You may have seen the video of the Florida law enforcer who decided the laws – against “speeding” and then fleeing from an enforcer of the law – do not apply to him.
The enforcer was observed – by another enforcer – driving 80 MPH on a secondary road with a posted speed limit of half that fast, which in some states is considered prima facie reckless driving and grounds for arrest. The second enforcer wheels around and pursues the first enforcer, reaching speeds of 100 MPH on the same road in order to catch up with the first enforcer – who executes illegal passes over the double yellow and runs a stop sign along the way.
When the pursuing enforcer finally catches up to the speeding enforcer, he doesn’t order him to STOP! Get on the ground, NOW! – at gunpoint, probably – as he almost certainly would have had it been anyone other than enforcer who drove 100 MPH on a road with a 45 MPH speed limit.
Instead, he asks the speeding enforcer whether he’s going to pull over. Implying it is an optional request that he is free to ignore. Which – as it turns out – is just exactly what it was.
The first enforcer – wearing the obligatory mirrored sunglasses and Hut! Hut! Hut! gear – refuses to respect the Authoritah of the other enforcer. “I’m going into work, my man” says the speeding enforcer. Try that excuse yourself on an enforcer the next time you drive 100 MPH on a road with a 45 MPH speed limit and flee from an enforcer. Try refusing to hand over your license, then try getting back in your vehicle and speeding off – blowing through a red light along the way.
But never mind. The first enforcer has immunity from enforcement – literally.
Initially, the enforcer was charged with two felonies, including fleeing and eluding. The enforcer was also “relieved” – as it is styled – of his “duties.” As if he were a soldier, which many enforcers consider themselves to be.
Just a few months after all this happened, all was forgiven. And more. The enforcer who drove 100 MPH on a road with a 45 MPH speed limit, refused to stop for another enforcer, refused to comply with the commands of the enforcer and then just took off had all the charges dropped and his record expunged. Meaning there is no longer any official record of his crimes, including the one – fleeing and eluding – that would render anyone else who had such a conviction on their recor
d uninsurable for at least a decade.
But enforcers get treated differently by the courts – because they are enforcers. The charges were first plea-dealt to what is styled a “diversion,” which is the prequel to them being dropped – and finally, expunged. Meaning, it is as if it never happened. The enforcer’s record is now clean.
Even worse than that, this enforcer is back out there enforcing the very same laws he is free to disregard.
He is “back on duty” – serving on the thin blue line. It is the one that separates them from us in more ways than just one.
. . .
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The real solution is re-codifying jury rights.
Hmm, “jury rights”… you mean, a group of our, “peers”? As in, those idiots in traffic?
Or, that guy holding the sign at the intersection, “will work for food” but, when you offer him a job, he runs away?
I’m not following you there. How are idiots, The Solution? Do tell.
…Oh wait, you mean that guy who voted for Tim Waltz?
Oh crap. Does this error mean I’m gonna get a lotta spam?
All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others. Ugh, and they wonder why most people loath the cops/state troopers/sheriffs.
There are NO good cops. That sums it all up.
Well that’s not right. They probably got rid of the charges because they are hard up for new officers and they cant have a record like that on their department roster. But- dude, be late to work and take you licks for that. The charges should have stuck in this case.
There is some leeway cops provide for all other first responders including doctors, nurses, and bank employees (no cop wants to respond to a false bank alarm because the doors were not opened on time in the morning), but not like that.
Also mail trucks- the post office gets away with everything outside running someone over. Their drivers don’t need licenses. They park and drive every which way across lanes and violating signs, speed limits, no parking zones, ect. They are either violating traffic laws or trading grievances in the back room when not moving mail. There is essentially no enforcement on the mail carriers, and hardly any on foreign plates as well from Canada or Mexico.
The irony of it, had the speeding hero not been an asshole to the cop trying to stop him, The second cop PROBABLY WOULD have let him go on his way…… But since he threatened the “authority” of the second it ramped up the heat, and nobody then wants to back down.
Expunge the old-fashioned way. Sort of.
Is there any doubt we live in a caste system?
Those who make the laws and those who work for them are treated more equal than the rest.
This story isn’t just about bad cops. It’s about bad prosecutors and too much government.
Many high-speed chases end badly. Seems there once was a
movement to end them. With today’s surveillance options
no need to endanger others. Or better yet, end the
dim-witted concentration on “speeders”.
No Victim = No Crime
In Florida there are a lot of roaming unmarked police vehicles,
dark grey or black, cars and SUVs
One word: radio.
Morning, libertyx!
You nailed it when you wrote, “end the dim-witted concentration on “speeders.” Exactly. The speed limit is not like one of those barriers separating a room in which lethal materials are kept that must never be transgressed because doing so correlates directly with death. Yet that is precisely the assertion/justification made as regards punishing “speeders.” Why not, instead, just hold responsible people who cause harm with their vehicles? It’s a simple, objective standard and no one who isn’t a psychopath objects to being held responsible for causing harm when they cause them. But people who aren’t psychopaths rightly resent being hassled – and mulcted – over “speeding.” Because they know they haven’t harmed anyone.
In this small town under full video surviellance, flush with billionaires with its crime rate at the square root of negative one, WHY are there ANY AGW at all?
Perhaps lotsa the millionaire minions are you know whats?
They LOVE pigs and train the brutal trash worldwide.
Armed Government
WorkersWarriorsTrump is bombing everybody and their brother everywhere. Law enforcer gone wild.
Flyin’ over the cuckoo’s nest and shark jumping at the same time. Just plain guilty, the way it is.
It’s not how you do it.
There needs to be a internet accessible database for every single cop, FBI agent, LEO, etc. so that all this shit can be documented for use by the citizenry (on the roadside, in court, in social settings, etc.). This would be very helpful when you come in contact with one you can quickly pull up his rap sheet and then act accordingly.
This would be a massive undertaking and would require crowdsourced info and probably moderators to ensure that it is not corrupted by them (the same way Wikipedia has).
When AGW’s feel no compunction to obey laws and respect other AWG’s then there is a systemic problem nationwide.
Watch an AGW arrest a Fireman because he didn’t move his rig fast enough to clear traffic while the Fireman was attending to and protecting crash victims. (Also, when asked to loosen the torture cuffs the AWG tightens them.)
If you don’t take care of your enforcers, you cannot rule over others. This has been known forever, Machiavelli wrote about it.
Which is why cops in general are unconstitutional, there is no privileged class in a free republic. The citizens are armed as well or better than the government, and empowered by a jury system to judge those who defend themselves on the merits of the act and not on proximity to power or wearing of a costume with a badge.
But all this is ancient history, unknown to media saturated, public schooled characters.
We’re at the in between time where the system doesn’t quite work but it is still usually possible to live around it. As it continues to fall apart, the cost of maintaining the enforcers will get higher and higher, until they go freelance and most of them start shaking down people on their own.
Nothing is new under the sun.
I’ve long said that LEOs should be held to a much HIGHER standard than that imposed on us ordinary people, since their enforcement includes the threat of murder.
I agree as well, John, but you know hell will freeze over first before that happens
A “tough on crime” bitch District Attorney in a county of 1 million+ people fled a traffic stop for going 20 over, argued with the cop, told him she “didn’t care” she was going 20 over, said “I know the law better than you,” refused to give her license, went into her house, called his chief, flashed her badge, called him an “asshole” and told him to “get out of my fucking house.”
That’s felony eluding and obstruction for any of us peasants, resulting in a gun in our face, screams of “Git on the fuckin’ ground! Lemme see yer fuckin’ HANDS!” and, if we are LUCKY, only getting tasered, cuffed, and charged with a felony instead of shot.
For Princess DA? Mewling courtesy and begging her to understand…
Hi X,
Yup. All of these are object lessons about the reality of the situation. My hope is that people begin to understand that “LEOs” are not “heroes” but just the enforcers of the law – as they themselves state – except when it comes to themselves and other special people.
RE: “My hope is that people begin to understand that “LEOs” are not “heroes”.
I’ve regretfully come to the conclusion that your hope is misplaced. Perhaps, in a generation or two? I’ve been watching the remake of, ‘Magnum P.I.’. While watching it, I can’t help but think of the endless stream of chick-flick-like demi-dramas on the TeeVee made to suck people into the idea that our dear beloved cops just can’t do something like turn a left hand over the shoulder & do the dirty.
Or, if they can, they are, ‘The exception’. As if, the barrel isn’t rotten. ?
The, “LEOs are heroes” crowd, and the, “Covidians”. ….They’re lost. But, they are like Army Ants.
‘The Naked Jungle’
I hope I am wrong.
I hope so, too – but (like you) I worry I am wrong.
As long as the cop in violation continues to bring the loot in for the government, all will always be forgiven and forgotten. The court system isn’t about justice at all. It is all about fleecing the citizens of their money and property (an unofficial IRS for state & local jurisdictions). And don’t get me started about the oath to tell the truth. It’s a who can out lie who.
‘expunged. Meaning, it is as if it never happened.’ — eric
Once I went through the procedure of having a meritless arrest — which led to no conviction — expunged. Cost me several thousand in legal fees.
In retrospect, probably I wouldn’t bother. At the time, I was concerned about professional licensure. Now I don’t need need stinkin’
badgeslicenses.Man, Jim H., you come off as a high minded British Officer in 1700 when you write this: “Once I went through the procedure of having a meritless arrest — which led to no conviction — expunged.”
At any rate. That’s good. F-’em & feed ’em fish heads.
[Oh, I see I’ve exceeded my time limit. Oh dear. I must copy, paste & refresh. Crap. Damn Bots.] …Be quick about it!