Don’t Burn Devices


Leftists who used to love Elon Musk’s devices – because by owning one, they could show everyone how deeply they believed the “climate” is “changing” – are showing that they didn’t really believe all that much in that, by smashing and torching Elon’s devices.

A great deal of actually harmful pollution is emitted by a burning device. Probably a great deal more in the half hour or so it takes to burn a device to the ground than emanates over the course of a year from the tailpipe of a vehicle that isn’t a device.

Apparently, the “climate emergency” isn’t such an emergency after all. It is more like an excuse. Kind of like “COVID” was.

The real emergency is political, of course. Leftists hate Elon now because he has allied himself – ostensibly – with the Right. Having used the Left to sell not just his devices but also the “climate change” narrative that is the rocket fuel propelling devices as such.

Not just his.

Elon’s devices served their purpose, which wasn’t just to make Elon very rich via the helping hand of government and the useful idiocy of the Leftists who bought his devices. Teslas were used to first sex up and then to normalize devices as not only necessary to prevent the “climate” from “changing” but also to market them – and those who bought them – as being “hip” and “with it.”

And – by implication – those who did not drive them weren’t.

This went on for years, relentlessly. Teslas were so cool – and so were those who drove them! They became the status symbol of choice for rich Leftists, which caused working and middle class people who weren’t Leftists to loathe them, for essentially the same reason Marie Antoinette was loathed.

Teslas were – and are – electric only incidentally. The main sell was their virtue – and now that that isn’t selling, neither are Elon’s devices. If the “climate” really were “changing” – note the impossible-to-pin-down construction – and  if it were true that getting people to buy and drive battery-powered devices was absolutely essential to prevent this “change” from occurring – then those who believe it was would have lined up to make their lifestyle congruent with their beliefs.

If they really did believe them.

Of course, they didn’t – as we now see. We’d have seen it sooner, if Tesla’s devices had been designed as if the “climate” really were “changing” and preventing that depended upon as many people as possible getting rid of their engine-powered vehicle in favor of a battery powered device. That would have required making devices as affordable – and practical – as possible, so that more people would want to drive a device and could afford a device. And that would have required not worrying about how quickly they get to 60 so as to reduce their weight in order to increase their range and lower their cost.

Instead, Tesla designed its devices to appeal to affluent Leftists who like to pretend they believe the “climate” is “changing.” But who are not willing to drive or even be seen driving a minimalist vehicle designed with maximum efficiency in mind, rather than how quickly-it-can-get-to-60 (and all the attendant bragging that comes along for that ride) as the main sell.

Interestingly, even that isn’t selling all-of-a-sudden. Teslas are still as quick as ever (and quicker-to-60 than almost anything with an engine) but that no longer seems to matter to the Leftists who bought Teslas and loved to talk about how very quick they were.

It no longer matters, of course, because Elon is no longer selling. Not to Leftists. Now it’s the Right that’s buying Elon – but not his (or any other) devices because while the Right now believes in Elon, it generally does not believe that the “climate” is “changing” and very much prefers vehicles with engines over battery powered devices.

The Left feels betrayed by Elon – and is expressing that by trashing and burning his devices. They have also begun to notice – just now! – that Teslas are dangerous. That they catch fire all by themselves and “self-drive” like Joe Biden right into things.

Leftists could have chosen to do what most of those on the Right have already done and simply not buy his devices. But they are angry – in the way a woman scorned often gets angry. How dare you!

One can almost hear them screech it.

Because, you see, it was never about the devices. Or for that matter about the “climate changing.” It was and is about Leftism. Tesla’s devices were merely the vehicle for expressing that without being honest about it.

Including with themselves.

The Leftists who bought Teslas wanted to look as though they believed the “climate” is “changing” without making any of the sacrifices that would be required if it actually were. What they want is for others – less affluent than themselves – to make the sacrifices. It is always thus with Leftists.

The main one in this instance being to make it so that most people can no longer afford to own a vehicle via the pushing of devices that only affluent Leftists can afford.

This was working pretty well until Elon began to do things that triggered the Left – none of which, interestingly, involved any change in his previous amen’ing of the narrative about the “climate changing.” Elon has never walked back his support for taxing “carbon” – probably because he’s made a fortune via the extortion racket of selling carbon credits. But he did call the Left “woke” and men who dress up like women he rather than “she” – and that cannot be forgiven.

Even if it means the “climate” is going to “change” on account of people not buying as many devices.

. . .

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  1. Here in NorCal Ol’ Man Winter did have a hard time letting go. Rain is forecasted for the Athletics home opener in Sacramento. Just like the original debut of the West Sacramento ballpark twenty-five years ago.

    • Did you get any, ‘Mud Rain’, or “Mud Snow’ like we did here in the Midwest recently?

      That was interesting. And, the car wash made a sheet ton extra from it.

  2. Sleazy Commerce ‘Secretary’ turns stock tout:

    ‘Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick, in an interview with Fox News, praised Musk as “the best entrepreneur, the best technologist, the best leader of any set of companies in America working for America.” Then, he suggested Americans buy Tesla stock.

    “I think, if you want to learn something on this show tonight: Buy Tesla,” Lutnick said. “It’s unbelievable that this guy’s stock is this cheap. It’ll never be this cheap again.”

    An aide in Trump’s first term called promoting Tesla stock a “bizarre, unforced error,” arguing it raises questions about the White House’s relationship to Musk.

    “The Commerce secretary’s job isn’t to play stockbroker on national television. But that’s exactly what happened,” the former aide said. “Lutnick didn’t just push a stock — he pushed a stock tied to the president’s top campaign donor.”

    “Lutnick’s” stock touting is clearly illegal. The SEC has strict rules for investment advisors. ‘Lutnick’ didn’t follow them.

    Time for the SEC to NAIL HIS HIDE TO THE WALL.

  3. Yeah right “topple temperature records”. Which is why it is going down to the low 40s tonight. On the first day of spring. On the gulf coast of FLORIDA.

    Maybe the meant record COLD but got misunderstood.

    • Hi Metal,

      Yup. Here in SW Va it is currently high 20s and the wind is howling. Of course that means the “climate” is “changing,” you see. Also, apologies for the delay in your post appearing; it got caught by the spam filter.

  4. Just out of curiosity, if Tesla had some Tesla vehicles that were to be disposed of (defective or duds) so to speak and Tesla just decided to burn them, how many laws and fines would they be hit with? the point is there would be dozens of fines for each occurrence, why aren’t the people who are caught being fined with those very laws.

  5. Interesting how the Left has a certain flexibility of their convictions. They can ignore those emergencies at the drop of a hat.

    Their “emergencies” are all bullshit, of course. Everything they do is designed to maximize power.

  6. My my…the schadenfreude is delicious. The left just had their version of John McCain (Schumer) settle the budget resolution with those evil republicans. Now they feel the sting of betrayal hosted by their former hero Elon. My liberal friend who bought an expensive Tesla 8-years ago and bought the Tesla stock no matter what price must be is a state of shock and confusion.

    I love it.

    As they said in Ferguson Missouri during the Micheal Brown riots: “Burn this bitch down!”

    • I dunno, Hans. Smells of divide & conquer. …It may be that your deliciousness is bought & paid for, and owned? Who knows? When you’re being ‘played’ by our Overlords, how would you know it? Idk.

      Perhaps, when your emotions fuel your thoughts?

  7. More useless tech that nobody asked for:

    Brakes go electric: First by-wire systems coming soon from ZF, Brembo

    ‘Traditional hydraulic brakes are about to be replaced by electric brake-by-wire systems that improve safety, shorten stopping distances and may lower consumers’ costs.’

    ‘improve safety … lower consumers’ costs’ — one of the ‘engineers’ in the video admits that the electrically-actuated caliper is more expensive. But the Lügenpresse deals in ideology, not facts.

    What do you want to bet that this ‘brake-by-wire’ crap is prompted by AEB (Automated Emergency Braking) coming in 2029? It’s just another reason to shun, shun, shun new vehicles until their makers go under the hammer at the Chapter 7 bankruptcy auction.

    • Jim, not all tech change is for the worse. We’ve used electric trailer brakes for many decades and they work great. They don’t absorb water and rot out, leak, or plug. They modulate much more effectively for ABS than electric over hydraulic, they don’t overheat and boil, etc. the real problem is that they aren’t physically connected like mechanical or hydraulic, and they don’t fail safe like air brakes.

      Different, but maybe with some advantages.

      Your point about technology being abused by usurping and overbearing government, of course, is always valid.

      • Didn’t think about electric trailer brakes; good point.

        But your observation that they don’t fail safe is important too. Hydraulic systems usually give clues when something is wrong — like when the rear brake line rusted through on my Jeep Grand Cherokee. Pedal was noticeably soft, but the front brakes still worked.

        Whereas an electronic or software glitch can mean total malfunction. Okay, I’ll just pull the emergency brake handle to slow down … oh wait, there isn’t one! 🙁

        • Man, just let this one sit out there: “Okay, I’ll just pull the emergency brake handle to slow down … oh wait, there isn’t one! 🙁

    • Wow Jim, that scares the crap out of me that the industry is actually moving forward on this. Thanks for breaking the news.

      I did a paper on this subject for brakes class in college in 2014. The calipers might be more expensive, but the system would be cheaper if they were allowed to make a brake caliper like a fuel injector. Massive savings with the ABS unit, it would just be a program. Not to mention all the brake lines, hoses, ect., several thousand dollars saved per vehicle once mass production can be ramped up.

      In the Orwellian Device future, “The future of braking is electronic”. At least it is the perfect thing for anyone looking to put profits over safety. Not Saaaafffteey but safety, it’s frightening the thought of not having a physical connection to your life, and the potential for hacking or electrical disruption.

      The 2018ish Honda NSX was a test to see if they could legally put this stuff out there.

      It would be a lot safer if it were acting against a giant spring or something, some way to make them “fail-safe”, but that takes away from the low costs and ease of assassination I suspect is why this is even on the table. Tin foil hat firmly affixed.

      Say it ain’t so, I ain’t gettin’ in one of those things.

      • Also, from the computer gaming world, you’d be surprised how real you can make a dead pedal feel hydraulic with a spring device with an air pocket in it.

      • “brakes class in college”? I didn’t knowed there was such a thing. Glad there is. If it is. Might be good for some folks? Impresses me they teach it.

        Also, git it on tight, did you notice the drivers left hand reach-around draw to take out the back seat passenger? …Pay attention, now.

        Do you ever look up & see the geo-engineering, which ain’t happening, and has never happened, and they swear on a stack of … aluminum dirt it never did, and an army of official pilots will descend upon you like a pack of Kamikaze coyotes if you disagree with the official narrative and you will be made to pick up litter from the ditch on the side of the busiest hyway in the country if you won’t eat cupcakes while standing on one foot while saying, “Up. Is, down.” . ?

        Now, repeat after me: I do, – insert name – solemnly swear, to seek the truth. Not the truth fed to me on a spoon. The real truth, wherever, it may lead.

        Hab a nice day & hug someone you Love. …Or, find a stranger, & make their day?

      • It is so, Steve –

        And for two reasons: Increased profits and increased control (over us). As you say, having no physical control over a critical function is something I want no part of. Worse, though, is the fact that systems such as this can be controlled externally – by whomever/whatever has the ability to send instructions – “updates” – to the device. But I dread that a majority of the cattle out there will just mooooo and buy in.

  8. “A great deal of actually harmful pollution is emitted by a burning device.”

    Which is a good reason not to breathe it. I remember when Idaho banned the recycle yards from purchasing burned copper wire – people would strip wire out of cars and stuff then burn it to remove the insulation – because they get far more per pound for bare wire – it caused severe harm to the hillbillies doing it, not to mention all those toxins eventually get washed out of the air and end up in the creek and in the trout in pristine wilderness. You can’t see it but it can be measured in a sample. Recycling Teslas is problematic like nuclear reactors – just what do we do with the waste.

    The looney Left’s stance on burning Teslas is very interesting, how do their minds work, not like mine I can tell you. There is a complete absence of logic and reasoning, they seem to be run by emotions and it is expressed as irrational violence toward whatever they hate that particular day. What I see is Trump 2.0 is like 1.0, protests, violence, burnings. And what Trump is stirring up domestically is nothing to what the orange MIGA pig is doing to Gaza and the war he is trying to provoke in Iran.

    Trump has completely ruined his presidency with his pro-Israel policies, he is a damn fool and destined to fail, the rest of the world is not amused by Israel and genocide, funding and arming Israel is insane. I wonder out loud, is Trump mentally ill?

    • Hi Jack,

      I agree. Leftists are mentally ill. Leftism is a derangement of mind. The typical Leftist can best be understood as an entitled, narcissistic child that occupies an adult body. It wants. It hates. And when it does not get what it wants, it really hates – and expresses that. We saw this play out during the “pandemic” when we had to deal with these maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaask-pushing nutjobs. Speaking of that, I have a fresh Diaper Report coming!

    • Let me explain the thought process (not mine, but I know it too well).

      Israel has been fighting with irs neighbors since it stole their land. It’s also been committing atrocities since well before it was a state.

      If you support the hell out of Israel, and let them have a big win, and it happens fast enough, things will settle down and be forgotten under the incessant 120dB wailing of the media about the next big thing. Since the influence of Israel on the US is far out of proportion to its size, with rich New York Jews controlling or heavily influencing everything, it is not possible politically to stand against them. Also, they have the Samson option, so if they get pressed too hard they can likely gin up WW3.

      Trump is pragmatic. He picks his battles and sets priorities. His claimed expertise is negotiating, and he appears to be pretty good at it. Ukraine, for instance, he has made outrageous overtures to Russia, which obviously have no chance to succeed. But you start bidding as high as you can, so as to have some room to get to a better result.

      It’s fascinating to watch.

      • I wouldn’t go so far as to promote the invincibility of JEW$, especially with the amount of information coming out about the JFK assassination.
        Talking heads on various news outlets are already suggesting that a CIA mossad operation was used to take out JFK.
        That one aspect doesn’t favor the JEW$.
        You see, JFK signed executive orders requiring israel to abide by international nuclear arms agreements as well as requiring jewish lobbying organizations to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department.
        As soon as LBJ assumed the presidency, all executive orders concerning israel were revoked.

        • I’m well aware, but it’s like attacking a well laid out machine gun nest. It’s going to cost you heavily. Politically it’s best to bypass it until conditions change. Sun Tzu had a lot to say about this kind of thing.

    • ‘What I see is Trump 2.0 is like 1.0; protests, violence, burnings.’ — Yukon Jack

      By whom? Here’s a clue:

      Over the next few days you’re going to see an organized protest effort at Tesla stores put together by a group called Indivisible.

      ‘George Soros’ foundation has given Indivisible nearly $8 million for their “activism”.

      Indivisible’s founders are ‘Ezra Levin’ and his wife ‘Leah Greenberg.’ They became “resistance” figures during Trump’s first term and their work is celebrated by elected Democrats.


      Every. Single. Time.

  9. If this doesn’t prove the moral & intellectual bankruptcy of the modern left & the modern Democrat Party, I don’t know what does. Just a few years ago, they LOVED Teslas and wanted to FORCE people who weren’t wealthy to drive a Tesla (or some other EV) with the excuse of climate change. But now that Elon Musk is in the Trump 2.0 administration, these same people have been setting fires to Teslas and even shooting up Tesla dealerships, while wishing to DISARM ordinary citizens like the Democrat supermajority legislature in Oregon wants to do.

    And lest people forget, at the height of COVID hysteria/ COVID jab mania, Democrats/ $#!+ libs also wanted to severely punish those who refused to wear face diapers everywhere AND be guinea pigs for Big Pharma.

    • Nothing will. It was plain as day when they protested Bush, then Obama got in doing the same things-often worse, and almost no one protested anything. These people will go to the grave never seeing the error in their logic.

      • Hi Anchar,

        You could be right. Notice how NONE of them have ever apologized to those they deemed “Superspreaders of misinformation”, “Grandma killers”, “Anti-vaxxers”, “Science deniers”, etc., for defying nonsensical COVID diktats despite the fact that people who questioned “The COVID narratives” ended up being RIGHT. Instead, to this day, many of them are STILL MAD at those who got COVID RIGHT.

        • Not only is the left mad that they were wrong about covid, but they go further by blaming us un-jabbed for the health problems they are now dealing with after said jab. The one they were willing to destroy us over if we did not take it.

          • Hi Shadow,

            As I’m sure you know, these same people censored those who warned against the COVID jabs. Social media even censored people who took the “vaccines” but ended up having permanent, life altering injuries as a result and tried telling their stories.

  10. The good news is that all of Enron’s devices are covered in cameras and microphones that can aid law enforcement in finding the “terrorism” suspects.
    Quite the curiosity that none of his supporters or detractors seem to care about his mobile spying and data mining operations.

  11. Tesla shares are priced at 229 USD this morning.

    The PE is 116.

    A normal PE at 11 puts Tesla shares at 22.90 USD.

    The school of hard knocks will teach Elon a thing or two about a thing or two.

    Elon needs to stick around, there is a lot to learn.

        • Hannity used to be believable when he first started. Now he is just a shill for those in power. I can’t stand to hear him now. What a phony! I used to listen to Mike Church until Patriot XM canceled him.

          • Hannity is a hasbara shill whose U. S. citizenship should be revoked and should be deported to israel (occupied Palestine).
            While I was listening to his radio show on the way home from work, a caller asked him about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) by israel on June 8, 1967.
            Hannity stammered a bit and declared: “israel is our friend and would never have done such a thing” (his exact words). I damn near ran off the road when I heard THAT.
            For Hannity to declare that a well-documented historical event “did not happen” is merely more PROOF that he is owned “lock stock and barrel” by israel.
            When it comes to expending American troops for israel’s interests, Hannity never found a “war” that he did not like.
            In fact, israel’s favorite military song is “Onward Christian Soldiers”.
            I have absolutely no respect for Hannity or other of his ilk.

            • I listen to Hannity and Mark Levin at work on KMED – both are slavish Jew loving pigs. Of course, you can not be a radio host unless you lick the Rabbi anus. Did you hear Tel Aviv is under missile attack and they closed Ben Gurion airport? Jew rats now trapped in the hell of their own making. Trump caused it with his airstrikes – the orange MIGA turd just spoiled the Zionist punchbowl – orange turd just fucked around and found out. BTW France told all it’s citizens to immediately leave Iran.

              • Amen, Jack –

                Listening to Hannity, Levin, et all fellate “Bibi” is not something I am often able to do. The good news is the “anti-Semite” catcall is losing its puissance via overuse. People hear it and sigh. Not again. Oy vey!

          • I personally never liked Hannity. He was a follow on act, attempting to ride the popularity of the phenomenon that was Rush Limbaugh. Rush was smart, classy, and funny, Hannity was not in so many ways.

      • Women should probably be worried about sex robots, as their monopoly will be threatened. Hoeflation is probably at it’s peak right now and likely to be headed in a downward trajectory soon. Maybe a good thing to restore the balance of power between the sexes.

    • Which Elon is that? The one running Tesla or the one running SpaceX or the one following Donald Trump around or the one playing video games for hours a day or the one running X or the one tweeting on X 24/7?

    • Has Elon ever experienced any existential difficulty in his life ?

      If not hes likely just a very lucky yet simple uneducated fool.

  12. China’s ugly little secret involving EeeVees:

    ‘In Shanghai, a 32-year-old finance worker named Rui Rui said he had saved about 100,000 RMB (about $13,800) just on licence-plate fees alone by buying an EV.

    ‘However, Dr Tinglon Dai of Johns Hopkins said it would be a mistake to think Xi is pushing EVs purely for the climate, or even the economy.

    “It’s more of a geopolitical move – a way to get to the top of the food chain of a high-end, high-status industry,” Dai said. “It’s worth it even if they lose money – and they don’t seem to be losing money right now, given the incredible economies of scale.”

    We’ve seen this sad story of ‘national champion’ industries before. In the 1950s, Chairman Mao thought every podunk village should have its own steel mill. Millions starved.

    In the ‘jet set’ era of the 1960s, every developed country had a national champion airline for prestige reasons. All of them lost money. Most went bankrupt.

    But it’s different this time with EeeVees. /sarc

    And by the way, $13,800 in license plate fees to drive in Shanghai, waived for EeeVees?

    Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch! — Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto

    • Jim,

      This is an interesting perspective – I’ve heard about the car rules in Shanghai as I have a friend from there who is fairly well off, and he tells how they restrict anything but an electric car for everyone. Ofcourse for his crowd it doesnt matter – but most normal people get electrics, which is why that industry is booming. But I always wondered why – the official narrative is “for the environment” and to avoid pollution…. but I suspect it has more to do with dominating the new industry.

  13. ‘The real emergency is political, of course.’ — eric

    Warmunist brain damage:

    ‘In its annual State of the Climate report, the World Meteorological Organization laid bare all the markings of an increasingly warming world.

    ‘The report attributed the heating to human activity — like the burning of coal, oil and gas — and in a smaller part to the naturally occurring El Nino [sic] weather phenomenon. An El Nino [sic] formed in June 2023 and dissipated a year later, adding extra heat and helping topple temperature records.’

    Patently absurd. El Niño [which APe News’ monkeys on typewriters don’t know how to spell] can only redistribute heat, not ADD it.

    This is what happens when technological illiterates are empowered to scribble disinformation for ideologues with an agenda.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

    • And that, boyz and gurls, is why temperatures in SoCal have been ~10°F below average all this winter (2024-2025). Global warming, you see.
      Don’t worry though. The chocolate ration will soon be increased!

      • A massive terminal drought between Tucson and Reno is being completely ignored by media as well. Extremely dry. Palms in Beatty by motel are all dead. Dead.

      • Aaah yes. Chocolate rations increase to 25 grams next week. Never mind it was higher last week. Put a “sale” sign up for merchandise and increase the price and few are any the wiser.


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