out here the cognitive dissonance that afflicts all-too-many Americans. They are taught – and most will say it is true – that slavery and involuntary servitude (both words were used) were outlawed after the federal government under Abe Lincoln used murderous violence to impose a government they didn’t consent to upon the people of the Southern Confederacy.
It says so, right here:
“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
Well, were the men who were “drafted” to “serve” in the various wars of the 20th Century – from World War I to World War II to Korea and Vietnam (which, like the Korean war was never actually declared by Congress and thus by definition a constitutional affront) – “duly convicted” of any crime? Or were they simply ordered to do what they were told and accept whatever pay the state decided to remit?
If that is not the definition of “involuntary servitude” then what is?
But involuntary servitude did have its upsides, the chief and obvious one being that forcing people who didn’t want to “serve” the state – by taking them away from their families and their lives and ordering them to kill or be killed , often destroying their psychological well-being for the rest of their lives, assuming they were not abnormal before they got “drafted” – acted as a check on the state. The threat of being drafted caused young men – and the parents of those young men – to be much more interested in what the state was up to. Much less rah-rah glib about war.
That tends to happen when you’ll be the one fighting it. Or your children.
So, while the draft is indeed involuntary servitude and a loathsome affront to common decency on that basis, it does serve a greater good – ironically enough – of keeping a country out of war, at least so long as the country remains free enough for people to openly object to and even resist the “draft.” That was how the Vietnam War (sic) was won – in that it was finally ended on account of widespread contempt for and evasion of the “draft.”
But now we have a mercenary – whoops, “all volunteer” – military and not coincidentally, the average American is less invested in whether there’s another war, whether for the sake of Greater Israel or Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvv – because he knows he will not have to fight it.
Aging and flabby chickenhawks know their children will not have to fight it. They know it will be the children of poor white trash – of all races – they hire to do their wet work.
They’ll do as ordered – for the sake of a paycheck.
But when they come up against the legions of a power that fights for something more than just money, our mercs may prove to have not been worth the money.
. . .
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America’s Mercenaries
Bend over, here it comes again:
‘The Biden administration has asked Congress to approve $24 billion in additional spending on Ukraine as it’s working to ramp up the proxy war as much as possible during President Biden’s final weeks in office.
‘The White House’s OMB asked Congress to include additional Ukraine spending in a continuing resolution that’s expected to be voted on next month.
‘If Congress agrees to the request, it would bring total US spending on the proxy war, according to publicly available data, to about $210 billion.’
Recall that Speaker Mikey ‘Judas’ Johnson solemnly promised that ALL the appropriations bills — which should have been passed by October 1st when the new fiscal year began — really would be completed by the new December 20th deadline.
Oops, just kidding, folks! Now we’re talking another continuing resolution to kick the can into the 119th Clowngress, whose gilded freak show strikes up the band on January 3rd.
Meanwhile, ‘president’ F. Joe Biden is doing everything he can to vandalize the US fedgov before it falls into Trump’s tiny hands. $24 billion would buy a lot for actual Americans. But traitor ‘Biden’ wants to piss it away on corrupt Kyiiiiiiiiv and its poison dwarf dictator.
Time to fire up the old keyboard and blast the shit out of these 535 useless eaters as they stuff their pieholes with turkey and dressing and shots of Maker’s Mark. We want a refund, effing clowns.
Happy Thanksgiving All, God Bless.
Happy Socialism Failed Day, to you, too.
Right, good lessons from the Pilgrim and Jamestown colonies about the failure of socialism and the success of freedom. “No turkey for you, one year!”
I’ve been wondering what this bitch was up to.
On an epic bender for the last three weeks, apparently:
Grew up in Houston off of Wayside Drive
Son of a car-hop and some all night dives
Dad drove a stock car to an early death
All I remember was a drunk man’s breath
Ain’t living long like this
Can’t live at all like this, can I baby?
— Waylon Jennings, I Ain’t Living Long Like This
Certainly looks like she could use a hair of the dog…
What’s yer pleasure, Kammie?
Vodka, with plenty of joyful bitters.
What it boils down to is that The Biden Regime is willing and able to send American 18-25 year olds to fight for YouCrane but, according to this YouCrane ISN’T
This is what the GIW (Government In Washington) is supporting:
The head of orthopaedics at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital was working at the al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza in December when he and other medics were arrested by the Israeli army for, they said, “national security reasons”.
Four months later, Ofer Prison guards dragged Al-Bursh and dumped him in the prison yard, naked from the waist down, bleeding and unable to stand, according to a statement provided by Israeli human rights organisation, HaMoked.
Recognising him, some of the other prisoners carried Al-Bursh to a nearby room, and he died moments later.
“Accounts of physical and sexual violence were common. Of those who had been abused physically, injuries around the head, shoulders and, in the cases of men, from between the legs and the bottom are fairly common,” Ansari added.
She detailed the case of one paramedic who told HRW of having encountered another detainee, bleeding from his anus, who described how three Israeli guards had taken it in turns to rape him with their M16 rifles.
Anal rape of Palestinian Arab doctors appears to be condoned, if not actively encouraged, by the GIW.
The GIW does not speak for me.
I hope it does not speak for you, either.
The “Israeli” government openly states they believe Arabs are not human beings. The rest of the world disagrees.
The infamous Dr Mengele tortured some prisoners.
The infamous Israelis tortured some doctors.
Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده
In this image, you can see doctors, elderly individuals, journalists, teachers, UN employees, nurses, and academics, including our dear Dr. Nasr Al-Kahlout.
This is how Israel drives them to death.
So what was all that ‘Never Again!’ jabbering at the Hall of Cost museum?
As the Gipper might have said, we’re paying for their microphone.
The US/NATO are discussing sending nukes to Ukraine. Already US/NATO are firing missiles into Russia.
As far as I can tell Russia has us outclassed and outgunned. Their missiles can reach the West coast of the US in 20 minutes. All equipment sent to Ukraine has so far been destroyed. The US does not have enough troops to fight Russia on the ground unless they initiate the draft. The “leaders” of the West are classical insane. They are believing their own bullshit. On a conventional basis it is my opinion Iran could take on and win a war with the US. And there is a good reason why the US never tried to take on N. Korea after getting whopped on the first time in the early 1950s. The US military is in shambles with the advent of women and the sexually depraved. It is more interested in DEI than being a military. It is the joke of the world. It’ll likely get its ass handed to it when it decides to take on the cartels in Mexico.
It now takes $1000 for every 1$ in product the US military purchases. $999 in payoffs first. It so far cannot develop and produce a hypersonic which even Iran has.
I suggest extreme caution before taking on Russia and its allies. You won’t have to be drafted and sent off to die,,, you will be able to die right here at home.
And the hell ot it is, they know this. Every war game and desktop exercise has the US military losing decisively to Russia, OR to China, OR to Iran. And yet they keep stirring up trouble with all three. The lesson of WW2 was that we could stand off and provide those expensive munitions to the ones actually fighting, and have the logistics to send American boys (not girls, and certainly not theys). They haven’t grasped the whole idea of the ICBM, much less the hypersonic or the space based weapon.
But their surveillance and legal system does allow them to control their real enemy.
Yep,,, we sure are getting froggy for a broke, crazed, and has been military power. Looking back one finds it was not the USA winning WW2,,, it was the USSR (Russia).
The new Russian missile can hit the Western States and most of the US bases in the ME/NA.
They are also talking about taking out the Mexican cartels (lol) using “special forces”. Putting my money on the cartels…..
The lesson of the world wars was that you can only extend credit for so long. Once the war starts looking like a stalemate the bankers begin to ask how they’re going to be paid back. That’s when the suppliers have to get involved.
And the Washingtonians seem to be blind enough to not think they might bring about the end of the world.
Or maybe they just don’t care.
And the for hire military looked around and said “what do we need this government for?” and took it over.
I was right there with that graphic for the first 6 weeks. Good ol Alex broke it down and like usual achieved deep penetration with the public. “Although nobody like incompatible sand nogs … (Paraphrasing) Benjamin neyanyahu stood down on oct 7 and allowed this to happen, to cover up his covid crimes. There should be war tribunals, and should be made to swallow that 3d printed fish he says is so great.” This message I think resonates with his base more than that graphic by the time the election rolled around. I think the tipping point was when the dipshit pro war republicans saw the left eating itself over the fwee Palestine movement lol. Don’t get me wrong they are still out there. Damn Biden and I the ceasefire agreement so bengie can parashute out. They need to be held accountable for the COVID crimes and war crimes.
I’m not vouching for the validity of any specific part of the “Nahnleven” events, but I remembered that Ron Paul had advocated for “Letters of Marque and Reprisal” in order to deal with Al Qaeda, rather than using US troops. Didn’t seem like a terrible idea to me, should that whole pretense be accurate.
Largely, however, let’s get the hell out of this BS! There are enough resources here. Let the Middle East settle into equilibrium.
As usual, RP was absolutely right. There is nothing new about non state actors attacking a nation state, and letters of marque and reprisal are the well established and well reasoned way to deal with them. When a bandit gang attacks your town, the appropriate response is NOT to declare war on the town they came from, but in fact to send bounty hunters after them avoiding diplomatic blunders and the ruinous expenses of war.
Similarly, I’m now hearing conservative idiots pushing for digital currencies and biometrics to deal with the problem of all the illegal alien trespassers the commies let in. The correct way is to let private bounty hunters bring them in and claim the bounty, to be paid by said trespassers working off the cost of their trespass, criminal processing, and passage back to whence they came. In a word, a very good, humane, punishment for their crime of trespass is a term of involuntary servitude.
But they never create a crisis and then let it go to waste.
I thought so, Ernie. Just what you said: “…The appropriate response is NOT to declare war on the town they came from…”.
And yes, digital currencies should be a way to bypass the Man, not facilitate, him. To hell with “biometrics”.
Because, you’re right. This “crisis” wasn’t created by blind stupidity, it was all done for a reason. Don’t fix the immigration system, just invite, through subversive means, throngs of foreigners in and TELEVISE the whole thing. Let people see what’s happening so they get so up-in-arms that they’ll CRY OUT for things they’d normally abhor, such as government checkpoints, background checks, biometrics and Gestapo/Stasi activity of all kinds.
A bit off topic, but here’s a man who LOVES the 2nd Amendment. Just the type of American we want if we’d like to keep our rights. And what happened to “inalienable”?
Mixed feelings about this one. The constitution says we are born with our rights. Should only people born in America have these natural rights protected?
He’s an illegal alien, but he’s been here for 20 years and sounds like he runs a successful business. Sounds like the kind of person who we would welcome as a neighbor. Probably conservative, too. He even had a Barret 50 cal. I could be friends with this guy.
The ATF and HS targeted him because he is a gun collector. Not because he’s an illegal alien. They don’t give a shit about that. They didn’t for 20 years.
I don’t hate immigrants who become productive members of American culture, I just hate the leeches that I’m forced to finance.
“I just hate the leeches that I’m forced to finance.” -Philo Beddoe
“Serrano-Restrepo claims that he owns a business that remediates fire and flooding damage…” Which is a difficult and dirty job (queue Mike Rowe) that not too many want to do. But it likely pays well, IF you own the business. Thus he probably bought all of these firearms fair-and-square.
To me, “inalienable” rights mean just that. They are not contingent on a person’s having sworn allegiance to anything. Also, they said his asylum claim is still pending, from 2008. He might have “sworn allegiance” if that would’ve been processed.
My take: If we can have immigrants like this guy, i.e. freedom-loving entrepreneurs, keep ’em coming.
Inalienable means God-given birthrights. While the founding documents enumerate such rights the gist of the argument must be that it was implicit these right existed prior to ratification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Declaration of Independence states as much, that We had those rights the whole time on principle.
Pancho Villa paid in gold!
And we’re bound for the border
We’re soldiers of fortune
And we’ll fight for no country but we’ll die for good pay
Under the flag of the greenback dollar
Or the peso down Mexico way – Steve Earle, Mercenary Song
Russian Wagner mercenaries are working in Mali, or were until they were wiped out.
Send in the clowns.
“Roland was a warrior from the Land of the Midnight Sun
With a Thompson gun for hire, fighting to be done
The deal was made in Denmark on a dark and stormy day
So he set out for Biafra to join the bloody fray”
They killed to earn their living,
And to help out the Congolese…
I’m not a fan of NAZI’s or Communists but here is what Herman Goering is attributed as saying about war;
“Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship,” Goering reportedly told Gilbert in his cell on the evening of April 18, 1946.
Gilbert replied: “There is one difference(…) In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare war.”
To which Goering said: “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
“That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
In the age of instantaneous communications with citizens all across the world, this is becoming less and less effective. Thank God.
Every time I see a picture/video of the Chimp I want to punch it. Him, Cheney, and all the other chickenhawk warmongers should be sent to the front lines of every war they support. Trump was spot on when he said Liz Cheney should be given a rifle and get shot at herself, of course the MSM totally distorted his statement but he nailed it. These bastards are more than happy to send others to due their dirty work, the evil s.o.b.’s figure they can hide out in their Fuehrerbunkers if Russia finally gets fed up with NATO and launches some nukes our way. Putin would be doing us a favor if he will just target the District of Criminals.
Mike in Boston: “Putin would be doing us a favor if he will just target the District of Criminals.”
Especially if he PMs the 5 or 6 up there who are actually on our side and suggests a week’s vacation in Iowa.
We met a Chinese kid years ago whose grandfather was a pilot in Chiang Kai-shek’s Air Force. The day before the evacuation from the mainland to Taiwan, he told his pilots that the planes were their’s to do with as they wish for one day and hinted that they get their families to Taiwan.
What Putin/Russia need to target is the City of London and take out the Khazarian banksters – who dictate foreign policy to their satraps like Biden, Macron, Turdeau. I literally believe Joe Biden to be a Rothschild agent. How else can it be explained how all these world leaders always act in unison?
Hey, did anyone notice that Mexico is being run by a female Jew? Who next? Eskimos. Jews are taking over every single government.
Anyways, I always tell everyone what are your stocks worth when the missiles come raining down? Check out the Tel Aviv 100 index, XX:TA100, on bigcharts. Zooming up to record highs daily. WTF!
Jack, do you do some odd formatting on your comments? On my IPad your paragraphs scroll off the right edge of the screen under the advertising and then truncate after about 80 characters.
Long links break the EP Autos forum coding.
A workaround is to use link shorteners such as tinyurl.com.
Long links – Used to – break the EP Autos forum coding – In The Past.
I dunno if it was because of my browser, or the website, used to happen on my laptop all the time. I think it’s been 7 months or more since that’s happened.
The long link ‘word wraps’ just fine on my screen.
It not seems to happen on my iPad or android phone, not on my windows based boxes.
Putin’s plan to conquer America
1) Nuke DC
2) Win the 2028 election by unanimous vote
The off base housing allowance is the key benefit/motivation for my wife’s nephew and for many in the ranks to keep their mouths shut about current trends lest their “portfolio” (his word) accumulation be placed in jeopardy.
Who cares if the Dementia Patient in Chief shuffles us into a war. They are looking at risk/reward, and the reward for going along with the extreme risk is fat AirBnB cash or, at the very least, rentier skims from 3-4 accumulated properties in desireable areas of the country if they manage their careers properly.
Oh, everything about that portfolio is plush and luxe. I don’t know a single veteran who doesn’t retire with 100% disability, providing immediate upper middle class income at age 38. One of my brothers in law fell off a table while dancing drunk in Germany, the resultant back pain gets him a very sweet disability.
Actual combatants are actually pretty rare. And their disabilities are very real and obvious. But every clerk, cop, and technician gets a full suite of bennies, for which they are rather smug and arrogant. “You didn’t serve? I deserve this. Give me more!”
Ain’t that the truth! Amazing how many healthy vets you see walking around very abled. And the Lowe’s parking lot is full of special up close parking for vets, police, ‘regular’ disabled, pregnant women. I see all those signs and just want to tear them down. Going in Walmart the other day, this man and woman parked in one of those parallel parking spaces, got out of a huge truck, walked on in. He was using a cane, barely, then put it in the buggy when they got inside.
All the disabled people seem to drive very nice vehicles too.
And all of this honoring the vets and ‘first responders’ grates on me. Maybe a few vets deserve that recognition—but most do not. We shouldn’t have gotten in WW I or WW II, Ukraine, Israel, etc. So many of our young men have died or been mangled up for foreign countries—-why?
I noticed this in the 90s. at 17 years in, they were going to medical everyday to get as much disability as they could.
The military is largely a welfare system.
Today’s BAQ/VHA is more than my paycheck was.
Then they DEMAND a military discount at all turns. And want their boots drooled on by an adoring public.
We volunteered and got paid. Often because we didn’t have better options. Few in my time thought we were somehow owed something for that choice.
If you were worth anything, you got the hell out at the end of your enlistment.
Like most things in politics, the enemy state known as Iran is guilty of the crime of projecting. No, not somehow magically extending their reach into the heartland, but guilty of what the NEOCONS do themselves.
And despite nearly 50 years of sanctions, they still seem to exist. In fact their people (all the people, not just relatives of Ibn Saud) seem to have a fairly good quality of life, compared to the rest of the region. This is the ultimate thumbing of their noses at Washington: They don’t need us. They don’t need our markets, they don’t need our “expertise,” and they certainly don’t need our dollar.
I don’t agree with their political/religious form of government either. But I don’t want to be a Republican Catholic either. That doesn’t mean I can’t work with a Republican/Catholic, trade with a Republican/Catholic or have dinner with a Republican/Catholic. Probably won’t marry one (or an Islamic woman either), but that’s ok too. “Keeping someone at arm’s length” is the term. Yes, interact with them, trade with them, invite them to a summer BBQ. But Thanksgiving dinner is for family and close friends, sorry.
Imagine if, instead of 50 years of sanctions, we instead buried the hatchet and forgave them (they didn’t kill any of the 52 hostages) and let them run their own affairs? Heck, why didn’t we hand them the Shaw after treating his cancer? Everyone agrees he wasn’t a very nice fellow. But no, that’s not how colonialism works. British Petroleum had to avenge their puppet.
All the lives lost, all the bad blood, and all the editorial ink spilled because a people got rid of a tyrant.
“Imagine if, instead of 50 years of sanctions, we instead buried the hatchet and forgave them (they didn’t kill any of the 52 hostages)”
They were pissed off that the USA/England overthrew the elected Iranian government back in 1953. Some people don’t easily forget and keep long grudges. They were especially worried that the USA personnel at the embassy might work to foil their revolution. There is nothing to forgive. The USA is meddling in too many countries.
Good point. The mainstream narrative is that because of the hostages we had to treat Iran like a pariah state. I remember all that time, although I was too young to understand. So I guess I still take at face value the narrative.
You’re right though, a people who demand a change in government should be allowed to have it.
‘The mainstream narrative is that because of the hostages we had to treat Iran like a pariah state.’ — ReadyKilowatt
Cool story. No one under 65 even remembers the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979.
Iran is our purported enemy for the sole reason that it’s Israel’s enemy.
Before 1979, when Iran was our friend, US colleges were filled with Iranian students. Then
OceaniaIran became our enemy. Iran has ALWAYS been our enemy.They overthrew the Shah after 25 years of his rule (along with the CIA etc.). 25 years might seem like a long time to some but, you reach a point in life where “25 years ago” seems like yesterday.
The American Empire is on the wane. It’s evolutionary in its cycle. Just think though, a few hundred years from now someone will wonder what it was like at this moment. We get to see it live 24/7/365 and In Living Color.
One thing I’ve found curious is that people who once called themselves “Anti-war” became ALL IN with this nonsensical proxy war against Russia, and very few (if any) have said a word after the soon to be fmr President Joe Biden (or more likely, whoever has REALLY been running the Presidency) gave Ukraine the green light to launch U.S. made missiles into Russia. Is it because many of them are now members of the establishment that they protested against during the Vietnam War? By the way, speaking of the war against Russia, while they constantly preach that we should “End hatred”, but they themselves have been preaching hatred of Russians. They tend to be the same people who were once critical of Big Pharma but started acting like their biggest shills after the mRNA COVID jabs were released. These people are walking contradictions and don’t even know it, or if they do know it, they just don’t care as long as they get their way.
Yes it is absolutely infuriating.
They are just stupid in the fashion of frat boy football fans. They root for their team, and against the other team. No thought goes into it, just raw visceral emotions. They are tools of the commies, not committed commies. But for all that, a danger to be watched and reckoned with.
They have no substance. They live to have caterwauling fits so they can get their endorphin fix.
The apartheid state of israel will be the downfall of the United States. Of that I’m certain. Our leaders have been bribed with 30 pieces of silver. And well-meaning Christians listen to the likes of John Hagee who dupe them with zionist dogma.
All the while, the Visigoths pour over both borders. Bread and circuses abound. Everywhere you turn there is the normalization of deviance. We’re going from Nero to Caligula 54 days.
Other than that, life is great.
RE: “All the while, the Visigoths pour over both borders.”
The rest of the story is, the unseen is: “half of those who arrive do so through a legally scheduled appointment under the United States’ CBP One program.” …
That part is scrubbed from all the MSM news feeds. Half of the people coming to the border (& I’d bet the % is much higher) have been invited to come here & nary a single person, leader or news outlet so much as hinted at that being part of the reason.
Invited. Had an appointment.
…Funny, that.
‘The apartheid state of israel will be the downfall of the United States.’ — Mike
Two photos:
Nazi officers and female auxiliaries (Helferinnen) pose on a wooden bridge in Solahuette. The man on the right carries an accordion.
Female IDF troops take a selfie to celebrate the destruction of Gaza. None carries an accordion.
Banality of evil.
I don’t necessarily believe that they’re all well-meaning when it comes to there cult-like devotion to the state of Israel. Many are clearly paid off by someone, whether the State itself or a third party. Then there’s that made up End Times Scolfield Protestant religion thing. To them, the Jews play a central role.
Hi Logan,
It’s quite something to write a book that claims your ethnic group is special – chosen – and then get the rest of the world’s ethnic groups to so regard your group and your ethnic nation state, too.
‘Israel is our “ally” in the sense that a blood-fattened tick laden with Lyme disease is the “ally” of a dog.’ — eric
Brilliant! And likewise Ukraine is another repulsive, blood-bloated tick. Yesterday I received a letter from the communist astronaut Senator Mark Kelly, responding to my rants against sending ATACMS to the poison dwarf Zelensky. Excerpts:
‘Although Ukraine is not a member of NATO, it is an important partner to the U.S. and other NATO allies. I have voted for funding for Ukraine each time the Senate has considered funding bills. On April 23, 2023, I voted to pass the Supplemental Appropriations which included $48.4 billion to Ukraine.
‘Republicans and Democrats in the Senate are united in support of Ukraine. I am thinking daily of the Ukrainian people, who want nothing but peace. I will continue to support providing Ukraine with weapons and equipment to defend Ukrainian sovereignty, punish Putin and his backers, and take steps to strengthen our energy independence.’ — Senator Mark Kelly, private correspondence
Senator Kelly is another knuckleheaded, clueless DemonRat who doesn’t understand why his party just lost the presidency and Senate. He thinks daily of the Ukrainian people, not of actual Americans here in America who do not benefit from his colossal war grift and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Kelly’s three-synapse brain can only hold two words at one time: Putin B-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-D!!!
“Republicans and Democrats in the Senate are united in support of Ukraine”.
They are NOT a democracy. They stopped having elections a few years ago.
They ARE the most corrupt government in Europe.
Oh, I see. Republicans and Democrats in the Senate are united in support of Ukraine because they are on the receiving end of the corruption.
“ They are NOT a democracy. They stopped having elections a few years ago.”
By that standard, neither is California, Minnesota, and a few others. They appear to have elections, but in fact somehow the commies never get voted out no matter how much of a communist hell hole they create.
Eric: “But when they come up against the legions of a power that fights for Rome – so to speak – they may prove to have not been worth the money.”
Shouldn’t that have said:
But when they come up against the legions of a power that fights against Rome – so to speak – they may prove to have not been worth the money.
Either way I got the point. But at least Rome required 25 years or so of military service to become a citizen. Now you become a citizen by swimming across a river and collecting welfare.
Other things that helped destroy the Roman Empire range from plaques, loss of African silver mines, pointless wars, loss of social cohesion, lowering the silver content in the Roman Denarius, bread and circuses, incompetent leadership in the Senate and military. A multitude of problems all over a number of decades that together weakened the Empire enough so that it was taken down like a pack of hyenas going after a wounded elephant.
Sounds familiar.