The Chinese device-maker BYD reportedly wants to team up with the American device-maker, Tesla, to “drive internal combustion engine vehicles out of the European market,” according to an interview published by the Financial Times quoting BYD’s executive vice president, Stella Li.
She says both device makers have a “common enemy” and that “We need to work together . . . to make the industry change.”
Some might describe this as a call for collusion between the Communist device-maker and the device-maker President Trump has called a “great American car company.” One that already has extensive operations in China and uses Chinese-sourced components to manufacture the battery packs that store the electricity that is used to power the devices’ electric motors.
According to the Financial Times piece, Li says “China is willing to share key technologies in BEV powertrains and autonomous driving with foreign companies despite rising trade tensions with Brussels and Washington.”
BYD and China – the government thereof – being essentially the same entity. Much the same as Tesla is a creature of the government here. Nominally, both are “private companies” – but not in the free enterprise sense in that it is improbable either would exist – or even have come into existence – were it not for the governments involved. The federal government of the United States created Tesla by creating what are styled “incentives” for devices. The usage being another example of the manipulation of words to convey the opposite of the truth. Government uses force to advantage – and disadvantage.
That is the proper construction.
Tesla did not get where it is by persuading investors to back its project, then design and build its product and successfully offer that product for sale at a price that reflected its cost to manufacture, plus a product margin sufficient to make it all worth doing. Henry Ford did that. Tesla – and its analog-ally in China – relied on government to favor, protect and promote the devices made by them both, which were and are sold at prices lower than what it costs to manufacture and sell them at a profit that makes them worth manufacturing.
Both rely hugely on government regs that serve as de facto quotas for devices on the one hand and serve to make it difficult for vehicle manufacturers to compete with devices, on the other hand, by making it difficult to manufacturer vehicles with just engines. The regs effectively force vehicle manufacturers to make hybrids – part-time electric vehicles – and these necessarily cost thousands more than a vehicle with just an engine because they have that and a battery pack and electric motor(s).
A full-time device only has the battery pack and motor(s).
Even so, a hybrid still has an enormous functional advantage over a full-time device because the engine it carries eliminates the having to wait for a charge whenever the battery runs low. Hybrid “technology” – as it is styled – has been resorted to as a way to keep vehicles on the road in the face of regulatory edicts that are being used to push vehicles with engines off the roads, in Europe especially – where there are already areas that people may not drive a vehicle with a running engine. A hybrid gets around this by being capable of moving on battery power – for short hops – just like a full-time device.
In this country, hybrids are resorted to chiefly for the sake of regulatory compliance as this “technology” is the only way for a vehicle to meet the gas mileage (and gas “emissions” requirements) that are being used to force vehicles that still have engines out of the showrooms. As a for-instance, the 2025 Toyota Prius – which is a small hybrid vehicle – is one of just three 2025 model-year vehicles that is in compliance with the federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regs that will shortly require every new vehicle to average roughly 50 MPG.
This latter is an example of the “incentives” applied by government that disadvantage vehicles in order to advantage devices in what is a “market” in the way that you “own” your home (so long as you are able to continue paying the ever-increasing rent styled “property taxes” demanded by the government).
“BYD is expanding its operations in Europe and now, according to Li’s interview with German newspaper Automobilwoche, is considering building a third plant in Europe and will decide within the next 18 months whether to give it the go-ahead,” says Wards Automotive.
The aim being to have the capacity to manufacture half-a-million devices annually.
Keep in mind that and other plants are creations of governments – plural, in the European sense because we’re talking about the governments of Germany and France and other EU member states that have been imposing Green Communism on the people of those member states. The governments create the “incentives” to build the plants and manufacture the devices. The average European is pushed out of his vehicle via the application of extortionate gas taxes.
Of a piece with the “incentives” created by what is not “our” government – as the styling so often puts it – but the government of this country. The distinction is important for the same reason it was important to correct the usage when someone demanded you wear your maaaaaaaaaaaaask.
Back to what Trump recently styled a “great American car company.” Is it not of a piece with the “beautiful” drugs that he personally Warp Speeded into existence so that they could be pushed on people who were also deliberately lied to about their “safety” and “effectiveness”?
How does it make America great again to tout and promote a device-maker that’s working with a Chinese device-maker with the common goal of ending their “common enemy,” the vehicles 90-plus percent of Americans want to drive that are not devices with 39 percent of their components made in China?
Never mind. It’s going to be huge – and beautiful.
. . .
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So here’s BYD with a claim of 250 miles of charge in 5 minutes:
Caveats? Here’s a few: 1. Vehicle cost; 2. Battery life (shorter); 3. Safety (tremendous heat); 4. Supply capacity – 1MW would supply a small town of 1,000 people. A 16-bay charging station in that little town would require a 16-fold increase in its power supply capacity.
I don’t want to be anywhere near an EeeVee sucking down 1 megawatt. 100-yard social distancing for saaaaaaaaafety!
For comparison, a house with a 200-amp panel and a 240-volt service drop would pull 48,000 watts at full load, or 0.048 megawatt.
Twenty-one houses with fully loaded 200-amp panels would consume 1 megawatt. BYD wants to zap that much power into one chickenshit little EeeVee??
Hold my beer (while I run like hell).
China is an unholy matrimony of robber baron capitalism, state socialism, imperialism, nationalism, and communism.
Eric giving Trump shit on the coup-de-shot:
Hi Steve,
I may be wrong about Musk but I do not think I am. He’s a very smart grifter, the most dangerous kind. People see him as a genius innovator. But – as far as I can tell – his genius is gaming the system. Beware.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Verde, verdant hills, green is good.
You never add carrots to corned beef and cabbage. Potatoes Uber alles!
A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is what you call pie in the sky.
Protestant Orange and Catholic Green don’t mix.
Common enemies.
A death match between EV madness and ICE common sense, no contest which one will win.
Down with Trump!
Down with Elon!
Greta Thunderborg demands her way or she will stare us down! The west is batshit insane, because the west’s spokesperson for climate change and our green new future is a high school dropout who has never taken a single collegiate science course. So of course she (Greta) is the expert-go-to for the facts. Al Gore is the other climate expert with exactly zero science training – in his film “Inconvenient Lies About Shit I Have No Idea What the Hell I Am Claiming” he asserts CO2 is a forcing gas. Well it ain’t, and Greta can not see CO2 going up the chimney like her mother claims.
Let me repeat: the west, led by the lunatics in Amerika, is batshit insane. Did anyone think that endless deficits would put us up shit creek? That someday Amerika would be in an existential crisis just paying for the interest on the debt? Well of course not, we are too busy making war and putting economic sanctions on anyone who doesn’t buy our worthless debt. Russia became the enemy when it sold all US Treasuries, so Biden/Nuland/Blinken attacked and wrecked the Russian gas pipeline to Europe, Nordstream. Now Europe is fucked. We threw Europe under the bus by cutting their cheap gas supply. Not good. Now check out this chart, China, like Russia a few years ago, is steadily selling US debt:
China is now selling US Treasuries, and that means we are also fucked because the only way for Uncle Sam to finance itself is to raise the bid price for it’s shit paper. That means interest rates are going back to their 1970s highs. Any month now the 10 year Treasury could surge just 1% putting 30 year mortgages above 8%. Not good.
Our rate of deficit spending, just a year ago was a trillion more debt in just 90 days, got worse – the first 5 weeks of 2025, the national debt went up 1.1 trillion (according to Zero Hedge). Over a trillion in just 35 days. That is not good. So is it a coincidence that Trump/Musk are in a panic to cut wasteful spending? Trump wants a trade war with China, how is that going to help the USGov sell it’s Treasury shit paper? And Tesla is in bed with China. Not good.
Putin formed BRICS outside of the SWIFT monopoly money moving clearance system, he did this because Russia can’t sell it’s oil from US sanctions, plus 400 billion was stolen out of Russia’s oil trading accounts. Sanctions mean that Russia and Iran are not playing ball with Rothschild. So while we are spending ourselves into oblivion, the nations we put sanction on, namely Russia, who sell gas and oil, have been working to create a new alternative system to SWIFT – a clearing system for trades. Russia formed BRICS and it is rapidly expanding, at least 23 more nations have applied to join. From my research, BRICS is now:
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates + 23 more nations have applied to join.
This definitely means USA is fucked and the end of the petro-dollar monopoly is near. BRICS is a way bigger problem for Trump than Gaza. BRICS is the reason why UK Starmer wants the EU to reinstate the military draft so Europe fights Russia. The satraps want WW3, they want to invade Russia, having not learned their history lessons.
And we have a crazy orange baboon in charge of this epic unsolvable mess. Trump 2.0 is going as expected – everyone is being threatened, chaos reigns. The Orange monkey has problems he can not solve. Trump has been tasked to support Israel but also to stop BRICS. Trump warns of WW3. The UK-EU have decided to extend the Ukraine war, with money they don’t have, because of the threat of BRICS PAY – an end run around the USD trading monopoly.
Look up BRICS PAY. Read what is happening, Russia is already selling oil via some new crypto exchange network. BRICS PAY has an information website and plenty of people are writing about it. Starmer and von der Lying want Ukraine war to stop Russia and BRICS.
Trump 2.0 is going haywire as expected. His love for Israel is completely nuts. The United States should never back a nation committing genocide – it is morally wrong and makes our nation legally culpable, Trump can be indicted and arrested for aiding and abetting a genocide. Not good for us. Trump’s Gaza policy could EASILY destroy his legacy and presidency just as Dr. Fraudci did with Covid. Trump makes trouble for us kowtowing to Jewish supremacist murdering Chabad Lubabitcher pals who love war and genocide (because they believe in some bronze age superstitions about god choosing them). It is insane to have USA foreign policies based on a discredited holy book. (The Holy Bible is thoroughly debunked by scholars)
Let me tell you what BRICS PAY really means. BRICS PAY spells the end of the USA Petro-Dollar trading monopoly. Imagine a giant sledge hammer smashing NYC banking empire. Add to that the collapsing Green New Deal which mis-allocated trillions for some solar electric future. IMO a huge tidal wave is about to break over Donald John Trump’s head, problems so big that no one can solve. Out of control spending must be halted immediately – this could easily bring on another Great Depression. At that point the future of electric cars is most uncertain, if you are asking to spare a dime, are you going to go buy a Tesla?
Until recently, I never would have imagined that things would get to the point that I would almost be silently cheering for the people who are vandalizing Tesla cars and attacking Tesla dealerships. But learning that this bastard Elon Musk is planning on colluding with a Chinese communist maker of EVs to destroy all of his competition in internal combustion cars has gotten me to this point. Ragnar Danneskjold comes to mind.
Ooh, I love, Norwegian Robin Hoods.
I haven’t figured Musk out yet. Is he good? Is he evil? Is he just misunderstood? I am not ready to deem him Satan or a Saint. I think some of his inventions are quite impressive though, especially what he is accomplishing with Space X.
I, for one, would never ride in a Tesla, because I don’t believe people should drive around in microwaves.
Musk is African-American. As such he’s probably much more prone to crime than us…
I don’t know that Musk invents much of anything but he’s a very savvy businessman. Tesla motors was started by others, Musk had the money, connections, and moral flexibility to make it work.
Is he good or evil? Yes. But I suspect he is absolutely golden to Donald Trump as he’s drawing lots of enemy heat and fire away from the person of DJT.
Not so much African American rather he is a water sign which explains a lot. It has been proven that those born under water signs are more likely to be serial killers. I think Hillary is a Scorpio and Musk is a Cancer so it does make sense.
He will win a few bonus points from me if Space X can get the astronauts back safely though. Kudos to him for at least doing something.
On which one? Musk going to get the astronauts or the horoscope reading?
Are they even in space?
Bread and circuses will keep the masses entertained.
What are they breathing?
Nitpick: you just wrote an excellent piece about communism, and I think you are incorrect in labeling China as Communists.
They are as communist as we are capitalist. It’s just historical tradition to call these systems of government by these names. China has an incredibly efficient market economy with deep supply chains which can produce things cheaply, just their government skims a bunch of that to drive its own agenda, but the market is largely free, just the people aren’t free to have their own opinions on politics or the future of the country.
In the US, we can talk all we want, we have that great first amendment, but unlike China, anything you try to do here to produce anything requires permission for half a dozen government agencies. it’s so damn hard, hardly anyone tries.
OppositeLock, is a place you know?
It is all about cars too.
Never heard of it. I picked the name because I like to do that on the track. It’s a common phrase.
People die in Teslas, they catch fire.
Musk is insouciant, doesn’t seem to matter. Manslaughter is a crime.
Musk is in denial. Your fault you purchased a Tesla, better luck next time.
I think I know where the waste fraud and abuse are located.
Trump needs to arrest Musk, burn down Tesla.
If I were ever to take up knitting, Elon Musk would be one of the first names I’d add to the project.
Don’t worry there’s plenty of yarn.
Is that the Chinese idea of a booth bunny? She is rather wholesome looking, with no tattoos or piercings visible.
I do prefer the American variety, at least before the neobarb takeover and pushing of trannies and flab.
Had to look up, ‘neobarb’. Is this it?:
“When the Gore Administration came to power, it promptly turned America’s defense and foreign policy over to a small group of people who were de-facto members of the Greater Denmark Party. Some had actually participated in drawing up Denmark’s new grand strategy, which called for defeating all Denmark’s opponents (with American help) so completely they would accept whatever terms the Danes offered. Now, from their key positions in the Pentagon, the U.S. State Department and the White House, they have made America into the Greater Denmark Party’s tool, at vast cost to America’s national interests, its treasury, and the lives of its soldiers.
Just who are these people? Many years ago, they began calling themselves “neo-barbarians,” which was soon shortened to “neo-barbs.” They see themselves as heirs to Viking kingdoms of a thousand years ago, and are determined to realize their fantasy, at whatever cost (to others). Real barbarians scoff at the neo-barbs; as one paleo-barbarian leader recently said, “These guys are such wusses they think you pillage first then rape. None of them ever swung a battle axe in combat, and they would puke at their first sight of a blood-eagle.”…
Interesting. I stole the term from William Gibson, I think it was “Burning Chrome” but it’s been a long time. But the term seems to fit- the world is no longer big and the barbarian invasions come from within.
Paleo barbarian- now that is a hoot. I’d be willing to bet nobody has swung a battle axe in combat in 300 years. And a real barbarian would probably eschew terms like paleo.
‘And a real barbarian would probably eschew terms like paleo.’ — Ernie
You bet: ‘Tarzan hungry.’ [rubs stomach while pointing at mouth] ‘Tarzan hunt beast!’
“Beast?” Jane murmured. “Then God make me a beast; for, man or beast, I am yours.”
No, no. Tarzan was a savage, Conan was a barbarian. Got to keep the taxonomy straight.
Yes, the damage is well packaged.
She looks like a blithering moron, with an overbite to boot.
I never said attractive, just wholesome. There is attractive but not wholesome, attractive and wholesome, unattractive and wholesome, and unattractive and not wholesome. For that last, you’d best have your beer goggles firmly attached.
‘what is not “our” government – as the styling so often puts it – but the government of this country.’ — eric
This is wild:
‘The Pardons that Sleepy Joe Biden gave … are hereby declared VOID … because they were done by Autopen.’
Everyone who paid attention knows that ‘Biden’ was senile, and that a shadowy cabal was running the show behind his back as ‘Joe’ drooled and mumbled and shook hands with invisible companions.
Proving this in a court of law is a whole different matter. The first-hand witnesses who ran “Joe’s” autopen were accomplices. If compelled to testify, they would either plead the Fifth or openly lie.
U.S. history shows that fraudulent official actions — e.g., the never-ratified Fourteenth and Sixteenth Amendments; the brazen election theft of January 6, 2021 — don’t get overturned by the courts. Their unwritten rule is to let sleeping dogs lie.
Though his instincts are correct, in this case DJT is picking a fight he can’t win with the hacks in black, who are all on the fedgov payroll and rule accordingly.
Is he picking a fight he can’t win, or is he picking a fight which needs to be picked?
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and the judicial system in this country, to include the states, is putrescently corrupt. So far, I’m sitting back in my velvet seat and munching my salty buttery popcorn.
When he packs off a couple of these treasonous judges to Gitmo and has them shot, then I’ll sit up and get really into the show. Because that will signal something which is needed but should make everyone nervous. Because they have grossly overstepped their bounds by blatantly usurping both executive and legislative power, and if unanswered, the kritarchy will continue.
Hi Ernie,
“Is he picking a fight he can’t win, or is he picking a fight which needs to be picked?”
He is doing something much better…creating distrust among government and her citizens. This will never succeed in a court of law (let’s be honest), but he is cracking doors and windows and letting the public peer inside. He (Trump) was successful pointing out the corruption of the media and in the courts…now let’s see how long Goliath can stand when its people realizes how truly nefarious the system is. Words can be questioned and even explained, but it is a lot harder to ignore what your eyes are seeing.
I don’t expect anyone to go to prison, much less see the inside of a courtroom.
A lot of what Trump does, is point out the way (or at least a way) and allow people to move in that direction. He also puts up a (funhouse?) mirror that reflects our biases & shortcomings, and sometimes he points it at the “leadership.” A lot of what he says is aspirational, and/or hyperbole.
Sometimes he does prestidigitation: hey everyone, something controversial over here! — while something else quietly gets done over there.
Sometimes he floods the zone with so much stuff no one can keep track of all of it, and slips things through that way.
Sometimes his hands are tied by the law/courts, but by attempting to do something he illustrates the fact that a problem exists — the solution is up to you/us/the states/Congress.
He is to be taken seriously, but not necessarily literally.
Theyre all pre pardoned. Stop with the autopen DISTRACTION. genocide rolls on, TSA loves groping your daughters and Musk is worth trullions more. . .
“China is willing to share key technologies in BEV powertrains and autonomous driving with foreign companies despite rising trade tensions with Brussels and Washington.”
What a joke.
So the Chinese – who didn’t have a serious car industry 20 years ago are now willing to share the technologies they obtained from us?
the Chinese – who didn’t have a serious car industry 20 years ago
They still don’t.
That kinda sounds like when government & Big Pharma colluded to prevent people from getting inexpensive drugs (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, etc.) to treat the dreaded ‘Rona because the pharmaceutical industry couldn’t make BIG BUCKS off of off-patent drugs but DID make BIG BUCKS off of the mRNA COVID jabs. And the government, along with corporate media, tried to make people think there were NO COVID treatments other than the “vaccines” because they so desperately wanted the jabs to get Emergency Use Authorization. IIRC, various laws said that if there were already existing treatments for a new pathogen, no experimental pharma drugs could get EUA.
And now, after having made BIG BUCKS off of mRNA, Big Pharma wants to make MORE mRNA jabs (and potentially MORE money) for various maladies. Could we be seeing mRNA shots for bird flu? Measles? Flu? Perhaps even CANCER after the Trump 2.0 administration announced STARGATE shortly after taking office and Oracle Big Tech guy Larry Ellison announced potential AI created vaccines for cancer. What could go wrong with AI created vaccines?
Lets not forget that (tiny-hat) Ellison provided funding for Enron Musk to purchase Twitter.
Maybe he had just had spare money left over from buying and winning the America’s Cup.
Larry refuses his.
“it is improbable either would exist – or even have come into existence – were it not for the governments involved”
Exactly! Government is the problem, NOT the solution.
The claims that EVs are more efficient rank up their with carnival barkers pushing gadgets that boosted the fuel economy of your car. It was a lie then and it’s still a lie today.
Another thing that concerns me is the very high electromagnetic fields found in EVs, can this be healthy? If your AM radio won’t work can it be safe? Is it time to get RFK Jr. involved to make cars healthy again?
He’s got other fish to fry:
“Antisemitism is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues.” — RFK, Jr.
DANG! You can understand why he’s spending full time fighting a plague worse than covid, as the bodies of antisemitism victims stack up like cordwood! :-0
> the bodies of antisemitism victims stack up like cordwood!
Most notably in Gaza, these days.
And the disease has spread to the West Bank.
Arabs are human beings who speak Arabic, the world’s most widely spoken Semitic language. Arabic is considered a major language by the U.N. Arabic is also the origin of many words in Spanish*, another widely spoken language. According to famous astrophysicist Dr. Neil Tyson. most stars which have names have Arabic names.
Damascus (/dəˈmæskəs/ də-MAS-kəs, UK also /dəˈmɑːskəs/ də-MAH-skəs; Arabic: دِمَشْق, romanized: Dimašq) is the capital and largest city of Syria. It is the oldest capital in the world
In modern times, the Jews and their American allies have been intent on destroying both of these ancient cities.
* Spanish words beginning with “al” are most likely of Arabic origin, because “Al” is the definite article (“the”) in Arabic.
alcázar (fortress)
algodón (cotton)
Spanish incorporates the Arabic “al” into the noun, and precedes it with its own definite article, hence, “el algodón” in Spanish.
Perhaps the most famous is:
Other Arab names:
>The name is derived from Arabic: جبل طارق, romanized: Jabal Ṭāriq, lit. ’Mount of Tariq’ (named after the 8th-century North African military leader Tariq ibn Ziyad,_Spain
>The town was later known as Wādī Al-Ḥijāra (Arabic: وادي الحجارة), possibly meaning “Valley of Stones” (as in river gravel)
Jrs fulla shit too. . .
What about the tens of millions of people that now have heart pacemakers? Yes, pacemakers are super common today for some odd reason. The patient is warned against putting a cellphone in their shirt pocket or getting near a magnet or electric motor.. but have never heard one PEEP about EV devices.
I am sure there’s nothing to see here.. move along..