Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the Orange Man’s embracing of the Green Agenda and its high priest, Elon Musk – as well as the just-redesigned Nissan Murano and its new compliance engine:
. . .
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Listen to this shit – caller says EU is going to impose capital controls April 7th, and that Europe is going into a super depression.
Chart illustrating symmetry of wave 3 of 3 of 3 down
fractal sine wave model showing 3 of 3 down and where the gap forms
The stock market appears to be on the edge of falling into the abyss, that prognostication is based on Elliott Wave pattern that has formed thus far. Years ago I developed a mathematical model to describe the Elliott Wave pattern, by using the superposition nature of any wave (like water or eletromagnetic waves), I came up with a formula based on fractals to describe the pattern.
Sum of waves = 2.618i sin 1/4.236i
I spent much time studying this, and found a way to describe a developing 3 of 3 of 3 wave, and this morning such a down wave pattern seems to possess the stock indices. Thus I think the market is poised right now to “gap down” like Black Thursday.
Disclaimer – it is nearly impossible to know what the market will do next, just ask Jim Cramer. The best way to be accurate is to say the opposite of what you think in that moment, thus there is a good chance I am wrong.
Does this mean I should regret my early morning purchase of Intel stock?
Always use stop loss on trades. ALWAYS. If the market goes against your position have an automatic sell order in place on the trade. You can also buy a put option. INTC is moving up in the last couple of days, if it keeps going up – then keep raising the stop loss price to lock in profits.
Stop losses? Where’s the fun in that? My money is on Lip-Bu Tan.
Stonks are getting beat to shit again today, as Tariff Man threatens fresh depradations.
Who’s your Orange Hoover Daddy?
Trump is the man that cries wolf, Jim. Right now the Markets are all up and arms because their French Sauvignon Blanc is about to see a 200% tariff tacked on, but Trump does this every day and eventually the Market will grow bored with it and business will continue on as usual. Just ride it out and purchase some silver. The Dow Jones isn’t even in bear territory yet.