The Father of the Warfare State


Abraham Lincoln is believed by many to have freed the slaves – though his Emancipation Proclamation freed no slaves outside the Confederacy, where it remained legal until after the attempt made by the Souther states to depart from a “union” they no longer wished to be part of had been militarily thwarted.

He is also held to be the founder of the Republican Party, which is true. He is thus arguably the founder of the Warfare State and one of the progenitors of etymological mind-manipulation.

Consider the Republican Party – as in the name, itself. Could there be anything less republican than the party that founded the consolidated state – and empire – that arose from the ashes of the “Civil War”? The latter bracketed within air fingers quote marks to make a point about etymological mind-manipulation as regards what began in 1861 and ended in 1865.

And what was that, precisely?

In 1861, a number of states that were part of the “union” agreed to back in 1788 – when the federal Constitution was ratified by majority of the states then in existence – decided to leave the union. This union was considered at the time of its forming to be a voluntary association for the mutual benefit of the states, with the latter (and this is important) retaining their sovereignty. Proof of this being the use of the term itself – as well as the plural usage, as in these United States. As opposed to one consolidated state.

As in the United States.

A state is by definition sovereign. As opposed to a county or an administrative district of a state – which for all practical purposes is what a “state” of this country became after 1865.

If a state is something more than an administrative district, then it retains sovereignty, which includes the right to withdraw from any union it voluntarily agreed to join. This was assumed as one of those self-evident truths Jefferson wrote about, at least at the time of the federal Constitution’s ratification, for it would almost certainly never have been ratified had the states – had the people of the states – been told that once joined, no state could ever leave the union. That every state would become an administrative district of one consolidated empire, controlled in Washington, D.C. by a centralized state.

As the historian Thomas DiLorenzo has written about extensively, several Northern states entertained thoughts of departing from the union prior to the events of 1861-1865 and when they did so, it was not considered “insurrectionary” or “rebellious.”

The history taught kids in government schools does not mention the Northern states that threatened to secede from the union. Because – of course – government schools impart the history approved of (and often written by) the central government and its hagiographers. These also inculcate the false idea that the effort undertaken by the Southern states to secede from the union constituted a “civil war.” This is a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts, since a civil war is by definition a struggle between two factions for the control of a country.

The war between the Roundheads (or parliamentarians) and the Cavaliers (who supported King Charles I) in England is an example of a civil war. Each faction sought to take control of the government and of the country.

The Southern Confederacy’s goal was to depart and form its own country. It had no designs on the states of the North. There was no plan to  take over the federal government in Washington and impose the will of the Southern states upon the Northern states. It was the Northern states – led by Abraham Lincoln and his “republicans” – who sought to conquer the Southern states and impose the will of the of the Northern states (effectively, the will of the Republican Party) upon the states of the South.

Those are the facts – and the honest history. Once they are understood, one comes to understand why it is that the modern Republican Party is the War Party all the way to its bones. But so of course is the modern Democrat Party – which is as “democratic” as the Republican Party is “republican.” Both are effectively the same party – a consolidated War Party – that reflects the will not of the people (Jeffersonian sense) but rather that of the leadership cadre of the consolidated federal state that has reduced the people to servitude, having reduced the states to mere administrative districts of the federal state.

The federal state, having acquired the power to tax the income of the people – which is another thing the people of the once-sovereign states would never have countenanced – acquired the means to finance war, thus assuring endless wars because endless wars assures endless spending (and taxing to finance it) for what is styled “defense,” which is another example of etymological mind-manipulation of a piece with styling the party of the war-monger Abe Lincoln, who destroyed the voluntary union of these United States, as the “republican” party.

It is a thing as effronterous and yet banal as the use of the term “liberal” to describe a person who is an authoritarian.

Jefferson was a liberal. He wanted as little government – especially a federal government – as possible. He believed it was “obnoxious and tyrannical” to “compel a man to furnish money for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors.” Let alone to finance the “transitioning” of other people’s minor children.

History rolls its eyes.

. . .

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  1. If you lived during the time of the Lincoln regime, you would be amazed on the white washing of his “legacy”. Dumbfounded actually. He was hated in his time, not just southerner’s either. Now many think of him like a saint.

    Actually most presidents get the white washing over time, but it’s particularly true of Lincoln. Most people “understanding” of him is totally wrong.

    The reality is most presidents are terrible, and most make things worse.

  2. Abraham Lincoln, a tyrant, destroyed the Constitution, which led us to the verge of collapse we are seeing today.

  3. Dang, did you guys see this young articulate woman tell it like she sees it? It was impressive, esp compared to your average bear.

    ‘Lady From Uzbekistan Explains Ukrainian War Realities [VIDEO]’

    I imagine she wouldn’t be too keen about the Ayn Rand quote recently put out there by Roderick Long, ~ “So if anyone were to repeal all controls overnight, by legislative fiat, that would be a disastrous, arbitrary dictatorial action.” Idk.

  4. Jefferson and Paine are rolling over in their graves. I was learned in school (brain dirtying) that Lincnut freed the slaves……
    As fucking if. He got his just desserts. Go looking for trouble and you sometimes find it.

  5. The facts in this article need to be repeated often. It is hard to break through the brain washing the gov inc has driven into the heads of people.

    Lincoln is never investigated in school. If an honest assessment were to be detailed, the stupid monument would be torn down.

    I live near Gettysburg, so the civil war gets broken down into slavery, some stuff happened, Gettysburg, north wins, slaves freed.

    This is how dumbed down the north’s war of empire and taxes gets.

    The false stories of struggle and morality make people feel good and righteous about themselves.

    This is why the background of 9/11 is never mentioned.

  6. Good synopsis of The War of Northern Aggression.

    You know what’s bothered me for a while now that I’ve pretty much come to conclude the “alternative” (also known as the honest) history of the Civil War is why any States wanted to join the union after Washington tipped their hand in 1861 to the real contractual small print.

    Minnesota may have had a legitimately optimistic belief in 1858. W.V., Kansas, Oregon, Nevada were admitted as Free State vs Slave political tools. The 14 States starting with Nebraska (#37) in 1867 and on had to understand they were willingly asking to enter an abusive relationship.

    • I doubt they had a choice. They were US territories, directly ruled by DC and the Feds Army. The choice was that vs the slightly greater autonomy of the administrative unit.

  7. Speaking of the warfare state, a bizarre incident occurred in which journalist Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic was added to a Trump cabinet group chat about the pending Yemen attack. Others in the group included Vance, Hegseth, and Rubio.

    Vance struck a war-skeptical note that sounded like pre-election Trump:

    ‘I think we are making a mistake. 3 percent of US trade runs through the Suez. 40 percent of European trade does. There is a real risk that the public doesn’t understand this [US bombing of Yemen] or why it’s necessary. The strongest reason to do this is, as POTUS said, to send a message.’

    YEP — I don’t understand this, or why it’s necessary.

    Message received: permawar is still what’s for dinner, today, tomorrow and forevermore.

  8. “IN AMERICA, WE have a two-party system,”
    “There is the stupid party(Republican). And there is the evil party(Democrat).
    “Periodically, the two parties get together and do something that is both stupid and evil. This is called – “bipartisanship.”

  9. Isn’t there one entity that would supply Gaza with surface-to-air missiles? Knocking a few jew jets and helicopters out of the sky would most certainly send a much-needed message.
    That being said, jewish synagogues in NYC are already advertising Gaza waterfront property for sale. This demolished the myth of the “good jews”.
    This same synagogue has been “outed” by zionist jews for failing to support the Gaza and West Bank genocides. The child rape and abuse tunnels underneath this most prominent synagogue was “outed” and made public knowledge by zionists who decried the fact that the Chabad jewish sect was against the Gaza genocide.
    Of course, the NYC authorities filled in the tunnels without investigating the blood-stained child-size mattresses, high-chairs and other evidence of ritual child abuse. There is video of jews escaping like cornered rats from beneath NYC streets. If not for the horrid child abuse evidence, observing jews escaping from underneath NYC streets like rats would have made for good comedy.

  10. If old Ape Lincoln learned that the announcement of his Emancipation Proclamation in Galveston on June 19, 1865 is now a national holiday — he would laugh his ass off.

    As Thomas DiLorenzo has detailed, Lincoln fervently believed in rounding up blacks and deporting them. Lincoln’s views on the racial inferiority of Africans are unprintable today.

    Reframing Lincoln as if he were a benevolent 1960s civil rights worker, marching arm-in-arm with Martin Luther King and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, is a risible inversion of history. Yet it has happened right under our noses.

    If elected president, I will demolish the Lincoln Memorial on Day One. Then I will replace his image on the five-dollah bill with Elvis Presley’s.

    Yeah, they said you was high-classed
    Well, that was just a lie
    Yeah, you ain’t never caught a rabbit
    And you ain’t no friend of mine

    — Elvis Presley, Hound Dog

    • “If elected president, I will demolish the Lincoln Memorial on Day One. Then I will replace his image on the five-dollah bill with Elvis Presley’s.”

      You mean the memorial built to venerate Lincoln like he’s Zeus? In which he rests his hands on huge, stone fasces, yet somehow avoids being called a “fascist”? That’s an exquisite plan, Jim, as is honoring of someone who did something positive for this country and the world.

      Hail to the King, baby.

  11. Well, that certainly was a pretty good recap of the official narrative: full of shit protecting the nyc bankers working in collusion with the bank of england and the british to try one more time to destroy the republic that humiliated their sorry asses twice, by splitting the republic in two making it once again under the domination of the pedos and pervs of the british “empire”. Wake up folks, the british have never been our allys OR our friends; they hate us for kicking their asses and pointing out that their royals and “nobles” shit stinks worse than anybody else’s. They have never forgiven us for standing up to them, kicking their asses twice, and then saving them multiple times. What fools the people of this Country are to believe that the british are our friends and allys. Lincoln was murdered by the british for refusing to sell the Country to the nyc bankers to finance the war between the states. These same bankers had the Russian Tzars murdered for keeping the british from invading the US during the war between the States. The only thing true is that after Lincoln’s murder, the republican party became the dupes of the nyc bankers and the democrat party became the party of satan. Try reading “The Coming Battle” published in 1898, “Web of Debt” published 2010, and “13 Pieces of the Jigsaw”, published 2019. There are a s-ton of others as well, but these are good starters….

      • Yup. Sho’ ’nuff.
        Lincoln went to nyc to “have a chat” with the bank of england’s American branch office. The “offer” these satanworshipping parasites gave him would have destroyed the Country and put what was left under the bootheel of the bank of england via indebtedness and infinite interest (usury) payments. He told them to get effed in the A and returned to DC and started the greenback program (government issued money TOTALLY interest FREE with no parasitical banks involved… oh, he used the Constitution to actually have the Treasury Department DO what it is effing supposed to do: ISSUE money to the people INTEREST FREE?).

        Doing this got him murdered by the banks, but delayed the destruction of the Country until that steaming PoS Wilson sold the Country out to the bank of england via the “Federal Reserve” and especially the Income Tax “amendment” that would enslave the American people to the infinite interest payment debt system. The REAL “National Debt” is actually close to 200 Trillion dollars. Work out the annual interest payment on that….

        Why did that steaming PoS Wilson sell out the Country to the parasites? Compromat. He got caught banging somebody else’s wife while he was pretending to be the “president” of Princeton University. And here we are, debt slaves to pedos and parasites…No wonder the satanworshippers are screeching and howling about DOGE cutting off all the laundered money. Check out the books “Hidden Tyranny” and “Propaganda” for all the sordid details… just sayin’…

  12. I was orenthalling thru this article when it struck me at the speed of light that Lincoln and OJ Simpson are kindred spirits; If you leave me, I’ll kill you and your friend.

  13. Anybody know who purchased the land now called Israel in the 1940’s?

    Right after losing the revolutionary war, Rothschild sent his minions to NYC flush with gold & silver to begin buying everyone needed to control the US Gov. Lincoln was a direct agent of the European banking dynasty that brought us the so called ‘Civil War’ and soon after the privately owned ‘Federal Reserve Central Bank’ WW1 Property taxes Income taxes WW2 and virtually every so called ‘War’ since.

    Want to know who is responsible for this mess?

    Follow the fiat money.. right back to the criminals who print it.

  14. When President Trump invoked the “Abraham Accords” or you have a President named “Abraham” – watch the hell out – the Holy Bible is being invoked – the mass programming of the Abraham fable is the fundamental root of Western statism. Trump is very much the Abraham fatherly archetype, father knows best – do what you are told. If father Trump wants to kill all the Palestinians, who are you to argue with the father, the don, the dictator. Mentally Ill Duce?

    Lincoln was raised in a Baptist church, so the Genesis story was pounded into his skull – his young boy neural networks were programmed, literally neural pathways with that horrible story. Most people have never heard the opposing view to that evil story – Almighty God tests his mark, Abraham, to take his oldest beloved son up to the mountain and sacrifice him as a test of loyalty and BLIND obedience. Abraham the father deceives his son, tells him to pack the very wood he intends to torch him with, when the son inquires about carrying wood and no sacrificial animal, Abraham lies about what is going down.

    The lessons learned in that story:

    1. it is ok to lie if on a mission for god (deception is part of the state)

    2. you may be tasked to do dirty wet work for god (the state)

    3. be obedient to the higher authority (the state)

    4. if you fail to obey you will be cast out or killed yourself (the state)

    It never dawns on most people that horrific tale is a gang loyalty test. Luckily, it is only a fable, an evil tribal myth, but the problem is people believe the story as “god’s divine message to humanity” – and as a result, the western civilization is orbiting that Jewish tribal mentality – which led to Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump. This is a huge danger to freedom loving people like you and me – because Trump is starting WW3 and all his Baptist programmed loyalists will point a gun at you to force you into the military draft. They are programmed to obey the state (which is their real god).

    The Abraham myth was stolen and inverted from Hinduism – long before some mother fucker decided to come up with the Bible version – was the Hindu myth of Brahma who marries his sister Saraswati – who had a maid servant Hagar (the river Ghaggar in India). What these mother fucking myth writers did, was take some other culture’s myth and make it their own, change the story to their liking, then teach it as religious history. Abraham is pure fiction, don’t take my word for it, the scholars say so:

    “the first 10 books of the Old Testament are … fiction, written between 500 and 1,500 years after the events they purport to describe. … the Israelite exile in Egypt, the Exodus and the Israelite conquest of the Promised Land never took place.”

    The Abraham story in Genesis was not by God by by men seeking political power. Abraham Lincoln is long dead, but his statist legacy remains, and now we have to deal with another Abraham disciple – the mother fucker Donald John Trump, who believes the Jew story, who loves the political power it gives him – the orange MIGA pig is going to want your sons and daughters to serve and die for Israhell. Don’t you dare follow that evil pig’s orders. To hell with Israel and to hell with Trump, as far as I am concerned Trump’s decision to back the evil genocidal maniac Nutjobyahoo makes Trump an irredeemable evil prick.

    IMO very bad karma is coming our way folks. Genocidal is the worst crime of all, and our leader is all in on genocide. That makes us culpable, Trump is aiding and abetting the worst crime imaginable, Trump is destroying his presidency for a foreign state – which BTW is treason. Trump already has the blood of over a thousand souls on his head – and he is unrepentant about it. He is damned, and he is leading us into hell. Only a monster kills defenseless women and children – you can thank the Bible for that – the Bible god commands his followers to do exactly that – the holy book says in Psalm 137-9 “Blessed is he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.”. According to the Jew Bible and Jews themselves, Trump is blessed to kill them Palestinians.

    • Thanks for the encouraging words.

      One important fact:

      Abraham didn’t just get beamed down to earth.

      A woman’s ovum with haploid female chromosomes was required for Abraham to exist, along with a man’s sperm with a haploid set of male chromosomes, meiosis is key in a woman’s womb.

      A human body needs women in order to exist.

      XYs cannot deal with that reality.

      • ?!

        Men are WAY more disposable than women, that’s part of why we send them off to war, and the women & children get rescued first. Part of manhood is learning that you are not important, until and unless you make yourself valuable and worthy of being important.

        If you survive, though, you might get to have many women — especially if you can claw your way up a few rungs in the dominance hierarchy.

        It’s just the way it is (not 100% exactly but kind of).

    • “That makes us culpable”

      Who is this “us” you speak of? My hands are clean. I have not participated in their rituals, and any involvement in their goings-on are purely against my will.

    • “the first 10 books of the Old Testament are … fiction, written between 500 and 1,500 years after the events they purport to describe. … the Israelite exile in Egypt, the Exodus and the Israelite conquest of the Promised Land never took place.”

      True. The old testament is largely stolen or made up.

      YHWH Yahweh was a more recent development from a once polytheist culture, possibly to exert political power.

      If the old testament is viewed as a historical account of the hebrews, you are relying on myth in place of fact.

      The practice of retelling the story and writing it down every generation helped it last to become probably the most influential myth in current history.

      Many stupid decisions have been made on the basis of this trickery.

  15. [The federal state, having acquired the power to tax the income of the people ]-Eric

    No one has a ‘right’ to another persons labor or property,,, including and especially government.

  16. Thinking about protesting? Consider this:

    ‘GPS—Here we go again, there were 20,189 devices [at a Denver rally]. Still a large crowd but not even close to the 30,000 quoted in Denver newspapers nor the 34,000 quoted by Bernie Sanders and AOC.

    ‘84% of the devices present had attended 9 or more Kamala Harris rallies, antifa/blm, pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian protests; 31% had attended over 20.

    ‘In addition to GPS location data [we also look at] demographic and psychographic data using over 6,000 different databases.’

    Attend a rally with a smartphone, get tracked by parties who possess a complete GPS history of everywhere you’ve been, and can link it databases that reveal your personal data.

    The Panopticon is complete.

    If the fate of the J6 protesters didn’t make it clear already, there’s a lesson here: leave the phone at home. Bring a plain old pocket camera if you want to take pix. Posting them can wait till you get home, despite what Instagram and FB would have you believe.

    • 60 years ago the libs would bus people to southern cities or DC to protest. A big crowd made a statement on TV. No one had ever seen anything like that, presented to their living rooms in RCA Living Color™. It was quite effective in 1962. These days getting a crowd is easy, just send out a tweet that you’re giving away a Playstation. The rally has lost its ability to get attention.

      The left hasn’t changed their playbook, but everyone else has moved on.

      • I’ve never grokked the idea of a protest, as in getting a group of people together with signs, chanting or yelling as a group. It occurs to me now that anything other than an orderly parade should be considered a threat of violence and nothing more. There is nothing really peaceful about it. It is a resort to primitive animal band/tribal behavior.

        Real legitimate protest involves refusing to do business with or associate with something like a cop or an unsavory business. And of course writing about and conversing with acquaintances.

      • There is one common denominator–the “elephant in the room” that most people are loathe to name, either out of fear of being called “anti-semitic”, racist, or other derogatory term.
        I came of age during the first so-called “civil-rights” movement and saw for myself the underhanded dealings, the demonization of decent, law-abiding whites, and in general, the deterioration of civil society brought on by jewish “civil-rights workers”.
        Almost all of the “civil-rights” workers and demonstration “handlers” were of one persuasion–New York based leftist communist jews. They cared not one wit about true “civil rights”, but were there to create hate and discontent among their black charges (who were too stupid or naive to see that they were being used to suborn and destroy legitimate government and society–a favorite communist tactic). These New York-based “carpetbaggers” fomented their hate and discontent, only to become future “civil-rights” attorneys, race-hustlers, and America-hating leftist communists.
        The so-called “non-violent civil-rights demonstrations” were anything but “non-violent”. Robberies, rapes, and other criminal acts committed by these “civil-rights” workers and their black charges were common, but never reported, as even the “mainstream media” of the day was “in on the game” and conveniently turned off their cameras during the acts of violence. You see, even then,”creating crises” was a part of the agenda.
        The “beginning of the end” of America was the use of federalized troops against white Americans, which, in itself was a violation of “posse comitatus”–the prohibition on the use of federalized troops for domestic “law enforcement” purposes.
        Crypto-jew “president” Eisenhower was dead wrong in using American troops for domestic “law enforcement” without being requested by the state’s governor.
        As most whites were (and still are) law-abiding, they (we) were “steamrollered” by the use of federal troops to crush honest dissent. We never recovered from those unconstitutional actions. It was all downhill from there…

        • Anybody know who purchased the land now called Israel in the 1940’s?

          Right after losing the revolutionary war, Rothschild sent his minions to NYC flush with gold & silver to begin buying everyone needed to control the US Gov. Lincoln was a direct agent of the European banking dynasty that brought us the so called ‘Civil War’ and soon after the privately owned ‘Federal Reserve Central Bank’ WW1 Property taxes Income taxes WW2 and virtually every so called ‘War’ since.

          Want to know who is responsible for this mess?

          Follow the fiat money.. right back to the criminals who print it.

  17. Lincoln didn’t free the slaves, he enslaved us all – Malcolm X

    The African American honky stole Malcolm Xs signature letter. Robbed in broad daylight.

    If you try to leave me, I’ll kill ya.

    That is what Bibi said.

    Lincoln did it for practice.

  18. ‘the modern Republican Party is the War Party all the way to its bones. But so of course is the modern Democrat Party’ — eric

    Two wings of the same vulture, presided over by petrified wax-museum figures like Charles ‘Continuing Resolution’ Schumer and Mitch ‘Rigor Tortoise’ McClownell in the Senate.

    But they’ve got an Orange War Daddy who, like George ‘more humble foreign policy’ Bush, has turned raging warmonger within weeks of his inauguration. Trump and his hitman ‘Witkoff’ wrecked the Gaza ceasefire, enabling the satanic Israelis to blow up another hospital in Gaza this past weekend using 2,000-lb US-supplied bombs.

    Now this: “Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, in a rare move, is beefing up the Navy warship presence in the Middle East, ordering two aircraft carriers to be there next month as the US increases strikes on the Yemen-based Houthi rebels.” — AP

    Orange War Daddy has threatened to ‘annihilate’ the Houthis, who are Israel’s enemy, not ours.

    ‘Because the fact is, we don’t have to be in the Middle East other than we want to protect Israel. We’ve been very good to Israel. But other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East.’ — President Trump, Sep 8, 2020, Winston Salem, NC

    Don’t have to be, but STILL ARE, thanks to ZioDon Trumpuppet. When are we going to elect an actual American as president, instead of a groveling foreign toady that little Israel gleefully uses as a doormat?

    • “Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, in a rare move, is beefing up the Navy warship presence in the Middle East, ordering two aircraft carriers to be there next month as the US increases strikes on the Yemen-based Houthi rebels.”

      An aircraft carrier makes a great artificial reef for sea life. Real fine dining for at least a month or so to clear out your new digs.

      • Chuck Baldwin writes:

        ‘The Zionist Deep State that put Joe Biden in office in 2020 to assist Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza put Donald Trump in office in 2024 to assist Israel’s war against Yemen.

        ‘And you can take this to the bank: Attacking Yemen is just the first phase in the Zionist plan to attack Iran. Donald Trump was put in office to wage the U.S./Israeli war against Iran.’

        • Baldwin nails it, for sure. Christian Zionists will rue the day they supported their destroyers. Jews have had it in for Christians since they chanted, “GIVE US BARABBUS!!

          God will not be mocked.


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