If She Did It


A very strange story has erupted about Trump’s pick to be the next Dr. Fauci, the mask-and-drug-pusher Dr. Janette Nesheiwat. She apparently killed her father – “accidentally,” you understand – back in 1990 – when she was 13 years old. 

According to the news reports, she “accidentally shot her father in a freak mishap when she knocked over his tackle box and a loaded .38 caliber fell out.”

The bullet struck her sleeping father, Ziad ‘Ben’ Nesheiwat, in the head, and he died the next day.”

Now, most “.38 caliber” handguns are revolvers, which adds something interesting to this story. It is very difficult to understand how a revolver could have discharged “accidentally” as result of anything other than pulling the trigger – unless the hammer was cocked. Revolvers are not generally left in tackle boxes or anywhere else with their hammers cocked.

One cocks the hammer preparatory to firing the gun.

Once fired, the hammer falls and the gun cannot fire again unless someone cocks the hammer, which rotates the cylinder and aligns a new round with the barrel. This can occur by single or double action. But it is very strange and difficult to understand how anyone could leave a fully loaded revolver with a live round in the cylinder aligned with the barrel and the hammer cocked.

Many semi-auto pistols have safeties to prevent accidental firing, which is much more possible due to the way semi-auto pistols are designed. But few if any revolvers have safeties because they do not need them; the design is inherently safe. The hammer must be cocked – or the trigger pulled, which serves to cock the hammer. This takes a fair amount of deliberate pulling on the trigger, as by a finger. It is possible that a revolver in a purse could get caught on something that cocks the hammer or pulls the trigger.

But falling out of a tackle box?

It is possible the “.38” was in fact a .380 – because the “media” knows as much about guns as Liberace did about fornication (with women). If it was in fact a .380 rather than a .38, it would mean a semi-auto pistol – in which case the possibility of an accidental discharge makes more sense.

But what makes no sense whatsoever is anointing this double-masking drug-pusher to be the next surgeon general. It is as effronterous to the people who voted for Trump as it would be effronterous to Jews if a David Irving were appointed curator of the Holocaust Museum. And Irving – who is a historian – caused the deaths of none. The female Fauci, on the other hand, was all-in on the “COVID” Kabuki that shattered millions of lives, destroyed millions of livelihoods and permanently scarred the nation’s psyche.

That she may have “meant well” cuts no ice – or ought not to. For her decisions were consequential. How is it that she is to be acquitted of the consequences? What does it say about Trump’s judgment that he would tap someone who was at the very “best” fooled by the likes of Dr. Fauci?

I do not believe she was fooled. The woman is a medical doctor and therefore had to know – at the very least – that wearing a gauzy surgical mask does not serve as any barrier to the inhalation or exhalation of viral-sized particles. Was she wearing a surgical mask outside of surgery prior to the imposition of “COVID” Kabuki? Outdoors? To go shopping? At the gym?

Of course not. Any medical doctor who did that prior to 2020 would have been rightly seen as mentally disturbed; an irrational, hysterically phobic person. And such persons were once understood to be in need of treatment and not tapped to wield authority over others. Most especially not in the area of “health.”

And yet, Trump tapped her.

Of all people he might have tapped, including people such as Ben Carson or Joseph Lapado – two doctors who were not fooled and who did not do foolish things themselves nor hector others to do foolish things. Instead, Trump tapped a person who is – at the very least – a fool. A woman who not only went along with the “COVID” Kabuki but hectored others to do go along with it, too.

She may indeed have killed her father accidentally. But what she did during the deliberately fomented mass-panic event that some foolish people still refer to as “the pandemic” was no accident. She did it willfully, whether with good or bad intentions being as irrelevant as the good or bad intentions of someone who mishandled a loaded gun.

Someone else paid for that.

It is right and proper – it is necessary and essential – that Janette Nesheiwat pay for what she did to this country during “the pandemic.” 

By not being confirmed as the next surgeon general.

. . .

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  1. I listen to Alex Jones, some of you must listen to David Duke based on some of the comments. Keep blaming the Jews for all your woes. DD got raped in that debate.

  2. To ‘Martin’,

    Let me get this traight too:

    Who had Jesus killed?
    The Chinese?
    The Mongols?
    Or the Jews?

    Using Romans as they generally use proxies to do their dirty jobs (see what happened in Syria lately).

    Jews killed Jesus is an historical fact even if all the stories told in the old and new testament are not true. Jesus existed and had been murdered by the people who know commit genoicde in Palestine.

    They also are behind the replacement of white and Christian people in the west.
    They are also behind the genocide in Russia from 1917 on.
    They are behind both world wars and preparing actively the third one.
    They own biden, trump and most other rotten poltical puppets in the US and the west.
    They own the media, banks, etc…

    But hey, it’s not the sme people of course…

    It’s not because all moderns Jews are not evil that those who are and are behind most evil today should be spared.

    By the way, you can be a Christian while rejecting the Torah.

    They hate Christians for a good reason.

  3. Like I said, case in point. Aren’t allowed to say Janette Nesheiwat should not be Surgeon General without trolls making it about the Jews or other such nonsense.

    • Fuck you!

      The Jews are going to make sure they are Jews and will make damn sure you know they are chosen to be the Jews.

      Fuck Them! Twice over, and then some.

      Some good advice: Stop killing people everywhere, you stupid shitheads. That means you too, Joe, the stupid dumbass that you are.

      • There are at least six million Jews living in the US, perhaps more. The overwhelming majority of these Jews have never killed anyone. They are not “killing people everywhere”. The fact that the government of Israel has killed thousands of Palestinians is the responsibility of the Israeli government, along with the Israelis who have actually committed this mass murder. Similarly, the fact that a relatively small number of elite Jews have seized control over much of the US government is the responsibility of these elite Jews, not the population of all Jewish people.

        People are only morally responsible for the actions that they themselves have committed, not for the actions that have been committed by other people who just happen to be in the same ethnic/religious group. Collective guilt based on ethnic/religious identify is not in any way compatible with libertarianism.

        • You are conveniently forgetting the “double standard” that jews have, especially concerning us “goyim”.
          You see, jews insist that us goyim are collectively responsible for any acts jews don’t like and must be collectively punished. According to jews all goyim are responsible for individual actions committed against jews.
          On the other hand, jews demand that they be held individually responsible for their actions. This double standard serves the jews exceedingly well as it gets them “off the hook” especially when jewish actions are criticized.
          Over 90% of jews are OK with the genocide going on, not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and other countries that jews are attempting to take over.
          I hold jews collectively responsible for their acts. Fair is fair…
          Anti-semitism is a foil that jews use to justify their own criminal, nefarious behavior.
          Judaism is a foreign political system masquerading as a “religion”.
          I stand by my statements…

          • Which Jews insist that all non Jews are collectively responsible for everything done to Jews? All of the six million or more Jews living in the US? You are collectivizing an entire group of millions of people and assuming that they all have the same beliefs. I know plenty of Jewish people, none of whom believe this.

            Regarding your estimated percentage of Jews who support the Israeli government slaughter of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, even if your estimate is correct, there are still plenty of Jews who do not support it. Some of the biggest critics of the Israel government have been Jews. Many of the Jews who support Israel are probably ignorant of what is actually going on over there, because they have been brainwashed by the mainstream media, which never talks about it.

            The US government has killed millions of innocent civilians in its multiple wars and sanctions. War against Iraq, along with Iraqi sanctions, have probably killed a million civilians or more. This is far more than the number of civilians killed by Israel. The majority of Americans have supported this killing by their own government. The majority of these Americans have been Christians. If Jews are collectively responsible for their support of Israel, why aren’t Christians collectively responsible for their support of the US government and its killing of millions?

            • Typical jewish response…
              Redirecting the blame, attempting to justify genocide by stating that other countries (USA) have committed atrocious acts. Other countries HAVE committed atrocious acts, but not on the level of specifically targeting women and children. Hell, the genocidal JEWS are PROUD of their genocidal exploits.
              The ongoing genocide committed by JEWS in Gaza, the West Bank, occupied israel, Lebanon and Syria are going on and being videoed by the oppressors for all the world to see.
              There’s a BIG difference between wars and genocide.

              • You really ought to learn to read. Nowhere did I redirect the blame by saying that the Israeli government is not to blame for what it is doing. It is absolutely to blame for every innocent person that it has killed, including the thousands of women and children. My point was that it is absurd to blame all Jews as a collective group for the behavior of the Israeli government, just as it is absurd to blame all Christians as a collective group for the behavior of the US government. Some Jews support the killing of the Israeli government, some Christians support the killing of the US government. Many others do not. There is no such thing as collective guilt for an entire race or religion.

                Regarding your argument that there is a big difference between war and genocide, if the war launched is a naked act of aggression against a country that is in no way an act of self defense, as was the US invasion of Iraq, how is this morally superior to what the Israeli government is doing in Palestine? Remember the Iraq sanctions, which killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians, including huge numbers of children? According to Madeleine Albright, “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.”

                Since you act as though what the Israeli government is doing is uniquely evil, perhaps you should study the history of the cultural revolution in China under Mao, in which tens of millions of Chinese were murdered by their own government. Or Cambodia under Pol Pot, who murdered about a quarter of the entire population of Cambodia. Perhaps you will find a way to blame the Jews for these genocides as well.

                • My reading comprehension is fine. Jews have been honing their unique skills for millennia–one of their favorites being misdirection and projection–blaming the victims of jewish violence for their plight. You are correct in stating that there have been many genocides throughout history. Even the USA incursion into Iraq qualifies.
                  There is a saying that still bears significant truth: The jew cries out in pain as he is attacking (bombing) you”.
                  Jews are somewhat unique in their concepts of collective responsibility and punishment (but only applicable to goyim, not to jews themselves) and “wound collecting” claiming that jewish suffering is unique and must be categorized as such.
                  The genocide taking place in the middle east is being videoed with the perpetrators being proud of their exploits. This is why the USA government is so intent on getting rid of Tik-Tok. Can’t have the genocide exposed…can’t show jews in their true state,
                  I stand by my statements.
                  Best regards,

      • Blaming everything on Jews is a cop-out. Aipac is a big problem, and the SPLC / ngo groups, but other than that, I fail to see how religion furthers the globalist agenda. Their mostly satanists anyway. The problem with Janette Nesheiwat is her record on covid BS, not her religion.

  4. She a jew like the other mass murdering slut rachel walensky.
    Trump’s cabinet has been specially selected by the butcher of tel aviv santanyahu, so we have mainly warmongers, AIPAC bribed puppets, Iran haters and ultra zionists (apart maybe RFK and Tulsi).

    Which brings us to:

    I would like to remind all Christians (and Muslims by the way) that their beliefs have originally been influenced by a book written by the ancient “Jews” (whoever these people were and whatever they called themselves as opposed to those who call themselves “Jews” today and are not).

    The book in question is of course what we call the ‘old testament’.

    This book is a tortuous and not exactly well written collection of stories more unbelievable the one than the other. From people able to separate seas, people living hundreds of years, to a so-called loving ‘God’ serving exclusively the tantrums of one small tribe, demanding its leaders to kill their eldest son as a sign of submission etc… etc…

    The most striking feature of this book probably written over various periods of time by many different people is that it caters almost exclusively for one tribe: the Jews.

    And of course the most ridiculous claim of this book is to pretend that a tiny but troublesome tribe had made a ‘deal’ with a so-called ‘God’ and thus became this god alleged ‘chosen people’.

    How could generations after generations of non Jews even believe these fables?

    It makes even more potent the proverbial quote:

    “if cows had gods, they would look like cows”.

    So, we have is a tiny tribe whose behavior had all kingdoms where they lived to either punish, enslave or expel them pretending that “God’ chose them as a kind of superior kind above all people on earth.

    And of course the only proof they advance for this ridiculous assertion is the very book written by them, which they present as a book revealing the ‘word of god’…

    I guess that if I was a wicked member of the human race with an agenda and wanted to improve my poor reputation, I’d just have to write a book about my people’s “adventures” showing how superior we are to anyone else and how much we suffered, not because of our evil behaviour, but due to the jealousy others developed towards us…

    When Jesus came to announce to the descendant of these fable writers that he was the Son of God, and that his kingdom wasn’t on this earth, they of course had him killed since what he was saying was the exact contrary of what their vengeful, jealous, heinous, totalitarian and intolerant “god” was used for:

    a media to dominate the world.

    I am glad to be a Christian as long as I never forget that what the Jews have done to Christ make them, not a ‘chosen people’, but a forever damned one which shouldn’t seat at the same table as other humans, especially in the light of the many crimes they perpetrated and keep committing today.

    I break it for you evil kikes: the satanic ‘messiah’ you are waiting for will never come, a real one came and you killed Him, you are devil worshippers and as such you belong to hell.

    You are God’s creatures enemies, therefore, you are humanity’s enemies, you are of the devil your father, a liar and a murderer since the beginning.

    Go burn in hell for eternity.

    • Let me get this straight. You believe that the old testament is complete bullshit. “This book is a tortuous and not exactly well written collection of stories more unbelievable the one than the other.” Yet you claim to be a Christian. Christianity is based on the new testament, which also happens to contain a “collection of stories more unbelievable the one than the other.”

      You wrote, “I am glad to be a Christian as long as I never forget that what the Jews have done to Christ”.

      Even assuming that the story of the crucifixion of Jesus is true (and the story of his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection seems rather “unbelievable” to me), it is not “the Jews” as a collective group that are responsible. It would only be the Jews who actually killed Jesus who were morally responsible. How are the millions of Jewish people living today somehow morally responsible for the actions of a handful of Jews committed 2000 years ago? It’s absurd enough to blame people for the actions of others in their present day ethnic/religious group. How much more absurd is it to blame them for what their ancestors did 2000 years ago?

  5. The media and their NPC’s inject Nazis into everything to inoculate people from having real conversations, and to kind of force multiply peoples hatred of Trump via their propaganda, and to stir up long standing cliches about Jews and conspiracy propaganda that similarly inoculate against conversation, meanwhile our government is conspiring to fund Nazis in Ukraine, and you idiots are rambling on about Hitler in 2024. Case in point.

    • Hmm, “you idiots are rambling on”. Does the relevancy pass you by?

      “As with all twentieth-century socialist regimes the Nazis demanded monopolistic, centralized governmental power and the abolition of federalism, states’ rights, and decentralization. “We demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich” and “unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich.” That of course is exactly what today’s “woke” cultural Marxists want”…


      • I understand the fact that it’s a total inversion of the truth, straight outta Rules for Radicals.

        This is Hegelian Dialectics in action, with the Syntheses being that the public has a Pavlovian response to legitimate criticisms of authority.

        Problem: Government does Hitler things, Reaction: we argue about Hitler while discussing the Government, Solution: anyone interested in criticizing the Government goes back to sleep.

        I’m not saying you’re wrong, just wrong to continue down that path. The media has already conditioned the public into thinking the Hitler talk is nonsense, by discrediting themselves over “Trump is literally Hitler”. It is almost guaranteed that arguments that start out like below end up being fruitless. Find another way is my point, there are many other examples of Democide.

  6. David Irving is one of the greatest and careful historians ever. A psycho jew – are there any other kind? – tried to discredit him in court and after scouring millions of Irving’s pages in all of his writings could only find, at most, twenty instances where the claim or citation was questionable.

    How come you keep referencing Nazis and holocaust in your articles? I can’t believe how you’ve fallen for the mainstream lie of the pejorative “Nazi” and the fake holocaust, which is like buying all the “Covid” lies. Do I need to start doing “ctrl-f” for the words ‘Nazi’ and ‘Hitler” before reading one of your posts?

    My son is way more based than you and three times younger. He is a young Gen Z writer with a few scholarly publications already under his belt, and I never have to worry about him ever insulting National-Socialists, Hitler or claiming anything real about the holohoax. He will never do that in any publication, because I raised him right.

    • Hi Alvin,

      I mention Stalin and the Communists, too! I loathe all forms of coercive collectivism. As far as Irving: He’s a fine historian, agreed. I mentioned him in passing to make a point.

      I am glad your son is “based” – and doing well. But I also hope he does not think that national socialism was good.

      • Wow. It sure seems like they love Socialism or don’t realize that The National Socialists Were Leftists. Ya can’t read this much of any other way: “I never have to worry about him ever insulting National-Socialists”.

        One of these, perhaps?

        ‘The National Socialists Were Enemies of The West’

        “If one has the patience or the curiosity to go down certain conservative rabbit holes in social media, one will encounter a small corner of the movement in which one finds a latent or explicit desire to somehow rehabilitate Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists (i.e., the “Nazis.”)

        This is often found in the form of comments or memes that take the position that the National Socialists were the defenders of “the West” against a militant Left then growing in Europe.” …


        • Hi Helot,

          Yup. It’s why I try to always spell it out . . . national socialism. Socialism is always coercive and collectivist. The individual is of no importance – and has no rights – beyond his obligation to the collective. Nein, danke.

    • Actually, Alvin… my observation is that Eric has evolved a bit and come around on the JQ, and understands that a) guys like Irving made some valid points, and b) the U.S. government is almost wholly controlled by a foreign nation, namely Israel.

      I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but I perceive that he now understands that a lot of the “Nazi, Nazi” name-calling is deliberate propaganda to benefit a certain ethno/religious/nationalist group… without necessarily endorsing the actual Nazis.

      • Most people are unaware that the infamous “Nazi march” through Skokie Illinois was orchestrated by jewish groups themselves. In fact, the leader of the Nazi group was himself a jew.
        The ACLU stepped in to make sure that the march took place.
        “Wound collecting” is a favorite jewish pastime. In 100% of the cases, any vandalism committed against the jews, targeting jew-owned buildings, synagogues, etc. is perpetrated by the jews themselves.
        This perpetuates the “victimhood” complex that almost all jews possess.

  7. Within a few seconds of my sharing this post to FB, they removed it. I’m not deterred by these fools. I’ll find another way.

  8. Why bother to vaccinate the entire population of humans on this planet when you can just kill them all like they do in Ukraine and Gaza and Lebanon and Syria and anywhere you can find them.

    The priapismic state the Jews have for all the stupid goyim has jumped the shark. Zionists have a hard-on for everything, just ask Yuvi Noah Harrari.

    BOHICA for you, Jew style Deliverance movie scene.

    The greatest hot mess ever to be known to mankind.

    Change my mind.

    • I guess it is Yuval, plural is probably Yuvi or something.

      Look at what they do, not what they say you should do.

      In any event, under all circumstances, you cannot and definitely will not trust any Jew. Bernie Madoff? Probably not. Ivan Boesky, just another Jew out there. So what?

      What else is new besides more nefarious Jew bullshit?

      But wait, we have the crusty Musk shithead to deal with! What a godsend that has been.

      Trust the Jews? No way, José.

      Josey Wales wouldn’t stand for it.

      So help me, I know.

      • Agree.
        My forebears always warned us up and coming offspring to never ever trust a jew.
        They were absolutely correct…
        In my businesses, I have dealt with people of all stripes. I have provided a competent and reliable technical service at a fair price which is beneficial for all.
        I have had many repeat customers, not having to advertise except by “word-of-mouth”. My reputation is valuable and is a part of my ethics–providing an honest service at a fair price.
        I have dealt with many middle easterners, where “haggling” is a part of doing business. I have no problem with “haggling”, understanding that in middle eastern and even in other cultures, bargaining on price is “the way things are done” and I respect that.
        I have never had a problem with Muslim customers. Yes, “haggling” does go on, but when I explain the reasons for the pricing of my services, they accept the agreed-upon costs.
        I have NEVER had a good experience in my business dealing with jews.
        Yes, they “haggle” which is to be expected, but they also are aggressive in their demands for a lower price, no matter how reasonable the cost.
        Not only that, they do not pay their bills either on time, or the agreed-upon amount. The times that I have accepted business from a jew, they either don’t pay at all, late pay or pay a lesser than the agreed-upon amount. Attaching a lien to the property is one of the only ways to assure that a jew will pay his bill.
        I learned my “lesson” many decades ago and will not deal with jews without demanding payment “up front”.
        In fact, I prefer not to deal with jews at all. The hassle and aggravation is just not worth it.

        • Sorry, anarchyst, but I call bullshit on your claim. How do you know which of your clients are religious or not? Do you ask them if they are Muslim or Jewish or Christian?

          I know the religious backgrounds of about 10% of my clientele and I have represented many of them for a decade or two. The other 90% it has never been discussed.

          Maybe I am just extremely lucky on the clients I have. The one thing they have in common is that they are all business people and high income earners. They also all pay me, usually very quickly. I don’t know what field you are in, but in the accounting field I have never had an issue.

          I deal with a very select number of clients (about 200) so I am not dealing with Joe Public by the thousands, but I have found all religions, genders, races, and orientations will pay when you provide them a good service. I am lucky to have them.

          What industry are you in that you know the religious makeup of your clients?

          • Raider Girl, you are a beautiful human being. Your comments are well-received.

            Don’t give up, and you do not, your indefatigable undaunted spirit inspires probably all 8,000,000,000 humans on this god-forsaken earth here almost at Christmastime.

            Would rather read what you write than writhe in the mental pain and unfathomable misery about bibi’s thorough and complete bullshit.

            There you have it.

          • It is obvious that you have never been “stung” by jewish dishonesty. Good for you.
            My previous business involved high-end entertainment and communication systems. One could always tell when dealing with jews in their shetls as their arrogance knew no bounds.
            They ALWAYS wanted a lower price, or if not required to submit a deposit, would always find fault with either the installation or operation, despite submitting approval of the project. They always demanded a lower price because of supposed complaints, all which had no basis in fact. They were always looking for “something for nothing”. They were notorious for refusing to pay for services rendered. You see, us “goyim” are sheep to be fleeced.
            I have NEVER had such difficulty or dishonesty from any of my Muslim customers. In fact, Muslims have been some of my best customers, referring others to me. They ALWAYS paid on time, and even paid a premium above and beyond, showing satisfaction in the installation.
            I stand by my statements…

            • Hi, anarchyst,
              I know nothing of your business, but I can say that the obnoxious behaviour you describe is by no means exclusive to Jews, or any other group. The very fine brick mason I hired to do the brick work on my front porch described one or two “customers from hell” who were only trying to chisel him to get “something for nothing.”

              Clearly, this sort of behaviour is just *stupid*, because the craftsman you hired will never do business with you again, having once been burned, and word does get around.

              Eventually, the freeloader runs out of excuses to not accept your work, and you will be able to shake the parasite. Should he persist with his antics, in due course he will run out of people who are willing to have him as a customer.

              That is the way the world works, in my experience.

          • Hi, RG,
            “Jewish” is not a religious confession, per se. It is a tribal affiliation with a matriarchal lineage, similar to some Native American tribes.
            This one, for example:
            The Jewish tribe does have a religion. Some members of the tribe practice it, while others do not. The latter are sometimes known as “secular Jews.” “Secular Jews” are still Jews, i.e. members of the tribe into which they were born.

          • Judaism is a political system masquerading as a “religion”. You are absolutely correct about secular jews who are almost all atheists.
            What say you about these secular jews (who are supposed to be atheist) invoking their “god” as a “real estate agent” who bequeathed the “land of israel” to them?
            These “settlers” who are atheists use their “god” as an excuse to justify their obnoxious behavior.

        • >I have dealt with many middle easterners, where “haggling” is a part of doing business.

          I call it the “rug merchant mentality,” and I have noticed it in people whose heritage included “roots” around the Mediterranean. Arabs, Persians, Yugoslavs, probably Italians, etc. There is certainly nothing specifically “Jewish” about it, in my experience.

          My tentative hypothesis is that people from warm climates at the convergence of trade routes just naturally learn to “bargain,” out of boredom if nothing else. Hey, there’s a ship in port! Let’s see if we can make a deal.

          Whereas, the ancestors of those of us from colder climates did not have time for this nonsense, because it took all the energy they had, just to survive.

  9. Bad sign, but I would not put it past trump to nominate people with skeletons in the closet to get them exposed and to step down on their own to get a better person in later. One can only hope

  10. Janette, Hillary, at this point what difference does it make?

    Bibi is going postal these days, at this point, it makes no difference. As long as there is money to be made, go for it.

    You are going to die one day, so go for the gusto, death is mighty cool too, just so you know.

    “Lizzy Borden took an ax and gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.”

    The reality is, you are being axed via vaccine death or something like that.

    It’s your choice.

    Vax me up, Jesus! Not that, vaccine me up, Trump!

    Get me outta here, Good Lord. Beam me up.

    Ax me out of here, Jesus!

    There will be hell to pay, a tacit reminder for us all.

  11. “It is very difficult to understand how a revolver could have discharged “accidentally” as result of anything other than pulling the trigger – unless the hammer was cocked.”

    Not trying to be overly critical of your article nor am I defending this political parasite lady.

    Gotta do your homework. It’s very possible for many revolvers to accidentally discharge if the hammer is struck while a round is aligned to the chamber. Revolvers whether single or double action are not inherently safe from accidental discharge nor are they safer than an auto.

    This is especially true of older revolvers and those revolvers that had the firing pin protrusion incorporated directly into the hammer.

    There are lots of nifty new blocking bar and transfer bar safety systems that greatly reduce the potential for discharge due to an accidental hammer strike.

    Know your firearm, be safe out there folks.

    • You beat me to it. There is the 38 super in semi auto, and 38 special and 38 have been around since the 1800s in hundreds of varied designs, many of which can go off if dropped in the wrong way.

  12. ‘it would be effronterous to Jews if a David Irving were appointed curator of the Holocaust Museum.’ — eric

    This is the irrational fear that they’ve beaten into us. Actually, since this museum receives $65 million a year in federal funding, it would be entirely appropriate for it to have an ethnically diverse leadership — nothing effronterous about that.

    Currently its governing council resembles (except for its ex officio members) the board of a synagogue. How do they get away with this, using public money?


    Evidently, the ‘shoah business-government partnership’ model of the USHMM was modeled on the Federal Reserve. As with the Fed, the USHMM is another example of us being taxed to subsidize our own oppression, as well as the brazen falsification of history. People who commit genocide don’t get to pose as victims anymore.

    • Is there ONE law firm in the USA that would sue the U. S. government for failing to require ALL jewish organizations and individuals within the USA to register under the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act)?
      This Act requires ALL foreign interests to register with the USA State Department.
      It seems that EVERY JEW in the USA represents a foreign interest–israel.
      Judaism and zionism are foreign political systems masquerading as “religion”. As such, both judaism and zionism need not be afforded any Constitutional “protections”.
      This especially goes for the congress whose members are almost all whores for israel.
      Make them all register as such.

    • > David Irving were appointed curator
      Ought to at least allow him to peddle his books on the front steps.
      Starting with the The Destruction of Dresden, which was an actual holocaust (burnt offering).
      Asphalt melted from the heat of the firestorm, bodies charred beyond recognition, fire brigades strafed by Allied fighter planes, etc.

      Here’s an idea:
      Why not stick to the free enterprise model, and have fast food joints install a “holocaust™” education wing, where you will be forced to watch a propaganda movie, audio blaring, whilst you wait for your burger & fries, sort of like TV at the gas pump. The latter of which I detest, and will not willingly patronize any fuel station which has the effrontery to use it.

    • Suppose a group of outsiders enters your town, and
      1. Destroys your house of worship
      2. Blows up your hospital
      3. Anally rapes the doctors with rifle barrels
      4. Prevents the provision of medical supplies, so amputations and other major surgery must be performed under non-sterile conditions and without anesthetic
      5. Blows up your house and kills your entire immediate family
      6. Severely restricts the delivery of food, and murders, by sniper fire, those who attempt to purchase food from the few supply trucks which are allowed in.
      7. Destroys the power plants, thus preventing sewage disposal, and contaminating the supply of drinking water

      The Jews have done all of the above to the Arabs of Gaza.
      Is it any great mystery why the Arabs are likely to hate Jews, and why at least some Arabs will attempt to actively resist the genocide of their people?

  13. I read a news story that said it was a .380. Hard to tell, because the media knows fuck-all about guns. I’ve literally seen news stories that read “The officer discharged sixteen shots from his Glock service revolver,” LOL.

    I’d like one of those… it would be a hell of a collector item.

    Incidentally, Adlai Stevenson shot a girl to death when he was showing off with a loaded rifle when he was 12. Didn’t stop him and his supporters from caricaturing five-star general and West Point grad Dwight Eisenhower’s supporters as “stupid.”

    My concern is that this woman might push gun control under the guise of “safety” as surgeon general, particularly storage laws. If the story is true as reported, the father is the one ultimately responsible for leaving a loaded gun in a tackle box. But I don’t want the government mandating how I keep my guns in my private home just because someone else is stupid.

    • Good point: “My concern is that this woman might push gun control under the guise of “safety” as surgeon general, particularly storage laws.”

      Narcissists like to project their own sins on others.

    • Eisenhower was a greater “war criminal” than any German “war criminal”.
      Unlike General George S. Patton, Eisenhower was a “paper-pusher”, not a real combat-hardened military man. Patton did not see eye-to-eye with Eisenhower, especially when it came to military tactics and even geopolitics.
      Patton had to be eliminated because he protested the brutal treatment of Germans after the war. He was a true statesman who recognized that Germany was dragged into war and then blamed for it all–victors’ revenge.
      Patton saw the German people and society as honorable, deserving of respect and wanted to preserve it. Unfortunately, the jewish interests of the time differed and exacted their revenge.
      He recognized the jewish menace for what it was (and still is).
      Since American troops were still in Europe, he wanted to roll into Russia, using German troops, eliminating the jewish communist menace once and for all that threatened eastern Europe and which would have forestalled and prevented the sacrifice of eastern Europe to the communists.
      Patton publicly protested against the treatment of Germans and Eisenhower’s Rheinwiesenlager death camps in which ordinary German soldiers were interned after the war. Eisenhower declared that these unfortunate occupants were not “prisoners of war”, but were “disarmed enemy combatants”, not entitled to “Geneva Convention” protections as to their denied status as “prisoners of war”. The Rheinwiesenlager camps were a series of camps without housing, sanitary facilities and the like. The internees were exposed to the elements and were starved to death. Although Red Cross packages and food were readily available, none was permitted to be given to the internees.
      Those who attempted to do so were threatened with death.
      Eisenhower was a mass murderer beyond anything blamed on the German people or government. To this day, there is little, if any mention of Eisenhower’s German death camps in any history texts.
      Eisenhower was a jewish “paper pusher” who hated everything German with a vengeance (except for the Autobahn which he copied for the American interstate highway system).
      As a student and graduate of West Point, Eisenhower was nicknamed “the swedish jew”.
      The “best and brightest” on both sides were sacrificed and led to the slaughter for jewish hatred of Germany and for the international banksters interests.
      Imagine where we would be today if Germany had been allowed to prosper politically and technologically…the jewish menace would have been eliminated or largely controlled.
      There would be colonies in space and on the moon among other technological and social advancements. The world would be 100 years more advanced than it is today.
      There is an old non-jewish saying about “sins of the father should not be visited on the children and grandchildren”. It would seem that this does not apply to Germany to this day as the zionists are still in control of the narrative.

      • >Germany was dragged into war and then blamed for it all–victors’ revenge.
        Actually, two wars. The infamous “war guilt clause” in the Treaty of Versailles, which Imperial Germany signed under duress, guaranteed a second war, most people believe.

        Had the U.S. not intervened, likely the European powers would have returned to the status quo ante, and licked their respective wounds. instead, we had Woodenhead Wilson and his “hate Germany” campaign, and the rest, as they say, is history. Thanks, Woody, you a-hole.

        • Good morning, Adi –

          Yes, amen. I have argued for years that had the U.S. stayed out of WWI it is probable there would have been a negotiated – reasonable – peace because the two sides were stalemated and exhausted. Instead, the U.S. sided with the Brits and French and that tipped the balance. When the German government sued for peace, they assume it would be a reasonable one, in part because Germany had not been crushed militarily. They were of course wrong. A vicious “pece” was imposed that humiliated and impoverished Germany, sowing the wind for the whirlwind that came 20 years later.

          • Yup.
            The German delegation came to Versailles with every gun in the British Royal Navy pointed at their country, in the form of a naval blockade, which is an act of war, and told their civilian population would starve if they did not sign the “treaty.”

            In “Godfather” terms, the victorious Allies made the Germans “an offer they couldn’t refuse,” with the British Royal Navy playing the part of Luca Brasi.

            And we are taught that Woodrow Wilson was “one of America’s greatest presidents.” I think not, comrades. In my opinion, Woodrow Wilson (among his many other sins) was the single individual most responsible for World War II. See above.

  14. Medical personnel are scum, for the most part, with very few exceptions.
    Just relating my own experiences. I despise most of these people, not so much for their professional actions as for their unethical business practices, which in some instances verge on the criminal.

    They are not to be trusted, in my experience.

  15. This is all politics, Eric. Janette is the sister of Julia Nesheiwat who is married to Mike Walz, Trump’s pick for NSA. Trump has to fill close to 10000 positions (yes, that is ludicrous), so he is relying off recommendations.

    Dr. Ben Carson and Dr. Joseph Ladapo are not being overlooked, but have been put on standby. They will be chosen when the Senate refuses to push through all of Trump’s picks. Nesheiwat could be one that may not be confirmed. As much as I want to see RFK receive Senate confirmation for HHS I am worried about the RINOs who seem to destroy everything they touch. In that case Carson or Ladapo would get the nomination.

    The SG holds no power. I would be more concerned about who oversees HHS and NIH. I don’t disagree with the pushback that Nesheiwat is getting. People who sided with the COVID propaganda need to be called out.

    On another note hubby just informed me this morning that apparently we are the proud new owners of a German “Hellcat”. I don’t know what that means, but apparently there is supposed to be another car in our driveway sometime next week. He said if I am nice to him he will let me drive it to client appointments. 😳

    • Hi RG!

      I agree with all of that – but I will summon all my powers and use all of my influence to derail and destroy ALL “COVID” propagators/apologists and she is one of them. So is he, of course. And that’s why I’m not giving the orange man an inch.

      On the German Hellcat – sounds like an AMG something or other!

    • The Surgeon General has significant power as head of the Pubic Health Service Commissioned Corps, particuarly in a “national emergency”, the definition of which was expanded by the Obamacare bill.

      Remember, we had to pass the bill to find out what was in it.

      The office has been viewed as insignificant since Bill Clinton installed the laughingly unqualified Jocelyn Elders — remember her? — as Surgeon General during his time in the White House.

    • The Trump team needs to hold onto the Hesgeth, Kennedy and Gabbard appointments by investigating every potential obstructionist RINO opposing each. If it was me, I would use the full force and power of the justice department to investigate them, fabricate workable charges on them and their family members. I would be on a mission to search and destroy them and everyone around them. No stone unturned. No mercy. RINOs have shown us none, and Trump has a mandate from his voters to lay these people to waste.

      I am sick and tired of being lied to, promised stuff and end up with bullshit.

      In nearly 35 years of observing Ben Carson in various positions, I haven’t seen him do anything meaningful. He’s a nice guy, but HHS needs a Kennedy to run the department. Kennedy needs to be involved in some way maybe as an undersecretary or as an advisory to Carson should he get it.

      Or Trump could run that 210 day appointment, have Kennedy, Hesgeth and Gabbard take their respective roles. If they get that time, it will be a lot harder to deny them full cabinet status.

      People should accept nothing less and these RINOs need to be exterminated. I don’t care if we lose a majority over it.

  16. Look people, you are just going to have to get on board /s/

    She was on Fox news.
    She’s not ugly.

    That’s pretty much all Trump needs to declare someone qualified.

  17. In checking the Constitution (again) there is no provision for
    a surgeon general or for federal involvement in health care.

    Rules passed within the limits of the Constitution
    are known as Amendments – there are 27 of them.
    If no Amendment, the actions are unconstitutional.

    Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the
    United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by
    it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
    or to the people.”

    “We are a nation of laws, and not of men,” – John Adams

        • When they’re holding a knife at your throat they have real authority.

          What they don’t have is legitimacy, and what they deserve is neither respect nor loyalty.

          Once you cultivate this attitude you begin to reclaim your freedom.

    • I think Thomas Massie and Rand Paul are the only congresscritters that believe the Constitution means what it says and says what it means.

      • Here’s the oath all members of Congress take:

        “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
        defend the Constitution of the United States against all
        enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith
        and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely,
        without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and
        that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the
        office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

  18. See, we would have got Dr. Lapado if DeSantis was elected! It really looks like the most important thing for the establishment was the covid hoax. Trump is the freaking *owner* of the hoax. I’m not buying the excuses. I never did. Never will.

    Just like 9/11 shit never went away. The covid hoax is never going away. Trump established it as standard operating procedure. All of the musical chairs are performative bullshit.

    They’re essentially doing a limited hangout. They’re admitting to the lesser lie(s) and will even paper over that. Have you heard our fucken government admit that the Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnam war were lies?

    Fuck I knew it the minute that I heard the Trumpsters saying how they couldn’t have DeSantis because of Israel. That’s like listening to liberals a few years ago saying that they couldn’t find anyone other than Hillary Clinton to run for president.

    It’s all fake. And we are the suckers getting fucked.


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