Diaper Report: 12/01/2024


This report concerns what I saw at the airport (Roanoke Regional) recently while waiting curbside for my sister to come out of the terminal. As I waited, I watched two pathological hypochondriacs exit the terminal.

The term is not meant as an insult. If it is one, the it is insulting to refer to someone who has schizophrenia as a “schizophrenic.”

In other words, it is diagnostic.

Anyone who is still wearing a “mask” outside – walking alone outdoors – is prima facie someone who is afflicted with the sickness that seemingly cannot be cured. The one that was transmitted to them by the likes of Dr. Fauci – that name must never be forgotten – and everyone else who spread and normalized pathological hypochondria. This depressing obsession (hence pathological) with sickness (the textbook definition of hypochondria).

It is unforgivable. Certainly not without abject apologies – and consequential accountability. Will the man who enabled much of what Dr. Fauci did to psychologically wreck so many millions act to assure that he is held accountable? Will he even try? Or is it all just talk -again – and yesterday’s news?

If it is, then I never want to hear another god-damned word about the Holocaust that is very definitely yesterday’s news and enough, already, with this Inspector Javert-like business of dragging some crippled-up 94-year-old out of his wheelchair in a nursing home to be held to account for what he did as a teenager in the last months of 1944-1945.

Of course, we will  never stop hearing about it – because in some people’s minds, the lives of some millions are more valuable than the lives of other millions. And maybe we ought never to forget that.

There must be indictments. There must be prosecutions. And – the guilt having been formally established – there must be consequences. In the case of that despicable little man – Dr. Fauci – there must be prison, for whatever remains of his life. The fact he is now just a little old man of 82 years ought not to amount to a get-out-of-jail (or even just leave-him-be) card anymore than would be extended to that long-ago 17-year-old who is now a crippled-up old man hauled into court for a serving of justice.

Every gesundheitsfuhrer who issued orders without any law having been passed that “locked down” people, churches, businesses and life in general must also be held accountable. They cannot be permitted to escape justice for the incalculable and irremediable harm they caused to the families who lost time with their loved ones, their old folks and their kids.

God-damn these people and what they did to us.

What has yet to end – as I witnessed, coming out of the airport terminal. It is a common thing to witness, almost anywhere you go. It is almost a certainty that- no matter where you go – you will see at least one pathological hypochondriac walking around and that person will be thinking in their own diseased mind that what they are doing is kind and responsible. They think they are “stopping the spread” – of  whatever they think is in the air. It does not matter that there is nothing to dread – nothing that poses any meaningful threat that didn’t exist five years ago, when sometimes you did catch (and spread) a cold.

People were – mostly – right in the head back then and catching a cold was understood to be  a normal part of life. No one liked it. But only mentally ill people lived in dread of it. Now we have to see these kinds of people all the time, which is wearying and sad for so many reasons – for them and for us. Wearying, because it is so god-damned tiring to see the Eternal Mask on people who (apparently) will never take if off. Sad – because it’s depressing to see just how effective was the destruction of people’s sanity by the likes of Dr. Fauci.

These people no longer see that they are insane – which in saner times, the insane often had the sanity to comprehend. And if they did not, they were treated as mentally ill people ought to be treated. With therapy and (where necessary) confinement. But now they are treated as normal – which reflects poorly on our sanity. We pretend that it is normal to walk around in public – outdoors and by yourself – wearing a “mask.”

Nothing to see here!

We interact with them – as at the supermarket checkout – as if there were nothing abnormal about a young person in the prime of life wearing that thing over their faces and believing (for they must believe it) that what they are doing is reasonable, kind and responsible.

It is not really fundamentally different than continuing to have a “normal” conversation with a guy who fondles his crotch – and maybe even pulls it out – while you’re trying to have that normal conversation.

Nothing to see here, either.

Because we’re supposed to pretend we do not see it. Just was we are supposed to pretend it never happened. All of it. And just let it go. And just accept the new abnormal.

In which case, we will have deserved it.

. . .

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  1. Health problems?

    The biggest lever the average person can pull is changing their diet…..

    also important…exercise and avoiding trauma if possible…

    The slave owner’s own the slave’s minds….the first job was convincing them they are not slaves….

    The slave owner’s own the slave’s mind….they spent billions of dollars filling the slave’s minds with misinformation, disinformation, lies and propaganda…..

    Two big ones were about diet and health care….

    Big food has controlled the narrative about diet…

    Big Pharma has controlled the narrative on fixing health issues….

    Deprogramming diet misinformation, disinformation….

    Great information…


  2. “It is not really fundamentally different than continuing to have a “normal” conversation with a guy who fondles his crotch – and maybe even pulls it out – while you’re trying to have that normal conversation.”

    Same with seeing a man dressed as a woman and being expected to act like nothing is out of sorts.

    The evil amongst us want us to willfully betray ourselves. To know the truth and fear speaking it.

  3. The thing just pardoned its larvae crackhead. After insisting it wouldnt.
    The psychopathic shrew literally mass murdered lotsa your people and not one of you pussies will end its miserable existence.

    Why your nation of liars thieves and bigmouth pussies will vote for your biggest enemy and worship it like the golden fatass calfswine it is .

    Hurry up and get to work now Raytheon, your wife, wont blow ya unless you contribute.

    Pathetic from every angle.

  4. Health-related Chart of the Day:


    This chart appears in a post by Ron Unz. It seems to be pulled from a book by Robert Lustig, MD, if I understood the citation correctly.

    What the chart shows in dramatic terms is MASSIVE GRIFT by Big Pharma and third-party health ‘insurers.’ We are being STOLEN BLIND. The US fedgov did this to us.

    • Hi Jim,

      I agree with you that the American public is being robbed, but I think the blame falls to that same public. Uncle Sam is not dragging anybody to the doctor’s office.

      Most people want easy. They want a magic pill and their doctors are more than happy to prescribe one. Most ailments in life can be fixed with healthier eating, moving, and a positive attitude but that takes willpower and time. The medical field and Pharma’s constant adjustment of blood pressure, cholesterol, and A1C readings will have 90% of Americans on some type of long term drug by 2030.

      We need to fight back and learn the word “no”. When did a A1C of 6.2 become pre diabetic? When did 200 become the magic cholesterol number? Why is 120/80 the new “standard” blood pressure reading? Why is snoring now deemed “sleep apnea”? Big Pharma and the medical field will continue to tweak these figures until they have 100% of the population on a life time pill plan.

      • Well stated, RG. Don’t forget your GLP1 agonist! Lose all your muscle mass, along with some fat, then stop taking them and gain all the fat and none of the muscle back. But hey, eat all the Fritos and donuts you want, and chase it with lots of beer – just inject yourself with Wegovy and voila!

        No pharma money to be made in carrots, broccoli, strawberries, jogging, walking, or bike riding. But plenty to be made on these new preloaded syringes (all patented for some reason) full of nifty chemical concoctions.

        • Hi BAC,

          Yep, I forgot that one.

          I expect a lot of lawsuits from Wegovy, Ozempic, and the like in the near future. There is no magic pill for weight loss without screwing something up internally. I was reading the other day how the new weight loss drugs are causing stomach paralysis if you stop the medication. They said several clients were experiencing daily vomiting when going off the drug.
          The possible side effects would be enough for me to never start it.

          • Hi RG,
            The inability to get off these medications is a feature, not a bug; Big Pharma wants everyone to be hooked on them for life, nice steady cash flow. My doc keeps trying to get me on statins due to my cholesterol being ‘high’ – according to them. I’ve read enough independent medical newsletters to know that cholesterol is vital to brain function. Hmmmm, could the increasing number of people afflicted with Alzheimer’s have any connection to everyone being prescribed statins? Enquiring minds want to know.

            • Hi Mike,

              I agree with you. Pharma sells more pills due to the symptoms that the other pills (the ones that are supposed to help, but not cure) create.

              I would not be surprised if there is a link between Alzheimer’s and lab created drugs. It could also be the various vaccines that they inject many people with in this day and age. I still believe there is a connection to autism and the chicken pox vaccine. But, that is my own opinion.

              As for “high cholesterol” the numbers the Western Medical Complex uses seem to be getting smaller and smaller annually on what is considered “good” vs “bad”. As long as your blood pressure and heart are in good shape I would not be too worried about high cholesterol. There are natural remedies that do help though…more fish (especially salmon), cinnamon, ginger, flax seed, and garlic do work wonders. Also, switch your cooking oils to extra virgin olive oil, coconut, and/or avocado. They make a huge difference. Stay away from any vegetable oil, peanut, rapeseed, grapeseed, corn, or anything with margarine. Grass-fed butter is fine.

      • I don’t have an hbp problem. Sometimes it measures high, even very high. Usually it measures low-normal.

        Root cause seems to be anxiety, which seems to be rooted in ADHD that was undiagnosed & untreated for decades (turns out there’s a great deal more to that than “not being able to sit still.”). And also some family/interpersonal issues that have to do with control issues & a lot of other stuff.

        I’m on “bp” meds in the sense that I take beta-blockers, because if I didn’t I’d be in tachycardia literally almost all of the time. Exercise helps, diet helps, getting a less-stressful job helps, but all of that was not enough to get it under control.

        Probably some of this is a consequence of not dealing with it decades ago, and probably some of it is a function of the way modern society tries very hard to squeeze everyone into boxes regardless of whether or not they fit. This is not good for anyone, but that doesn’t seem to matter. Leave me alone & I’ll leave you alone apparently is not enough.

        The solution seems to be primarily lifestyle changes, to opt out of society and its expectations as much as possible, and not to accept being pushed around. And, as few prescriptions as possible, just enough to maintain quality of life & prevent blowing a head gasket.

        Mostly that’s on me. But there’s an aspect of this, which cannot be ignored, that usually is ignored anyway, because it’s a difficult message: we’d all be healthier & have a lot less problems, if society would stop trying to force square pegs into round holes all the freaking time. Accept differences. Problem is no one does, except for the PC ones.

        All that needs to be done, is nothing…this should be the easiest possible thing in the world, any yet somehow it isn’t.

        “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

        • Hi Publius,

          I agree with you that we need to stop assigning everything to a box. Unfortunately, most in the medical field have been programmed to do just that.

          I had the misfortune of taking my oldest to the doctor a few weeks ago when his temperature reached 103.1 and he ended up with a case of the hiccups that wouldn’t quit. Seriously, they would go on for an hour or more. Anybody need natural remedies to stop hiccups please contact me…I got a bunch of them. I was able to get his fever down with Tylenol/Motrin, frankincense, and peppermint, but the hiccups were a concern for me because I didn’t know what was causing them. Was something stuck in his diaphragm?

          His pulse was running around 130 bmp so I knew he had an infection (along with the fever). BP and oxygen levels were good though. The urgent care was no help. They wanted a test for strep throat, the flu, and “COVID”. I agreed to the strep throat test and refused the flu and “COVID” because they are viral and I didn’t want anything sent to the CDC (yeah, I am a little paranoid). The strep test came back negative. I then requested x-rays for his diaphragm and lungs. The doctor tried talking me out of it, but I won that argument. Those came back clean.

          We were sent home afterwards to follow up with our regular physician (like we have one of those). The hiccups eventually stopped when the fever finally broke. A bizarre symptom of whatever he had. A waste of $350, but at least I knew his lungs were alright.

          I had to chuckle when I received the final paperwork though it only read “patient and mother refused COVID and flu testing recommended by doctor”.

          • Most of medicine these days seems to be a waste of money.

            And I am pretty convinced that routine bloodwork is mainly used as an opportunity to “upsell.”

            Something is always just a little bit out of whack on mine…but it’s never the same thing twice in a row. And then they get all titchy about it when I say no to statins or no to additional testing or whatever. To look at them you’d think I’d keel over any minute. Guess what? I’ll probably outlive all of them, out of sheer orneriness. And if I don’t…at least I will have gone out on my own terms. Some people fail to understand the value of that.

          • Hi RG!

            I am glad the kiddo is ok. And I (like BaDnOn) am also grateful we can discuss this Trump stuff without it being a poo-flinging contest. I truly hope you are right about Trump – and that I am wrong.

            • Hi Eric,

              Thank you for the well wishes. 🙂

              I believe one of the main reasons your site does so well, and why I enjoy it so much, because we are able to have healthy debates without name calling. This would never happen on Facebook or Twitter or other websites.

              Disagreement is good from time to time…it keeps us all from becoming too stale and sounding like an echo chamber. We have a multitude of strong and clever personalities here so we going to butt heads once in a while. 🙂

              I taking a wait and see approach on Trump. If I am wrong I am going to be eating a lot of crow. 🙂 The idealist in me hopes things get better and our peers wake up.

          • Cure for hiccups…

            Drinking a glass of water backwards…from the far side of the glass…requires concentration…

            or drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar…..

      • ‘I think the blame falls to that same public.’ — Raider Girl

        Indemnity health ‘insurance’ started as an employee benefit under WW II wage controls. Then and now, it was a ridiculous business model.

        Big Pharma and third-party payers are grifting the system, big time. Health clinics offering in-kind services could be offered at a third of the cost.

        Likewise, Medicaid and Medicare are all third-party providers, shot through with grift. The US health care model is high-cost, coupled with poor results. The chart tells the story: TOTAL FAIL, versus any other country on earth: European, Asian, Third World, socialist, communist, you name it.

        USA is bottom of the global list, in results vs. cost ratio.

  5. ‘Biden’ flips Americans his middle finger, as he issues a ‘full and unconditional’ pardon of his dirtball, Animal House son Hunter.

    Goodbye, stinking grifters. Orange Man will need to have the whole White House fumigated, and probably replace all the paintings and door handles and plumbing fixtures stolen by the ‘Bidens’ on their way out the door.

    Official portrait of the 46th _resident of the United States:


  6. Meanwhile, aliens from all over the galaxy are having meetings and making trade deals on Ganymede (one of Jupiter’s moons) and/or other places. And none of them are even slightly worried about catching any germs. Gosh, I wonder why? Are they all crazy? Or are they smart? I think they are smart.

    • Your comment reminds me of Robin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire when he quips “we came here looking for intelligent life. Oops, we made a mistake”.

  7. As long as the fake virus is believed to be a real novel strain,,, masks will likely continue and few to none will be prosecuted. They’ll simply say they did what they did with what little misinformation they had.
    As for the clot shots,,, no one was held at gunpoint,,, what was done, we did it to ourselves. FEAR is their tool to eliminate us and they’re spreading it on thick.


    “Dr. Richard Urso shares some truth bombs about COVID-19, vaccines, lockdowns, masks…

    “Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don’t actually, they’re like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work.”

    “I tell people, I joke sometimes I say masks do work. A lot like bathing suits work to keep pee out of the pool. They’re not very effective. So that’s one of those things that, you know, it was a farce. Pretty much everything they said was a farce. I know we’re still recovering from it. Just yesterday we walked into a pharmacy and they were advertising COVID-19 vaccines.”

    “Well if you want to destroy your immune system, take a COVID-19 vaccine. It will destroy your immune system.”…


  9. I saw more masks in Austin-Bergstrom airport two weeks ago than I did in an entire week in New England prior to flying home.

    I didn’t see a single mask on Martha’s Vineyard, BTW.

  10. Eric: “There must be indictments. There must be prosecutions. And – the guilt having been formally established – there must be consequences. “.

    If only! But, uhh….to drive home how unlikely that is, remember, YOU even formally consented to putting Fauci’s enabler (And the progenitor if “the beautiful vaccines”) in charge of this wreck of a country, again.

    I don’t mean to pick on you, and I “get” why you voted, but…just think: It’s actually formally recorded that you so approve of the Orange Bozo, and are among the masses who approve of what he did, and who desire more of the same.

    This is why it’s so important NOT to vote. Vote for Trump. This is what you get. Vote for the Kommie Bitch, and well…that would be even more evil. Vote for the Green Jew (The ONLY one of ’em who ISN’T a Zionist)…it wouldn’t matter, and would be just more of the same; Vote for the Libertarian Party clueless albatross…well, you get the picture.

  11. I have a compromised immune system from exposure to weapons grade fissile U235/238 i dont wear a mask its retarded and fake but i do use a portable ionizer that gives you a 3′ bubble killing viruses and bacteria. If i dont use it i almost always inevitably catch something and sometimes get laid out for a week or two. I travelled extensively, million mile flyer level for a long-time, and what i observed is people are just filthy animals anyway and i would use an ionizer and disinfectant wipes regardless on planes or in hotels.

  12. Speaking of DEI, there was recently a study showing
    that DEI policies in the workplace & at colleges are actually harmful and create the very problems they claim to be solving. Many people who’ve bought the DEI narrative hook, line, and sinker see racism, white
    supremacy, & discrimination where none exist. However, major establishment media outlets have tried to HIDE the study from the public……


    • Oh man, “roll up your sleeve” is sooo 2020. They’re cutting to the chase now & putting it in the food supply, or as a guy I know in the restaurant business told me once, “people will eat anything”.

      Coming soon to the Aldi beef, milk & cheese in your city? Here’s phase 01:

      ‘It has started! Tell your friends’


      • IIRC you and I had this conversation two or three years ago. Obtaining local beef , chicken, and eggs has become much easier since then, we can even buy the cuts of beef we want without buying a whole cow. Milk and cheese, not so much, unless its from goats, which gets old. Pretty much given up all cheese except fresh mozzarella with tomatoes, olive oil, sea salt, and Italian seasoning.

    • Here is the Wikipedia article:

      >They involve ritual activities that in some way imitate or mimic actions associated with whites/Europeans.
      >They include utopian and/or millenarian ideas of a future in which people will not have to labour.

      With the Branch Covidians, the rituals imitate the behavior of medical Doctors. So, it is really a form of “Doctor worship.” See also, Kachinas and Kachina dolls from the Hopi and Zuni people.

      • Back in The Before Times, that Cargo Cult bit was applied to those who were all piling into The Housing Bubble before the first wave crash. Just like then, today no one in positions of authorahty is telling them it is wrong, a mistake, they should not be doing it, that sort of thing.

        In fact, with those asshats in the Commiefornia health systems telling people to face diaper up, it’s a reinforcement worldwide to those who still mask up.
        Until the voodoo chiefs start proclaiming Loudly what Idiocracy it is to don a face diaper, we’ll still see it in public. …Or, so it seems.

  13. Saw a young black family in Publix last week –all masked up. It was a shame bc the kids (guessing 10, 7, and 3) were polite & well behaved. I just thought to myself the parents are gullible or pathological hypochondriacs, as Eric has termed.

    Like most here I’m not willing to forget nor am I willing to forgive. In a just world Fauci would be swinging from a good hemp rope attached to a solid oak tree.

    And like most here I lost familial ties and friendships for daring to not “comply”. Again, I will not forgive or forget.

    • Well, no one can really forgive, until they are asked For forgiveness.
      Haven’t seen, heard, or read of anyone, anywhere asking For forgiveness.

      …Or, did I miss one or two?

      None of this, either:

      Via Webster: contrite adjective
      : feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for improper or objectionable behavior, actions, etc.

    • Mike,
      Forget the rope swing ….Have the asshole “play in traffic “…… until a car bumper smashes both his femurs , flips the asshole over the hood….
      Then make the bastard crawl to an “aid station “..
      Unassisted..All while being streamed live on some pay per view channel !

      Coup de grace…. If the shit stick makes it to a clinic… with out “Vax proof “… let the asshole “empathize “… with his victims … on the sidewalk!🎯👍

      I bet that channel would get more views than the World Cup soccer final!

  14. The phrase, “a return to normal” sure has become a loaded bit, lotsa meanings within it.
    Does it mean: trust authoratah, obey, conform, happily-pay-your-fair-share, mandatory insurance & property taxes are a good thing,

    “… No longer are the people sovereign. The bureaucracy is.”…


    Is, ‘the bureaucracy’ normal?

    Anyway, Once upon a time, for a man to say he was a woman and wanted to compete in women’s sports would have… meant that he was Joking. And, everyone would laugh at the absurdity.

  15. ‘this Inspector Javert-like business of dragging some crippled-up 94-year-old out of his wheelchair in a nursing home to be held to account’ — eric

    ‘Ursula Haverbeck (11/8/1928 – 11/20/2024) recently passed, aged ninety-six. She was known in Germany for challenging the Jewish Holocaust ‘narrative’ of six million. She dared to believe that Auschwitz was a work camp (which it was) and not a death camp.

    ‘In November 2015 she was sentenced to ten months’ imprisonment for Holocaust denial. Several additional convictions in the fall of 2016 led to more sentences. She unsuccessfully appealed, and in May 2018 began to serve her latest two-year sentence. Released at the end of 2020, she was quickly charged again, tried in March 2022, and sentenced to a year in prison. She was again convicted on 26 June 2024 and sentenced to an additional 16 months.

    ‘Ursula’s imprisonments reveal something deeply maniacal about our enemies. It shows not only how desperate they are to maintain at all costs the Holocaust propaganda they’ve spoon-fed us for the past 60 years, but how foundationally weak it is that they feel it necessary to imprison a woman in her 90s simply because she thinks differently about Auschwitz. Ursula’s crimes were essentially thought crimes.’ — Ambrose Kane


    One is reminded of Galileo’s 1633 trial for advocating heliocentrism. He was found guilty of heresy by the Inquisition. Why did the church feel so threatened? Because Galileo was undermining their exorbitant, unaccountable authority.

    Today, even in benighted, fanatical Germany, one can assert that the earth is flat, and the sun and stars revolve around it. No constable will appear to arrest you. But challenge a clearly hyperbolic narrative about the war years, and the cowardly, lickspittle German quisling regime will hound you to your grave, as they did Ursula Haverbeck.

    Meanwhile, the ethno-religious cabal which imposes this gag order kills without restraint:

    ‘DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — An Israeli airstrike on a car in the Gaza Strip on Saturday killed five people including employees of World Central Kitchen, after Israel’s military said it targeted a WCK worker who had been part of the Hamas attack that sparked the war.

    ‘The charity’s aid delivery efforts in Gaza were temporarily suspended earlier this year after an Israeli strike killed seven of its workers, most of them foreigners.’

    Who are the bad guys now??

    • Hi Jim,
      I think (hope) that the trademark ‘Holocaust’ is finally beginning to show cracks in the foundation. The entire world can see the genocide being carried out in broad daylight by Israhell. Only the AIPAC owned Clowngress critters refuse to acknowledge the reality. I wish someone would somehow manage to leak the list of Jeffrey Epstein’s clients but any reference to that has been memory holed. Trump is owned by Miriam Adelson & company and his foreign policy appointees are all Zionists, not an auspicious beginning. I’m still waiting for him to release the JFK files kept hidden by the CIA; wanna bet if he actually does that the files will magically disappear?

    • Keep in mind, Jim, that Jews are *always* victims, even when committing genocide of lesser creatures such as ourselves. Too bad their War God couldn’t, or didn’t, provide them with self-liquidating goyim as servants. The “new, improved” model, Goyim 2.0, will be designed to self-terminate at the end of its useful life, or if it gets any crazy ideas of rebelling against its owners and masters.

      Meanwhile, there is, unfortunately, unpleasant work to be done. Fortunately, the recent invention of the vaporization, or dustification, bomb (a real thing, look it up) obviates the need for crematoria and the associated bad optics. No body parts means no Krema are required.

      Meanwhile, thanks to Orange Fail, convicted fraudster Charlie Kushner will become the new ambassador to France from the Jew SA.

      • Kushner is already selling “Gaza waterfront properties” from NYC synagogues–one of them the same synagogue where underground tunnels were found with bloody child-size mattresses, toddler high-chairs, and other child-size furniture. The tunnels were filled in by NYC authorities, destroying evidence of child sacrifices in the process.
        These “tunneling jews” were outed by their own brethren as they were concerned about their own self-preservation, given the world’s opposition to the genocide that has been going on in Gaza and the West Bank for over 70 years now. Their own genocidal jews “outed” them.
        If not for the serious nature of child abuse and sacrifice, observing these jews scurrying out from under NYC streets like rats made for excellent comedy.
        As to the holohoax (oops, I mean “holocaust™”) every aspect of this massive fraud and grift can be proven to be fabrications and outright false claims and lies with the application of simple physics, technical, scientific and logistics principles.
        A “holocaust™ survivor” is any jew who lived anywhere in the world during WW2. Yes, there are jews who never left the continental USA who are collecting “holocaust™ reparations”.
        Most people are unaware that jews lived unmolested lives in every European country during the entirety of WW2.
        Population figures show a continual increase in the jewish population during the entirety of WW2.
        The so-called jewish “holocaust™” is finally receiving the scrutiny that has been so sorely lacking in decades past.

  16. A co-worker showed up with a cold this week. Could barely talk, coughing and sneezing. And wearing a mask.

    The boss sent him home.

    I was a little surprised she did that. I would have thought (given her germaphobe nature) she would have busted out the disposable masks for the rest of us. She did wipe down pretty much anything he might have touched with Clorox wipes though. I smiled and mentioned the D3-zinc-vitamin C combination I’ve been taking since September.

    • “The boss sent him home”

      Good! One of other idiotic things that came from all this is that people actually do think a surgical mask will stop you from spreading whatever illness you have, so people come to work, uselessly sick and wearing the damn things.

      Stay home and recover. There’s no shame in it. Most people take sick days because their just sick of work, anyway.

  17. Masks? What masks? We don’t need no stinking masks!

    What there is for a government is complete shit of any kind, you name it, nothing else.

    Piles of steaming cow shit, bull shit, even camel shit, shit until hell won’t have it. Goat shit, that too. Sheep shit, plenty of that.

    That is what we have for a government, complete bullshit, steaming piles of it.

    It reeks, stinks to high heaven.

    You have to wear a gas mask to survive the foul odor from the piles of shit left behind by those shitheads from Shitville.

    And don’t forget about Shitrahell, those assholes turn everything to shit right before your lying eyes.

    Who let them through the door?

    Some equanimity and insouciance does help.

  18. First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.

      • Hi Landru,
        Yes I saw that. I’ll soon be 72 yoa, never had any antipathy for homosexuals. Nowadays they want to control everything LOUDLY. I grew up in Chicago, Catholics schools until I was 21 and I’ve heard thousands of times that this life is a battle between the dark forces of evil and goodness, God. Around 1971 I began to think this a very immature way of defining reality. But now with all the current craziness it’s the only explanation that makes any sense. Currently the fact that I am a caucasian Catholic heterosexual male puts a target on my back. Totally insane.

        Here is a very good interview. I hope you are well.


        • Indeed Pancho, I never held any antipathy toward any one unless they held antipathy toward me. All this political correction BS is creating conflict where there was none. Not many years ago I noticed one’s skin color just like I noticed their hair color, of little consequence. Now I have to wonder what their intent is toward me. Especially if their hair color is chartreuse.

  19. Once upon a time, for a man to say he was a woman and wanted to compete in women’s sports would have had him committed to a psychiatric asylum.

    Now, he’s praised and his choices defended. Because to do otherwise would be ‘unfair’.
    He gets to win a gold medal at the Olympics, even, by bashing the boring ‘cisgender’ females to a pulp. To great ovation, I may add.

    Also, during that distant era of some 20 years ago, people knew that if they were ‘vaccinated’ with a ‘safe & effective’ vaccine, they did not have to fear the masses of the unwashed/unvaxxed. Because they were immune.

    Men were men. Women were women. Cars were cars, not devices.

    Sometimes I feel nostalgic for those past times, now lost to history.

    But then I remember that in the ‘Progressive New Era™, when Big Brother has just increased everyone’s rations of free chocolate, my concerns are unwarranted and could easily compromise my Social Credit score.

    And so I return to being a Good Citizen, put my mask on, get up-to-date with my latest booster, and praise Big Brother Government for its endless wisdom and benevolence.

    (This is being sarcastic, of course, but only a little. We’re well on the way to the Communist Nirvana.)

    • I don’t know, John. I would have absolutely agreed with you four years ago, a year ago, heck, even two months ago, but there seems to be a shift that is occurring. It is now cool to be normal. Even Apple has fallen from the woke tree.


      Combine this with the recently released Volvo ad (also non woke) and the severe (and much deserved backlash) of the Jaguar ad. You also have players and teams forfeiting playing volleyball against the guy at San Jose State. Not to mention the amount of Fortune 500 businesses that are scrapping their ESG narratives.

      With Trump’s win identity politics is failing. The election was not a mandate for Trump, but a “kiss my ass” to DIE initiatives and a country that one no longer recognizes. For one night the entire nation veered right. The MSM has tanked and the Dems are eating their own.

      The familia and I ran around all day yesterday…going to lunch, cutting down our Xmas tree, walking through shops, etc. It felt nostalgic. Everyone was in a good mood and people were spending freely. Almost like a weight has been lifted and a return to normal is now considered acceptable living.

      • I truly hope you are right, RG!

        Yet, I still expect that it will take a much bigger crisis before a truly meaningful turnaround can be expected.

        We have Dementia Joe – or rather his puppeteers – trying hard to start WW III.

        We have numerous Democrats stating openly that illegal aliens are protected species.

        We still have DEI reigning supreme at the top universities.

        We have the likes of CA totally committed to NetZero. Economy or people’s lives be damned.

        Perhaps the deplorables are finally waking up, you say?

        I hope so, but I’m not holding my breath. After all, almost half of the country still voted for the room temperature IQ creature…and would have no doubt voted for Uncle Joe, had he been able to remember his name for long enough to stay in the race.

        Yeah, I’m a pessimist. Or perhaps realist is the better term?

        • The corporate world found out that woke=broke.

          Turns out there are many more people who align with the Moral Majority that actually can afford to buy things (or at least have a high enough credit score) than there are people who “identify” as some seemingly oppressed fringe group.

          Imagine that.

      • Your comments on teevee ads is spot on, RG. It’s creeping back everywhere. Tractor Supply, who recently got pilloried then ditched DEI, ran an ad with only one or two non-whites in it. You are even seeing ads with same-race couples. For a while there it seemed that every couple was race-mixed to some degree. Either companies are getting the message that most of their reliable customer base is Caucasian or they’re gas-lighting us for just a bit more.


    • Ever wonder where the “push” to legitimize the whole LGBTQXYZ mental illness originates?
      I wish it weren’t so, but once again it’s the JEWS.
      The Wiemar Republic excesses including sexual perversions of every type were but a previous attempt by the JEWS to subvert civil society which was successful until the “Austrian painter” arrived on the scene.
      The deeply criticized “book burnings” were not what they seemed. Classic literature was not being destroyed, but books advocating the whole LGBTQXYZ “lifestyles”, published by a jew-owned and run “sexual research institution” (the Hirschfeld Institute) were the targets of book burnings.
      It is necessary to research and identify where the whole LGBTQXYZ mental illness belief system originates.
      Once again, its the JEWS.
      According to judaic teachings, there are eight genders within judaism.
      The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 
      1. Zachar, male.
      2. Nekevah, female.
      3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
      4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
      5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
      6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
      7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
      8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
      This is the source for today’s perversion of the genders…
      Notice that genders #6 and #8 are just what is being advocated for children who are supposedly “gender confused”.
      It’s the JEWS…it’s ALWAYS the JEWS…

      • >Classic literature was not being destroyed,

        Unlike the United States during WW I, where classic works of German literature were in fact burned, in some cases by school children, who were instructed by the government to hate all things German, as part of Woodrow Wilson’s campaign of hatred to get the U.S. involved in a European war which was none of our concern.

        Lynching, tarring and feathering, outlawing teaching or speaking the German language, renaming of towns, cities, streets and even businesses were all used to further Wilson’s goals.

        We were told that Wilson was a “great President,” and some Americans of German heritage, of whom I am one, were required to attend schools named after the man who orchestrated a campaign of hatred against our ancestors.


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