Literally. Somethings – as in plural – that is.
The drones that were first spotted over New Jersey have reportedly been spotted over at least three other east coast states – Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York – as well as (according to the latest reports) California.
What’s going on exactly is anyone’s guess – but one thing’s for sure.
The Biden Regime knows all about it and is almost certainly behind what’s going on. How to know that? Try flying a drone of your own over or even near a place such as Dulles Airport, in the suburbs of DC – where I used to live. Watch your watch – so you’ll be able to recount how many minutes it took for you to get Hut!Hut! Hutted! by various heavily armed federal goons.
See what happens if you were to fly a bunch of drones anywhere near restricted airspace, such as in the vicinity of military installations. The idea that this exact thing could go on for days without a response is understandable only if the drones are known to those who have restricted the airspace; i.e., the military (and by inference, the government).
They do not usually Hut! Hut! Hut! themselves.
So, we know they know.
We know the drones are more than likely theirs. Because if they weren’t, they’d have been shot down by now. The response would have been hysterical, by now.
Who else has the means to fly drones over multiple states at once?
It is risible to believe that the federal government – which has such things as helicopter gunships as well as other means of bringing down things that fly into restricted airspace and/ore menace civilian areas – would just shrug with wonder and tell us it has no idea what’s going on.
So, what is going on?
Well, we can speculate.
What are big drones used for? Among other things, they are used in agriculture, to spray crops. What else could they be used to spray? It is a frightening thing to contemplate – especially when there are now apparently swarms of these drones weirdly flying around both coasts and at least four states as of this reporting.
We know that the egregiously evil Peter Hotez has warned of a slew of new contagions. “We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike,” he snickered. Note the “we have,” too.
Who’s “we,” chief?
He and his. And the other creatures and creeps that are almost certainly behind and at the controls of these drones. It is not a crazy thing to wonder whether “big things” – that are very small things – have been sprayed and are in process of being sprayed over densely populated areas on both coasts. What is the latency period of whatever it is that possibly tens of millions of people have already breathed in?
One thing is absolutely knowable: “Masking” isn’t going to “work.” But – this time – it may be more than a bad cold with a 99.8 percent recovery rate for people who are otherwise healthy and not frail or elderly or already very sick, as from chronic illnesses such as COPD and pneumonia.
For now, all we can do is wait.
But the wait may not be long.
. . .
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What bothers me more is that the average joe doesn’t realize they are lying. ‘we don’t know; my ass. All ya’d have to do is follow them back, the easiest thing ever.
NYC news said a month ago that a ‘blackhawk helicopter was seen in the area of the drones near Picatinny Arsenal (an army research base in Northern NJ). And the news actually showed the track of them over the base with what looked like a radar print. Yo Macfly……………………….. FOLLOW IT BACK.
Anyone want to bet that a Predator drone up at 10-20K feet could track them all….
Eric you are correct. Why aren’t people a little smarter.
Yes, it’s clearly the government trying to gaslight us, for a couple of reasons. First, they want MORE police state powers over drones:
Second, the Israel Lobby wants war with Iran. The easiest way for the government to fake an Iranian attack on the U.S. in an Operation Northwoods-style operation would be to load a drone with explosives, blow something up, and then blame the Iranians and say we are under attack by “terrorist drones” and need to attack Iran.
The Biden regime deploying bioweapons against the American population? Those are some dark thoughts. It strikes me that the fear of this is the kind of shit (and being aware of the psychopathy of this regime and the deep state) is what some of us had in mind when we felt compelled to vote Trump (i.e. against against Kamala).
Trump reportedly wrote in a post on Truth Social: “Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!”