What is the difference between a socialist and a communist? The socialist likes to pretend he isn’t a communist. More finely, he wants to pretend he’s a nice guy. That he just wants a more “equitable” society.
That he’s civilized, in other words.
The communist does not care about such delusional niceties. He is more honest with himself. And with you. He wants terror and murder and does not shy away from either. He is openly willing to do whatever it takes to impose communism – and to be sure he and his cadres are the ones imposing it (and benefitting from it).
Read Lenin to learn about communists.
The socialist likes to think of himself as someone who would never hurt anyone. Of course. He himself rarely hurts anyone. He is much too squeamish for that! Instead he pushes for laws that do that – and pretends the enforcement of those laws, which he takes no part of himself, are legitimate because they have been enacted by a “democratic” process which in a Kafka-esque way makes the individual who resists oppression the “criminal.” This eases the deluded conscience of the socialist, who – to his credit – generally does have a conscience. He is not – himself – a murderer. Or even a thief, in that you could probably leave your wallet on the table in his presence and not find it empty later on.
He’ll have someone else empty it, later on.
This superficial benignity is the great danger of socialism – and socialists.
With a Lenin – or a Stalin – you know who and what you are dealing with. That it is a matter of life and death. That they will have you arrested, tortured and ultimately killed if you oppose them. If they even think you might oppose them. They will take everything you have and arrogated it to themselves and their cronies, styling what used to be your property “state property,” which they enjoy full use of. They will allow you to do as they say. Live where and how they say. Raise your children as they say. And as long as you obey, maybe you will be allowed to continue to exist.
Is it fundamentally different in a county run by socialists? The only difference – and it is temporary because socialism inevitably leads to communism – is that there aren’t Gulags and great open pits filled to overflowing with corpses.
Not yet.
But in time.
How could it be otherwise? Socialism – like communism – is premised on the exercise of state power against the individual who resists socialism. What will happen to the homeowner (sic) who refuses to supinely hand over the property taxes demanded by socialists and insisted upon by communists in their manifesto? The assessment letter is superficially benign. It is merely a letter, after all. No government goon will come to you door – so long as you mail back the money demanded by the letter. This is the soft communism of socialism. It relies on its victims’ cooperation, which enables the delusion that it’s different from communism.
But there is very little difference if you ignore that letter. The armed goons will come and if you attempt to defends yourself – attempt to defend your property – what will they do? Exactly the same thing that Lenin or Stalin’s goons would do.
They will kill you.
It is the same for everything the socialist imposes that the socialist likes to pretend isn’t being imposed. Even to the extent of not paying what is styled the “fine” for some petty violation of socialist rules, such as ignoring the socialists’ order that you wear a seatbelt in your car while driving on what the socialist likes to pretend are the “public” roads. In fact they are the government’s roads. You and I – the public – no more own the government’s roads (never mind that we’re forced to pay for them) than the Soviet public owned Soviet State Property. Take note that that communists were more etymologically honest. It was state property – not “public” property.
What happens if you ignore the initially – superficially – polite order to “buckle up” and drive off? You will be pursued by an armed agent of the state and if you continue to ignore his orders, you will inevitably be forcibly removed from your vehicle, placed in manacles and placed in a cage.
The same happened to gym (and restaurant and other store) owners when the ignored “guidelines” during the “pandemic” and allowed people who weren’t forced to enter to enter if they wished to. What happens if you build an “unapproved” building on your land? What happens if you transact business without a “license” to do so?
That is how socialism works when it is challenged. Which is to say, how socialism bares its communist fangs when challenged.
Both forms of the same thing are based on violence, in other words. The one just likes to pretend it’s not. Behind every “caring” socialist lurks a monster who wants to think of himself as anything but. He is like Dr. Jekyll – who has no idea he’s also Mr. Hyde. Except of course he does know it but doesn’t like to think about it. It explains the seemingly strange mentality that – on the one hand – says my body, my choice! – while on the other hand demands everyone else “mask up.” And roll up (their sleeves).
It holds that there is a such as thing as a “fair share” of what someone else worked to earn while at the same time mewling about “workers’ rights.”
It is, in sum, a derangement of mind – or cowardice of mind – that communists do not suffer from. One that Democrats – who are just cowardly/delusional socialists – do suffer from.
And we end up the same with either in charge.
. . .
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Communism always leads to mass murder. Always. Yet there are still a lot of (stupid and/or evil) people out there who want to give communism a try, despite this fact.
That’s because they don’t understand where communism comes from or who it benefits.
The terms “democracy” and “communism” both mean “Jew rule”.
The Israeli Defense Forces are just trying to keep up with Pol Pot.
Everybody knows the Knesset was in control of Pol Pot, another puppet for those guys.
Whoever they are.
Al Capone would wine and dine Bibi until Bibi is so drunk, old Al would treat Bibi with the right-sized baseball bat.
A good lesson to learn for Bibi from the School of Hard Knocks courtesy of Al Capone.
Al Capone, Bugsy Seagal, and all the “famous gangsters” were Jewish. The Jew-llywood Jews like to portray the “mafia” as Italian. It isn’t. The mafia is as Jewish as Jewish gets.
Al Capone was raised Catholic, just like Tariq Aziz, the prime minister of Iraq during the Saddam regime.
You are jumping the shark, off your rocker, in la-la land.
You gotta go back to where you once belonged.
Not that hard to do.
There’s a few things you might want to read…
The article is a book review titled “Review: The Kosher Capones: A History of Chicago’s Jewish Gangsters”.
But the first link is a better source of information, honestly. I suggest you read those before you go blub blub blub running your yap.
Sigh maybe if I do it one link at a time…
This is a really good read on Capone.
Try this:
Review: The Kosher Capones: A History of Chicago’s Jewish Gangsters.
And also this…
*my apologies for the duplicate post*
I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that MKULTRA mind control asset David Hogg is back in the news and appointed a chair at the DNC. If you all remember, Parkland shooting crisis actor, and anti-second amendment activist swine Hogg became the fake hero of another Operation Gladio antigun psyop.
What this means is the DNC is the snake’s nest sponsoring these events to get our guns.
The DNC is who stole the 2020 election, elevated Biden and Harris. Making this psycho kid Hogg a DNC chair is all too revealing of who is behind these anti-gun false flags. The DNC chose Obama, who sponsored the Sandy Hook HOAX shooting.
Hi Jack,
I caught the news about the Hogg. He strikes me as the archetypical Useful Idiot Lenin referred to. He is an emotionally incontinent, angry little boy who’s all grown up now and wants to prove how right he is about . . . well, insert here. Such Useful Idiots are of course dangerous because they are useful to more intellectually continent people higher up the food chain, who use them as their vessels, much in the sense meant by religious people who speak of demons controlling people.
Eric wrote: “The communist does not care about such delusional niceties. He is more honest with himself. And with you. He wants terror and murder and does not shy away from either. He is openly willing to do whatever it takes to impose communism – and to be sure he and his cadres are the ones imposing it (and benefitting from it).”
That is true, but not inclusive enough, because the Neocons were not Communists but did the same.
Socialist? Communist? Neocons? The terrorists are always Jews. The Bolsheviks were Jews. Karl Marx a Jew. The Chinese terrorists adopted the Communist Manifesto – a Jewish manifesto. The Neocons were mostly Jews, like Bill Krystol, Robert Kagan, Donald Rumsfeld, Ken Adelman; Richard Armitage, Douglas Feith, David Frum Henry Kissinger Charles Krauthammer Richard N. Perle – and these neoCONS used terror and murder and did not shy away from either. The war on terror was a war OF terror on Jewish enemies. The nations attacked by the Neocons were the nations adjuncting the borders to Israel and it’s Greater Israel ambitions, the infamous pentacon memo 7 countries in 5 years.
The Neocons were not conservative, they were radical Jewish terrorists, who used the United States like toilet paper to instigate wars of aggression against the enemies of Israel which bankrupted the United States. The United States engaged in terrorist operations as it invaded and terrorized the Middle East under the guise of some new conservative policy.
Neocon Bill Kristol (JEW) tweeted this weekend:
Bill Kristol
Feb 2, 2025
“The deep state is far preferable to the Trump state.”
Thank God that I’m not the only one that sees this.
The more people become Jew-aware, the closer we get to a solution for the problem.
Judaism = communism. And pretty much every other “ism” out there has a Jew behind it as well.
You really know your stuff. It’s just too bad there are so many indoctrinated in the Communist Manifesto. I’ve spoken to quite a few of them about the communist doctrine that all peoples are created equal above the neck and I just could not get them believing that we inherit our characteristics from our parents and not from God.
Morning Eric! It seems we’ve run out of “Reply room”, so I moved it here.
Regarding: “In re national socialism: How is socialism ever laudable? Implicit in socialism is coercion – and collectivism.”
The struggle between collectivism and individualism is, indeed, at the heart of things. I would like to put forth a few things for you to consider.
First, is that without SOME form of “collectivism”, there is no “society”. With absolutely zero collectivism, your Firebird never got made. The internet doesn’t exist, and neither does this forum in which to speak and express our ideas. While there is nobody more firmly entrenched on the side of the individualist than myself, I understand the simple fact that, in order to accomplish anything as a society, there MUST be a collective aspect somewhere along the line. People at some point have to cooperate and work together…as a collective…to achieve anything beyond building a mud hut in the forest.
This understanding is the basis for accepting a simple fact of life. That in all things, there is a natural equilibrium and balance for all things. How would you put gas in your firebird, if someone wasn’t “coerced” (yet still compensated) with money to go dig it out of the ground?
There is a natural expression of this fact in the human body. We are all made of millions of cells. Would any single one of those cells exist for long outside the collective? How long does a drop of your blood continue on as “you” after you cut yourself? Not long, I should think. So the cells of the body need the collective, as much as the collective needs the cells.
This is the key to understanding one “type” of so-called “socialism” over the other.
The communist style of socialism completely lacks this simple understanding: that the health of the body, or collective, DEPENDS on the health of the individual. In other words, a body (collective) with sick cells (individuals) will be a sick body.
Here is what Hitler understood. That so long as the individual cells of the body (the individual) is healthy, then the body will be healthy.
It is the understanding that overall health of the body (collective) comes from the overall health of the individual (the cell) which is the difference.
Communism will whip the individual until death, trying to achieve health for the state. This cannot and will not ever work.
National Socialism works towards the health of the individual, with the understanding that the healthy individual (cell) is THE SOURCE of a “healthy state”.
The difference becomes obvious. One is oppressive. One is supportive. This is why the communist Jews stole the term “socialism”.
National socialism is the “socialism” that supports the healthy individual to build a healthy state.
Communist socialism is the “socialism” that considers the individual expendable at the whim of the state.
I’ve studied communism quite in depth. I find that most folks really don’t grasp the communist mindset. I find the following quote from the suicide note left by Paul and Laura Lafargue (Laura being Marx’s daughter), 2 French frog commie activists, to be the most informative to the person trying to understand Jewish communism:
“Healthy in body and mind, I end my life before pitiless old age which has taken from me my pleasures and joys one after another; and which has been stripping me of my physical and mental powers, can paralyse my energy and break my will, making me a burden to myself and to others.
For some years I had promised myself not to live beyond 70; and I fixed the exact year for my departure from life. I prepared the method for the execution of our resolution, it was a hypodermic of cyanide acid.
I die with the supreme joy of knowing that at some future time, the cause to which I have been devoted for forty-five years will triumph.
Long live Communism! Long Live the international socialism!”
Here is the communist mindset in a single suicide note left by some of its most famous proponents. You exist to serve the party, and if you can no longer serve the party, your life has no value.
“National Socialism” is based in a love for the people.
“Jewish communist socialism” is based in consuming the people and using them as a resource.
National Socialism stood in stark contrast to Marxist-Socialism or Bolshevism which is based upon ‘class warfare’ and the destruction of individualism and social classes, making all equally poor, and subject to a supreme state authority, resulting in the lowest common denominator, without natural inherent rights, and only privileges at best, with the promise of benefits that are usually not forthcoming, or which are unsustainable, and not conducive to creating incentive. Instead, the motivating factor is fear of the ‘state power’ and the ‘authority of the party’ and it’s leadership, combined with harsh punishment for those who do not “go along to get along”, often arbitrary, with little or no protection from the whims and mechanisms of the totalitarian police state. The net product is “acquiescence” and not enthusiasm. Marxist-Socialism also provides no natural incentive for the protection of resources and the environment, lending itself instead to expansionism, and this, is no respecter of neighboring states, nor other cultures. Furthermore, it is atheistic, without respect for the Creator, the individual, nor beliefs and values of any religious community.
National Socialism was about work and personal initiative, and taking responsibility, not only for oneself, merely for one’s own benefit, but also for the national community, as well as the environment (ie. the natural habitat and the society), and thereby, ensuring the survival, that is, the health and prosperity of the nation and the society as a whole entity, and not merely the ‘survival of the fittest’ and continuous prosperity of the already prosperous, solely to their own advantage. It required that people of all classes work together for their common and mutual benefit and interests. The role of the government was merely to facilitate this self-sustaining environment for all members of the nation in which all could live well and prosper, with demand and supply aimed primarily focused on the domestic market, on national, regional and local needs, while producing and consuming what was necessary at home. This meant that the nation had lesser dependence upon the outside world for trade and commerce, far was more independent within the world, less subject to global markets, corporate and global interests, and without need or incentive to expand, nor to coerce and threaten other nations.
I suggest reading those last 2 paragraphs carefully.
Hi Letme,
Yes, but when you discuss collectivism you leave out the coercion part. Cooperation toward common goals is good. It is necessary for men to live in civilization. But it becomes bad when one is coerced toward a goal decreed to be “common” by those who can coerce the collective. That is the foundational problem. Coercion, ironically, renders collectivism oxymoronic in a very real way – in that is not the collective but a handful of individuals who order the rest of the people around.
Freedom seems chaotic, disorganized – without a coherent goal. But that is because it encompasses and allows for myriad individual goals. Each pursuing their own – yet at the same time facilitating and enhancing the whole. I found a car company; I hire some guys to make a car and offer it for sale. The sales make money and the company prospers. Everyone benefits and yet none are coerced.
I suppose we just see the coercion here a little differently. While I think we both certainly agree that “coercion” from, say, the plutocracy or aristocracy to be wholly negative. But can we not agree that one aspect of life is, in fact, existential coercion?
Is the lion not coerced by his hunger to hunt and kill prey?
Will the hunger not kill the lion, if the lion fails to eat?
Is the hunger, then, the enemy of the lion?
Or is that hunger the friend of the lion, coercing it, but keeping it alive at the same time?
As I said, “coercion” from a point of one individual forcing another for their own gain is reprehensible. But at some point, don’t we have to realize that LIFE coerces us TO LIVE?
Next time you get hungry, perhaps ask yourself…are you a slave to your hunger? Does that hunger exist to take away your freedom as an individual? Will you resist that coercion and refuse to eat? Or will you accept it as necessary?
There is coercion and there is coercion. I’m hoping we can agree that some coercion is, by it’s nature, beneficial, ie hunger, and some destructive, ie the aristocracy. The real problem is figuring out which is which.
You make some good points. There is battle(war) that exists between internationalism(open borders/one world) and nationalism. All well and good but the numbers are not on our side if internationalism wins. Internationalism wants open borders and it purports that all humans are malleable and interchangeable. Therefore if we import fifty million Africans or Asians we can make them into Americans simply by indoctrinating them into American ideals. This for the most part is impossible as we are to a certain extent tribal in our loyalties.
The USA would be swamped if ten percent of Africans or Asians move here. They would totally dominate political and cultural life here as here the majority rules and tells the rest who and what to obey. For example there are about 1.5 billion Chinese, 1.5 billion South Asians and 1.5 billion Sub-Saharan Africans and growing. If only ten percent of each decide to move here that would add about 450 thousand people to our population totally swamping the 200 thousand of us.
Up until Trump came along it was looking like the internationalists were winning. We’ll see what happens.
I don’t need liquor and hot house tomatoes from Canada and I can do without Mexican tequila, beer and vegetables. How did we become so dependent on foreign stuff. Our leaders sold us out.
Forget it, Eric. You’re arguing with Franz Liebkind
That is a very obscure reference. But in all honesty, yeah, anyone that burns Jewish homo porn (all those “Nazi book burnings” – yeah, JEWISH HOMO PORN – odd, that they never seem to mention what books are burning in those photos, ain’t it?) and outlaws charging interest? Pulling his country out of the Jew-banker created global great depression in less than 5 years?
If that doesn’t qualify as a “hero” to you, then you’re either Jewish, or mentally defective.
That’s a great reference, Chill!
And the Fuhrer was such a good dancer!
Thanks to this timely article today along with another telling about David Hogg’s new job, I was finally able to figure out who Hogg looked like to me. He’s a little Lenin.
Happy to oblige, J!
Modern commie wannabes (Bernie) detest the “asset gap” and oligarchy, yet in commie/socialism there is always a rich, controlling class.
Commie/socialism doesn’t impact those who control it, so why do they want it? hmmm
Here’s an interesting aside in an article about the AA-5342 crash:
‘Army officials have said the helicopter crew was highly experienced and familiar with the congested skies around [Washington DC]. Military aircraft frequently make such flights to practice routes they would use if key government officials need to be evacuated during an attack or major catastrophe.’ — APe News
Oh. So a patently dangerous flight path for military helicopters that crosses one of the final approaches to DCA, is used just in case big muckety-mucks need to vacate their warmongering imperial capital in a hurry.
That explains a lot.
Ostensibly part of “Continuity of Government” , or COG. Kinda rhymes with ZOG. Methinks that’s no coincidence.
The Industrial Workers of the World, IWW, are all communists, think Joe Hill.
IWW, I Won’t Work, the words used to describe and define the IWW workers by an old farmer said some 40 years ago it seems.
The IWW workers will hang around for two weeks while the rain falls, then when the sun shines, vamoose. Time to work? Are you crazy? Lazy bums, I Won’t Work is right.
Communists want you to bake the cake so they can confiscate it and then eat it all.
You don’t get any.
German prisoners of war housed here in the US during WWII were allowed to partake in the harvest here in the US, happily did so, fun to be out in the field and do some work rather than be in a prison yard driving you nuts.
All the socialists were doing back then was dumping milk in Iowa.
In Canada, at Riding Mountain National Park, it was also a German prisoner of war prison camp during WWII. It had no fencing, German prisoners of war in Canada would make their way to the nearby hamlets, dance with the women and probably imbibe in drinking some beers.
The story I remember being told at the visitor center.
The place has a history that is told, what I remember of it.
Canada translates to Big Village in North American indigenous language.
Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Michigan, Illinois…
The words are all of North American native origin.
If anything, Canada should be the name of all of North America from Panama to Nunavut.
Maybe even Panada Canama to complete the name.
It takes a Big Village, Canada it is.
The Dominion of Canada can anschluss all of North America from Panama to Ellesmere Island, one big village.
It can be done, everybody is Canadian, screw Americans, they can get lost.
Canada is the answer, the solution. har
Trump is jumping the shark these days.
You’ve heard of the Haitian invader problem in Springfield, Ohio, yes?
This video (surprisingly on YouTube) dishes out an amazing amount of information, and even goes on to point out the Jews behind it all.
100% worth the watch.
Laff of the day: ‘Democrat wimmin …’
How many of you believe that racism and misogyny played a role in Vice President Harris’s defeat?
Like, “Think.of the CHILDREN”, whining that (whatever) be “raciss and she-it” is the refuge of the SCOUNDREL.
I’m helping the daughter and family get a small business ready for opening. You want a big dollop of socialist USA go down the path we’re on. No food service, just wine tasting and full bottle sales. County health permit, ca ching (must have a three compartment sink for just glassware, plus a mop sink plus a hand wash sink) City plumbing permit, more ca ching. State Labor and Industry rules on electrical as well as employment issues, thank G we aren’t needing any employees that’s another can of worms. Oh and city Fire Dept for “occupancy permit”. We never contacted state L&I, the guy just showed up last week while I was painting inside – either the competition ratted on us or her state liquor permit app triggers the State Machine to grind into action. Got the lecture “you’ll need an electrical permit you touch any of the circuits or breaker box.” Well, per their own website were good as only lighting is swapped like for like different fixture color. A**holes. The building owner knows the L&I guy from high school days so doubt he’ll be back, fingers crossed.
When my furnace was replaced last March contractor pulled the State elec permit. State never showed up to inspect State was happy to collect the permit fee of course.
See? What a living nightmare. No wonder no one can start a goddamned business here and all of it ends up in the clutches of the well-connected corporations. All by design, no doubt.
Of course, I don’t know where’d you go for a wine-tasting. For most, that’s called “buy-a-bottle-and-find-out”, which works, but can get expensive. Used to be the case for tapes and CDs, too.
“Her” business isn’t hers at all. It operates at the pleasure of the state.
It will not be permitted to act as private property, even though all the cost is born by her.
Profits will be socialized via taxes, losses will be private.
Oh it’s joyful here in WA, we pretty much had this all sized up before the go decision. We did preliminary talks with the local plumbing & health dept to get the setup compliant the first time. The three different sink setups were maddening they finally relented on the hand sink as there will be no sit down dining. Thus the private bathroom sink is OK for handwashing as long as it’s not more than 25 ft from the wine tasting area, we just made it at 23 ft.
The last stopper was business insurance, the daughter is persistent ( think Beth from Yellowstone with better manners!) and finally found a company that was reasonable at $3500 a year. Most were $6500 to $10k which would have killed the whole plan and she would have given the keys back.
OK, doors are open then you file quarterly business and occupation tax which is on GROSS receipts not PROFIT. So, lose money and still pay the “man”.
Hi Sparkey, you must be describing Washington State? The L&I tipped it off. We’ve done biz in NY to Philly Metro area for a long time. We expanded to the PNW a few years ago and we couldn’t believe that WA was a way worse biz climate than NYC. OMG, and we thought NYC was bad! You are not kidding, it’s oppressive to the extreme.
I can’t tell you how many times I heard my wife screaming “WTF to they want now? This is insane”. And we got caught in many Catch-22’s where one ‘dept’ or another demanded something before we would get a ‘permit’ that you couldn’t get without a different ‘permit’.
“… there aren’t Gulags [in U.S.]…”
Check with Ross Ulbricht, Julian Assange, Ed Snowden, and others re Gulags.
U.S. prisons (Gulags?) are full of folks who haven’t harmed anyone,
while declining the illegitimate demands of our tyrants.
U.S. prisons – number one in incarcerations.
No Victim = No Crime
“U.S. prisons (Gulags?) are full of folks who haven’t harmed anyone”
You should check out the crime stats here in Chicago. After you do that I think you will find who and why these people are in prison. A lot of criminals are released early or put on home watch because the local jail is out of space. Maybe in the rural areas of the USSofA there are less criminals.
cwbchicago.com This site only describes a small portion of what goes on.
heyjackass.com This site has a tally on homicides and shootings.
Our Savior would call that nonsense “straining at Gnats, and swallowing camels”.
By Savior do you mean Charles “The Hammer” Martel and John III Sobieski?
I’d like to point out that “National Socialism” is nothing like the Jewish version of “socialism”, which is yet another construct they STOLE to use for their own purposes. By matter of fact, “National Socialism” would be a beautiful dream compared to the socialism and communism we labor under today.
RE: ““National Socialism” would be a beautiful dream compared to the socialism and communism we labor under today.”
Do tell. …A tiger, without stripes?
If this is supposed to mean something…near miss.
Try male-style communication.
Say exactly what you mean.
Ask exactly what you want to know.
This “feminist-style communication by inference” is ridiculous.
Somehow, you think a tiger is not a tiger if it has no stripes.
If you’re somehow metaphorically alluding to NATSOC being “socialist” in the way Jewish communism is “socialist”, then what’s bizarre is you not figuring out the Jews stole “socialism” from “National Socialism” because of it’s POPULARITY.
But the 2 similar words do NOT equate to similar ideologies.
It’s high time you stop relying on clever colloquialisms to make a point that looks good from a marketing standpoint and start reading.
“letmepicyou” is correct.
But the enemy and the ignorant always oppose this truth. The ignorant, such as many commenters on this site, know the government and media lie all the time, yet somehow the constant liars have been telling the truth about Adolf Hitler and what he called “National Socialism”?
One out of a hundred of them will have the gumption to do a search. They’ll use jewry’s Google or jewry’s DuckDuckGo, etc., and get a page of results approved by jewry. And the ignorant will declare themselves having been correct all along!
They will not have sought honest White sources instead of jew sources because they are too ignorant to even know the difference.
That’s a whole lotta words fer not saying much of anything there, Jim.
“The idea of government as a paternal authority, as a guardian for everybody, is the idea of those who favor socialism. […]
Under socialist conditions, there is only one economic authority, and it has the right to determine all matters concerning production.”
That’s nice that you can post a completely un-related article.
I suggest everyone ignore this if your goal is to understand “National Socialism”.
If you want to know what “NATSOC” is REALLY about, I suggest this:
You are aware that Mises is a Jew, right?
Thank you, sir.
They may or may not realize it…but ‘National Socialism’:
Opposed Jewish banking rule.
Opposed communism.
Opposed the LGBTQ agenda.
Opposed feminism.
Opposed everything anti-family.
Opposed Jewish “vaccines”.
All the things the “pretenders” pretend to be against, NATSOC was ACTUALLY AGAINST.
Anyone that opposes NATSOC, either directly or indirectly, either knowingly or unknowingly, supports communism, LGBTQ, feminism, anti-family, etc.
In fact, I dare say there is a natural progression of learning and experience, and it goes something like this:
The “Liberal Left”. Bottom of the IQ ladder.
The “Conservative Right”. One step up from the bottom. They’ve figured out “communism – bad”, but haven’t the faintest idea where it comes from, or from whom.
The “Libertarian” – has increased its understanding to grasp that the “right” and “left” are both owned by the same Jew-controlled uni-party. The smartest of the 3, the “libertarian” is only one step away from the final realization of truth. Which is…
The “National Socialist”. The NATSOC has figured out all the lessons of the previous 3 steps up the ladder, and had also learned the FINAL LESSON, that the “free market ideology” of “libertarianism” doesn’t in any way, shape, or form weed out “bad character”. By the nature of its being, the “free market” might weed out the bottom feeders and least intelligent, but those “free marketeers” will still work to advance their own means, even to the detriment of their own peers.
NATSOC is simply an advancement of Libertarianism. It is where one goes naturally after completing their journey of learning. It is “Step 4”, where “Libertarianism” is “Step 3”.
“weed out “bad character””?
“weed out the bottom feeders and least intelligent”?
“NATSOC is simply an advancement of Libertarianism.”???
Psft. Quite bizarre.
Notice you can’t refute it, so all you have is “Quite bizarre.”
How telling.
By matter of fact, the “free market” doesn’t by its nature create moral individuals. Rather, there is still the natural incentive for one to “get ahead”, but the problem is, without a center in family, community, race, country, and God, that desire for self achievement can manifest in not-so-moral ways. It’s no coincidence that many successful “elite” are also sociopaths.
Just means I don’t want to bother spending time on a matter which you are firmly anchored to.
You want a boss over you.
Or, bosses.
You want a boss over everyone else, too.
You want a King of the world.
Or, a committee of kings.
A King or committee to devour people, like a tiger, & you call that good.
Quite bizarre.
Possibly insane.
Likely evil.
“There are only two ways in which we humans can cooperate with each other: freedom, with its voluntary action on one side, and coercion and violence (including deception) on the other.”
All forms of Socialism are of the latter.
You keep citing a Jewish source which doesn’t at all discuss national socialism.
Definitely evil.
Here’s something straight to the point on this issue.
Ok, once again, a Jewish source.
I wouldn’t imagine a Jew to claim anything different.
Show me something from “National Vanguard” or “Stormfront”, or even a BOOK by a white guy that says what you’re saying.
Anyone that says a Kol Nidre on Yom Kippur is no more trustworthy than a hungry dog in a room full of pork chops.
OH and by the way, I read that ridiculous diatribe. After reading it and the slurs about Hitler, I won’t be reading anymore because it’s as JEWISH as JEWISH GETS. An excerpt which I will then summarily destroy:
“As the great economist Ludwig von Mises points out, there are two kinds of socialism. One features overt ownership of industry by the government: the centrally planned economy of the former Soviet Union is an example. In the other, private ownership of business is preserved, but the government tells the ostensible owners what to produce and what prices to charge. Mises says in Omnipotent Government: “The German and the Russian systems of socialism have in common the fact that the government has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how.”
There is a very purposefully omitted fact here. This was written in retrospect about pre-war and wartime Germany.
A time which OF COURSE the government would assume control over the means of production.
By that Jew-dog definition, the United States has been a socialist utopia since Lincoln seized control of the means of production in civil-war America.
Are you going to make the same ridiculous claim about Lincoln and the United states?
You really need to learn how to read critically and THINK FOR YOURSELF.
Or figure out that I can.
(Ludwig von Mises being a JEW)
Morning, LetMe –
In re national socialism: How is socialism ever laudable? Implicit in socialism is coercion – and collectivism. The individual is forced to submit to the collective. Which isn’t even that in that every form of coercive collectivism is in practice controlled by a small cohort that presumes to dictate to the collective, claiming to embody its will.
In national socialist Germany, the small cohort consisted of the “golden pheasants” of the party, up the chain to Hitler and his paladins. The volk did as these people told them to do – and that was it. Was it better than the coercive collectivism of Soviet communism? Or the coercive corporatism of the New Deal in America? The subject can be debated. But what cannot be argued is that all are iterations of coercive collectivism and thus systems that do not consider the individual has any meaningful rights beyond his obligations to the collective, as decreed by those who control it.
Here’s another one addressing your gripes about free markets.
It’s interesting that the Mises Institute is keeping up with the likes of you and your “theories” in real time.
That’s because Jews run it. It’s interesting your complete lack of acknowledgement on presenting a radically biased source.
I imagine the same source will tell us that Jesus was a Jew and the Bible is somehow about Jews. Go ahead. Take a look.
Are you here because the lower-rank Sayanim can’t keep up? Are you here to take over the fight, hoping you can win?
You’re going to have to stop citing Jews to do that.
I think it’s pretty clear what you’re here to do, whether you’re being paid or not. You sound like a cartoon with Tourette’s snarling “joo” this and “joo” that every other sentence while banging the drum for Hitler and socialism. Maybe sit a few plays out, your act is getting stale.
Whatever you do, don’t admit to quoting Jew words from a Jew website.
Your pussy act is getting stale.
You’re a legend in your own mind keyboard tough guy. GFY.
Amerikans have been indoctrinated into anti-Hitler propaganda. The USA copied the national highway system and social security then after the war imported those bad Nazi scientists like von Braun and put those bad evil gurmans in charge of NASA. The Holocaust (post WW2 narrative) became the official religion of the United States Government. Trump is making it worse by outlawing talking about genocide, but only if Jews do it.
There is a must watch film to get another viewpoint:
https://www.hellstormdocumentary.com/ and the Hitler movie “The Greatest Story Never Told”. Unfortunately, Eric has his mind made up, and he did work for the Washington Post? (CIA outlet) thus he is in on the official narrative when it comes to WW2 and Hitler. If Eric were to change his mind and voice an opinion that was pro-Hitler he would soon find himself isolated, no longer on the radio, and out of a car review job – because the Jews do control everything – and he knows it.
Tomorrow the antichrist SATANyahu will dictate to Trump the new war terms. Israelis did 911 and Trump will not admit it, nor will he ever go against Israel or these mafia Jews, and in fact the recent aircraft crashes are probably done by he MOSSAD since they have free reign to do whatever the hell they want.
If the “aircraft crashes” are even real to begin with.
Hi Jack,
C’mon, man. I don’t work for and never have worked for the CIA. If I had/were, do you suppose I’d be gimping along a ten-year-old computer and messing with the heater core in a 23 year old truck? No one controls me. It’s why I chose to do this rather than the play the game you speak of. What’s next? Are you going to suggest I’m a tranny, too?
Who was Hitler? He was the absolute ruler of an authoritarian national socialist regime. Was he entirely evil? Of course not. No human is – and that is the paradox. Even Stalin had some humanity in him. He doted on his daughter. But Stalin and Hitler were also guilty of great crimes against humanity and to not acknowledge this fact is just silly.
I’ve publicly stated my skepticism about Nahhhnnnnlevven so many times it’s tedious to have to do so again. Oy vey!
“But Stalin and Hitler were also guilty of great crimes against humanity and to not acknowledge this fact is just silly.”
Stalin? Yes.
Hitler? What “crimes against humanity” is Hitler guilty of, again?
I’m ok with your views, and don’t expect your views and mine to 100% match, as no two viewpoints are exactly the same. But what I do not understand, as other posters also wonder, why you bash the National Socialists when our nation is in the exact same situation as Wiemar Germany – immoral, bankrupt, because of Jewish cultural dominance – have taken over our foreign policy, run the media, run hollyweird, pharma, banks, federal reseve etc.
And for someone as smart as you, a true genius by my estimation, don’t you think if Jews tell you to hate Hitler there must be a reason why? Because Hitler named them as the enemy of the volk, then rounded them up and sent them packing to free his nation from Jewish destructive influence. For the past 8 decades our nation has been taught to hate the Nazis, when the Nazis were the ONLY white people to figure out the problem – why the nation was brought to ruins, and then actually reversed it, for awhile, at least.
Today we witnessed DJT kowtow to Netanyahu and his evil. Trump is choosing to embrace an evil psychotic nation and it’s evil deeds – all because of Jewish influence – which has engulfed nearly all our elected officials, and churches. Plain as day for anyone to see, but never mentioned in your essays, so I postulated why, not to be vicious or derogatory, but just to bring some light to situation why you never mention the jews in your arguments.
As a free spirit and Libertarian myself, I do not go for authoritarianism, nor am I worshipper of Hitler and the Third Reich, but at least I understand and recognize the Hitler tried to save his people from the Jews.
Amerika will never be saved until the Jew enemy is talked about openly and exposed then FORCED to leave us alone. Judaism must be outlawed as a dangerous supremacist/terrorist religion.
BTW all Trump is going to do is take us deeper into Jew hell – today he talked about taking over Gaza. I predicted today that Trump’s kowtowing to Israel will ruin his presidency.
Why do I “bash” national socialists? Because I despise socialists. Because I despise coercive collectivism. Is it really that difficult to comprehend? Hitler did not “save” his people. He enslaved and ruined them. In the name of socialism. Jeasy peasy!
Seriously, Jack, you are freaking nuts. Why would you even accuse Eric of such a thing? Personally, I don’t understand why several posters are even on this site. It is usually the same rotating four that continue to spew rumors, hatred, and complete non sense.
Nothing you post is Libertarian, Constitutionalist, or just even small government. I don’t see how a site like this even appeals to you or why you think the rest of us are interested in reading it.
Either the handful of you are agents or you had made it your objective to put a small freedom minded site and its posters into government crosshairs. My only question is why?
I agree 100% percent with you RG. I think of the group of posters you refer to as “cut and paster’s” they seem to re post the same “crap” over and over. Ad Nauseum!
I think a few people that used to contribute to the conversation have stopped because of the nonsense.
Thanks, Ugg. I have also noticed some “regulars” have stopped posting or they are posting significantly less, which is sad, because I look forward to their thoughts and replies.
Hi RG and UGG –
I hear you guys. I think I will institute a new policy about cutting and pasting what has been posted before. Once is enough.
That is a good idea. I tend to ignore those folks anyway.
“the same rotating four”
Dunno why, but that was kinda funny.
…Some methods are like what a pack of coyotes do?
“Seriously, Jack, you are freaking nuts. Why would you even accuse Eric of such a thing? ”
The reason I suspect Eric to be CIA is that all the MSM news are run by the CIA, via Operation Mockingbird. So if Eric worked for a big D.C. news outlet, he was vetted by that organization to tow the official Zionist narrative – and indeed he does NOT ever point the finger at the Jews.
So call me crazy for stating the obvious. lol
Hi Jack,
Yeah, I work for “the Jews.” It gets tedious. You often bring worthwhile commentary to these pages but that is increasingly offset by this fixation you seem to have that everyone is a pawn of “the Jews.” At least, everyone in the media – i.e., journalists – is. For the record: I was never required to express obeisance to “the Jews” when I worked at The Times – or anywhere else. I decided not to work for The Wall Street Journal because I did not want to be a mouthpiece for anyone, ever.
I do not hold back anything now, either.
Also, I am not a tranny – and you should be gratefulfor that because I’d make an especially ugly one!
The best illustration of communism I ever saw was the scene in Dr. Zhivago where Yuri returns to (what he thought was) his house to find it occupied by peasants. The officious commissar then explains he doesn’t need all that room for himself so he must ‘share’ it with the people. I would burn my house to the ground if faced with that situation.
Mike in Boston,
“I would burn my house to the ground if faced with that situation.”
That is exactly what Russian farmers did in the 30″s when the Soviets went on another collectivization period after a few years of an economic détente. According to Bill Whittle (who is an excellent historian on the Soviets), the farmers were faced with allowing the Soviets to steal their property (cattle and horses) so they shot millions of them rather them let them be taken. I believe Bill quoted a number of something on the order of 30MM cattle and horses destroyed.
I copy that, Mike. Feuer frei!
“What happens if you build an “unapproved” building on your land? What happens if you transact business without a “license” to do so?”
Why, let’s find out, shall we?
If bothered, I will conduct an internal investigation and find that I’m guilty of no “wrong-doing”.
Hi BaDnOn,
My family may or may not have a history of this.
Rule #1: Build in the middle of nowhere.
Rule #2: Build a high enough fence and metal gate to keep roving eyes at bay.
Rule #3: Don’t piss off the neighbors. Always be friendly. People have less desire to squeal.
Rule #4: Keep gate closed at all times. It is hard to access what one cannot reach.
Rule #5: Large dogs parading the property also seem to work. I have yet to find anyone foolish enough to climb a fence or gate if there are a few 100 pound dogs on the other side growling.
Rule #6: If caught, play stupid. Playing stupid never gets enough credit. Sometimes playing dumb is the smartest thing you can do.
Hey Raider Girl!
I think we have all of this checked, save for a couple more dogs and some proper gates, but I certainly appreciate the input.
I read the list to the wife, and though I was worried they might find out I’m a scientist and make it difficult to play dumb, she suggested I use that to my advantage, such as ranting on about atomic emission spectroscopy and genomic analysis or the like.
“such as ranting on about atomic emission spectroscopy and genomic analysis or the like”
LOL. That will work, too. You can across as one of those brilliantly eccentric scientists with no common sense. I had a client who was like that. He was truly rocket science brilliant, but I could not hold a conversation with him for anything. I once brought up the Beach Boys and he had no idea who they were. If it did not come out of a science or math book he had no idea what it was. Could total a string of numbers in his head in seconds, but wouldn’t look both ways while crossing the street.
It’s an Asperger spectrum thing. See also aerospace cubicle rats (cough cough). I do know who The Beach Boys are.
PS: Talking to opposite sex troublesome without alcohol first. Koothrapali on The Big Bang Theory a good example of this which does happen in real life.
My daughter: “Dad, you were really chatty with everyone tonight – wait, how much did you drink?”
“I do know who the Beach Boys are”.
Like an fellow inmate at Alcatraz, angered at Al Capone’s arrogance, demonstrated by cutting in front of him at the chow line, I know who some of the Beach Boys WERE.
Beware the drones. The tax man sometimes uses these for property pics now.
If firing upon them would bring a “Hut! Hut! Hut! event, use a Wrist Rocket (slingshot).
Hi RG. Yep, I’ve used rule 6 a time or two.
“Democratic Socialists” can also be the worst sort of Crony Capitalists out there.
Turns out that Bernie Sanders was the number one recipient of big pharma money in the Senate. Bobby exposed him good.
Millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders questioned RFK on his “anti-vaccine” stance.
Millionaire socialist Elizabeth Warren DEMANDS Robert Kennedy vow to not accept drug company money, ostensibly because that means less cash for her…
You cannot even dare to ask a question anymore. Questions like “why are all these kids getting peanut allergies?” Or “why are we all so fat?” And don’t even bring up atrazine creating trans frogs.
That’s just kooky!
Beat me to it, RK.
Hi RK,
Is it just me, or did RFK Jr expose these Democrat Senators as complete pieces of scum with all the questions they asked him, particularly about vaccines. It’s almost as if VACCINES have become as much of a religion to people on the political left as CLIMATE CHANGE has. Bernie Sanders even tried to equate climate change with health. I suppose next, these scumbag Senators will claim that eating bugs and frankenfood is HEALTHY, and eating REAL MEAT is UNHEALTHY. Given that they already get TONS of money in donations from Big Pharma, they probably will if they also eventually get LOTS of money from the fake food lobby.
Warren was visibly shaking while questioning Kennedy. I hope that the Massachusetts Republicans were recording that shameful display for use in the next election.
Who am I kidding? There is no such thing as a Massachusetts republican!
RE: “It’s almost as if VACCINES have become as much of a religion to people on the political left as CLIMATE CHANGE has.”
‘AI Goal to Kill Human Race’ – Karen Kingston, January 31, 2025:
…“These mRNA AI cancer vaccines are locked and loaded. . . .The patents say you are going to be injected with a . . .biosensor that is going to read the cells in your body to tell what kind of cancer you have. . . . When you look at the patent, it shows the mRNA AI cancer vaccines don’t cure cancer. . . . . This is absolute insanity. . . . They recode your cell, including your white blood cells, to not attack the cancer cells but to find the cancer cells and feed them with blood vessel growth factors so they turn into turbo cancers, and they don’t die.” […]
This is not a conspiracy theory. . . . It’s a global effort to replace how God created us with technology. . . . […]
The patents say they are customizing these AI cancer injections to accelerate cancer growth. They don’t even really cover up that they are trying to kill you. . . . ”
Hi John,
As much as I would love to see RFK Jr. as the head of HHS I don’t believe it is going to happen. Even the Republicans are hedging. Then you have his stupid cousin Caroline writing letters that he is a predator because he “preys” on the desperation of parents who have sick children. FYI: I don’t like the baby chickens and mice in a blender bit…that’s a bit disturbing, but shouldn’t one who has experienced the affects of a vaccine injury be a better candidate when speaking out about vaccines?
What I don’t understand is how both sides can continuously back Big Pharma. The USSA is the sickest country on Earth and the most medicated. The ingredients that the FDA and USDA allow in our food supply most countries banned decades ago. We are not allowed to ask why poison is accepted in our food. We cannot ask why 1 in 25 children are diagnosed with autism. We cannot ask what ingredients are used in our vaccines or why we need so many. We cannot question the integrity (and kickbacks) of the very people that are supposed to look at for public food safety.
But, yeah, it is the guy who wants to know what ingredients are used and to question what goes into our bodies that is the controversy. We are a sick, sick society…in more ways than one.
Hi RG,
Leave it to scum bags to accuse others who’ve worked for years to clean up corruption in government agencies or make things better for adults & children of being scum bags. What was also telling was 1 Democrat Senator who implied in their questioning of RFK Jr that “Safe & Effective vaccines are settled science & how dare you question settled science!” It’s like those who’ve incessantly claimed for years that cliiiiiiiiiiiimate change caused by evil hewmans was “Settled Science!” despite MASSIVE evidence to the contrary. They probably said the same thing about face diapers & mRNA COVID jabs during the COVID hysteria.
Also, Democrats used to speak out about Big Pharma, corruption in government health agencies, and toxins in our food, but now, they act like people who speak out against such issues are CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISTS, or something else.
We already knew what these Dummycrats are. And likening them to (pond) scum? You, sir, owe an apology to Algae.
I could liken these Democrats to Swamp rats, but I’d probably get demands to apologize to rats.
RFK missed a golden opportunity. He should have responded to Fauxahauntis along the lines of, ‘STFU biotch. I don’t need to root in your slop pile. I’m an OG Fortunate Son. I have enough money to buy and sell you ten times over.’
You’re all hooked into the emotional theatre, the Big Show, staged by jewry.
Left versus Right. Right versus Left. Two sets of liars playing their roles, and the duped masses argue over which liars are telling the truth.
And the duped masses express consternation at the “missed opportunities” by their favorite actors to score imaginary points in the game.
There’s one Democrat State Senator in Oregon who wants a state constitutional amendment guaranteeing a “right to a clean & healthy environment” and robust state agencies to enforce
it. Given the rampant tyranny we were forced to endure during the COVID hysteria, plus given that Oregon government has become corrupt under one party Democrat rule, if that amendment were to pass, there are those who would undoubtedly LOVE to expand it to include that Oregonians be MANDATED to receive whatever vaccines the state’s corrupt “Health Authority” decrees we should ALL get under guise of “Guaranteeing a healthy environment”. There could also be decrees that Oregonians give up eating meat and eat bugs or lab created food from Bill Gates’ laboratories, or even decrees that we give up our gas vehicles & gas stoves and buy an EV that most people can’t even afford under guise of guaranteeing a clean environment. Power hungry politicians & bureaucrats could also make all sorts of other insane decrees if this insane constitutional amendment idea were to pass.
John B,
I live in Washington State just across the Columbia River from Portland. Oregon has gone full socialist as well as Washington state. Wyden is a wily politician in that he drifts right when things are going left and left when things are going right. Nevertheless, Wyden is a socialist at heart. Oregon changed their Senate representation from (2) senators from each county to senators based on population. So, Multnomah County (Portland) has the most senators and guaranteed to be Democrat-Marxist. Last Election, Oregon certified it’s election by the attorney general acknowledging that 50,000 votes could not be verified. This should have been cause for Mike Johnson not to seat any Oregon representatives due to a fraudulent election but that would take courage.
Hi Hans,
It’s not Ron Wyden who is pushing that state constitutional amendment I spoke of. It’s one Jeff Golden, who, along with State Representative Pam Marsh, were behind the controversial statewide Fire Map that officially went into effect not too long ago. Some people think that fire map was designed to FORCE people out of rural areas & into those “Climate Friendly Equitable Communities” aka “15 Minute cities” that fmr Governor Kate Brown decreed into existence just a few years ago. I don’t know why, but it seems that the Democrat supermajority legislature, along with the state government, wants to pass all sorts of evil laws and/ or commit all sorts of criminal acts and frame it as “Saving the planet from cliiiiiiiiiiiimate change”, “Promoting DEI”, “Preventing wildfires”, “Solving homelessness”, or whatever other BS narratives they wish to concoct to fool Oregonians.
As for Ron Wyden, Martin Armstrong had a post up on him last night. And to think, people STILL think he’s doing the business of Oregonians despite the fact he LIVES in New York, and he himself got LOTS of money in donations from Big Pharma over the past several years.
WA resident here. Once we lost the state senators per county it was full on socialists. I understood it was driven by a 1964 US Supreme Court decision over a “civil rights” lawsuit. Some knucklehead back then “state senators should represent people not land areas”. Lost on them, even back then, your “people” in the county already rep’d by population the state senate was your County’s voice, just like the Fed system. Nope, now the state senate just another form of state rep. My rural eastern WA county one state senator, King County in western WA over 20 and they of course rule the roost.
Now at the state level they want to revoke the county elected sheriffs, appointed only just like King County does. Your last bulkhead answering to the county residents, poof gone. Onward Soviet of Washington!
Tlny Kotex guano loco miasma.
RE: “It was state property – not “public” property.”
Saw a State .gov sign a few years back, posted underneath a 4-lane divided highway overpass, it said, “No Trespassing”.
How does, ‘The Public’ trespass on, ‘Public Property’?
I wonder how a Socialist answers that question.
The same as a Democrat or a Republican would, I imagine.
…Onward! Through the fog.
Spot on Eric, as usual,
To me one ironic twist relates to “socialists” supporting the rights of workers. Until workers wish to work in a way that “socialists” disapprove like the Canadian trucker protest. How does one overcome that level of cognitive dissonance? The answer is simply that there is no thinking involved. Workers want to work, bureaucracies always get in the way of competent people. Has anybody here tried to read Marx? It’s absolute gobbledygook. However, one can read an old book by Thomas Sowell, who was a dedicated Marxist until he encountered real world data. The book, published in 1985, is titled “Marxism, Philosophy and Economics”. If you’ve never read Sowell consider starting….he is a freaking data driven gem who slaughters sacred cows left and right.
Karl Marx, in a nutshell, was a lazy fool who did not want to work. He self-righteously expected his family to take care of him and demanded inheritance money from them. Even his mother knew there was something inherently wrong with her son. The bastard was reported to be so lazy, he refused to bathe. Marx expected the fruits of everyone else’s labor, and therefore, it is no surprise that he is the “father” of Communism. Which has never worked, and never will work because, well, the founder never worked. Marx was also a Satanist, so anyone who thinks he was some hero (like the kids who foolishly wear the Che Guevara hats, thinking it is sexy and cool) for the masses is a fool. Likewise, those who think that bringing Communism to the states will give them “something-for-nothing” are in for a rude awakening, but only right before the system murders them.
Hi Shadow, et al,
While what you say is true, and though Marx and Engels were not actual productive members of their culture, their works have influenced many people through the post modernists to the present. The myriad practical problems of socialism/communism relate to the idea that work does not efficiently take place without rewards. But communism in particular, which must depend on coercion for its implementation, asserts that workers should get rewarded according to their needs with no consideration of contributions. In reality, as seen in Soviet Russia and Mao’s China, a few at the top reaped the rewards and millions died. The people who claim to be socialists, in my experience, don’t possess a whole lot of intellectual horsepower…..some exceptions of course. Most people who superficially find communism and socialism attractive grow out of that phase as they experience intellectual growth. My favorite approach when interacting with young “socialists” is to ask for finer and finer definitions of what they advocate. It’s enlightening and non-confrontational and in the case of people worth their salt will result in either further research into advocated systems or rejection thereof. Because socialism and communism are based on aggression, there exist no defenses without a defense of tyranny.
Ironic how communists seem to sell a lot of books, t-shirts and bumper stickers.
Their books don’t have much of a bibliography, though…
Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute comments on an issue dear to my heart:
‘Last week, the California secretary of state approved a new ballot measure on secession for the signature gathering phase of the initiative process.
‘By placing California outside the borders of the United States, the US would free itself from millions of voters who, like Canadians, generally favor high taxation, runaway government spending, stringent gun control, and harsh government regulations of nearly every kind. American politics would shift much more in favor of free markets, relative fiscal restraint, and public safety.
‘California’s 52 members of the House of Representatives would be eliminated from the US Congress, as would be the state’s two senators. Most of these, of course, are dedicated social democrats of the Kamala Harris variety.’
Moreover, CARB would be located in a foreign country.
They shoot auto makers, don’t they?
‘More than one in five cars and light trucks sold in the US were built in Canada or Mexico, according to S&P. In 2023, the US imported $69 billion worth of cars and light trucks from Mexico – more than any other country — and $37 billion from Canada.
‘Another $78 billion in auto parts came from Mexico and $20 billion from Canada. The engines in Ford F-series pickups and the iconic Mustang sports coupe, for instance, come from Canada.
“You have engines and car seats and other things that cross the border multiple times before going into a finished vehicle,’’ said Cato’s Scott Lincicome. “You have American parts going to Mexico to be put into vehicles that are then shipped back to the United States.
“You throw 25% tariffs into all that, and it’s just a grenade.’’
‘S&P reckons that “importers are likely to pass most, if not all, of this (cost) increase to consumers.’’ TD Economics notes that average U.S. car prices could rise by around $3,000 – this at a time when the average new car already goes for $50,000.’ — APe News
Helter skelter, as ol’ Charlie Manson used to say. Kick over an ant hill, and watch them scurry around.
The Toyota Camry and Honda Accord are American cars, and the Chevy Camaro and Impala are not.
Not your Daddy’s Chevy Camaro nor your Grandpa’s Impala. BTW, that cute chick with the hot pants, go-go boots, and halter top is your MOM.
The enemy claims raising prices on things makes life better for everyone. Fools lap it up like manna from heaven.
‘That is how socialism works when it is challenged.’ — eric
Socialism’s implementation is aided with permanent states of emergency. Consider IEEPA (Intl. Emergency Economic Powers Act), which Trump is invoking this morning to impose tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China:
‘Congress intended IEEPA to be used sparingly. [Yet] the Treasury Department currently maintains more than 30 IEEPA-derived sanctions programs, several of which date back decades. IEEPA serves as the legal basis for asset freezes against 17,000 individuals, companies, and government entities.
‘No president has ever used IEEPA to impose a tariff.‘
‘No president has ever used IEEPA to impose a tariff.‘
But, that’s what precedents are all about, pushing the boundaries of any given legislative act. Just like WBush declaring that U.S. GovCo can snatch anyone on the planet and stuff them in GitMo forever led to Obama stating U.S. GovCo can KILL anyone on the planet. It is the kudzu-like nature of GovCo in all things. It takes over and is darn near impossible to get rid of.
Exactly! The ratchet straps only run one way. No one ever takes the concept of reducing old laws seriously because sure as s**t someone will find an excuse to keep it on the books. And once a president or other figure gets away with something the rest of us would be hung for, it’s precedent.