When people talk about Communism, many think they are talking about a system of collectivism in which everyone works for the common good and everyone shares equally in it. It sounds ok – if you don’t think about it too much – which is precisely what Communism depends on to advance itself.
It is like many religious texts in this respect – in that Communism depends on not being examined too closely. Rather, one is encouraged to believe in it – in what sounds like moral system that does right by everyone. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
It does not hold up too well to close examination.
Nor the word itself.
While there are indeed individual Communists, Communism itself is an impossibility – because it is necessarily individuals who run it. Put another way, this vague idea of a commune – i.e., a group that acts as if it were an individual serving its best interests – is an impossibility. Someone has to run the collective – else it is just a bunch of individuals acting in according with their own wishes, which means they are acting freely. Put another way, there must be someone telling everyone else what they will do – and not permitted to do. This is the true meaning of Lenin’s so-called “dictatorship of the proletariat.”
The “proletariat” is dictated to.
There has never been a Communist society because there can never be a Communist society. Not primarily because it is impossible to equalize outcomes – or inputs, for that matter – because it is impossible to standardize human beings. Rather, because there has to be a dictatorship of an individual or a leadership cadre and such a thing is incompatible with the fantasy Communism presents of communalism.
The funny thing is that fee market capitalism is functionally much more actually like what Communism wants people to believe in. Consider: In a free market capitalist system, there is a true community of equals in the sense that everyone is equally free to develop their own abilities in order to meet the needs of others, which is the necessary prerequisite to meeting their own needs via free exchange. It seems chaotic because it is not organized dictatorially, in the top-down sense of a Five Year Plan. But that does not mean it is disorganized.
The organization is just more intricate.
Millions of people living collectively – but sans the coercion that always attends Communism or any of its softer-sell variants, such as socialism and “democracy.” It is what was meant once-upon-a-time by the tern, society – before it became tarred by association with socialism.
Communism, on the other hand, is always coercive because it cannot exist without coercion. Does history furnish even one example of a Communist society in which people were free to not be Communists? Like a club that you didn’t have to join – or pay dues to? No such thing has ever existed or will ever exist because Communism isn’t the thing many useful idiot Communists are manipulated to believe in by the Communists who want to run the dictatorship.
These useful idiots are also often just lousy people, too. The type that doesn’t want to work to earn his keep – but wants very much to force others to provide for his “needs.” Karl Marx was one such. Bernie Sanders is another. There are lots of them, unfortunately and they all have one thing in common. It is that they want to run things – but want you to believe they want Communism.
. . .
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In non-Communist societies, if you don’t work, you don’t eat.
In Communist societies, if you don’t OBEY, you don’t eat.
The only example of communism that I’ve seen work was the Hutterite colonies we used to buy raw milk and veggies from, when we lived in South Dakota. I don’t mind communism, so long as it is voluntary.
Happy Saint Patrick’s day Eric from a fellow Irish diaspora, cheers.
Commies have never created anything but hard times and graft/grift. With any luck they have their ticket punched in a front seat on the bus to Hell
I grew up under communism in Poland up until I was a teenager, which is when my family managed to escape to the US via a crazy adventure, and we were accepted as refugees to the US. I’m forever grateful to this country for giving us a home.
Coercion and force are horrible, but you guys have no idea of the dehumanizing, evil oppression that you constantly live under, from every direction you can imagine. Communist societies are fundamentally broken, where you can not trust your neighbors and friends are hard to come by.
Let me give you some concrete examples.
Food was scarce, because end stage communism leads to the collapse of all industries, even farming. Communists always praise the farmer and the worker, but they destroy their livelihoods. Because food was scarce, we had ration cards that were issued by the government. It was things like 0.5kg ham/month/person or 2 eggs per month per person, etc. (I didn’t make up those numbers). When you bought something with the card, it was either stamped or a tag was ripped off. No card, no food, simple. Shopkeepers wouldn’t overlook it, because their livelihoods, and sometimes their lives, were on the line, since absolutely anyone showing up could be secret police.
We came from a farming family, so we had our own food which we hid from the government. Naturally, we were required to sell everything to the government for distribution, but farms are big and it’s easy to hide things. Root vegetables are very popular because you can just mow the field and it looks like a meadow when the bureaucrats who know nothing about farming come look. There was a black market for everything, food included, and currency was dollars, gold, Levis jeans, anything scarce. You only sold or bought from people you knew or people a close friend knew, because the risk of secret police was high.
In school, they taught us how the capitalists have ruined the earth with their pollution, and how there will no longer be any more rainbows, or that our lives are now shorter, completely ignoring the fact that all the poorly made communist technology was making an order of magnitude more pollution. The Soviets were even dumping diesel fuel directly into rivers when it went bad, or dumping it out onto the ground into the groundwater. Poland has a legacy of pollution disasters from the communist days.
The scariest thing of all was the secret police. They were everywhere, and conscripted people all the time. It’s the reason we had to leave, because my father was given no other option. He could have spied on his colleagues, or gone to prison, simply because he was a skilled and well respected structural engineer. He chose “none of the above” and fled. We were then persona-non-grata and could never return. The authorities spent years harassing our families, but they couldn’t do much beyond harassment as one of my grandfathers had a very prestigious medal from being a hero fighting the Nazis.
The Communist Party members had their own stores, their own supply chains, which were supplied first, before the rest of the population had to get in line with their ration cards. They had no shortage of foods or supplies, and even foreign imported goods. As more people joined the Communist party, and could use these stores, the stores started to run out of stuff as well, since our economy was barely working, so they created yet another tier of store for the Communist leadership alone, with the rank and file communists being next in line, and non-communists being last.
Some people did fine. They lived in a prosperous area, or there was a thriving black market there, or they were politically connected, and these are usually paraded around as the examples of why communism isn’t so bad. The plight of the average person is swept under the rug.
Interesting reminder about Communism, OppositeLock. Paints an ugly picture and made me wonder, if it was That bad under Communism, and it is said that Technocracy is much worse than Communism, … I cannot even image how ugly things could get under a Technocracy.
Also, the root vegetable hiding is … heroic & inspirational. If that’s the right way to put it?
So too, your Dad not caving.
I am glad you escaped from New York.
Haha, I escaped TO New York. Brookly’s Greenpoint neighborhood was all Polish people in the ’80’s.
I’m hardly a communist but let’s face it, “free market capitalism” is about as rare as a unicorn. The “free market” is nearly always rigged by government intervention, from the government giving cattle barons and railroad barons “fee” land and exclusive rights in the 19th century to the artificial incentives government created to encourage people to buy stocks and create massive equity inflation today.
“Free markets” typically only exist in infant industries, like auto and aviation in the early 20th century, before they are taxed and regulated into submission by the government — or, as was the case during World War II, effectively conscripted by the government.
Once the government gets it’s paws on them, they respond by lobbying for favors and seek rents to help eliminate competition.
Indeed, this is one aspect of Marxism that is pretty spot-on — capitalists seek a symbiotic relationship with government to form a monopoly or quasi-monopoly and guarantee profits, e.g. the Big Three automakers. Go ahead and try to build and sell your own brand of car today in the so-called “free market.” You can’t. The last guy who tried was John DeLorean in 1979 and they arrested him.
If communism is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy (and it is), so is “free-market capitalism.”
RE: ““Free markets” typically only exist in infant industries”
Oh, I dunno, you might want take a gander at the PDF titled, ‘American Experiment in Anarcho-Capitalism: The Not So Wild, Wild West’ by Anderson, Terry L.
Or, perhaps consider, ‘Medieval Iceland and the Absence of Government’.
“Medieval Iceland illustrates an actual and well-documented historical example of how a stateless legal order can work and it provides insights as to how we might create a more just and efficient society today.”…
290yrs. is kind of a long time. Old, even.
Communism comes from Jews. Period. To believe otherwise is to be completely ignorant on the subject. To refuse to address this point is cowardice.
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that in the Russian revolution, the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism” Rabbi Harry Waton, “A program for the Jews and humanity”
“The Communist movement and ideology played an important part in Jewish life, particularly in the 1920s, 1930s, and during and after World War II.” The Encyclopedia Judaica
In 1931 Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin told the Jewish News Agency in the United States that
“Under USSR law active anti-Semites are liable to the death penalty!”
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” Bobby Fischer – Jewish chess champion – Press Conference, September 1 1992
Why people like me have to keep saying this while others dance around in the flowers avoiding the reality is beyond me. Oh, communism communism communism wah wah wah. If you want to stand against communism then stand against the Jews for once in your life.
“Communism” is kind of, yesterday’s old news. Bottom of the bird cage stuff. A distraction.
What do you have about Technocracy?
‘The Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate — Part 2’
“What the believers in Technocracy and the believers in the Dark Enlightenment both propose are compartmentalised, hierarchical sociopolitical power structures that couldn’t be more state-like or more authoritarian. They seek to expand and maximise the power of the state, though in slightly different ways. Calling their new model of the state either a Technate (as technocrats do) or a gov-corp (as accelerationist neoreactionaries do) doesn’t change the nature of the tyrannical statism they desire to foist on the rest of us.”…
There is a quasi-socialistic structure that works very well on a small scale — like a family unit.
But it does not scale up well, a few dozen people us the absolute maximum it can support.
But throughout history people have persisted in trying to mold all of society into this model. It always fails. People keep trying to do it.
Lo, what fools these mortals be.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
“These useful idiots are also often just lousy people, too. The type that doesn’t want to work to earn his keep – but wants very much to force others to provide for his “needs.”
BINGO!!! This is why the multi-billionaire “elites” have nothing to worry about. They KNOW that what most people really want is not freedom, but simply whatever the other person has. Envy is the fuel that feeds the flames of tyranny.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we humans will NEVER be TRULY free! At least, not in this life.
Useful idiots are also lazy, just like Karl Marx was. That is why Communism appeals so much to them. They are too damned dumb to learn, much less realize, that it is a system that is going to kill them.
Actually they aren’t lazy in the sense that most of us understand; what they ARE is VERY adept at grifting and playing victim. They are also mostly sociopaths and psychopaths that haven’t managed to get into positions of power because they aren’t as cunning and deceitful as the sociopaths and psychopaths that ARE in positions of power.
Oh, trying to start a total shitstorm, Eric?
Plymouth Colony in Maffachewsshit tried the “grand experiment” and nearly offed themselves because the people that could actually work and produce the necessities (from each according to their abilities) refused to support the deadbeats and grifters that refused to work (to each according to their needs). Lots of those deadbeats and grifters survived (unfortunately) and are with us (unfortunately again) today. Just take a cursory look at Maffachewsshit today….
Marx was not the first to promote the communist delusion of utopia, but he was the first to “codify” it and put it into language parasites could use as a blueprint. Marx himself was a total deadbeat that refused to work. Some of his children starved to death because he wanted to sit in the outdoor cafe’s flicking cigar ashes into his pastrami sandwich to show his distain for work, instead of supporting his family. Then he hit “paydirt” with Engles, a partyboy grifting off his parent’s hard work, and the rest is, to use the cliche, history.
Just remember, there are multiple forms of “capitalism”, most of which use the name to fool the truly stupid into believing that “capitalism” is the exact opposite of communism. As all of us can plainly see, this “opposite” bs is a illusion designed to make the truly stupid debt slaves to the parasites that control the banking system and the “capitalist” system (also known as the beast system) we are currently being crushed by.
The correct definition of “capitalism” is this: the monopolization of the systems of production to keep the working people in a form of feudal control by those that have taken control of the system of production. This includes the machinery, equipment, processing facilities, and distribution systems.
Don’t be fooled by the term “free market” system, as it is just another form of “capitalism”. The only system that kinda works for people that can produce is called Free Enterprise with minimal governmental intervention. Free enterprise cannot function with a fractional reserve banking system in place that punishes people with interest on loans and creates a national debt.
This is a very difficult concept to understand mainly because of all the lies and propaganda spewing out the rectums of “economists” and the edjumuhkatun indoctrination system. There actually ARE one or two good books on this that explain how we are being deceived by this beast system. They are heavy reads and require a understanding of basic math, reason, logic, and critical thinking. Oh, sorry, I just eliminated the majority of the US population….
The men who built industry had only one thing on their minds–the accumulation of wealth but only for themselves–no different than the financial “robber barons” of today.
They were indeed robber barons who almost always slashed wages for those who made their success possible–their employees–always pleading poverty while living grand lives themselves. They cared not one wit about the welfare of their employees–only how much capital they could amass for themselves on the backs of these same employees. They constantly pleaded poverty, reducing wages for their employees while maximizing their “profits”.
One notable exception was Henry Ford, who KNEW that paying his employees a decent wage would come back to reward him in spades. Although not entirely altruistic, his above-average wages probably did more to forestall support for socialism or communism in the USA than just about any other action. Although Ford’s high wage structure was put in place to reduce turnover, his writings did state that he wanted his employees to be able to afford not only his products but to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
American prosperity did not filter down to the employees of the robber barons until Henry Ford broke the mold, instituting his $5 per day wage, 40-hour workweek and 8-hour workday.
Free trade” is actually a “race to the bottom” which can only be detrimental to the true human condition. Expecting first-world wage rates to compete with third-world wage rates never works.
I would hope that people would start to see that Henry Ford was absolutely correct when he blamed the banksters, vulture capitalists, and wall street types for the economic conditions, not only in the USA, but the world.
People such as “Mitt” Romney whose only expertise is to disassemble viable companies and industries, selling off the assets individually to maximize their “profits” need to be exposed and “run out of town”.
Adolf Hitler’s Germany was successful because labor in Germany was “monetized”–given intrinsic “value”, unlike what the mantra in business is still to this day, that “labor” costs must be minimized and that the “shareholder” is king.
The internationalist banksters have to do something to “nip” the monetization and valuation of labor as it will “upset the (existing) order–just what the “new world order” types want.
Hola Anarchyst!
It appears you have been doing your homework as well. Churchill is the one that actually started WWII by threatening the Poles with financial retribution via the Bank of England IF they took up and accepted Germany’s peace proposal. Churchill stated that Germany had to be destroyed because the German people were MORE productive than the English, and that if Germany continued on the path they had chosen without a fractional reserve central bank, their productivity would eclipse that of England and cause the collapse of the “British Empire”, mainly because Germany would NOT be in debt to the Bank of England.
Henry Ford was also on the mark. That’s why his company was targeted for destruction by Morgan and Rockefeller. However, the bankers finally got to Ford in the 1990s…. See Jacques Nassir, Ford VP of eliminating white people from management at Ford.
The globalists/bankers have always used unfettered immigration to destroy the wages of American CITIZEN workers. They starved and murdered the Irish to the point that most HAD to flee the british if they were going to live. The bankers used and abused the Irish in this Country to drive down wages and cause all sorts of problems for everybody else while the Morgans and Rockefellers raked in the profits. By the time the early Irish immigrants (those that had arrived prior to 1850) had acclimated and become Americans around 1890, the bankers had to do something about labor and wages again, so they did yet another mass migration scheme, this time bringing in the european equivalent of the criminals that Cuba, Venezuela, and Central America sent us. The bomb that went off on Wall Street in 1920 missed the real culprits…..
Communism is when Jews take over your government first, then your economy.
Capitalism is when Jews take over your economy first, then your government.
Fascism is what Jews cry out when you try to prevent either one.
I was told that any effort to resist communism was called antisemitism…several prominent rebbes have stated that including R. Steven Wise
The irony of it all. People are hard wired to be decentralized, individualistic and free. But we spend so much effort on not being that, in fact trying to contain it.
The large collective is deadly to be perfectly frank. It is far more dangerous than the unfounded “fear” of the individualist with its one size fits all. An individual can rarely be dangerous to society. In fact the collective is what creates the danger of what one person can do. It gives power to common criminals and even more so to the likes of Stalin, Hitler and other evil people. It creates expensive bureaucracy that does nothing worthwhile, and creates more takers.
That’s why most things should be done local, and in small groups. It keeps power away from those that shouldn’t have it, and helps people when they need it. Gives control to each person to run their own life.
The USA started out alright in the decentralized way, as a more rural and small town focused society. It’s still our DNA even after all of this. To be honest, a group should rarely involve more than ten thousand people. It gets too big and unresponsive at that point when people don’t have relationships with most the members.
“The funny thing is that *fee market capitalism* is functionally much more actually like what Communism wants people to believe in.” -EP
I think “fee market capitalism” was just a typo, but decently describes our current system.
When I was heavily involved in local politics in the ’90s I attended many county commission meetings; usually two per week. Whenever an issue came up that had a vocal opposition but, was desired by the majority of the board someone would invoke, “You might be vocal in opposition but, we have to also think of the rest of the community and pass this measure.”
When the vocalizing was in favor of their proposal it would be stated, “Why, we can see just how much this means to the community so we must pass this measure.”
Heads they win, tails you lose.
What it boils down to is, The Community is everyone but you.
You got it, Mark!
Bill Whittle and the two guys from the Right Angle had a good analogy for young socialist to contemplate: Suppose there is a mufti-high school competition which has a benefit candy sale, and the person who sells the most candy wins a Corvette. I would imagine a lot a candy would be sold amongst the high schools. Now how much candy would be sold if the winning high school’s principal wins the Corvette not the seller. How much candy would be sold then?
On to another point: EP “Does history furnish even one example of a Communist society in which people were free to not be Communists? Like a club that you didn’t have to join – or pay dues to?”
Unfortunately, the is one parallel example of this to a smaller extent: United States of America. The colonies started out as club you didn’t have to join, and the deal was once becoming states could dissolve the relationship at will. Communist…no but all were working for their own betterment as a society as a state and region. Then the club started forcing dues upon certain other members of the club to which this group desired to dissolve the relationship as promised. Lincoln enforced this communism upon America via 600,000 dead during the Civil War and we have been slowly marching forward ever since with a new federal Leviathan growing every year since.
Historically, one of the best, most just way of life for a small community of like-minded individuals was proposed by Saint Benedict in the early 6th century in his “Régula Sancti Benedícti”, a how-to instruction book on how to serve God and fellow man (or woman) in community. Yet even in his Rule, there’s still a buck-stops-here authority for settling the inevitable disputes that arise in any community.
To me, for general society to live in peace with some modicum of justice requires a Christian ethic that emphasizes the cardinal virtues — prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude — with each citizen responsible for living in a spirit of humility, patience, a readiness to forgive, a willingness to serve, including an unwavering dedication and loyalty to the Truth (specifically, the reality of the Incarnation — God-as-man — Jesus the Christ, and everything that He taught and handed down to His apostles & their legitimate successors).
It’s Christ or Chaos. There doesn’t seem to be any middle way, IMO.
communism is judaism is communism
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise says: Some call it Communism. I call it Judaism.
Only those with courage will state it.
quote “vague idea of a commune – i.e., a group that acts as if it were an individual serving its best interests – is an impossibility. Someone has to run the collective”
Nuns. Nuns live in communes called convents. They all act as one for a common cause, the top nun they call mother makes the final decisions, mother is elected? Not really sure about how they run the place, but as a kid I was forced into volunteering to work at one of these nunneries, which I joked about all the time even now, why do they call them nuns? Because they ain’t gettin’ none!
Convents may be the exception to the rule that communism doesn’t work. They get money – donations from the outside – sometimes in large amounts. BTW the USAF was highly socialistic, free dental and health care, free housing, free food, etc. They are also supported from the outside from taxes.
Good point Jack, but I’m not so sure nunneries are the exception to the rule as a case of “the smaller, the better principle” that communism thrives on. Basically, the smaller the unit, the easier it is to successfully enforce something like communism. It’s also why Communists have an inveterate tendency to want to kill, kill, kill in order to reduce the population.
RE: “They get money – donations from the outside – sometimes in large amounts”.
Money which is -> freely given. Does that fact separate it from Communism?
Seems so.
Perhaps, Panarchy is a more fitting description of a Nunnery? Also, no one, that I’m aware of, is forced to be a Nun. It’s voluntary.
Freely given money + voluntary participation, does not at all seem to = Communism.
[The Natural Law dictatorship of the family unit which gave you over to work in the Nunnery against your will is a whole nother subject.]
Most Monasteries and Abbies are self supporting (though most will accept gifts). They have small businesses that provide income for the group, like hosting retreats for outside people on their property, wineries, carpentry, print shops etc. Or the individuals have outside jobs (often teaching at nearby schools for example).
It works because they live simply, they don’t spend money on luxuries etc. It’s a great life for those who are into that. But the reality is that isn’t possible for most.
My parents volunteered me because my sisters went to the Catholic school which was on the nuns acreage. My parents also supported a monastary – my mom’s high school friend became a monk at this monastery where they take a vow of silence. I wasn’t interested in any of it – I hunted and trapped, rode my neighbors motorcycle, and was interested in those catholic girls in the short skirts – the girls would hem the skirt shorter showing more upper leg and the nuns would come down hard on them.
Later in life I ended up on the Big Island and lived at Cinderland commune – I only lasted 3 weeks then moved off onto an ajoining property. I learned real quick I was the only one working – all the rest did wake and bake – they woke up at noon, smoked a big doobie, then played their guitar. It was pathetic IMO – a commune all eat equally while only a few work.
That’s exactly the way the jewi$h kibbutz system works. Jew$ are prohibited from doing most (if not all) of the work in the kibbutz, relying on stupid, gullible, misguided Christian “goyim” to perform the work thinking that they are doing something constructive.
Direct quote from “rabbi” ovadia yosef:
Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
The first abbey was a bunch of prostitutes who renounced the profession, became nuns.
Before then they were ladies of ill-repute.
And then there was that bad pope who knocked up the entire abbey. Still going on too. Lots going on after dark at the RECTory, and lots of homo behavior at the SEMENary. These news stories are just from this week!
“Pope Francis has confirmed reports for the first time that a particular Malawian Diocesan impregnated 30 nuns. ”
“Michigan church youth director faces 30 new felony charges in sexual abuse case”
“Report: Nearly 2,000 children sexually abused by more than 450 pedo Catholic clerics in Illinois and covered up by the church”
“The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Tuesday after decades of sexual abuse claims within one of the country’s largest youth organizations. The petition, filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, halts the hundreds of lawsuits the BSA is facing that allege sexual misconduct by people within the 110-year-old organization over the years.”
The Ukraine War is about Obama, Biden, Clintons Head Up a Global Child Sex Trafficking Ring Harvesting ADRENOCHROME!
The Ukraine War is about Obama, Biden, Clintons Head Up a Global Child Sex Trafficking Ring Harvesting ADRENOCHROME! It’s headquartered in Ukraine and connected to the Chinese Communist Party and Organized by The Vatican, according to the D.O.G.E. INVESTIGATION!
BREAKING: Epstein victim says there are Tape of Donald Trump having sex with ‘many girls’ recorded by Jeffrey Epstein.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.
Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano pleaded guilty to fondling a 14-year-old girl.
Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.
Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.
The jew-owned “mainstream media” licked its chops when a small cabal of homosexual pedophilic priests was exposed within the Roman Catholic Church.
Although the number was small (but still criminally reprehensible to say the least), the jew-owned “mainstream media” utilized its power to slander ALL Catholic clergy, and by inference, the Roman Catholic Church itself. This falls in line with the jewish belief in “collective responsibility”.
This same mainstream media conveniently left out the much greater homosexual pedophilia problem within Protestant denominations and its own problems with homosexual pedophilia rabbis within judaism. One only has to observe the recently discovered child sacrifice “tunnels” under NYC synagogues. Despite clear evidence of child sacrifices going on (blood-stained child-size mattresses, toddler high-chairs and other child-size items) NYC officials decided to destroy evidence of jewish child-sacrifices rather than preserve criminal evidence.
In fact, there is much more homosexual pedophilia behavior within Protestantism and judaism than there ever was in the Roman Catholic Church.
The jew-owned “mainstream media” used its own “play on words” to avoid blaming homosexual pedophilia supporters by calling their criminal behavior “minor sex abuse” rather than the sordid criminal homosexual grooming behavior that it truly is. The “mainstream media” went out if its way to avoid calling this sordid criminal behavior by its true definition–homosexual pedophilia grooming.
It is judaism’s eternal hatred of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity that fuels the constant defamation of Catholicism and Christianity.
If only Christians would disavow their support of zionism and judaism and recognize the extreme hatred that jews have for Roman Catholicism and Christianity, this would be a much better world…
‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’ only works if everyone is a saint. In real life most people have infinite needs and squat for ability so everyone ends up trying to live at the expense of others, a good description of government.
Exactly, it never accounts for people who are disabled, are too sick to be “productive”, are to elderly, or are just simply lazy. They all become “leftover” people that have to be cared for or “disposed of” somehow. You feel bad for the first three groups since its not their fault necessarily, not so much for the fourth, but they are there.
Also probably wasn’t clear enough that the video example of the farmer’s chicken coop hen house seems like a perfect description of both Communism & Technocracy. [Except, in the planned Technocracy, the chickens are Borg-like? Idk.]
The way the chickens are conditioned and are fearful runs parallel with the many examples cited at EPautos: from The Plandemic, to the life experience of children being strapped down in a child safety seat in the backseat of a car with a view of the back of the headrest, to examples like the guy described on another EPautos thread of the two kids riding bikes to town with the Mom slowly following behind in her car with the hazzard lights flashing, and the threat of rain causing a driving Red Alert to be issued. Etc. etc.etc..
‘Animal Farm’ life.
People that believe in communism seldom move to North Korea or Cuba. I wonder why?
Perhaps it’s because they realize it’s a scam and they’ll be the ones laboring 12 hours a day with no electricity and sh*t food.
Holocaust this! Pol Pot me up, Jesus!
This is your brain, this is your brain after visiting North Korea.
Otto Warmbier traveled to North Korea and came back with no brain. Brainwashed to brain-dead, works for them.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Torture is better.
You know how those Norks operate in the real world.
If you can’t stop the communists from committing criminal acts, you just will have to join them.
Trump shoots from the hip while jumping the shark.
Fools never learn.
Ain’t that America?
Witches were accused of causing the Little Ice Age, were persecuted, and hanged.
Your fault non-existent climate change is happening.
What’s weird is, that while both are quite monstrous creations, Communism seems almost nice compared to Technocracy.
Did you know that the phrase ’15-Minute Cities’ has been re-branded/re-named to C-4-2?
In this rather short video OffGrid Doug talks about the C-4-2 plans of out overlords and at the end of it a farmer demonstrates how C-4-2 cities are a model/example of a hen house chicken coop. I was reminded of much discussed at EPautos when the farmer mentioned the fearful aspect.
More FIRES! Here is what I found and its pretty bad!’
Oops, make that C-4-0, not C-4-2.
[…No coffee yet error. Typing before coffee, what was I thinking?]
Good cop, bad cop. They roll out something intolerable, then they roll out something worse, to mess with your mind and get you to tolerate the intolerable.
And if you don’t have a rock solid core belief system, you’ll fall for it. Which is why the absolute hatred for Christians and Muslims. Though most American Christians really aren’t, and wouldn’t like the lawbreaker Christ who chased the money changers out of the temple and spoke against the corruption of the scribes and Pharisees.
Oh yes, that, “Good cop, bad cop” tactic you describe is a very well known & effective negotiating method. I forget what it’s called.
‘A land without people for a people without land’ was perhaps the most cynical lie in human history.
Now it’s got zionism’s abject Mister Stepin-Fetchit — Orange Man Mad — starting another Christ-forsaken forever war:
‘U.S. President Donald Trump says he has ordered airstrikes against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, and issued a warning to Tehran.
‘The Houthis said they were targeting vessels on the Red Sea with links to Israel or its allies — the United States and the U.K. — in solidarity with Palestinians, but some vessels had little or no link to the war.
‘The attacks paused during the ceasefire, but the Houthis on Wednesday said they would resume against “any Israeli vessel” after Israel cut off all aid supplies to Gaza to pressure Hamas during talks on extending their truce.’
Israel is our misfortune.
I’m a fool to do your dirty work
Oh yeah
I don’t wanna do your dirty work
No more
I’m a fool to do your dirty work
Oh yeah
— Steely Dan, Dirty Work
>“Green-card-holding faculty members involved in any kind of advocacy that might be construed as not welcome by the Trump administration are absolutely terrified of the implications for their immigration status,”
Meaning: If you have actually been there (*any* overseas location) and have first hand knowledge which contradicts the empire’s official propaganda, the U.S. government intends to shut your mouth, one way or another.
Welcome to the “Land of the Free.”
Because of “global warming,”
>Over three hundred people at a climate action conference had to be rescued on Thursday, March 13 after a heavy snow storm left them stranded at a camp near Big Bear.
>The group began to leave YMCA Camp Whittle in Fawnskin, where the conference was held, walking through roughly two feet of snow
Man plans, plots, and schemes. God laughs.
Sure it was Trump?
U.S. President
Donald TrumpSatanyajoo says he has ordered airstrikes against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, and issued a warning to Tehran.Just being brutally frank.
MAGA in one lesson:
Got dual citizenship?
” It is that they want to run things – but want you to believe they want Communism”
They DO want communism because in communism there is still a controlling class and that will be them.
This “equity” thing where supposed starting points are adjusted so everyone has equal outcomes, is naked communism.
It is a race where some would get to start before others so all would cross the finish line at the same time. No one would tolerate this in sports, yet they advocate for it as a valid way to conduct life.
When it comes to jew$ and communism, it is vital to use the jew$ own words:
“The Russian intelligentsia . . . saw in the philosophy of Judaism the germs of Bolshevism —the struggle of … Judaism versus Christianity.” • Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York, July-September 1932, p. 105
“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” • Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution.” • The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.” • Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
“Judaism is Marxism, Communism” • Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64 https://archive.org/details/AProgramForTheJewsAndAnAnswerToAllAntiSemites
“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.” • Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143 https://archive.org/details/AProgramForTheJewsAndAnAnswerToAllAntiSemites
“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.” • The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
“It is obvious then that if the Jewish problem is ever to be solved, far more intelligent measures must be resorted to than those employed by the medievals. […] To accomplish this we must in a measure redeem the Jews and remake the Gentiles. That is what the Communists are trying to do in Russia, and because of their determination and monstrous energy they may actually effect it in three generations. […] Indeed, the Jews are already too numerous in the bureaucracy, and that is probably the chief reason why covert antisemitism is still very rife in Russia.” • British Jew and former rabbi, Dr. Lewis Browne (1897 – 1949) https://archive.org/details/howoddofgodanint028404mbp/page/n243/mode/2up?view=theater
“There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consistent with the finest ideals of Judaism…” •Peace, War, and Bolshevism, The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919 https://archive.org/details/B-001-018-446
“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.” • The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.” • Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
“That achievement —the Russian-Jewish revolution — destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.” • The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.” • William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31
“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism.” • Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders.” • The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11
“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement.” • The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20
“Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.” • Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37
“The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe” • The Liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27
“The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.” • M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.” • Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148 https://archive.org/details/AProgramForTheJewsAndAnAnswerToAllAntiSemites
“Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.” • L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
“Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.” • Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“The peculiarly Jewish logic of his [Karl Marx’s] mind” • Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“Mr. Wickham Steed lays the rise of Bolshevism at the doors of Jewry.” • The Jewish Guardian (London), November 28, 1924, p. 4
“The Bolshevik Revolution has emancipated the Jews as individuals.” • Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 33
“There are many Bolshevik leaders of Jewish extraction.” • D. L. Sandelsan, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 20, 1920, p. 22
“There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious.” • Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7
“Communism and internationalism are in truth and in fact great virtues. Judaism may be justly proud of these virtues.” • Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 80 https://archive.org/details/AProgramForTheJewsAndAnAnswerToAllAntiSemites
“If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist internationalism … then the Jewish race is doomed.” • George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin (New York, 1937), p. 414
“The [Jewish] Commissars were formerly political exiles. They had been dreaming of revolution for years in their exile in Paris, in London, in New York, in Berlin, everywhere and anywhere. They saw in the Bolshevist Movement an opportunity of realizing the extreme ideas of Communism and internationalism to which their fate had compelled them.” • Dr. D. S. Pazmanik, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), September 5, 1919, p. 14
“The Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country —and as yet the only country in the world— in which anti-Semitism is a crime.” • Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), January 1942, p. 16
“Anti-Semitism was classed [by the Soviet Government] as counter-revolution and the severe punishments meted out for acts of anti-Semitism were the means by which the existing order protected its own safety.” • The Congress Bulletin, (New York: American Jewish Congress), January 5, 1940, p. 2
“There is no official anti-Semitism in Russia; anti-Semitism in Russia is a crime against the State.” • Dr. Chalm Weizmann, The Jewish People and Palestine (London: Zionist Organization, 1939), p. 7
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.” • Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“The part which Jews play in the [Communist] Government of the country [Russia] does not appear to be declining.” • Harry Sacher, in The Jewish Review (London), June-August 1932, p. 43
“The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. This is the historic destiny of the Jews.” • Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), pp. 99-100 https://archive.org/details/AProgramForTheJewsAndAnAnswerToAllAntiSemites
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.” • Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 155
“Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity, and on those who profess this faith. In the Russian villages today Bolsheviks and Herbert H. Lehman . . . were called the ‘secret government of the United States’ and were linked with ‘world communism.’” • Dr. Louis Harap, in Jewish Life (New York), June 1951, p. 20