Pardoning Fauci . . . Absolving Trump?


The “media”- which used to be the press, but that was a long time ago – is atwitter with “rumors” (which when purveyed by the “media” are often deliberately engineered narratives) that the despicable old grifter who pardoned his despicable son for all criminal acts going back to 2014 – is going to pardon the far more despicable Dr. Fauci.

The old grifter’s son, after all, only got away with grift. Dr. Fauci may get away with murder – literal as well as figurative, in that he arguably is the man most culpable for murdering the sanity of millions of people, no small number of them rendered chronically ill (in the head) as you can see for yourself every time you go out in public and see people still walking around with the god-damned “mask” over their faces.

I saw two of them last night at the outdoor pick-up of goods delivered by semi to a group of people who buy staples from Azure, which is an alternative to the McCorporate McFood most people buy. There were about 30 people milling around waiting for the semi to be unloaded – and for their packages, whatever they’d ordered. Among this group there were two “masked up” women. The sight arouses a weird mix of pity and anger. I wanted a drink – of whiskey – and to hit something.

Dr. Fauci is the man most responsible for this. But so is the man who empowered him. That man was not the wily old grifter. It was the man poised to replace him – as the “face” within the ring, triumphant.

What if . . . God help us . .  the plan all along has been to replace the “heel” with the “face,” to give the impression that justice is triumphant? What if the plan all along has been for the heel – the wily old grifter – to pardon the evil doctor as a kind of parting shit-in-our faces but also to provide the excuse that the face needs to throw his hands up in the air and say: Well, I wanted to have the Justice Department investigate and prosecute Dr. Fauci but my hands are tied because Joe Biden pardoned him.

Neat. Sweet. Just not so petite.

If this scenario does play out, we’ll know it’s all a show – and was from the get-go. Worse, we’ll have a good idea of what’s coming. Will it be another “pandemic” – with the new, younger and female manifestation of Fauci standing at the presidential podium while the president-face stands to the side like a spray-tanned wooden Indian? Are even more “beautiful” drugs in the works?

This is all – hopefully – dark conjecture arising from the dark times we’ve passed through and have yet to emerge from. As can be seen whenever you go out and see a pathological hypochondriac or three wearing their “mask.”

The face who is about to replace the heel has yet to repudiate any of that. Not the “masks.” Not the drugs. He has in fact shat in our faces – again – by insisting just a couple of weeks ago that his “beautiful” drugs “saved hundreds of millions of lives.”

There was no political need for him to say that. In fact, it is a political liability for him to say that as probably 95 percent of his supporter opposed the pushing of those “beautiful” drugs even more than the “masks” that were pushed on them.

It begs the obvious question few of his supporters seem interested in asking: Why would he do that?

Perhaps because the answer is too terrible to contemplate.

. . .

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  1. Just goes to show how the deep state operates. Give them an inch and they take a mile. Surprisingly the left has been mum on this topic.

    • It’ll all be forgotten soon enough, if: “When asked if we are still going to war with Russia, Armstrong said, “I hate to say this, but yes, and the (Socrates) computer is never wrong.” Armstrong fears dirty tricks, such as a false flag in Europe, that could get it going and blame the Russians for something they did not do. They want to do this before Trump takes office. Armstong says is still recommending a big food supply, gold and cash. He is also predicting that government wants to do away with paper money and do all digital so they can track everything. Will this work? Armstrong says no but they are going to try anyway.”…

  2. fauci is a thug who richly deserves the united healthcare ceo treatment! the orang utan man is/was a buffoon at best. undeserving of all his supposed wealth. at least i didn’t vote for him (instead libertarian)

    • I agree, ma –

      I will shed no tears for the Herr Docktor if that should happen. The fact is we’re being pushed to this resort because these people literally get away with murder; rarely are they ever held to account. Hunter Biden grifts probably tens of millions, avoids taxes, smokes crack and violated federal gun laws. All swept clean as if they never happened – and he gets to keep the money, too. But RG gets a threatening near Hut! Hut! Hutting! over nothing.

  3. Even though there is a masker and a pusher in the SG office, im not sure it means much. The NIH did most of the pushing during COVID. Fauci was its head. The SG was hardly heard from, so yes, Biden is goving cover to Fauci, and yes, trump can throw his hands into the air, but, the heavy lifting was done by NIH. And Trumps pick for NIh is not too bad.

  4. The mafia has assassins, the government has assassins, isn’t it time for we the people to have crowd funded assassinations? I think so.

    All the heinous medical and political criminals in the world, like Fauci, Clintons, Bushes, Obongos, Mileikowskys, Bidens, Blinkens, Nulands, Kagans, etc. etc. have names and addresses like any other person.

    Crowd fund raising to take them out, imagine if a million was on Fauci’s head. Or 10 million.

    The best way to stop corruption and mass murder is to drop the hammer of justice on them. Just the other day some health care CEO got gunned down at work.

    Every year we hear about Charles Manson, well he is a piker compared to the hell Biden has unleashed in Ukraine and Israel. Biden has killed millions of people by funding 2 wars.

    People really need to figure out that murder is murder, that if Biden orders war monies to Ukraine he is committing murder, he is the primary actor making mass murder happen. Just because he is the prez don’t matter. If you cause harm then you should be harmed.

  5. The next version of Fauci will be young-ish and female, but not for the reason you might think.

    The testimony of Christine Blasey-Ford at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing made a lot of Republicans on the fence about the nomination stop and think, “That could be my daughter or granddaughter up there.”

    The media lesson was not lost on the people really running things in the country. They’ve been applying the knowledge ever since.

  6. Fauci may be pardoned, but that does not mean he will escape justice. Just like the Nazi hunters, some vigilante will probably go for him, and the pardon is only for the USA. There are a lot of countries that were harmed because of him.

  7. Yeah, well don’t hold your breath on RFK Jr. being confirmed or the MAHA “movement” to amount to any real change in terms of medical tyranny. I’m pretty sure Trump selected RFK Jr. fully well knowing that he would never be confirmed. He’s just along for the ride to get the suckers hooked.

    And then, gosh, Trump’s hands are tied. He’ll have to replace RFK Jr. with some regurgitated Big Pharma sack of shit. With Fauci, FJB and his crime family, all safely tagged up, the stage will be set for the next plandemic.

    Because it’s all a farce, and we’re the marks.

    • I think Trump still has no idea how Dc works. This is a guy that doesn’t learn, trusting in his bravado and the approbation of the electorate to reinforce his view of himself.

      He is likely unaware of the money behind anti-RFK forces. Unaware that appointments are reserved for the “in” crowd.

      All he may have learned is that he needs to appoint people that won’t work against him. But those people will have a harder time receiving consent.

      He seems to know certain things. The three letter agencies are corrupt. He will trust others to clean them up.
      Lots of generals are commies.
      The RNC will back stab him.

      He doesn’t read or concern himself with details of most anything. He is easily persuaded out of his opinions. That will lead to most of his ideas going nowhere.

  8. Off topic conspiracy alert.

    Regarding the assassination of the healthcare CEO… Before it happened, I had been seeing increased chatter from prominent people and organizations about the possible legalization of silencers. Then lo and behold, a man was killed with a silenced firearm. It reeks of an operation to me. Anyone else?

    • Bingo. I noticed that as well. The process for legally obtaining one was fairly arduous. Was wondering when they would get around to shutting it down. Red Flags incoming on anyone who seeks such tools of equalization against their oppressors

    • Likewise, I was startled a few weeks ago when I visited a commercial website offering silencers. Thought silencers were verboten since the days of Al Capone. But there are ways …

      This morning I saw the evidence pieced together so far about the UnitedHealthcare CEO’s assassin. He arrived on a bus from Atlanta in late November, we are told. Checked into a hostel on the Upper West Side. Photos were taken. Then after the shooting, he fled north into Central Park, and back to the Upper West Side.

      How exactly were all these photos collected so quickly? A vast database; facial recognition; AI-assisted search? They know the shooter’s facial appearance but not his name. Did he take the bus to New York because he’s a rare individual with no drivers license or state ID?

      In any case, routine urban surveillance seems to be highly ubiquitous and sophisticated. Does anyone else find this disturbing?

      • One thing you’ll learn about gun laws,if you look into them, is nothing is actually illegal as long as you pay your extortion and bribery fees to right people.

  9. What is going to happen is one day Fauci will meet his maker and then the stupid idiot will have to answer for the harm done to his fellow man.

    There will be hell to pay, make no mistake about that.

    • It’s just a shame sick little man gets to live in unfathomable luxury until then, protected from just retribution via taxpayer security. It sure would be nice if sick little man could be delivered to his final destination via woodchipper, feet first. Talk about social justice!

      • There is no rest for the wicked.

        Fauci has to look into a mirror, that can be painful for the fool these days.

        Death might be the preferred choice for the quack.

        The United Health Care CEO has prematurely departed from the mortal plain.

        By hook or by crook, what does it matter?

        Had a little help from a firearm, the guilty thing, not the trigger puller.

        Pardon the rifle or whatever it was, the culprit, not some assassin.

        It was self-defense, so it is ethical, moral, legal and justified, so it is fair to kill anybody these days.

        If Bibi can murder 100,000 Palestinians, an assassin can shoot one CEO in the health care bidness. It does become the death care bidness, you can see that.

        All is fair in love and war, anywhere on this god-forsaken planet.

        Even some of those despicable garbage Jews, the Grim Reaper will be there to darken their doors some day, one day, that’s life.

        Kill them all.

        Satanyahu is doing his best, he won’t make it out of here alive, so there will be some justice, eventually.

        It wasn’t me! Not my fault! Can’t blame me!

        You can blame Fauci the Fraud.

        Christmas Time is coming, so there is solace in that.

  10. I didn’t think someone could be pardoned until they were convicted.

    Just goes to show you, yet again, that there is a separate law for some of us.

    • That’s where you’re wrong, bucko. I have just pardoned myself from any and all crimes I may have committed in the past, am committing right now in the present, or will commit in the future. As long as said crimes are or were committed against deserving government parasites like Fauci.

      • You have just recited the Kol Nidre “prayer”, the “confession” “get out of jail free card” that every jew does once a year which absolves him or her of every criminal act committed against the “goyim”.
        This is where jewish amorality comes from, along with the fact that jews consider us “goyim” to be lesser than human but given human form is which to serve the jews. We are all Palestinians, now”…
        You redeem yourself by advocating punishment for Fauci and other government types.

  11. Trump is officially a politician. which means he’s a pathological liar. He will lie when the truth would serve him better. It also means he is a criminal himself. There’s no telling what he may do next, except it will be something that serves his personal benefit. Unfortunately, he’s not himself sure what exactly that may be.

  12. Trump deserves a lot of blame for the vaccines that likely have killed millions world-wide and will cause early death for the remaining who trusted government at did what they were told. Anyone with a grain of salt of distrust of government knew not to take the jab…survival of the mentally fittest.

    I think Trump’s appointment of RFK, the man who wrote the book on this evil slut Fauci will play out not well for him/her. Yea, Bite-me might give Fauci a get out of jail free card but RFK is going to reveal WTF happened behind the curtain. This guy will go down in history as one of the greatest Dr Mengele of the 21st century. I hope.

    Regarding pardons…
    Bite-me (The Delaware Dimwit) has been a low rent grifter his whole life. He is self-conscience of the fact he is *not* the smartest guy in the room and never was. He ran a low-rent crime family from what he could make on the side as a senator. He was jealous and envious of the Clinton’s making big millions with the false charity gig. When he became VP it was payday for the Bidens. They were even stupid enough not to bother with setting up a false foundation to run their gambit through, just flat-out corruption.

    The big gambit was Ukraine. Obama organized a coup in 2014 of an elected leader of a corrupt county on the other side of the world where patronage, money laundering and pay outs would go un-noticed. This was with US aid money we were sending. The kick back was not only to the Biden’s but Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, democratic party and various campaigns, and of course some republicans, McConnel and Lindsy Graham. When the war started and real money hit the scene. US tax dollars were kicked back right into these grifters hands, is why they were all so adamite about defending this corrupt country with a low rent dictator.

    Now for the big pardon of all. So bad our founding fathers never fathomed such corruption would ever be elected to office…the pardoning of oneself. Bite-me will pardon himself on or before Jan-20-25. He will play the card that Trump will pursue his political enemies therefore he must pardon himself, Jill, his brothers, Fauci, and the entire cast of Gilligan’s Island.

    That will be Joe Biden’s legacy.

  13. I agree Eric, but at least the act of pardoning someone in advance acknowledges that said person is most likely guilty of many crimes. If Fauxchi does get a “get out of jail free” card maybe the guy who took out the insurance exec will target him next, one can only hope.

  14. I’m of the thinking that The Orange Man, Sleepy Joe, and Dr. Evil are really playing for the same team—namely Team Establishment.

    Team Establishment is the embodiment of “the house always wins”—until the day it loses.

    When that day comes, watch out.

    • Hi Bryce,

      I don’t believe they are all playing for the same team. I urge everyone to go back and review the press conferences with Trump, Fauci, and Brix in 2020. Listen to Trump’s words, his face, and his demeanor. This is a man who wasn’t in on the crime. He is a real estate developer who had a reality series…he is not a great actor. His face is easily readable. He doesn’t hide emotion well.

      Also, review the interviews from Brix and Fauci where Trump kept calling for the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. They would roll their guys on his suggestions. Trump looked like a man who had absolutely no idea what was going on.

      In regards to his beautiful “vaccines” he played into that like most business owners would. Anybody that is familiar with deadlines and competition knows this. Those who produce the fastest gets the prize. That is the way it is. If Trump truly believed the narrative that people were going to die by the millions (remember the stupid CNN COVID death/illness clocks on the bottom right corner of our TV) any business owner would say “I got this, I can make this happen. Nobody else can, but I can do it.” Trump’s ego wanted the notoriety of the man who saved America and the world.

      I sat back and watched as several of my clients traveled overseas to bring in masks, protective equipment, bandages, etc. Do I believe they were suffered from evil intentions? Of course not. They wanted to help. They were scared.

      Are there evil people in the world? Yes, but I think at the end of the day most people would prefer to be heroes rather than villains’.

      • I think you’re right about Trump, RG. But, it’s still disturbing that he was so gullible as to just accept the underlying premise of the bullshit “pandemic.” They played him like a fiddle. I sure hope he’s more savvy now. I think he is.

        • Hi ML,

          I agree with you. He was gullible and I believe he was scared to make the wrong call. I can see him not understanding what was happening in March/April 2020. By June/July his Administration should have been able to tell by the numbers. At that time, he should have fired Fauci and Brix and installed new representation to help calm the panic.

          Unfortunately, I think he was used to promote these clot shots and if the worst happened he and his Administration would have received 100% of the blame. I am willing to give him a little leeway. At that time he didn’t know who his enemies were…he should know them by now. If he allows the Swamp to entrench themselves in the tunnels surrounding Washington instead of calling them out by name then the blame should be on his shoulders. But, like you, I think he has grown a bit more discerning.

      • So instead of standing there cow faced like an idiot a MAN a human man woulda grabbed the podium and fired the dumb sonofabitch on the spot.

        No it stood there wondering if Bibi approved.

        STOP apologizing for that fat fuck and stupidly voting for it please !

  15. Great article Eric.

    It is sad that there are so many Orange man true believers. He is (or at least seems) much better than the alternative, and I admit to voting for him 3 times now. But I wasn’t excited about it.

    I pray that another experimental medicine is mandated by corporations under threat of being fired for not taking it. Bankrupt them all.

    I made sure to forward this delicious news article to my HR and legal departments so they know who’s on the hook the next time a publicly traded corporation insists on mandating a medical experiment on its employees.

    Who could have seen this coming? Me – in January 2022:

    • Thanks, Blake!

      I also voted for Trump (again). But I have learned that no politician can ever ever be trusted farther than he can be thrown and that vigilance is essential. Especially as regards the politicians we often think of as being “on our side.”

    • Well,,, as they say,,, third times a charm.

      What if there was an election and no one showed up? Yes, it wouldn’t stop the agenda but it would tell them we’re no longer stupid or ignorant of their evil ways. It would also embarrass the crap out of them.These jerks have no sense of humor other than the pleasure they get out of making fools of their constituents and they’re doing quite well at that. Making fools of them is quite upsetting.

      Soon many “loved ones” will be sent to the meat grinder in Ukraine and the meat grinders they are ginning up in Syria, the ME/NA, China and N Korea. The reckless spending will continue until the dullards beg for central bank digital currency. The attack on the constitution will continue unabated where soon even quiet christian prayer won’t be tolerated as in UK. Anything someone says/does will be considered antisemitic,,, whatever that is.
      Savior Trump suggested deporting anyone that disagrees with a certain nation/religion. He even recommended capital punishment be available for those serious unbelievers. The fact that he actually spoke these things aloud and was still elected should be telling even to the blind, deaf and dumb.

  16. State crimes would not be pardoned. State prosecutors need to go after Fauci. The Left prosecutors used the the jurisdictions of NY and DC to get leftist jurors. The same should be done to Fauci. Rural counties of Florida or Texas need to step up here with criminal prosecutions of the bastard.

    Also, Trump came out and said Chronister’s nomination as DEA head was pulled because he didn’t like the way Chronister treated that pastor. Kudos to Trump on quickly fixing his mistake.

    • The Prog State Attorney in Hillsborough County dropped the charges against the pastor not long after the arrest.

      DeSantis later fired the State Attorney, a situation which continues to make news in Tampa.

      • I give credit to that Prog State Attorney in Hillsborough County for doing the right thing then regarding the pastor.

        According to Reuters, DeSantis suspended that prosecutor in 2022 for neglect of duty after he pledged he would not bring criminal cases against those providing abortions in violation of Florida law.

  17. Pardoning someone who hasn’t been charged or convicted? For a mental midget he sure is creative…especially pardoning an actual midget who caused untold misery in the nation. Not that I advocate violence, but the precedent has been set with the United Health Care CEO murder.


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