Diaper Report: 03/22/2025


This report is personal – in that it was personally experienced by myself and several people close to me recently, so I am able to report firsthand about it.

It occurred within a hospital – in the intensive care unit – where the child of a friend of ours was being treated for something having nothing to do with “COVID” or any other sickness transmissible by breath.

And even had that been the case – even if it was a case of something transmissible via breathing (in or out) – most of us understand that wearing an ear loop maaaaaaaaaaaaassssk does little if anything to “stop the spread.”

But some still believe otherwise.  And – more to the point – demand that others pretend they believe as well.

Like the nurse at the hospital where the child of friends of ours was being treated. Her  parents – as well as some friends of theirs – had been sitting with the child as is normal in situations such this. Then entered abnormal. A nurse – just one of the many in the ICU – noticed that there were people inside the child’s room who weren’t wearing a maaaaaaaaaaaaasssssk.

This caused her to react much the same as mentally ill people did during the high tide of the “pandemic” – as the event was marketed –  when they saw someone not wearing a maaaaaaaaaassssk inside a store. Their outrage was hard to understand – if you weren’t mentally ill yourself – because, after all, if maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssks “worked,” then what were they (who wore them) worried about?

Well, we know it wasn’t about that.

It was that the sight of anyone not wearing a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssk undermined their belief in maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssk wearing. More finely, it was a public repudiation of this belief and it was this that could not be tolerated because if too many people were seen not believing – and not dying – then it would be much harder to maintain the belief in maaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssks and that they “worked.” And if that belief were to wane, then belief in the “pandemic” would inevitably wane as well.

It was much like the belief in Vaal – the reptile god in the old Star Trek episode, The Apple. In this episode, Kirk and the landing party from the Enterprise beam down to a world governed by belief in Vaal, who must be propitiated else he will become angry and the people will suffer.

Kirk and company show the people that Vaal is just a machine – and that they do not need to believe in him. At first, the people are very hesitant to repudiate their beliefs. They even try to kill Kirk and company – on the orders of Vaal, as transmitted to one of his priests, who can be likened to a militant maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssker who saw an unbeliever walking around in a store.

But at least those believers were generally just ordinary people rendered insane by hysteria-porn emanating from every computer screen, cellphone and TeeVee. And – at the time – their manifesting hysteria was understandable in that it was being reinforced by the “experts.”

These “experts” have yet to be called to account for what they did, but that’s another matter for another time.

What’s relevant now is that the time for any legitimate belief in maaaaaaaaaasssssssssking has passed. That is why one generally sees almost no one maaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssking anymore, with the occasional exception of a few elderly people and a few mentally ill younger people. These people apparently aren’t able to discern – via their own lyin’ eyes – that the 99-plus percent of the people they’re seeing who aren’t maaaaaaaaaaaasssssking aren’t dying. That this abundantly obvious fact doesn’t cause them to reconsider their beliefs – and change their actions – is prima facie evidence that they are mentally ill and very much in need of treatment.

Which is why it was so alarming to encounter one of these mentally ill people working in an ICU at a hospital. More finely, to find a person so afflicted in a position of authority over physically ill people.

Mentally ill people are by definition not in their right minds. Their reason is impaired. They are addled by strange ideas and motivated by strange impulses, which in some case they are unable to control and in all cases, which they consider to be reasonable. The maniac eating bugs in a psych ward to draw out their life essence does not consider himself crazy. And neither did the maniac nurse who went berserk because the parents and friends of a child being treated in an ICU weren’t maaaaaaaaaaaaaaasked.

As bad as this was, in itself, worse was the compliance with this insanity that followed. The parents of the sick child did not want to be kicked out of the room – and so not in the room when that nurse was in the room with their child – so they (reluctantly) put on the maaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssk. This being exactly the kind of pressure to play along with mental illness that was generally applied during the “pandemic.”

How can it be that such tactics are still being used? How can it be that there are still such people in positions of authority in hospitals? Nurses and doctors who still believe in maaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssks – and insist that others play along with their beliefs – are like geologists who believe the Earth is flat (and 6,000 years old). Such crazies are generally kept at arm’s length.

But you’ll still find them within hospitals, where you may have to deal with them.

Try not to go there, if you can avoid it.

. . .

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  1. I had to put up with some of these morons, the muzzle cult. We even meet sometimes in the stores or in the street the occasional lunatic who, 4/5 years after still wears a face diaper and I look at them fixedly, wondering and smiling at the same time.

    The authoritarian types in hospitals and other establishments, I would have no pity for them , and of course every time someone gets a cold, they use the excuse to demand submission.

    Fuck off is the only answer to these criminals.

    The fact is, and it has been proven by studies, when doctors and nurses are on strike mortality decreases and not by little.

    The medical mafia, it’s not a legend.

    By the way, genocide Don was the guy in power when they launch the plandemic. He is very proud of the ‘warp speed’ operation and the deadly vax.

    These days, Mr “peace” is waging wars all over the globe. 3 new wars in one week and a genocide resumed. Somalia, Yemen, Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and Syria.

    Zionist agent orange is now threatening Iran on behalf of his 100 million bribes handlers.

    As for the ‘ceasefire’ in Ukraine, the world knows what ‘ceasefire’ means to him as Lebanese and Gazans now experience.

    There was also a coup in Romania where election winner was ‘canceled’, arrested and now all candidates that don’t fit the corrupt regime are arrested or ‘canceled’ to. It’s the USSR again. And a color revolution is attempted in Serbia. Since USAID has been almost dismantled, I wonder who is behind all this…

    Smells like president Musk, eeh Trumpstein I mean.

    • Morning, Viado –

      Amen. I rapidly tire of all of this. Including – as you style him – Agent Orange. I rack my brain to conjure a way to just get away from them. All of them. Without needing to live like a gypsy in a tent or in a van down by the river…

  2. Insane. When my mother was dying she opted for MAiD (Medical Assistance in Death) but fortunately died several days before her ‘appointment’. She was being looked after at home, not in the hospital and the ‘procedure’ would also take place in the home. First there was a question as to whether I could attend due to being unjabbed, then when I said I wouldn’t get jabbed to attend I was told I would have to wear a mask then. I was unmasked and unjabbed throughout this conversation in the same room with the same people who would be in attendance at the death. I joked about saying goodbye through the window. I did NOT want my masked face to be the last thing my mother saw.

  3. Eric just ran into a Karen. It happens.

    The real threat is in the Risk Level = Mask Optional signs at every hospital and government building entrance.

    They know they have been beaten, but reserve the right to do it again.

    • Hi Steve,

      The thing I think people ought to remember is that this maaaaaaasking business has not gone away; it has merely receded. It will never go away until it is repudiated altogether by sane people. That it has not yet beeb repudiated in hospitals speaks volumes.

    • https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/03/22/grok-3-beta-et-al/

      climate scam meets Grok Ai

      IPCC is found to be full of shit, but we already knew that with Climategate

      wikedpedia says: The Climatic Research Unit email controversy (also known as “Climategate”)[2][3] began in November 2009 with the hacking of a server at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) by an external attacker,[4][5] copying thousands of emails and computer files (the Climatic Research Unit documents) to various internet locations several weeks before the Copenhagen Summit on climate change.

      The story was first broken by climate change denialists,[6][7] who argued that the emails showed that global warming was a scientific conspiracy and that scientists manipulated climate data and attempted to suppress critics.[8][9]

      “climate change denialists” lol

    • https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2013/07/15/solar-cycle-24-freezes-out-al-gore/

      Solar Cycle 24 Freezes Out Al Gore By Yukon Jack – July 15, 2013

      “CO2 was never a threat because it is a trace gas, and man made CO2 only a small 3% of the total. Water vapor is 95% of the global warming effect, and is hardly ever mentioned.

      Global Warming by increasing anthropocentric Carbon Dioxide isn’t true in the real world, yet in DC tinsel town (a special kind of la la land) where an endless celebration of spending someone else’s money has created its own reality. Washington is a giddy simulacrum of make believe and laws because we can, and anything we say goes because we are the Gods on the Potomac. The AGW has-been theory is still going like the pink Energizer bunny even after full exposure as a boldfaced hoax.

      Does man made CO2 drive warming? No. It does absolutely nothing. One chart is all you need, CO2 is a trace gas in the atmosphere and the human caused portion of total greenhouse gases is only 0.117% of the total, thus man made CO2 has negligible effect on earth climate. Pay no attention to the media whores and their carbon scare tactics, ANTHROPOCENTRIC CO2 DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.”

      • And the choir sang “Amen, brudda!” But did you read Malone’s article? That research paper was the first of its kind where the primary author was AI (Grok3) and comprehensively challenged every meaningful point of the climate change scam.

        The questionable part, which I have not been able to verify, is that it was published in the Science of Climate Change journal which is as disgusting as it sounds. I can’t stand to look at the table of contents from a single volume, never mind read their articles! It’s literally sickening to me; it makes me feel sick even thinking about their insane, communist, denial of humanity and reality.

        So, while Dr. Malone (who I am also not a huge fan of) may be a bit over-optimistic about the results of that study, it remains a very good tool to catch the climate scammers in their lies and hypocrisy.

        Which, OBTW, the implementation of AI by itself, is also contrary to the hysterical claims of the climate cult. In case you haven’t read articles from places like the ACM or IEEE, the use of AI is eating power like its going out of style. It’s literally causing disturbance of the quality of electricity on the lines and brown-outs, etc., etc.

        Lunatic leftists have been promoting AI — just like they used to promote Teslas and for the same reasons; because they think/thought it would advance their agenda. Well, now AI is saying their climate hoax is bunch of bullshit.

        Apparently the Science of Climate Change journal has remained undeterred in their efforts to keep pushing the hoax (judging by the table of contents on their latest edition, which is all I could stand to read).

        If Dr. Malone is correct, how long will it be until AI is the primary author of research that comprehensively proves masks are obviously worthless and that COVID was the hoax we all know it to be?

        The game certainly isn’t over, but the lunatic lefty communists are setting themselves up for checkmate. It’s just a question of time.

        • The big problem with studying climate change is that the planet’s climate is changing all the time on it’s own, and measuring the human factor is impossible. CO2 is a trace gas, human caused CO2 is only a slight addition to the HUGE carbon cycle between land, atmosphere, and water.


          20,000 years ago the earth warmed melting the ice sheets, ocean went up 300 feet – that was very dramatic climate change at a time when the human population was very small. We didn’t cause that change then, and it is doubtful we are doing much now.

  4. Well, it’s no surprise that the medical community is doing it’s absolute best to maintain belief in smoke and mirrors, seeing how the the whole medical-pharma cartel is based on smoke and mirrors, and fear porn.

    The majority of people one sees in any hospital aren’t sick (or weren’t sick, before getting entangled with doctors and hospitals); they merely weren’t feeling well, or may have even been feeling fine, but they were told that they have X based on the results of some “test”. Such tests are often about as accurate as a PCR test, and often based on nothing more than some statistic which may apply to a percentage of specimens, and based on “studies” on small groups of people. When such experiments are repeated they often yeild far different results every time they are repeated, and ‘purely coincidentally’ the proposed solution to any supposed problem they reveal is always drugs and or surgery.

    People have been led to believe that such is “science”, but it is really just marketing.

    Just as with the media, the lies of omission are telling. They’ll say that you have cancer based on the fact that their tests reveal that your immune system seems to be fighting cancer cells, omitting to mention that most people’s bodies have cancer cells which the immune system successfully keeps in balance…until such time as THEY intervene with chemo-therapy or radiation or removal of a part of your body, -after which your immune system is gimped, and your natural balance destroyed, and then you really do get cancer.

    Only instead of recognizing the above-mentioned reality, the average person thinks “They were right. I really did have cancer! See?”.

    Somehow, they actually allowed a glimpse of truth to be released recently. In a long-term study of prostate cancer (I believe it was either Johns-Hopkins or Harvard) they determined that it made absolutely no difference if men were screened for prostate cancer, or whether those who were diagnosed with it sought treatment or not. The results were exactly the same as far as long-term surviveability. Prostate cancer takes decades to reach the point where it becomes fatal or even impacts quality of life. Those who were diagnosed and did nothing did not die any sooner than those who were treated; but those who avoided treatment had a much higher quality of life, usually living and functioning perfectly normally vs. those who sought treatment, who were essentially castrated. The untreated who lived just as long usually died of causes other than prostate cancer.

    Yet how many men have the old finger up the poop-chute test every few years, and sacrifice their manhood and their effectiveness as men for fear of “dying of prostate cancer if not detected early”?

    The medical cartel is just as much working to destroy free-market ‘capitalism’ and liberty as is the EV boondoggle. People often remain wage & tax slaves just for “medical coverage”; they advocate ‘socialized medicine’, and they spend their livelihoods due to the fear that the medical community has propagated; and without realizing it destroy their own health and shorten their lives while thinking that they are doing the very opposite.

    Here’s a great video about what I said above regarding prostate cancer.

    That hits home for me, as I have recently witnessed several friends and acquaintances rendered useless, become very sick and or die after seeking treatment for prostate cancer. They were fine and healthy before, but started to decline after seeking treatment. The one who died was told that he was “cancer free” after two years of treatment. But he was never the same, and died of the other maladies that quickly came upon him after treatment.

    Watch the video, as this does not just apply to prostate cancer or cancer in particular, but is virtually the modus operandi of modern medicine.

    Your doctor will kill you. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    Eat healthy (Whole natural foods) and live a reasonable lifestyle, avoiding stress and overwork, and stay away from doctors (unless you’re hit by a bus or something) and your immune system will keep you healthy and deal with any hiccups along the way, and will allow you to live as long as your genetic potential.

    • Good stuff, Arthur!

      I grew up around doctors – and hospitals – which inculcated in me a deep suspicion of allopathic medicine. I agree with of your points. Excepting acute injuries such as fractures, it is best to avoid the McHospital system and just live a healthy life. You’ll probably be much healthier.

      • Hi, Eric,
        Funny, err, rather tragic thing is, that it’s not just the scamdemic that has proliferated hypochondria. That was just the icing on the cake. FEAR has been mongered for decades now. Cancer is one of their biggest sellers.
        Last year I had this crippling pain in my stomach for 24 hours. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I was literally writhing in bed. It was unbearable. Thankfully, after 24 hours it subsided.
        I am positive if I had gone to a doctor or hospital they would have performed tens of thousands of dollars worth of (often dangerous) tests, suspecting cancer or some type of organ failure or dreaded disease, for which they would have recommended surgery.
        I’ve seen it happen to others, including my dad, They go in for a diagnosis; and the butchers NEVER start by checking and ekiminating the simple and most obvious stuff first (At least not now a days). It’s always straight to the big stuff and CT scans.
        It’d be like taking your car to a mechanic because it’s overheating, and instead of checking the radiator cap and thermostat first, the grease monkey would want to tear your engine down and check for a cracked head, and then only after that and a several-thousand dollar bill, would he check the more obvious things. Of course the mechanic, if incompetent or dishonest could easily sell you on a new cylinder head if you had no knowledge of cars.
        We’ve been so brow-beaten with cancer propaganda and other major diseases, that we often immediately imagine that we might have such. If we have more of a knowledge of the realities of health and our bodies [and not the variety propagated by the health industry, which always culminates with the words “see your doctor”] we are less likely to fall for their BS, just as if we know a little about cars we are less likely to run to a mechanic and imagine the worst if our car overheats -or to even have our car overheat, since we tend to be aware of and keep up on maintenance.
        Yet the average person, after two decades of “education” has no real understanding of actual health matter, and is instead taught to “see your doctor” at the first sign of any abnormality.
        My cousin, in his late 60’s, just had his prostate removed. Poor guy. He’s effectively castrated and is going downhill now. They got it “in the very earliest stage”. Yeah, big deal. Had he not fallen for it, he likely would have lived out the rest of his normal live, sans castration, just fine.
        The scamdemic was just the culmination of this mentality. Make people afraid of NOTHING. Have no symptoms? Feel fine? No one around you who isn’t already frail is dying from the common flu? Well, be very afraid because the boogeyman is potentially around the next corner. Just wear this ineffectual mask, and let us jab you with this concoctiuon of who knows what! Trust the experts! Believe the science! You may get sick and die from having that filthy moist bacteria-laden thing on your face, and from the experimental [literal] crap we inject in your veins, but at least you won’t get the flu. Oh wait…you’ll get it, uh, but it won’t be “as bad” (Only now, your immune system won’t be able to fight it). Oh, silly citizen, should have read the fine print! PS. You (or your heirs) aren’t allowed to sue the drug company which maimed and killed you, as we granted them immunity! [Real immunity, unlike the ersatz variety they pedal with their ‘vaccines’].

        Doctor [In a Mr. Burns (from The Simpsons) voice]: Tell you what, take this vaccine, and if you die, I owe you a Coke”.

  5. The only reason that “Karen” demanded y’all to wear a mask, was because she KNEW that you and your friend’s family would have no choice but to kowtow to her, if y’all wanted to see the child. When the Narcissist Protection Act of 2020 (aka “covid”) was signed into law, it effectively gave immunity to these douchebags. This is why they literally SCREAMED at the mere mention of “reopening the economy”. Virtually NO ONE actually feared the virus. Rather, they feared the end to their reign of terror!

    By the way, I like your new “sanity verification” system! lol

    • Indeed, bluegray –

      I didn’t wear the maaaaaaaaassssk. I just stayed outside the room. Dawn went in – with the maaaaaaaaaaask on her chin. But I refuse to give an inch on this, ever.

  6. Even before covid, I always thought that many so called “healthcare professionals” were some of the worst control freaks out there. Just the condescending attitude you often get from them (along with other highly “educated” freaks) is a clue. You should do this or that, and maybe there should be a law to make you do this or that.

    Up until covid they were easily ignored.

    Covid unfortunately gave those freaks the power of enforcement.

    And no, none of them are sorry for what they did. They will try to do it again too.

  7. When I can put a mask on, yet still smell perfume, or the odor of someone passing gas, that is a pretty good indication they do not work. But sadly, most hospitals are using the PCR test, as well, to “diagnose” even though founder, Kary Mullis, said that is not what his PCR test was designed to do (too sensitive). I surmise that is why there is a saying that nurses make the worst patients: They know the politics and crap that go on in such a setting.

  8. After my experiences with hospitals and family over the last few years, my resolve is ever stronger to take my health into my own hands. I’m practically my dad’s doctor these days, anyway, as he has little trust for what someone here used to call “The Snake People”.

  9. For that nurse in the ICU ward:
    “The evil that is in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.”
    ― Albert Camus

  10. >Try not to go there, if you can avoid it.
    Amen, brother.
    “Hospitals” should be required by law to post that famous quote from Dante over their doors:
    “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.”

  11. Don’t want to disturb anyone. But the New York Slimes has alerted me that an ugly new conspiracy theory is making the rounds:

    ‘Mike Howell, executive director of the Oversight Project, made a conspiratorial post on X: “Whoever controlled the autopen controlled the presidency.”

    ‘While critics of Mr. Biden questioned his fitness for office, no evidence has emerged that he did not consent to any of the acts bearing his signature.

    ‘Within days, the notion that shadowy deep state operatives had been secretly running the country instead of Mr. Biden, using a mechanical contraption to achieve their diabolical aims, had erupted into a furor.

    ‘It is not exactly clear where the conspiracy theory took root, but Pyrra Technologies noticed a solitary posting on the 4chan message board referring to autopens and Mr. Biden back in October, even before he granted the pardons in question.’


    Setting aside all the standard Operation Mockingbird conspiracy mongering, focus on the Big Lie in para. 2 above: ‘While critics of Mr Biden questioned his fitness for office …’

    NO. After a disastrous debate in which he couldn’t complete a sentence, Biden himself withdrew his candidacy on July 21, 2024, confirming his unfitness for office.

    Who you gonna believe — the mockingbird media, or your lyin’ eyes?

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

    • Hi Jim,

      Is corporate media STILL trying to push the narrative that people who said that Joe Biden was too demented to be President are spreading CONSPIRACY THEORIES!? After the past 8 years of corporate media proving themselves to be little more than propagandists for the Democrat Party, Big Pharma, the military-industrial complex, and the DC establishment, It’s beyond me why ANYONE STILL reads or watches them and think they’re reporting NEWS.

  12. As if the whole COVID stuff wasn’t enough, the sociopaths behind the fear mongering campaign involving that have been trying to frighten people yet again, this time over bird flu AND measles. Corrupt public health bureaucrats and corporate media are urging people to “Get vaccinated for measles!”, while over the past several months or so there were mass cullings of chickens over a handful of chickens who were sick with bird flu, which may have come from wild ducks. With that kind of overreacting to a few chickens sick with bird flu, it’s a wonder there weren’t also mass cullings of humans sick with the dreaded ‘Rona, as both COVID & bird flu were effectively treated as if they were the black plague.

    • “…it’s a wonder there weren’t also mass cullings of humans sick with the dreaded ‘Rona…”

      Actually, there WAS (and still IS) a “mass culling” of the human population. It’s called the mRNA “vaccine”!

  13. It is all just nuts.

    Mask is a four letter word.

    Not only that, Trump has to manage wars all over the planet.

    The presidency is more of a curse than it is a blessing.

    Fish is a four letter word, Trump is one.

    A fool never learns. Fool is a four letter word too.

    Mask, fish or fool, all the same.

    Don’t fall for it. Fall is a four letter word.

    Fished-in is more like it. Especially Trump.

    Netanyahu says jump and Trump says how high.

    All verrückt.

  14. This also happened to me when my Mom was dying of cancer a couple of years ago. The nurse would screech like an enraged howler monkey to maaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssk; the family would put them on. Once she left we’d take them off again. Rinse and repeat for a week till she died. Funny thing was shouldn’t the nurse have made my Mom wear a maaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssk?

    I don’t know how we got to living in crazy times but we did. The SciFi writer Spider Robinson wrote stories about this maybe 40 years ago but I never thought I’d be living it.

    Maybe this is why I don’t visit doctors anymore.


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