Some Thoughts About “TDS”


I’ve been criticized by some for saying that Orange Man is not always good. This is styled Trump Derangement Syndrome. I call it the truth – and I argue that the truth matters more than idolatrous loyalty to a politician:

. . .

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  1. I wouldn’t argue anything different. Excellent articles lately, even strike II.

    Although the Trump team isn’t accepting input from anyone who still pushes that Operation Warp Speed was a mistake, or even a coup, it’s no less true.

    These are the real problems we should be discussing found right here.

    It’s hard to smell the roses on some of the other fronts when you’re still holding your nose over that.

    I’d love to go full 911 Truth on the whole public, but as it stands I still agree with the final decision that was made to sweep the covid nastiness under the rug. Our republican beach-head is growing, we are seeing establishment candidates replaced with MAGA ones, or at least are made to emulate MAGA in order to remain relevant. I don’t think it’s time to split the MAGA side of the party from those who vote red, but also love their slavery and their MASK. Not yet anyway.

    If it comes to an Orwellian social credit score papers please setup, I won’t stand for that. It’s good news though, as it appears the initial approach will be much more reasoned. Go after known gangs with busts, deport, charge mayors instigating illegal policy measures that obstruct these ops, de-fund and go after the NGOs and bust them with human trafficking.

    It needs to be paired with voter ID, before the midterms, with paper ballots. And some way of getting illegals off the roles in all 50 states.

    Anyway I’m glad Eric prefaced with yes, good things are also happening. The currency of criticizing Trump has been completely devalued over the last 8 years, to the point where I’ve been conditioned against it.

    No attacks on the color orange this time. I’m impressed.

  2. On the subject of TDS, am I alone in sensing that there isn’t nearly as much of it this time around? Yes, the lefties had their obligatory meltdown following the election results, but even this year’s meltdown didn’t feel as visceral as the one in 2016. And with Trump’s tendency to pick supposedly “reformed’ Democrats as cabinet members, I suspect even die-hard Trump haters are beginning to tacitly warm up to him.

    For proof, consider that The Young Turk’s Ana Kasparian has been sliding increasingly towards being a MAGA apologist, while TYT’s Cenk Uygur recently tweeted that “MAGA is not my mortal enemy…the Establishment is” while saying he’s “more optimistic now than I was before the election.” Democrats that pay close attention are realizing that Trump Part 2 is going to be much more Washingtonian than he was the first time.

    • Haha, yep, Mr. Kable. Perhaps he was always an amateur liar, but has now gone pro.

      Truth be told, however: I’ll bet he was well adept at mendacity in his business interactions. In fact, I doubt he can help it. Without principles or an internal filter, the balderdash just emerges from his mouth unabated.

    • The absurd thing is, that they blatantly lie to our faces, and no one seems to even notice. Take for example in ’16 when The Donald was doing his “Lock her up” schtick to pander to people whom he truly abhors but whose support he was trying garner.
      At the same time he was uttering “Lock her up!”, he also said “The Clintons are good people”. So which is it, Donnie-boy? Or is he saying that he intends to lock-up “nice people”?.
      They can say anything they want. No one (At least among their respective supporters) seems to notice or care. It’s just an act. They don’t even talk about their real intentions, and the real agendas, and who they are actually working for. But as long as 130 million voters continue to participate in the charade, they happy to oblige.

  3. In order for REAL change to take place, our “zionist occupation government” must be exposed as a foreign entity and run out of the country along with every dual citizenship politician as well.
    Trump has appointed many zionists…we will see how THAT will work out.
    It is laughable to hear the “talking heads” of the media and others talk about Russian collusion and foreign influence in our political system without mentioning the number 1 “influencer” in the American political process.
    There, I’ve said it…

  4. Eric,

    I’m very happy that you are on the right track with the “immigration crisis”, which I think was at least partially set into motion to obtain the “show me ze papers” Stasi regime you speak of here.

    Not too many people are. So many who would be champions of liberty get a police-state boner when illegals are the subject. It was one of my initial problems with the Orange Man.

    • Hi BaDnOn,

      I am curious what makes you think Trump is going to require papers? Has he said anything about this?

      Also, why the hell are you up at 4 am? 😉

      • Hi RG,

        I’ll give you my answer: Because he will say it is the only way to identify the illegals. How can he deport them if he doesn’t know who they are? Trump has very authoritarian tendencies when it comes to “law and order.” I hope I am wrong but I increasingly believe I am right.

        • I can only judge Trump based on history. Did Trump demand papers from 2017 to 2020 while he was in office? Why do we believe he is going to do a 180 this go around?

          • RG – Trump didn’t require papers in 2017-20 because it wasn’t time yet. He didn’t have a popular vote “mandate” following the 2016 presidential election. He clearly “won” it this time around. “Show me your papers” wasn’t discussed either. If it had been, and addressed directly by this dimwit, I would have likely been more inclined to stay home.

            Of course, looking at Kamala Harris, if she had “won,” it would have likely become a more terroristic type of regime than what we are currently facing.

            If you look at it the way you propose, you would see that since, say, clean air rules weren’t as stringent in Jimmy Carter’s time as they were today that Jimmy Carter did not favor strict regulation. He did. It just wasn’t his time.

            During Reagan’s time, there were no digital drivers licenses. That doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t have endorsed the idea. During his period, there was a rapid expansion of the driver’s license compact and of digital record keeping that Nixon didn’t have. Nixon would have favored that, too. As for digital licenses, that was enabled by the Real ID Act, signed into law by George W.

            The immigration “crisis” is supposedly way worse today than it was in 2018. Therefore, it requires a more heavy handed approach according to the immigration wingnuts on the right. Most of these don’t give a damn about civil rights and civil liberties. Some of them do not see the connection between absolute police power and what happened to our J6 prisoners.

            I’m pretty disgusted about Trump and most of his choices. Kash Patel and RFK J are the only ones I like just a little.

            But to give you my answer, I think that this animal is completely capable of pivoting and tossing the constitution away, just as every president has piece by piece since 1913.

            • Hi swamp,

              Call me crazy, but I can only judge by what has occurred in the past.

              If my husband has never cheated on me in 30 years do I accuse him of wanting to now?

              Now if Trump was my husband cheating would be anticipated (past behavior and all).

              I don’t see anything in Trump’s personality that he would turn authoritarian. Somehow the guy who plays YMCA at his rallies doesn’t come across as one who enjoys the torturing of other people.

              Wouldn’t an authoritarian have locked Hillary up? Wouldn’t an authoritarian have gone after his political opponents? Wouldn’t an authoritarian have wanted to create war and therefore an increase in power and position?

              Sorry, I don’t see it. Geminis are the unlikeliest star sign to become authoritarian. They like admiration too much. Trump wants to be remembered in history as a much idolized and beloved President. An authoritarian regime would destroy that.

              • RE: “I don’t see anything in Trump’s personality that he would turn authoritarian.”

                Ah-hem, his Red Flag response, “take the guns first, ask questions later”.

                RE: “Wouldn’t an authoritarian have locked Hillary up?”

                Not if they were really on the same Neocon side, a.k.a. two wings of the same bird of prey.

      • One word: Insomnia. :/

        But you’re right, normally I don’t get around to reading EP Autos ’til hours later, when most has already been said and done.

        I don’t have a quote for you, but it’s in the spirit of the Orange Man as an authoritarian. It seems nearly implicit in “mass deportations”. I can see it easily coming about, with little resistance by those who would normally be such.

        Anyway, I’ll try and get myself a couple more hours of sleep, if possible.

        • Insomnia sucks. Its worse for me in the winter. Hard to go outside and work on stuff when its cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

          As for OM, you called it. He’s an authoritarian nightmare. From the perspective of liberty, that sucks, as those just waking up to the principles quickly fall back under the orange ether. His political instincts are outstanding. His world view is based on some form of suck ass, bababooeyboomer BS that pays lip service to what ails the country, while letting the far left communists ruining the country to continue unabated. OM realizes the enemies are inside the gate, yet tries to make nice with them.

          The deportation thing is just retarded. Defund every single NGO. Cut off all money, give them sixty days, with no possibility of ever retuning if they get caught after that. Most would leave voluntarily. The principle of working smarter not harder is something a large part of the country should spend some time on

          • “Hard to go outside and work on stuff when its cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.”

            That’s definitely part of my problem, Norman. I also feel some kind of guilt or depression for not doing things, as something in my psychological make-up seems to measure my worth by how much my body is doing. Yes, I’m working on some coding for a data project I have going, but my lizard-brain says it doesn’t count because I’m not turning wrenches or digging holes. Strange that.

            And yes, when there is a flood of vampires sucking our blood through government, it should be easy enough to turn off the spigot.

            • I recently figured out a good hack for this. I’ve always walked my dog everyday since I gave up plumbing, not much exercise in that, but enough to keep the rust off. Now, 4-5 times a week I added a hard bike ride or I fill my ruck up with bricks, and go for a longer walk. Its too cold in the mornings and if I wait til it warms up, it tends to feel like I wasted the day. So I do my ruck march/bike ride in the late afternoon in the warmest part of the day. Also, quietly sitting in the sun for a half hour barefoot in shorts seems to help my serotonin level. So far this winter insomnia has been less of an issue than any winter before.

              It does make it harder living in the sticks like you do, dont be hard on yourself for the things you dont get done. We did that that for almost ten years, now we’re in a city of ten thousand, thirty minutes away from our BOL, so best of both worlds.

          • Norman Franklin: “Defund every single NGO. Cut off all money, give them sixty days, with no possibility of ever retuning if they get caught after that. Most would leave voluntarily.”

            Absolutely. We don’t have an immigration problem. We have a welfare state problem. Fixing that would likely convince most to just go home on their own because the easy pickin’s just dried up. Not in the lifetime of anyone now born, of course. (It could even make some of our own native population willing to get up off their asses and make an honest living instead of being the equivalent of leeches. Ya think?)

            • Its so easy a cave man could do it. And I know, if a dip-shit like me can figure it out, the Ivy leaguers that run this country should know it as well.

              Like Eric is fond of saying ‘and they wonder why I drink.’

      • Raider,
        It’s already as Eric describes if you get anywhere near our southern border. Drive along minding your own business, and you’ll be stopped, questioned, harassed, examined, gone-over with a fine-toothed comb to make sure you don’t have a paper or so much as a gum wrapper out of place…..while aliens can freely walk right in and essentially be given a plane ticket to a blue city, a gift card, and a driver’s license. Not to mention immunity from our laws and any potential harassment.
        It’s all coming together: CBDCs, the Real ID national ID card (which I refuse to get). 5G to allow the monitoring and tracking of everything we do, etc.
        This is why the Republicans are no better than the Democrats. In-fact, if one ignores the words both partiesutter, and just looks at the deeds they do, the D’s may actually be less harmful. Look at the police state GWB erected under the guise of “terrorism”; The Scamdemic Trump gave us, complete with “lockdowns” and travel restrictions and forced business closings; The “War On Drugs” and wage & price controls of Nixon. One really has to go back at least as far as LBJ to find anything as nefarious that the D’s have imposed on us.

        What is a Republican? Someone who can get away with actually imposing what the Democrats threaten to do, while pretending to oppose such things. Only difference is: The R’s do it with the support of the very people who fight it if the D’s were to actually do the same things.

        I’m with Eriv. “Papers [not please]” is coming very soon, and other than a few deportations for show/the media, it will likely not even affect the invaders. But it will profoundly affect us.

        • It seems that too many Republicans are “milquetoasts”, afraid of showing “the courage of their convictions” (if any) and are just plain lazy.
          You see, whether the Republican party is in power or is the minority, “the pay and perks” of the office are the same. Why get into real “rough and tumble politics” when you can “kick back” and still enjoy the perks of office?
          Even when the Republicans held both legislative bodies, they “laid back” and let the democRATS run all over them.
          I hope that the days of the milquetoast Republicans are over…
          The only way to fight your enemy is to “come down to and fight on their level”. As FORCE is the only thing they understand, it is time to take the fight to them. Of course, it won’t be easy, with the left-wing media, academia, and even local and federal government agencies who have been giving antifa and others a “pass”, but it can (and must) be done.

          • Yep. And the only way a politician gets anywhere (or even stays where they are) is if they don’t step on the toes of those who really call the shots. They just have to play to their respective audience (D or R; Libtard or conserve-a-turd) but when it comes to the actual deeds, we know who they serve.

  5. Okay, I expect to be raked over the coals from I am about to say, but when has that ever stopped me. 😜

    Eric, I think you are theorizing problems that don’t exist. Can we discuss how we don’t like certain picks, policies, and procedures? Absolutely.

    What I don’t understand is you voted less than a month ago and the guy is not even in office yet and you have already proclaimed “you are done with him” half a dozen times. Why did you vote then? He hasn’t signed the first law and you have already deemed him a failure.

    No one is ever going to be 100% of what we want, especially a politician. But, let the guy return to office first and actually screw up before we begin stoning. Let’s see if he does not pardon the J6 supporters, let’s see if his picks get through the Senate, let’s see how he handles deportation.

    Personally, I don’t see “a papers please” scenario occurring. The American people don’t have the appetite for it. If anything they will go after the criminals first. I have heard rumors that they could potentially raid businesses that usually employ a high amount of illegal immigrants, but there will be economic consequences if they do. It isn’t like a large amount of Americans are going to seek employment to work in the fields or deboning chickens at Tysons Food.

    • Hi RG,
      The masking was an early tryout of “papers please”, no mask, no entry to lots of places. Also many restaurants and other venues required showing a ‘vaccine card’ to be allowed entry. I missed two years of Boston Symphony concerts due to that, while many went along with the evil. It’s just another step down the slippery slope to require ‘papers’.

      • Without a doubt Mike. The fact that ninety-five percent went along with the masking only empowered the tyranny. It will be back, and it will have an odd orange glow to it. When the time comes, half or more of those who ‘voted’ for Trump will go right along, cause ‘its just an app on yer smartphone.’ If we’d been graced with Harris, we might have ended up with enough resistance to leave a mark on this insufferable form of one party fake BS

        • “ If we’d been graced with Harris, we might have ended up with enough resistance to leave a mark on this insufferable form of one party fake BS”


          It’s going to be exhausting watching the Trump supporters bending over backwards to accept the tyranny of Trump which they otherwise would have resisted if it were decreed by Harris.

          • In the end, you have to remember that the country is divided 50/50 fighting each other.

            Until we become united in the fight against government we will continue to be played by the system.

            Divide and conquer is a highly effective strategy the Government uses to keep the plantation under control.

            • I’m already exhausted and he hasn’t even been sworn in. But I don’t really think we are divided fifty fifty. The extreme left that will still run the country under Trump is closer to twenty percent IMO.

          • Hi BID,

            You mean like the resistance that has been put forth to stop Biden?

            We have 20 million new people that have crossed the border over the last 3.5 years, we have stricter CAFE standards on cars, out of control inflation, less people working, businesses failing, new requirements enforced on the registration of small businesses, the enforcement of experimental vaccines to hold a job, etc.

            Show me the defiance.

            • Just like the original American revolution, its a process, not an event. The anger was growing in places we’d never seen before. Add in the absolute incompetence of the lunatic left and you had a better than average chance for that discontent to grow into a successful revolution 2.o.

              You are a numbers girl. The numbers don’t lie. Its a mathematical certainty at this point. Whats been borrowed/stolen can never be repaid

              I would love for you to be right RG. Sadly, history tells me you may not be. But we’ll see, and again, hope you’re right and I am wrong.

            • Why are you apologizing? Because you voted and he picked a couple of people we don’t like? He also picked some good people. Were you going to like everybody Harris picked?

              This is life. People sometimes disappoint. I am not willing to throw out the baby with the bath water.

              Let’s give the guy the opportunity and see what he does before we go hell bent and start jumping off decks bemoaning our choices or backpedaling.

              Whatever the outcome we will make it through.

            • I understand why you and so many others voted and don’t hold it against you.

              You did what you thought was best for the country.

              I do the same by withholding my consent to be governed by these buffoon’s. I do my best to be the Gray Man flying below their radar and living my life by the non-aggression principle as best I can.

        • Hi Norman,

          I realize I am on an island alone out here, but I do not want Harris anywhere near the Oval Office. It is frightening enough that she is next in line after an a lifelong, lying, career politician with dementia who can’t tell the difference between his wife and his sister.

          Do we think WWIII would be stopped under her reign? We keep talking about resistance. There has been no resistance. The boot on our necks hasn’t disappeared. Now we just have our hands tied behind our backs, too.

          • You’re not on an island. Many people fell for it. I almost did. My wife still tells me some new Bull shit everyday about how ‘this time its different,’ and Trump learned from his mistakes. Oh well, I love her just the same.

            And no, I don’t fall for the fear of world war three. That was a thing in my youth. It was a fear I grew out of. I mean they will try, but at the end of the day its above our pay grade and imo, not really worth worrying over since theres nothing we can do about it anyway.

            • Hi Norman,

              I don’t believe I fell for anything. Trump is not a savior to me…just a man that will screw up less than Harris would.

              I had a choice: her, him, or stay home. I made my choice and I stick by it.

              I am not asking for perfection…just for Uncle Sam to leave me alone and don’t send my kids (or anyone else’s) to war. If they want to ban some bioengineered ingredients I am good with that, too.

              • RG. Always love your honesty and willingness to engage the debate.

                From my perspective – the system (democracy / voting) is a sham. Voting for one party or another is never going to lead to meaningful change. This has been true globally as well as here in the USSA.

                The more disgusted people are with the system and the more that choose to ignore & nullify the system the better. Biden / Harris had more people moving in this direction albeit a small increase.

                If the debate were about how to return to a constitutional republic I’d might be willing to engage and vote but that isn’t what is on the table.

                Until this global belief in “democracy” is upended, we are all (globally) just unwilling victims in a gang rape by the oligarchs that control the system.

                • Hi BID,

                  “RG. Always love your honesty and willingness to engage the debate.”

                  LOL. Bless you. You may be the only person that thinks that. Even my hubby heads to the garage when I get on one of my tangents. 🙂

                  I understand what you are saying and I do agree with you in most instances. All political parties are made up of one snake with multiple heads. Very rarely is there a candidate that is running for the betterment of tomorrow or the country’s people. If they are, they are soon diffused of that notion.

                  Do I believe Trump cares about me? Do I believe Harris cares about me? Do I believe anybody in Congress cares about me? Not a chance.

                  I don’t vote out of self delusion. I vote hoping what the candidate wishes (their self interest) could make my own life easier.

                  An example, Trump doesn’t want high tax rates. For him to lower rates for his businesses and personal taxes he needs to have Congress pass legislation. This legislation drips down to all of us. If my tax rates go from 28% to 24% that is a smaller check that I have to write (or withhold) to Uncle Sam. If Trump eases fuel regulations those loosened restrictions benefit us in cheaper gas and electric costs. If Trump wants to play nice with other world leaders that is less chance of our kids going overseas and coming back in body bags.

                  Was Mark Twain correct when he said if voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it? Yes, he was.

                  The outcome will be the same because politicians aren’t supposed to make a difference, but if some of their desires benefits me and mine it is better than the alternative.

        • I don’t think so. The Biden regime would have acted in an autocratic manner, completely disregarding the constitutional rights and liberties of everyone. Anyone expecting an organization like the ACLU to back us up needs to look at the complete lack of activity when COVID restrictions were being enforced. Make no mistake, this government is completely capable of crusing any opposition. Most opposition folds when faced with it anyway.

          Make no mistake, despite the fact that I personally hate that bloviating fucker, he was the only choice we could have made at the time. The other choice was pure suicide

        • ‘If we’d been graced with Harris …’ — Norman Franklin

          Shhhh! “Biden’s” only reason for staying in office — to pardon his dirtball son — is over.

          Don’t be surprised if the senile old scarecrow resigns tonight, so that Kackala can play president for seven weeks as a ridiculous footnote to history. All that Trump 47 merch becomes worthless overnight.

          HA HA HA HA! *chugs another slug of chardonnay straight from the bottle* Don’t steal muh joy, mumble mumble …

          • Jim H: “Don’t be surprised if the senile old scarecrow resigns tonight, so that Kackala can play president for seven weeks as a ridiculous footnote to history. ”

            More important, so she can grant the same blanket pardon that he just granted to his son to the old bastard for every action he took since he entered politics.

            • Hi ML,

              And he (Trump) makes more money from it…since everything would have to be renumbered. Trump nor the stores selling the merchandise lose anything…only the end user who purchased it.

          • Hey Jim, would that he would resign. I’ve got a bunch of ten cent out of the money calls saying he doesn’t finish his first term. Should have taken a profit when they were up. Was rather hoggish of me to hold them for the big payday.

      • Hi Mike,

        That was by locality, was it not? The more “progressive” states/cities (NY, MA, etc.) mandated vaccine cards, but Trump did not mandate it nationally.

        Also, I rarely remember Trump in a mask (once when he left the hospital). The enforcement of authoritarian measures were made at the state level…SD was a lot freer than CA. I frequented FL quite a bit to get away from the draconian measures required by Coonman and the Dems in VA during that time.

        I have my issues with Trump, but I do not see him as a dictator or authoritarian. He is a business guy, not military nor a career long politician. The mind thinks differently and authoritarian measures kill the economy. The economy is everything to a businessperson.

        Trump wants to be liked, even adored. Right now, he holds a well received view by the Hispanic population. He starts going in and separating families, raiding businesses, etc. he will destroy any and all hopes of the Republican Party converting the community.

        Trump’s focus will be shutting down the border, deporting criminals, and stopping the monetary support system for illegals. Anything more and the economy and goodwill of the people will be destroyed.

        • RaiderGirl: “He is a business guy”

          But not a verfy astute one. Explain tariffs to me…… Econ 101 and World History 101 should have removed that delusion. (But it does sound tough, just like Democrats on increasing corporate taxes.)

          • Hi Arylioa,

            Actually, I think he is a pretty astute one. Do I want Trump as a partner when playing Trivial Pursuit? No. I don’t believe academia is his forte, but his intuition is solid. He can read a room. He is personable. He is a natural salesman. One needs all of these things to be successful in business.

            I think most of the threat on tariffs is just that…a threat. We know he wasn’t going to increase Mexico and Canada’s exported goods to 25% or 100%, but he got their attention. The Mexican President was on the phone with him that afternoon and Trudeau flew down to Mar a Lago to see him the next day.

            Tariffs are taxes. Taxes are always passed on to the end consumer. I am not entirely against them though. In some instances the leverage of them could be useful. The USSA is the largest consumer of goods in the world. Our manufacturing base has plummeted over the last 45 years. We are in a position to counter with tariffs. The US exports roughly $1 trillion in goods annually, but imports close to $4 trillion. Those numbers stink. Seriously, they do. Since we require so much that does provide us clout to negotiate. Why wouldn’t we try?

            • Tariffs are a “double-edged sword”. On one hand, tariffs increase the cost of goods. On the other hand, tariffs can “encourage” businesses to remain within the country instead of chasing “cheap labor” off shore. Keep in mind that Henry Ford had it right. Your employees become purchasers of your products.
              The strict libertarian view of tariffs is untenable as it offers no protection to the labor force of a country. Offshoring labor looks good on the bottom line but without customers with jobs, the whole economic model falls flat.
              The “Austrian painter” got it right when he monetized labor (giving labor true value) and paid the price for it. The jewish banksters could not see their demonitization (and demonization) of labor go unpunished.
              Unfettered capitalism was practiced in the days of the “robber barons” who always regarded labor as a necessary evil, rather than one part of the economic engine. These “captains of industry” were always cutting wages, pleading poverty while living grand lives themselves. They could have easily paid their employees a “living wage” without bankrupting themselves but their greed got in the way. Henry Ford broke the mold and ushered in the creation of the true “middle class”. The rest is history.
              A country that does not protect its citizens’ self-interest is no country at all.
              Look at the invasion that is presently occurring in western countries…
              That being said, the tariffs against China are purely political and punitive and do nothing to protect the American labor force. On the other hand, Trump’s threatened tariffs against trucks “made in Mexico” was an attempt to protect the American labor force. Big difference.
              Please keep in mind that the USA depended on tariffs for most of its existence until 1913 when the power to coin lawful money was removed from congress and the income tax was instituted by Constitutional Amendment.

  6. Eric worries aloud about an internal passport regime. Coincidentally, today Lew Rockwell’s site features an article titled ‘How To Become Untraceable When SHTF.’

    It lists the usual surveillance exposures — social media; electronic communications; smart phones; shopping. Then it gets a little goofy:

    ‘There are ways to beat surveillance cameras, either through the use of disguises or by blinding the camera. Modifying a hat, so that there are infrared LEDs around the brim, can keep those cameras from seeing your face.’

    Yeah, that should be pretty low-profile — LEDs blinking round your hat brim. Works best with a Santa Claus cap, I’m told. HO HO HO.

    Then the writer gets to the real bottom line: ‘Finally, we could just drop out of society.’ We’ve come full circle, back to ol’ Timothy Leary: Turn on, tune in, drop out. Which is not insane, in a nation doing its best to start WW III.

    Any news from the Ukrainian front, comrades?

      • Republicans started labeling anti-[Civil] war Democrats “Copperheads” after the eastern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix), a species of venomous snake. Those Democrats embraced the moniker, reinterpreting the copper “head” as the likeness of Liberty, which they cut from Liberty Head large cent coins and proudly wore as badges.

        ‘When one of the mail bags coming from the South was emptied in the courtyard of the post office, a box fell out and was broken open – from which two copperheads, one four and a half and the other three feet long, crawled out. What are we to think of a people who resort to such weapons of warfare? — NY Slimes, April 1861


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