Here’s the audio (and video) of my talk the other day with Tom Mullen!
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An interesting story about D.C. real estate. The District of Criminals real estate market has imploded, the bubble burst when USAID and Dept. of Educ. canceled:
“With the lightning-fast closure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the termination of over ten thousand of its employees, plus the pending closure of the US Department of Education, liberal leftists are realizing that not only is their Grant money gravy train done, they can no longer afford their oh-so-pricey homes.
Over the past seven days, from February 8 thru February 14 inclusive, fourteen-thousand Eight-hundred twenty-five (14,825) private homes have been put up for sale in and around Washington, DC.
In the 24 hours ending February 14, a total of five-hundred-sixteen (516) new real estate listings were added to the homes for sale in Washington, DC.
Here is what one online Real Estate website shows as “new” listings of homes in Washington, DC:
Even more startling, the housing market in and around Washington, DC has become so glutted with available homes, that sale prices have had to PLUMMET by an average of thirty-six point five percent (36.5%) in one week.
As a result, even homeowners in the area who still have jobs, are now finding out they are already “upside down” on their mortgages; they now OWE more than their house is worth!
This is necessarily going to trigger local banks to begin “calling-in” those loans, or making “margin-type-calls” to those homeowners, demanding more of a down payment to continue the mortgage.”
Hopefully the insane levels of real estate prices will collapse nationwide, along with the stock market. What the USA needs is years of deflation to restore sanity to price levels. The Brandon Biggs prophecy comes to mind, is this the start of a huge stock market and real estate market crash?
Certainly, ending the money spree has a deflationary effect. Since everyone is leveraged to the hilt, even a small decrease in real estate prices will kill the bank balance sheets, and will have a huge effect on bank psychology to loan money.
Snowpocalypse? The weather has been weaponized as a news story because it sells. War terms apply, like snow bomb. Today’s temp map, showing extreme cold across the USA with no global warming from CO2:
Every weather prediction has failed, especially “your children will not know snow” that they predicted at the peak of the global warming hysteria:
Climate Depot: “Flashback 2000: ‘Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past’: According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become ‘a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.’ ”
The northeast USA is bracing for the next weather bomb. Freezing cold and snow, just as cold as it has ever been. No CO2 effect as claimed. Our culture fell to subversive left wing CO2 cultist insanity – where USAID funded fake science to support a false political narrative just so they could stomp out ICE cars and gas ranges.
Why did the imminent CO2 crisis not manifest as they thought? Because the basic assumption was wrong. Al Gore popularized the false idea that CO2 drives temperature. In Al Gore’s movie, he gets on a fork lift and shows a chart of CO2 vs. temperature, and says that temperature will follow CO2 up. It did not, which is why the predictions fail. Why not? Because CO2, a trace gas, has a limited warming effect, CO2 attenuates sunlight as an inverse logarithmic curve, the first 20ppm of CO2 causes 70% of it’s warming effect, as CO2 increases the warming effect decrease logarithmically. At current CO2 levels of 420 ppm, increasing CO2 has near zero effect.
A chart worth understanding, how CO2 warms the atmosphere in 20ppm increments:×600.jpg
Note that earth is in an ice age right now, we have NOT left the ice age. CO2 normally varies between 180-280 ppm during the ice age cycle. At peak glaciation, like 20,000 years ago, CO2 is at the low point of 180ppm, so low, plants die. Then the earth warms, warming has nothing to do with CO2, CO2 goes up, following temperature up, with a 800-2000 year lag.
Al Gore, who has no science training, is a dunce who got it wrong – he made a movie stating it wrong, claiming CO2 was causal, when it is not. Current CO2 of 420 ppm is at bare recovery levels for healthy plants. Most of earth history, CO2 has been above 3,000 ppm. Ice ages have come and gone with CO2 10x what it is today. CO2 has no effect on ice age progression, and since earth is 8,000 past the Holocene optimum of the current interglacial, you should expect cold winters for the rest of our lives.
One thing I’m wondering about related to permanence of EPA mpg rollbacks, is that couldn’t automakers simply keep the manufacturing elements of their older vehicles around, so that when mpg requirements are rolled back, they could just inexpensively build these older, simpler vehicles and sell them at high volume and low price?
No freedom under foreign occupation:
An Israeli bulldozer rips the pavement out of the ground, to collectively punish residents of Jenin, Palestinian West Bank.
The Israeli cries out in pain as he wrecks your street.