Something’s Up


Literally. Somethings – as in plural – that is.

The drones that were first spotted over New Jersey have reportedly been spotted over at least three other east coast states – Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York – as well as (according to the latest reports) California.

What’s going on exactly is anyone’s guess – but one thing’s for sure.

The Biden Regime knows all about it and is almost certainly behind what’s going on. How to know that? Try flying a drone of your own over or even near a place such as Dulles Airport, in the suburbs of DC – where I used to live. Watch your watch – so you’ll be able to recount how many minutes it took for you to get Hut!Hut! Hutted! by various heavily armed federal goons.

See what happens if you were to fly a bunch of drones anywhere near restricted airspace, such as in the vicinity of military installations. The idea that this exact thing could go on for days without a response is understandable only if the drones are known to those who have restricted the airspace; i.e., the military (and by inference, the government).

They do not usually Hut! Hut! Hut! themselves.

So, we know they know.

We know the drones are more than likely theirs. Because if they weren’t, they’d have been shot down by now. The response would have been hysterical, by now.

Who else has the means to fly drones over multiple states at once?

It is risible to believe that the federal government – which has such things as helicopter gunships as well as other means of bringing down things that fly into restricted airspace and/ore menace civilian areas – would just shrug with wonder and tell us it has no idea what’s going on.

So, what is going on?

Well, we can speculate.

What are big drones used for? Among other things, they are used in agriculture, to spray crops. What else could they be used to spray? It is a frightening thing to contemplate – especially when there are now apparently swarms of these drones weirdly flying around both coasts and at least four states as of this reporting.

We know that the egregiously evil Peter Hotez has warned of a slew of new contagions. “We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike,” he snickered. Note the “we have,” too.

Who’s “we,” chief?

Of course, he means them.

He and his. And the other creatures and creeps that are almost certainly behind and at the controls of these drones. It is not a crazy thing to wonder whether “big things” – that are very small things – have been sprayed and are in process of being sprayed over densely populated areas on both coasts. What is the latency period of whatever it is that possibly tens of millions of people have already breathed in?

One thing is absolutely knowable: “Masking” isn’t going to “work.” But – this time – it may be more than a bad cold with a 99.8 percent recovery rate for people who are otherwise healthy and not frail or elderly or already very sick, as from chronic illnesses such as COPD and pneumonia.

For now, all we can do is wait.

But the wait may not be long.

Addendum: Apparently, drones have also been sighted in South Carolina, according to the latest reports. 

. . .

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  1. Could be independent hobbyists telling the FAA to shove it’s regs. It is fun while it lasts, but will backfire, of course.

    As far as ranging, we were 100 miles off the coast of The Carolinas one night. As I was changing watch with my wife I warned her that we were on a collision course with a ship to the east. Turns out it was Mars rising. Damned if it wasn’t there the next night, too.

  2. My two cents (being a nerd following UFOs and stuff since I was a kid).

    1) Most likely is they want to get some bill through to give more power to “law enforcement” to control drones (ie take more rights from people) and restrict peoples ability to buy non-approved drones (saying drones from those evil Chinese for now, but you know how this goes).
    2) False flag – this whole thing about them looking for a nuclear bomb. Yeh sure…. and they’re only looking at night??! And no kid has made a tick-tock video yet about increased radiation around these areas?? Kinda like that bearded guy they were looking for in the caves of Afghanistan about 20 years ago….

  3. The most credible explanation I’ve seen is that the drones are looking for radioactive nuclides. Is there concern by the government that someone has smuggled in a dirty bomb?

    • Hi Howard,

      That’s what I’ve been reading; i.e., that these drones have radiological signature sensors and are looking for a nuclear device of some kind – possibly Keeeeeeevian in origin. This strikes me as a plausible explanation. The government would never tell people a nuke was on the loose . . . somewhere. But it would also never act the way it has been acting if it were not fully knowledgeable about what these drones are up there doing and under whose control.

      • It is the false flag to be used somewhere between now and Inauguration Day. There isn’t a government in the world that suffers from remorse after taking out their own people. We are all expandable.

        I don’t see them willingly handing over the keys. Do we really think they are going to allow Patel to oversee the FBI, RFK the HHS, or even allow Trump to get comfy in the Oval Office? They are going to hand over the files and allow change to take place? Ha! There are too many secrets and the Swamp will protect them at any cost.

        The Deagal Report (sponsored by the CIA, FBI, and NSA) stated the US population will drop from 330 million to 99 million by 2025. We thought it maybe the shots. I am not so sure. Personally, I hope the report is wrong, but nothing else makes sense.

        • The Deagal report is a prophecy. They have been around as long as humans and have usually been a psy op to steer people toward some political objective.

          Fortunately they are almost always wrong.

        • I dread this scenario, RG –

          For all the obvious reasons. Even a “small” dirty bomb would trigger mass panic – and probably martial law within 15 minutes. In the chaos, there might be a strike launched against the putative “enemy” (Russia) at which point it is Game Over for us.

          I hope we are wrong.

  4. Was at a construction site last week in Tulsa. We are overseeing construction near the Tulsa Airport. We were talking with the foreman on site about the fighter jets overhead and he mentions that he lost an expensive drone due to the jets. Apparently, if a jet flies overhead and you happen to be flying a drone at the time, the drone will fall out of the sky.

    The “mysterious” drones are our technology and they are being deployed for deceitful purposes by evil people. As always. There is nothing to fear, though. Satan and his minions have no power over me which I do not grant.

  5. They always lie to the people — I don’t think they’re “drones” — they’re UFOs. They don’t want the people to know that, even though the jig has been up for many decades. The UFOs are either the bad guys we already know about, which doesn’t make sense because the bad guys are always trying to hide their spacecraft etc tech from the people. Or the UFOs are the good guys that got past the satellite defense system … maybe they’re showing the bad guys that they can now penetrate the satellite defense system.

    IDK for sure, but I believe there are good people out there trying to help us, but they don’t want to do everything for us, they want us to evolve and take back our planet mostly on our own, but we’re in deep doo doo so I think we need some help.

    • Hi Harry,

      I don’t think they are UFO’s. They are our drones. The problem is the situation is so bad they prefer covering it because they think telling us would create a massive panic. My guess is some type of chemical warfare has taken place. From whom? I have no idea.

      It maybe a good idea to have some potassium iodide on the shelf in the prepper pantry.

      • I saw some videos and they look like classic UFOs — glowing light blobs, which means it is some kind of plasma field around a gravity ‘bubble’/field. I don’t think ordinary drones have that.

  6. I think they’ve re-purposed those people who were dressing-up as clowns and popping out of the woods all over a dozen or so years ago. They taught ’em to fly drones sometime after Pokeymon Go and contact tracing Go died down. Funny how Pokeymon Go preceded contact tracing, eh? Ah, no connection there now, I must say 😉

  7. Military Drone contractor tells us what he thinks, skip to 18:00

    He says there is a nuke on the way to the USA from Ukraine, and the Navy is using drones to sniff it out. This implies a Biden regime nuclear false flag in progress (which is why they won’t talk about it), Before Trump is sworn in they want to kickoff WW3 with Russia. Russia is currently pounding Ukraine nightly shutting everything down and everyone is saying Russia abandoned Syria as a trade for Ukraine. Thus the Ukraniums want to smuggle in a dirty bomb into NYC and start WW3 with a false flag attack.

    • This is possible, among other scenarios.

      Some of the commenters here make me laugh in their naivete. After Covid, –nothing– surprises me and there is no bar they will not sink below if they can ‘get away with it’.

      Allowing Ukraine to fire LRMs into Russian territory an egregious and obvious provocation just happened, yet some commenters here are implying there is such a thing as being too distrustful of this regime.

      No boyos, I put –nothing– beyond these demons in charge up to and including, some nefarious activity via drones, prepping a nuclear false flag, purposefully infecting American citizens, or any other manner of f-ckery you can dream up. They will do anything to hold onto power.

      Why not gin up a fake nuke scenario and then have to declare “martial law” and suspension of the transfer of power for a bit? You people are so uncreative and naive in your ways even after all this time? Get real…

  8. You are right Eric who has the ways and means to run these drones. I would hazard a guess its uncle sam/big brother. The prospect that these cunts are doing something good with the drones is…….a snowballs chance in hell. To quote George Carlin “i only have one rule and that is i don’t believe one fucking thing the government says”. Blue skies here in Nova Scotia today not a chemtrail to be seen. Maybe their agenda 2030 was lagging and had to step up the pace a degree.

    • It used to be, a person might wonder about the grids in the sky because it didn’t happen that often. Now, the clear blue streak-free skies are the unusual thing to wonder about.

      ‘They’ say, all the lines in the sky are just from normal jet exhaust, yet, on the busiest travel day of the year, there’s nary a plane in the sky. That’s one of the biggest tells.

      I have seen it several times in years past, Doug at Off Grid with Doug & Stacy shows it in a video from this year:

      ‘BREAKING ..FLORIDA lawmaker Files to stop weather modification’

      Where’d all dem planes go?

  9. Obviously it’s Putin’s Russia in collaboration with Iranian, Chinese and North Korea looking for a good invasion area. It’s Red Dawn II. Get ready to Rummmm-bull.

  10. Humans are occupying earth, earth owned by off world race of whoever do not want earth blown away by nukes. So aliens launch waves of alien orbs to collect data or whatever they do. Russia has it’s land based mobile nukes on the move, Russia being attacked daily by USA supplied missiles, the world is at a nuclear war precipice – thus the appearance of alien tech “drones” in our atmosphere is to be expected.

    Close up photo taken with 300mm lens camera of “drone”

    They are not drones, human drone tech is thousands of years less advanced to what the planetary owners have. Humans are in the dark and confused – not knowing their real status as a slave race, think some alien tech orb is a drone by how it flies, and not understanding alien tech, or even knowing aliens exist, are all confused and up in arms.

    We have been kept in the dark by their own governments about who owns earth, and how the government sold you out to the greys for alien tech. President Eisenhower met with the grey aliens at Holloman AFB and signed a treaty with them. The USA has reversed engineered UFO craft, has a whole hanger full of captured UFO disc craft at Area 51, S4, according to engineer Bob Lazar and others who worked there.

    The bottom line is that if you spot UFOs in your atmosphere that means your specie is not the most intelligent one on the planet – and that is not good – because higher intelligence always treats lower intelligence poorly – just look at how humans treat primates.

    Humans are not a natural specie that evolved on earth – and we can see that since we are a hominid without fur on an ice age planet. So how did we get here? The best story thus far is by Zacharia Sitchin – an alien race came here and created us – by crossing their genes with the local hominens. Read The Lost Book of Enki, free online.

    • Video of dark orb:


      I have always thought that when human civilization matured it would “harvested” by the “farmers”, ie the alien owners of earth. These invading drones could be a pre-harvest data collectors. Well known in the UFo community is that certain families are abducted on a regular basis – because the greys are conducting genetic experiments on some of us – these human lab rats are the chosen ones by a superior race – and if the USA is going to be nuked, then the grays would obviously collect their pet experimental humans before the nuclear strike.

      You may find this all strange – but look at how we have tinkered with dog genes to create all the different breeds of dogs. What you don’t know is your status as a lesser specie in the cosmos, and like a dog, you do not understand you are owned or were created by humans. Likewise aliens created us and have not told us what they did or why they did it anymore than a farmer tells a cow that it is domesticated for food.

      • I have always thought that when human civilization matured it would “harvested” by the “farmers”, ie the alien owners of earth. These invading drones could be a pre-harvest data collectors. Well known in the UFo community is that certain families are abducted on a regular basis – because the greys are conducting genetic experiments on some of us – these human lab rats are the chosen ones by a superior race – and if the USA is going to be nuked, then the grays would obviously collect their pet experimental humans before the nuclear strike.

        You may find this all strange – but look at how we have tinkered with dog genes to create all the different breeds of dogs. What you don’t know is your status as a lesser specie in the cosmos, and like a dog, you do not understand you are owned or were created by humans. Likewise aliens created us and have not told us what they did or why they did it anymore than a farmer tells a cow that it is domesticated for food.

  11. There certainly can be multiple & simultaneous reasons for them, there’s this, too:

    ‘NJ Drone ‘Invasion’ Just In Time For Congress To Reauthorize Orwellian Law’

    “… “The reason we need legal authority is that without it, use of the most effective types of drone detection and counter-drone technologies could violate criminal laws, including those that prohibit destroying or disabling aircraft in flight and intercepting signals and communications,” said Brad Wiegmann, the DOJ’s deputy assistant attorney general for national security.

    With current drone-countering authorities set to expire on Dec. 20, the sudden surge in purported drone sightings and the accompanying MSM and social media panic might make a bit more sense—as an effort to push for the reauthorization of Orwellian drone laws.”

  12. Right, all the Fedgov three letter agencies have nooooo idea what’s going on. Most likely because a few of them are behind it; nothing to see here, move along.

  13. People who haven’t realized by now that we’re ruled by criminals appear to be lost causes. They’re probably the ones STILL wearing face diapers everywhere & trusting what the CDC and FDA says about experimental mRNA “vaccines”. They’re probably also wondering why people voted for a “convicted felon”, even though all the cases against him were complete bull shit, and who knows how many black people were also deemed “convicted felons” and sent to prison on account of a crime bill that Joe Biden helped make law 30 years ago when he was a U.S. Senator from Delaware that, ironically, his own son broke not too long ago.

    • For many people, kakistocracy is hard to pronounce.

      “The word is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (κάκιστος; worst) and kratos (κράτος; rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.[5]” – via Wki.

  14. Peter Hotez’ current employer is facing a day of reckoning for going too far with sex change surgeries for minors here in Texas.

    Both sides seemed content to let the status quo continue in this state until Shrub’s money people went after the creepy Texas Attorney General with Impeachment when his reelection temporarily derailed another generation of the Bush political dynasty from moving up one notch on the power ladder in 2022.

    Elections have consequences. So do failed Impeachments.

  15. Kind of makes we wonder what would happen if a private citizen took out one on these drones and live streamed it? What happens next might tell you who’s it is.

  16. Kirby and the loathsome Mayorkas getting out there and smirking about how there is nothing to worry about while implying we the people are so ignorant. I hope they keep it up right into January as their asses get slapped by the banging screen door.

  17. I have some insight.

    99% of civilian drones weigh under 55 lbs. That can still be a physically large aircraft, if you’re using foam core and carbon fiber, but nothing the size of a bus (as some have described these aircraft), unless it’s a balloon or airship. I’ve seen very large fixed wing aircraft that probably could carry a small human payload but weigh 54.5 lbs MTOW. At night you lose perspective and sense of size when looking up. The video clearly shows a fixed wing aircraft of some sort. We really have no idea how high it is, so no idea how large it is. The running lights look like a manned aircraft but I know there are drones set up with traditional running light layout (the quadcopters I’ve built are set up this way as opposed to the drone way of green in front and red in back only because I prefer it this way, there’s no defined standard). Once they’re up in the air, especially at night, you really can’t tell how far away they are or how large they are. You can see all sorts of aircraft literally tens of miles away from you. Funny how no one is using the RemoteID apps that can track drones, or the ADS-B receivers that pick up squawk codes from all manned aircraft. Perhaps someone shut off the transponders, an illegal act unless you’re military (or vintage).

    The recently passed NDAA, the funding bill for the military, includes a requirement for a study of Chinese built civilian drones made by DJI and Autel Robotics. DJI is the biggest civilian drone manufacturer in the world, holding ~75% of the market. This includes hobby drones, commercial/industrial drones, cinematic drones, first responder drones, etc. Same is true for Autel although they’ve been more focused on first responders than commercial use.

    The Pentagon already internally banned the use of Chinese made drones back in 2018, and many Federal agencies followed their lead (although at the time there weren’t any alternatives available -most say there still aren’t- so agencies like the forest service allow for waivers). But this wasn’t considered acceptable, especially after the Ukraine war started heating up and showed how $1000 drones could take out million dollar military hardware. The fear is that the Chinese drones are somehow sending sensitive data back to Shenzhen.

    Civilians and first responders continued to use DJI products. In the civilian sector drones are being used for infrastructure inspections, land surveying and other critical infrastructure uses. Of course first responders are using them for situational awareness, tracking down suspects, search & rescue and even starting back fires. The US made alternatives are weak sauce for the most part, especially when it comes to camera payloads.

    A lot of this has to do with Hong Kong. Before Xi took control of Hong Kong there was a clear separation between HK and the mainland. This meant that there was at least some facade of security and data protection. But when Hong Kong became just another Chinese province it sent the feds into a tizzy. This was also around the time of the Hunter Biden laptop story. I think a lot of people with too much time on their hands put two and two together and wondered how the CCP could use infrastructure data against us. After all, every photo taken with a drone has EXIF data showing exactly where the picture was taken, from what angle and when. So if you have pictures of a substation near a military installation on a drone you send in for repair… well hell, that’s one major data breach.

    The most successful American drone manufacturer is a company called Skydio. I own one of their S2 models, which is still a pretty amazing device for what it is: An autonomous GoPro. But the image quality is no where near the level of what I can get from my DJI Mavic 3 Cine, and that’s what clients pay for. Manually flying the S2 can be frustrating due to the poor quality of the flight controller and short range of the radio link. They are well funded by Andreessen Horowitz, getting their C round investment in 2023. Their only flying product is the X10, a “smart” drone capable of autonomously avoiding collisions with stationary objects. I got the opportunity to fly the X10 last fall in Mile High stadium (along with a bunch of cops and cop accountants). It’s really nice, they fixed many of the control issues, but the camera is not built for pretty pictures. It’s a Version 3 product that they’re marketing to military, industrial (power companies) and first responder users. They’re selling it as one component in a system that includes a remote hanger (dock) that will be placed at a location such as a power substation or high crime area, connect to the Internet (Starlink) and then flown remotely back at the office using a web browser -literally using Xbox/PS controllers. The drone sends video back to the dispatch center allowing the whole thing to play out like OJ’s chase. Of course this doesn’t come cheap (and Andreessen Horowitz has to make their 10X return), so the civilians are priced out. But that’s OK the FAA doesn’t want us to have them anyway.

    And that’s the real problem. The rules around small civilian drones were written with DJI in the room. Some people raised eyebrows at the time, but the FAA went forward with the laws, which were written with the technology of 2015 (actually more likely 2010) in mind, not what can be done today. So the civilian drone market is thriving in other countries, and basically stagnant in the US. But the Ukraine war, and little things like drones delivering contraband in prisons, along with continued flouting of the airspace restrictions, mean the FAA wants to put the drone genie back in the bottle. Once they rid the airspace of the cheap Chinese “toys” then the big boys will be able to come in and take over.

    So I have a feeling this is some three letter agency playing around to generate a grassroots (astroturf) campaign to get congress moving on their little study. When the FCC pulls DJIs radio certification it will effectively ground all DJI products. After the holidays the press will move on, most people not connected to the drone industry will forget about it and life will go on. But the security people will remind key people and the industry of the event, without any new detail of course, paving the way for more regulations, more restrictions and fewer independent companies flying drones.

    • I should add, there really isn’t much of a security threat from DJI drones. The CEO of the company has continuously denounced the use of his company’s drones in Ukraine (and even geofenced the war zone). The company has always complied with FAA rules (again, they helped write the regulation), and even gone beyond what the law requires. If you keep them air-gapped and off the Internet there’s no way for them to send data back to Shenzhen, even if it is held in a secret cache on the aircraft.

      The thing is, DJI is a privately held company and it is believed that many CCP party members are investors. The company is on the CCP list of preferred exporters too, so basically they get funded by the party. This is seen as a threat. But then show me any Chinese company that doesn’t have party members investing, or on the boards, or even running them.

      That’s who we’ve been in bed with for the last 40 years. Now, after the doctors have been waring us for years that she’s got herpes, we’re angry that we’re infected?

  18. If their intent is to be stealthy, then why have anti-collision lights?

    And, aren’t there any rednecks in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or New York? Surely a good ol’ boy with a 30-30 could do something. Or a ghetto thug with a –I don’t know what they shoot actually.

    • Mike, there are lots of rednecks in those states. 1hr out plus from NYC, Phila. etc… enough anyway. If you are not from the area, the TV never shows you the rural parts of those states.

    • If they’re a couple thousand feet up, ground fire isn’t going to touch them. Say you’re shooting 5.56 55 grain bullets up from a AR15 (a good fast and common round) which leaves the muzzle at 3000 ft/s. Gravity is 32.2 ft/s2. Neglecting air drag, how high can that bullet go before it starts falling back? It’s a calculus problem which I solve mentally for normal shooting, but straight up you can’t really neglect air drag and since it’s a weekend morning and I’m sitting on my ass with an IPad rather than a real computer I just searched it. A 30-06 was tested in the 40’s and found to go up about 9000 feet. Your hood rats 9mm or 32ACP will go up about 2500 feet, and your trusty bird shooting 12 gage which could actually hit something goes up about 627 feet. Which is why you use stuff like 50 Browning or 20mm for anti aircraft use.

      So unless these UFOs are flying at 200 feet Bubba and I ain’t gonna hit them except by luck.

      Also, if they were spraying bio warfare crap, it would be dispersed to the point of being ineffective. Eric, please don’t go there, we don’t need another damnpanic on our hands.

      I’ve never understood the fear of chemtrails or Billy Gates spraying reflective stuff, mere man can NOT affect the climate, except very locally and temporarily.

      • I remember a while back seeing footage of a protest in South America. There was a drone flying overhead and several people in the crowd aimed lasers at it. The thing eventually crashed.

        • A laser is an entirely different matter and very effective against aircraft sensors and pilots. Also pretty easy to automatically aim and track.

      • Odd, this comment is, “I’ve never understood the fear of chemtrails or Billy Gates spraying reflective stuff,”.

        The public is not allowed to know what the “stuff” is, you don’t know what the “stuff” is, nor what it does to people, plants or animals.

        You seem to be implying, “trust The Science”.

        • No, the point is that with enough dilution even something as nasty as war gases is rendered harmless. And spraying something out of a plane into the 27 quintillion cubic feet of atmosphere isnt going to do much. Just like a bit of auto exhaust isnt.

  19. What bothers me more is that the average joe doesn’t realize they are lying. ‘we don’t know; my ass. All ya’d have to do is follow them back, the easiest thing ever.

    NYC news said a month ago that a ‘blackhawk helicopter was seen in the area of the drones near Picatinny Arsenal (an army research base in Northern NJ). And the news actually showed the track of them over the base with what looked like a radar print. Yo Macfly……………………….. FOLLOW IT BACK.

    Anyone want to bet that a Predator drone up at 10-20K feet could track them all….

    Eric you are correct. Why aren’t people a little smarter.

    • Drones are seen as secret magic. When I tell people about my drones their eyes glaze over and they just hear “magic pixie dust.” It’s like the endless number of rounds in a prop handgun. Unless the plot calls for a last bullet, there’s no counting bullets in Hollywood. Or the “zoom and enhance” satellite photos that prove the killer was OJ.

      Basically the things are flying cell phone cameras. Sure, you can get heavy lift hexacopters that can lift DSLRs or even a few that can haul around an Ariflex digital cinema camera, but those are big dollar and mostly custom built. Most of them can’t fly more than a few miles from the takeoff point, and then only for about a half-hour or so. A moderate breeze will greatly impact their performance. Of course the first responders and people spending other people’s money can afford to get more aircraft than most civilians. Like cars, flight time and performance are measured in “how long do you want to spend?” terms.

      • Well, the cameras in the Big Bird satellites were damned effective 40 years ago. And other stuff I shouldn’t talk about. But there is very little which is unidentified in US airspace. Unfortunately.

        • Sure, and the best aerial photography is still done by hanging massive digital cameras out of a hole in the bottom of a Cessna. But that’s expensive and you have to call ahead. Drones are quick to deploy. No need file a flight plan (unless in controlled airspace then you can get instant clearance with LLANC), and drone pilots tend to work cheap.

  20. Yes, it’s clearly the government trying to gaslight us, for a couple of reasons. First, they want MORE police state powers over drones:

    Second, the Israel Lobby wants war with Iran. The easiest way for the government to fake an Iranian attack on the U.S. in an Operation Northwoods-style operation would be to load a drone with explosives, blow something up, and then blame the Iranians and say we are under attack by “terrorist drones” and need to attack Iran.

  21. The Biden regime deploying bioweapons against the American population? Those are some dark thoughts. It strikes me that the fear of this is the kind of shit (and being aware of the psychopathy of this regime and the deep state) is what some of us had in mind when we felt compelled to vote Trump (i.e. against against Kamala).

    Trump reportedly wrote in a post on Truth Social: “Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!”


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