The assertion that Elon Musk is a Nazi is as silly as the assertion that Trump is a “conservative” – whatever that’s supposed to mean.
Elon and Trump are authoritarians. They both believe in more efficient government. Not less or no government.
It is in the name of efficiency that Elon is purging the ranks of the federal bureaucracy. He is not working to get rid of the various regulatory apparats anymore than Trump is getting ready to disclose the unredacted contents of the Epstein files. It is likely that Elon’s plan – and Trump’s – is to make these apparats more efficient – by replacing the bureaucrats with silicon. That is to say, artificial intelligence, which is very efficient indeed because AI doesn’t sleep and can’t be bribed and doesn’t have to be paid. Try to envision what it will be like when the EyeAreEss is run by AI.
And Elon will be in charge of it all, if not formally then functionally.
Think of what’s going on in the same way you (hopefully) thought about the replacing – as opposed to the repealing – of Obamacare proposed by “conservatives” and you will understand what is going on. Put another way, the apparat will be directed and controlled by a different crew now. It will not be done away with. Just as Elon will not cease his rent-seeking. Rather, he will redirect it.
Instead of using the government to build-out his electric car grift – which is so 2020 – he will use it to build-out his rocket man grift. The salient fact being the grift never ends. Which brings us back to this business making government more “efficient.” How about getting government out of the business of using our money to make payments to Elon for his rockets? How about rockets be financed by those who want to finance them? People such as Elon, say – who certainly has billions of hi own money to finance rockets?
Well, why empty your own pockets when you can use the government to pick the pockets of others? Perhaps using the more efficient government you helped to midwife?
It’s similar – in principle – as regards Trump.
He campaigned on ending the wars the government launched or egged on during the presidency of his WWE tag-team opponent, Joe Biden. After hitting him over the head with a chair – so to speak – and recovering the WWE belt for himself – he eggs on the war in Ukraine (by resuming the cash-flow and the intelligence flow to the ugsome leader of that country) after temporarily pausing both. Much in the same way he said he was going to have his AG release the Epstein files and then released a small stack of mostly redacted pages. And – as of this writing – there is a new war beginning against Yemen, callously photo-op watched over by Trump much in the same way that Madame Secretary once callously photo-op watched the killing and cackled in her lovely way.

Trump, at least, does not cackle.
Except when it comes to Israel. Then it is more like a smooch. A head-bobbing smooch.
He does like the cudgel, though – and has wielded it already against Americans – in the name of making America Great Again by taxing Americans at a rate – 25 percent – that is even higher than many Americans pay in federal taxes and all Americans “contribute” in the form of the taxes they’re forced to pay to fund Social Security, which isn’t even that, in that their “contributions” finance the security of those receiving the payments. If this is “security” it is like eating by being made to pay for someone else’s meal. Of course, the promise is that other people will in due course be made to pay for your “meal,” too.
This assumes a lot.
But Americans – in red hats – don’t object to a 25percent tax added to all of that because the tax is styled a tariff – and that enables them to believe they aren’t paying it. Very much the same way people let themselves believe they are contributing to Social Security and that they “own” the home they’ll be evicted from if they fail to pay the rent – because it’s not really rent but “property taxes,” as if that made any difference.
Would we have ended up with an authoritarian had the alternative been selected last fall? Of course.
But in the end, we did anyhow.
. . .
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I used to blog on the climate change hoax, years ago I wrote about Elon Musk getting the global warming facts wrong in his video presentation. I first wrote this essay in 2017, then modified it and post it again:
Elon Musk is a Climate Change Idiot
On 27 Nov 2019 By jackyukon
I live at 42 degrees north latitude in SW Oregon. It has been snowing all week, the hills around the Rogue Valley have had fresh snow each day. Yesterday morning I was working in a snow blizzard and couldn’t see more than 20 feet. It is mid March and I am over half way down the globe from the North Pole. It is snowing and cold. I find these global warming idiots repulsive – my direct observation of the weather shows NO WARMING.
Ai says: The distance from the North Pole to 42 degrees north latitude is approximately 2,800 miles (4,500 kilometers). This is because the North Pole is at 90 degrees north latitude, and each degree of latitude is about 69 miles apart.
If I am freezing my ass off at 42 NL then how is it arctic ice is melting? Sounds like bullshit to me.
The Orange Dufus is falling into the trap again. Last time, the coof derailed his presidency and reelection. This time, the plan is to overwhelm his every action with some patchwork of injunctions and court edicts. Sooner or later, he’s going to be found in contempt, and then he will provoke some constitutional crisis. While the economy unravels, and the Middle East gets uppity. Meanwhile, red hat wearing morons will pump their fists in the air, claiming we are winning.
I agree with you on where this is headed but falling into the trap or playing the role? Prolly doesn’t matter anyway. Apparently everything Brandon did as prez was “constitutional.” Everything OM does isn’t. I guess that’s what’s the DIE crowd is taught at law school these days. LOL.
Why would the most NAZI government on the planet object to other nations being highly nationalistic and socialist? Why does this NAZI nation object to Hitler and the Nazis? I will tell you why so you are not a fool.
Israel is the most National Socialist nation on earth right now, it is the most nationalist and the most socialist, in fact the entire state is supported by US tax slaves. Without the USA money flow, Israel would just dry up and blow away. Israel is also the biggest parasite state in world history. The parasite wants a monopoly, they want all the Gentile Goy slaves to support them. Some day you will learn the Jews are a parasite nation that infests other nations to bleed them dry.
Jews believe only they have a right to be nationalistic and are violent and vocal if anyone else tries to behave like they do. They want a monopoly on national socialism because they are parasites feeding on all other nations – and nationalism outside of Israel is a threat to their business model. Anyone can now just open their eyes, only Jews are allowed to be proud of their race and nation.
So to accomplish their selfish goal of total dominance these predators invented the Holocaust narrative – a decade after ww2 was over. They use this Holohoax bs to control the host nations they bleed. Anyone can research this and find out the German camps were work camps and the Germans gassed exactly zero Jews. Some day you will realize the Jews lie, that is ALL they do.
They also infiltrate and control other nation states, UK, EU, USA. That is why the USA is often referred to as ZOG or ZOGUSA, meaning Zionist Occupied Government. They completely control the Congress and the President right now, Trump and Congress are willing slavish whores for Israel. Trump is starting WW3 to please his Jewish masters.
Now you can understand why Elon is being bashed as a Nazi. Elon is cutting government waste like USAID and the magic money computers (Elon says their are 14 of them) that transfer money from your pocket to the Jewish criminals in Israel. USAID was a CIA-Israel psyop to steal your wealth.
X – “An absolute bombshell from @elonmusk on the latest episode of Verdict. He reveals there are 14 magic money computers in the federal government that send money out of nothing.”
The national debt took 192 years to reach the first trillion, from 1789 to 1981.
It then started increasing exponentially, taking shorter and shorter time periods to add another trillion. It currently is around 36 trillion, not payable – and soon interest rates will reflect the USA as a bankrupt banana republik.
Last year the national debt increase was clocked at 1 trillion every 90 days.
This year, the first 5 weeks of 2025, the debt went up 1.1 trillion in only 35 days.
As the result, panic to cut waste, and panic to buy gold, now over $3034/oz. When the Jew Fed was created, it was only 22. The Federal Reserve charter states it was created for price stability. It did no such thing, the Fed was a huge Jew created inflation machine so they could rob us blind. Since the Fed was created the US Dollar has declined 99%.
Jews have ass raped Amerika to death, and now that the people are desperate for salvation, they elected Trump and anyone who opposes Jewish control is a Nazi. Do you get it now? Trump is a Nazi, Elon is a Nazi. Anyone who opposes Israel and their endless destruction and wars is a Nazi. Every Jew ever alive wants you to hate Hitler. Why is that you wonder? Because Hitler named them the enemy of the people then did something about it. That is why Trump can not be Hitler, Trump loves Jews and protects them, which is treason.
Hitler was a real nationalist and Trump is a lying two-timing MIGA pig, a traitor if their was ever one. Trump has fooled Amerika good.
BTW when Pharaoh chased the Jews out of Egypt it was because the Jews stole the Egyptian gold the night before, the Egyptian army was trying to recover the stolen gold. The Bible is a Jew psyop, the Bible is written as if the Jew gypsy thieves are heroes. Jews are never heroes, they are always thieves and criminals. Some day you will all learn an important lesson, with Jews you lose – first you lose your money, then your nation, then your sanity, then your life – while the Jew laughs all the way to his bank.
Musk is obnoxious and should be ashamed of his despicable behavior. Another cad in this world. I’ll say a duplicitous hypocrite are words that fit the definition of the niwit.
So what if Teslas self-immolate and hundreds of fatalities occur, in Musk’s view, it is worth it.
Tesla has the highest fatality rate of all carmakers.
Madeline Alldark with her dark black heart and no brains would agree and give Elon a great big hug.
Trump is also obnoxious and needs to be bitch-slapped, not once, continuously.
The raw link, might work.
I used to ask myself why it is that I am so repulsed by this boorish orange clodhopper of an actor and his minions, even more so than I was by Bidet and his ilk. Then I realized it is because the Orange Narcissist and his ilk pretend to be enemy of my enemy; they pretend to be lovers of sanity and “freedom”, and they fool a lot (or actually most) of the simpletons who vote. While the openly leftist scumbags make no bones about who and what they are. Both “sides” [of the same coin] are equally abhorrent, -but the hypocrisy of the Orange Asshat and his rent-seeking buddy and company makes me want to vomit.
BTW#: Did ya’s hear the latest re E-con? He’s going to partner with the Chinks now, in the manufacturing of EVs for the European market, with the goal of ridding Europe of the internal combustion engine. These bastards are pure evil!
Hi Arthur,
Well said. It may be a kind of Chimp redux in that we end up with something far worse than Obama when this show is over…
The justification for EeeeeeVeeees is based on one BIG LIE, that CO2 is forcing warming on earth. Scientists tells us all the data shows that CO2 has never forced warming. All the data on earth’s geological history, AT ALL TIME SCALES, shows CO2 following temperature up and down.
The basic chart which disproves CO2 forcing, CO2 follows temp up and it follows it down. Note how at low CO2 temps start up, then at high CO2 the earth cools. CO2 has nothing to do with earth temperature changes end of story period!
Furthermore, the government’s own space agency, NASA, put up the O=C=O satellite to directly measure the effects of CO2 in the high atmosphere, the data clearly showed that increased CO2 up high cools the planet. The reason why is very simple, CO2 absorbs sunlight – which is coming in parallel along the plane of the ecliptic then re-emits those photons in all directions – which creates a net cooling effect because less photons reach the earth’s surface. Thus the primary claim of AGW is false, increased CO2 causes cooling!
So why haven’t you heard of NASA’s CO2 measuring satellite? Wanna guess? It goes against the bullshit narrative they are pounding into your neurons.
Once you understand that CO2 is not controlling temperatures, I want you to think, if we are in an ice age, and we never left the ice age, and we are 8,000 years PAST the optimal (highest interglacial temps) what is the real problem? A continuation of the ice age! Our civilization is getting it ass backwards, the real threat is cooling, not warming!
Scrat says store more nuts!
So do you really want an electric car in the upcoming ice age? I do not, I want Detroit Iron.
We all live on Ferenginar now.
Elon is FCA chair serving Grand Nagus Trump.
Didn’t take long to get your war on.
Captain Bone Spurs is going to lead the charge all the way to Iran!
It literally is a war of all against all right now.
Can’t get funky with any of it.
Bibi hides in Miami, it’s a lot of pressure.
Makes you wanna powerbarf.
Trump’s Tikkun Olam campaign rolls out:
The Commander was all excited about the $5000 “rebate” from the Musker’s DOGE savings. I invoked the family motto “Don’t expect much that way you won’t be disappointed”. Sure enough, no more about that $5k ever to be heard.
Rinse repeat for the “no income tax for under $150,000 earners”.
And where is Pam Pam Blondi with those Epstein files? Uh huh.
Bomb Yemen while quacking about how Iran supports Yemen – writings on the wall now, Israhell is going to that war on Iran they’ve dreamed of for years using our blood and treasure.
Trump seems uniquely positioned to be the biggest lapdog president Israel has ever had.
He isn’t all that religious.
He doesn’t seem to have reason for much affinity to Israel.
Perhaps it is Ivanka & Jared’s influence.
Since he doesn’t read, he doesn’t have access to any information other than what he is told.
He owes Mrs. Adelson lots of favors.
Will he break all his promises to end wars and engage in some sort of fantasy about what someone says God wants?
Of course he’s not a nazi, and Trump is not Literally Hitler (Adolf’s cousin?).
But they’re both fascists.
At best they are somewhat less fascist than most Democrats. At worst they are just slightly differently fascist.
Unfortunately that’s the best we can do, folks. Enjoy it while you can. Not gonna get better. It’s only gonna get worse.
Really dislike the fact that my random used junk I sell on ebay is taxed because of trump’s 1st term. It was already taxed once when new, possibly again if I got it used, then again when I sell it
EBAY(Scam USA),,, what a joke that turned into. It’s almost unpossible to find decent used stuff. Everyone selling the same Chinese crap. You think the tax is bad. In some States you cannot use US currency at flea markets or private sellers to ensure they get their fair share. What did patriot Americans do? They ran out and got on the credit card payment systems so Uncle Scam could check their accounting easier.
Yep, used to be an enthusiastic ebayer. It used to be the nations garage sale, and a great way to sell used cars into a national market.
Then they went corporate. Then they started screwing the sellers blatantly, pushing little guys out. They adopted the leftist gun antipathy so it’s no longer possible to buy AR accessories and parts there.
Now even local garage sales embrace credit card payments. Short term smart, becoming a trusty at the camp entrance.
Unfortunately, nothing has replaced it, and the jealousy of state governments for sales taxes on used stuff (that’s already been taxed repeatedly) is a big part of that.
And the dark web? By its nature it’s hard to find. So it’s not suited to guys like me selling antique car parts and craft built things.
Elon will fux it.
Agreed on all of this. I am willing to pay a tarrif on imported manufactured goods to incentivise industry in this country. That’s the only thing I really like about this administration.
I suggest you take a tour of the rust belt.
A 25% tariff on a $3 piece of Tupperware made in Mexico is not enough incentive to:
1) Build new manufacturing facilities
2) Tolerate US regulations (OSHA, EPA, etc.)
3) Train skilled labor like tool and die makers
4) Tolerate US labor that doesn’t bother showing up for work the day after the Sportsball event de joiur. Can’t manage their childcare, etc.
5) Establish US based supply chain that isn’t itself subject to tariffs
As someone that spend 27 years in a manufacturing industry, this list only begins to scratch the surface. This delusion that tariffs are going to return industry to the US is just more stupid propaganda that people have swallowed.
Right on. Under Hoover I’s 1930 Smoot Hawley tariffs, the number of US automakers declined from 98 at the end of 1929 to 44 at the end of 1939. As the ferret-eyed George W Bush might have quipped, ‘You’re doin’ a great job, Herbie!’
An unseen issue with tariffs involves the US dollar’s role as a global reserve currency. As US tariffs slow imports, remittances of dollars overseas decline. This predictably sparks financial crises in peripheral countries with USD-denominated debt, which they can no longer service with reduced export revenue.
Early today, Indonesia’s stock market cracked by 7 percent. It’s reminiscent of the Asian contagion in July 1997 when Thailand devalued its baht currency, and then Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines also got hit with currency devaluations and capital flight. Devaluation wars are one way to offset tariffs, but they leave a mark.
Manufacturers die in a global depression, because demand evaporates as peeps hunker down and focus on survival. Tariff Man malfunctions:
Exit right to Funway!
Shoes for industry, compadre!
This way to the egress….
Burny, you’re right. It’s a complex nonlinear system, and it took a long time to cripple it and then smash it all to hell. But, by changing the incentives, you will change what happens. Short term, tariffs are going to suck. Longer term, in general, things are going to improve. Unless you keep rapacious progressive income taxes and regulations like EPA’s. If you keep those, then collapse is accelerated.
The way I see it, either way we win. If things improve, getting more free and less expensive to live, great. And if it accelerated the slow motion colllapse of America as a communist polity, then that’s ok too. Because being slowly ground into penury, milked of all your god given gifts and gains, is the worst alternative.
…if there even is a long term.
I’d say the way things are going, any given policy has a lifespan of about 4 years, max.
What is needed, is stability over 25, 50, 100 years. We may get that eventually but certainly not now or in the near future.
Precisely, Burn It.
Cart before the horse. I’m not even seeing dubious executive orders coming down the pipe alleviating any of that. Additionally, the only thing Congress has passed given both houses and the Presidency is a “Continuing Resolution”, i.e. business-as-ususl.
Problem is most of the imported goods are made offshore by American corporations. 90% of the trade deficit IS American corporations. Not only did Americans lose their yobs,,, Federales and States and locals lost their tax base but now we pay 25% more for it. For the idiots out there in wonderland,,, corporations DO NOT pay taxes. Their secret? The little people pay for EVERYTHING.
Hi swamp,
I would love to see more manufacturing move back to the US, but the goal of the tariffs is for other countries to decrease and lessen their tariffs.
I played this same game with my landlord back in January when the partnership contacted me and told me my rent was increasing another $400 a month (I am on a month to month lease)..that would have been a 20% increase! I chuckled and said “No problem the partnership’s monthly tax retainer will increase by $500 more per month (also a 20% increase).” Yep, I handle the accounting and taxes for the partnership’s RE ventures. Word got back to the landlord who got quite pissed, but it is now the middle of March and my rent hasn’t increased by a cent.
Sometimes you have to call their bluff. Other times fighting dirty is called for.
“I would love to see more manufacturing move back to the US,…”
Do you? At his website Cafe Hayek, Don Boudreaux repeatedly destroys the myth that U.S. manufacturing is being “hollowed out” and points out the facts relative to China’s manufacturing prowess.
Bravo, RG ! Reminds me of something a Navy Seal told me years ago…”If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.”
The term Nazi has become as overused as Fascist, Racist, White supremacist, Far-right, _____ Denier, Anti-vaxxer, etc. Such terms are now used as little more than pejoratives against people who go against liberal establishment narratives on various issues.
Nazi: One of many Marvel Comics supervillains routinely fought and vanquished by Marvel Comics superheroes
Should have read “Marvel Comics supervillain types,” or, “A type of Marvel Comics supervillain.”
Someday (may be many moons) the world will regain the upper hand over the USSA. First economically – then militarily.
Ask yourselves how well do you think your progeny will fare when they have become the target of the genocide?
Why do “Americans” never get tired of bombing brown people thousand upon thousands of miles away?
The Pentagram remains the enforcement arm of the Treasury/Fed, so the bombing must go on.
We could have normalized interest rates and let bankruptcies in 2008 – which would have been VERY painful, but the Boomers in charge weren’t willing to sacrifice their pensions and 401ks in the short term for long term gain/recovery.
At this point, the propped up dollar and phony stock market valuations have taken the place of a functioning and productive economy.
The desire of the American voting public to reconcile the long-overdue bills are practically nonexistent in 2025.
I’m afraid you are correct Flip
Excellent points, Eric. Only one thing would I respectfully disagree with is: “How about getting government out of the business of using OUR MONEY to make payments to Elon for his rockets?” I would argue that once the government appropriates our tax dollars, it’s no longer “our money,” it’s theirs. In the same way that when a thief steals someone’s money, the victim has no right to tell the thief how to spend “his” money (since it no longer belongs to the original owner). Once Uncle Scam takes our money, does it really matter what he spends it on (as long as it’s not being used it against us)?
Legally, a thief does not acquire title to stolen goods. If you buy a car with a forged VIN and the cops find it, they will seize it … and the loss is on you.
When the thief writes the laws, legal arguments go out the window. Jason is right, if a thief steals your money but promises to buy you something nice with it, you should probably just write it off as a loss.
Doge finding fraud and waste without prosecutions is a slap in the face to all the victims of this grand theft. I’m starting to think it’s a psy-op. “Look what we’re doing. What are you gonna do about it?”
The numbered pieces of metal denote cop ownership already.
Ron Paul at Lew Rockwell’s site this morning:
‘In an interview [last year] at the Libertarian National Convention, [Trump] criticized Biden’s warmongering to podcaster Tim Pool, saying, “You can solve problems over a telephone. Instead they start dropping bombs. Recently, they’re dropping bombs all over Yemen. You don’t have to do that.”
Indeed. You don’t have to do that — until you get your own phone call, conveying an order you can’t refuse.
Dr Paul continues: ‘To solve the Yemen problem we must understand it: … the Israeli demolition of Gaza … has been facilitated with US money and US weapons. It is the US doing Israel’s bidding both in Gaza and in the Red Sea that is painting a target on us and unnecessarily putting our troops at risk of retaliation.’
Israel is our misfortune.
‘Bombing brown civilians in far away countries doesn’t make you look strong: it makes you look American.’
Posted by: Savonarole | Mar 17 2025 18:56 UTC [moon of alabama]
You know what I’d do with
$33T$36.6T in debt?
‘In an interview [last year] at the Libertarian National Convention, [Trump] criticized Biden’s warmongering to podcaster Tim Pool, saying, “You can solve problems over a telephone. Instead they start dropping bombs.”
He said same thing in 2020: “You make some mistakes like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people —
But that was MAY 2024 when his candidacy was going nowhere–and he LOST in 2020 w/Netanyahu being the 1ST to congratulate Biden. Trump only took off once he promised to obliterate Iran all w/the fake assassination and jared kushner free, white ‘christian’ convention–who do you think cooked that up?
Trump was booed in May 2024: “When Trump took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of the crowd, Trump supporters, cheered him.
Shortly before he appeared, one Libertarian Party member shouted: “Donald Trump should have taken a BULLET!” Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the hostile reception.”
Musk (and Trump) working w/Chinese is no different from US Gov working w/Chinese to develop a virus to wipe out the population like we’re insects/cattle/chickens. Trump’s attitude toward the Palestinians (in Gaza, West Bank or here in US) cannot be any different than his attitude toward you and me. He seems to believe that only people/countries with ‘cards’ have a voice (might/money make right)–basically chinese, russia and US can carve the world among themselves. We must blindly support him as our king–otherwise (or if he just covets our property to build the french riviera) he can arrest, rob, kill or deport us. Will the next president overturn Trump’s last minute ‘pardons’ for millions?
“It’s true that Trump has slapped 20 percent tariffs on Chinese goods, ostensibly over China’s role in the global fentanyl trade, though these are less than the 60 percent tariffs he proposed on the campaign trail, or the 25 percent tariffs he has now slapped on Mexico and Canada. (Canada and European countries have earned Trump’s ire more than China, at least so far.)”
Saw a car dealership commercial for a “Pre-tariff” sale yesterday for new cars…
It was one of the cleverest & most prescient commercials I’ve seen in a long time, regarding what’s coming, LOL
Please plan accordingly, and tighten your belts, it will get bumpy shortly!!!
Raim Emmanuel, Obamanations chief of staff had a saying….’ never let a crisis go to waste,”,
And if one crisis isn’t not available, (((they’ll)))create it, offer their ((((desired))) solution , and get the Goyims to cheer it on… resulting in the Goyims destruction!!!!
Another day of whistling past the graveyard, slouching towards our destruction, by (((them)))….
Almost like there’s an agenda, eh???
Three weeks ago, while the ceasefire was still on:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration has approved a major nearly $3 billion arms sale to Israel, bypassing a normal congressional review to provide the country with more of the 2,000-pound bombs that it has used in the war against Hamas in Gaza. — Feb 28, 2025
This morning, those selfsame 2,000-pound bombs are being used to pound Gaza again. Savor the bad faith.
Who’s your Orange War Daddy?
‘there is a new war beginning against Yemen’ — eric
And this morning, Gaza, after Israel unilaterally broke the ceasefire after airing an improbable, unsubstantiated claim that Hamas was planning to attack again from their brokedown palace.
Circling back to Elon and DOGE, who found enormous grift in the tens of billions sent to corrupt Ukraine — how strange that not a penny of improper spending was found in the unprecedented $30 billion doled out to Israel last year!
It’s equally strange that an FBI under new management has not turned up a single spy from a little country whose loyalists and coreligionists are embedded in every nook and cranny of the US fedgov. Of course, when you’re not looking …
As the convicted spy Jonathan Pollard said when Netanyahu gave him a hero’s welcome to Israel four years ago, “The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I’m sorry, we’re Jews, and if we’re Jews, we will always have dual loyalty,” Pollard said in an interview published in Israel Hayom [owned by Trump’s benefactor Miriam Adelson], in his first extensive remarks since his release from prison in 2015. — JTA
The silence of the dogs that aren’t barking is deafening.
The story of a woman on the morning of a war
Remind me if you will exactly what we’re fighting for
Calling, calling for something in the air
Calling, calling, Netanyahu must be there
— Red Hot Chili Peppers, Easily