The Elitism of EVs


They tell us battery powered devices are necessary to prevent the “climate” from “changing,” which they claim is happening because we’re driving cars. What they don’t tell us – directly – is that they’ll use devices to get most of us out of cars rather than getting us to switch from cars to devices.

That’s the intent, at any rate.

How will they do this? Take a look at the window sticker of the devices they’re pushing on us. One example being the device to which they have affixed the “Charger” name. It has a base price of more than $60k – or about just shy of twice as much as it cost to buy the car named Charger when it was last available in 2023, when you could buy one for $33,200.

Next up, the VW I.D.  Buzz – which is a device that is meant to evoke fond recollections of the VW Microbus of the Hippie era back in the ’60s. Apparently, VW hopes people will forget that a Microbus didn’t cost $61,545 to start, as the device that hopes to leverage  memories of it does.

A 1967 VW Bus stickered for about $21,00 in today’s money – or about a third the money it takes to buy the device that only affluent Hippies (a chimeric being if ever there was one)  can afford. One that only affluent Hippies can house. You didn’t need to own a private garage to be able to charge up an old VW bus at home. You do need one to avoid waiting half an hour or so several times a week at a Sheetz if you own a device such as the I.D. Buzz.

These are just two examples. There are many others. In fact, it is all of the others. There is no such thing as a device that costs less than a car. Every device costs more. And not just a little bit more. The cost difference generally amounts to at least $10,000 – and often a great deal more than that – when you compare the cost of a device to a vehicle that is otherwise similar (and also functionally superior).

Case in point: The Nissan Leaf is one of the less-expensive devices available. Its base  price is $28,140. Nissan’s Versa is the comparable alternative, in that it is about the same size and shape. But the Versa’s base price is $17,190. Put another way, it would cost you $10,950 extra to replace a car like the Versa with a device such as the Leaf. Not counting the hidden costs of owning the device, which include a shorter service life and much more rapid depreciation.

Another case-in-point: The Chevy Bolt EV. It is the least expensive device sold by General  Motors. It stickers for just over $30,000 to start. Or you could buy a Chevy Trax – which is about the same size and looks similar – and will last longer and hold its value for longer – for $21,163.

As you move up to larger devices, the price disparity increases markedly.

Case in point: The 2025 Cadillac Escalade IQ – which is the device made to look the Cadillac Escalade SUV. It stickers for $129,990 to start. The Escalade – the SUV,  not the device – stickers for $87,595 to start. That’s a difference of $42,395 – for the device.

It wasn’t all that long ago you could buy an Escalade for not much more than $42,000. (Its base price back in 2005 – only 20 years ago – was $53,850.)

The cost of these devices is driving people out of vehicles – or will, when the only vehicles you’re allowed to buy are devices. This is clearly the intention. If it weren’t – and if the “climate” really were “changing” – then the devices being foisted on us would be designed to cost no more than the vehicles they want us to abandon and ideally, less. So as to give us an incentive to want to buy them in addition to us being able to afford them.

Instead, the curious emphasis has been on gratuitous attributes such as performance and luxury. Not there is anything wrong with either attribute – if you are someone who has the cash to indulge. Luxury and performance cars have always – until now – been elite cars, but not necessarily elitist cars.

The distinction is significant.

An elite car is one that’s available to anyone who has the means and wants to buy one. For example, a Corvette or a Mercedes. A elitist car is one that is only available to those who have the means and for those who do not, nothing else is available.

It is no skin off one’s nose if one cannot afford a Corvette when one can afford a Camaro, say. Or when the neighbor buys a Mercedes but you have your Camry – and both serve equally well as transportation.

But what if the only “option” – other than hitching a ride, walking or taking the bus – is to buy a device that costs as much as a Corvette or a Mercedes? Well, the you hitch a ride or walk or take the bus.

That’s where we have been headed the past four years and if they had another four years, it is all-but-certain they would have ensured only elitist vehicles – in the form of these devices – would be available.

Then it would have been a simple matter of attrition – as the already-in-circulation alternatives to devices age out of circulation, leaving no option other than a device priced such that only the “elite” can afford one.

Now there’s a chance that they can be stopped. But it won’t be easy and is certain to be traumatic – because so many vehicle manufacturers have already bought into this business (probably the wrong word) of manufacturing elitist devices. Billions have been committed – and it will therefore cost billions to un-commit.

For that reason, expect a fight. One that will probably be a lot like trying to deprogram a child who has fallen under the sway of a cult.

. . .

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  1. While observing that the push toward EVs was coupled with another push toward unreliable, intermittent energy from very low density sources, I used to wonder whether the politicians driving this were really that stupid, or whether there was a wider agenda behind it all.

    The ConVid fiasco answered that, I think quite decisively.

    For the whole developed world to act in unison, to impose measures their own ‘pandemic plans’ had previously ruled out as either ineffective (masks, closed borders) or so damaging to not be worth while (lockdowns), and then the mass coercion into the genetic quackcines, can only mean one thing.

    Whoever exactly ‘they’ are, they want us enslaved. And mostly dead.

  2. Hi Eric, et al,
    What a timely and articulate article summing up what I’ve observed about the whole EV push for such a long time. The goal seems not to be “saving the planet” but rather a subtext of the real goal which is population reduction. The entities holding the levers of power seem to endorse principles of the Club of Rome and the Eugenics folks whilst using sophisticated psychological manipulation of the “educated” population to endorse what is essentially projection. In my opinion here’s the tell. There seems to be a high level support by the “educated” of war as a foreign policy. War, it would seem, remains the worst sort of environmental disaster imaginable. I constantly ask my warmonger friends whether diplomacy and free trade would not be more effective in every dimension but that’s not in the cards. Climate change is just an excuse, like 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania etc. Oh well, Thanks, Eric again for putting your arguments in a rational context so easy to consume.

    • >War, it would seem, remains the worst sort of environmental disaster imaginable.

      Yeah, no shit.
      UXBs (unexploded bombs and shells) are still being “harvested” from the killing fields of WWI.
      People die from this “harvest.” Also lose limbs, etc. Nien, danke.

  3. “..Eeeelon who thinks he’ll survive as a tariff-protected quasi-monopolist.”

    Elon has more than just that. He’s the ultimate BS artist, able to fool the majority of people most of the time, again and again.

    Look at where the TSLA share price is – despite missing on projected deliveries and a clearly slowing market.

    Have a read of their latest ‘investor guidance’. Same old crap, endlessly polished and repeated. Things that Elon announced were ‘almost ready’ years ago, are now ‘almost ready’ yet again. Soon he’ll be off in his fully self-driven Tesla Roadster to Mars!

    The man is the new Jesus, because he can most definitely walk on water.

  4. That makes total sense because Global Warming IS a cult. No different than the assortment of gods the ancient Egyptians had. Mother Earth? The only thing Mother Earth has done for me is try to kill me every winter I’ve been alive.

  5. Something must be up.

    Veterans Today has a tall tale about a story involving Dracos, the good aliens, and military officers have warned a group of oligarchs that they could be destroyed if they don’t clean up their act.

    Marduke, the Mars God, might do the dirty work and 90 percent of all oligarchs will be exterminated.

    Far fetched content and just simply unhinged.

    Could be a true report, nothing new under the sun.

    No more yachts and private jets for those oligarchs, I guess.

    Alien Invasion

    Kind of scary.

  6. >A 1967 VW Bus
    There are still quite a few of the old Type 2 in running condition
    This is just one county in SoCal

    “Affluent hippie” is an oxymoron.
    There are still some actual hippies around. Guaranteed such volk will not be driving a VW I.D. Buzz. For one thing, many of them are likely to be off grid… Try Madrid, NM, or the wilds of northern AZ, and tell me how many EVs you find. I am betting the number will be identically zero.

    • Most “former” hippies have, like Vermont’s joke of a Senator, Bernie Sanders, moved on to other ways to LEECH. Most of them, that’s all they were: drug-addled leeches and parasites. Typically their “communes” were very transitory re: personnel, and, like Sanders, who got KICKED OUT for laziness, they found that WORK was needed to keep their “little slice of paradise” going!
      I’d be shocked if any of them could have kept a VW Bus alive all these years. Not that maintenance was all that difficult, indeed, it’s simplicity, which was what Der Fuhrer had in mind for his “Strength Through Joy” car, facilitated easy repair. But even doing a tune-up on a VW flat-four involves some discipline and following instructions, which most of those that “tuned in, turned on, dropped out” were incapable of or outright refused. Many of them were abandoned by the 1970s, but enterprising DIYers, seeing their practicality, fixed them up for cheap and kept them going. That’s why, in utter irony, the most likely current owner of a VW Bus would be neither some twit with his “Paris Envy”, nor an aged hippie, but rather, a Real ‘Murican, one used to wrench-twisting and self-reliance.

      • You’d be wrong about that, Douglas. What a load of collectivist drivel. My first real experience at wrenching was on a 1967 VW Beetle….using John Muir’s How to Keep Your Volkswagon Alive as a guide, I did my first engine rebuild and continued wrenching on various vehicles for decades afterwards. Painting with a broad brush about hippie leaches serves nobody’s interest….for me it makes me ignore whatever valid points you might have to make….dang, lighten up dude. BTW, most of the “hippies” I knew, and I was of that generation, were hard working, reliable working class folks who went on to accomplish more than many….

    • ‘Try Madrid, NM, or the wilds of northern AZ, and tell me how many EVs you find.’ — Adi Heidler

      Yesterday, emerging from the crowded post office, I spotted a galloping horse emblem on the grille of a vehicle that obviously wasn’t a Mustang.

      Figured probably it was a cheap knock-off someone purchased for twenty bucks on Etsy to add some cachet to their boring Chumpmobile.

      But on second glance, I realized the emblem was OEM, affixed to an EeeVee ‘Mustang’ [sic]. Not a single commercial charging station exists in our mountain village, and (Dog willing) never will.

      Yeah you got your dead cat and you got your dead dog
      On a moonlight night you got your dead toad frog
      Got your dead rabbit and your dead EeeVee
      Its owner’s cries and pleas will make you howl in glee

      — Loudon Wainwright III, Dead Skunk

      • Lee Iacocca would turn in his grave if he knew what a shit show Ford’s made of the Mustang (EV) or what Stellantis did to the Chrysler he saved from bankruptcy some 45 years ago.

  7. This goes hand in hand with entertainment media saturating the public with the idea that high end material goods should be desired by the masses, when their actual customer base are the few wealthy elite who can afford multiples of these items. The haves like the idea that the plebs long to be one of them. I know some young people having a hard time paying rent or buying a home who splurge on expensive concert tickets to see Taylor Swift or Billie Eilish, buy designer bags, shoes and cosmetics. That was simply not done by my generation, or my parents generation. I drove hand me down cars until I was 40 and that was while having a good paying job but putting my earnings into the basics, living in a very small starter home for 20 years until we could afford a bigger home. Saving for retirement was a must not an option. Designer anything wasn’t even contemplated.

  8. Got to “keep the niggers down”. Don’t ever let them think they can live a better life. In fact, convince them they ARE living a better life. Even if they can no longer drive a car, unlike their fathers.

    • That’s why GM Pontiac Motor Division prospered for so long: Poor Old Negro Thinks It’s A Cadillac! BTW, most blacks that did own Caddys bought them second-hand, often for cash, as it was hard for most of them to get bank financing for their rides. It wasn’t just cheap rent that had most seedy used(up) car lots in “darkie town”, as any business tries to site itself where its market lies.

  9. Driving through Denver on a Sunday morning is like Friday afternoon rush hour of 30 years ago. The growth of the population has overloaded transportation infrastructure, even with CDOT scrambling to build more lanes in chokepoint areas. When I visit Las Vegas no matter when I get to town I-15 is always backed up and moving at 10 MPH through the city core. Again, there’s road construction everywhere. Same thing with Salt Lake City, more traffic than the roads can handle. Throw some weather into the mix and forget about being on time.

    It’s in the elite’s best interest to get cars off the highways. Imagine if there were a shooting war on American soil. The plans are to quickly move resources into the fighting areas using the autobahns… er, interstates. But you can’t do that if there’s a mob of civilians fleeing the war zone on those interstates. How do you keep the roads clear? Sure, station troops at the freeway entrances, but are they going to shoot civilians? How are you going to secure every mile of highway? One fence breech near a frontage road will allow countless numbers of vehicles to get on the highways. And all it takes is one enemy drone to take out a few SUVs to render the highway closed.

    But imagine a world where the interstates are as clear as that old film of Hitler riding on his new autobahn. The wealthy can once again enjoy travel by road without the frustration of traffic jams. “Essential” workers got a taste of what clear roads feel like during the COVID farce. I really got used to having the cruise set to 80 and non-stop travel. The slog to work was almost enjoyable. And if the worst should happen, well, at least the roads will be clear.

    • >The plans are to quickly move resources into the fighting areas using the autobahns… er, interstates.

      Yes, that is why they were built. Military necessity was Dwight Eisenhower’s pitch to fund construction of the Interstate Highway System.

      • It was an EXCUSE for Federal patronage. Ike had to reward not only loyal Republicans, but also “Suthun” Democrats, who were MORE conservative that most GOPers back in the day. Ever notice how extensive the Interstates were in the South, back when it had about half the population share of the USA that it has now? Oh, they had decent roads in Southern states, and a ready means to cut the weeds (“take it off, Boss?”), but most of their legislatures and governors were too parsimonious to build state-funded freeways.

        BTW, the Autobahn, though a marvel of civil and traffic engineering in its day, proved to be of limited military use for the Wehrmacht. The issue was simply that Germany lacked trucks, especially heavy wheeled transport, and FUEL for them. Indeed, German soldiers got rewards for capturing American-made trucks INTACT, especially the “Stoodies” (Studebaker) given to the Soviet Army via Lend-Lease, which they in turn used for just about anything, even a launch platform for their “Katyusha” artillery rockets. The Wehrmacht, even the Luftwaffe, was dependent upon RAIL transport, which in turn dominated their military strategy. The Autobahn had been only about 25 percent built out by the time WWII ended, but it was used by an Army to move men and equipment across Germany…commanded by George S. Patton!

          • EXCELLENT point. Buna was then another German “ersatz” material which was markedly inferior to the genuine article, but as they had no natural sources of rubber and no way to import it, even though the Japanese had captured the substantial rubber plantations of the Dutch East Indies and Malaysia. Some supplies of natural rubber did get through either via disguised freighters, ala the 1965 movie “Morituri”, but the more common method was for a U-Boat “Milch Kuh” (milk cow), after rendez-vouing with “wolf pack” subs to resupply them at sea, went on through the Indian Ocean, evading the Royal Navy and the Aussies, to make it to Japanese-held Rangoon or Singapore to pick up a load of natural rubber.

    • >The wealthy can once again enjoy travel by road without the frustration of traffic jams.

      I can hardly wait for the signs @ the Interstate on ramps:
      “EVs only beyond this point.” Will there be color coded license plates?

      We peons (goyim) can take the back roads, if they are not blocked off by piles of rubble. And be prepared for a “catalytic converter check,” or some such excuse, every X miles on average, where X is to be determined. Harassment, thy name is government .

  10. I suspect another “cash for clunkers” program is in our future but based on high EV prices I can’t see it convincing anyone that it’s better to buy a new car than repairing what you already paid for.

    • The next Cash for Clunkers will take the early-mid 2000s half ton trucks off the road.

      I still see a lot of Tacomas and 4Runners from that era rolling around Austin so put those on the list as well.

      • Roscoe: The next Cash for Clunkers will take the early-mid 2000s half ton trucks off the road.

        I wonder how many people could afford a new pick up even if they gave you 10K for your old one? If memory serves me correctly your old clunker had to be tagged, insured, up to date state inspection and running. In other words a new car was a want rather than a need.

        • Hi Landru,

          The question becomes who would want a new pick up truck? I wouldn’t. The surveillance should be enough to put fear into all of us.

          I don’t see Cash for Clunkers being a success, because people do not want EVs and that is about the only thing out there. There are a lot of good solid used vehicles available. The more we buy of them and the less we buy new the auto manufacturers will get the message.

          The only way for a system to fail is for people not to participate in it. If we don’t engage they don’t win.

          • Who wants a new or even late model used vehicle? Well, given that they’re the products not of consumer-driven design, product development, and marketing, but “Gubmint” and Deep State diktat, by our self-presumed “betters”, any “Reel ‘Murican’ should utterly despise and reject such crap! However, that’d imply a culture where discipline, self-reliance, and thrift are rewarded instead of PUNISHED.

            Yes, there’s that “sweet spot” of vehicles made, starting about 1990, and enduring to about 2005, which have the combination of being made to run on today’s chemical monstrosity formulation referred to as unleaded gasoline, computer tech that can handle emissions and engine performance without the gaggle of vacuum-actuated gadgetry that bedeviled vehicles of the 1970s and 1980s, and sufficient quality control that there’s still plenty of road-worthy survivors. Even older vehicles that are now 40 to 60 years old, what few remain and haven’t been snapped up by “collectors”, can be made to run, and given the simplicity of their tech, the issue is more of being able to get or improvise parts, which the FREE MARKET normally solves.

            And therein lies the “rub”. Look no further than the formerly “Golden” State known as Calipornia, with it’s (California) “Air Resources Board”, a bureaucratic monstrosity that wields absolute and arbitrary authority over motor vehicles here. A small example of how their (over)reach seems intended to defeat any attempt to keep the “old iron” on CA highways via bureaucratic “fatwa”. Mopar enthusiasts remember “fondly” the “Malaise Era” which then was nearly the Pentastar’s demise. One of the then-ghastly experiments was known as “Lean Burn”, which had as its design the ability to run a gasoline engine on a very LEAN mixture, to, in theory, improve fuel economy and greatly reduce hydrocarbon emissions. It wasn’t, as some mistakenly believe, an attempt to make unnecessary a catalytic converter, but to extend its life, as testing of early examples showed that they readily clogged with soot. The idea was to replace various vacuum-actuated gadgets that made for a plethora of “plumbing” under the hood with a then state-of-the-art computer that’d direct engine timing and carburetor functions. Worked great…IN THE LABORATORY. Given Chrysler’s then poor financial state, which had to bypass a sufficient period of testing and development to work out the “bugs”, and also the desire to keep maintenance of these computer-driven cars “proprietary”, that is, only the DEALER could work on them (and most COULDN’T, or WOULDN’T), these gutless, wheezing Malaise-Era abominations turned many a Mopar loyalist to other brands, especially IMPORTS. So, was the idea really bad? No, it was the first mass market attempt, with the hapless buyers made the “guinea pigs” by a failing manufacturer, desperate to achieve emissions and fuel economy goals with engines and vehicles that already were “long in the tooth”, i.e., about twenty years old at the time. Now, could someone with, say, a 1977 Cordoba with a 400 “B” block V8, being fed by a “Lean Burn” Carter Thermoquad, resurrect one with a dead computer (they were in a box mounted on the AIR CLEANER, for Pete’s sake!)? Assuming that finding a working example proves them to be “Un-Obtainium”, and, like in CA, the smog regs dictate that the “Lean Burn” system has to be installed and functional in order for the vehicle to pass emissions, can some aftermarket solution be improvised? Why, YES, and it has been done, a most notable example being someone that actually obtained the source code, re-compiled it, and put it on a Raspberry Pi, mounted under the dash. It’s not only a “fix”, but a significant improvement. Yet, if you live in Calipornia as I do, don’t bother if you actually intended to get your vintage “Malaise Era” Mopar to be “legal”…because CARB won’t ALLOW it. Actual performance, assuming you could get a certified smog “referee” to agree to test it, is IRRELEVANT. As far as CARB is concerned, if the “boxes aren’t all checked”, you don’t get your smog certificate. Given that many other states simply don’t bother with smog requirements for vehicles over, say, 25 to 30 years old, as attrition has rendered the paltry few survivors insignificant as a factor in local air quality, one would wonder why the formerly “Golden” State even bothers to deny a waiver for the relatively few enthusiasts. Answer: they DESPISE “car culture” and want to do their utmost to stamp it out! Those woke cretins actually have this notion that THEY have to find ways to get Californians “out of their cars”, herded into those “15 minute cities”, and jam together on communal, PUBLIC transport to get about. The very concept of individual FREEDOM is lost on these communistic, socialistic ding-dongs.

    • BTW, I used to think Cash for Clunkers wouldn’t happen under the Trump Administration 2.0, but I’m not so sure with Elon now prominent as one of The Orange Man’s biggest boosters.

      • Remember, OM ran as a REPUBLICAN, not a LIBERTARIAN. “Cash for Clunkers Redux” might be offered to “domestic” car makers as an incentive to restore auto manufacturing to the “Lower 48”. If nothing else, the GOPs hold on FedGov is TENUOUS, and relies greatly, and not just for electoral votes, on FOUR “swing states” in the “Rust Belt” Midwest (WI, MI, OH, and PA), but also their Congress “Critter” delegations.

  11. Every commercial break in the football games on Thanksgiving night featured the GM “Hummer” device doing the crabwalk across the snow.

    No word on where the vehicle was charged in that remote location to perform a stunt which probably drains the battery, given the physics, but most of the room I was with that night was enraptured.

    Most telling — the member of the armed forces sitting front and center on the couch in front of the commercial openly talked about buying one. The payoff to ignore the Biden thing shuffling us into a nuclear war must be pretty good at his rank. I’m sure he isn’t alone.

    • EVs be damned, that is a pretty cool engineering feat. I would imagine some folks are going to say “hold my beer” and get into some serious and life ending situations with that capability…

      • Yes. Show Ya types to whom the EVs are marketed.

        Turn the EVs into fetish items. Ford and GM learned it from Elon.

        Ludicrous Speed isn’t enough anymore for Show Ya.

        And, BTW, Amiga Forever.

  12. While Western governments are pushing that demented plan called NET ZERO, effectively meaning chaotic & intermittent wind and solar energy for the little people, Big Tech is going all in on nuclear energy, as their plans for AI data centers will require LOTS of energy. Will that nuclear energy also be for the little people, or just the Big Tech types and their precious technocratic agenda? My guess would be the latter, as the globalist/ technocratic elite definitely seem to have the attitude of “Wind & solar energy for thee, nuclear energy for me”, the excuse once again being “Cliiiiiimate change” or “Cliiiiiiiiimate chaos!”

  13. “Climate change” is such a childish and stupid phrase. The climate changed from 7:45 to 7:52 as I type this. Earth turns, we get more solar irradiance as more of the big blue rock is exposed to the sun, heats up the atmosphere, etc.

    A volcano in Indonesia caused catastrophic global “climate change” in 1815 (look up the “year without a summer”).

    Anyhow, my point is that people who sell “climate change” are evil and people who accept it vis-a-vis EVs are idiots.

    • Manmade climate change is a fact, but in general it is irrelevant, its magnitude is a rounding error on the temperature and climate of the earth.

      Our burning of natural fuels releases co2 (a good thing), water vapor (a temporary thing) and waste heat. But the magnitude of the waste heat is irrelevant when our planet radiates heat to the near absolute zero of outer space. People who buy into manmade climate change and overpopulation are pampered and brainwashed urbanisms. They have no concept of how big and empty this planet is and how insignificant man’s work upon it is. Very few of our structures can even be seen from space, to include ancient works like the Great Wall of china and the pyramids of Egypt.

      The only thing man can do to wreck the climate is to destroy the ground cover, as in the long term turning of parts of Africa into the Sahara desert. Or clear cutting of tens of thousands of square miles in South America. It should be noted that open pit mining of rare earth metals for EV batteries is vastly more destructive than drilling a few billion barrels of crude oil out of the ground, refining them into useful products, and living a better life with them.

      • “Manmade climate change is a fact. . .” – Ernie (exhibiting extreme hubris)

        It’s absolutely impossible to prove or disprove this assertion for many reasons. The most important are: (a) there are an infinite amount of variables resulting from our 9 billion people on Earth, Earth’s geology and atmosphere, and our solar system (with the big, hot bright thing at the center and 93 million miles away from us) and (b) it’s impossible to create a control group to make this determination because we don’t have another Earth where we can change one variable to see if it “changes” earth’s climate or not.

        Let’s try a thought experiment? What if the Sun would otherwise have heated up the Earth by 2 degrees, but manmade smog caused some solar radiation to be deflected into space, thereby lessening the 2 degree rise to only 1.5 degrees? Likewise, what if lack of solar activity would have otherwise reduced Earth’s temp by 2 degrees, but for manmade “greenhouse gases,” which then only permitted a 1.5 degree decrease? Are either of these circumstances “manmade climate change?” If not, what are they? If so, change from what?

        “Climate change” is a bullshit phrase chosen to be able to point to any slight difference in climate from one day/month/year/decade to another as a manmade crisis (often times they’re just lying about temps anyway), which then gets used as a pretext for controlling and mulcting the populace. It’s no different from the BS PCR test to convince that there was a “pandemic.” Using their “climate change” term (whether you minimize it or not) assists in the propaganda. It’s like calling bullshit on “transgender” ideology, but then referring to yourself as a cisgender male. Conceding to their terms (the Left is indeed very adept at manipulating language) undercuts your pushback.

        • >“Climate change” is a bullshit phrase chosen to be able to point to any slight difference in climate from one day/month/year/decade to another as a manmade crisis (often times they’re just lying about temps anyway), which then gets used as a pretext for controlling and mulcting the populace.

          “Climate” is just the average over a long stretch of time. “Weather” is what you get, on any given day.

          One example:
          Here in SoCal (flatlands, not the mountains), average annual rainfall is something like 14 inches. But this is only the *average*. We can have wet years, with rainfall exceeding 30″, and we can have dry years, with rainfall only 5″, as well as anything in between.

          All of this is *natural* variation in the weather, and has absolutely *nothing* to do with human activity.

          The ignorant “chicken littles” want to yell “climate change” every time there is a change in the way the wind blows. My God, they are *stupid*.

    • Ah…but…BUT…”The Science”! The “Climate Change” hoax is but further evidence of the corruption of science in American academia.

      • Another example of “The Science” being complete bull crap is the whole COVID nonsense. Narratives like “Masks work!” or “The vaccines only work if EVERYONE takes them!”

        • I was hornswoggled into taking the “Jab” to maintain my employment some three years ago. Didn’t get so much as a head cold prior. Had COVID TWICE afterwards, and am recovering from surgery thanks to a cyst (thus far deemed “benign”) on my left “testy-cool”. Thankfully surgery went fine, though I’m definitely “hurting” as recovery’s been, well, PAINFUL.

          My #1 son has endured repeated bouts of pancreatitis, including a five-month stay in the Stanford hospital, wherein he nearly died. My summer and fall of 2022 was filled with 2x-3x weekly drives and/or stayovers from my home east of Sacramento to Palo Alto, to visit him and keep his spirits up, but what else could I do?

  14. Here is a mirror image of the EeeVee phenomenon, in which governments destroy instead of subsidize capacity:

    ‘A jump in power prices in Europe has made the case for Norway’s ruling party to limit power exports.

    ‘Lawmaker Ingvild Kjerkol commented: “In spite of full water reservoirs, power prices are sky high. It’s very hard to explain to people in Norway why a country with a large power surplus should have high electricity prices.”

    Analyst Bjorn Inge Vik commented: “It’s been cold and with very little wind, so those are the fundamentals that have eaten into gas storage in Europe and underpin electricity prices as well.”

    ‘Norwegians have traditionally enjoyed low power prices thanks to over 1,000 hydroelectric plants, but growing market integration has brought continental price volatility to the Nordic region.’ — ZeroHedge

    What happened here? Three things: 1. Germany shut down its nuclear plants; 2. Germany subsidized ‘green energy,’ which goes offline when it’s cloudy and still; 3. America demolished Germany’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia, without a peep of protest from the 4 foot 7 inch, hairless eunuch ‘Scholz.’

    So gov-directed capacity destruction of conventional power plants made power prices spike like a mofo for hapless suppliers such as Norway. Then the nearly half of Norwegians who fell victim to their own government’s EeeVee scam howl in pain.

    Stupid eurotards — y’all totally sh*t the bed.

    • Remember when Barry Obastard said that electricity/energy prices would “necessarily skyrocket” under his communist plans? He accidentally told a truth, and the brainwashed elitists and academics loved him.

      • Hi Ernie,

        When he was President, Barack Obama also told an African audience that if they all had things such as an automobile & air conditioning, the planet would “boil over”.

        • Be assured that’d never happen in any sub-Saharan African nation. Even in the Republic of South Africa, thirty years out of Apartheid, their bridges and roads are falling apart. It’s but further testament to what the late Richard Milhous Nixon once said: No African country has ever amounted to anything, and NONE ever will.

    • Norway is the country that is ‘proud’ of its environmentalist achievements and of having successfully bullied its population into mass EV adoption.

      Yet at the same time, they are only as wealthy as they are, and therefore can waste hundreds of millions on fads, because of their North Sea oil exports.

      Says it all.

  15. The people who screech the loudest about “cliiiiiiiiimate change” tend to be the BIGGEST phonies ever, as they fly around in private jets, own several McMansions, and even own a fancy yacht. Examples of such elitism & phoniness include Elizabeth Warren, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and Mark Zuckerberg, as outlined in the clip below by comedian Jimmy Dore…..and yet, who knows how many people have bought into the absolute BS spouted by such elitists. Bill Gates’ laughable excuse for why he flies around in private jets when he lectures the little guys on “cliiiiiiiiimate change” is that he buys carbon offsets, which has to be one of the BIGGEST scams out there.

        • They all do it. Wind farms are financed like REITs. You buy a share of a turbine (or several). Then they get to cut the line when they’re producing, get a subsidy for their production and pretty much are a guarantee of profit. Did your retirement analyst let you know about green investing? Probably not. But you bet Hollywood types’ money managers know all about the scam.

    • Hi John,
      Obama is the biggest fraud of all, he has two waterfront properties, one in Hawaii and the other on Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the coast of Taxachusetts. Guess he’s not all that worried about rising sea levels and such, plus his Martha’s Vineyard mansion has two 5,000 pound propane tanks. Unreliable ‘green’ power for thee, not for me.

      • Hi Mike,

        That’s right! Barack Obama has also shown his sheer arrogance time & time again. He even tried shaming black men who were supporting Donald Trump over Kamala Harris. It’s kinda like when Joe Biden said that black men who couldn’t decide whether to vote for him or for Trump weren’t black. Obama is probably ticked that Trump won instead of Harris. It’s astounding that there are still people out there who think Barack Obama was a great president.

  16. ‘Billions have been committed – and it will therefore cost billions to un-commit.’ — eric

    This perverse EeeVee phenomenon is variously called malinvestment, stranded investment, or in popular parlance, a white elephant. Even in the final weeks of the ‘Biden’ cabal — ‘Biden’ himself being mentally absent — airhead Jenny Granholm is pumping out billions more in loans to create MOAR EeeVee and battery-making capacity, in an already over-supplied market.

    That’s the sting in the tail for compliant, conventional-thinker CEOs. They thought they were getting free money. Then Big Gov kept pouring [stolen] money into financing ever more excess capacity, which inevitably leads to a price crash. This kills off the weak players — basically all of them, except possibly Eeeelon who thinks he’ll survive as a tariff-protected quasi-monopolist. Thus his palling around with the Orange Man.

    Because capacity cycles move in slow motion — in periods of five years or so — they are not apparent to most observers outside the industry. Even in a free market, capacity cycles occur. But when they are gov-financed, excess capacity rises to far greater extremes, and causes far worse damage when the weak get culled.

    Economically, ‘Biden’ might as well have been Brezhnev. Committing state investment to state industries (read ‘nominally private’ ones, in biz-gov Amerika) bankrupted the Soviet Union. A big reason why Orange Man won is because Americlowns are being relentlessly impoverished by non-market economics, coupled with fierce unskilled labor competition from the migrant locust hordes imported by malevolent HIAS saboteur ‘Mayorkas.’

    There’s a fool born every minute babe
    But this time it isn’t me
    And it don’t take twenty-twenty
    To see what I can see

    I don’t want to hear your promises
    I know the truth and you’re lying
    It’s all over, all over
    Over but the cryin’

    — Georgia Satellites, All Over but the Cryin’

    • Funny you should cite Leonid Brezhnev. For all practical purposes, the penultimate First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, even though there was Yuri Andropov, the one-time KGB chief, and Konstantin Chernenko, for just under three years in between them. The old Russian “bear” was born too late to have been a participant in the Communist takeover of the Russian Empire (causing it to be re-branded as the “Soviet Union” for 75 years); he “made his bones” as a Party functionary, but during WWII, was one of the few “Politruks” that actually compiled an impressive combat record and LED FROM THE FRONT. He managed to survive Beria and Stalin’s purges after the “Great Patriotic War”, and worked his way into the Politburo by the 1950s, being initially a support of Khrushchev. However, once the Soviet military and the Politburo learned of how he’d nearly blundered the USSR into an unwinnable nuclear war with the United States, he led was what then an uncharacteristic “bloodless” coup to topple ol’ Nikita, who was quietly pensioned off to the small dacha they let him keep as “thanks” (but no thanks) for his services. Brezhnev inherited a USSR, some twenty years out of the “Great Patriotic War”, which, although its military prowess seemed impressive, if not intimidating, was structurally weak, with its tenuous hold on Eastern European “allies” who grumbled at their “liberation” from the Nazis some two decades prior. With TV and improved telecommunications, the World was getting “smaller” and working more in “real time”, and it was evident to even the most backward bumpkins in the USSR’s hinterlands that not only had their “World Socialism” not delivered on its promises, it’d actually set them BACKWARDS. Indeed, an informal, underground, “corrupt” economy, run for enormous profit by the same “bankster” Jewish families that had essentially worked in the background, all along, serving the various “apparatchiks” that benefitted by looking the other way, was keeping the entire mess propped up, and the biggest “apparatchik” of all was the First Secretary!

      Like today’s Dummycrat Party in AmeriKKKa, the Politburo became an “old folks’ home”, as few had the luxury of relinquishing power until Satan could claim his own. Brezhnev’s successors each had one foot already in the grave when they took the reins, and the near-misses of nuclear war in 1983 alarmed those “in the know” that the Soviet ship of state was RUDDERLESS. You have to hand it to them for even giving someone like “Gorby” a chance, as at least he knew that “mumbo-jumbo didn’t fly”, and for six years tried to keep the USSR going and relevant. But there’d be an event that’d show how, as Hitler had prophesized some forty-five years prior, that one had to only kick in the door and the whole rotten edifice would come crashing down…he just didn’t realize just exactly where one should ‘kick’…that place proved to be…CHERNOBYL.


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