Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 02/11/2025


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with Bryan Hyde, host of The Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho!

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  1. Candace Owens is currently doing a multipart series exposing Frog France tranny Brigitte, but Candace has yet to figure out the real scandal, Brigitte IS the Father of Emmanuel Macron:


    Brigitte Macron is now on the list


    It is way worse than Candace thinks, Brigitte is Emmanuel Macron’s father:


    Go here first:

    Find this chart:

    I fix the confusion, do you see it now? LOLROFL

    Someone on social media ought to send that image to her

    Just in case you do not understand, I made it simple:

    • Hi Jack,

      All of this is pretty wild – so much so that I await definitive evidence. Candace has built a pretty solid case, though. And one thing’s not debatable: Brigitte Macron – whether a female or a male – is a pedophile. She – he? – was pushing 40 when she (he?) hooked up with a 14-15-year old adolescent boy.

      • Yes, Brigitte is a pedophile and the evidence is overwhelming a he-she. But the even bigger scandal, which will rock France to it’s core, is that the elite are not just full of pedos, incest is rampant – because for some reason they want to preserve their bloodline.

        There is an easy way to prove: genetic testing. I suspect that Emmanuel Macron has blood ties to the Rothschilds, which is why the Brigitte-Macron weirdos were elevated to rule.

        IMO you should always assume it is worse than you think, because it is always worse than you think. Why are the Macrons so desperate to hide their past?

        I say it is because pedo-tranny Brigitte is the biological father of Emmanuel. Now that is a scandal that could rock France. For me, it is only par for the course, the elite are blood drinking baby killing reptiles.

  2. Satanbowl: Trump vs. Taylor Swift is theater! Trump and TS belong to the same cult, WTFU!

    TS is Queen Baphomet, a he-she fooling the world. DJT is also part of this cult, cionverted to Chabad Lubavitcher after his daughter Ivanka did, after she married Jared Kushner.

    Want some explosive reading, best on the internet? Read my comments at TUR, The Unz Review, Wyatt Peterson’s latest

    The Art of Deception

    I am asserting Trump is the antichrist, and one Christian objected that Trump would never stand in the temple (the yet to rebuilt Solomon’s Temple at the current Al Asque Mosque/Dome of the Rock) and declare himself God.

    Oh hell yeah Trump would! Here is the proof that Trump already views himself as GOD:

    At Trump’s golden palace Mar a Lago, there exists a golden goat statue covered with US Dollar bills that says in Trump we trust, here is a photo of this statue:

    IN GOD WE TRUST replaced with Trump bills that say IN TRUMP WE TRUST

  3. Satanbowl and Taylor Swift. Do you think Taylor Swift is a beautiful woman? She is not a woman, she is a biological male as this video proves.

    You may find this information shocking and unbelievable, but if you think TS is a woman, you are wrong, she is not, and if Travis Kelce is actually sleeping with her (unlikely, just more theater) then he is a homosexual like Barak Obama.

    It is time to wake the fuck up, nearly everything you think you know is wrong, the world is not what you think, the corruption is way way worse than you can even possibly imagine.

  4. USAID revelation: Operation Mockingbird was in full force, 6200 journalists on the government payroll:

    Like I always say, you can not be paranoid enough. It was way worse than anyone thought. BBC was on the USAID payroll.

    In the world of medical quackery, anyone who doubts the news or government death jab, is a paranoid schizophrenic. This is the ultimate gaslighting.

    Dr. Fauci – “Did you get your Covid booster?”

    Amerikano Doubtus – No I did not get the death jab!

    Dr. Fauci – you are an antisemtic conspiracy theorist and paranoid schizophrenic!

  5. ‘President Donald Trump said in a new interview that he’s serious when he talks of wanting Canada to be a part of the United States.

    ‘Fox News’ Bret Baier asked Trump if it is indeed a “real thing” as Trudeau suggested, to which the president responded, “Yeah, it is.”’

    Adding a second liberal California (Canada pop. 40 million) to shove the US farther left?

    Donnie Fubar is brain damaged — makes senile scarecrow ‘Biden’ look like frickin’ Einstein.


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