Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the Left’s changing view of St. Elon – and what that says about the Left’s belief in the “climate change” narrative – as well as the new Kia K4 I recently wrote about:
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Electric door handles and hidden emergency door pulls should have never passed a failure modes and effects analysis. Musk was able to get away with it, so now it’s all over the place.
There is no good reason not to have a conventional mechanical interior door latch handle to pull and open the door. None.
Lew Rockwell is an excellent site, and today it has an Eric Zeuss article asking if Israel controls the USA.
“The argument that Israel is pro-American is so blatantly false as to be ludicrous, but the argument that America is pro-Israeli is so true as to be itself ludicrous, because Israel is and has always constituted a national security threat against, and actually an outright enemy of, the American people.”
Well of course Israel is the enemy of the United States – they not only killed JFK, attacked the USS Liberty, they blew up the World Trade Center complex, and control our Congress and President, they have so much control our nation is funding their genocide project.
And that means that all of the MSM, and even the alt-media, like Newsmax, and the Gateway Pundit, and all the Televangelist channels, all the radio hosts, are treasonous. Liberal or conservative, most Amerikans are in a state of treason in their own nation! Most Amerikans don’t know this because most Amerikans are either dumb as rocks and kiss Jew ass because of their religious beliefs or because they love power and money and want in, regardless of any moral considerations.
Complete List of Jewish Expulsions (1,031)
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, Zionist nonpareil.
The original Zionist.
A simple search reveals it for you.