Pepe Le Pew is an AGW


Gen Xers (and older) no doubt remember Pepe Le Pew, a cartoon character who was also a masher and a cad. He would paw the poor girl cat who’d had a white stripe painted down her back. “Come with me to the Casbar,” said Pepe, as he groped and fondled.

That was a cartoon. Chief Derick Muhammad is – unfortunately – very real. But finds himself on TeeVee, just like Pepe – where he can be seen shying away from a reporter asking him embarrassing questions about his pawing of “at least six current and former female employees . . . (who) have accused (Muhammad) of sexual harassment.”

The “chief” – who is at least not a “Colonel” or a “Five Star General” – stands accused of soliciting kisses and sex, using the implicit threat of job loss for “resisting.” Once the accusations made their way into the open, the “chief” denied the veracity of the half-dozen women who had complained about his unwanted macking and pawing, characterizing them all as “disgruntled employees.”

The “chief” – who wore a Face Diaper to hide his face from reporters attempting to ask him about his “serving and protecting” – has since resigned. But will he be charged? Will he forfeit the probably very generous pension and other benefits he was accruing as a “hero”?

More directly, who will end up paying out to cover the damages that will probably be awarded to the “chief’s” victims? It probably won’t be the “chief,” himself – as he is likely protected by the qualified immunity that lets badged-and-armed Pepe Le Pews escape being bankrupted in civil court the way any of us would be, if we Pepe Le Pew’d half-a-dozen people at the office, over whom we wielded the power to hire – and fire. To promote – or pass over.

The “chief’s” actions, if proved to be actual, are also indicative of something worse. If an AGW feels entitled to paw women he works with, what do you suppose his inclinations are as regards women he “pulls over”? Women he catches not wearing a “mask,” contrary to “mandates” – and so on.

This “chief” is a danger to the community made much more dangerous because he has a badge – and a gun.

It is the foundational problem that necessarily comes with empowering people with badges and guns – and then encouraging them to use both by granting them qualified immunity for using them abusively.

It may be necessary to have police. That is to say, keepers of the peace. It is at any rate a reasonable assertion to make and it can be discussed, reasonably. But there is ample reason to hold anyone given a badge and a gun to at least the same standard of personal accountability that everyone else, who does not carry a badge or a government-issued gun – is automatically held to.

Arguably, the standard of accountability ought to be higher, precisely because these people are endowed with a badge and a government-issued gun. Their tempers ought to be more even, their judgment cooler. And their knowledge of the law better than ours. All too many cases there are of “law enforcement” enforcing laws that do not exist – and making up laws, on the spot. Ignoring the actual law.

Some will say that ending qualified immunity is unfair – even “dangerous” – because it will cause AGWs to be more careful, perhaps at the expense of their “safety.”


Aren’t “heroes” supposed to be precisely the kinds of people who put the “safety” of others ahead of themselves?

Even better if they could learn to keep their hands to themselves, too.

. . .

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  1. Once again, the left correctly identified the problem, corruption in the police. But their solution “community policing,” where they send in unarmed case workers, leaves much to be desired. If we have to have police they should be managed at the neighborhood level, as defined by those who live with the police force. Policing doesn’t scale, which is why it doesn’t work in mega cities like Chicago and Los Angeles.

  2. “Some will say that ending qualified immunity is unfair – even “dangerous” – because it will cause AGWs to be more careful, perhaps at the expense of their “safety.”
    God forbid AGWs being “more careful”, or endangering their own saaaafety at all. Our safety from them notwithstanding.

  3. Don’t you know officer (i.e. hero) safety is paramount? Cops exist solely to project state power upon the citizenry. They are not here to protect and serve as their motto states. The US Supreme Court confirmed this some time ago. Whatever occasional benefit to citizens that occurs (something very rare) is purely incidental.

    Reasonable people of good will are not attracted to and never last in government positions because they are either pushed out (do to their reluctance to victimize the citizenry) or are so repulsed that they quickly resign. Only psychopaths remain, which is why this asshole was chief. There are no exceptions!

    Thus, these female officers were just as much psychopaths as was the chief. They’re likely ok with victimizing the citizens, but they object to their own victimization. I have as much sympathy as I would if one mafia underling was upset because another beat him up. In fact, we should rejoice when the psychopaths victimize each other.

    “Stop resisting! Stop resisting!”

    • Mister: psychopath female officers

      I’ve been at a job where a “better half/strong and independent” used sexual harassment allegations to get rid of a boss so she could feed her iphone/late to work/excessive smoke break addictions. It was simply her word against his. Corporate sent a team to take statements and this guys career was over – he was marched out the door that day. I’ll never see this meeeeeetoooooo dogpile as anything other than sick shit teenage drama. Why 6 women? Why didn’t the first strong and courageous dickless enforcer man up before 5 other sisters were victimized? Too much fishy crotch crocodile tears with no proof.

        • No doubt Mister.
          I have no love for government workers of any flavor. Anybody that chooses to subsist on the plunder of the big gang is no better than the lowest of predatory criminals. The only exception I grant is to those on SS retirement payments as the tax and regulatory overhead in this country gives very few a chance of not starving to death after they’ve had their best years consumed and defecated by the machine.

          • H Pseudonym,

            SS is a hard one. I also find the idea of taking it – when my time comes – uncomfortable in that I know perfectly well all the money that I have “contributed” was long ago spent. It s why I try to live such that when become “eligible,” I won’t need it. But this is hard given the endless – and lifelong – taking in the form of all the myriad taxes we’re forced to pay, in addition to SS “contributions.” I often rant about property taxes for precisely this reason. If a man can own his home outright – no having to pay the government to live in it – one can live on very little indeed. But property taxes almost require a man to work until he dies, in order to pay the taxes.

            I’d like to see people given the option to opt out of further “contributions” to SS – in exchange for agreeing to forego “benefits” in the future. Young people are especially screwed over by SS.

            But I’d also like to see an end to property taxes and a limit on all other taxes to no more than 10 percent of all income – capped to a certain cumulative amount, after which no more taxes at all.

            If such a thing were ever to happen, no one would need SS at all.

  4. Exactly Eric,
    “Qualified immunity” is a total crock, AGW’s use it like James Bond’s license to kill, which is basically what it is. My other favorite is “administrative leave” when they get caught so egregiously it can’t be covered up; they continue to get paid while they’re on “administrative leave” so it’s just paid vacation. Wish my job had that, if we f*ked up on the job we got an actual suspension without pay.

    • QI – brought to you by government courts who say government employees are not responsible for their actions, but the taxpayers are.

      Makes total sense.

      I heard a proposal that would require cops to carry liability insurance to hold their jobs. Insurance companies could be sued instead of the taxpayer and if the cop can no longer be insured = no longer a cop.
      Sounds good to me.

  5. ‘There is ample reason to hold anyone given a badge and a gun to at least the same standard of personal accountability that everyone else is automatically held to.’ — eric

    Yes. It’s called Amendment XIV — equal protection of the law.

    Even earlier, our dead-letter constitution forbade titles of nobility. It admits no privileged classes.

    Yet under our contemporary ‘just us’ system, some politically-protected families — e.g., the Clintons; the Obamas; the Bidens — enjoy de facto legal impunity, despite openly taking bribes, selling pardons, and peddling influence over public policy.

    One doesn’t expect much of the coming RINO-majority Clowngress. Impeaching “Biden,” and his enabler Merrick ‘Raccoon Face’ Garland, would be a reach for the Mitt Romneys and Mitch McClownells who function as their ever-accommodating Uniparty business partners.

    Yet to defeat the insidious decadence of ‘defining deviancy downward’ (as it was styled during the Clinton years), we must nevertheless demand accountability from the RINO collaborator party.

  6. Officer Pepe should legally change his last name to Biden or Clinton. Then he would be off limits to any investigations and questions pertaining to his actions!


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