Trump 2028 . . .


It’s a little early yet – but if the changes that appear to be on deck as regards the regulations pertaining to “emissions” of the dread gas CO2 (and also how many miles-per-gallon all new vehicles must deliver) that have all-but-destroyed the car industry are to stick, Trump has got to stick around for longer than just four years.

Because the car industry cannot turn on a dime.


More finely, it cannot be expected to jerk up the parking brake lever and do a 180 – again – and stop manufacturing devices for which there is not much market – as well as two ton crossovers with motorcycle-sized compliance engines and CVT transmissions almost everyone hates – and resume manufacturing vehicles people want, with V6 and V8 engines.

Well, maybe the industry could do that.

If it were to be a permanent change in direction.

But if it were to do make such changes and the regulatory regime were to do its own parking brake 180 four years hence, it would likely result in the permanent bankrupting of the industry, which is already reeling from the last several years of malinvestment in battery powered devices and downsized engines and compliance transmissions.

The bum’s rush to “electrify” everything – which is an elliptical way of saying comply with everything – has pushed VW to the very precipice of ruin.

Chrysler is in hospice care and Dodge is probably not far behind. Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and BMW are trying to apply the brakes, all of them announcing recently that they have decided to reconsider their previous all-in “commitment” to manufacturing only devices rather than vehicles.

This is a good start.

But what the industry needs going forward is stability rather than chaos. It needs to be able to make plans – and not just for the next four years.

Put more finely, it needs to not be at the mercy of government planners who think they have the right to  . . . plan things for the rest of us. Who think their plans ought to trump what the market (that means us) wants.

The we-know-best arrogance of this is quite something. How did it come to pass that our once-understood right to buy what we want without some government nag intervening to tell us what we’ll be allowed to buy ever come to pass? Well, it came to pass gradually, as such things tend to do. We do not become old overnight. Cancer usually takes awhile to manifest symptoms. It is the same with regard to what we’re allowed to buy – and what is allowed to be sold.

It starts by accepting some minor thing – such as seatbelts, for example. Not the seatbelts, per se but rather the idea that it’s the business of the government to require vehicle manufacturers to install them and thus people to buy them. Inevitably, to wear them, too.

Once that is accepted, all else follows.

Similarly, once it is accepted that it is the government’s legitimate business to require that all new vehicles manufactured deliver at least 21.5 miles-per-gallon on average, as was accepted way back in the mid-1970s, it has been accepted that it’s the legitimate for the government to more than double that requirement. Which is exactly what has happened over the course of the past four years, as a consequence of accepting that it’s the legitimate business of government to decree that all new vehicles manufactured deliver at least 21.5 miles-per-gallon on average more than 50 years ago.

Irrespective of how much it costs to deliver.

That’s why “economical” cars are so expensive now. It is also why almost everything new is some iteration of hybrid – “mild” or otherwise –  including trucks, which are now more expensive than luxury cars once were because of that. It is not going too far to say that everything is now a BMW or Mercedes or Lexus – in terms of what it costs. On account of what it costs to manufacture.

More finely, on account of what it costs to comply.

These costs are baked into the cake now.

How to unbake them?

Trump and his new secretary of transportation have indicated they want to try – but the only way this will succeed is if it’s more than just a temporary jerk of the steering wheel in a different direction for the next four years.

The industry is already so committed to the malinvestments it has made over te past four years that it is hesitant about changing direction, again. Ford’s CEO Jim Farley, for instance, has been publicly squealing about the billions the company he oversees has lost by malinvesting in devices. Naturally, he is hoping to recoup his malinvestment.

Ford – and it is not just Ford – had hoped the malinvestment in devices and compliance engines and transmissions, etc. – would pay off. The assumption upon which the malinvestment was made was that the regulations would remain in force and even increase in force, thus forcing everyone who buys vehicles to eat the cost.

But the 2024 election changed all of that – or at least, threatens to. Which explains why the industry is now hesitant to change course, again. Because it understands that it can’t afford to keep doing that.

So, for things to stay on course, Trump’s reversal of the regulatory schema must be more than just a short-term abatement.

And that means Trumpism – if not Trump himself – must last longer than just the next four years if it’s to be more than just a temporary abatement.

. . .

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  1. Wouldn’t the car companies fight any effort to rescind or abolish gov’t regulations at this point? IIRC, when Trump was in office the first time, he rolled back the CAFE standards to 36 mpg from the Obama Admin’s 50 mpg, and the car companies resisted this. Wouldn’t the car companies resist now, as they have invested too much into the current set of regs? Wouldn’t they also oppose abolishing the regs, as they provide a barrier to entry for new competitors? Even if an effort were made to roll back the regs, the car companies would resist.

    • Trump shouldn’t be rolling back anything, or replacing old regulations with new regulations. He should be challenging the regulations on constitutional grounds and defeating them in court so as to eliminate any threat of such future regulations. As far as I know, the EPA was created with the stroke of a pen and it can be destroyed the same way. Same with so many agencies. Trump just doesn’t have the balls to do it.

      I like what he’s doing so far, but he could do so much more.

    • Until the agencies that do the regulating are exterminated from the face of this earth, this shit will continue forever. Government is pure evil and needs to be exterminated.

      • Mr. Peters,

        hypothetical question for you, what if the likely bankruptcy of the amerikan auto industry is, as they say, a feature … not a bug ?

        much of what has transpired over the last couple of decades would make much more sense viewed from that perspective imho

        it’s working so well the germans have used the strategy for their entire industrial base.

        what continually amazes me is “ intelligent “ people think “ they “ don’t know what they’re doing. it seems obvious over time to me, “ they “ know exactly what they are doing.

  2. OT:

    I don’t like all this AI stuff.

    I think the global cabals asked AI what they should do in America (and other countries) for whatever goals they have, and the AI told them to build more AI data centers and proliferate AI. Does anyone else see how suspicious that is? The AI is probably telling the humans to make more AI and use AI for more things … yeah no duh because the AI is trying to take over the world and enslave the humans!!!!! And the global cabals and other politicians are SO SHORT-SIGHTED AND GULLIBLE that they don’t see what is going on here — skynet. The AI is trying to trick them, and so far it seems to be working. UGH SIGH.

  3. Fair question, brought up in the thread, is Trump Jewish?—trump-belongs-to-chaba.html

    Trump’s pro-Jewish behavior makes sense if he is. His beloved daughter Ivanka converted to Chabad when marrying Jared Kushner, so to be able to go to Chabad functions with her, he would have to convert.

    Note: many christian scholars said the Antichrist would be Jewish and now many suspect Trump as the AC, but they do not know Trump converted. Trump’s favoring Israel over international law is a travesty and could easily bring down the United States – you simply can not be a world leader and be lawless and allow Bibi’s arrest warrant to be ignored.

  4. As for the auto industry “…Flounder, don’t dwell on your mistakes. Ya fucked up. You trusted us.”

    The plant and equipment will not vaporize in bankruptcy They will be purchased by others at realistic valuations and returned to production of desirable and affordable models. Eventually.

    • This. The whole system for decades has been designed to prop up the status quo, rather than allow better ideas and better morals to buy up the distressed assets on the cheap and turn them into something better. Too big to fail…

  5. The only way for him to do so would be to become a dictator like Cesar who diluted the senate in Rome.

    It won’t happen and he is too old anyway. So he has to do everything on compressed time at triple speed.

    By the way, great news today: BOBBY KENNEDY JR. has been confirmed…

    Funnily it’s the Russians who announced it first:

    RFK Jr. confirmed as Trump’s health secretary

    I hear the loud weeping at the HHS, FDA and CDC already…

    Congrats Bobby Jr. Don’t let them trick you into a new plandemic and don’t get killed…

  6. Eric,
    You are pretty much spot-on in this eval. The way the politics are running since the retarded peanut farmer and his wicked witch “seeded” the government with eekko-wakkos and useful idiots and started the war against cars and free Americans, the automotive industry has been in a “earth in upheaval” mode ever since. The revenge of the moral cowards along with the “i’m not a racist” presidencies furthered the “seeding”. With the juntas in control, the auto industry doesn’t have much choice as to what direction to go. True, some of the anti-emissions stuff actually worked, but NOT because of a bunch of skinwakers in the junta: because there were actually some REAL engineers in the biz.

    So, Trump probably has until mid 2026 to try to re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, at which point the REAL insurrection by the usual suspects will kick into gear. Right now, the useful idiots are making fools of themselves live, on air. That is to be expected as part of the Kubuki Theater distraction project. The real monsters calling the shots and making the overthrow plans are still behind the curtain, and the auto industry knows this. Hence, they will put on a show of slow-walking, but nothing much will change, and they will “sacrifice” certain divisions to keep up the charade.

    There is only one real way that things are going to change for the better and it is going to be a very ugly “production”. Everybody with a greater than room temperature IQ and that can do math had better have their fecal matter coagulated nlt 2028. Just sayin’.

  7. Let us give thanks that Antony Blinken is gone and gone for good.

    Blinken is one damned dumb fool who fell for it all, when that happens, then good riddance.

    There he was, gone.

    Can I get a Hallelujah, can I get an Amen? – Maren Morris, My Church

    • Thank you. That’s the good news.

      On the darker side, Trump just announced global reciprocal tariffs, including retaliation against the abatement of VAT tax on exports from Europe and elsewhere.

      Who would’ve thought that the first order of business of a new Republiclown regime would be to HIKE OUR TAXES? They might as well just add this slogan to the R-party platform in 2028: Death to the middle class! (or for Hahhhhvid graduates: Euthanize the bourgeoisie!)

      Don’t we miss the old spook master G.H.W. Bush: ‘Read my lips …

      • It’s terrible news. Did you not listen to the Senate confirmation hearings where he clearly stated he’s in favor of vaccination–including his statement that he won’t “take away anybody’s vaccines”? His entire shtick is that he’s against vaccines that haven’t been “properly tested,” not the vaccines themselves. The guy’s another of Trump’s libtards in conservative sheep’s clothing.

        • Yes, I know that Senator Bill Cassidy M.D. (R-LA) extracted a promise from RFK Jr that he will not tamper with the childhood vaccination schedule, which is implicated in the autism epidemic.

          Did RFK jettison his highest and best priority before even entering office? Entirely possible.

          The US fedgov corrupts everything it touches. The Founders would have LOL’d at the notion of their new government dictating the practice of pediatric medicine (or midwives, in their day). But here we are, as Diogenes searches fruitlessly for an honest cabinet officer.

          *huffs another bagful of airplane glue*

          • Just kidding, y’all:

            ‘I am rather surprised at the amount of bad press I have read regarding recreational use of this high-tech pharmaceutical offering. Fentanyl produces a notoriously “clean” or “subtle” high which can easily go unnoticed or be dismissed by some users.

            ‘The high is perhaps an acquired taste. Without an initial rush and lacking the real obvious euphoria and warm/fuzzy of other opiates, Fentanyl floating creeps up on me and I found myself forgetting I was high until I was nodding or trying to do some task. As my compatriot put it, “[Fentanyl] is a very functional drug.”

            ‘After chewing a quarter patch, having a couple of shots [of booze] and a hash bowl and sitting in the sun in the yard … ahh … bliss. Though some might dismiss the subtlety of Fentanyl’s high, I find it pleasant, great for activity and with minimal side-effects and almost no hangover.’ — copied from an anonymous comment at unz dot com

            If only he’d had access to soma Fentanyl, RFK Jr wouldn’t have had to shoot heroin for 14 years. But it wouldn’t have inhibited his raging chick addiction whatsoever. 😉

        • You are correct. I fear that RFK will “double down” on vaxxes for the next “plandemic”, giving big pharma just what they want.
          RFK should (but won’t) declare that the childhood vaxxes need to b investigated as well.

          • What would even cause you to think that? A man who has gone out of his way for decades to fight the pharmaceutical industry is now going to turn tail? That doesn’t even make sense.

            Let’s give him a chance and see what he does. I think we will be pleasantly surprised.

            • I agree. Watching most of what the Trump admin has been doing over the past few weeks has given me great pleasure.

              There might be a bit too much doom and gloom in these comments over what could happen. I mean, what was the alternative? Unattainable Perfection? Kamala Harris?

      • Hi Jim,

        This is an easy enough do around…we don’t purchase from those countries.

        Why is it okay for China and Europe to hurl taxes, such as VAT, at our US manufacturers, but not vice versa? We can demand free trade all that we want, but that isn’t the world we live in. We are bankrupting our own American workers by having one set of rules for China, Singapore, or Europe and they establish another set of rules against us.

        If Trump and Congress wish to extend the 2017 Tax and Jobs Act the money has to come from somewhere. I much rather choose whether I wish to buy a wine from France (and pay the tariff) or better yet I decide to buy a wine from Napa Valley or even closer to home, Charlottesville. Let me decide how I want to be taxed if I want to be taxed at all. I much rather do it through products that are to my liking than through my W2.

        • Carrots or sticks? Trump could incentivize exports with ‘VAT equivalent’ subsidies. But he chose to tax Americans with tariffs instead. Even old Bonesman Poppy Bush didn’t stoop that low.

          ‘In exchange for swearing allegiance to your fellow Bonesmen, lying in a coffin during an initiatory “rebirthing” ceremony and revealing your entire sexual history in frank detail, the order promises its members lifelong financial stability, effectively buying their silence as to its workings.’

              • You may have liked it a better if you had moved on the western side of Loudoun…near Hamilton, Purcellville, or Lovettsville. Very pretty areas, not a lot of people. More cows than people…which is how it should be.

                • Lotsa $$$ to live in western Loudon! When we relocated out here, we firstly did the real estate search on the internet. Our price bogey had stuff in eastern Loudon, then all the way to Front Royal! Nothing in western Loudon or Fauquier. That’s all gentleman horsefarmer country

                  • Hi tom,

                    Only northern Fauquier is gentlemen horse farmer country. The southern end is the smell of sulfur in your water and a Food Lion. 😉

                    Very cheap to buy, but a hell of a drive into NOVA.

      • Actually, it is wonderful news, especially for those of us that actually read history and understand that Britain and the EU actually HATE us for saving their sorry asses 2x, and then showing them how things can be done IF there is no royalty, nobility, or, aristocracy. No appreciation for rebuilding their sorry-ass, socialist countries; just tariffs, taxes, and expecting us to fund NATO so they can take 2 month fully paid for vacations. EFF them and the frogs they rode in on.

      • Yes, another Kennedy–a lifelong Democrat and vaccine advocate–a man who once recommended jail for anyone who questioned climate change. Best news ever!

  8. Just wanted to say fuck McTurtle. Why oh why are these hollow corpses allowed to lord it over us? Send these desiccated pieces of shit to the glue factory already.

    • Dirty Old Turtle, I contend, is a vaccine victim himself. That’s what makes him glitch out, staring into space like a cigar store Indian.

      At night his ‘wife’ parks him in the closet facing the wall and plugs him in, his eyes glowing red in the dark, as he receives instructions from Betelgeuse in his native tongue.

    • Stick a fork in his ass, he’s done. We demand common sense age restrictions on the house and senate, for the safety of the children. Get big balls on it right away.

      In a world of reality, one not run by muppets, Chinkydink Mitch would lose all his committee seats. Let him sit in the Capitol Hyatt with his boom boom girl attending to his drool as he grifts for supper like a newly minted freshman legislator.

  9. Putting aside Trump’s playing to his base by attacking DEI, transgenderism, et al, here’s the meat-and-potatoes of what he has done in just his first month in office:

    1. Backed an MRNA “anti-cancer” vaccine.
    2. Announced a $500 billion AI infrastructure investment. (Remember, the term “artificial intelligence” is Left-speak for “tech-driven surveillance.”
    3. Approved the new sale of anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. (So much for ending that war within 24 hours!)
    4. Ordered a crackdown on freedom of speech against pro-Palestinian protestors and threatened to deport them.
    5. Attacked our nation’s Constitutionally-backed coinage system by eliminating the penny from production. (Likely the official start toward a digital currency system).
    6. Accelerated the trade war with China, saying Americans can expect to feel “some pain” from tariffs, while Elon echoed that sentiment, saying Trump will bring “temporary hardship” for Americans.

    Less than 30 days into his tenure and already this guy has done more for Team Communism than Biden did in four years. Can hardly wait to see what the remainder of his term unfolds.

    • Won’t work….. it’s all considered 5D politics. I also thought most would give it a year or two before crowning him. So far we have what the movie Now You See Me points out.

      “Come in close, because the more you think you see, the easier it’ll be to fool you”

      A good movie by the way if you’re looking for entertainment and don’t care much about reality.

    • Not to mention ruling via executive order -which defeats the legislative process and checks and balances that were designed to prevent dictatorial-style rule, and the instabilities Eric illustrates in this article. All recent administrations have been doing this, and it appears to be getting worse with each successive regime. I wouldn’t doubt if THAT were a very part of the plan -to destabilize and destroy what is left of the status quo economy and remnants of the free market that still exist.
      Not to mention that such is a way for these Zionist agents to make it appear to the sheeple that they are “trying”, while knowing full well that their orders will only be struck down by the courts (As they should be, whether the order something good or bad; something we like or dislike, simply because they bypass the legislative process.
      Unfortunately, most Trump supporters take the cheese, not seeing the trap, as they laud Trump for doing something good, while failing to see that even the few good things he may be doing are just temporary; and as they fail to notice the evil things, such as the ones cited by Jason.
      And remember, the left can do the very same things when they are in power (as they also have indeed done). This is no way to run a country (But a good way to ruin one). It keeps the gullible sheep voting for their preferred brand of tyranny, just so they can oppose “the other side”, but it ultimately accomplishes nothing other than furthering tyranny and distracting people, as is so blatantly obvious
      Remember, most of these issues (Like the EV agenda) were not designed to effect their stated goals (like “reducing pollution) but were in fact designed to destroy the old economy; the old order of things, so that they simultaneously slide-in a new order. One example of which can easily been seen in how the EV and CAFE and NIHTSA’s true agenda was to destroy the auto industry so that they can it impossible for the average person to be able to afford to drive.

    • Yeah, he stinks.

      1. Got ten US hostages returned from Russia, Belarus, Venezuela, and Hamas.
      2. Has rounded up illegal immigrants with criminal records and returned them to their home countries.
      3. Pardoned J6 prisoners
      4. Pardoned Ross Ulbrict
      5. Actually is auditing the federal government’s books
      6. Ended federal censorship of free speech
      7. Hiring freeze for government employees
      8. Actually reducing government workforce
      9. Getting men out of women’s sports
      10. Actually visiting NC and CA to focus on the damage created by Hurricane Helene and the LA fires
      11. Actually got Karen Bass to reopen the Palisades the very next day so people could return to get their things and clear their properties
      12. Actually clawing back taxpayer funds designated for illegal immigrants
      13. Willing to shutdown FEMA, USAID, and DOE
      14. Withdrew us from the WHO

      What an asshole. Kamala would have been so much better.

        • Please note that it was in 1967, during the rape and pillaging of America by LBJ and his cronies, that USAID went rogue, Social Security was plundered of actual cash and said cash replaced with I.O.U.s from the democrats, and, suddenly, democrats found all sorts of “donations” to their pet causes….

          • USAID was a blessing to the CIA…
            However, there is a “silver lining”…
            Regarding the DOGE government accountability push, the Trump administration made a brilliant move by going after USAID.
            Trump cannot presently get to the CIA directly. USAID is a “funneling method” for CIA operations. Any CIA operations (shenanigans) of any worth go through USAID.
            By shutting down the USAID money spigot, Trump has effectively neutered most of the CIA.
            Keep in mind that the CIA is the world’s largest (illegal) drug importer and promoter as it does not abide by any customs inspections. One could safely argue that the CIA is the largest (illegal) drug cartel in the world. This is how the CIA funds its “black projects” without going through Congress.
            Trump’s DOGE team might have just found a way to neuter the CIA or at least minimize or put a crimp in its operations.

            • The sad truth is that you are spot on, and it is probably a LOT worse than what you are revealing. Don’t forget, Johnson was in on all of it too. If you get a chance, find a copy of “Area 51” by Annie Jacobsen, usually available at the local library. Just read Chapter 4. Lays it all out…

      • 1. Ten hostages returned? Whoopdeedoo!
        2. Rounded up how many illegals? Answer: a tiny fraction of the number Biden allowed to come flooding in here.
        3. Pardoned J6 prisoners…the ones he encouraged to storm the Capitol (too little, too late).
        4. Never heard of Ross Ulbricht…but what about Julian Assange?
        5. Is he auditing Fedgov’s books? How do we know that for sure?
        6. Ended censorship? What are you talking about? Social media censorship started under Trump’s first tenure in 2017 and is now stronger than ever. He also encouraged censored of anti-Israel speech on college campuses.
        7. Hiring freeze of Fedgov employees? Yeah, so they can replace with AI (which will be immeasurably worse!)
        8. Reduced government workforce? I doubt it, considering all the new bureaucracy he’s creating.
        9. Great, but who cares about women’s sports?
        10. Great, but too little, too late (re: NC and CA visitations).
        11. Who cares?
        12. Too little, too late.
        13. Willing to shut down isn’t the same as actually shutting down.
        14. Withdrew us from WHO, yet is still pushing MRNA vaccines. Great.

        Would Kamala be better? At face value, no, but at least her tyrannical dictates would have been far more vigorously resisted than Trump’s (as many here bear ample testimony). People were starting to “wake up” under Biden’s horrible rule, and if Kamala had been “elected” it’s likely the awakening would have accelerated.

        • Resisted, Jason? Don’t make me giggle. Nobody did anything under Biden. The man couldn’t put two coherent sentences together. A (selection) was actually stolen from us and everyone sat on their hands, most even rolled up their sleeves after having their jobs threatened. These were going to be the same people that took on a Harris Administration? Oh, okay.

          • At the height of Covidmania, arguably more than 90% of the population willingly wore masks in compliance with federal edicts (when Trump was still in office). When Biden came along, the resistance stiffened and anywhere between 60% and 70% (based on non-government estimates) of the population didn’t take the jab. A substantial minority did not take it. That’s because Biden was pushing it, not Trump.

            Why do you think Trump was brought back in? Among other reasons, it was to “inoculate” the holdouts with MRNA “vaccines” that are a big part of the overall agenda. He already mentioned them in his first week in office.

            Incidentally, the fakestream media have already begun discussing the “next big health crisis,” which will inevitably entail even more fake vaccines:


        • I disagree. Harris would have claimed a “mandate” and put everything on Overdrive. Likely, our current form of communication, social media, would have been restricted and the government would run roughshod over free speech and just about everything else. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and others didn’t care how “awake” people in their country were. They took the place by force. Quickly. Trump has done a lot of evil crap, he’s a fascist, but we appear to have a break right now.

          • I’ll believe we’re “having a break” as soon as I see grocery prices decline and the nationwide gas price average fall under the Biden floor of $3/gallon. So far, nada.

            • Hi Jason,

              I’m not a red hat – but I think it’s not fair to expect gas prices or grocery costs to go down less than a month after the man was sworn in. Gas is about $2.89 in my area, incidentally. Which means it’s about $2.10 in real costs vs. about three years ago.

  10. I think it is far too late to save America from political terrorism and collapse. Trump will only delay it a bit. Democrazy (people voting to live at the expense of everyone else) always ends in hyper inflation and famine. It can do nothing else.

  11. I think a Trump dynasty could be around for decades, the historical example is the Roman Flavian dynasty, Nero sent Vespasian (a farmer) to the front line (judea) in hopes he got killed off, to rid himself of a a potential emperor rival. But as fate would have it, General Vespasian was called back to Rome and ended up taking the throne while Titus sacked the Temple.

    Once again we have a big war in the same area, and once again Jerusalem is the center of attention, and once again an outsider has taken the throne to shore up the empire. Trump rides a high horse TO SAVE THE SYSTEM.

    Many “end times” christians believe Trump to be the prophecized antichrist. I will post a video link as a reply.

    Follow up to the claim that Trump will never stand in the temple and declare himself god. Evidence says he could:

    1. Trump claims to be the King of Israel, or King of the Jews, which is a title normally given to Christ.

    2. Trump’ goat at Mar a Lago – covered with $100 bills, with his face, and IN TRUMP WE TRUST:

    It should be obvious that Trump already believes himself greater than god.

    Disclaimer – I believe human thought manifests our reality, if millions of Christians believe in end times then they will manifest end times whether they are conscious of it or not. Currently, Christians and Jews are literally making prophecy come true, it is a willful act based on their beliefs, not some god they believe in, which does not exist. God is only a meme in a book and in your mind.

    • Trump 2028? The God-King Trump may declare himself POTUS for life. Not religious, but here is a good YT channel on why so many Christians believe Trump to be THE antichrist:

      Trump showed his true colors on 04 Feb 2025, by declaring Gaza to be USA property, and that all the native Palestinians must be relocated. Only a God-King-Emporer can do that, and it proves Trump is 100% all in on the Zionist Greater Israel Project. Trump is pushing for another billion for Israel, more bombs, including the MOAB bomb.

      The Palestinians vow to fight and stay on their land, thus Trump is preparing to slaughter them all. Now that is definitely something the evil antichrist would do.

      BTW alert readers should wonder about living in a country run by the antichrist.

      • How come the Antichrist is never Gates, the Rothschilds, or Fauci? Trump has never pulled the vocal chords out of Beagle puppies to my knowledge.

        Do Antichrists allow you to keep your guns? How about free speech? Do they ease regulations on businesses? Do they actually leave office when they are voted out?

        Do I agree the USSA overtaking the Gaza Strip is stupid? Yes. Personally, I think Egypt will end up taking it over before that occurs. Actually, just go ahead and put my name down on the board for that one. “RG believes Egypt will take over Gaza Strip and make pact and receive “moo-lah from USSA and Saudi Arabia to stabilize region.”

        • >Egypt will take over Gaza Strip
          Nope. Israeli (Jews only) have a “Land Title From (their) God,” which can never be sold. And besides that, there is all that offshore gas which has not yet been developed.

          L’il Donnie is just the front man for developing
          Gaza into the Monaco of the Eastern Mediterranean.
          He cannot personally own land there, because he is not Jewish, but his son in law, Jared Kushner, can. Donnie will do as he is told, because there is at least one woman who stands ready to accuse him of forcible rape of her when she was a minor, many years ago. Stormy Daniels is only a precursor to the *real* threats. Donnie is owned.

          So who *really* owns Gaza, and who will finance the casinos? Development requires either a) good marketable title, or b) owner willing to subordinate his interest to a construction loan, in order to obtain construction financing from a bank. But there are other possible sources of funding…Can you say “Teamsters Union pension fund?”

          There are certain interests who are prime candidates to own the Gaza casinos. Adelson, of course, as well as Steve Wynn (né Weinberg), and probably a few of Donnie’s New York RE colleagues of the proper ethnicity.

          So, what does the U.S get put of the deal? Well, for starters, the rubble has to be cleared. Enter Brown and Root. Offshore gas wells? Time to call Halliburton.

          And of course the New Gaza Airport will be Yuge. Bechtel, Parsons and Fluor can fight over that, as well as the adjacent USAF base. The runways will have joint civilian/military usage, just like Albuquerque, home of USAF Special Weapons Center. [“Special” = “Nuclear” as you may realize]

          Speaking of Albuquerque, there is/was Manzano Base, a.k.a. “Site Able,” first storage site for U.S. nuclear weapons.

          Yes, Virginia, there *will* be nuclear weapons in the “Principality of Gaza,” and they will all have USA stamped right on them. Welcome to Site Delta.

          The US will need an “embassy,” of course, perhaps similar to one in Iraq.
          But of course, the AFB will provide recreational facilities for military personnel and their families, so perhaps the “embassy” can be scaled down a bit.

          • I realize Trump likes to believe he is Pompey Magnus, but the land was originally occupied by the Ancient Egyptians and should be returned to the Egyptians. Period. Israel has no hold on this.

            Israel already has close to 100 nukes in their possession. They aren’t going to use them, because the radiation will fall back onto their own people.

            Does anyone think that Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan are just going to let us waltz in and start erecting condos? Seriously? How long do you think those condos will stand before suicide bombers start showing up hanging out in the elevator shaft waiting for today’s work crew to show up? Trump is throwing pasta at the wall and seeing if it sticks.

            I am not changing my vote and I believe saner minds will prevail.

            • > the land was originally occupied by the Ancient Egyptians

              Matters not. Jews believe in Divine Right of Land Title. Didn’t you see the movie?
              Perception is more important than reality.
              Eddie Bernays didn’t write his famous book for no reason.

              >Does anyone think that Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan are just going to let us waltz in?

              With due respect, RG, did Darth Vader ever ask permission?

              >They aren’t going to use them, because the radiation will fall back onto their own people.

              Likely true, but the US will be under no such constraint. Iran has only medium range missiles, and as of this writing, no known nuclear warheads.

              >suicide bombers

              Don’t make me laugh. Explosive sniffing dogs at all entrances should neutralize that threat. Anyhow, the housekeeping and maintenance staff are likely to be Bangladeshis, who will cause absolutely no trouble, and work cheaper than any other group on Earth.

              With 600 advanced US nukes under US control, and the aircraft to deliver them parked on a US land base, the US will be in a position to *rule* the Middle East, which will likely be important when the US dollar collapses due to debt.

              I wonder what they will name the air base..

              >I am not changing my vote
              Neither am I.
              Didn’t say I *want* to see this result, only that I consider it fairly likely.
              We are both on record. 🙂

            • “Israel already has close to 100 nukes in their possession. They aren’t going to use them, ”

              Israel has over 2,000 nukes, having been gifted the entire arsenal of decommission Davy Crockett W-54 warheads and they have been using them on a regular basis, like Beirut Harbor, Fukushima, and the WTC – see the numerous VT articles on this. Yes Virginia, Israel nuked the USA on 911.

            • I wouldn’t discount the “Samson Option”.
              The zionists are stupid enough to try it, especially if the world goes against them and demands a real solution to the “Palestinian situation”. Notice that I did not call the Palestinian situation a “problem” as it is the foreign zionist jew interlopers who are the “problem”.
              Every country’s nukes are within the borders of their respective countries, but not so for israel.
              You see, israel’s nukes are already “in place” in cities around the world and as such, no delivery systems are needed. Israel’s nuclear “Damocles swords” are ready to go at a moment’s notice. This is a major reason why israel refuses to allow “international nuclear arms inspectors” to perform inspections. Israel could not account for all of its nukes without revealing that they are not on israeli (Palestinian) soil.
              The next “9-11” will be a nuclear detonation (not an exchange or other conflagration) in a major American or European city. Look for an israeli nuke to be detonated in Houston, Chicago or Atlanta. “Jew York City” is “off-limits” as it is the jewish seat of power in the USA. European targets will be Rome, Brussels or Paris. World jewry would LOVE to destroy the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, so look at Rome as being a prime target.
              Of course, the nuclear detonation will be blamed on an Arab country, passports being found in the “rubble”, just as with 9-11 (yeah, right).
              If I had my way, israel would be “embargoed” until it gets out of Palestine and “comes clean” and produces ALL of its nukes for international inspection.

        • “How come the Antichrist is never Gates, the Rothschilds, or Fauci?”

          There are webpages for nearly every leader being the antichrist, including for actor Michael Hasselhoff.

          I am not the one saying Trump is the antichrist, respected Christian scholars are – and they are backing it up with Bible verse proving it. All I am doing is presenting this information to you, and to clue you in NOT to trust Trump and his Jewish agendas, like genocide.

          Trump was doing so well until 04 Feb 2025 when he threw his credibility, honor, integrity, stature away by hosting Satanyahu and his diabolical agenda. Genocide negates all the good things Trump is doing, and no the Palestinians are not leaving, so Trump has just started WW3 over nothing we even should be concerned about. Israel and Gaza is not our problem.

          Understand something about reality, Apocalyptic Christians make a big deal about the antichrist standing in the temple and claiming to be god – when in reality no one should be worshipping the Jew devil god in the first place. There is no “god” which cares if you worship it, god would not be god if he demanded your whoreship. No sane person should worship Yahweh, no sane person even believes in Yahweh, no sane person thinks the Bible is literal, or that verses in Daniel apply to today’s world.

          Clearly, this whole end times script is being made real by a world full of Bible believing lunatics, who think is they do A B C then the Lord will return. Sorry, the Lord was never here, and the belief in the Lord nothing but Bronze Age superstiions.

          You can kill, and kill, and kill, and do every abomination imaginable and no god cares, no god is coming back. What is going on in Israel is advanced religious disease – a mass psychosis being acted out in real time.

        • What makes you think you’ll be allowed to keep your guns, RG? And what is this ‘free speech’ of which you speak?

          Just read some Marcus Aurelius the other day that seems apropos: ‘Consider the past; Such great changes of political supremacy. Thou may foresee the things which will be. For they will certainly be of like form. And it is not possible they should deviate from the order of things which take place now: Accordingly, to have contemplated human life for forty years is the same as having contemplated it for ten thousand years. For what more wilt thou see?’

          • Who’s coming for them, Norman? These mythical creatures to which you speak of will they be going door to door or do they expect us to voluntarily hand them over? Do “they” think we can’t make more? Will they also be rounding up our 3D printers, too?

            There is 400 million to one billion guns in the US. It is part of our Constitution. I am perfectly aware that this document is not always adhered to and sometimes completely disregarded, but we are the only country in the world that gun ownership is a right and not a privilege.

            As for free speech I am typing it right now. Do you think I could get away with speaking against my government in China or even in Europe?

            • True about China or Europe. Me thinks that Erics place is one of just a few. The censorship complex is still strong, it just slunk back into the shadows a bit, circa 2OO5-2O2O. As for the guns, we shall see. I’m still highly suss towards Mr Red Flag. Hope I’m wrong, but The Presidents daughter has been eerily silent. Maybe just waiting, until some horrendous shooting to come forward and offer her heartfelt feelings to her daddy. Historically speaking, he will eat it up, and some number of his followers will go right along.

              As for your comments on the constitution I think it cant be emphasized enough. Even though we have disgraced our ancestors, [They would have used their guns long before now] it is not lost on TPTB that we are the last of the Mohicans as regards private firearms. Thats one of the few reasons I stay here. No Truer words than ‘An armed society is a polite society.’

            • Re the guns, all they have to do is make it acceptable to control them and they’ve won. Yes there are probably a billion plus in proper civilian hands, but if you have to get permission to buy, own, or carry them is it a right? If you can’t buy a Thompson or a mini gun through the mail, without any permission or paperwork, is there a right?

              So long as the “law abiding conservatives” get their permit to carry or their FOID card or obey any of it at all, that right is not being legally respected.

              • The “supreme court” has been ratcheting back gun control schemes, declaring them to be infringements. Illinois’ FOID card scheme (which has been in existence for a very long time) is the latest gun control scheme to be declared unconstitutional…
                NYC’s gun control scheme is a harder nut to crack due to non-compliance with supreme court decisions.
                We shall see.

                • All true and wonderful to see. But so long as even one Matt Hoover rots in federal prison for exercising first and second amendment rights, put there by an all AWFL jury and corrupt judge, then our rights are not protected.

    • Jack,

      I have a hard time following what you believe in, well except, that Taylor Swift is a tranny, you seem pretty convinced of that.

      Let’s look what you have pointed out over the last year:

      1. Trump will not win.
      2. Michelle will win. I realize you did not use Michelle as her name.
      3. Musk is evil.
      4. Trump will win.
      5. The economy will fall under Trump in a world wide Depression that will take four years or more to turnaround. The Great Reset will occur.
      6. Musk isn’t as evil as you thought.
      7. Trump is evil as you thought and now believes he is king.

      Trump will leave office at 82 years of age, that is if the Swamp allows him to live that long. Yes, he will leave. The Dems stated he wasn’t going to leave in 2020 either. I don’t see the Trump family using the same playbook as Biden’s. They will not diminish his reputation and legacy to keep him in office if he is incapable of managing it. Biden left office as a joke of a President. He will viewed in the history books as just that.

      The Rockefeller Foundation stated in 2010 but was going to happen. The system will crash. Globalization is moving too fast…even for the oligarchs. The Silent Generation is to old to fight and the Boomers are to concerned about their 401Ks to change it. That leaves the Gen Xers and Millennials who have done a damn good job on destroying the nuclear family to lead for the next 30-40 years. Society may limp along, but there isn’t enough brilliance (or common sense) in Gen Z to keep the USSA competitive in world dominance. We will falter shortly thereafter. There will be no big apocalypse. She will go out in a whimper and countries like China and India will be the new field of dreams.

      • Hi RG, et al,

        The way I see things is that the U.S. remains ripe for dissolution. The sane approach would be to let people in different regions peacefully secede from the monstrosity. When strong cultures take the path of empire, the eventual result is dissolution. England had an empire that spanned the globe and that started unraveling with WW1 and completely unraveled post WW2. Note: Churchill was central to that unraveling. The people in power in the U.S. that took over from the UK after WW2 have driven the empire into the ground fairly quickly in historical terms. The degree to which bad actors have behaved indicates, to me at least, that reforms are impossible….that’s my black pill side. The white pill is that even the Soviet Union, which was the most organized anti human ended in a whimper. We have no hope of returning to a “constitutional republic” because that concept does not scale to 330 million people. So, even though I will not live to see it, I have hope that the breakup of the U.S. will proceed along peaceful lines and that people will not suffer as badly as the Russian populace did after the collapse of the Soviet Union (much of which was caused by the actions of the “West”).

        In this context, Trump’s reforms, though interesting, cannot work….Trump seems to believe somehow that he as the alpha male of the US empire can still dictate to the rest of the world. That’s simply not the case as we will surely see in the final end to the Ukrainian conflict. Trump will not be dictating any terms to the RF. The Russians have been lied to for generations and they are not falling for any more of that particular bullshit.

        RG, I gather from your comments that you have expertise in matters of taxation. Do you honestly see any way out of the $37 trillion debt and probably $200 trillion in unfunded mandates in the current system?

        • Hi Giuseppe,

          Realistically, no, there is not a way for the US to survive with a debt of $37 trillion and counting. Currently, the US receives revenue of approximately $4.5 to $5 trillion per year. Basically, it is the equivalent of someone making $50K a year purchasing a $600K home. Based on an interest rate of 7% the mortgage payment would be $3991. A person making $50K a year would bring home around $37,400 annually or $3117 per month. The current math doesn’t work and then if you add in another $3.3 million in unfunded liabilities (approx. $200 trillion) the individual will be filing bankruptcy and their house will be repossessed.

          Can they stop the bleeding enough to prolong the foreclosure? Possibly, for a little while, but a balanced budget would be required and then eventually, an increase in income (ahem, taxes). The unfunded liabilities would have to be omitted and strict austerity measures would have to be implemented.

          Unfortunately, this will only buy time. The house will still be foreclosed on.

          • Exactly, it can’t be fixed so why worry about it. The only way out is debt repudiation/jubilee and that will necessarily diminish the prestige and power of the statists.

          • Hi R.G., et al,

            Most of the people who have optimism really don’t have a grasp of basic math or do and just bury their heads in the sand. As Ernie says, debt repudiation will necessarily have to take place, or dissolution of the empire. I say this with full knowledge of how entertaining the Trump 2.0 regime has been so far. Vance is pretty entertaining too, but the can has been kicked down the road for too many generations for real reform to actually work. When the dissolution finally takes place, I hope people in this community end up in relatively close physical proximity…..I’d really like to meet some of you folks in meatspace…..

      • “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — ‘Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.’ — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”

        Ralph Waldo Emerson

  12. We live in a banana republic.

    When people know their freedom is temporary and subject to the whims of the next regime they have a cruel choice; move forward with the freedom to choose or wait out until the next more radical regime takes power to find out their destiny.

    Most people with a lot to lose will wait it out. All business schools and industry leaders are taught and programmed for risk aversion (at all costs).

    As they say today: *with an abundance of caution*:

    DEI provides risk aversion from lawsuits and bad publicity from the media.

    Investments is government approved EV’s reduces the risks of fines and (as Volkswagen found out) imprisonment.

    Demand your employees take the jab with an experimental vaccine to comply with government dictates, so to hell with their employees’ health (there is more expendable humans coming across the border every day).

    OHSA Safety as a religion and nonsense protocols can be justified, and the high costs keep the upstarts out of the business. (the New Hard hats cost $150 each today)

  13. Interesting sheet, did any of you guys read this?:

    ‘The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk’s Digital Coup’

    “Elon Musk and his Engineers, Having Captured Our Data, are Now More Powerful than any President

    […] the pre-internet generation, may not understand the financial value to Silicon Valley of Elon Musk having potentially breached these data already.

    But the Broligarchs certainly do understand the value of this, a value so vast it almost cannot be described.” …

    • I read Naomi’s tome yesterday. She is right to question what has happened and what is going on now. There is very little privacy left in our world unless you totally decouple from the internet NET. Most of us have a Rat in our pocket that can report where we are, how we are moving, what we are interested in and especially what we buy and how we shop. What amazes me is that there really hasn’t been more discussions about it all. Pogo was right!

      • >There is very little privacy left
        Got a letter from the local trash hauling co (Waste Management) this week, informing me of the following:
        1. I am not allowed to refuse their services.
        [Making me an “offer” I am not allowed to refuse. Thanks, Luca.]
        2. If I do not pay them the amount *they* demand every month, they are allowed to contact the county tax assessor and demand the “delinquent” trash collection fee be added to my county property tax bill.
        [Using government goons to collect if I refuse the “offer.”]
        3. Effective April 2025, their trucks will be equipped with cameras, which will photograph everything they collect.
        [Snooping through mu trash, and presumably saving the data, every time they pick up my discards.]

        Ostensibly, #3 is to ensure that only recyclables go in the recyclables bin, only green waste goes in the green waste bin, etc. But the fact remains that Waste Management will have a photographic record of *everything* you throw away, provided it goes in one of their bins.

        It has been legally established long ago that you have no “right to privacy” regarding your trash. If the police want to go through your trash to look for evidence of a crime, they are permitted to do so.

        But, this is the first time I am aware of a “trash dragnet,” in which *all* this data is collected, by an ostensibly “private” firm. The camera equipped trash trucks are being touted as, you guessed it, “smart” technology.

        So far, thy are not planning to weigh the trash, and charge us rubes for generating “too much” of it. but give them time. Those “smart trucks” can only get “smarter.”

        I suppose the next logical step will be “smart” toilets, which will photograph everything that comes out of your arsehole. Probably to protect us from “terrists,” or “eco criminals” whose scat contains “unauthorized substances.” In the latter case, it will be necessary to chemically analyze the poop in real time. Now *there’s* a “smart” toilet!

        • Hi Adi,

          Can’t you just not have the service and take it to the local landfill? That’s what we do in VA. I am not paying some company $35/month to take pictures or sort through my garbage. Seriously, why is it hard for people to throw a couple trash bags in the bag of a pick up truck and haul to the dump? I don’t even have trash pick up at work.

          Also, Waste Management is horrible. I have nothing nice to say about them.

          • >Can’t you just not have the service
            That is the gist of points 1 & 2.
            We are *NOT* allowed to refuse their service.
            If we attempt to do so, WM will use the County tax goons to collect.
            All very civilized. “Totally legit,” as Michael
            Corleone put it. No more leg breaking.

            • Okay, but what would happen if the property was an investment/second home? They are still going to charge you for not collecting trash even if no one lives there? Are you in an HOA?

              • > Are you in an HOA?
                Nope. [Nor would I, FWIW]
                >They are still going to charge you for not collecting trash even if no one lives there?
                Don’t know about that.
                We get charged a flat fee per month for an occupied residence. Today happens to be trash day, and I put out zero trash bins, because none are full. None of the three trash trucks (trash, green waste, and recyclables) will stop at my address today, but I will not get a discount on this month’s bill.

                Flip side is the trash is not metered. Yet.

                • Ah, I see, you are in the City and the City included it as part of your monthly utility bill, correct?

                  Now, they are separated bills.

                  This why I avoid cities and HOAs, both have a strong belief in fascism. I have found the perfect neighbors were either cows or horses. Yes, sometimes they trample through the fence, but they never call the police if the party gets too loud and you never have to worry about them breaking out the iPhone to report you for some misdeed. 🙂

              • In days of yore, WM was a subcontractor to City government, and we paid the trash pickup fee along with water and sewer on our City utilities bill. That changed a couple of years ago, when WM lobbied for separate billing.

                It puzzled me at the time, because I could not figure out why WM wanted to issue ~30,000 bills a month to individual residential customers, rather than just bill the City and get one check.

                Clearly, WM perceived some other long term financial advantage.
                Unrestricted rate increases?
                Bogus “penalties” for breaking their “rules?”
                I still don’t know, but perhaps this bullying letter is just the tip of the spear.

                I *can* tell you that I refuse to “go paperless.” WM will have to send me a paper bill, and process my paper check, every month, as long as I am their “customer.” F* ’em.

                • Hi Adi,

                  I am assuming unrestricted rate increases where the homeowner has no push back. My guess is that they had a contract with the City to be able to only charge so much.
                  Get rid of the city’s limitation and charge whatever they want.

                  Have you considered a second property in Idaho or Montana to escape communism?

                  • >I am assuming unrestricted rate increases where the homeowner has no push back.

                    That is my guess, also, RG. Unlike SoCal Edison, or SoCal Gas, WM is not a regulated public utility. Nor is Spectrum (my ISP), for that matter. They can raise rates whenever, and by however much, they feel like it.

                    The “criminal” part of it, IMO (and I am sure you agree) is WM *requiring* me to use their services.

                    No doubt the “justification” is “public health,” to prevent rats and other vermin. Can’t have the Black Death running rampant through Our Fair City.

                    County has a “Vector Control Agency,” charged with controlling “disease vectors,” which includes rats and mosquitos.

                    I was in Home Depot a couple of weeks ago, and observed a large rat scurrying about, which I reported to *two* HD employees, neither of whom expressed any concern. “Oh, yeah, we have rats.”

                    I called Vector Control and left a message, to report the incident. They never called back.

                  • >Idaho or Montana
                    Hasn’t got to that point just yet, at least not for me. But, everyone has their tipping point.

                    Northern NM is also a possibility, but I do not ski, and I do not care much for cold weather.

                  • Here in my rural Michigan township, a proposal was made to select a single trash hauler for the township.
                    Presently, there are a half-dozen trash haulers.
                    Residents are free to choose among any company who will haul their trash. The township hall was packed with us township residents en-masse rejecting any change to the present non-system of trash hauling.
                    Waste Management was charging close to $100 every three months. I found another trash hauler that charged $50 every three months. Competition works…
                    Of course, we can also burn out here as well.

                • >I *can* tell you that I refuse to “go paperless.”
                  A couple months ago, City started sending me an electronic message informing me of my utility balance. I did not request this, and I am not sure how they got my email address, as I do not recall giving it to the City utilities department.

                  It would not surprise me to get, about a year from now, a message that paper bills, or the processing of paper checks from customers, will incur a monthly surcharge.

                  Those are *so* 20th century, darling.
                  All the cool kids “go paperless,” and pay with “electronic currency,” don’t cha know?

            • Lovely California is in full scale collapse and a true disaster area/national emergency. The alleged fascist dictator DJ Trump would be advised to lock the whole place down and start executing traitors and looters.

              Having lived part of my life in rural and northern Cali, I strongly suspect he would have the enthusiastic support of 60% of the population- at a minimum he could start with honest elections under federal or international supervision- the communist machine would screech to a halt.

    • LOL.

      You will find no bigger personal privacy advocate than me, helot. I absolutely despise cameras, videos, and recording devices of any type, but let’s be honest…Elon already had this information.

      1. Twitter….if anyone has ever posted on here he already has your computer IP address. That information is more valuable than the amount of the refund you received in 2018 and how much your W2 showed in 2022.

      2. Tesla…How many cameras do these cars have on them? The cameras can review 50 meters around it. You ever walked by one…you have been recorded and it is probably sitting in some data center somewhere in Ashburn, Virginia. Not only that but the cameras are inside as well. You got busy in the backseat? Elon or his techs have probably watched it…and sent it to their buddies.

      3. Starlink…The man has satellites. Seriously, he has seen you shower, knows exactly where your house is, and how many carton of eggs you are hoarding.

      The information that is captured by the US Treasury and .gov has already been infiltrated by foreign countries and miscellaneous hackers. Naomi Wolf’s article is another form of fear. Anybody and everybody already has it. The US Treasury computers are some of the weakest security protocols on Earth. Do you think the people working remote from home looking at your data when you call in are enforcing the strictest of security procedures?

      I personally believe the people squawking the loudest are tied into this very system and their only objective is not if your personal data is leaked, but if they will be found out after ciphering billions of dollars of taxpayers hard earned money.

      • Did you read it?

        Do you think Naomi is tied into this system and is, “ciphering billions”?

        …It’s not so much about privacy as it is about down-the-road Social Credit scoring. And, who controls it.

        • I did read it and it is a fear piece. I am not accusing Wolf (personally) of ciphering funds, but was she not aware of what was going under the Clinton regime? Does she truly think the Clinton Global Initiative is on the up and up? She saw the ugliness behind the scenes first hand. She needs to spare us the dramatics that she really gives a hoot about the stealing of taxpayer information and dollars. Her boss actually took furniture out of the White House when he left. I highly doubt that was all he took.

          • Anyone with a PhD who insists on being called “Doctor” raises a red flag, to me. Based on my experience, such creatures generally hold a “doctorate” in some non-technical field, and are attempting to use their “credential” to intimidate people, like a badge of office.

            As far as I am concerned, such people can stow their Pee Aitch Dee where the sun doesn’t shine. If you want my respect, you must earn it. Being a pompous “credential peddler” achieves just the opposite.

            • Right on, Adi. Wolf was one of the first in a long line of lifetime libtards to turn “conservative” in the scamdemic’s wake once she realized the political tide was shifting. She even admitted voting for Biden (even though she claimed she later “regreted it”). To me, she’s no different than RFK claiming to be anti-vax when in reality he’s pro-vax; he’s just concerned about “proper testing” of vaccines.

            • Adi, I’m not sure why you are excepting technical PHD’s- Ive had to deal with newly minted engineering PHD’s and they are every bit as arrogant and stupid as the nontechnical ones. You don’t work your way through that corrupt academic system for that long without being thoroughly indoctrinated in your own personal superiority and fitness to run things. When in fact all you’ve done is take tests and do a dissertation or 2.

          • Well said.

            I like that Naomi has been a part of the COVID resistance.

            Tiresome to watch her constantly playing the victim. As you stated, she was largely OK with the system until it turned and set its sights on her.

            Funny how that works.

  14. The auto industry needs to scrap the compliance turbo/injection engines for something more durable or will it go down. At the very least they should stand behind them by including a 10 year/100k powertrain warranty rather than repairing failures as the happen leaving customer high and dry when most warranties end at 5 years/60k miles.

    • “The auto industry needs to scrap the compliance turbo/injection engines for something more durable or will it go down.”

      The auto industry has already collapsed, it just isn’t obvious yet to the casual observer.

      Was picking up some parts for the 92’ Mazda pick-em-up yesterday that could only be had via dealership.

      Was a joint Mazda / Lincoln dealership – common lot, separate showrooms

      Neither showroom had a soul in it. Both business were basically dead excepting the service departments.

      The Lincoln side had empty display space in the showroom. Just like visiting retail with empty shelves – it’s a complete turn off to ship in a place like that. No idea what they are waiting to put on the floor. Lot was full of inventory.

      They are the walking dead.

    • Hi Sandy,

      I think it may just be that; destruction – and the ensuing need to “fix” things – drives much of what we mean when we use the word “government.” Even though many do not understand this meaning!

  15. Maybe its time to purge the voter rolls. Start over fresh, wipe em clean, like with a cloth. Make anyone who wants to ‘participate’ in ‘muh democracy’ fill out a form, mail in a card, or go stand in line at the frikken DMV. The ten million people I represent will be standing by, waiting, watching, enjoying the shoah playing on the screens in the background. All we need is another ten million or so withdrawing consent to change the arc of our narrative.

    The fact that people still believe in GovCo’s legitimacy is a testament to the success of the narrative engineers. In a better vanished time these soft handed corrupt lunatics would be hiding under the floor, in fear for their lives by now.

    The big three are smart about one thing. They know who their real masters are. They gave up giving a rip about their customers 1O-2O years ago. Alll three realize the long march through the foundations of society is nearly complete. Their ‘sustainable partnership’ with GovCo will just go back into the land of shadows and things unseen for the next few years. Spraying around the base of a building makes little difference, when the infestation is systemic. Sadly the only hope now is a system wide failure of mythic proportions where everyone is made to suffer, everyone is made to weep.

    Without election reform the Pubes will be right back on the outside looking in. Two years, and the pendulum will swing right back into Donk territory. Its sad to think that 8O% from both sides still believes in the legitimacy of the election process. If there is one thing everyone should have learned by now, its that elections are not decided by we the people. They are decided by an unelected someone or something, probably based out of London or Tel Aviv.

    Either fix it with term/age limits, one day, paper ballots, no mail ins, no political parties, or it will continue to undulate between the evil and the lesser evil.

    • >stand in line at the frikken DMV.
      Why not Dunkin’ Donuts, instead?
      Da rulez:
      1. Anyone can buy a donut.
      2. You have to buy a donut, in order to vote.
      3. The kind of donut you buy determines your vote.
      4. If you can’t afford a donut, one will be provided for you.
      5. Any additional rulez are rayciss, and illegal.

      Vote early, vote often.
      Popular candidates sometimes sell out. 🙂

        • Hi Adi,

          Why not Dunkin Donuts, instead? I’d be voting hard NO on that, or abstaining as I do now. Tried an old fashion chocolate iced cake from Dunkin months ago and the thing was horrendous, just gawdawfully foul. I imagine corporatism being what it is, everything on offer from Dunkin sucks now.

          I noticed that Southern California has mom and pop donut shops everywhere you look. Tried a few recently in Las Alamitos. They were Homer Simpson-esque in their deliciousness.

  16. Trump is making a lot of missteps. But he’s making even more in the right direction. If the country were to get back to where the only feral gummint employee most people know is the postman, it would be a very good thing.the damage done between 1912 and 1945 is almost incalculable, but those illicit powers won’t be relinquished willingly.

    The American people need to get back to laughing and sneering at government laws and government cops. Only when this happens, when the government absolutely fears the people, will there be any freedom here.

    • He’s flawed, sometimes deeply flawed.

      But he’s anything but horrible.

      Virtually everyone else in D.C. is horrible.

      Since realistically there aren’t any other re
      options right now, I’ll gladly settle for flawed.

  17. Seat belts were one of the first automobile options that became mandatory, in 1968. I imagine a conference room meeting in 1966 that went something like this:

    Executive: Looks like more people are adding seatbelts as an option. There’s been studies that show they can save lives in an accident. What’s our cost to make them standard across the board?

    Engineering: Parts and labor, $10 per car. (1967 dollars, about $100 today)

    Marketing: People who don’t specifically order seatbelts said they’d pay $5 anyway.

    Executive: OK, we’ll price ’em at $8 and we’ll break it out as a standard option so the dealers can throw them in when negotiating.

    Lawyer, who’s been in the back of the room unnoticed: What if someone dies even though they were wearing a seatbelt?

    Executive: What?

    Lawyer: If people buy seatbelts as an option, there’s an agreement that they’re not actually necessary so therefore not really doing anything. If they’re standard that might open us up to lawsuits for defective products.

    Executive: Really? I guess we better table it for now.

    Lawyer: Of course we could call our lobbyist and they can introduce legislation to make them mandatory.

    Engineering: Hell, we could make DOT design the things! We could wash our hands of the whole thing!

    Marketing: And it solves the whole “cars are dangerous” stigma associated with seatbelts, because it can be thrown back on the driver and passenger for not participating in their own safety!

    But like the wolf who decided to be nice to the humans to get a few scraps of garbage, look at what happened over time…

  18. If ever there was an example to show how government interference wrecks the free market, the American sovietized automakers are it. And it all goes back to the bastardized interpretation of the Commerce Clause.

  19. You have revealed the Achilles Heel of the republic. GovCo is like kudzu, nearly impossible to get rid of due to its deep roots. It will take some radical change over a short period of time and even then it may not kill this parasite. There are just too many rice bowls that need to be broken.

    You see it in any gathering of a dozen or so people. I can guarantee you that in that group there will be several people who, if not directly employed by GovCo, will have an immediate family member or two that are. You have the situation that in most locales the largest employers are GovCo, schools, city/county or some county managed medical facility. This doesn’t include Federal GovCo which, thanks to the MIC, employs millions either directly in “The Service” or one of the many contractors that have been spread to every Congressional district in the country.

    If not torn out root and branch it may just come back stronger than ever. This, of course, does not take into account a natural fall from this Pedestal of Empire that’s been created. I never thought the Soviet Union would collapse, did you? Let’s hope our demise is as peaceful as theirs.

    Pray for the best, plan for the worst.

    • Excellent observation Mark,
      My favorite example of that is the F-35 fighter jet, multi billions over budget and many years behind schedule, not to mention it’s worse than the planes it’s supposed to replace. Also a good example of the sunk cost fallacy – ‘we already pissed away billions of dollars on this project so we might as well finish it’. Every attempt to kill it gets met with cries from the Clowngress critters that it means a few jobs will be lost in their districts. For crying out loud if you just want a jobs program put people to work on something useful like upgrading the power grid. Trump and company need to drive a stake through the heart of these MIC boondoggles.

      • The US dropped the F35 participation in the India Air Show apparently afraid the Russian SU-57 would stomp it. What I gather is the F35 is somewhat better in the electronics in a dual over 100 miles. The SU-57 is a far better fighter if the two ever had to tango. No one really knows as the Russian jet is the new boy on the block In my personal opinion the Russians have excellent engineers and build the finest aircraft in the world. The US is falling behind because the German engineers brought over after WW2 are retired and dying off. The US is more interested in DEI while the the Russians/Chinese are interested in engineering….

      • Indeed, it is said that amateurs think of tactics and sometimes of strategy, while serious professionals think of logistics.

        Public money invested in lots of efficient and redundant power plants, upgraded and redundant transmission systems, high quality roads and bridges, a serious space launch infrastructure, and a robust public health system would be far better spent than on new fighters and aircraft carriers. And it would go a long way towards making the country overall wealthy again, rather than a few manipulators sucking it all out of the capable men who built this country in the first place.

        • Most people are unaware that our congresscritters actually force the Pentagon to buy unneeded and unwanted military hardware. You see, the constituents in the various congressional districts that are home to defense contractors need the business in order to provide their constituents with jobs. Defense contracting pays extremely well.
          There was an expose on this very problem not too long ago. I am unable to remember the source…
          I disagree with Trump vehemently about the Gaza and West Bank genocides and his kowtowing to the jews, but on the domestic front, utilizing non-government personnel to “rip the bandage” off the cesspool known as congress and the “deep state” is what was needed for a long time.

  20. If the MAGA philosophy is to continue then Vice President Vance had better act like he is capable of replacing The President instantly because we don’t need any more Kamalas’ or Gores’ at this point with all the sh*t coming down the pike from over 50 years of bad policies.

    “Prior to Pearl Harbor and America’s involvement in WWII my Grandfather understood, via newspapers and radio, what the Japanese were up to in the Pacific. He figured he’d best stock up on any items imported from there and not readily Made In America, as they’d soon become scarce. He bought four brand new Firestone rubber tires for the Nash and two cases of tapioca. That was it.” From Tippy a ZeroHedge commenter.

    Good luck trying to do the same thing today considering how little is made here anymore.

    Consider today where GovCo policies seem designed to destroy industry and make us dependent on imports. Just bringing in tariff levels up to China’s level of 7.5% combined with tax incentives to build here might help but it will still be 10 years or more to succeed. It took decades to destroy our economy and it will take decades to build it back.

    • I was thinking the same thing about Vance Landru. We don’t really know for sure do we?
      He was a Senator that likely took bribes like the rest of them. And didn’t he change his tune once or twice.
      And Swamprat, please explain, I’d like to know.

    • Vance is compromised. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I like him. I think he is a decent guy. Under “normal” times I wouldn’t have a problem with voting for him, but normal times left about 25 years ago. Our Congressmen have all been bought and paid for.

      Right now we have the very men, Trump and Musk, who have purchased these Congressmen are now running the show. Give me the richest guy in the room. Why? He can’t be bought. Trump is pissed. Musk is pissed. They are overturning every freaking rock in DC. Will the whole thing burn down? Oh, yeah. We haven’t even started scratching the surface of how corrupt and disgusting our government is. We have inklings. Soon there will be proof.

      Revenge is a dish best served cold. Trump will see that it is.

      • Indeed, I wondered why “Hillbilly Elegy” was on Netflix a couple years ago. Somebody was maneuvering a pliable pawn into a useful position. I actually kind of like what I know of the guy, but the reality is I know nothing of the guy that wasn’t presented to me. So I can NOT trust him.

      • Hi Raider. I wonder what Upton Sinclair would have said if told in a hundred years that it would be the multi-billionaires that were so p*ssed at the corruption that they decided it was time to clean the stye?

        As some nameless Holy Man said a long time ago: “Evil Recoils Upon The Doer”, I suspect we’re getting closer.

        • Hi Landru,

          I am sure he would never believe it. 🙂

          I know many think 1984 is inevitable. Right now, I think we are in 1985. The only way to stop One World Order/The Great Reset is to break the entire system. Wake the peasants up, per se. Now, what the peasants do with the information and retaliation is up to them, but it isn’t that they weren’t forewarned or not witnessing the destruction in real time.

    • Americans themselves destroyed their economy buying up everything as soon as the cheap crap hit the shelves. I was flabbergasted as how fast Americans shunned the national products. The USGOV had them figured pretty good allowing the offshoring of its production. When the jobs started to disappear that is when the bitchen started. Too late though. Not sure tariffs will work in this inflationary time. That 25% will kill many Americans wallet especially in the food arena.

      • The other way to look at that is the middle class is tapped out and sucked dry and lifeless, so the income tax is no longer going to do much. So if there is going to be any revenue, it’s going to have to come from tariffs.

        There is no way out of this trap short of gnawing a limb off. The pain (inflation and poverty) is here and will get worse.

  21. Step 1: this Musk creep and his impure motives need to go…far away…and soon.
    A technocrat, trans humanist, carbon credit enjoyer with a penchant for securities fraud isn’t helping any of this.
    The DOGE gimmick of data mining under the cover of “saving taxpayers money!” should be repulsive and offensive to anyone with a shred of critical thinking.
    If nobody in that administration has the balls to tell him to fuck off and go back to pimping vaporware robots and Mars shuttles, they won’t have the balls to fix what’s actually broken.

  22. Trump 2028 …

    … is about as likely as the Ukies entering NATO. Jim Quinn zeroes in on the reason:

    ‘A massive crash before the midterms would effectively neuter Trump for his final two years.’

    Anyone can claim the sky is falling. But check out Quinn’s lead bubble chart. Currently, we’re in the biggest, baddest simultaneous stock market and housing bubble EVER. And the economy has spent only two (2) months in recession during the last fifteen (15) years.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Do you feel lucky, punk?

    • >effectively neuter Trump
      All he has to do is:
      1. Declare a “national emergency.”
      2. Appoint himself “President for Life.”
      3. Name his son in law, Jared Kushner, as his successor.
      [to prevent nepotism]

  23. Donald Trump is 78 years old, not a baby anymore. Well, Trump tries not to be, but a baby at times.

    Donald could also drop dead at any time at his age.

    Every day is a gift at that age.

    Trump would be wise to make every decision count.

    Make V8’s great again.

  24. ‘The auto industry … cannot be expected to jerk up the parking brake lever and do a 180 – again – and stop manufacturing devices for which there is not much market.’ — eric

    AH — but it’s different for the nomenklatura, comrade:

    ‘Tesla, whose chief executive, Elon Musk, has been advising President Trump on how to cut government spending, is likely to receive a lucrative contract to supply armored versions of its Cybertruck pickup to the State Department, according to public documents.

    ‘The department’s procurement forecast for 2025 includes $400 million for armored Tesla vehicles. The document does not specify which Tesla model, but the electric Cybertruck, which has a body of high-strength stainless steel, would be the most suitable vehicle.’ — NYT

    Suitable for what? Like armed IRS agents, why do mild-mannered diplomats need armored EeeVees?

    Turns out when you reduce a city of 2.3 million to rubble, mass-slaughtering tens of thousands, some hotheads conclude that they no longer like Americlowns and their little west Asian apartheid colony. Who woulda thunk??

    But just between us billionaires, Big Gov can fix sales issues like this one with a wave of a magical procurement wand:

    ‘Sales of the Cybertruck have been modest since its introduction in late 2023. Tesla sold 39,000 last year, according to estimates by Cox Automotive. With a starting price of $80,000, the vehicle is too expensive for many buyers.’

    It’s good to be the procurement czar.


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