Would you believe – say it like Don Adams from Get Smart – that they are beginning to make hybrid motorcycles? Kawasaki, specifically. It is called the Ninja 7 Hybrid and it only costs more than twice as much ($12,499) as the Ninja 500 ($5,299) it’s based on. But – look! – it can be ridden for maybe as far as 12 miles and as fast as 42 MPH without burning any gas at all!
Of course, the non-hybrid Ninja 500 hardly burns any gas, anyhow. It averages about 50-60 MPG and carries about 3.7 gallons of gas – which means it costs about $10 to fill ‘er up. How many fill-ups would the $7,200 you saved by not buying the hybridized version of this bike purchase? More than you’ll ever actually ever pump into the bike, because it’d take decades to burn that much gas in this bike. You’d be too old to ride anymore by the time you got to the point at which it would “save” you anything. By which time the battery would have died several times, by the way.
Well, you don’t have to shift gears as this thing has an automated manual transmission. That’ll appeal to people who buy motorcycles, right? They hate working a clutch lever and flicking through the gears. They just want to sit there and look like they’re riding a motorcycle . . .
Kawasaki says the hybrid bike has the “e-Boost” power (68 horsepower, all told) to accelerate off-the-line as quickly, briefly, as a liter bike – i.e., a sport bike with a 1,000 cc engine.
Well, why not just buy the liter bike, then?
The cost is about the same. You’d go faster, too. The liter bike might not jump off the line as initially quickly as the hybrid Ninja, but it is much faster once rolling and through the quarter mile. Liter bikes are typically 10 second bikes. The hybrid is a 13 second bike.
So why not buy the much faster liter bike – if you want to go fast?
Well, because you’d have to know how to ride a motorcycle in that case. And – look! – you can ride the hybrid bike for short hops at low speeds without burning any gas and it’s quicker when the engine’s running (and the hybrid augmentation is assisting) than a 500 cc bike with just an engine!
Never mind the being saddled with the additional weight of a battery and a liquid cooled electric motor that results in a 500-plus pound “middleweight” that’s as heavy as some liter bikes. And never mind the additional complexity that turns what was a simple machine into a recondite system that is a rolling repudiation of everything a motorcycle is supposed to be.
Of course, the real reason for this nonsense (literally, as in it makes no sense) is because even motorcycles – which hardly use any gas and so hardly “emit” any gasses – are on the verge of no longer being compliant with federal regulations pertaining to the “emissions” of the one gas that cannot be eliminated except by not burning any gas. That gas being carbon dioxide, which is the only exhaust “emission” that has nothing to do with pollution.
It is nonetheless subject to federal regulation as an “emission” – a legacy of Barack Obama’s EPA apparat – and that is why a third or so of new cars are hybridized, with that proportion certain to increase to two-thirds or even more unless the regs are dialed back (or thrown out altogether) by Orangicus Maximus, because the only way to comply with them – without going all-the-way-electric – is to shut off the gas-burning engine as often as possible. That’s the whole point. Not “saving” on gas bills – a preposterous assertion as regards motorcycles. Recall that the Ninja 500 (non-hybrid) only costs $10 to fill-up and only costs about $5,200 to buy. Spending another $7,200 to buy a hybrid bike isn’t going to “save” you anything.
Or the planet, for that matter.
It being as or even more preposterous to claim that hybridizing motorcycles – which constitute a measly 3 percent of all registered vehicles – and hardly “emit” anything, anyhow is going to prevent the “climate” from “changing.”
But it will change motorcycling.
They are already well on their way to becoming very much like cars already are. Put another way, they are catching up to what cars have become. And for the same compliance reasons – which have also caught up.
Most new bikes now come standard with computer controlled fuel injection – which means they are computer-controlled, just like all new cars. Not because carburetors didn’t work very well as fuel delivery devices but because carburetors (which are purely mechanical fuel delivery devices) could not be made compliant because you cannot program a carburetor. But you can adjust one yourself, with basic hands tools. Without plugging the bike into a computer.
All new street bikes now have catalytic converters and 02 sensors, too – not because the exhaust of a modern bike fed by carbs (which most bikes still had until the early-mid 2000s, by the way) is any kind of threat to air quality but because it is not compliant enough. So a simple header, pipe and muffler has become a much more expensive system that is integrated with the fuel delivery system – both tied into the computer that controls everything. Including the throttle – as most new street bikes (like all new cars) now have drive-by-wire throttles rather than a cable that is connected to the right grip that opens and close the throttle mechanically.
It’s too simple and so had to be made . . . compliant.
Gauges have been replaced by LCD touchscreens just like cars have. And now, they’re hybridizing engines (just as thev’re been doing to cars) because it’s the only way the motorcycle manufacturers will be able continue to manufacture them in the years ahead without resorting to full “electrification.”
But turning vehicles into devices hasn’t gone over very well with buyers – except for a relative handful. Even Tesla is beginning to have trouble offloading its devices. Electric motorcycles are likely to be an even harder sell because people who ride want a motorcycle – not a device that looks like one.
So the idea – apparently – is to try selling them hybridized motorcycles that at least still have engines. A hybrid bike can be compliant. But what will that matter when almost no one wants one – or can afford one?
And that is of course the point.
Bikes are the last redoubt of inexpensive personal transportation. Almost anyone can still afford a new motorcycle, even a teenager working an after-school job at a fast food place. The cost is about what it used to cost to buy a good used car. And that’s for a brand-new bike, such as the current (non-hybrid) Ninja 500. There are many others that cost even less.
Using compliance to effectively force the hybridization of motorcycles would take care of that problem.
And that’s why there’s such a thing as the Ninja 7 Hybrid.
. . .
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This cuckcycle actually weighs 50lbs more than the ZX-10 (and other liter bikes) and you have to hit a stupid button to get the power. How does that work? I looked it up and hitting the button gives you…5 seconds. Granted a literbike will be at warp speed in 5 seconds but I suspect this thing isn’t actually as fast as one. They actually put a 5 second countdown timer on the dash for your allowed fun time. So I guess you time your button pushing with when the light turns green or when you come onto a straight and then get jarred having your acceleration abruptly cut out after 5 seconds too. Sounds like so much fun having your powerband change in the middle of your riding, or trying to watch a countdown timer on the dash in between turns.
Thankfully with the H2, the ZX-14 still available, (and the new ‘Busa competitor) I would like to believe that the responsible “woke” Kaw product developers are looking for new job opportunities. Idiots!!
Next up in Idiocracy: A hybrid golf cart.
Lol. I have an electric “golf cart” and an electric “motorcycle”. The golf cart is an electric version of the Intimidator UTV. I got electric because 1) it will never leave my 60ac property and 2) no need for fuel/carb cleaning/noise. The bike is a Sur Ron. I got this because I have to patrol my property from trespassers, and there’s no substitute for coming up behind a trespasser silently to bust them. One look at the Glock on my hip and they quickly leave and don’t come back.
I have an Atlas 210ah electric cart
Ah, I see. You’re troll(s).
13 yrs old, maybe?
In the words of Maxwell Smart – (Kawasaki) “Missed it by THAT much!”
So Kawi is moving towards both ends of the spectrum. They also just announced new 2-stroke off-roaders are coming. They will sell tons of them. These hybrids, none.
Most Kawi dealers would struggle to service them as well.
Eric’s Numbers are elegantly astonishing.
Do the math…the range at 50 mpg x 3.7 gallons is 185 miles per tanks, at 60mpg it’s 222.
Gas at $3/gallon is $11.10 per tank.
The difference between a $12,500 bike to $5,300 is $7,200, divided by $11.10 is right about 649 tankfuls, so determining total miles from the $12,500 for the bike and gas would be 649 x (185 or 222). Total miles the bike could range from 120,065 @50mpg, up to 144,078@60mpg. The numbers speak for themselves, but the LAWFARE that exists within GOVERNMENT everywhere is the terrible force that crushes the citizenry.
The supreme irony of this observation is we will all have to act like what the Orange Man Bad said to all of us at his summer (((assassination attempt)))….
Fight, Fight, Fight!!!
We will have to do this, individually and together, against the (((DC SWAMP))), or we will, most assuredly be hung likewise, by the Lawfare that is entrenched throughout America today.
Indeed without the Feral and state control freaks, electricity COULD be “too cheap to meter”. And were that the case, some BEVs could be viable things.
What matters to these communists is control, ruling in hell rather than living humbly in heaven.
There is no reasoning with evil, it must be fought.
Uh, motorcycles can easily comply with emissions regs without being hybridized. Royal Enfield has been doing that for YEARS! Back around 2020 or so, because India’s air pollution is so bad, the Indian gov’t tightened up their emissions standards quickly; they went from BS4 straight to BS6, entirely skipping the BS5 step. India’s BS6 regs are roughly equivalent to Euro6 emissions regs for motorcycles, and Euro6 is more strict than anything we have in the US. Nevertheless, Royal Enfield can build bikes that easily comply with BS6/Euro6 regs without being hybridized.
That said, all RE motorcycles made since 2018 or so (when their Interceptor 650 and Continental GT twins came out) have had a catalyst and O2 sensors. They have an ECU. However, their throttle bodies are still mechanically connected; AFAIK, they haven’t done drive by wire yet.
BTW, if you want to remove the catalyst and all that, there are plenty of YouTube videos showing you how to do it. It seems like our Indian biker friends grouse at the regulations too, so they find ways around them…
SO! So, even though RE motorcycles are thoroughly modern under their classic styled skin, none of their bikes carry five figure price tags. Once you tack on taxes, title, destination, and the BS fees many dealers tack on, your OTD price might be close to $10K, but that’s the total cost to take it home. Any way you slice it, RE motorcycles offer great looks, reliability, and quality all at a great value.
What a great idea! Mr. Rube Goldberg.
What in the hell? This is akin to drinking warm beer on a hot day. Or drinking decaff coffee in the morning. Just give me a real, “old fashioned” motorcycle, thank you.
A trip to the grocery store is a walk in the park. Don’t have to scavenge for something to eat. All right there in front of you, as luck will have it.
Buy some seafood, some halibut. You only live once.
The last thing you need is no grocery store, you’ve entered a food desert then.
What would you rather have?
A team of 18 horses pulling a McCormick crop reaper?
Wouldn’t you much rather have a diesel-engine combine that can harvest 300 bushels of corn after cutting two acres down to size to ready for next year’s crop?
Going to take a lot of oats to feed those Mr. Eds. If you don’t feed them, you might get horse-kicked mighty hard.
They’re your bread and butter and the horses know you depend upon them, feed them or else.
A lot less work to buy diesel fuel and let the good times roll out there on those 400 million acres of cropland and ranch land out there in America’s outback.
Whatever the number is, it is what keeps you alive.
Homegrown tomatoes included.
Song, song of the South
Sweet potato pie and shut my mouth
Gone, gone with the wind
There ain’t nobody lookin’ back again – Alabama, Song Of The South
You know, if you want something fun on 2 wheels and battery power, the Segway has been around for 20 years now. And it ain’t pretending to be a bike.
At some point the fever has to break and sanity return.
Vlad Tepes had the right idea all those years ago.
“Vlad Tepes had the right idea all those years ago.”
…nailing the turbans of sultans to their heads when they refused to remove them?
Well, that was good also. But I was, of course, referring to his practice of (ahem) raising up his enemies. Seems a rather simple, clear, easily understood expression.
It is true, Vlad wined and dined sultans, after drunk and fed, nailed their heads to the floor. Call it distressed wood flooring.
Vlad the Impaler impaled 20,000 Turks with hefty sharpened posts.
I would get a cheap used motorcycle if the weight was 300 – 350lbs with a low center of gravity, even if it’s only a 250. I used to ride bicycles everywhere in NOVA, and could ride a moped over the snow in Ohio. What I’m not interested in is having to balance an 800lbs machine, that would damage itself badly if it were to tip, or capable of pinning myself under it.
My response: Just what cycles need. More weight.
Honestly if we didn’t live in a police state, I see no reason why dirtbikes and the like should be banned from government roads.
E-bikes are the future.
Hi Steve,
Something like a Ninja 250 or Honda Rebel/Nighthawk would fit that bill. But such bikes might be too small for you, depending on your height/weight and body type. But even something like my ZRX1200 isn’t obnoxiously heavy (about 500 pounds) and isn’t difficult to “walk.” I agee with you on bikes pushing 1,000 pounds. Those things can get away from you and if you drop one, forget it!
WTF is an “automated manual transmission”. It’s automatic or it’s not, right? Well, what do I know?
But one thing is true: Motorcycles are the last redoubt, and if they’re corrupted with BS regulations and requirements, that’s it. The only way it seems that people are “getting away with” making creative vehicles is by giving them 3-wheels so they’re not a “car” but a “motorcycle”.
Actually, pretty much anything that comes with 5 or more gears and it’s an automatic? Those are all “automated manual transmissions”. They’ve done away with torque converters in favor of electronically controlled clutches. This is why you can get an “auto-stick” in just about anything now, from Focuses to F350’s.
Solution in search of a problem
A hybrid motorcycle isn’t a bad idea actually. This implementation makes no sense though, especially when you consider that an e-bike has about the same range and nearly the same speed.
A small battery and a motor-generator instead of a starter shouldn’t add much cost at all, and could be used only as an assist on takeoff.
Electricity powered boats….
The Trawler crowd and others…….
They have a have huge resistance to hybrid or electric only powered boats.
A lithium battery on a boat is very dangerous…catches fire and you are dead.
Only super reliable, long life, very simple, super fuel efficient, diesel power is wanted or used…..it should be the same in road vehicles….but the government is banning them to force slaves into EV’s….
If you have a small boat, that gets used very little, for very short trips, four cycle outboard motors make sense.
Electric power on a boat or ship doesn’t work and probably never will….except for a boat that goes a very short distance, for a couple of hours max, very near to shore…..also tiny, 1 HP electric trolling motors havs been around for a long time and run off very safe, lead acid batteries…..
The uselessness of electric or hybrid power is revealed on a boat…….
ATTERNTION….Except under around 3 mph a hybrid burns more fuel then a diesel only powered boat….over 3 mph a diesel is far more fuel efficient…..
Audi made a 100 mpg diesel powered car, no hybrid comes remotely close to that….diesel is best…..hybrid power is overly complex, expensive crap…..
On a boat….. the power station, transmission and distribution lines and battery charger are all contained within the boat….no hiding behind….the power just comes out of the wall plug bs….and zero emmission…because all the pollution is at the power plant…..or hiding how inefficient this setup is…..
EV’s are 25% efficient but that fact is hidden….they only talk about the 90% efficient electric motor…..which got it’s electricity by magic…..
When you are going 1000 miles, or 6000 miles across an ocean, you don’t want a highly dangerous lithium battery on the boat/ship…..these hybrid systems are also very complex, so unreliable compared to a totally reliable diesel engine…..
The next problem is they are very complex, so are difficult and very expensive to repair and parts are not available….and there is almost zero techs that know how to fix them.
1. Diesel electric submarines.
2. Bow thrusters
Electricity most assuredly can have a very useful place in a boat.
However, like the electric car or the GE minigun, it is a specialized tool for a special situation.
Ahh, the GE minigun. I’ve had the opportunity to hear one fire in person. it’s quite the experience, and I still have one of the spent shell casings.
The cure for what ails you:
Kawasaki just Bud lighted itself……Now you can call them kindasucki……Sorry for your loss Eric.
We had to destroy America in order to save America. Won’t be that bad, won’t hurt that much.
We need to kill EVs in order to make them go away.
Buy a GEM and drive around Chandler in Arizona.
We have to destroy the world in order to save the world.
Plant wind turbines in Atlantic sea waters and kill Right whales right and left.
LA burned in order to save LA from doom.
Purified by fahr.
Make Russia Great Again!
Make Israel Eat Crow and Humble Pie! Forever!
And ever, Amen
For instance, every diesel train locomotive that is made today is a hybrid. None of them use the diesel engine to run the wheels, all the diesel engine does is power a big generator, and that runs the train wheels.
The gains rapidly diminish as size decreases. We see it reach its “LaGrange point”…almost…in cars, where they weight and complexity of the system nearly “breaks even” with increases in efficiency.
Now, understanding this, one can easily see how hybridization actually SHOULD be used in things like…semi trucks. A semi is big and heavy enough to realize real-world benefits from hybridization. But as vehicles get smaller, it makes less and less sense. Imagine hybrid lawn mowers. Imagine hybrid RC airplanes.
As Eric correctly pointed out, it will be 15-20 years before you see a return on this investment. If you do at all.
Eric, I think you need to start a “Dead Pool” where we can place bets on which EV experiment will be taken off the market first. I’m pretty sure we can put the AA-powered Ninja at the top of this list.
As the kids say, pure fucking AIDS
Rather chop my legs off, set my house on fire and crawl myself out than touch that or any douchebuggy
Yes, because we all know that motorcycles waste so much gas…. Sigh… I really think we’re past due for the world to end. Humanity has gone crazy. We are witnessing the destruction of capitalism. No surprise…that is exactly what the “Climate Change” agenda was designed to do.
Save the rocks!
Destroy all life!
“Capitalism” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, either.
Free market capitalism is. We should try it sometime.
This is how I learned it:
Communism is where Jews take over your government first, then your economy.
Capitalism is where the Jews take over your economy first, then your government.
Fascism is what Jews cry out when you try to prevent either one.
Just hope I’ll be able to get parts for my 55 year old Triumph and 25 year old Sportster until I croak. Well it’s inevitable but why not have some fun while that industry burns?
Here’s my order of motorcycle manufacturers going out of biz
1 HD
2 Kaw
3 Indian
4 Suzuki
5 Yamaha
6 Honda
I’d bet Royal Enfield will survive all of it if they somehow keep offering non tech motorcycles to buy.
Climate Change?…. We (Florida) got our climate change a couple weeks ago. 4-6 inches of snow. Stayed iceberg cold for over a week,,, but nothing seems to stop or slow down these retarded politicians and billionaires from their world conquering idiotic quest.
They’ve burned three cities down,,, killed millions with their vaxx poisons and have just given Murderna another 600 million for the next killer vaxx. And in Georgia millions more killed chickens because one (1) chicken tested positive using the…. drum roll……. PCR,,, that isn’t a test. One has to wonder how long it will take the lemmings to figure it out….. if ever.
That’s a good one!
And now Californians can sue oil companies for the” climate change” arsonistas who started” wildfire” that torched their house.
Electric bill up, gas bills up norcal drying for round 2. . . .
Well, Ken…They are doing it again because we didn’t hang them the last time.
Give the Bluesman a cigar! Winner winner!
Worried about your two-wheeler looking ‘bi’?
Make a manly statement with a big V8-style battery:
Coming soon to an EeeVee pickup near you!
Should I decide to spring for a motorcycle, I’d go for light, handy, and simple. This hybrid monstrosity is anything but that.
I miss my Honda Trail 90.
How to accessorize your Ninja 7 Hybrid with ‘Kawasaki green’ leather jackets:
You meet the nicest twinks on a kwaka.
Hi Jim,
As a long time “Kaw” man, I’m feeling sick this morning…
I get it. Woke rebranding left Kawasaki riders stranded, with nothing on but pink frilly knickers.
Maybe trade that tarnished Kaw for a manly Curtiss Hades, with a big, protruding metallic-prong b-a-a-a-a-a-ttery:
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
Except for Lola
La-la-la-la Lola
— The Kinks, Lola
Well, you’re also a Honda man, and their engineering department was magnificent, particularly in the 1980s and 1990s.
There are so many brilliant Hondas — and you own one of them — that were produced in small numbers and did not have record sales, but were works of genius.
Anyone that buys a lawn tractor looks for a Honda engine under the hood.
Ever seen those One Wheel electric hoverboards?
25mph speed and 15-30 mile range?
I’d actually consider one of those long before I’d buy an electric bike or motorcycle.
As someone that rides a lot of e-vehicles (certainly not cars) recreationally (e-bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc.), my sincere advice is to avoid the “One Wheel” until you’ve watched a few videos of people face planting while riding those things. You can crash anything, obviously, but those things seem particularly dangerous.
YUp stick to a nice safe 60mph electric dork stick aka scooter.
First, only maybe 1% of electric scooters go 60mph. 90% of electric scooters do 30mph and below. I have 3 or 4 right now, and the fastest one I have personally does 25mph.
Second, it’s a LOT easier to handle an “event” on an electric scooter than it is on a “One Wheel”. I was going full tilt on my scooter one night well after dark when a raccoon ran out in the road in front of me. I hit it dead on, couldn’t swerve to avoid it. And I mean I plowed right over it. I didn’t wreck or even lose control, though it was a bit harrowing. My buddies who were following behind thought it was the greatest thing ever. Me, not so much, lol.
Had I have been on a “One Wheel”? My noggin would have been on the pavement. Guaranteed.
Those look like a lot of fun, for someone with bones less than half my age…
Might as well buy an electric motor on a bike wheel hub and make the conversion for probably 700 dollars with a new battery.
Buy a used Stump Jumper for the bicycle.
The cost for a used Stump Jumper might range to a grand.
You can also buy a motorcycle, one with a motor only.
Add pedals. And maybe a harness and tack for some real “horsepower.”
The deluxe model could include pulling shafts for your rickshaw slave. He better be quick though, since he’s in front of the electric motor and that wicked fast takeoff velocity.
“All of the above” propulsion.
And what of all that power from a dead stop? So you can twist the throttle and watch as your bike leaps out from underneath you? So you can burn out that back tire on a weekly basis?
What a feature rich environment!
64’ Honda Dream
73’ Norton Commando
82’ Yamaha YZ-125
99’ Honda VTR-1000
03’ Guzzi California
Sorry no room here for Hybrid Kawi, you go now!
We’ve sunk a long way from this:
If I was good with Photoshop I’d change it to “you meet the worst kind of people on a Hybrid Kawasaki’
I rode for nearly 30 years before giving it up. Always had a rule that if I couldn’t pick the bike up off the ground, then it was too big. That’s why I rode Sporters all my life rather than Gliders. Anyhow, at some point that monstrosity will get dumped and the rider will have to call for help to get it off the ground (assuming the battery doesn’t self-immolate).
My local dealer had a livewire brought in a while back that customers could test ride. There were a lot of us there, and just about everyone wanted to try it out.
Not a single order. Not one.
Stack n pack Oregon replaced its empty former Walmart with a stupid electric motorcycle startup a decade ago. Really retarded nonsense. The greedy prick paid stupid slaves like $12 an hour. Complete shitshow.
What a stupid fail. Apparently stupid people also fail to learn from stupid mistakes.
Hey look! Kawasaki’s going fake and gay!
Let the good times roll?
Me thinks not.
All the young dudes can barely contain their excitement:
‘That’ll appeal to people who buy motorcycles, right? They hate working a clutch lever and flicking through the gears.’ — eric
/SNARK. Riding a hybrid motorcycle is about as productive as trying to breed a mermaid.
I don’t want a pickle
Just want to ride my motor-sickle
Well, I don’t want to die
Just want to ride my motor-cyyyyy
— Arlo Guthrie, The Motorcycle Song
The ridiculosity [sic] of compliance vehicles has just jumped the freaking shark.
Beam me up, Scotty — there’s no intelligent life down here.
Love and Rockets
Dream motorcycle
I believe Scotty Kilmer talked about these bikes and was very unimpressed. Of course this thing will have ABS also. Just wait until they make one with 7 airbags and training wheels, don’t laugh the DIE hire in Marketing would love it.
Hi Landru,
As a guy who’s been into bikes most of my life, I cannot fathom anyone who rides wanting to ride one of these things. It’s embarrassing. Then again, maybe the rising generation of man-tittied soy boys are into this sort of thing, having never learned how to ride a motorcycle but wanting to have the “look.”
I never thought a man would want to compete in women’s sports. But here we are.
Then again, maybe a few of the boys-who-once-had-boobs might want to butch up without having to learn stick.
“Then again, maybe a few of the boys-who-once-had-boobs might want to butch up without having to learn stick.”
You’re killing me. ROTFL.
Now that you said it out loud, it all makes sense.
‘maybe a few of the boys-who-once-had-boobs might want to butch up without having to learn stick.’ — RK
Or ‘ride stick’ …
Dude . . . You gotta warn people.
Aaargh, I can’t unsee that now
Good lord, but at least I was warned.
Second time today you made me lose my breakfast.
Good Gawd….Eric, you should sell eye bleach !
Once again environmentalism is pushing the rope of progress. However Contrived Complexity is the driving force of our age. This desire to “electrify” everything is an albatross around the neck of technological advancement.
Does Kawasaki really think this thing will sell? Have they not heard of the Live Wire? If partial electrification is good, isn’t full electric betterer?
Hmm…maybe not…
Hi Mark. If I remember correctly the Dead Wire was close to $30K and had less range than a 50cc moped. Insane bureaurats and the DIE movement is why we can’t have nice things anymore.