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If that thing was to scan my head while driving, the car would pull over and the authorities would be called immediately.
I look forward to more info on this topic
on a separate note, you sound SO YOUNG! (for being so smart)
Eric – im curious…. why is there no American startup brand making a simple car. One that just ticks the minimum boxes for whatever the regulatory requirement is, and also does it open sourced so that the user can simply pull all the crap they dont want out of it (and plug it back in at inspection time). I dont think it’s that complicated…. and with all these factories being sold off as the big players move to electric, I think the time is now ripe for this sort of real innovation.
Hi Nasir,
Well, you’ve answered your own question! “One that just ticks the minimum boxes for whatever the regulatory requirement is.” The “minimum” is quite a lot and “compliance” means a car designed around the regs. A simple car is no longer possible within the radius of the regs. Engines, for instance, pretty much have to be direct-injected now (two fuel pumps, lots of specialized plumbing; very high pressure) and transmissions pretty much need to have multiple overdrives. Multiple air bags are required. The car must pass through a gantlet of “safety” testing.
Consider that a 2010 Mercedes S-Class would be designated “not safe” as well as a “gross polluter” by current DOT and EPA regulatory standards.
I guess the next step after brain scans will be anal probes to make sure you didn’t consume anything verboten by Big Brother; could be integrated with the seat belts.
Hi Mike,
They already have that covered; see today’s lead article. Your health is their concern.
“I guess the next step after brain scans will be anal probes”
Well, mayor Pete is still transportation secretary for another month. I would bet on it.
No, no, no. I am not participating. I refuse to drive a car that has a built in microwave (battery). I refuse to drive a car that listens to my conversations. I refuse to drive a car that brakes or lane weaves without me performing the action. And I refuse to drive a car that scans my brain.
Right now car dealerships are still holding onto 2023 and 2024 year models. There is no place to stock the incoming 2025 autos. Yes, the prices are too high, but most importantly, the technology is too invasive. People are not going to spend $50k on a car that spies on them. Of course, I say this and these people will turn around and buy a freaking Alexa for the home. Ugh!
Recently, was watching a few YT videos on new 2025 models. Oh my gosh, what the heck happened to Toyota?!?! Just found out Toyota is now manufacturing most of their cars in Mexico. The new grills look like plastic. The new Tacoma truck beds look to be half the size of the original. I swear they are about 3’ long. Where the hell is one supposed to haul plywood or 2x4s in that “truck”? That 2009 Dodge Ram 1500 for 12k and 70k miles is looking like a winner. I think I am going to fill my backyard with 20 year old vehicles. Easy to work on, cheap to insure, and the driver doesn’t have to worry about the car taking charge.
Me either, RG –
I will stop test driving new cars when/if it gets to the point that I am expected to let the car scan me. Just say NO! That is all these SOBs understand.
This has to be a trial balloon to see what the reaction might be to such a thing.
But it does show that under no circumstances can the price of automobiles reduce. Because cars are such a large portion of GDP they have to constantly cost more than before, in order to grow the economy. And why is that important? Because debt-to-GDP is a ratio. If GDP goes down the debt to GDP ratio increases. And that’s bad.
Like everything else, any productivity gains we create are skimmed off by government thugs who think they know better how to use it.
:/ I am not amused, Eric.
Is the in-car alcohol monitor still to be required? Because this could be how it might be done. Not just ethanol, but any drugs or “improper” states of mind could be slated for monitoring.
Of course, it wouldn’t be an MRI, as that requires a giant superconducting magnet, but a few electrodes on your temples and scalp might suffice for a vehicular electroencephalogram.
Some bullshit.