Mercenary Veterinary


Just as motorcycles – which are still affordable and some of them still simple, owner-fixable things – have been a kind of end-run around what’s been done to cars, so also vets in relation to doctors.

They (vets) have – for the most part – been fee-for-service and so (mostly) affordable on a pay-as-you-go basis for routine checkups and so on.

But they have also become extortionists enmeshed with the government, much the same as the human “health care” apparat has. If you have a dog or a cat and have been to a vet recently, you probably already know all about it.

We have a young dog that we brought to the vet when he was about six months old to get him “fixed” – the strange euphemism for eliminating his capability to reproduce by having the relevant organs removed.

It is interesting – psychologically/emotionally speaking – that humans never use this word when referring to the same  procedure done to themselves.

Anyhow, we took the dog in to get that done. A few months later, he got fleas. So we stopped by the vet to get some flea meds – which we’d done for years, for all our other animals. We discovered we could no longer do just that. The lady at the desk – vets now have a host of fraus, just like doctors have – told us we had to bring the dog in for a “wellness exam” before they would allow us to buy the flea meds.

The “wellness exam” would cost $80. On top of the cost of the flea stuff.

I told the frau that the dog was perfectly well – and reminded her that the vet had seen him just a few months prior and that he was only about a year old. He needed a “wellness exam” as much as a healthy human teenager needs one to use zit cream. Of course it is not a “wellness exam” – except as performance theater. It is rent-seeking, which is the use of coercion to collect “rent” – i.e., to make a buck off someone. The vet knows we need the flea meds – because having a flea-ridden dog or cat in the house is intolerable for the humans – and thus the pressure to hand  over the $80 for the “wellness exam” to get the meds.

The vet says they’re not allowed to dispense prescription meds without the “wellness exam,” giving the vet both the excuse and the absolution. Somehow, the flea meds that work – as opposed to the ones you can buy at Wal Mart that don’t – are now prescription-only. And – no surprise – you can only get the prescription if you have your pet inspected; i.e., the “wellness exam.”

What a racket.

Then there’s this one:

We recently got a couple of kittens – and they need “fixing,” too. All of our cats are completely indoor cats. They never go outside. Ergo, as the Romans used to say, the chances of them catching rabies are essentially nil. On par with a human catching “COVID” as a result of taking a walk by himself in the woods without wearing a “mask.”

Well, wouldn’t you know it – if you take a kitten in to get fixed or for anything at all, the vet will only treat the animal if it has been “vaccinated.” More finely, if you submit to having the animal “vaccinated” as a condition of treatment.

Now, there are many rational reasons for not wanting to have an animal “vaccinated.” Including – in our case – the fact that the animal in question is a cat that has lived and will live its life entirely inside the house where there is no rabies to catch. On that basis alone it is absurd – because unjustified – to “vaccinate” an animal against something it stands almost no chance of ever being exposed to. It is like “vaccinating” someone (a human) who lives in Oklahoma against a disease that is almost impossible to catch unless you go to Africa.

And there is another, even-more-justifiable reason to be “hesitant” about having a beloved animal “vaccinated.” It is that God-only-knows-what is in the “vaccines” they shoot into animals. We know – we have come to know – how little in the way of precautions and full disclosure of the risks associated with the taking of them applies to the “vaccines” that millions of humans have been injected with. Many of them against their better judgment, under duress. How many of those millions would have refused if they’d known these “vaccines” were not “safe” – or “effective”?

And the only reason we do know now is because humans can talk. Animals can’t. When an animal “dies suddenly,” it is just an animal. No autopsy is done. When an animal develops a weird – perhaps fatal – condition – who is responsible? How would you be able to prove it?

The standards in place to assure the safety of human “vaccines” are deplorably – criminally – lax. There is no meaningful way to hold the peddlers of human “vaccines” accountable for the harms they cause. It is nonexistent when it comes to the peddlers – and pushers – of “vaccines” for animals.

In the past, you could just say no – as Nancy Reagan used to say about the street drugs that were, ironically enough, never pushed on anyone. Now the vets push these drugs on you by refusing to treat your pet unless you submit – so they can profit.

I think the time is approaching – if it is not already here – when dealing with doctors and vets will need to be done on the down low. Because it is the only way to transact such business without the government being involved – and without being taken to the cleaners by doctors and vets who have become mercenary extortionists and adjuncts of the government.

. . .

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  1. A good reason not to vaccinate cats is vaccination site cancer.

    For fleas, I use products that only have methoprene as the active ingredient. It’s a growth inhibitor that breaks the flea life cycle. It doesn’t kill adult fleas. For that, I remove them from the cats, and they enjoy the attention. I don’t want to use toxic products on them, both for their health and mine.

  2. for fleas and ticks. i found a good spray that works and is safe for both cats and dogs and it works. just as good as the other products. smells better and safer for the animal. less poison the better.

    i use it for all my animals and it works.

    i also give a home made diet to my dogs. i won’t feed toxic dry dog food. they use really nasty ingredients. chicken by product is feathers and feet. meat by product is dogs and cats that they get from the vets that euthanize. the use them as a meat source for more dogs and cats. nasty.

    for a single dog a crockpot is a friend. i feed all my dogs 3 homemade. chicken, beef, sometimes pork if i can find some locally. and clean. turkey sometimes. their health is amazing on a homemade diet. their coat is sleek and soft. high energy. good names and they don’t pick up parasites as easily. i put garlic in their food one by one. a half a clove a dog. every day and they repel fleas and ticks for the most part just from that.

    hope it helps your good furry friend.

  3. i stopped listening to vets long ago. they are like human doctors. they have a corporate model that includes keeping an illness going as long as possible. there is no profit in a
    ‘cure’. the only profit is in keeping it going or giving them new and improved illness.

    i stopped neutering as well and my 2 male intact dogs get along fine and have none of the health problems a neutered dog has. it wipes out their hormones and they don’t give a hormone replacement therapy of course. it also wipes out their bones. vaccines, neutering and spaying early is the cause of hip dysplasia not genetics as they like to say.

    my old full male made it 14 without any hip dysplasia the vets say he should have for his size. and he didn’t have health problems associated with over vaccinating because i avoided them. i gave him the first puppy shots and rabies ONCE. and never again. we had…past tense….an old time vet who was really good and he told us they don’t need it the first shots give them immunity you don’t need to keep giving it them every year. in our area we are not enslaved like most and even if they demanded it we would have told them to pound sand. not happening. i will not poison my friends as ordered by would be masters.

    thankfully we are not forced into that decision. one of the few areas left with a minor amount of freedom that hasn’t been wiped out yet.

    most the health problems come from injections and early spay/neuter. my old vet told me 2 years for a male is you really have to do that. it allows him to have full bone growth which he will never get from early genital mutilations’ as he called it. for a female. try and make it past her first heat. let her have the bone growth. females mature quicker so it might be 9 months to a year for a female. sadly, our old vet retired and sold his practice to a corporate. never will visit them. unless it is life or death.

    i can say from experience that he was right. i have had zero hip problems and zero bone problems. no lupus. no diseases that come from over injections and vet care that is anything but! yet people believe those cretins and the sole goal is profit! they hold your pets health for up or the dog or cat gets it! same with people….pay up or else! nice world we live in….learn to be your own vet…and your own doctor. you will be healthier and so too will your pet be alive a lot longer.

    • Animal husbandry is another league, you will be a rancher.

      Large animal veterinarian practice ain’t an easy job.

      Had a rescue cat that had ear mites, the vet office visit cured the problem.

      While at the veterinarian’s office, the veterinarian was in the vet barn neutering a horse. The stallion whinnied loudly, no more balls for that horse.

      Every March, calves are born out there in the pastures, bull calves become steers and ag communities dine on Rocky Mountain Oysters.

      When you see a steaming pile of bullshit, it is curing, the heat will destroy any seeds in any way of becoming viable.

      Time to spread the manure back onto the cropland.

      Manure makes cropland like new again.

      Make Manure Great Again!

      Dr. Delgado implanted an electronic device into a bull’s skull.

      The bull would stop charging with one remotely controlled device. Dr. Delgado jumped into the bullring to provide ample proof that an animal can be controlled with a button.

      That takes balls.

      Make sure the battery is fully charged, not the bull.

      • vets don’t give the animals anything for pain like a horse a cow….suck it up. they could sedate them and give something to numb the site but they don’t. at least around here they don’t.

        i have never had a vet do any good for livestock. and yes i have had livestock. they do a thing to help. they make it worse. i had a young steer with horns and made the mistake of having the vet take them off. the buds. he nearly bleed to death at home. they didn’t do it right.

        i have seen the large animals vets and they have very little mercy for the animal in question. couldn’t care less about their pain or distress. i avoid them at all costs. thankfully i have not had a need for one in a decade or more.

        learned to take care of things on my own. be my own vet for my own animals. my own farrier for hooves. and my own doctor. don’t use them quacks. they don’t a thing except cause or misery. and misdiagnosed. not worth the money they charge or the grief they cause their choice of ”cures”.

        • It wouldn’t bother my conscience if Bibi was ‘vet-ed’ by a large animal veterinarian. Sans numbing, no question about it, the limp dick that he is.

          Satanyahoo would be inconsolable. Never be the same again.

          History’s schmuck nonpareil.

        • My second cousin had a trained horse, a nice white horse, would count with one of his hooves.

          My cousin’s father would do the farrier work. Clean each hoof and do the horseshoe nail thingy mabob. Filed the hooves even with the shoes, it was something to see.

          Back in 1959, that was how things got done out there in the backwoods of the outback.

          Horses are not as dumb as I look.

          Beer ain’t drinking.

          Back to the mercury mines.

          The mad hatters are there all of the time.

  4. Eric, if you absolutely must submit to a rabies vaccine for your cats, please follow this protocol. First, request (and refuse all others) a non-adjuvanted vaccine. Adjuvants are strongly associated with injection site sarcomas. Second, order (Helios in England is an excellent company) homeopathic remedy Lyssin (rabies) 100C potency in soft pellets. Crush two pellets and place in a small folded paper that you can use to tip the contents down the throat of the cat immediately upon injection of said vaccine. If you never have to see a vet again after this, you need never inject your pets with anything.

    During the years I required a certificate to cross the US/Canada border with my cats, I used this method. None of them ever had any health issues and all (so-far) have reached veritable old ages (21, 19, 20).

  5. Last winter one of our cats got sick. Found him in my kids playhouse flaccid and unenergetic. Eventually he became paralyzed and was drooling. Dumb rabies? I don’t know. We fed him lots of liposomal vitamin c by dropper as well raw egg and occasionally some ivermectin. It took about 2 weeks of this, but eventually he came back. Slowly he began to regain the use of his limbs. The only remnant of his disease was occasionally you’d see his jaw droop. I refused to take him to a vet since I would not allow them to vaccinate him. Rabies vaccines are mostly grown in aborted baby remains.* Plus, you don’t know if they are now using mrna. Considering his symptoms, they may have killed him anyway.

    *There is one brand that is grown in hamster cells, but I forget which. Good luck getting your vet to use that one.

    • Hi Raymond,

      We went through a similar bad patch with our oldest cat – who is 20. She got emaciated; wasp-waisted. Dawn fed her raw organ meat (liver) and she recovered fully. The old gal – we call her The Dowager – is very sprightly for her age!

  6. In my human physiology laboratory, we did canulate the carotid artery of a doomed dog, had worms, it’s gonna die.

    The physiograph was charting the chart paper with its ink arms.

    Opened the chest cavity to watch the lungs balloon and then deflate. The dog was destroyed in advance of scientific, biological, zoological research.

    It was a class in human physiology, lecture room and lab room both.

    I had to destroy a dog gone mad, psychopathic, not by his own means, but other factors including uncontrollable dogs that were to blame.

    He was a good fun loving animal, got along with cats, but could not be tamed. A dog bite translates to a visit to the vet’s office via police order. You have to do it to avoid prosecution.

    The veterinarian determined the dog had unprovoked aggressive tendencies.

    Don’t want to be involved with a child being attacked by your dog who has gone mad.

    Worse than being Bibi targeted by bullets that are marked with deny, defend, depose on them.

    Any veterinarian with a lick of sense would be in favor putting Bibi the attack dog down and down for good.

    Change my mind.

    Human physiology dictates the decision.

    Any stakeholder would do the same.

  7. Increased vet costs are another example of the noose being deliberately tightened on the middle class. Soon having a pet will mean you are very wealthy as most families will not be able to afford the costs of mandatory vaccinations and other treatments. Here in the Chicago suburbs, you have to get your dog rabies vax or the county will Hut, Hut, Hut you. You get notice in the mail that your dog’s rabies vax is due and if they do not get confirmation of said vax within the allotted time period. the cops will come for you

    • Another anecdote that we either have too many cops, or they don’t exist to stop violent crime, but as armed tax collectors.

    • If you travel out of the US in a southern direction, Amoxacillin can be purchased OTC. Just don’t bring it back across the border. I’ve heard that it works on feline UTIs very well.

  8. I have two dogs. Every vet by me is either booked solid for months or they try to push the most expensive “procedures” on you. When we had to put down our cat a few years back, I was charged $300. The vaccines are crazy. Every time they go to the kennel they have to get the bordetella vaccine. Supposedly mandated by the state. Now if a vaccine doesn’t even last six months, is it effective at all?

    • I realize many cat owners would consider it a ghastly solution, but if it’s time to put Tabby out of her misery, a well-placed “whang” with a Tee Ball bat will do the job quickly. Then dig a deep hole and make sure to pour some quicklime and a sack of Quick-Crete over the remains before filling the hole back in. That three C-notes went mostly for sanitary disposal of the body; a shot of pentathol isn’t all that expensive.

  9. Come to Mexico. People here don’t screw with that nonsense. I have a higher respect for Vets than Medical Doctors but I consider most of all the Servants of the US Medical System as Quacks. There, I believe most of them are still pushing the Covid Shot (at least the ones I know of in Commiefornia).
    We take our Chihuahua into the Vet only if she is having a problem. The Doctor gives his recommendation and we decide.
    As far as Human Doctors go, I will be having Cataract Surgery after the New Year. The reason I did not have it done this month is because the Office is closed the last two weeks of December. It will cost $1.250 US per eye. I got a quote in California as well as Arizona. I was given a price per eye of $5.000-6.000 US.

  10. This all speaks to a broader trend that I also see among vets, as well as human medical doctors, dentists, eye doctors, et. al.—the death of professionalism. Finding folks who’re reasonable and good at their jobs these days who are is a daunting task, and not because there is a shortage of them. In fact, they’re to be found on every street corner in urbanized areas—while there are actually acute shortages in many rural areas. That’s because all the vets, dentists, and eye doctors are going where the money is: to urban and suburban areas, where people are more likely to spend money on their teeth/eyes/pets, are more likely to have money, and better yet, are more likely to have insurance. They’d go broke practicing in a rural area, where people have horrible teeth/eyes, can’t afford to get them fixed, and just don’t care—and where people see animals as disposable commodities—Cows don’t give milk, chickens don’t lay eggs, sheep have bad wool? Time for burgers, wings, and chops. Horse can’t pull the plow, dog or cat gets sick? Shoot and shovel.

    So the fresh new folks go to the urban and suburban areas. And increasingly, being a vet/dentist/eye doctor is becoming a money game, where the name of the game is to sell as many services as possible to the customer.

    Used to be those folks made good money, true, but not a killing. Doctors drove Buicks, not Mercedes (Buick was “The Doctor’s Car”). You were comfortable enough in your profession that you could afford to make judgment calls based on actual client needs, and not how much you needed to bill.

    Today, it’s all about billing, billing, billing. In order to keep a practice afloat these days, you have to bill each and every person who comes in the door. And if you don’t, someone else will. So we now have higher prices and worse services. Strange, I know, right?

    So what to do? All I can say is be skeptical, ask
    questions, shop around, and get second or third opinions. And if you find good people, hang onto them.

    • Spot on!

      A friend’s wife is a dentist. I wouldn’t allow her near me even if she was paying me to be “treated” by her.

      “If you’re not drilling you’re not billing” overhear heard more than once from her.

      It’s hard work to find a good doctor, dentist, etc., but your life literally depends on it.

  11. “All of our cats are completely indoor cats. They never go outside.” -EP

    You have that backwards in my opinion, Eric.

    And is that a Mac in your office?! What the hell is going on around there? Jesus, Mary and Joseph… 😉

    Now, in my libertarian world, there would be no prescriptions necessary for obtaining *substances*. Everything would be over-the-counter, though some things you might want to keep behind the counter. Let’s see how the medical/veterinary establishments keep their reign, then.

    • Hey, the late Rush Limbaugh was a Mac user, he swore by them. Of course, he didn’t consider himself a “techie”, and he had the money, once his show “blew up” when it went nation-wide from WABC in NYC (he got it going in Sacramento on KFBK-AM, 1530 on the dial, in 1984, replacing the late Morton Downey after the latter and his “Chinaman” fiasco, and quickly became a local sensation), he could have bought a DEC Alpha minicomputer with petty cash.

      • I’ve heard that Trent Reznor and crew used Macs on the first Nine Inch Nails albums, and that was some good music, but as of the last 15 years or so, I don’t care much for Apple’s business model. I also like being able to tinker with and customize my computing, which is antithetical to the Mac experience.

  12. As long as a man’s testes, “junk”, “cajones”, “ouevos”, “balls”, or “nuts” work, it’s well to joke about them. Amazing how a man can be struck, especially by a female, upon them, at times inflicting serious injury, and it’s considered humorous. Were a man to assault/batter a female in like manner, he’d be considered a grotesque monster, and rightly so, subject to being labeled a coward, again, deservedly so, and if the law gets involved, not only will his stay in the “pokey” be lengthy, he’ll be subjected to “prison yard justice”, despised by cons and screws alike. Of course, if what the *ahem*, “lady” did was in self-defense, well, maybe the Good Lord designed us that way so we guys wouldn’t get, y’know…”cocky”.

    Fans of the Jonny Quest cartoon may be familiar with Roger “Race” Bannon’s ex-g/f, (Jezebel) Jade, who seems to still have affections for her old flame. In an episode where Dr. Zin, Dr. Quest’s longtime adversary, sends an impersonator to obtain a wanted scientific secret, Jade CLOSELY embraces “Race” and determines that the man is an imposter. When asked later HOW she knew, she slyly replies, “There’s only ONE ‘Race’ Bannon”. About as much innuendo as a mid-1960s children’s cartoon for TV would allow.

    If non-criminal injury or disease, like testicular cancer, causes a man to lose ONE of them, then he’s gone the way of “Der Fuhrer”, or so it was reputed. The actual evidence, which in theory should have been available from his WWI Heer service, or during his 1924 confinement at Landsberg prison, where the doctor that examined prisoners as they entered noted that Hitler had “right-sided cyptorchidism” (e.g., the testicle on his right was missing). Since that’d be a identifying feature, like tattoos, it’d be a wonder why a picture wasn’t taken for the medical record.

    Health issues re: gonads aren’t always a laughing matter. As the joke goes: Confucius say, baseball is wrong. Man with FOUR balls, CANNOT walk! Neither can he, unless he wants to waddle bow-legged, if his “junk” is swollen and/or sore. Unlike the ribald AC/DC tune from their 1976 album, “Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap”, it’s neither something to brag about nor does it facilitate, *ahem*, social opportunities.

  13. When corpgov sent production and jobs to Asia, China in particular, many yobs that seemed unrelated went with them. Today flipping burgers and stocking shelves with foreign junk, shipping foreign goods from Amazon are the mainstay.

    Only thing left to make money is theft and extortion of one sort or another. Americans are getting quite good at it especially in the medical arena. Insurance,,, like government,,, jacks up prices. A minor visit to a hospital today can be quite costly. There is now pet insurance. Like human insurance, pet insurance will drive up costs. Get used to it….. more coming!

  14. My mom has been thru this kind of nonsense with her vet as well. The worst incident was where, in order to treat the new dog she adopted, she had to also bring her cat in to get vaccinated. Again, an indoor cat my mom has had for years….plus, being that the dog had come from a rescue organization, it had already received all of its vaccinations! It is obvious to see that vet staff don’t want to be exposed to a rabid animal, but statistically the chances of a indoor cat getting it are probably next to nil.

    And then there are dentists. You talk about getting a huge run around and having to jump thru hoops just to get a simple cleaning…. For years now my mom has not had her teeth cleaned. Not because she doesn’t want to, but because every dentist (this includes large conglomerates and tiny mom and pop run offices) has all of these other treatments they want to perform before they will do a simple cleaning. While my mom does have some dental issues, she isn’t in pain and doesn’t have a tooth ache, so neither of us can see a single reason as to why she must have have some extractions, a crown or to, a bridge repair and who knows what else before she can just get her teeth cleaned. Our old family dentist (who retired years ago and might have passed away, given his age) would never have done anything like that.
    I have a dental office I go to and I like the providers, but they too want to foist a bunch of other stuff on prospective patients before they will do a cleaning. I had to have filling replaced before I could get one….worse yet, when my husband went for a consult they did the same thing to him. He is afraid of dentists so that just turned him away even more….

  15. Vets have become assimilated into the hive mind ever since the insurance mafia got involved with shilling pet coverage as another workplace benefit. Here in Austin, it is common for even large tech employers to offer a plan anymore.

  16. >get him “fixed” – the strange euphemism for eliminating his capability to reproduce by having the relevant organs removed.

    How awful. Sadistic, really.
    Why not have yourself “fixed,” as well?

    If *you* do not wish to reproduce, there is no logical reason for you to engage in sexual intercourse, so why retain the capability? It is not logical. It does not compute. [/Star Trek]

    • Worse, Adi, is “fixing” an animal by preservation. I can only imagine the life of a mortician.

      Having “fixed” a few mice and rats in my day for histological studies, I can attest to the horrific action of the fixative (formalin or the like). The dead animal moves in the most unnatural ways as it loses its pink color to pale white.

      Part of the protocol seems to be announcing that “this animal is fixed”.

      I usually then quipped “No, this animal is BROKEN.”

      It all encouraged my investigation of techniques, spectroscopic and otherwise, that can be used to ascertain pathologies and so forth without killing the animal.

      • Hi, BaDnOn,
        Reminds me of cutting open live frogs in HS biology class, for “educational” purposes. As instructed, we “treated” the beating heart with various substances, and observed the effects. Getting in touch with our inner Dr. Mengele, I suppose.

        Not, however, our inner Aztec, for we did not cut out the heart and eat it, nor the legs. Pity to waste the latter, IMO.

        • Intriguing idea, Adi.

          Perhaps I’ll try sacrificing my next rat to Quetzalcoatl.

          Unfortunately or not, we only had pickled creatures in high school. I’m sure biological education has further declined into using stuffed animals by now.

  17. I like the idea of having a dog but don’t want the responsibility of it. If they’re insisting on forced visits for simple stuff, then I’ll pass.

    Sorta on topic, there’s a YouTube channel called “Sitting with Dogs”. It’s exactly what it sounds like –he goes to shelters and finds the dogs that are shutdown from fear and coaxes ’em back into being what they were meant to be. He gets gazillions of views so the dogs he features usually (but not always) get adopted.


  18. It’s a total scam. Nowadays doctors and vets don’t get paid by us anymore so they can charge higher fees. They can charge $150 for a 5 minute office visit because they get paid by the insurance company. Their office staff works with and negotiates with them not us. Imagine if there was no insurance like it used to he. You didn’t need insurance to pay for a hospital visit. Now you have no idea how much it costs.

    Similarly colleges and universities can charge higher tuition because of increased government subsidized student loans. Or companies who pay insane bonus payments to their CEO’s. This extreme level of salaries wasn’t common in the past. Maybe an Elon Musk or a Steve Jobs might justify that kind of salary, but a Mary Barra? These companies can hire people like that all day long.

  19. After hearing Bill Gates giving that Ted Talk years ago asking if vaccines could be made to reduce the global human population (because cliiiiiiiiimate change), Is Bill Gates even trying to reduce the pet population through vaccines? The billionaire sociopaths even want to ban ownership of pets, citing “Cliiiiiiiiimate change”.

    I also heard of hospitals giving human babies a Hepatitis B vaccine right after they’re born, even if the baby’s parents specifically asked the hospital NOT to give their child such a vaccine. The reply from the hospital is likely something like “It’s recommended by the CDC”. However, over the past few decades after passage of that law saying vaccine manufacturers CAN’T be sued for injuries or death caused by their jabs, the childhood vaccination schedule concocted by the CDC exploded from a handful of vaccines for children 0-18 to close to 80 different doses of vaccines. Why, IIRC, California even wanted to make it MANDATORY for high school students in the state to take an HPV vaccine until public pushback resulted in the state dropping that.

    • And they wonder why the fertility rate is dropping.

      Who would want to become a parent, under such conditions?

      Starve the beast, I say.

  20. We feed our Poms a barf diet.

    No fleas no tics no vets. No Injections.

    Natural diet keeps dogs strong happy and healthy. kibble type so called ‘foods’ make them sick with many issues. Your best friend suffers.. and you pay through the nose for it.

    Biologically accurate raw food. B.A.R.F.

  21. In fairness to the vet, he cannot know for certain that the cat never has been outside and never will be. People will lie about that or simply be mistaken. And the vet has no way of knowing if the indoor cat has ever been exposed to another animal that has been outdoors and/or has rabies.

    I am not opposed too proven vaccines like the rabies vaccine and the polio vaccine based on science that has been around for 200 years since Jenner’s cowpox vaccine.

    I AM opposed to unscientific bullshit that is mandatory, like the covid “vaccine” that is not an actual vaccine, does not confer immunity, and was mandated against a virus that was no worse then the common flu for 99% of the population. And I oppose unscientific mandatory masking that cannot and does not prevent the spread of a virus.

    I think it’s important to make these kinds of distinctions.

  22. I think it’s Govco that requires the rabies vax for kitties, our vet practice was great because they didn’t push it because like yours, our cats were strictly indoors only. Sadly my last visit to the vet was to say goodbye to our 19 year old kitty when her back legs stopped working, she was in a lot of pain but I still miss her every day. The vets do a great job for a difficult time, I sometimes wonder how it must affect them having to do it on a regular basis.

  23. Don’t use those flea drugs. They cause neurological damage strokes and cancer. Use a flea comb instead
    A combing twice a day will work. Plus vacuuming any carpets once a day.

  24. Let’s not forget that starting a couple years ago animal antibiotics now require you to get a prescription, the same thing also for fish antibiotics. Whether this is due to grifting or poor people self treating with animal medication I leave for you to decide. How many people self medicated with “pony” past during the plaque years?

    Luckily there are mail order companies that will ship here but I have heard of orders being seized by the post office.

  25. I haven’t had my cats at to the vet in a year or so; every time I go there, I feel violated, like I’m being taken advantage of. My cats are both house cats who have no desire to go outside (one was a street cat, the other a rescue), and they’re both quite healthy. They were healthy enough to pull the dust cover HALFWAY OFF my motorcycle! They do zoomies regularly too; they were doing zoomies last night between 10 and 11, and they were doing them this morning.

  26. I have to think that veterinarians have to carry malpractice insurance, just like MDs. Not because they’re incompetent, but because the expectation of care is so high. When pets get old they start having problems. Sometimes those problems are fatal. But pet owners don’t see death the way it used to be, the end of life. Now it has to be prevented, and if death occurs, justice must prevail.

    A pet having a bad reaction to a shot should be a bad day. But now it’s cause for a lawsuit by some ambulance chaser. “Make it go away” howls the vet, and the insurance company pays out a settlement. And increases his premiums. So now, every pet needs to have a wellness check prior to any procedure. Because people no longer know how to grieve.

    • Not on most states; pets are treated as property and no emotional or other noneconomic damages are recoverable. Only purebloods have any economic value because of breeding value.

  27. Back when I needed one, I had a very good vet, actually several operating out of the same office. They pushed NOTHING. They recommended. Regarding their recommendations, some I followed, others I did not.
    Stay away from the “Poodle doctors”, who insist you treat your pet like a sickly child.

  28. ‘A few months later, he got fleas.’ — eric

    Had this conversation last night at a dinner party, with a woman whose small dog got fleas. A fatal case of heartworm (carried by the fleas) ensued, she said, when the fleas were treated too late.

    Nearly every kind of ‘prescription’ med, other than opiates, can be ordered from overseas — although 2-3 weeks for shipping might be excessive in the case of fleas. [NASPER, the gov-mandated prescription spying system, has no record for me.]

    Then talk turned to pet health insurance for her kittens. As for humans, it’s age-rated: triple the cost for her older cat, compared to the younger one. So she ditched the pet ‘coverage.’

    ‘Damn,’ I replied. ‘What a racket! I need a business like that. Also, a mail-order vet degree, so I can dispense pet meds to everyone in town.’

    Monkey-wrench the system. When grifting is institutionalized, cheating isn’t wrong — it’s a moral obligation. Just ordered some contact lenses from Canada, to sidestep the annual eye doctor exam grift imposed by Clowngress in 1995. I see what y’all did there.

    • Don’t get me wrong…I LIKE cats. But part of their appeal, is, well, they’re DISPOSABLE. Cats die off. Why some people spend thousands, and even tens of thousands, to save the animal, is misguided affection.

  29. Why does the flea medication require a prescription? Ridiculous. I order mine online from Australia w/o a prescription. Ever notice the special food in the vet offices that also requires a prescription? Can’t buy it anywhere else. They have special food to help prevent UTIs in cats. What they won’t tell you is that to keep your male cat from having a UTI – stop feeding him crappy dry food. He needs wet food that’s all meat, and water.

    I tried to board my cat at one place. Denied – he hadn’t had his yearly wellness exam from them, even though he had one elsewhere. They would admit him IF I had him examined there during boarding.

    The vets acts as though they have the best interests of our pets in mind. Often they do not. It’s a money making operation.

    • Hi Howard,

      You beat me to it! We did order the flea meds from Australia. But that’s a measure of just how screwed up this country is. You have to get meds from a country on the other side of the world because the vet down the street won’t sell them to you with a prescription – and an examination.

      • Great! When I needed to update my cat’s rabies vaccination (even though he really doesn’t need one as he’s an indoor kitty and old, so he’s had plenty of rabies jabs for permanent immunity), a “wellness exam” was required. I warned the vet – he doesn’t like to be handled. “Oh we have to make sure he’s not sick before we jab him”. They tried to look at his teeth, and after a loud growl, the exam was over, they jabbed him and put him back in his carrier.

    • Howard,

      Just so you know, you could also have a pet sitter care for your cat at home while you’re away. They don’t require vaccination and all that stuff like a boarding place does. The cats like it, because they get to stay in their familiar surroundings. Plus, by having a pet sitter come in, they get the mail, turn the lights on and off, etc.; there is regular human activity at your house, so any burglars casing the place will go elsewhere.

      • My son has made a boatload of money off of our neighbor doing exactly that. They take a lot of trips and have a bunch of pets.

  30. Luckily our cat is treated by a rather loose band of vets that see our pet as a cat, not a cash cow.

    As far as the “drug pusher” term. Again, GovCo and its willing lackies, use that term for individuals that are sought out to purchase various banned substances. Unlike the Pharma Industrial Complex that bombards you with ads for their various potions that speak of the necessity to buy to “improve” your life and orders you to “ask your doctor”. It’s the typical inversion of reality that GovCo thrives on.

    • Make sure you keep track of their retirement dates. When they decide to sell the practice to someone else you might not get the same level of service.

  31. Back in the day, men commonly referred to their testicles as the “family jewels.” Now, we commonly see, and hear, the same equipment referred to as “junk.” Thanks, “feminists.”

    According to Wackypedia:,greater%20than%2020%20cm3.

    >An average adult testicle measures up to 5 cm × 2 cm × 3 cm (2 in × 3⁄4 in × 1+1⁄4 in).

    Matter of fact, my right one measures 3 x2. Inches, not centimeters, and I do not consider either of mine to be “junk,” although they are untested as to their intended purpose.

    “Balls!” said the Queen. If I had two, I’d be King.


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