The New Terrrists


It’s been more than 20 years since it became fashionable  to style questioning the policies of the federal government – and its Maximum Leader – tantamount to what the then-Maximum Leader styled (or enunciated as) terrrr. Of being “with them” – as juxtaposed with “us.”

Meaning, of course, him.

And it looks like here we go, again.

The new Maximum Leader said something the other day about categorizing the destruction of property – already a criminal act – as an act of “domestic terrorism.” The distinction being not merely etymological. The latter is a federal crime, you see. Destruction of property isn’t.

It is of a piece with the way certain other crimes – assault and murder, for instance – can be become federal crimes by styling them “hate” crimes. And – by the way – it appears the Maximum Leader is hankering to categorize criticism of any of the policies of the government of Israel and/or U.S. actions in support of those actions as “hate” crimes, too. It being anti-Semitic, you see, to ever question anything done by or on behalf of the state of Israel.

So now the cretins – and they are cretins, because destroying other people’s property is cretinous – who set alight Tesla charging stations, smashed Teslas and shot up Tesla stores – are to be (apparently) pursued at the federal level, as “domestic terrorists.”


This is one of those reflex actions – in response to cretinous actions – that is easy to amen because who doesn’t want to see cretins brought to account. Of course, that is how we ended up with a Homeland in place of what was once America – and every American being treated by the government as a presumptive “terrorist.”

On to the next thing . . .

Trump also snarled that refusing to buy Teslas – boycotting them – might be considered criminal, too. Now this is a whole new level of terrorism – manifesting from the Orangicus Maximus. He may merely have been doing what he often does, which is to temper-tantrum when he does not get his way or someone shows disloyalty to either him personally or his agenda. See in this regard the manifesting toward Thomas Massie, perhaps the last honest man in Congress (who also happens to be one of those dreadful anti-Semites because he isn’t a sock puppet of AIPAC).   

Hopefully,  it is just a passing bout of offended fury. But even if that’s all it is, it says something not-good about OM’s instincts as well as his understanding of economics. Tesla has been the pinata of the right since its founding, not because it is a manufacturer of soul-less plastic battery-powered appliances but because of the grift involved in “selling” them.

But no one in his right mind – more finely, no one who isn’t an authoritarian prick of some kind – objected to those who wanted to buy them buying them. The issue was the subsidizing of them and the wheedling of its rent-seeking arch-grifting CEO, Elon Musk.

Now it appears Trump at least thinks it’s a criminal act to not buy them.

It makes one’s head spin.

. . .

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  1. If anyone doubts that Jews have Uncle Sam by the nuts, read this, they always get everything they want including stopping any real America first staffer from getting Trump’s ear.

    The primary reason why Trump appears to be batshit insane over Gaza (like giving Israel more money and weapons) is because he has allowed himself to be surrounded by Jews and Israeli agents making damn sure he follows their insane narratives. Israel maintains it’s position by changing definitions, by making the victims guilty, and creating a false narrative of self defense. Notice how Trump pukes on the nation by repeating these fake Jewish talking points.

    For instance, everyday all of the MSM media (including the Christian TV channels and Newsmax), repeat the big lie that Hamas are terrorists. They are not, they are the local natives defending their own territory from a hostile force which has invaded. They are also not legally terrorists by UN definition. Hamas has a legal right to resist under the UN charter that the USA has agreed to, thus is bound by those principles – so Jewish whore Trump wants us removed because he is legally protecting his criminal acts from prosecution.

    The defender has the legal right to use any means to repel the invader. Hamas has a legal right to kill any Israel, military or civilian, while Israel, the aggressor+invader does not. Hamas had a legal right to take hostages, kill any or all of the invaders, etc. Israel has no rights, in fact Israel just needs to pack up and leave Palestine altogether because no court recognizes their legal claim based on a myth book fables. (That is one big reason why Israel destroyed the Palestinian government records in Gaza where the oppressed have filed to get their lands back)

    Furthermore, Israeli generals admit that most Israelis killed on Oct. 7th were by the IDF employing the Hannibal Directive (no hostages allowed, so kill them all). The Jew propaganda machine made up every lie like babies in ovens, etc. to sell the idea that they were the injured party. The fact is, no Jew is even allowed to be in Palestine, all Jews in Palestine a guilty for illegally occupying another’s territory and waging genocide. All Jews in Palestine are guilty because they agree to live in occupied territory even if they are against the war.

    Because of Israel influence the big lie of who is the aggressor and who is the defender is repeated ad nauseam until 99% of the public believes the lie – thus allowing the USA to co-commit crimes with Israel. The United States is culpable for the genocide, if the USA arms and funds the genocide then the USA is also a guilty party, aiding and abetting. To get around their culpability and co-crimes with Israel they change the definitions, they say Hamas is a terrorist organization, when in fact it is the USA and Israel as the real terrorists.

    Trump is immoral and wrong for supporting Israel. Trump is also legally guilty for aiding and abetting a terrorist regime – Israel. Trump knows all of this, and plays a double game. Because Trump lacks the moral courage to defend Amerika from the aggressor parasite Israel, it is a no-brainer that our nation will further devolve into more horrific war crimes that will cost the nation dearly in treasure and blood.

    And we see that playing out with the attack on the First Amendment. You simply can not have free speech when your nation is guilty of genocide, knows it, and is trying to squash any dissent about it’s crimes. The Jews also are feverishly working to end the 2nd Amendment – all gun control legislation is advanced by Jews, because they are well aware that some day the Amerikan Goyim will figure out it was the Jews all along which ass raped Amerika to death, the wars were all instigated by Jews, the assassinations were done by Israel, 911 and other false flags were Israeli jobs, that Covid was a Jewish plot to cull the Goyim, etc.

    If you understand this then it also becomes clear why Hitler is still bashed 80 years later – the Jews biggest fear is that some day a charismatic nationalist will organize Amerika to take on the Israel Lobby, Jewish domestic policies (like welfare and abortion LBGTQP), stop support for Jewish wars of aggression. Hitler named the Jew as THE CAUSE then organized his nation to remove the deadly parasite from the corrupting the volk. Hitler put Jews into work camps – and one thing the Jews hate is being outed and forced to work.

    It is obvious our nation is heading toward a nationalist awakening wave repeat. People are waking up, whites have become aware that Jewish immigration policies are meant to replace whites, Amerikans now realize Jews have been stealing our monies all along (USAID), we now KNOW Israel killed our sitting President JFK who was trying to get AIPAC to register as foreign agents and stop Israel from getting the nuclear bomb. So how is the terrorist state of Israel our ally when they kill our presidents and blow up the WTC, attack the USS Liberty, control all of our media and foreign policy? Israel is an existential threat to us, not our ally.

    Trump is the Great Orange Carnival Barker playing both sides. IMO we should forget the MAGA movement and focus on Save Amerika From Existential Ruin (SAFER) It is doubtful Amerika can ever make itself great again when the parasite has Uncle Sam by the throat. We are long past peak manufacturing at low cost (1950s) when cars were good looking and made to last. Now they are cheaply made pieces of plastic trash which explode into thousands of fragments upon impact. Just watch Henry Ford’s Model A drive directly into a brick wall and bounce off completely unscathed to understand how we have been had. We were once the envy of the world, now we are the laughingstock of the world, and presiding over us is an Orange Clown Maximus Deceiverus.

  2. Profiles in NPD:

    ‘Graydon Carter assigned a story on Mr. Trump’s “comeback.” During the photo shoot, he writes, “the stylist decided that the Loro Piana cashmere sweater she had given Trump to wear wasn’t right. She asked him to remove it. Trump refused to pull it up over his head, not wanting to muss his elaborately assembled confection of hair.”

    ‘In the end, they scissored the cashmere sweater off, he writes.’ — Maureen Dowd

    I saw a werewolf drinkin’ a piña colada at Trader Vic’s
    And his hair was perfect

    — Warren Zevon, Werewolves of London

    • Ack! A Loro Piana cashmere sweater should never be cut off! I grew up very blessed, but I cannot believe the way some people roll through money. They have absolutely no respect for it, but then again, they have little respect for anything or anyone else either.

  3. I’d rather fight it out now with the Orange Fail than continue to say, “Yes, Massa” while the enviro-commies herd us at bayonet point down the road to serfdom.

  4. Hey Pam Pam, how’s it going with the Epstein files?

    And – doggone! There’s Kristy Noem!

    Commander: “I think you have a thing for Pam Bondi!”

    Sparkey: (looks down) “Well thing, what have you got to say for yourself?

  5. Everything you say in this article is spot on Eric.

    Just as ‘maybe we should have picked our own cotton,’ perhaps we’d have been better off, long term, with a dumpster fire installed as president. Probably why Trump was selected instead.

  6. Trump’s first official duty as a president today was to perch himself on the porcelain throne, an everyday thing for everybody. Can’t be denied, a certainty, 100 percent.

    A correct analysis.

    Trump is a belligerent. A dunce, no excuse for that.

  7. Trump to Putin: Trump Urges Putin To ‘Spare The Lives’ Of Ukrainian Troops Surrounded In Kursk

    Spare the live of Uke’s that invaded, raped and killed Russians within their own borders. The American generals running this shitshow are total numbskulls. I saw the Russian movement to surround the Uke’s months ago. Russia offered them surrender terms last week. They refused. Now they pay the piper. There is a slim chance Putin will allow them to withdraw but that will bite him in the rear later on.

    Trumps 30 day cease fire is nothing more than a delay to allow the US/West to rearm / re-organize the Uke’s. Losers don’t make demands! The USA has been behind this disaster called Ukraine since it funded the coup in 2014.

    This is now Trump’s war. The US needs to withdraw from Europe and Asia, bring the military home and take care of its own borders for a change.

      • Hey Mister,,,
        Trumpo expects Putin to bow down,,, Concede land Russians fought and died for and have sympathy for the Uke forces that invaded Russia proper.

        All while the Orange moron is loading Ukraine back up with missles and sheit,,, Giving Uke’s battlefield intel and guiding missiles the Uke’s launch to Russian cities. Be damned if I can see why Putin would give a rats ass what the OM says.

    • As Andrew Anglin wrote yesterday in a column at unz dot com,

      ‘If Trump said it was time to start rounding up Jews, putting them in camps and gassing them, MAGA would be just as enthusiastic about that as they are about arresting people for criticizing these same Jews.

      ‘There are no philosophical principles here. MAGA people don’t like perverts; they don’t like being told what to do; they don’t like being poor. All of the rest of it is extremely flexible if not outright arbitrary.’

      Indeed. On MAGA site the conservative treehouse, 9 out of 10 commenters now are engaged in
      ‘two minutes of hate’ against Rep Thomas Massie for voting against a stupid CR. Most of them don’t even know that an unregistered foreign lobby is behind this campaign.

    • The orange howler monkey Orangicus Maximus. Trump barks orders, do this, don’t do that. Carnival barker of clown world. How can anyone take that man serious? He says he wants all the Palestinians out then this week he says the Palestinians are going nowhere. His fans say its the art of the deal, I say he is batshit crazy. His kowtowing to the Jews is going to destroy his presidency. A moral man doesn’t take bribes from one group and then make state policy.

      • ZH reports that the deficit went up 1.1 trillion in the first 5 weeks of the year. A new record and how much longer until the financing crisis blows up. The deficit is far bigger than Trump and Elon and what they can do about it. Massive spending cuts are needed long ago, but the government is run by immature children, who spend their parents money without a care in the world. Gold blows by 3,000 and ounze, when the Fed was created gold was 22 an ounze. I predict a whopping ass finance crisis is dead ahead. This is bigger than Trump or what he can do about it.

        What happens when the world demands higher interest on US debt holdings? What happens when interest rates go back to 1970’s levels? Any day or week this year we could see another small upwave in 10 year UST-notes that push mortgage rates above 8%. (fixed 30 yr mortgage = 10 year + 250 basis points)

        Deagel has a forecast that in 2025 USA defense spending is reduced 90%. This is a shocking forecast… War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West – but it is not stated what causes it. Well, I would remind everyone, back in 2000 John Titor says Russia nukes Amerika on March 15th at 03:45. That was all fake, or was it, because at the time of that prediction by whoever wrote it, it was at the height of good relations with Russia. Yesterday Putin wore camo military fatigues – this is a definite signal that Russia is going to war. Putin says Ukraine was an Special Operation not war. The EU has decided to go to war against Russia. In the meantime the orange howler flip flops on this grandiose proclamations.

        • “Back in 2000 John Titor says Russia nukes Amerika on March 15th at 03:45.”

          I need to know this is true, Jack, because if it is I am going to stop doing tax returns and go the hell home and pack. Do you have anybody higher up that can confirm this? Also, what cities? Do I leave by boat, airplane, or can I drive? Is Saba safe?

    • President Camacho would be an improvement. After running out of French fries and burrito coverings, once he grabs the SAW and starts shooting, he might get rid of a bunch of useless clowngress critters in the process.

  8. Remember the “diesel therapy” administered to former Congressman George Hansen, after he was inducted into the federal prison system? It means intentionally moving federal prisoners around to make them inaccessible to their families and lawyers.

    After being arrested at Columbia U. for ‘unauthorized demonstrations’ and ‘mean social media posts’ [gasp!], Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil was transferred to Louisiana for no reason except harassment, and to deprive him of counsel. His wife made a fruitless trip last Sunday to the ICE detention facility in Elizabeth, NJ, only to learn he wasn’t there.

    These thuggish tactics were ordered by the brainless shiksa Kristi Noem, whose first and highest loyalty clearly is not to the US constitution. Kristi Noem in her Hollywood days:

    • Ya gotta admit she’s kinda’ hot for a puppy killer. /s

      The fact that she would put that out there publicly (even if it did need to be done) tells you the woman has no brain.

    • It’s going to get worse…

      In the old jew-run Soviet Union, dissidents were forced into mental hospitals for treatment for “oppositional defiance disorder”.

      You can bet that the same “treatment” will be afforded to today’s “dissidents” as well as being branded as “terrorists” with enhanced punishments imposed.

      I hate to keep harping on it, but our present situation is due to influence by JEW$. Not the ordinary JEW$, but those who hold the levers of power, bought and paid for by the Adelsons and other jew-moneyed interests.

      When it comes to the present-day college protests in support of Palestine and Gaza, the JEW$ who claim to have been harassed are nonexistent. Just like in their phony holocaust™, it’s always a “friend of a friend” or someone they “knew” or heard of who has supposedly been attacked.

      It is interesting to note that jewish groups protested at Mar-A-Lago but were falsely identified as “Palestinian terrorists” by the lugenpresse…

      There is only one solution…the Austrian painter had the right idea…

  9. ‘it says something not-good about OM’s instincts as well as his understanding of economics’ — eric

    Trump’s perceptions are consistently askew, even as he pursues worthy objectives such as ending the war in Ukraine.

    As NATO ‘allies’ [sic] such as Germany defy him by threatening to carry on the war themselves, what does Trump do? Instead of simply bringing US troops home from Germany, he floats the idea of moving them to Hungary, where Trump finds PM Viktor Orbán to be a sympathetic figure.

    This proposal totally misses the point, from both a budget and military perspective. NATO is no friend of the US, and would never defend North America. Tear down this bureaucracy, Mr President!

    • On that I have to disagree, Jim. What is the real point of keeping troops in Germany, and Japan, and Italy, etc?

      In a world of thermonuclear weapons, hypersonic missiles, and icbms, does it make sense to keep potential enemies firmly in check? The EU is absolutely a communist organization, crushing the liberties of European individuals and looking hungrily at the resources of Russia and the US.

      With transportation and communications at the point they have advanced to in the 20th century, the world has shrunk to the point where minding your own business isnt quite enough.

      While I despise the empire, there is a certain logic to it. If only our leadership were smarter, and not Ivy League morons who think they’re smarterer and get to rule the world and all of us unclean little deplorable peasants.

      Past empires extracted tribute to keep defeated enemies in line. There imperial US powers did it with the fiat dollar. But they are incompetent boobs, as most putative leaders are. Only one in a million is fit for great power, and that one can and will always suffer hubris and f#$k it all up.

      The troops will come home when the empire falls and the US is broke and shattered. Not before, no matter what we may wish.

  10. Its a dangerous road he’s on the edge of. Is it American citizens protesting and causing property damage? Or is it foreign backed groups or NGOs doing this? Then the question would be if the ones doing the damage knew of the foreign backing. I could see it being justified as domestic terrorism if the leader of the group is a foreign national here to agitate, but that would be a charge for that specific person or the group backing, not the over emotional jobless followers who committed vandalism only.
    As to boycotts…no, anyone can boycott. I’m pretty sure that’s just Trump saying stupid shit again. Maybe he wants a rise out of people. He says things just to anger certain groups sometimes, or to get people more politically involved and look into things. I’m boycotting a number of companies, some for 20+ years.
    On a side note, when is the patriot act going to get repealed? I’ve only been against it since before it was passed.

  11. Governments love martial law. Just like taking the guns away first, due process second, this is Trump’s thought process. He is an authoritarian who is used to getting his way. Impose his set of values on everyone through brute force. All other considerations are secondary.

    This is fine within the scope of his granted powers, dangerous in all other arenas.

    • > taking the guns away first

      And if you are unable to confiscate the weapons, you can attempt to make it a crime to use them. Especially in self defense.

      >Assembly member Rick Zbur, D-Los Angeles

      >It has no title yet, but it should be called “You Can’t Defend Your Home from Invaders Act.”

      >The bill would amend the current law, which allows people to use deadly force when resisting murder or any felony to only allow it when someone is planning “to do some great bodily injury upon any person.” But let’s say someone breaks into your house for unknown purposes. Suddenly, the victim’s fate hinges on whether they were sure the invader intended to do “great bodily injury.”

      An alternative title might be the “Prosecute the Victims Act.”

      Reasonable people already know that the *last* thing you should want to do is shoot the invader(s), because, believe it or not, even dirtbags have friends, and now his friends know where you live. As the saying goes, “Fight one bean, fight the whole burrito.”

      • This is why they make backhoes, Adi. Why would you call the cops in the name of self defense? Very few people look good in orange, even fewer in black and white stripes.

        • >This is why they make backhoes

          Well, maybe, RG.
          Except that:
          1. My 12ga has no silencer (no such thing, AFAIK).
          So, it is likely the neighbors who would call the police.
          I live in town.
          2. I don’t want to pay to have the carpet cleaned.
          Carpet cleaners might ask uncomfortable questions about bloodstains.
          3. I don’t want to spend my time digging 00 out of my nice oak paneling, which I designed and built, and then repairing the damaged woodwork.
          Too much work.
          4. I don’t own a backhoe.
          5. I don’t know any rental yards which are open @ 3AM (burglars’ hours).
          6. The hood’s friends will still know who got him, and now you are their enemy. Not looking to acquire new enemies.
          7. There aren’t any cornfields nearby. This is not Indiana.
          Fifty five gallon drums and a short course in meat cutting might be a better alternative…

          Ever have intruders in your house @ 3AM, while you were there?
          I have. Fortunately, we did not meet face to face.
          They tripped the alarm, which chased them off.
          Still scary, though.

          • Just so you know, there are suppressors for 12ga shotguns. And they work pretty well.

            And the urban equivalent of the backhoe might well be a porcelain bathtub and the right chemicals. Wouldn’t know, of course since I live in backhoe country.

            • >there are suppressors for 12ga shotguns.

              Good to know, Ernie, and thanks for the info.
              But we still have the buckshot in the paneling and bloodstains in the carpet problems.

              >porcelain bathtub and the right chemicals.

              You mean like the acid bath scene in “The Mechanic?”
              Personally, I would be inclined to favor roast long pig, but that is my personal preference. Never eaten long pig, AFAIK. Might be an interesting experience…

              • I was thinking more of “Breaking Bad” but now I’ll have to watch “The Mechanic”.

                Long pig, in general is a bad idea. And wouldn’t solve your DNA problem.

          • A friendly pig farmer that “looks the other way” (for the right price) can make the disposal of a body easy. Pigs can devour a body in minutes. There will be nothing left.

          • Hi Eric,

            Yep, up here, too. I remember when I first started my business 20+ years ago I actually delivered newspapers at night to make ends meet until the business grew enough to sustain itself. I had to drive down these rural roads that were black as pitch, woods on both sides, and no light except what my headlights gave off. There was one road that was off of Dulaney that every night I drove down it the hairs on my neck would stand up. There were about three houses on it, but they were spread far apart, but I knew there had to be bodies buried around those parts. You could sense it. I always told hubby if we need to get rid of something or someone I got a place. 😉 It would probably keep the coyotes that roamed around there full for a week.

            • > there had to be bodies buried around those parts.

              I was involved with the installation of the Mega Shredder at what was then Hugo Neu-Proler (now Sims Hugo Neu) on Terminal Island in San Pedro, CA.

              All I could think of was, “This would be a great way to dispose of bodies.” Definitely puts Odd Job’s compactor solution to shame. 🙂

  12. So what’s one to do? Sit back and watch as they’re not prosecuted by the Soros controlled district attorneys? Wait for the mainstream press to celebrate the creation of CHAD zones?

    Clearly these are politically motivated acts. Should they be considered free speech?

    The courts have no concern over property rights, at least in some states. If you wrap up your actions in a facade of being repressed nothing will happen to you.

    • Hi RK,

      Why not use existing laws to prosecute people? More – tiered – laws are not the answer. If a state-level prosecutor refuses to prosecute property crimes, then the people in that state can either vote to replace him, accept it. Or just move.

      • “Dual prosecution” has been gong on for a long time. Witness Darryl Chauvin being prosecuted and convicted of murder (despite not being murder) and also being prosecuted under “civil-rights” laws as well.
        If this isn’t double jeopardy, I don’t know what is…
        Civil rights prosecutions are used when juries fail to convict.

        • Much as I despise enforcers, Chauvin was most assuredly not guilty of murder, and in fact was trying to keep the overdosing criminal in his charge from hurting himself or others. Chauvin was railroaded by a kangaroo court full of cowards and crooks.

          I’ve been in similar situations, where someone is siezing hard and has to be restrained- it isnt easy or pretty.


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