Officer Tackleberry


When you sign that next check to pay your unrealized capital gains taxes – what they style “property taxes,” to get you to avoid thinking about what they actually are – remember the video that follows. It shows multiple law enforcers – the name they use to call themselves, which is salutary in that at least it’s more honest than “peace officers” – harassing and threatening a man for no other reason than because they can:

The man is seen – on the law enforcer’s own dashcam – not following too closely, which becomes the lying basis for the traffic stop that ensues. More than likely, the man was stopped because he had out-of-state plates and was driving an expensive vehicle. One that would fetch a pretty penny at auction if seized. There might also be cash within – which can also be seized and without even having to charge its ex-owner. It is sufficient to allege that the money is “drug” money and then it can just be taken – it is styled “civil forfeiture” – and kept and it will never be given back unless the victim can prove – to the satisfaction of the same cretins who took it – that it isn’t “drug” money.

But before any of that can happen, the victim must be “pulled over” – i.e., forced to stop by dint of the threat that if he doesn’t, force will be used to make him stop. But what to do when the victim hasn’t violated any traffic laws?

Just claim he did.

What are you going to do? You have to stop. Or else. They know it – and more importantly, so do you. And once stopped, the rest can proceed.

So they get the man stopped. Next comes the lie about following too closely, which the video evidence shows to have been a lie. Then comes the harassment over the man’s monkey, which he is legally transporting to Florida from South Carolina. He was on his way through Georgia when he was stopped for no reason at all – other than the reason muggers stop people in alleys.

The law enforcer pretends he’s just being a nice guy until the victim declines – nicely – to continue entertaining the enforcers endless questions that have nothing to do with the stop. Then he gets not-nice and what he claimed was going to be just a “warning” becomes a “ticket,” the name given to the pieces of paper demanding money be handed over to the government that uses these enforcers to collect it.

The victim is allowed to get going again. But only just briefly. Within minutes of the first stop he is stopped again – and for the same offense he didn’t commit the first time, which you can also see on the video recorded by the idiot enforcer’s own dashcam. This time, the victim wasn’t even behind the semi he was supposedly following-too-closely.

He was in the next lane over.

But an excuse – a lie – works as well as a fact when a lie asserted by an enforcer has the same force as a fact.

The victim is pulled over and subjected to a harangue about what he didn’t do and about transporting his monkey requiring a pas-through permit, which the law clearly says it does not. It is endlessly fascinating that law enforcers regularly enforce what is not the law – and are able to get away with it. Is it not the job of these enforcers to know what the law is – and isn’t?

The bodycams of these imbecile enforcers records their collusion. The first enforcer who initially pulled over the victim had apparently radio’d his fellow gang members farther down the road to pull over the victim again, to teach him a lesson about respecting their Authority and – maybe – they could get a “resisting” thing going, too.

Eventually – after what appears to be a long time spent by the side of the road wasting the victim’s time while looking for something (anything) they can find to justify a Hut! Hut! Hut! – Officer Tackleberry (hat tip to the Civil Rights Lawyer) finally lets the man and his monkey go on their way.

But how many other victims were deprived of more than just their time? Is it likely – or not – that men such as the ones you see in this video did more and worse to many other victims? It is of a piece with pederasts. If you find one victim of the latter, it is a near-certainty there are many others.

In fact, all of us are victims of this sort of thing – because any of us could become a victim of this sort of thing. And that is because there are slim to no consequences when things such as what you’ve just seen are seen. 

Every one of these enforcers ought to be immediately fired – and charged with felonies for making up laws (and “offenses”) and enforcing them. They should serve lengthy time in prison following conviction. Only those kinds of consequences will deter what you have seen from being done again.

Will it happen? It isn’t likely.

At least not until we resume having peace officers rather than law enforcers.

. . .

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  1. Yet another reason so many flood west across the Big Muddy… the sheriff played by Jackie Gleason in Smokey & the Bandit is typical of cops east of the Big Muddy and especially in the south. Not sayin’ they aren’t out here, just not as many…

    As for being forced to rent your home and/or property, even if it is paid off, from the children of satan; ones that can do math wonder why so many are in thrall to these serpents, especially the OVERPAID members of the pubik indoctrination centers. Yup, just keep 3x-ing down on STUPID by voting for dems, rinos, and, school bond levies…..

    • $3200 of my $4800 yearly WA State Rent goes for schools. Local district, rural as it gets – north of $143,000 for the superintendent, $93,000 for an elementary home room teacher what ever that is. Home room in K-6?

      Biker bud’s new bride, daughter is an elementary school principal in a nearby town, $130,000. No wonder the roads don’t get paved around here

      • Hi Sparkey,

        It’s similar here. Easy to get a cushy, well-paid job when you have the power to force others to pay for your “services.” An interesting side effect of this business is – speaking for just me here but likely many others share my feelings – contempt and loathing for “teachers.” At least the government school ones. Education – like medicine and so many other professions – has been corrupted by government. I used to admire teachers.I now see them as another class of arrogant parasite feeding off me. I think about this every morning, which for me starts around 4 in the morning. What is wrong with people who think it’s ok to force others to pay their living?

  2. All the videos I have seen with police interaction, the citizens talk too much. Cops are not your friends, they are looking for you to say something for which they can shackle you, kidnap you, put you in a jail cell and seize your property.

    I am reminded of being stopped by a Suffolk County cop about 10 summers ago while I was driving home. I had taken the long way home on the local roads sight seeing. I had my windows open and was listening to Phil Collins’ Face Value album. In the Air Tonight starts off very low and I had put the volume way up forgetting how the drum kicks in, when it did it was too loud for me and I turned the volume all the way down. I was stopped in traffic and when I looked in my rearview mirror there was a Suffolk County cop. I knew I was getting stopped.

    Sure enough the police lights come on and I pulled into the nearest parking lot to get my ticket. I was lectured about having the stereo at so high a level and disturbing everyone, then he gave me the excuse for the stop that the car was registered to an 83 year old man – who has the same last name as me – my father. We kept the cars registered under his name. Then the BS really started – the cop claimed my father’s drivers license was suspended and that was the pretext for the stop.

    Ultimately I was given a warning, but I was more concerned about my father who at then 83 did not need to end up in a holding cell if his license was suspended and he was stopped – he spent enough time in holding cells when he was young including a very real prospect of a date with old Sparky. I asked about the suspension and he could not provide more details.

    After being sent on my way I called my father and asked if his license was suspended, he said no- I then pulled a copy of his driving record from NY State, I remember it costing $35 or so and it showed there was no suspension. I printed it and made my father keep it with him in case there was some computer error should he ever be stopped by police again.

    The cop made up the entire suspended license theme as a pretext for a traffic stop and fishing expedition all because of Phil Collins’ drumming. Meanwhile, Suffolk County was flooded with fentanyl and Mexican gangs raping and killing local teenagers. Stopping a 40-year-old White guy listening to Phil Collins on a warm summer afternoon didn’t seem like a very effective use of Leo time, if however it proved a very safe one.

  3. Regarding the AGWs: I’m not sure there is any other profession known to lie more, save maybe for lawyers and politicians.

    Should would be nice if there were a nice, hefty fine or jail time for them when they lie to us lowly “civilians”. You know, like might be done to you if you lie on “your” tax paperwork.

  4. “When you sign that next check to pay your unrealized capital gains taxes – what they style “property taxes,” to get you to avoid thinking about what they actually are…”

    At least there appears to be a trend in the right direction.

    Of course, I’d prefer if only those who paid property taxes got to vote on if there should be property taxes.

  5. “Every one of these enforcers ought to be immediately fired – and charged with felonies for making up laws (and “offenses”) and enforcing them. They should serve lengthy time in prison following conviction.”

    Yes! yes! yes!

    Modern law-enforcers are THE most common and violent criminal gang members on the road today. Period.

    • “Modern law-enforcers are THE most common and violent criminal gang members on the road today. Period.”

      Which is why they become cops. They get off on the power trip.

  6. Reports elsewhere on the Interwebz indicate that the subject of the video, Ray, has long been suspected of having stolen the monkey from a monitored colony of lab escapees who live in the wild near the Fort Lauderdale airport.

    The monkey itself, probably the only true innocent on either side of the fiasco, is a famous Tik Tok star through shorts posted by Ray which feature the animal’s antics which include destroying a hotel room and eating food while running loose in a Walmart.

    • It is one of those cases of monkey see, monkey do. They’re swine, the sows that they are, whatever they are.

      You steal a monkey from a colony of escaped monitored monkeys?

      You’re a swine.

      Build a road in the Amazon, you’re the smartest man alive. Klaus Louse wants to take a limo to Amazon.

      Like Trump the Dunce, Israelis have been dancing ever since 911, you see it everyday.

      All swine, all of them.

      You are here.

  7. These cops are fucking sadist sociopaths. The victim of this should bring a lawsuit against both of the cops in federal court. That youtube lawyer assembled all the relevant evidence for him.

    42 U.S. Code § 1983 – Civil action for deprivation of rights:

    Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress. . .

    • It is almost impossible for a mere mundane to prevail in such a lawsuit.
      In order for a mere mundane to initiate a successful lawsuits for “deprivation of rights under color of authority” one must PROVE the officer’s “state of mind”. Such lawsuits are largely unsuccessful because of the high bar needed to prove the officer’s “state of mind”.
      Most municipalities settle these lawsuits out-of-court in order to minimize the bad publicity that such lawsuits entail.
      Qualified immunity must be totally abolished and replaced with a “bond” system.

  8. You would think law enforcers would have better things to do.

    We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! – Gov. William J. Le Petomane, Blazin Saddles

    • Maybe, but plates on a new Expedition registered to an address in Dania Beach, FL are going to get Georgia law enforcement interest regardless of skin color of the driver.

    • Dooly County, GA is 50% black.

      The Sheriff’s website front page features a special link for access to the sex offender registry.

      If I had to guess, that’s what the deputies were really hoping to catch in the Expedition.

  9. The days of the ‘Police Academy’ cops are long gone, as anarchyst points out below, it’s all IDF style hut-hutting and respect my authoritah now…or else. The AGW’s in that video should spend the rest of their days picking up trash by the side of the road.

  10. It’s the israeli method of “law enforcement” that has become mainstream here in the “good ol’ USA” after the 9-11 WTC false flag operation.
    In israel and in the occupied West Bank, Palestinians are routinely harassed by IOF and police “just because they can”.
    Here in the USA, “we are all Palestinians, now”.


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