An interesting story broke the other day about Hino Motors – which is a subsidiary of Toyota that makes commercial vehicles such as heavy trucks diesel engines – “defrauding” the United States because its diesel engines “emitted” more than the regulatory apparat of the United States says are allowed.
The amount of these “emissions” is not specified. More finely, explained in context.
It is likely they are of a piece with the “emissions” that forced VW to recall every vehicle (11 million of them) it sold with a “noncompliant” diesel engine back in 2015, when the federal apparat decided it had to go Inspector Javert on VW to get rid of the low-cost/tremendous range (700 miles on a full tank) diesels the company was selling up to that time – because of the embarrassment the existence of these vehicles presented when juxtaposed with the battery powered devices that were just beginning to be seriously pushed by the apparat.
It was essential to get these VWs off the market because VW was the only car company that offered diesel engines in affordable vehicles such as the Golf and Jetta and Beetle, all of which cost less than $25k and could go 50-plus miles on a gallon of fuel (which all by itself reduces “emissions,” a fact that did not matter to the apparat).
The handful of other car companies that also offered diesel engines were almost entirely luxury bands such as Mercedes and BMW and Audi, which only offered them in expensive models which for that reason did not present an embarrassing point of comparison with $50k-plus battery powered devices from Tesla, et al.
The lie that was sold at the time was that VW’s diesels “emitted” what was styled – repeatedly and in exactly the same way by seemingly every outlet of the Lugenpresse – “up to 40 times” more than the allowable amount specified by the apparat. It was pure hysteria-porn, of a piece with the way – a few years later – the same Lugenpresse repeated en masse the hysteria-porn about “the cases,” implying that every “case” was equivalent to a fatality when in fact most of these “cases” didn’t even end up in the hospital, let alone the funeral home. Better than 99 percent of these “cases” got a cold – and got over it.
The “up to 40 times” part was technically true. The part they omitted – deliberately, because there’s no other way to account for this gross misrepresentation of the degree of the asserted offense – is that it was “up to 40 times” a fraction of a percent. Kind of like the way “the cases” were conflated with everyone being not merely at risk of catching a cold but at risk of dying.
The same is almost certainly the case as regards Hino’s diesel engines. They are probably as “clean” as VW’s TDI engines weren’t “dirty.” The problem is they’re still diesels – and diesels are an affront to the electrification agenda. In this instance, specifically with regard to the (forced) electrification of trucking and other commercial forms of transportation. Diesels have the range for that while devices do not. There is no way any commercial operation is going to voluntarily electrify its fleet. Therefore, the alternatives to electrification must be forced off the market.
If it sounds familiar that’s because it is.
Because nothing has changed.
“Companies who intentionally evade our nation’s environmental laws, including by fabricating data to feign compliance with those laws, deserve punishment and will be held criminally accountable,” said the EPA’s acting enforcement chief, Jeffrey Hall. Mind, the election has happened and it is no longer the Biden Thing’s EPA apparat that is pursuing Hino (and so, Toyota) like Inspector Javert did Jean Valjean.
This is emanating from – being emitted by – the Trump apparat’s EPA. Lee Zeldin – who replaced Michael “Red Guard” Regan as head apparatchik of the EPA after the Biden Thing was sent mumbling-shuffling off to stare vacantly at the ocean on the Delaware shore – is allowing the Javert-like persecution of Hino (and so, Toyota) which means he approves of it.
Thus, Hino (and so, Toyota) must pay $1.6 billion in penalties, which is interesting not just because of the sum but also because of the – ahem – “victim.” As in the VW case, not one actual human victim of Hino’s “crime” was brought forth. As in the VW case, it was the government’s authority that was affronted – and the penalties for that are always far more severe than those applied when someone is actually harmed. They are severe even when no one is harmed, which is really the take-home point here.
Though that’s not exactly accurate in that many people have been harmed – by the persecution of Hino (and so, Toyota). Who do you suppose will pay the $1.6 billion? It will come out of the pockets of Toyota shareholders and customers, who will be given the bill in the form of lower returns and higher prices. “Hino said in January it booked an extraordinary loss of 230 billion yen, or about $1.54 billion, in its second quarter results in October to cover the expected litigation costs.” That’s not counting the other $1.6 billion imposed by the apparat.
It will be paid by those purchasing goods moved by commercial conveyances made more expensive by dint of “noncompliance.” And by the costs of compliance.
Wasn’t Trump’s elections supposed to result in a change in direction?
. . .
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Off topic, but has anyone experienced the speedometer and tach on their F-150 suddenly going dead, and all the idiot lights coming on? I figure it might be a ground somewhere, but so far haven’t found anything obviously wrong.
The truck runs fine, otherwise, BTW. The fuel, voltage and oil pressure gauges work, but the temperature gauge does not…
RE: “and all the idiot lights coming on”
Ha! Press, CTRL + ALT + Delete. And, restart.
There’s a song in there, somewhere. …Or, a movie which has already been made?
What year is it? Also, do you have mice?
…I so miss my ’78 F-150. And, my ’69 GMC w/the granny gear.
I had a vehicle back in the day & it’s speedometer didn’t work. What a sweat-fest that was while going past the local speedtrap & every cop. Like being Luke Skywalker raising his visor, …
If only, driving according to conditions, was a known thing. Eh?
What really gets me, Eric (math problems aside), is that China, India, and Russia sure as hell are not going to do this EPA crap. So why in the hell should the U.S. be bent over and forced to bend over to people who would just soon see us walk everywhere before they summarily shoot us? And is anyone (the mainstream sheep) even tired of this yet? Apparently not.
Ahh, hahaha! “What really gets me, Eric (math problems aside),”
Crack me Up.
But, seriously. You point out the fact nobodies wanna notice.
Much like this bit: “U.S. industrial capacity is today at an all-time high and 12% larger than it was in December 2001, when China joined the WTO”.
Disturbing facts to the Dummkopf crowd in the echo chamber.
To, “level the playing field”: git rid of the EPA and other crap handicaps holding people back from competing with the rest of the world.
…Oh, & stop funding Geo-engineering. That might help, too.
Hey Helot,
It’s a 2008 and there are many rodents about. Perhaps it’s too late for Star Wars references tonight. Does not compute.
Until mañana…
In the A.M., maybe look for chewed wires?
Or, sand every contact point?
Or, just hit it with the BFH a couple of times?
3 – 3 = 0
I spent much time yesterday looking for chewed wires, but found none. Lots of bullshit wiring going everywhere, however, so I know I can’t see everything. Sanding every contact point… Isn’t going to happen.
And was is a BFH? Is that like the BFG in Doom?
Big Fucking Hammer.
So yes!
And I just might do that. Seems like a rational solution to me.
Doing the Captcha math before writing the comment seems to be working well, BTW.
Oh, is that the reason for the math problem before posting a comment, Eric. Hey, look at the bright side, I did not grow up with the Common Core crap, and still remember many of my multiplication tables-bwa ha ha!
If you are a conservationist, that is, you abhor wastefulness, then cars that cost less than $25k and could go 50-plus miles on a gallon of fuel are what we need.
If you are an environmentalist, that is, you worship nature, then we need EVs.
“If you are an environmentalist, that is, you worship nature, then we need EVs.”
Correction: “If you are an environmentalist, then you are an ENVious, IRONic, MENTALly ill person”! lol
A.k.a. .”..a totalitarian socialist whose real objective is to revive socialism and economic central planning under the subterfuge of “saving the planet” from capitalism. He is “green” on the outside, but red on the inside, and is hence appropriately labeled a “watermelon.”
>They women playing this crap are homosexual anyway…
Women rugby players are legit, tough as nails.
I dunno, Josh. You say, “Women, ~ tough as nails”.
You know what, Much of the world thinks women shouldn’t be, “tough as nails”. Rather, they should be the soft touch of Moms.
There’s lotsa, anti-Mom in the world.
That bit, “legit” – it’s got some meaning, too, seems twisted the way you used it:
Sure, they work out and will become muscular, so won’t be June Cleaver or Playboy in appearance. But you’re assuming “tough” is only a description of their outward physical attributes? My wife played up to the collegiate level (as I did, although I played club hockey) and she’s been a great mom, which isn’t solely due to her fitness habits.
Martin Armstrong had a post up last night regarding violence against Tesla owners and deranged Musk haters setting Teslas on fire. Ironically, prior to 2025, most if not all Tesla owners were likely liberals who wanted to virtue signal how “Green” they were. Just a few years ago, if a “Climate emergency” was declared, they might have advocated violence against owners of gas vehicles & doxxing them. If this isn’t nipped in the bud, innocent people could end up getting seriously injured or even killed.
Recent Tesla confrontation near Seattle:
Not the brightest bulb, guy cuts her off and she stops? Then opens the window to talk? Soon as he got out shoulda run his a** over.
In the past, you always come across to me as kinda smart. Kinda GenX, maybe? But, this, ” Soon as he got out shoulda run his a** over.”
That’s kinda, dumb. ..As in, askin’ for it, dumb.
He cuts her off, gets out of the car, and heads towards her – yep, hit the gas before something else bad happens from his actions.
Sparkey and Smart – both start with S !!
Since this kind of thing doesn’t have the same sensation of “men in womens sports” or some such nonsense, it will likely continue. I don’t understand conservatives obsession with that issue, wanting to take up for “womans sports.” Women shouldn’t be playing contact sports.
They women playing this crap are homosexual anyway…
That’s a Very good point, Bobby Riggs. Very.
Yes, I agree, “Women shouldn’t be playing contact sports”. No body much says anything like that anywhere. It should be said more.
BUT, I am not King of the World, : Volleyball, swimming and track are not “contact sports”. STill, guys should not be in those sports with women.
The Land of the Blind? … Either: we have a culture. Or, we do not.
Speaking of defrauding, have you guys seen this bit?:
Party City. Joann’s. Forever 21. Big Lots. ALL COLLAPSING.
But this isn’t just “retail struggling.” This is financial arson.
Private equity rigged the system. They built a time bomb. And now? It’s detonating.
[It’s a series of super-short video segments stung together as one. That young woman impressively seems to know her stuff.]
If you don’t already you should check out John Titus, too. He’s been doing a series about the FED lately but it dovetails with what she’s saying. The FED has monetized equities since 2008 and exponentially during COVID as a cover. They know they can’t get away with the same TBTF tricks again and can’t quite legally operate without Congressional oversight, but they’re trying.
Good stuff, Thom – thanks!
Also, apologies to you and everyone else about the changed anti-spam stuff; hopefully we can go back to normal soon.
We’re never going back to, “normal” eric. That ship has sailed.
E-gads, just tried to return an item bought at Walgreens with cash 2 days ago. The idgits running the cash register – & the manager – couldn’t do it without demanding ID, or at least an ID #,… and, an address. How’s, “Iowa”, for an address? Psft!
Technocracy is a spreading. Like, The Blob.
One thing I forgot to ask is, how many car companies, or parts manufacturers, got caught up in that same thing?
How wide is this net?
I’m sure it’s also coincidence that Toyota is one company who does not plan to jump in the deep end of EVs, instead focusing on hybrids. Probably, you know, since they don’t want to go out of business.
This website is now corrupted useless garbage
So long its been good to know ya
Hi Rain,
What’s corrupted?
He prolly didn’t like doing the math. And, if he was a bit slow typing, like I was the 1st time, his comment got erased when he hit the Post Comment button. I have to type this, then copy it, then hit refresh, then paste the comment, then type my name & email, …and then, do the math.
It’s not a pleasant experience. …But, a necessary step, I imagine. Da bots.
Hi Helot,
Ah! Yep, we had to engage an aggressive anti-spam filter (the math) to deal with the onslaught of spam. I would like to smash the faces in of these people. Seriously. If I could get my hands on one, you guys would have to GoFund my bail money. Hopefully we can turn off the math thing soon…
It’s not the math, it’s the erased comment if ya take too long typing.
I thought if I clicked the yin-yang symbol & refreshed the capitcha and then did the math, and then clicked ‘Post Comment’ it would go through, but it erased my comment.
Heh, “I’m telling ya, I let out the clutch slowly”
I guess, at least, it keeps the mathematically illiterate from posting commentary? But yes, somewhat a pain.
Glad he didn’t do this on a Monday morning.
‘__ + 8 = 14’
I entered 5 and failed like a miserable loser.
Maff is hard!
It was 2 + _ = 5, I entered 3 and failed.
When’s it gonna warm up?
I am just glad it is simple math. I sucked at Algebra.
It asked me something like “four + ___ = seven”, but then it wouldn’t let me type out “three”, but only let me put the number “3”, which I thought was a little inconsistent of it.
Ha! Obviously, there needs to be a space to explain your answer.
[And, ya gotta be quick on your feet. By the time I typed out the above, my time was ‘exceeded’. Dang, Eric, are you just preparing us for a Technocracy future?]
Lee Zeldin’s EPA came out with this ‘case’, or was it a leftover ‘case’ that is now working through the ‘system’ from the Things days?
Heres to the $60k compliance Corrolla.
‘“defrauding” the United States’ — eric
Probably the most clear-cut case in history of defrauding the government arose with the mRNA covid injections.
In December 2020, Pfizer and Moderna trumpeted ’94 percent efficacy’ to a credulous Lügenpresse, which blasted the airwaves and the interwebs with the joyous ‘news.’
A year later, using the government’s own VA patient data, researchers showed that efficacy declined to 42 percent within a few months. Later research proved that ‘booster’ shots actually had negative efficacy, increasing the risk of catching covid.
Fake claims of efficacy for shots that were actually lethal cost the US fedgov tens of billions. I could make a grand slam home run out of this case with a frickin’ night school law degree and a vintage Olivetti typewriter to hunt-and-peck the briefs on my kitchen table.
Maybe the new administration has other fish to fry at the moment. But one blockbuster ‘defrauding the government’ case against Pfizer and Moderna would raise as much money as everything DOGE has done to date.
Death to the vaccinazis.
RE: “would raise as much money as everything DOGE has done to date.”
That’s a Big Fat ‘tell’ right there, isn’t it? All around.
Also, new word of the day for me: vaccinazis.
One would think that the EPA would rule against Israel for all of the destruction and harm done to the environment and to the Palestinians.
Fine Israel 1,000,000,000,000 dollars.
Force the useless eater Bibi to deliver it to the Palestinians.
1,000,000,000,000/2,000,000 is 500,000 dollars for each Palestinian.
The Jews can be slaves to Palestinians for the next 1000 years.
Let it be an EPA ruling.
Attention, please …
Boycott. Divest. Sanction.
Good point: “One would think that the EPA would rule against Israel for all of the destruction and harm done to the environment and to the Palestinians.”
That’s right up there with P.E.T.A. saying anything about the beagle torturer Fauchie from The Lord of the Rings, oh, what’s his name?
…How many above ground – in the air – nuke tests have ‘they’ done over the decades?
…Do you feel the Love?
>require modifications

Oooh, modifications!
Bad, bad, bad!
Put down that screwdriver and step away from the car, citizen!
Let me see your hands!!
Different goberment….SAME LIES.
Dirty little secret about diesels is you can make your own fuel from used cooking oil.
Can’t have citizens who are not dependent on Big Business, now can we?
Damn, after reading this I am depressed. After yesterday’s high of finally seeing the Department of Education dissolved (I know, there is a court battle ahead) and seeing the sinecures heading off to window *E* at the Unemployment office. I would have hoped that the new EPA person would correct these injustices first thing, not continue to pursue and prosecute. Maybe this will change with more exposure to this BS.
Not just used fryer oil, anything flammable. Rudolph diesel intended them to run on coal dust. Though there are technical problems with a lot of alternative fuels which require modifications.
This was the true end goal of the prosecution: To “serve five years of probation during which it will be prohibited from importing diesel engines it manufactured into the United States.”
This is likely Hino’s competitors using dirty tricks to gain a competitive advantage. Toyota apparently needs to lobby and make more political contributions (i.e. bribe more).
I suspect you’re right, though it may be a prop to domestic diesel makers. The problem is, who are they? Detroit Diesel? Cummins (not American?) Navistar? Cat? Or does someone like Warren Buffet have ownership of a diesel mfgr which isn’t on the radar?
The 2007-2014 FJ Cruisers were made by Hino.
I have one, and am thinking of getting another one. I wouldn’t buy any other non Hilux 21st century Toyota.
Hino has made and makes a number of Toyota badged trucks.
The main plant for the Hilux (which we got in the US until 1995) was Tahara, which also makes Land Cruisers and Lexus cars still. But the Hino Hamura plant made some Hilux, too, until Hilux/IMV production was mainly moved to Thailand and other places.
The Hino Hamura factory currently also makes some of the Land Cruiser 250 series.
Horst! Man. 2007 here. U buy 2, I wish, also.
Mine is a 2007, too. I did miss out on a 90’s JDM Land Cruiser with a diesel that was on sale nearby.
Meet the new Boss…same as the old Boss.
GovCo Uber Alles.
In other news Tulsi Gabbard is a War Whore and RFK, Jr. want you to roll up your sleeve.
Yes, Tulsi has become the war whore that she seemingly abhorred not too long ago.
Her new position reminds me of a coerced video confession of a prisoner of war. Her AIPAC handlers must have really put the screws to her.
I had the same reaction to that video, ML. Deeply depressing how our government exists solely to serve Israhell.
Wow, that was truly sad, Mr. Liberty.
She fell right in line, didn’t she. Just from that, we know we can forget any significant changes to any of the “intelligence agencies” or any vetting of the subversive activities they’ve led over the past decades.
MAGA: “My Ass Got Ambushed”, haha.
Though mine did not. I was expecting some of this, though Tulsi folding so easily is disheartening.
It was a bit like watching a soap opera on the TeeVee. Suddenly, Tulsi is being played by Nikki.
Well, at least she’s a pretty prostitute.
I’m not aware of the RFK, Jr. reference. Has he come out in support of Big Pharma’s poisons now?
You got some catching up to do, Mister Liberty. You’re kind of behind. Has some pretty woman been distracting you? I hope so.
The apparatchik is just the more mature, more conniving version of the Tesla fire bombin’ freaks. They’re one and the same. It’s all about control via fear.
As for the Inspector Javert reference, how do the French say “respect muh authoritah”?
Don’t forget that DOJ does the prosecutions for EPA.
So this ultimately lies at the feet of Epstein Island prosecutor and deep-state arrester Pam Bondi, no?
Speaking of EnVironmental harm, will fElon Musk get cuffs slapped on him next?
Tesla sure gets mentioned a lot in this video of the Pacific Palisades Superfund Site
The protected caste, does not get cuffed. Simple as that.
…But, I bet you knew that.