Some Odd Things About “Anti-Semitism”


“Anti-Semite” has replaced “racist” as the shut-up word du jour. But both words have lost the power they once had to shut people up by impugning their motives so as to avoid discussing their facts.

Here’s one of those – the mentioning of which is sure to bring forth calls of . . . anti-Semite!

It is that “Bibi” Netanyahu is not a Semite. He is Ben Mileikowsky. Not – as Seinfeld used to say – that there is anything wrong with that. But the point is, he’s not a Semite; i.e., a person who is Semitic. Meaning, a person of ethnically Middle Eastern/Arab origins. He is of eastern European (Polish) extraction, at least on his father’s side. Not – again – that there is anything wrong with that.

But when we hear someone call someone else an anti-Semite, the implicit implication is the accused dislikes Jews, who are commonly taken to be people of Middle Eastern/Arab origins rather than European origins. It seems strange, then, to accuse someone of being an “anti-Semite” for opposing or criticizing the policies or actions of a person who isn’t actually a Semite.

This brings up another impolitic point that is even more certain to trigger a rain of Anti-Semite! accusations. It is that there is something fishy about people who are of European origins laying claim to land in the Middle East on the basis of it being their ancestral land, promised to them by their God. More finely, that they are ordained by God to seize the land and evict those Middle Eastern people – those Semites – who have been living on that land for generations.

This is of course the fundamental tenet of what is styled “Zionism.”

A curious conflation has taken place – on several levels. To be opposed to the tenets of Zionism is to be (in the eyes of Zionists) an “anti-Semite,” which is commonly taken as a working synonym for disliking Jewish people.

This is a word-wrangling on par with the way people who oppose forcing anyone to take a vaccine – or whatever it is that’s in those needles – are styled “anti-Vaxx” when they do not have any issue with other adults freely choosing to take vaccines, if that is their wish. Take all the vaccines you wish to take, in other words. But leave others free to decide whether to take them.

In the same way, it is not the same thing to say that a person who is troubled by the actions of “Bibi” as regards what is being done to the people of Middle Eastern/Arab ethnicity in the land controlled by the state of Israel (as well as adjacent lands) are people who dislike Jewish people; i.e., “anti-Semites.” They are people who oppose politicians and governments they consider to be acting indefensibly toward other people. The religion – the origins – of people such as “Bibi” having nothing to do with it.

Put bluntly, an asshole is an asshole – regardless of his ethnicity. Regardless of his origins – or his name.

But assholes are adept at using words to get people to shut up about their assholeness. There are many examples of this. One being the way Dr. Fauci tried to equate any questioning of him, personally, as being “anti-Science.” Another being the way any bringing up of facts regarding the “safety” and “effectiveness” of whatever-it-was-in-those-syringes was framed as “misinformation.”

Note the common thread. The way motives are impugned to avoid addressing facts. And the most effective example of this tactic is the way any less-than-orgiastic amen’ing of whatever “Bibi” says – and Israel does – is immediately derided as motivated by  . . . anti-Semitism.

It is a tactic that relies on using people’s good nature against them. Few people want to be called “anti-Semites,” especially if they have no beef with people who happen to be Jewish. It worked the same as “racist” worked for so many decades; i.e., it works to silence people and (worse) coerces them into demonstrating that they are not “racist” or “anti-Semitic.” As by falling all over themselves to prove they are not by slavishly agreeing with whatever those who use those words insist be agreed with in order to avoid those words being deployed against them.

It is why very few American politicians of either political party dare to publicly question anything “Bibi” – or the government of the state of Israel – does. It is why it is anathema to bring up certain facts, as for example what the government of the state of Israel did to the USS Liberty so many decades ago. Or the dancing Israelis, on that September day almost 25 years ago.

The facts cannot be discussed. They must be suppressed, by impugning the motives of those who dare to bring them up. This raises some deeply troubling questions that have nothing to do with “anti-Semitism.”

Perhaps the time has come to talk about this. The necessary prerequisite being to shed the fear of being called an “anti-Semite” for daring to.

. . .

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  1. “The religion – the origins – of people such as “Bibi” having nothing to do with it.”

    To the contrary, the religion of people like Bibi has EVERYTHING to do with it. Whether Bibi is an Ashkenazi (European) Jew or a Sephardic (Semitic) Jew is pedantic and irrelevant. What is relevant is that Bibi’s religion is 100% about justifying “God’s Chosen People” slaughtering their enemies and taking their land.

    The high Jewish holiday of Passover is about God murdering the firstborn sons of Egypt but sparing the firstborn sons of the Jews. The Jewish religious holiday of Purim celebrates the Book of Esther, in which Esther sleeps with the Persian king and then gets his permission for her Jewish henchman Mordecai to hang the king’s minister Haman and his ten sons, and then send Jews throughout the kingdom to kill 75,000 “enemies of the Jews.”

    Don’t believe me, read it for yourself.

    In 1 Samuel 15:3, the prophet Samuel instructs King Saul to “go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but SLAY BOTH MAN AND WOMAN, INFANT AND SUCKLING, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”

    How is that any different than Hitler?

    Bibi actually referenced this passage to justify his war against the Gazans.

    People need to start understanding that Jewish moral code is literally one of murdering the Tribe’s enemies, and that the Christian moral code is love and forgiveness. Christianity is a rejection of the homicidal Jewish moral code:

    “There is neither Jew nor Gentile… for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3:28

    • ‘SLAY BOTH MAN AND WOMAN, INFANT AND SUCKLING, ox and sheep, camel and ass. How is that any different than Hitler?’ — X

      Here’s how: the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem — to which Members of Clowngress are obliged to make a pilgrimage in their freshman year — extracted the harshest anti-Jewish passages they could find in Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

      But not one of them calls for naked genocide as 1 Samuel 15:3 does, and as Netanyahu did by citing this repugnant hate literature (which for unfathomable reasons, is still included in the Christian biblical canon).

      Am I saying that Netanyahu is worse than Hitler? Why, yes … yes I am! 🙂

  2. This is the USA. We have freedom of religion here. Which is a great thing! We have lots of religious minorities here, and everyone manages to live together without too much violence. Also great! It’s also a glaring historical exception.

    But here’s the thing: How did we accomplish that? By telling the government to butt out of religious matters.

    If our government is too partial to the state of Israel, it isn’t fair to the Muslims/Palestinians who live here peaceably & disagree with that. If our government is too partial to Hamas and the Palestinians, it isn’t fair to the Jewish people who life here peaceably & disagree with that.

    We don’t really have a national interest there, so it would be fair to everyone else if we took either side.

    So in my opinion the correct position would be strict neutrality on that one. We can pretend to be Switzerland. You want to come live here? Fine, just obey the law & don’t bring your wars over here please & thank you.

    I care about the people (within reason) & as far as I’m concerned the politicians can go to hell. No one has adequately explained to me how this can possibly be anti-Semitic. I have my biases, that ain’t one of them. But there you go.

  3. I’m hoping the increasing pressure to stifle our First Amendment right to free speech will blow up in the faces of the Zionist whores that are pushing it. The more the average American who doesn’t pay attention to politics sees what’s happening may finally come to realize that they are ruled by an evil cabal.

  4. A few thousand of them. Half a billion to a billion of us worldwide. Seeing zionism for the insidious evil it is, not anti-semitic.

    No one who claims to follow Christ, or their own conscience should be supporting the modern Jewish state. Israel looks like hell on earth. Thats not entirely the fault of their neighbors. Even when one lives in a tough neighborhood one shouldn’t behave like a murderous psychopath.

    Its shameful we allow Zionists claiming semitic blood to live among, and rule over us.

  5. Gordon Duff wrote a parallel article on this Israeli evil consuming the west and it is worth a read:

    End of Immunity

    What comes next must be clear.

    Arrest warrants must be issued for the top military and political leadership of Israel.
    US and NATO command figures complicit in war crimes must be publicly identified and tried.
    No-fly zones must be enforced over the last remaining hospitals and shelters in Gaza.
    And yes — tribunals must be convened not only for Israeli generals, but for the Western financiers, weapons manufacturers, and intelligence officials who enabled and prolonged the slaughter.

    This is not just a question of morality. It is a question of survival — for what remains of civilization.

  6. I find the nation-state of Israel to be our era’s Tower of Babel. Jews broke the Covenant as described in Zechariah 11:10-11, “Then I took my staff called Favor and broke it, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. 11 It was revoked on that day, and so the oppressed of the flock who were watching me knew it was the word of the Lord.”

    As far as the political aspect I would quote Jefferson from the Declaration, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”

    It would seem that those that these Jews want to govern are far from giving their “consent”.

  7. I don’t give a sh*t either way about any of them. Does this make me a bad person or someone that’s fed up with the games they all play?

  8. >Its intended connotation was ‘anti-Jewish,’

    Thus ignoring all 411,000,000 humans who speak Arabic:

    the most widely spoken Semitic language, and, according to Wikipedia:
    >Arabic is the third most widespread official language after English and French,[16] one of six official languages of the United Nations,

    Herr Steinschneider (Stonecutter) was either egregiously stupid, or else viciously racist.
    Perhaps he should have stayed with the occupation denoted by his last name.
    He certainly does not deserve to be called a “Scholar,” IMO.

  9. Here’s some modest info on the subject:

    “Semitic” is one of those bastardized words dreamed up by deceivers. The correct spelling is Shemitic. It actually describes all people descended from Shem, the youngest son of Noah. These would be the Assyrians, Hebrews (Eber), etc. The other sons of Noah being Ham, the father of the Mizriamites, (known today as Egypt) and the Canaanites, and, Japheth, the oldest son, the father of Gog and Gomer; Gomer being the father of Ashkenaz.

    Hence, being “anti-semitic” has nothing to do with people in the Middle East, and has everything to do with saying or doing anything that opposes judahism and the people that practice judahism and their actions in the world.

    St. John 8:33: note that they state that they have never been slaves to any man. The Israelites had been slaves twice: once to the egyptians, and once again to the assyrians, so these people are somebody other than the Israelites. Like Esau, Ishmael, and, the sons of Keturah for instance. Additionally, at this time all but a very few hundred real Israelites were in Palestine at this time, and they are the ones that did hear Jesus. The rest of the Israelites were “somewhere” else.

    St. John 8:44: the genealogy is given here as to this group of people, and Jesus was not talking metaphorically. Satan banged Eve producing Cain (the murderer from the beginning), and obviously the Flood did not wipe out the children of Cain as they were right there accusing Jesus.

    The other group of people weren’t in Palestine at the time of Jesus and the desciples. However, they are described in Ezekiel 38, and they have taken over Palestine as was their stated plan in Basil, Switzerland in the 1890s.

    None of this is to be taken as prejudice or “antisemitism”; it is just recorded fact.

    Hope this helps understand the conundrum everybody is facing today.

  10. “The German word antisemitisch was first used in 1860 by the Austrian Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider in the phrase antisemitische Vorurteile (antisemitic prejudices).

    Obviously this coinage was a euphemism. Its intended connotation was ‘anti-Jewish,’ a phrase a bit too raw for Steinschneider’s delicate sensibilities. So he softened the focus to include others in the Levant.

    This has consequences today. As it turns out, most of Israel’s prime ministers have been of eastern European ashkenazi background, with little to no actual semitic ancestry. Whereas the Palestinians they’ve been warring against for a century are more semitic than they are. Oops!

    Yet even today, 41 Senators are sponsoring an Antisemitism Awareness Act which would enshrine this mistargeted 19th century euphemism into law. One is reminded of federal laws against ‘marijuana,’ a 1930s Mexican slang term for the plant classified as cannabis. Using such underworld argot in US statutes just makes them (and their authors) look ridiculous.

    One might as well submit a paper to a gynecological medical journal, referring to the birth canal as ‘poon.’ Again, ludicrous; risible. Not to be taken seriously.

    ‘Antisemitism’ is a non sequitur, never actually observed in real life. Retire this ridiculous 1860 circumlocution. And for damn sure, don’t write it into US law.

  11. Zionism = the practice of non Semites displacing Semites and claiming the land as their own, based on the theory that some god is their real estate agent.

    Even the smallest critical thought shows this story to be foolish nonsense.

    Why that area vs all others?

    Who is this god vs all the others?

    By what right does this god get to grant land?

    Is there any proof god granted this land?

    What conditions was the land supposedly granted?

    I could go on, but Eric is spot on. Netanyahoo is not a Semite.

    The historical Hebrews or Jews (and other Semites) have been living there for 1000s of years. We call them Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, and Jordanians today.

    These Euro-jews come from two likely places. In the east (Poland, Ukraine, Russia), via Turkey when it was Anatolia, and the west via Rome (problematic Jewish population). They are all jewish converts, not ethnic Hebrews. This includes the Ashkenazi (Greek Iranians). Yiddish is tied to Turkish.

    DNA testing shows a large mix of ethnicities in what is called Jews today. The advent of DNA put a quiet end to the fascination with “Jewish blood”. There is no such thing, so what is there to claim one is the “rightful” inheritor to anything?

    • The promise of the land by God to Abraham was to give it to Abraham’s descendants. This includes not only Jews but, Christians and Muslims as well. That, of course, puts a damper on the claim that it’s Jews ONLY>

      • Uh, not quite. If you read a tad more you find that the Promise was to Abraham’s children of the Spirit, NOT the Flesh. Hence Isaac, and then Jacob, and then Jacob’s children. Ishmael was a son of the flesh, and Esau eliminated himself from the birthright by marrying women God told him not to. Additionally, Joseph got the birthright, NOT Judah. So, the promise of the Land goes to Ephriam and Manasseh, but, God took them and gave them a new land elsewhere as He sifted them “through the nations”. So, since God abandoned Palestine, it became open to anybody that chose to live there, like Esau, Ishmael, and, the sons of Keturah, who happen to have been the people living there in 1948, when the children of Japheth decided to take it over.

  12. I find that headline picture offensive. Fuck Israel and Benji covering up his covid crimes.

    Eric your last radio with Gard Goldsmith, you’re right. This crap has run it’s course.

  13. The Houthis recently shut down the main Israeli airport terminal – a very good military strategy to get the Jews to panic and leave Israel – target their primary exit point, make the smug feel unsafe. Now the Jew rats are trapped in a hell of their own making.

    Millions of Jews are going to make a life changing decision, should they stay or should they go. This is a Darwinian Natural Selection test. Do you risk your DNA and life for your religious/personal beliefs about being “a jew” or do you follow your instincts and get the hell out of hell?

    It is going to get worse – Nutjobyahoo is going to be forced to close the gates because soon he will not be able to afford to lose any more tank fodder. Arrogant Jews think they are safe and beyond reproach. The Houthis are demonstrating they are not safe – thus every Jew prick in Israel has to now make a decision, stay or go. The smart ones are already long gone.

    The resistance should keep the missiles raining down so Jews flee, Israel being a tiny little shit nation of no significance, will then collapse in on itself. Already the tourist industry is shot. Already millions of Jews have left. Already half of the Jews are protesting the psychopathic mad leader NUT JOB YAHOO. The only reason Israel still stands is because the Amerikan whores keep the money flowing into that shit hole. Let me tell you all something, it will soon be obvious at all the trillions we poured into Israel and their wars will soon be seen as another completely wasted futility like the Ukraine debacle.

    Like I keep telling you all – the smart Jews left early. If you were a Jew in Germany in the 1930s, seeing the German people react to your tribal ways, what did the smart Jews do? They got out of Germany before the big roundup. Likewise the Jews that stay in Israel are choosing a horrible fate as Israel goes down. Soon only the most arrogant tribal Torah Talmudic types will be left for a big culling. I won’t feel sad for monsters being culled, how about you? If a RABBId pitbull bites everyone, does it not deserve to be put down?

    • Israel as a home for Jew only analyzed – here are 10 salient points on how ridiculous this whole aBrahma myth is:

      1. Jews are an invented people, best selling book in Israel by Shlomo Sands.

      2. The Old Testament is fiction, Abraham is stolen mythology aka Hindu Brahma.

      3. Jews went to Israel to practice collectivism. Jews invented Communism, and they practice those shit ideas in Israhell. Nutjobyahoo and his high command of Jew lunatics employed the use of the Hannibal Directive – they used Amerikan made helicopter gunships and blew away a hundreds of Israeli citizens attending a rave at a kibbutz commune.

      4. Jews in Israel parasitize off Amerika and EU and UK. Israel is a giant welfare state for Jews. Israel is like no other nation, it is held together by retarded beliefs that some are more holy than others, the others – being duped Bibletards – send them money.

      5. Scofield Bible is a Rothschild trick. Bible was make believe in the first place, then the make believe was changed to favor Israel state. This proves you can get anyone to believe anything. Proof is Evangelical Christians are now supporting genocide – which directly contradicts the teachings of the NT.

      6. No god choose no jews, tribal holy book claiming divinity status in relation to all others. Egoic idiots believe the false claim of chosenhood. If you are unlikely and born into a Jew family and taught this crap, your ego mind will probably never be able to unidentify as a chosen one. This could be deadly for you. Plus what is the effect on the young Jew male when a Rabbi chews off his foreskin? Lifelong trauma.

      7. Israel is where the Amerikan defense contractors sell their weapons. Jews are just guinea pigs used as target practice by angry Arabs while Ratheon engineers tweak their air defense missiles.

      Ratheon engineer #1 – wow, our Iron Dome missiles didn’t stop a single hypersonic missile, too bad all those Jews died!

      Ratheon engineer #2 – we need to ask Congress for another $20 billion, god bless AIPAC, they will for sure get us that money!

      8. Jesus never existed, the holy land isn’t holy, Jerusalem the most evil place on earth, No one gets saved, no Yahweh, no afterlife as the Bible describes – Jews benefiting from Goyims duped by their bullshit. See Caesar’s Messiah book explaining in detail how the Roman state invented Christianity.

      9. 1031 times.

      10. Modern Jews are not Hebrews of the Bible. All the crime ministers of Israel from Poland et al Netanyahu real name Mileikowsky – a pollock pretending to be a mother f-cking Jew.

      It’s all completely ridiculous, any Jew can simply change their mind and come out and say, you know, I am a human being NOT A JEW. Why die when you can just change your mind?

      • Oy Vey, Jack. I think there is still some diehard libertarian somewhere you haven’t offended yet, perhaps if you butt f@#k a porcupine you can get him too? I’m pretty sure Jesus existed, as there has been too much concerted effort to erase his legacy of fighting back against Jewish authority, and the finding of crucifixion nails in a Jewish high priest’s ossuary from the right timeframe is at least thought provoking. But hell, human history is pretty much a collection of lies and distortions, so nobody can truly say.

        Go find that porcupine. Get video. It’ll be great media…

        • quote “I’m pretty sure Jesus existed,”

          I am damn sure he didn’t exist. I was raised in a religious household and spent 12 long years in Catholic school, all I heard was Jesus all day long. But the myth didn’t stick and I freed myself. I spent much time reading about the whole Christian thing – which at one time completely captured western culture. All those cathedrals built at the height of faith. So to qualify my opinion, I know the story well. But I do not believe the story at all, for these reasons:

          1. no one can do miracles as described in the NT. no one can walk on water, we all KNOW that, so when you read in the NT about Jesus (the only source for this miracle man tales) it can’t be true, because no man can do those things and we know no one can, so by definition we are reading a fable, not history

          2. the premise for Jesus is false. there is no angry sky god to get saved from, no one gets judged after death because when you are dead you are dead and you are not going some place else. no one needs jesus because yahweh doesn’t exist – there’s no angry sky god out to get you. thunder and lightning – once attributed to god is now sourced in science as a natural phenomenon of thunderstorms

          3. no such thing as sin. Sin is ONLY a theological concept, not something in the world of physics. Same for the soul. Since the soul and sin can not be detected or measured, they are OBVIOUSLY superstitions left over from a pre-science age when men believed stuff without proof.

          4. christianity is based on the Old Testament (OT) being true. we know for a fact the OT is fiction. thus the story of jesus coming from the bloodline of david is false since King David never existed. The OT is a tribal fable, thus to believe you need to be saved is just ridiculous. The suppositions for the NT to be true are false. for jesus to be needed the OT must be literal, which it is not

          5. the arrogance of jesus being the only way to heaven is for people stuck in ego consciousness. since I do not fear death, nor the fake god of the bible, I do not believe the fable – the story is harmful if not outright evil because if you say my way is the only way then you have war. thus anyone in a higher consciousness is not attracted to a salvation story based on fear and punishement and exclusionism

          6. if Jesus is real, alive right now, then why hasn’t this Lord of the Christians corrected them backing Israel and genocide? because Jesus is only make believe, a cultural meme and nothing else. I know Jesus is not real from my own experience, after spending nearly two decades in church, not a once did god ever talk to me.

          7. Joseph Atwill in his book Ceasar’s Messiah, The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus proves Titus Flavian is Jesus. Atwill has a section called the “Flavian Signature”, he proves in agonizing detail how the 3 year military campaign of Titus matches the sequence of Jesus 3 year ministry. He shows how the roman battle at the sea of galilee was written in the NT as Jesus making fishers of men – his troops fishing out of the sea of galilee the dead Jewish Zealots they slaughtered.

          Proof Romans Invented Jesus Christ – The Flavian Signature

          8. the name Jesus is derived from the primary author of the Gospels, Josephus Flavian. J o S E p h U S = J E S U S. We know that because in Josephus autobiography, he describes himself as a teenager in the temple amazing the scribes, then in the NT we have the exact same story attributed to Jesus, thus Josephus is writing about himself.

          9. christian birth of jesus on dec 25th is astrotheology, as explained in the movie zeitgeist. the shortest day of the year, dec 21, is followed by 3 days until the sun goes back up. thus jesus died, went to hell for 3 days, and then rose again. not a real person being ressurrected, but an anthropomorphized tale of a sun god, common in the middle east at the time

          Finally I like women with soft smooth skin not porcupines, and hey, you can make fun of me but I do know my shit, and BTW I am offended by Christians who think they know, when in fact they know nothing, they have been programmed to believe a fable. That is not knowledge, that is belief caused by brainwashing. I will put up my knowledge against any Christian any time. I challenge the entire faith, and I say it is utter bullshit and dangerous, and this modern Zionist Christian movement is proof.

          • Let’s see.

            #1. No one, “knows” a man cannot walk on water. You assume. Just because you have not seen it, doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

            #2. You know what happens when people die, how?
            And, you have proof there is no God. I see. …How?

            #3. What proof do you have that there is no sin or souls? Like the atom, you cannot see it.

            #4. You assume. You do not, ‘know’. You have not the facts, Jack.

            #5. Take it up with God. Plus, what you wrote doesn’t really make sense.

            #6. “I know Jesus is not real from my own experience, after spending nearly two decades in church, not a once did god ever talk to me.” …A mouse never talked to you either, is it real?

            #7. If you want to believe Joseph Atwill and his book, that’s up to you. Sorta sounds like religion, though.

            #8. “in Josephus autobiography” I have no knowledge of that. Could be, might be, still sounds like you’re believing in a book, an anti-religious book? Idk.

            #9. That’s a big package. There’s some counter arguments out there. But, you prefer to not see them. Your choice. Free will & all that.

            #Finally. “I am offended by Christians who think they know, when in fact they know nothing”.

            … ah-hem.

            • Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It is not on me to prove your claims, you have to do that. So prove to me sin exists, or the soul, or afterlife, or god, or jesus, or heaven, or hell. No one can prove any of those things and neither can you. So why should I believe in your faith? I can not because I am honest. Just because a believer reads some words in a book does not make those words or concepts real, they are only memetic concepts.

              My mind requires proof for belief, the realm of atoms and molecules can not be seen, but they are held on proofs. (actually large atoms can be photographed by x-rays). God is all conjecture and personal belief. And I could care less what other people believe until it affects me – and in the case of these insane Christians who back Israel, I am presenting evidence to challenge the faith because they are trying to start WW3 which could kill much life on earth. I am not just going to sit here while a bunch of religious lunatics think we are in end times so they are making the end times happen to prove their faith. Christians should of kept to themselves and stayed out of politics.

              • Fine then, Protons.

                Why would I prove to you that sin exists, or the soul, or afterlife, or god, or jesus, or heaven, or hell when you were just saying that you knew?
                You claimed it was a fact.

                As you wrote, counter to what you claimed before, “No one can prove any of those things”.

                Maybe so, maybe not.

                You say, “I could care less what other people believe until it affects me” …Did you not notice?

                “If we cherish what is distinctive about Western civilization, then—whatever our religious convictions—we should respect rather than denigrate its Christian roots.”

                This comes across as a broad brush lie: “insane Christians who back Israel […] because they are trying to start WW3”

                Did you not read the Chuck Baldwin article referenced in this thread?

                But, maybe you would like to be King of the World? A tyrant? A ruler? “Christians should of kept to themselves and stayed out of politics.”

                Perhaps, consider this:

                “How can we get from here to there, from our current State-ridden and imperfect world to the great goal of liberty?”

                One thing I can think of, if you’re in favor of Liberty, is not to attack those on the side of Liberty.

                Are you on the side of Liberty, Jack?

                • since when has religion been on the side of liberty? religion is the tyranny of the state. the state uses two primary mechanisms to enforce it’s rule, the military and religion. on one hand the state can use force to make compliance, on the other hand the state uses religion to brainwash the subjects. make no mistake, religion is a creation of the state.

          • Also, RE: “this modern Zionist Christian movement is proof”.

            Proof, of what? You’re grasping at straws.

            One thing, is not like the other.

            I thought you knew.

            • Let me explain, Christians believe they have a personal relationship with Jesus – yet they are backing Israel committing genocide. How can that be? They believe Jesus to be real and is in charge of them. Where is this lord whispering the truth into their ear, or their pastor’s ear. The last group on earth to grasp that Israel did 911 are Amerikan Christians. That proves to me no god is talking to them, that they are a deluded cult in la la land.

              • Also, RE: “The last group on earth to grasp that Israel did 911 are Amerikan Christians. […] they are a deluded cult in la la land.”

                Again, with that broad brush?

                Well, I guess if a buncha Christians all told you they grasped that, I suppose you’re gonna have to conclude that god is talking to them?

                I think you’ve boxed yourself in, man. There’s a whole lotta Christians out there who will tell you they don’t swallow the Sept. 11th 2001 b.s. line.

                [Also, I guess you missed the articles which said not to refer to that day as 9-1-1? You’re furthering the narrative if you do so. It was September 11th, 2001.]

          • Why are you at war with Christianity?
            Not, “Christian Zionists”, Christianity in general.

            “Christianity is largely responsible for many of the principles and institutions that even secular people cherish—chief among them equality {before the law} and liberty. […]

            If we cherish what is distinctive about Western civilization, then—whatever our religious convictions—we should respect rather than denigrate its Christian roots.”


            There was a better article I had in mind, but it’s not easily at hand, I hope that suffices to maybe soften the hatred in your center and cause you to… listen.

            • @ helot “Why are you at war with Christianity?”

              If I was to give you one solid reason it is because the idea that “my personal lord and savior” is a Jew is patently ridiculous. No way in hell a Jew is something you follow, adore, believe, etc. Jews are not even human beings. Jews are liars, all they do is lie – which explains the fantastic claims in the New Testament, all lies by Jews hoodwinking the Gentiles (gentle peoples).

              Why Christianity should be abhorred. It is Jewish propaganda making God a Jew. The current state of Evangelicals loving Israel and Jews is the end result of two thousand years of psychic ownership by the Gospels. The Christian can not fathom they’ve been completely duped. I leave you with the infamous quote by Daniel Dennet:

              “There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.”

              No one needs to be saved except from bad Jewish literature. No one can be saved as described in the Gospels, no other party can take sin off your soul, sin doesn’t even exist, neither does your soul or afterlife. The entire construct of Christianity is wishful thinking based on unproved suppositions. What Christ INSANITY is really, is a belief that you can have eternal life based on mere belief, it is a denial of reality, that when you die you are dead. It sells because humans are self aware, they fear death and do not want to not exist, so a theology was invented promising the impossible. It is only true in the believer’s mind, having no basis in reality.

              Why this faith is dangerous is that it has morphed into an “end times” doomsday cult, in alliance with evil Israel, and is literally trying to bring an end to the world to prove the faith true.

                • helot – I respect your faith for you, but don’t think you can pawn it off on everyone. what I have learned after decades arguing with christians is that they will auto defend their faith – but will never defend the palestinians – thus I use as a litmus test, to illustrate to others reading this – that the christians will defend their faith but not innocent people being killed – if they are being killed by jews. I learned this after 911 when no christian would listen to me that israel did 911 – they can not hear that for some reason

              • Jesus Christ was NOT a Pharasaic jew but was a member of a minor sect that was largely ignored by the “powers that be” until he came on the scene.
                The Essenes were a minor tribe that espused many Christian-like principles, something the reigning of the Pharisees could not abide.
                Throwing the moneylenders out of the temple was one major reason the Pharisees had to get rid of him…

          • @ YJ

            “5. the arrogance of jesus being the only way to heaven is for people stuck in ego consciousness…the story is harmful if not outright evil because if you say my way is the only way then you have war…”

            This alone is a crucial point for serious libertarians and philosophers in general. I honor my modest Methodist upbringing, but instinctively rejected strident evangelism. My father’s church friends considered themselves “free thinkers”, though not particularly academic, and were by nature inclined not to dwell on religious dogma, but to live by example, including our pastor who, during our ‘confirmation classes” took us teenagers to meet the monks for a day-long visit at the Center for Vedanta Studies in the countryside just outside our city. I remember their conversation about the “perennial philosophy, underlying the varied spiritual quests throughout history.

            • Hi Pilgrim,

              For me, spiritualism is a personal matter since it is not subject to empirical poof. I dislike dogma of any kind asserted as inerrant fact that cannot be questioned but must be believed, even when the logic of the assertion is extremely questionable…

    • Dear Jack,

      I will not argue with you. I will only tell my story.

      I was raised Catholic, was and altar boy and considered the priesthood but, my grades and attraction to the female sex nixed that avenue. By the time I was in my early 20’s I was a-theist. I figured if God existed she wouldn’t put up with what was being done in her name. That is, taking people’s money for some nebulous afterlife.

      I never argued with people of faith. I thought it rather ridiculous to spend time trying to prove the negative that God doesn’t exist. They had their faith, I had none. No reason to fight over it so long as they didn’t force me to believe. With the exception of the first three the 10 Commandments seemed pretty solid as a way to live a libertarian life as one relates to others in this world. Hitting people and taking their things isn’t a good idea irrespective of your religious beliefs.

      Fast forward 30+ years.

      I was working in news when an intern came on the scene. It was my job to lead her internship and the first thing she said on her first day was, “Hi! I’m a Christian.” I replied, “Hi, I’m a-theist. So, I guess we’ll talk about radio.” She was the first person I ever met that seemed to actually live what could be described as a “Christ-like” life. There was just something different about her as a person. After about six weeks of her ten week internship there seemed to be an aura about her. She would enter a room and I felt this force moving with her. I couldn’t describe it and can’t to this day. I got to know her family a bit and after her internship she asked to come back to record some music she’s written. I agreed to produce it. During that day of recording she asked me about a family problem she was having. I told her I’d seen that sort of thing before and that she could not “fix” it but, the person that was causing the problem had to change and that if she forcibly tried to change them they’d only dig in their heels and it would get worse.

      It troubled me that this young person who I had come to admire for their Christ-like life and felt almost a fatherly affection for was coming to me, an a-theist, for advice on such a problem. She obviously had no other place to turn.

      I didn’t sleep well that night with this preying on my mind.

      The next morning, while driving in to work around 5:30, I was at my wits end trying to figure out what I could possibly to to help this desperate young woman. It was then that I thought, “God, if you exist and can hear an a-theist after 30 years, fix this problem.”

      At 11:14 that morning, while on the air, I got an email from her stating that when they awoke that morning the problem was solved. It was at that moment that I felt an energy force move slowly from the top of my head down through my feet. I suddenly felt a cleansing and release of the tension that I’d felt my entire life. I now believed.

      My life was changed forever in an instant September 2, 2008.

      I don’t expect anyone to believe me or understand what happened. I only know it happened to me. I hope you find that saving grace at some point as well.

      In Christ,

      • I do not doubt your story, conversions are common to all peoples, including non-christians. Muslims and Hare Krishnas have conversion stories also. I would only add be objective about your experience – you do not know if anything outside of your self was involved. Everyone has a subconscious and everyone individual consciousness is connected into the mainframe universal consciousness. I suggest your experience was not about christ, but about your self. What christ is, is higher consciousness, as is “Krishna consciousness”.

        • My belief is that every human being on earth is connected into a collective consciousness and must choose his or her own path to understand and possibly achieve enlightenment.
          Earthly religions provide a rudimentary framework in which to quantify spiritual concepts that are normally not fully understandable by mankind.
          Almost every belief system has a concept of right and wrong.
          There is one exception–JEW$, being amoral to a fault. Judaism is a gutter bronze-age belief system with s “sky god” that only speaks to JEW$, commanding them to destroy every living thing. What kind of “god” would demand that “his people” destroy his creation? THAT makes no sense, whatsoever.
          Add to that, the double standard that JEW$ subscribe to, declaring that “the rest of us” are animals with souls, given long lives, created to serve the JEW$.
          If there ever was a belief system that should be scrubbed completely from the earth, it is judaism. Nothing good has ever come from this pestilence imposed on humanity. Judaism is a cancer upon humanity.

  14. Arabs are genetically rapists and any excuse to deport them is great. Just start working on the excuse to deport their cousins the Jews while we deport them.

  15. Thou shalt kill

    Thou shalt covet

    Thou shalt commit adultery

    Thou shalt bear false witness

    Thou shalt have many money gods before the real god, whatever that is, whatever those are.

    Jew commandments rule, you can’t protest against the special special Chosen, as cosen as they are.

    Another holy day on this god-forsaken unholy earth.

    • The other day I had a big realization about Nature vs. the Bible god. A local over the air TV channel broadcasts wonderful scenes of nature with accompanying choir music. Being a nature boy who loves nature, I thought, what the hell does that damn church music have to do with nature? The two are opposites. Nature is peaceful and the Abrahamic religions are violent and out of tune with natural rhythms. Then it dawned on me, those bastards are appropriating nature into their cult and owning nature as something created by their demon sky god. Nope.

    • quoting Jim “Another holy day on this god-forsaken unholy earth.”

      Any human being in tune with nature and life is opposed to the wanton killing of humanity, especially to innocent men, woman, and children. These Evangelical Christians are in league with the devil – the demon god Yahweh – the monster god of the Jews. You have to a special kind of evil to not be repulsed by what the Jews are doing to Palestine. So how in the hell do these Evangelical people turn a blind eye to genocide? The words in the Holy Bible, that’s why. That book is evil, it is against Nature and the real God that created this place.

      So I do not view earth as unholy, it is wholly sound. It is man’s religion making earth unholy.

      The reason earth is hell is because Jews live on this planet. If we want earth to be a natural paradise again we must rid ourselves of these vile Abrahamic religions, especially this Torah/Talmudic version. This whole thing going down in Palestine right now is the epic end of that religion. Jews are being exposed like never before, their vile ways can no longer be hidden no matter who they try to censor. Columbia University caved only because they want federal monies. If they wanted to stand on principle they could, but first they would have to stop being money whores.

  16. Zionism is profoundly incompatible with fundamental American values such as freedom of speech. Therefore, it must be banned:

    S.558 – Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2025“search”%3A”S.558″%7D&s=1&r=1

    Beware: besides its sponsor Sen. Tim Scott, it already has 40 co-sponsors — several more than last year.

    First sentence: ‘To provide for … a definition of antisemitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.’

    Recall that in most of Europe, expressing skepticism about the now canonized Holocaust narrative will get you locked in a cage.

    Forty-one senators are perfectly comfortable repealing the First Amendment to the US Constitution — because an illegally unregistered foreign lobby ordered them to … and lined their pockets with greasy shekels.

    • Spot on: “Forty-one senators are perfectly comfortable repealing the First Amendment to the US Constitution — because an illegally unregistered foreign lobby ordered them to … and lined their pockets with greasy shekels.”

      Which is an act of treason, the officer of state taking a bribe from a foreign state for the benefit of a foreign state is by definition treason. I say hang them all right down Pennsylvania Ave. There ought to be a shortage of rope in the District of Criminals.

  17. Well the good news is that no jewish kingdom has lasted more than 80 years and Israel is on year 77. That and more people are waking up to the truth about the synagogue of satan then have been in quite awhile. I for one hope history repeats in more ways than one.

    • For those who ponder the hypothetical question of whether they would have spoken out against Hitler’s excesses … their action (or inaction) in response to Israel’s hideous slaughter of civilians in Gaza furnishes a telling answer.

  18. >they are ordained by God to seize the land and evict those Middle Eastern people

    Worse than that.
    They are “commanded ” by Yahweh (or perhaps Zardoz) to exterminate every living thing in their claimed “Promised Land.”
    They are “commanded” to commit mass murder as a “religious obligation.”

    >Genesis 15:18-21

    “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt [the Nile] to the great river, the Euphrates, including the lands of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amoriotes, the Caananites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.’”

    >Deuteronomy 7:1-2

    “You must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance: the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Caananites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. You must put them all to death.”

    > Israeli army reservist “motivational speech”: On 11 October 2023, 95-year old Israeli army reservist Ezra Yachin — a veteran of the Deir Yassin massacre during the 1948 Nakba — reportedly called up for reserve duty to “boost morale” amongst Israeli troops ahead of the ground invasion, was broadcast on social media inciting other soldiers to genocide as follows, while being driven around in an Israeli army vehicle, dressed in Israeli army fatigues: “Be triumphant and finish them off and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live . . . Every Jew with a weapon should go out and kill them. If you have an Arab neighbour, don’t wait, go to his home and shoot him.

  19. It’s worse than you may think: In my state, and in many other states, if you or your company are known to be boycotting Israel, you or your company cannot obtain any contracts with the state government. Basically, my state government boycotts companies that boycott Israel, by legislative statute, and many other states do likewise. And many people claim that the “Mormons” run my state. Nah, bro. It’s the Jews running my state, even though they are not a major voting block here.

  20. ‘There is something fishy about people of European origin laying claim to land in the Middle East on the basis of it being their ancestral land, promised to them by their God.’ — eric

    … in a book they wrote themselves, no less.

    Zionism is straight-up colonialism: invade another region of the world at gunpoint, install European settlers, and lord it over the natives. Unfortunately for the zionist project, in the 20 years after WW II, European powers led by Britain decolonized, extending independence to countries they formerly ruled.

    Zionists swam against the tide, declaring their little colony a nation in 1948 after violently ethnic cleansing the native residents. Israel’s first prime minister David Ben-Gurion [real name: David Grün] was born in Płońsk, Poland. Many other eastern European interlopers with fake names followed:

    📌 Levi Eshkol – Levi Shkolnik (Ukraine)
    📌 Yigal Allon – Yigal Peikowitz (Belarus)
    📌 Golda Meir – Goldie Mabovitch (Ukraine)
    📌 Yitzhak Rabin – Yitzhak Rubitzov (Ukraine)
    📌 Netanyahu – Benzion Mileikowsky (Poland)

    Since no one takes seriously the zionists’ biblical claims (including zionists themselves, who are mostly secular socialists), UN resolutions apply. UN Security Council Resolution 242 was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967, in the aftermath of the Six-Day War. It stipulates ‘Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict,’ which included Gaza and the West Bank.

    Israel defies Resolution 242 to this day. Now, as it slaughters civilians and bombs hospitals, schools and refugee camps, Israel violates the Geneva Conventions as well. Even worse, Israel defies the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, as Mark Gaffney details: ‘On October 5, 1986, the Times [of London] aired a stunning three-page expose based on Mordechai Vanunu’s testimony, complete with inside photos of [Israel’s] Dimona nuclear plant.’

    One could go on and on. Bottom line, Israel is an outlaw state that ignores every international and human norm. That bribed US politicians give Israel’s unconscionable behavior unconditional backing — and have since the 1960s — shows that America is fatally corrupted and no longer stands for any of its founding principles.

    As Ron Unz details in an article today, circumstantial evidence points to Israel having assassinated John F Kennedy, as he pressured Israel to curtail its nuclear program.

    Israel is our misfortune.

    • > in a book they wrote themselves, no less.

      Let’s see…I got it!
      Let’s say “God” gave us eternal and irrevocable title to a certain portion of Earth’s surface.
      Brilliant, Moshe! Write it down!
      We’ll collect on this in about 2,000 years!
      Jest be sure to let everyone know it was “divinely inspired.”

      I prefer “assholicity.” It has a nice ring to it. 🙂

      • If God is omnipotent, then why did this all powerful deity take 3,000 years to get the Jews back on their land? Now that sounds really fishy. The reason why God took so long to get Jews back on their land is because it is a tribal story written by Jews who coveted that land. God had nothing to do with it. Just assholes stealing and killing for some other guys shit.

        I wrote an essay in which I said only assholes love an asshole god which sums up how I feel about all these fearful god believers and what they do to their fellow man, how they justify evil with the use of the god meme:

        Why Do People Love an Asshole God?
        On 3 Dec 2019 By jackyukon

        • When you open the image, enlarge it then use your ctrl +/- keys to size it to your computer screen. Unfortunately I can’t just give you a link because the Jew censors shit canned nearly all my blogs.

        • JEW$, most of who are atheists claim that their “god” gave them the land. Talk about a dichotomy, this is it.
          I am convinced that JEW$ suffer from an extreme form of mental illness, their inbreeding, amorality, inability to think logically, as well as having a supremacist streak about them. Chutzpah also figures into their mental illness.

      • There is a appropriate phrase from the campy awful porno “Flesh Gordon” where the big guy is referred to as “Your Ass-holiness”.
        Just throwing it out there…

    • Here’s another list of Israeli Crime Ministers (they are not ethnic Hebrews)

      David Ben Gurion => David Grün from Poland

      Golda Meir => Golda Mabovitch from Russia

      Shimon Peres => Szymon Perski from Poland

      Yitzhak Shamir => Yitzhak Yezernitsky from Belarus

      Ehud Barak => Ehud Brog from Lithuania

      Ariel Sharon => Ariel Scheinerman from Belarus

      Benjamin Netanyahu => Benjamin Mileikowsky from Poland

      If they had kept their European names it would have been even more obvious that they were just colonizers – the adoption of Hebrew names was an attempt to legitimize the colonization of Palestine. In order to get their dumb mules in Amerika to finance the Rothschild Israel project, the Rothschilds commissioned the Scofield Bible which makes modern Israel legit. The Holy Bible is make believe, the Scofield Bible is the respinning of the make believe into new make believe so dumb church going morons will support Israhell. The Holy Bible is not holy, it is war making propaganda which is interpreted any way you want to justify your cause. And it has been changed and modified many times, massively edited by the early church leaving out important information. Last year Nutjobyahoo was calling Palestinians Amelek, even though he is only a secular psychopath. The religious Torah psychopaths love it, because it legitimizes the crazy shit they believe.

      Ain’t the Bible wonderful? Psalm 137-9 NIV (Blessed) or Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. So according to the Holy Bible, if orange MIGA pig is “blessed” when he dashes the Palestinian kids heads in.

  21. I hate prejudice and anyone who is– WC Fields

    I hate Jew bashing and anyone who does.

    Bibi could give two shits about anybody other than himself.

    Jew or not to Jew, that is the question.

    I didn’t get a harumph out of you, Trump, you ignorant slut.

    We have to keep prosecuting our phony baloney war.

  22. First we can start calling Bibi by his real name… Benny. Next we can stop calling Europeons Semitic. Next we can stop implying Israel is a ally. It is allies to no one.

    The polish started WW2,,, looks like they’ll be starting WW3.

  23. All the USA has to do is to declare zionism and judaism to be foreign political systems, which removes all Constitutional protections from all adherents and acolytes of judaism.
    Jews are still able to practice their “quasi-religion” but are required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department on an annual basis.
    –All synagogues and foreign lobbying organizations (AIPAC, ADL, HIAS, etc.) lose their tax-exempt status and are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” on an annual basis as well.
    –All holocaust museums (jewish freak shows Hollywood productions) lose their tax exempt status and face prosecution and are shut down for fraud.
    –One holocaust museum is allowed to remain open with explanations on the massive fraud that jews have perpetrated against the world.
    The USA has a right to know who belongs to foreign political systems.
    –Prohibit dual citizenship across the board. Citizens of the USA are prohibited from holding dual citizenship.
    –All jewish politicians are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government”.
    –All American politicians who hold dual citizenship are prohibited from serving in any public service function.
    –Deport any person from USA who serves in any foreign country’s military service.
    –Genocide trials for all American citizens serving in israel’s military–no exceptions.
    –Genocide trials for all American public officials who approved sending American weapons to israel.

  24. One has to wonder if The Donald hasn’t shrugged off the fear of The Deep State because the Mossad has told him that they are the baddest gang in the hood and the CIA, FBI, and NSA are their bitches. Maybe even that someone very close to The Donald is their man on the grassy knoll.

    The again, Donnie will do or say anything if the bucks flow in the correct direction. He would love to have Trump Tower And Resort on the Mediterranean once that Palestinian Rabble is cleared out.

  25. Soon (or maybe it is now?) it will be a crime for “noticing”. Two fantastic articles today (the previous Abe write up is A+++ too!) Thank you for this place Eric!


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