What They Aren’t Telling People About EeeeeeeVeeeeeees


Everyone knows – well, everyone has heard – that EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeeeeee are the vehicles for solving what is said to be the “climate crisis” – which is an interesting thing to say, given the EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeeees being produced are much more powerful than they need to be to get people from A to B. That requires huge batteries, to store all the electricity needed to make them go very fast, very quickly.

You’d think that would be discouraged – even banned – if there is a “crisis” looming that is being caused by the “emission” of carbon dioxide. After all, more of the latter is being “emitted” than necessary by the utility plants that generate almost all of the electricity that powers over-powered EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeees.

Does anyone need to get 60 in 2.9 seconds? Or even six? If there is a “crisis,” that is. Yet practically every EeeeeeeVeeeeee on the market is designed specifically to use up more power than is needed for bare-minimum or even economy-car-equivalent basic transportation needs.

This tells you something about the true nature of the “crisis” – and those who say it is one. If a ship on the open sea has sprung a leak and is sinking, do you open more holes below the waterline?

There are some other things about EeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeeees they aren’t telling you about as well.

You can’t “fast” charge an EeeeeeeeeVeeeeee at home – 

Practically every article gushing about EeeeeeeVeeeeeees will report on the fact that it is possible to “fast”charge an EeeeeeeeeeeVeeee in about 30 minutes. Some will gushingly report that – soon! – you’ll be able to do it in less than 15 minutes. What they never tell you is that you cannot do this at home. Because private homes do not have the capability to “fast” charge an EeeeeeVeeeee. The very “fastest” you can charge an EeeeeeeeeeVeeee at a private home is in around eight-nine hours, on a 240 volt (dryer-type) outlet.

You will never be able to “fast” charge an EeeeeeeeeVeeeee at home. Not without completely rewiring the home to commercial-grade capacity. This means you will always have to drive to wherever the “fast” charger is – and wait there. This means spending time getting to (and from) the “fast” charger. Which means spending more time “fast” charging. Thirty minutes to “fast” charge” ends up being that plus however long it took to drive there, plus the wait there.

And that “15 minutes” – soon! – they also gush about? They do not tell you that while it might be “faster” it is less. As in, not a full recharge. Just enough to get going again. But not very far – before you’ll need to stop (and wait) again.

Speaking of which . . .

A “fast” charge is never a full charge – 

Whenever you read an article gushing about EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeees and the miracle of taking at least five times as long to “fast” charge it vs. the five minutes it takes to refuel a non-EeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeee, you will never encounter the disclaimer that the “fast” charge is only 80 percent charged. In other words, you end up with 20 percent less charge than a full charge, which means 20 percent less range . . . which means having to stop (again) 20 percent sooner.

The reason why you cannot – well, should not – “fast” charge an EeeeeeVeeeee to fully charged is because it is hard on the battery, which is the most expensive part of an EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee. There is also an increased fire risk. So EeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees (and “fast” chargers) are set up to deliver 80 percent charge “fast” – and the rest, slow.

This 20 percent loss of charge-range – assuming you don’t have time to wait for a full  (slow) charge – is probably not a huge big deal if you aren’t going far or have the time to stop and wait (again). But if you’re on a long trip, you’ll be stopping – and waiting – more than you’ve been led to believe you will be.

Speaking of that . . .

The farther you drive, the shorter the service life –

If you drive an EeeeeeeeVeeeeee to the limit of its range, you will have heavily discharged its battery pack. If you want the battery pack to last you should avoid doing this, because regularly discharging a battery is likely to reduce the life of the battery. Meaning, its capacity to hold the charge (and so, deliver the range) it advertised when new. This is why hybrid cars are designed to always keep the battery partially charged. Even so, a hybrid car’s battery pack eventually loses its capacity to hold charge and must be replaced.

But EeeeeeeeeVeeeeees have no gas engine on board to keep the battery from being heavily discharged. This presents a paradox: If you use the EeeeeeeeeVeeeeee’s advertised range you are reducing the battery pack’s service life. Put another way: The EeeeeeeeVeeeeeee’s advertised range is functionally about 30 percent less-than-advertised, if you want to avoid having to spend 30-50 percent as much as the EeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee itself cost you on a replacement battery pack before it is time to replace the EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee, itself.

You have probably not heard about this, either. But you really ought to know about it, if you’re thinking about buying an EeeeeeeeVeeeee.

There are some other things to know about EeeeeeeeVeeeees, too.

If you don’t have a garage, where will you plug in your EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeee? Will you be able to run an extension cord from inside your house – or apartment – to wherever the EeeeeeeeVeeeeee is parked?

Did you know that leaving an EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeee garaged outside – in the cold – will result in the EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeee’s range when you parked it being less when you get up the next day to drive it? This is because EeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees burn power even when they aren’t being used – because EeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees have powered heating (and cooling) systems that are always on – to keep the battery from getting too cold (or too hot). That means needing to keep the EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeee plugged in, to avoid loss of charge while it’s just sitting – especially if it is sitting outside, in the cold (or heat).

Finally – for those who are considering an EeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeee because they believe that they are thereby reducing their “carbon footprint”: You are probably increasing it. For two reasons.

One, EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees do not last as long as non-EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeees – because EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeee battery packs do not last as long as non-EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeees do and cost more than it’s worth to replace them when they can no longer power the EeeeeeeeVeeeee. That means a new EeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeeeee sooner. Which means new raw materials (and carbon dioxide “emissions”) to make the new EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee – which will be just as prematurely disposable as the old EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee.

Two, because EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeees are energy hogs. Even the small ones like the Tesla 3 – which is a compact-sized car comparable to a Honda Civic sedan – has more than 1,000 pounds of battery pack, which it uses to deliver the speedy 0-60 times it touts. But that entails a probable doubling of the size of the battery pack that would otherwise be needed to deliver adequate (rather than “ludicrous”) speed – and also uses twice (or more) the power needed to keep it charged up. Almost all of that power – especially the commercial-grade power available at “fast” chargers – produced by combusting lots of natural gas, oil and coal. Resulting in lots of carbon dioxide “emissions.”

So, why aren’t the people hard-selling EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees telling people these things? Well, for the same reason the same people didn’t tell the people about the “vaccines” – until after they’d been injected with them.

. . .

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  1. Car salesmen always had a bad name, EV pushers are far worse liars….lol

    Average EV range

    What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh…that equates to 20 mpg….lol
    In big heavy EV’s like trucks, it is a lot worse, less then 2.4 miles of range for every kwh…which equates to 20 mpg

    For a 90 kwh battery the range is 2.4 miles x 90 kwh = 216 miles, but you can only use 60% of that range so the real range is 129 miles in ideal conditions, 30 mph, flat road, no wind, 70 degrees out, no accessories on, AC, etc…
    Lots of these batteries are far less then 90 kwh so their range will be far worse. If it is 45 kwh battery divide these numbers by two.

    In not ideal conditions, like when it is very cold out, the range drops 50% so the range is 65 miles now. 65 mile range forget about buying an EV….lol
    When it is very hot out it effects the battery range also, these batteries are very fragile and finicky, they only function properly when it is warm out only, ice cars run all the time, no problem.

    AT WOT…wide open throttle the range drops 90%, on a race track a tesla at WOT used 80 miles range in 8 miles….lol…..if you tow something, the same problem.

    EV pushers always quote fast charger charging times, this is deception, fast chargers can’t be used without ruining the battery, so that means no long trips, the EV can only be used close to home, it is pretty useless..

    NOTE: If you use fast chargers a lot it will ruin the battery in your EV, it will lose 50% of it’s range, if you don’t use fast chargers it takes forever to recharge, forget about installing a fast charger in your house, the grid can’t handle it and they cost $90,000 installed per car, lots of people have multiple cars. So you are stuck with slow 9 hour charge times.

    ATTENTION: The faster the charging, the hotter the battery gets! Battery makers often advise a cool down period before it is used again! Nobody is doing this….

    Failure to do that overheats the battery, makes it extremely inefficient and shortens its life by up to 50%. NOTE: These are facts that producers of electric cars will not tell you!

    ATTENTION: Do not buy a used EV nobody uses a cool down period, they use fast chargers so the battery is ruined.

    The scrap yards will be over flowing with these EV’s with dead batteries, which cost more to replace thern the car is worth, these are dangerous lithium fire bomb batteries which can’t be/aren’t being recycled, the biggest ecological catastrophe in history, millions of lithium fire bomb batteries leaking and ready to explode in a fire ball….lol…note there is a $4500 recycling fee. About 5% are recycled now….they say…lol

    Telling you how quickly their car can charge, sells cars……….telling you how fast you could ruin your battery is not sales talk!
    Telling you 0 to 60 times sells cars, telling you after you did that a couple of times, there is only 50 miles range left, it killed ther battery, is not sales talk…..lol

    Car salesmen always had a bad name, EV pushers are far worse liars….lol

    The best battery charging rate is slowly by night while you sleep!…note…if everybody does this it overloads the grid, so you can’t charge, this will make over night peak use time, so electricity rates could go up 300% to 1000%, for that time, which has already happened in some countries. Now the electricity cost is far higher then buying gas for an ice car…lol

    NOTE: you can only use 60% of the battery capacity…… between 30% and 90%. using the battery below 30% you can damage the battery, charging above 90% can damage the battery and cause a fire. So you can only use 60% of the range advertised…..

    Fast charging?…start a fire….lol
    Extreme fast chargers, for example,can push battery pack temperatures to 270ºC…514ºF after just a few minutes of charging. Charging times are so long they are putting in extreme fast chargers that ruin the battery and could start a fire, but nobody bothered telling you….lol……
    these EV’s are so bad they are trying all sorts of dangerous crap to make them work.

    After 100,000 miles the battery needs to be replaced (one owner only got 70,000 miles, maybe they used fast chargers which ruin the battery), for $22,000 to $30,000…lol

  2. The EV’s they are selling are all 4000 lb to 10,000 lb whales …..(The Hummer 10,000 lb), which require 1000 lb to 3000 lb batteries which require enormous amounts of energy to recharge.

    There is no way to recharge these batteriers other then getting huge amounts of electricity from the grid, a little solar panel won’t do it…lol…no grid access, it won’t move.
    This may have been done to control movement (they said it was to go 0 to 60 in 3 seconds….lol.)

    The electric cars they should have built would be very small and light, good for around town, very inexpensive, powered by 100% green lead acid batteries, easy to recharge, but then you would be independent, not good.

    DIY electric car runs 200 miles on old lead-acid batteries, which are 100% green…..

    People should boycott all big manufacturers receiving ESG cash to push EV’s, don’t give them one cent.

    Buy an older analog car without all the computers, don’t buy any new ice or EV vehicles.

    If you want an EV buy one of these only, or build your own….this could be cheap wheels when ice is banned….

    bribed with ESG money, automakers are building, pushing electric vehicles,

    several individuals are using their skills to create low-cost electric rides.

    David Cloud is one such individual who has spent $3,000.00 in converting a 1997 Geo Metro to run on an electric engine fueled by old lead acid batteries. A new EV is at least $50,000.00 or more.

    The vehicle is powered by 8” ADC motors that are included on each rear wheel and are powered by old 12V lead-acid batteries. The vehicle has a top speed of 72mph and can hit 60mph in 18 seconds, with a range of about 200 miles.

    Someone should build these and sell them, there is a market for them, the new EV’s are $50,000 +

    Lead acid batteries are 100% recycled so are green. Lead acid can be traded in for reconditioned ones for $60.00 and come with a warranty. Twelve of them cost $720.00

    EV lithium batteries cost $22,000.00 to $30,000.00 to replace.

    Only 5% of lithium fire bomb batteries are recycled, plus there is a rumored $4500 recycling fee, so lots will get thrown into the woods…..


  3. Be independent, get a saw and an axe.

    Wood powered cars have advantages over gas, diesel or electric vehicles.

    The worst choice is electric vehicles. When ther grid goes down they are useless.

    There is lots of free wood someplaces, you can drive around the world with a saw and an axe.

    In a very remote location this would be good, if there is lots of trees.
    When/if they cut off our gas or diesel we can use these.

    There might be a business opportunity building and selling these.


  4. ‘Which means new raw materials (and carbon dioxide “emissions”) to make the new EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee’ — eric

    Funny you should mention raw materials. Who would’ve thought this would happen:

    ‘Bloomberg reported lithium carbonate, a key metal in EV batteries, hit a new record high in China this week. Per ton, prices jumped to 500,500 yuan ($71,315), more than triple the price versus last year.

    ‘The global surge in lithium prices has increased the cost of EV batteries. Tesla hiked vehicle prices several times this summer because of rising battery costs.

    ‘Research firm Rystad Energy said a second energy crisis could materialize in China this winter when heating demand soars: “This could lead to new power shortages and hit lithium operations,” it noted, expecting lithium prices to stay elevated for the rest of the year.’ — ZH

    Trying to brute force a transition from ICE vehicles to EeeVees is like a snake swallowing a rat. First raw materials go up, since there’s not enough capacity. Then, farther down the line, electric grids buckle under the new, heavy loads. And so forth.

    Our central planners’ Great Leap Forward II into EeeVees probably will turn out about the same as Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward I, which sought to install steel blast furnaces in every peasant’s back yard. But unforeseen difficulties arose … and tens of millions starved.

    Oops, our bad!

  5. Leftist/globalists and fake science…

    Jamie Sarkonak: When science goes woke, people will suffer
    Science journals and funding agencies are changing publishing guidelines and adjusting research funding policies to favour progressive views


    from comments

    “Scientists” are forced to sell their reputations to authoritarian leftists, if they did not then radical liberals would destroy their government funded careers.
    The pandemic made it obvious to everyone what’s going on by subverting medical science, but now everyone can see that climate change science fiction works the same way, it’s a classic – leaders used to say the gods are angry with you so you must make sacrifices, now they just blame you.

    I remember a time when ethics had nothing to do with people’s feelings but everything to do with consistently upholding a high standard of moral principles, honesty and integrity. The idea that one must dissemble or even outright lie to be anointed a spot in the unscientific journal Nature is another nail in the coffin of scientific credibility. Dear lord, is nothing sacred anymore. Has even science succumbed to WOKE bigotry? We are lost on an untethered flotilla in the middle of a wild, uncertain ethical ocean. There is nothing we can rely on for truth and unbiased fact anymore.

    When you go to court…different story…..
    Game is over wokesters. Courts are asking to show your science. And so far you don’t have any. Non , zero, nada, zilch for Covid , Emergency Act, or Global Warming.
    This winter is gonna teach you a lesson.

    A glaring example of where the woke left has prevailed and totally distorted science is the cult of climate scientology. Science analyzes data and then draw conclusions. So called climate science has it conclusions already and bends data to fit them. After your geography degree fails to get you a job you apply to grad school. You can study climate science but you must sing the tune and promote the cult or no funding for you.

    The new meme from many academics is that medical and scientific papers are not taken seriously anymore. Everyone in the field knows why and how they are published. What a waste of intellectual talent and time!

    Scratch a Regressive Woke, you will find a triple jabbed Fascist with VAIDS”.

    The progressivess are regressing western science , enlightenment and truth back to a medieval state where a fabricated dogma over ruled and non compliance was maliciously persecuted.

    Give me enough variables and I can make my model come up with whatever conclusion you want me to sir. Trust me people won’t notice because they don’t really understand the science.

    the same woke type of “scientists” that dictated we could achieve Covid Zero with lockdowns, now claim they can alter the weather by taxing you or making you eat bugs. And if you disagree, they call you stewpid, unintellectual, Qanon, far-right, etc etc

    Climate Science” is the art of using video game skills to build a computer model that ensure a funding grant.

    97% of scientists agreed climate change is manmade, and the other 3% were fired for not agreeing.

    Science now becomes an ideology and people will be hurt badly because of it.
    Science: the manipulation of Cause and Effect to elucidate Function and Form.
    Mathematics: the manipulation of Function and Form to elucidate Cause and Effect.

    There’s a political cartoon I’ve seen with a stern-looking “scientist,” and the caption reads, “97% of scientists believe whatever will secure their future financial grants.” “Science” has a funny way of losing its objectivity when billionaires with agendas, venal politicians, and a global elite with sights on world domination provide its funding.

    As much as they are regularly regarded as a priestly caste whose dedication to knowledge renders their pronouncements holy truths, scientists are just people — as corruptible and self-interested as the rest. If you want to use scientists to push an agenda that benefits those at the top while destroying those at the bottom,

    it helps a lot if they are seen as some sort of holier-than-thou religious order that would never dare tell a lie. You might not trust the billionaires or bureaucrats, but the scientists — well, their word is unimpeachable!

    Democide is the #1 cause of death in Human History.

    No where is wokeism, political interference and manipulation more prevalent than in climate studies. It’s a do as we tell you do environment with no exceptions forcing objectivity and the integrity of scientific research out the window in favour of a narrative Climate Change Junkies demand. Where’s the science in that?
    Shamefully, some scientists acquiesce in order to maintain funding even though they know their research is being compromised as a result. Precisely why there is so many questions about climate change as to its validity and effects, the research often doesn’t stand up to the basic litmus test because the conclusions were written before the research began. Go figure.

    THEN, it is not science anymore! Simple. The woke need to give their bias a name..

    • Throughout the Covid “pandemic”, the WHO, CDC, NIHR and other global institutions like the WEF promoted the false concept of “settled science”. They suppressed any dissenting views by scientists, medical research specialists and doctors who were previously recognized as international experts. This was done with the help of big Tech, compliant hospitals and the MSM that gleefully censored them for spreading “misinformation”.

      Woke” science has been going on since the COVID pandemic materialized. Any MD or PhD researcher who questioned the ‘established COVID narrative’ – especially when it came to the ‘faux vaccines’ or the use of Ivermectin – was SILENCED and CENSORED, regardless of their qualifications, expertise, or the scientific proof that they presented.

      Nature changed its scientific nature to wokeism some time ago, but scientific fraud has been going on for far longer. The Climategate scandal in 2009 exposed the fraudulence of the entire man-made climate change narrative.

      Hacked emails from the University of East Anglia revealed data manipulation, manipulation of the peer-review process, blacklisting, data destruction and willful violation of the UK’s Freedom of Information Act by UN IPCC leading scientists, including University of Pennsylvania professor Michael Mann and others. They were caught red-handed manipulating the “scientific consensus” to support the global warming narrative through a concerted effort to hide rather than disseminate underlying evidence and procedures.

      It turns out that buying scientists is as easy as buying their publications and even EASIER than buying a politician (hard to believe). After all….a scientist who can’t publish isn’t much of a scientist.
      This is not actually new. Most of the journals that publish climate science have fallen under the spell of the IPCC and the elite who would use the threat of global warming to control and own you.

      Defending scientific research from DEI….Diversity, Equity & Inclusion …. and woke nonsense is a “hill worth dying on” if those of us who care about the West and its further development hope to defeat the extreme left’s attempt to spiral us all downward into their irrational dystopia. Saying so is not espousing a conspiracy theory when the evidence is clear that the STEM fields are under attack. Fight back.

      3 academics got a handful of studies (that they completely fabricated) published into the highest academic journal in America by spouting woke talking points.

      Science died when we were told to not question the “experts”. Science is about questions and if the “experts” don’t like questions it’s because they have no rational answers. The “science is settled” bit is another lie designed to silence those who question.

      “Science” has been hopelessly corrupted for a while.
      The replication crisis shows that probably 90% of medical papers are garbage, a number rising close to 100% with climate, papers based on speculation grounded in nothing more than models.
      GIGO, endlessly.

      Notice the Covid Cult falsely claims computer models are Science just like the Climate Cult does.

      First they take your arms, then your car, next your food and when you have nothing left they take your land.
      The same way tyrants have operated for 1000’s of years.

      Woke science = supplying tor tured stats and data delivering vital messaging the government wants to control their people so you can continue to get funding …. how “progressively” leftist

      Between climate change and covid, the world is experiencing a plague of scientism. For those with a progressive worldview, science is used as a substitute for religion. They use science only as an intellectual authority to confirm their opinions and biases, when it doesn’t, it is dismissed or attacked as heresy.

      Western universities are now a joke. The whole nonsense about the weather, oops I mean “climate change” is just the most obvious example of taking pure marxist anti-human politics and slapping a “Science™️” label on it

      We hear words like “follow the science” …. which is basically meaningless, when the person uttering the remark has little idea what the true scientific process is.

      This final step in a scientific study is the “peer review” (PR). The researcher together with his/her mentor, has to come before a panel of experts on the topic ; present his/her findings, and defend it. This panel has had time to study the research; applies rigorous questioning to the researcher , and finally decides if this work passes/fails the test of true scientific work and an addition of new, proven knowledge.

      A Pass usually leads to a Masters or Doctorate degree. In most cases, the university holds the copyright to the work.
      Much of what is called “scientific evidence” is little more than conjectures, where the acid test of peer review is lacking.

      • Hi Anon,

        I hope people are beginning to see the common threads. We’re told not to question “the science” – as regards “masks” and then “vaccines.” Next it will be “the science” as regards “climate change.”

        But – good news, I hope – people are beginning to see the common threads. Many have become aware that “the science” is simply the new “racism” – i.e., a shout-down word meant to stifle questions and shame the questioners.

        This may jus be the end of the beginning.

  6. New rule:

    Anyone who creates or discovers a “crisis” should be prohibited from solving it, or profiting off of any solution that is proffered.

    Implement that, and a lot of “problems” will vaporize like tomorrow.

    Don’t let other people tell you when you have a problem. Only seek out solutions when you decide for yourself that you need them.

    Immunize yourself against advertising and fearmongers.

  7. Two huge frauds based on fake science with similarities…..

    Climate change fraud

    Just to put a spike in the witch doctor-ery Climate stuff from yesterday, one comment said a researcher got a Nobel Prize for making a computer model the “accurately made climate predictions”. This is so silly. How can someone know that future predictions are accurate?? This makes zero sense.

    The Nobel Prize committe handed out a political award, no different than Al Gore’s and Barak Obama’s. It was dressed up to fool scientific illiterates, and apparently, it worked.

    Real science is testable and falsifiable. Computer models predicting the future are neither, so they are not science. Nobel prizes arising from that work are scientifically meaningless.

    In layman’s terms, I could produce a computer model saying that 30 years from now space aliens will invade. Scientifically, my model is as scientific as the Nobel Prize winners Climate model. Both are untestable and not falsifiable. Because of that, neither are science.

    His was infinitely more profitable though. It pays to please the elite.

    Bat germ fraud

    zhang yongzhen was the chinese scientist that released the genome data for the so called sars cov 2 virus, this data was used all over the world to put in place masking, lockdowns, destruction of small business and now forced extermination injections and to make, concoct, manufacture the vac……ci,,nes

    ATTENTION: The problem was he used fabricated manipulated data, scientific fraud to fabricate the sars co…v 2 vir…us genome,
    ATTENTION: he used their megahit software program. no controlled experiments were ever done. Commiting fraud using a computer program….lol

    Around the world virologists used 49 different software programs and could never duplicate his results. nobody seems to care………..

    This faked data was fed into another software program that produced the mrna vac..ci,,ne in one weekend.
    ATTENTION: Made in one weekend, zero tests for safety (but the government said 24/7 safe and effective), Normal vac…..cines take 10 years to develop, test, produce.

    the official bat germ narrative was it came from a bat mating with an armadillo in a wet market….lol

    These green morons have zero science to back up their propaganda, all the claims they make are from corrupt, bought/rented loser low grade scientists who use fraudulent data and fake science to make these claims, they are intellectualy and scientifically bankrupt.
    All the very best top level Phd scientists say they are wrong….lol

    People in the environmental movement are now just political activists, social activists, entrepenuers trying to make money, just a way to get a huge amount of cash, they have no formal science education, they just use fake science, their beliefs, so it is just a religion.

    They take more and more extreme positions to keep the good guy bad guy narrative going, like banning all hydrocarbons, which is impossible and insane.

    They hire the best PR firms to push their bs narrative and their main focus becomes just fund raising, just a racket.

    They lie and use photo shop to back up their lies, like the island of floating plastic in the ocean twice the size of Texas, ……it doesn’t exist it is another lie…….it is remote so it is hard to fact check

    They pick something that is invisible or remote or both, like CO2 so it is harder to fact check. Big pharma did this with the bat germ narrative (bat germs are invisible) they just used a cgi image…lol.

    All the environmental problems they talk about are all lies, it is all fraud. Some of them are being charged with fraud now.

    • how come they don’t use the spikey ball bat germ cgi image anymore?…..lol….it used to be everywhere 24/7….it was supposed to scare you into getting the termination injection….

  8. Climate change used to ban ice cars is a huge fraud…lol

    How to Think About Climate Change…. William Happer….your chance to hear a real scientist

    The global warming green agenda pushed by ecofascists is based is purely political and religious, based on fake science, like the Climate change false narrative, the new GAIA cult religion, a big favorite of the communist, reset, one world government, satanic cult freaks,

    CO2 bs = insanity. another nutcase theory for low iq leftist morons

    Climate change just like bat germ bs is purely political and religious, based on fake science. Climate change, the new GAIA cult religion, like it’s brother bat germ hoax, a big favorite of the communist, reset, one world government, satanic cult freaks,

    People in the environmental movement are now just political activists, social activists, entrepenuers trying to make money, just a way to get a huge amount of cash, they have no formal science education, they just use fake science, their beliefs, so it is just a religion.

    They take more and more extreme positions to keep the good guy bad guy narrative going, like banning all hydrocarbons, which is impossible and insane.

    They hire the best PR firms to push their bs narrative and their main focus becomes just fund raising, just a racket.

    They lie and use photo shop to back up their lies, like the island of floating plastic in the ocean twice the size of Texas, ……it doesn’t exist it is another lie…….it is remote so it is hard to fact check

    They pick something that is invisible or remote or both, like CO2 so it is harder to fact check. Big pharma did this with the bat germ narrative (bat germs are invisible) they just used a cgi image…lol.

    All the environmental problems they talk about are all lies, it is all fraud. Some of them are being charged with fraud now.

    These green morons have zero science to back up their propaganda, (they quote crooked scientists not real science), all the claims they make are from corrupt, bought/rented loser low grade scientists who use fraudulent data and fake science to make these claims, they are intellectualy and scientifically bankrupt.

    All the very best top level Phd scientists say they are wrong….lol

    Watch one of the few un-silenced actual top level scientists in the world in this video…..

    This is a very simplified version of the 38-page technical paper written with Professor Wijngaarden which explains in detailed mathematics and molecular thermodynamics why we are not in trouble with carbon-dioxide. For those who disagree with Happer, let us see your detailed mathematical / scientific rebuttal. Remember that an attack ad-Hominem concedes that you have no logical rebuttal for the argument presented.


  9. Eric, Eric, Eric—you need to go play with that puppy, ride your motorcycle or get away from everyone—or do all three.
    Also, pretty sure you used up all of your small e’s, sorry.

  10. You should be happy to know they are banning your ice cars based on lies, fraud, these lefistist/communist/globalists lie 24/7….lol

    Matt Ridley….your chance to hear a real scientist

    Matt Ridley on How Fossil Fuels are Greening the Planet

    The global warming green agenda pushed by ecofascists is based is purely political and religious, based on fake science, like the Climate change false narrative, the new GAIA cult religion, a big favorite of the communist, reset, one world government, satanic cult freaks,

    CO2 bs = insanity. another nutcase theory for low iq leftist morons

    Climate change just like bat germ bs is purely political and religious, based on fake science. Climate change, the new GAIA cult religion, like it’s brother bat germ hoax, a big favorite of the communist, reset, one world government, satanic cult freaks,

    People in the environmental movement are now just political activists, social activists, entrepenuers trying to make money, just a way to get a huge amount of cash, they have no formal science education, they just use fake science, their beliefs, so it is just a religion.

    They take more and more extreme positions to keep the good guy bad guy narrative going, like banning all hydrocarbons, which is impossible and insane.

    They hire the best PR firms to push their bs narrative and their main focus becomes just fund raising, just a racket.

    They lie and use photo shop to back up their lies, like the island of floating plastic in the ocean twice the size of Texas, ……it doesn’t exist it is another lie…….it is remote so it is hard to fact check

    They pick something that is invisible or remote or both, like CO2 so it is harder to fact check. Big pharma did this with the bat germ narrative (bat germs are invisible) they just used a cgi image…lol.

    All the environmental problems they talk about are all lies, it is all fraud. Some of them are being charged with fraud now.

    These green morons have zero science to back up their propaganda, (they quote crooked scientists not real science), all the claims they make are from corrupt, bought/rented loser low grade scientists who use fraudulent data and fake science to make these claims, they are intellectualy and scientifically bankrupt.

    All the very best top level Phd scientists say they are wrong….lol

    Watch one of the few un-silenced actual top level scientists in the world in this video…..


  11. All in the name of the Green Planet.

    At least you have 3 seconds to get out after the crash…lol

    Battery Cars and what you don’t yet know (quoting an engineer):
    As a retired motor industry multi-skilled engineer, consumer consultant to the public and manufacturers, , engine specialist repairer, expert witness for the Courts, I am very well connected. So none of this is guesswork.

    The most common accident is often regarded as the T-Bone collision. Where a vehicle is struck amidships on the “B” pillar, by a vehicle travelling perpendicular to the struck car. That’s why it’s called a “T-Bone” collision. The impact on a petrol and diesel car punches in the door/s, punches in the B pillar, often deforms the roof and….buckles the floor pan.

    In a battery car the main traction battery is usually under that floor. Impacting the battery in such a t-bone collision can fracture the traction battery casing, If the impact, (and bear in mind the battery car is MUCH heavier than an ICE car, so it does not want to be deflected by the side impact), fractures the traction battery AND exposes any Lithium that the battery is constructed from,

    NOTE: and its been raining, you may have as little as three seconds to evacuate the car, before it becomes a high temperature fireball.

    If you have kids in car seats in the back, or the impact deforms the passenger side door/s, you will not save anyone.

    There will be no post-accident “Cutting the roof off” to extract passengers.

    Crash testing? Crash Testing historically has frequently NOT shown up issues that happen in the real world. You are in effect sitting on top of what may be an 800 volt, mattress sized barbeque.

    ATTENTION: Far higher insurance rates coming for EV’s with their lithium fire bomb batteries…
    Insurers are becoming increasing aware of the financial disaster from such an accident, so will be preparing premiums on battery cars as necessary.

    Plus, minor accidents that in the past would have been fixed with a pair of doors, new B pillar, floor and roof repair etc, may now involve potential damage to the traction battery that often CANNOT BE SEEN, and the replacement of the battery also may mean that a repairable car becomes a financial catastrophe. Battery replacement costs are from about $22,000 to $30,000. There is a rumored $4500 recycling fee.

    I’m not kidding. You’ll see.
    Battery cars have been chosen out of ignorance and the gullibility of car buyers putting faith in manufacturers that cannot be trusted.
    Actually it is being fueled by the billions of tax payers dollars being thrown at forcing EV’s into the market, a huge windfall for the money grabbers involved. NOTE: 80% of all key EV parts and batteries come from china, why are chinese products being pushed? bribed ccp controlled politicians?

    Lithium fire bomb batteries:

    a battery fire tragically killed two teens in 2018; though they survived the car crash but the teens were killed when the battery caught fire, burning to death in the wrecked vehicle…..you can’t get out

    Those deaths, despite occurring about four years ago, are relevant because the suit over their deaths just ended, with a Florida court finding Tesla at fault, as NBC News reported,

    A federal jury in Florida has found Tesla negligent in a 2018 crash that killed two teens and found one of the teens 90% responsible for his role in the collision.

    The jury awarded $10.5 million in damages. It was not immediately clear how much of that amount Tesla will be required to pay based on the assignment of responsibility for the crash.


    • ATTENTION: Far higher insurance rates coming for EV’s with their lithium fire bomb batteries…
      Insurers are becoming increasing aware of the financial disaster from such an accident, so will be preparing premiums on battery cars as necessary.

      this is another great way to stop mobility….EV fires and other safety issues will make insurance so expensive only the billionaires will drive……..

  12. IF there was an actual climate crisis uncle scam would allow for a class of cars similar to Japans Kei cars. Lightweight fuel sippers that require a barebones amount of materials to manufacture and operate. They aren’t doing that or anything logical because the green new deal is built on eight billion corpses.

  13. Re: extension cords.
    these are traditionally only 110v. And only have 15-20amp breakers. And the longer they go, the thicker they need to be.
    What is charge time on 110V? I don’t know, but most likely forever.
    If they need/want to do a 220v extension cord, now they start getting heavy and cumbersome.
    Guessing we’ll see some in apartments, etc… gang a bunch of 110v cords together to get 300-500ft and now more fire troubles, or maybe the cars are smart enough to see low voltage and cancel……………….

    • ChrisIN
      I bought a 30ft 220v extension cord for my welder ages ago. It’s about an inch in diameter, it weighs a ton, and it cost a small fortune close to 15 years ago. CatCon thieves will have a field day scrapping copper if people start leaving those things outside.

      • ‘CatCon thieves will have a field day scrapping copper if people start leaving those things [heavy extension cords] outside.’ — BlackFlag

        Food for thought. Probably the No. 1 reason why developing countries — and Third World cities in North America and Europe — will find it impossible to mandate EeeVees for everyone.

        DeeCee (and NoVa and MD suburbs) elites think everyone lives in detached mansions with 200-amp breaker panels and 3-car garages like they have.

        Bad mistake …

      • haha, yeah and yours was only 30ft. Think apartment/condo to car. Guess they’re going to have to put chargers in apartment/condo parking lots. yeah right…………..
        Think, say 30 people to a apartment complex, say 20-25 cars. that’s a mega power line going down the parking lot. no way this crap works.

        • Hi Chris

          Put a level 3 charger in your home?….lol….it costs more then the EV….lol….

          a Level 3 charger has a complicated, expensive cooling system, it will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs, so maybe $40,000 to $90,000 installed for one charger, plus huge ongoing maintenance costs,

          even worse they will eventually limit it’s use to 3 hr per week, your ration….lol

          …and they want to install millions of these, at $90,000 x only one million chargers = 90 billion dollars, plus 100’s of millions of dollars in ongoing maintenance costs….lol

          (what about the trillions of dollars to upgrade the electrical grid to supply the power?….lol)

          with ice powered cars the gas station and pumps use is free…..lol….now they want to scrap that and make you pay trillions of dollars to replace it with a dangerous, expensive, maintenance intensive mess/nightmare……


  14. Assuming scarcity of fossil fuels, or outright banning of them, a la California, or even massively expensive gasoline, too expensive to use. And assuming an extreme mobility lifestyle, van life comes to mind. Stealth camping van, along the lines of Eric Enjoys Earth on youtube, that’s a sweet setup.

    What I want to know is how to power a vehicle for max independence of movement in an environment hostile to ICE? Say in about 2-3 years from now. Is it possible to power a small battery for a mini-van with regular plug ins plus solar, maybe? Dont need 0-60 in 3.8 seconds or whatever

  15. Done deal. Since we no longer are in a market driven economy where energy, transportation, and food are concerned the stats and stuff, while fun to read about, have no relationship to what is actually happening.

    Knowing about the covid scam did nothing to stop it. Knowing about the climate crisis scam is doing nothing to stop it. Rant all you want about how EV’s stack up against ICE’s, it is fun to read for entertainments sake and to maintain sanity, I guess.
    It’s all politics now, until The Big One, collapse-wise. Per SOP for all empires.
    I read about Europe now, how many will die this winter? Lots, I imagine. Will be here, too, next winter or the next, but soon. Hopefully, the geographic size and diversity of the U.S. population can hold the center for a while, maybe a slow-motion collapse that ripples, giving folks time to move around to avoid the worst rioting/civil war type stuff. EV wont help much with that as the electricity infrastructure fails. Maybe thats the plan.

    • Too true. I have to keep reminding myself that this is the reality. Same with voting and the arguments for and against. At best it’s a captured process, at worst completely fake and rigged.

    • Whether intended or not, if the full E.V. plan goes into effect, eventually shit will hit the fan, for obvious reasons! I could see the European-style energy protests and revolts happening here.

      I’d imagine, because the demand (for affordable, convenient, reliable transportation) is so strong and, even more so than Europe, there is a big enough subset of Americans willing to side-step government “rules”, that the subset will proliferate further after the “collapse”. I could imagine it will just be a growing “black market” for I.C.E. vehicles and fuels, sort of like now I can grow/raise my own food and barter with my neighbors, bypassing the “system”

  16. And CO2 (carbon-dioxide) is NOT pollution.

    CO2 is plant food. WE exhale CO2 in every breath, as do all the other animals. More CO2 fuels plants to grow more, thus greenhouses have used it to increase their plant growth, vegetable production, and fruit production.

    CO2 is LESS THAN one-half of one percent of our atmosphere.

    Thus, we know that the ENTIRE push as Eric has very well written about is a CRIMINAL HOAX. It’s not “stupid” leaders making the government and all the big media and most of the small media and most of the big corporations LIE TOGETHER in lockstep. It’s a well planned, well orchestrated CRIME against us.

    Who has the power to make all those media owners and reporters and corporations and the government LIE TOGETHER and demonize us who tell the verifiable truth?

    Likewise, the entire covid CRIMINAL HOAX. Same perp group.

    If you don’t identify those who control big money and control big media and control big corporations and control poison “vaccine” production, then obviously you’re wrong.

    • Your chance to hear a real scientist……Piers Corbyn……. a top level scientist, talking about the global warming lie.

      These green morons have zero science to back up their propaganda, all the claims they make are from corrupt, bought/rented loser low grade scientists who use fraudulent data and fake science to make these claims, they are intellectualy and scientifically bankrupt.
      All the very best top level Phd scientists say they are wrong….lol

      People in the environmental movement are now just political activists, social activists, entrepenuers trying to make money, just a way to get a huge amount of cash, they have no formal science education, they just use fake science, their beliefs, so it is just a religion.

      They take more and more extreme positions to keep the good guy bad guy narrative going, like banning all hydrocarbons, which is impossible and insane.

      They hire the best PR firms to push their bs narrative and their main focus becomes just fund raising, just a racket.

      They lie and use photo shop to back up their lies, like the island of floating plastic in the ocean twice the size of Texas, ……it doesn’t exist it is another lie…….it is remote so it is hard to fact check

      They pick something that is invisible or remote or both, like CO2 so it is harder to fact check. Big pharma did this with the bat germ narrative (bat germs are invisible) they just used a cgi image…lol.

      All the environmental problems they talk about are all lies, it is all fraud. Some of them are being charged with fraud now.

      “Nothing To Do With Man” – Astrophysicist Says Climate-Cultists “Are On A Gravy Train” To Make Money

      Piers Corbyn – physicist, meteorologist, and elder brother of former UK Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn – explained to the shocked RT anchor that the climate “has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man”

      The astrophysicist instead believes that changes in the Earth’s climate and its weather are dictated primarily by cyclical activity on the surface of the sun (and not, pointedly, by the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere).

      “For one thing science doesn’t do settled opinions,” Corbyn says.

      “And for another they are all wrong.”

      “Surely man has something to with this,” exclaims the struggling new anchor, to which Corbyn responds:

      “No, the only connection is that man is here at the same time as the sun and the moon are doing things.”


  17. Wait. Am I to believe that Santa Claus doesn’t actually exist?

    The big problem for society is that most people are either too stupid or too insouciant to figure out these cons. Smart rent-seekers and government sociopaths are well aware of this and know how to prey on them. Many people are so blind to it that they become unwitting participants in further the BS narratives (those reportedly styled by Lenin as “useful idiots”) This is a great source of frustration to those who can see it.

  18. Hi Eric!
    Excellent summary of why the push for EV’s is the greatest con of all time. Just another example I’d throw out there is the typical interstate service area – about a dozen gas pumps, most in use most of the time but quick pass through because the car you’re waiting behind is outta there in less than 5 minutes. Now imagine “fast” chargers instead and the line of cars waiting for their turn will be backed up onto the highway. Wonder how many EV’s on the road it will take before the plebes realize that they’ve been screwed.

    • Hi Mike

      they are banning ice cars based on lies, fraud….

      Your chance to hear a real scientist……..Dr. Patrick Moore….. a top level scientist, talking about the global warming lie.

      These green morons have zero science to back up their propaganda, all the claims they make are from corrupt, bought/rented loser low grade scientists who use fraudulent data and fake science to make these claims, they are intellectualy and scientifically bankrupt.
      All the very best top level Phd scientists say they are wrong….lol

      People in the environmental movement are now just political activists, social activists, entrepenuers trying to make money, just a way to get a huge amount of cash, they have no formal science education, they just use fake science, their beliefs, so it is just a religion.

      They take more and more extreme positions to keep the good guy bad guy narrative going, like banning all hydrocarbons, which is impossible and insane.

      They hire the best PR firms to push their bs narrative and their main focus becomes just fund raising, just a racket.

      They lie and use photo shop to back up their lies, like the island of floating plastic in the ocean twice the size of Texas, ……it doesn’t exist it is another lie…….it is remote so it is hard to fact check

      They pick something that is invisible or remote or both, like CO2 so it is harder to fact check. Big pharma did this with the bat germ narrative (bat germs are invisible) they just used a cgi image…lol.

      All the environmental problems they talk about are all lies, it is all fraud. Some of them are being charged with fraud now.

      CO2…plants are actually starving for CO2 today, it is too low.

      Under obama the EPA said CO2 is a pollutant…but is the most important food for life on the planet.

      Because the EPA said CO2 is a pollutant, which is a lie, all ice cars are being banned….

      CO2 went from 2500 ppm a long time ago, when there was huge forests everywhere down to 180 ppm in the ice age (150 is when all plants die) back to 400 ppm today….plants are actually starving for CO2 today, it is too low.

      These liars are banning all ice cars because of CO2, they are insane…..


      • Fraud based climate change….lol

        Just to put a spike in the witch doctor-ery Climate stuff from yesterday, one comment said a researcher got a Nobel Prize for making a computer model the “accurately made climate predictions”. This is so silly. How can someone know that future predictions are accurate?? This makes zero sense.

        The Nobel Prize committe handed out a political award, no different than Al Gore’s and Barak Obama’s. It was dressed up to fool scientific illiterates, and apparently, it worked.

        Real science is testable and falsifiable. Computer models predicting the future are neither, so they are not science. Nobel prizes arising from that work are scientifically meaningless.

        In layman’s terms, I could produce a computer model saying that 30 years from now space aliens will invade. Scientifically, my model is as scientific as the Nobel Prize winners Climate model. Both are untestable and not falsifiable. Because of that, neither are science.

        His was infinitely more profitable though. It pays to please the elite.

  19. Biden got his daily dose of lithium, not sure, but I suspect so.

    Just have flying drones, no roads, everything will be up in the air.

    Drone me up, Jesus.

    Forget about driving on a road sitting atop a battery that might auto-immolate.

    First of all, will there be a market after three years of hassling with an EV that is of questionable build and quality?

    Tesla has a dated design, doesn’t have appeal to everybody and his god.

    Tesla has a limited consumer/customer base, not everyone wants one.

    No matter the product, something can and will go wrong.

    Spoke with an agribusiness person this week. They were driving a Chevrolet Silverado, they stopped purchasing them, can’t take gravel road travel and a filter clogs.

    They drive Ford now. It’s always something.

    Supply and Demand

    Demand rules supply.

    Lazy old river
    Not a lick of ambition
    You get to Kentucky
    Then you roll on home
    – Matraca Berg, Oh Cumberland

  20. “Not without completely rewiring the home to commercial-grade capacity.”
    Not to mention the even higher cost of paying the utility company to install grid delivery capacity to your home. One would likely spend more, a lot more, on installing such charger than they did on the EV.
    They can’t for an instant tell any truth about EVs, because it would blow a big hole in the whole charade. Which never intended the general public be able to afford an EV, and instead intended to prevent you from driving at all. No point being an aristocrat if all the “deplorables” can do what you do.

  21. Eric, heres another interesting one- not only can you not charge fast, you can also not drive fast. yes the fast starts off the line and ludicrous modes make for good youtube videos, but in the real world even cruising at highway speeds greatly reduces the range of the things. For example mat dyson (with carwow) did a video of the Mercedes EQS on the autobahn some time back. A 500 mile range car was down to like 100 miles range at speed on the autobahn !!

    • Hi Nasir,

      Yup! I can vouch for that from personal experience, too. About a year ago, VW sent me an eGolf. The range plummeted ascending the roughy 8 percent grade from the valley to where I live, about 15 miles distant. EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeee people will rationalize that away by saying: But you’d increase the range (via regeneration) coming down the mountain. Yes, but what if I am not headed that way but the other way?

      Oh, you can just charge it up at home!

      Yeah, but then I must wait several hours – at least – to get back on the road.

      But you could go to a “fast” charger….

      Except they’re not at home – and so now I have to drive to the “fast” charger – and back home, again.

      And they ask me why I drink…

      • Hi Eric

        EV chargers, another part of the EV nightmare being forced down your throat….

        30% of the chargers in San Francisco are broken, don’t work. these chargers are maintenance intensive, which means lots of them won’t be working, repairs and maintenance not done.

        How do you charge your EV when half the chargers are broken?

        EV Charging Station are using Liquid Cooling systems and are very complicated/fragile, these are maintenance intensive, which means lots of them won’t be working, repairs and maintenance will cost a lot, paid by taxpaying ice vehicle owners…lol

        a Level 3 charger will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs, so maybe $40,000 to $90,000 installed for one charger, plus huge ongoing maintenance costs, the ice vehicle owning taxpayer is forced to pay for this….lol

        a Level 3 charger will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs,….tell your local government you don’t want to pay for this……

        a level 3 charger at home:
        even worse they will eventually limit it’s use to 3 hr per week, your ration….lol

        …and they want to install millions of these, at $90,000 x only one million chargers = 90 billion dollars, plus 100’s of millions of dollars in ongoing maintenance costs….lol

        (what about the trillions of dollars to upgrade the electrical grid to supply the power?….lol)

        the federal government prepares to begin doling out $5 billion allocated in last year’s bipartisan infrastructure bill so states can seed a coast-to-coast network of fast-charging stations.

        Government guidelines say the taxpayer-funded chargers should be accessible to travelers, just off the interstate and have amenities like food and restrooms

        with ice powered cars the gas station and pumps use is free…..lol….now they want to scrap that and make you pay trillions of dollars to replace it with a dangerous, expensive, maintenance intensive, mess/nightmare……

        Mishaps involving overheating the use of equipment including EV chargers
        There have been many plug-in vehicle fire incidents all over the world.

        The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the United States. Mentioned accidents such as thermal runaway incidents. Overheating or overcharging can lead to an accident.

        These fast types of charging stations require liquid cooling so inverters don’t fail due to overheating and umbilicals are cool enough to handle.

        Fast charging?…start a fire….lol
        Extreme fast chargers, for example,can push battery pack temperatures to 270ºC, 514ºF after just a few minutes of charging.
        If you fast charge a lot, you wreck the battery, if you don’t…. you wait hours to charge….lol

        The wires in EV chargers that are prone to aging cause the chargers to heat up, then no fan lubrication exacerbates the temperature rise and gets out of control. Creating a vicious cycle that causes long-term damage to chargers. That can result in accidents.

        In comparison gas and diesel pumps are 100% reliable, simple and trouble free and they don’t need a complicated cooling system. They are not paid for by taxpayers,

        EV charging stations are another multi billion dollar bill for taxpayers, fire all politicians pushing them….lol

        These chargers are a fire hazard:

        In Damascus, Maryland, on April 1, a fire started from an electric car charger in a garage and caused $350,000 in damages.

        Watch This Severe Electric Car Fire And Explosion At A Charging Station
        More than 40 firefighters and 8 fire trucks were involved at the site, and thanks to quick action, they managed to put out the fire. Watch the toxic smoke…

        Tell your city they will need another 50 fire trucks….lol
        An ice car fire only needs one fire truck….lol

        Watch the video then think………What happens when 2200 Ev’s (a new complex in planning stage will have 2200 parking spaces)….imagine 2200 lithium fire bomb EV’s are parked in underground parking at an apartment block or office tower and they catch fire? You can’t take propane into underground parking, but you can take a fire bomb lithium battery car underground.


  22. There’s no reason for eeeveees other than control. Turn off the electricity and they become $60k paperweights.

    Are they better transportation appliance as many of the mouth-breathing eeeeveeee fanbois claim? No, not by any accepted sense. Yet they claim despite evidence that they’re a great leap forward.

    The fanbois say “they’re so fast!” Yeah, run a couple of maximum 0-60 runs with the launch control and tell me how much battery life you have remaining. I also think the local constabulary would like a word with you.

    The Biden thing says that “the Great American Roadtrip will be electrified.” I hope it’s a short roadtrip with lots of charging stations, because you’re not going to be able to go that far on just one charge.

    • These EV’s are very unsafe with their lithium fire bomb batteries.

      Another safety issue is they are too heavy with their 1000 to 3000 lb batteries. In a collision this huge weight causes massive damage and deaths.

      There is another, critical contributor to the American surge in in traffic fatalities: the national penchant for tall, heavy pickup trucks and SUVs. The weight of these behemoths endangers other road users in a crash, and their height leads them to strike a person’s torso instead of their legs (it can also make it difficult to see those standing in front of the vehicle).

      American deaths among those on foot or a bicycle rose more than 40 percent during the last decade; one study found that the shift to SUVs over the last twenty years led to more than 1,000 additional pedestrian fatalities. SUV’s are bad, EV’s are way worse, far heavier.

      Electrified versions of SUVs and trucks can be even more dangerous. Large vehicles require massive batteries, which add tonnage. The Ford F-150 Lightning, for instance, weighs around 6,500 pounds, about a third more than its gas-powered model.

      The Hummer EV is even more gigantic, tipping the scales at over 9,000 pounds, with a 3000 lb battery that alone is heavier than an entire Honda Civic. This additional weight creates force during a crash, increasing the danger to pedestrians, cyclists, and occupants of smaller cars.

      The heft of electric vehicles is not their only safety risk. Even with heavy batteries, these vehicles’ electric powertrains allow them to accelerate unusually quickly. Chevrolet, for instance, touts its “Wide Open Watts Mode” that allows the Chevy Blazer EV, an SUV, to accelerate from zero to 60 in under four seconds—a speed that is comparable to popular muscle cars like the Dodge Charger and Ford Mustang. A Tesla Model X Plaid is even more powerful, reaching 60 mph in two and a half seconds—faster than any other SUV on the market.

      Car companies are touting these acceleration rates as a selling point, there is no other way to sell these very boring EV’s, with no sound or soul and a completly, isolated, numb driving experience.

      Although supercharged pick-up speeds serve no practical purpose, they create real danger for other road users—especially those on foot or in a wheelchair who have scant time to get out of the way.

      Carmakers’ celebration of zero-to-60 speeds points to a fundamental problem: Rather than treating electrification as an opportunity to build vehicles that are safer as well as cleaner, automakers are bringing their existing designs and performance metrics into a new, electrified era. They shouldn’t.

      Consider the Ford F-150 Lightning. With no need to fit a gasoline engine underneath the hood, Ford could have restructured its front end to slope toward the ground, giving the driver a better view and making it more likely that a pedestrian or cyclist would roll off the top instead of absorbing a collision directly. These huge SUV’s you can’t see out of, no visibility.

      Now you have 9000 lb EV’s that you can’t see out of going zero to 60 in 2.5 seconds, with a driver that is texting…lol….this is insane.


  23. This is off topic, but in the same general bucket of how good engineering has been replaced by politically driven solutions. In this case a really good structural engineer breaks down why a Swedish bridge designed to last 100 years failed in just 10. Every bit of common sense was sacrificed for the false god of “sustainability”.


    It’s long but worth the time investment. In case the URL doesn’t work, go to youtube & search for the channel Building Integrity. The video is titled “How did the engineers miss this?”.

  24. Eric,

    At a fast charger, you can go beyond 80%, but it’s normally not needed. One, because of the battery’s charging curve, it takes as long to go from 80% to 100% SOC (state of charge) as it does to reach 80%. Secondly (at least for Tesla, which has its Supercharger network), it’s not necessary to charge beyond 80%. If your range is, say 300 miles, but there’s another Supercharger 120 miles from where you are, then 80% (i.e. 240 miles) will be more than enough. In fact, because Tesla’s Supercharger network is so comprehensive, many Tesla owners will make two quick 10-15 minute stops vs. one 40 minute stop.

    To illustrate BEV’s charging curve, we can look at the capacitor charging curve, since it is similar. It’s exponential. If the battery is at a low SOC, then it’ll charge fast initially, then the charging rate will slow as the SOC increases. To learn more, go here and scroll down a bit to see the EV battery charging curve: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/rc/rc_1.html

    Each EV’s battery has its own, unique charging curve. That said, it’ll approximate a capacitor’s charging curve, in that much of the charge will occur when the SOC is low, then level off.

    Secondly, Tesla marketed high performance EVs because, prior to Tesla, the perception of EVs was that they were enclosed golf carts. They had the slow speed of a golf cart, and they had the short range of one too. Why wouldn’t this be the perception when, prior to Tesla, the biggest selling EV in the US had been the CitiCar? It could do 30-35 mph, and had 30-40 miles of range. Oh, and the best part is that it had lead-acid batteries that took FOREVER to charge! Therefore, Tesla had to shatter that perception; they had to show that EVs were a viable alternative to ICEVs.

    Also, Tesla had to build high end cars first to establish themselves, and to get some cash flow. They used the cash flow from their high end models to develop lower price EVs. Elon Musk noted that when cell phones, VCRs, etc. came out, they were high end luxury items at first; only the well heeled could afford them. As these devices established themselves; as manufacturers gained experience; these devices capabilities increased as their prices came down. That’s why Elon did the Tesla Roadster first, followed by the Model S, which has been followed the Model 3 and Model Y. In the near future, what has been called the Model 2, a $25K EV, will come out.

    • Hi Mark,

      But what if the next “fast” charger is farther way than whatever your range is? And you assume “300 miles’ – which is more than most EeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeees have when fully charged. What if it’s only 175 miles? Or less? What if it’s very cold – or hot out?

      Meanwhile, I can fill my truck’s tank to full. So I have full range. And refueling takes moments, to full.

      Why are you defending this EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee idiocy?

      Which it is, because there’s no economy or practicality advantage. Eeeeeeeeeeeeveeeees are more expensive (total ownership costs) and much more hassle to deal with. They are less convenient, less durable and more disposable.

      In other words, they are shit.

      • Eric,

        The arguments against EVs are strong by themselves; it’s making false or exaggerated statements that bothers me. That’s something the left does; it’s not something we should do. We have TRUTH on our side! We don’t want to become what we despise.

          • Much of what you said is a fact. There were a couple of things wrong though. One was being able to charge beyond 80%; it is technically possible, but it’ll take longer to do so, thanks to batteries’ charging curve. To say that it absolutely, positively cannot be done isn’t the truth. Because fast chargers are abundant now, charging beyond that isn’t usually needed.

            Secondly, Elon Musk started with high end cars and is working his way down the ladder. While the Model 3 and Model Y are still too expensive for my taste, they’re a damn sight cheaper than the Model S and Model X. Both of them are less expensive than the Roadster, which had a six figure price tag. I’m curious to see what the “Model 2” is like.

            Thirdly, the perception that EVs were glorified golf carts had to be changed. Making an EV that’s a hot performer is the best way to change that perception. Elon’s objective wasn’t to make a good electric car; he wanted to make a good car, period. The Model S compares favorably to the S Class MB, the 7 Series Beemer, and so on.

            Not all EVs are fast, sexy, and luxuriouis; the Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf come to mind. A good part of your piece focused on the absurdity of making EVs fast, so the more pedestrian EVs were overlooked.

          • Hi Eric

            these EV range claims are all bs and lies, what do expect from leftist/communists?….lol

            Average EV range

            What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh

            For a 90 kwh battery the range is 2.4 miles x 90 kwh = 216 miles, but you can only use 60% of that range so the real range is 129 miles in ideal conditions, 30 mph, flat road, no wind, 70 degrees out, no accessories on, AC, etc…
            Lots of these batteries are far less then 90 kwh so their range will be far worse. If it is 45 kwh battery divide these numbers by two.

            In not ideal conditions, like when it is very cold out, the range drops 50% so the range is 65 miles now. 65 mile range forget about buying an EV….lol

            AT WOT…wide open throttle the range drops 90%, on a race track a tesla at WOT used 80 miles range in 8 miles….lol…..if you tow something, the same problem.

            NOTE: If you use fast chargers a lot it will ruin the battery in your EV, it will lose 50% of it’s range, if you don’t use fast chargers it takes forever to recharge

            NOTE: you can only use 60% of the battery capacity…… between 30% and 90%. using the battery below 30% you can damage the battery, charging above 90% can damage the battery and cause a fire. So you can only use 60% of the range advertised…..

            Fast charging?…start a fire….lol
            Extreme fast chargers, for example,can push battery pack temperatures to 270ºC…514ºF after just a few minutes of charging. Charging times are so long they are putting in extreme fast chargers that ruin the battery and could start a fire….lol……these EV’s are so bad they are trying all sorts of dangerous crap to make them work.

            After 100,000 miles the battery needs to be replaced for $22,000

      • Hi Eric

        is there a ccp EV pusher on here?…..lol

        Chinese Electric Vehicles Are On Fire

        Every EV is a chinese EV, 80% of all the key parts and the battery come from china…low quality, catch fire.

        Who benefits the most from the EV vehicle conversion? china does.
        Anybody pushing EV’s is a paid ccp shill.

        All the most important components in the new EV’s are all made in china.
        80% of the lithium fire bomb batteries in EV’s are made in china.
        Then you are dependent on china for replacement parts, etc., in effect they take over the whole vehicle supply chain. Vehicle production then centralized in China.

        the chinese are taking over the electric car market, they are starting to export their EV’s worldwide.

        the chinese make most of the chips, maybe the shortage was to help their EV launch….lots of their cars coming here soon

        china…..it is where most rare earths are processed; and most of the mineral supply-chains for electric vehicles lead there, with existing supply sewn up.

        With more EV’s the grid has to be upgraded, most of the equipment for expanding the grid is made in china.
        The largest beneficiaries are the Chinese manufacturers of electric transformers, cables, generators, etc. since almost none of that stuff is made anywhere else anymore.

        If there is a war and china detonates a neutron bomb that takes out the grid, they get to supply all the replacement equipment, another win for them.

        What about all the vaccines and drugs the government has been pushing, all the ingredients for all vaccines and drugs come from china, they benefited the most from the bat germ bs narrative.


    • Hi Mark,

      In re: “Also, Tesla had to build high end cars first to establish themselves, and to get some cash flow. They used the cash flow from their high end models to develop lower price EVs.”

      That’s the lie. The truth is Elon has raised the price of his EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees. So have Ford and GM. This idea that they’d start out pricey and become more affordable is bullshit.

      The Model T got cheaper – because it was superior to what it replaced. With EeeeeeeeeVeeees it’s the opposite.

      Also: Musk raised cash by rent seeking. Not selling cars. He sold carbon credits to finance his business. That’s the facts.

      • ICYMI, ALL car companies have raised the prices of their cars! Thanks to gov’t meddling and busting the supply chains, the parts and components they need have become more expensive. The Biden Thing has declared war on American energy, so transporting those parts and supplies to the car factory have become more expensive; thanks also to increased energy prices, it costs the car companies more to run their factories too. These increased costs, in turn, get passed on to us. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an ICEV or EV; they’ve all gone up. Not only that, you’re getting LESS for your money! Cars that heretofore had been equipped with V8s now come with turbo V6s, and so on.

        • Mark,

          Ford raised the price of the EeeeeeeeVeeee Lightning and “Mustang” by about $8k. Nothing comparable has occurred with non-EeeeeeeeeVeeee models.

          “Cars that heretofore had been equipped with V8s now come with turbo V6s, and so on.”

          Yes. And why? Because of EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeees. Or rather, because of “zero emissions” regulations, designed to push us into EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeees by eliminating the alternatives.

          • Have you taken a look at new car prices lately? Have you even looked at used vehicle prices lately? Earlier this year, I was thinking about getting a small pickup like your Nissan Frontier. Do you know that 12-15 year old examples of the Frontier with 75K-80K on the clock were fetching close to $20K? THAT’S CRAZY! I remember it wasn’t so long ago

            New Frontiers aren’t cheap, either. I’m on Nissan USA’s web page as I write this, and a new Frontier starts at almost $29K-$29K! Once you add an option or two; once you tack on all the taxes, fees, etc.; you’re in the low $30s, minimum, to get one out the door. I just went to their Frontier page, and I priced out a 4×2, crew cab Frontier S. How much? $30K! Don’t tell me ICEVs haven’t gone up! They have; it may not be as much as EVs have, but ICEVs have gone up a lot too. Don’t believe me? Go here and see for yourself: https://www.nissanusa.com/vehicles/trucks/frontier.html

            I brought up the shrinking engine size because it’s reminiscent of “shrinkflation”. You know, where a candy bar costs the same, but it comes in a smaller size? That’s just price increase by stealth. If I’m paying the same price for a luxury car equipped with a V6 as I did for one with a V8, that’s a price increase; that’s shrinkflation on steriods.

            Finally, if any car maker wanted to offer a V8 or bigger engine, they could; all that would happen is the final buyer would pay a “gas guzzler” tax. They haven’t been outlawed; AFAIK, carmakers can still offer them. Since V8s, V10s, and V12s are the province of exclusive luxury vehicles, those well heeled enough to buy them can afford to spring for a few thousand extra. After all, isn’t the whole point to buying such a vehicle to have something few others have? If I were in position to buy a BMW 5 series, NFW am I paying for a 2.0 liter four! I have one of those in my Ford Focus, TYVM, and it cost me a lot less than any Beemer ever did…

            • Eric,

              I wish we could edit our posts after we make them! What my incomplete sentence above should read is: I remember it wasn’t so long ago that $20K would buy a brand new pickup. When used cars cost as much, if not more, than new cars did recently, then they have gone up.

        • Hi Mark,

          That’s not true, either. To cite two (of several) that appeared in the past much-less-than-100 years:

          Tucker and DeLorean.

          Neither succeeded, of course. Perhaps because they could not force us to subsidize them.

          • What I meant is the first new American car company to have succeeded. The fact that Tucker and DeLorean went belly up removes them from consideration.

    • Mark,
      Cell phones, computers, flat screen TVs etc. got cheaper because they COULD get cheaper. EVs can’t, because battery tech is NOT rapidly advancing. Despite enormous sums being spent to do so.

      • John, battery tech may not be advancing as rapidly as consumer electronics, but they have advanced. When I was a kid, the only batteries available were lead-acid; now we have more. What will keep battery prices higher is the cost of materials, i.e. the input costs to make them.

    • Average EV range

      What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh

      For a 90 kwh battery the range is 2.4 miles x 90 kwh = 216 miles, but you can only use 60% of that range so the real range is 129 miles in ideal conditions, 30 mph, flat road, no wind, 70 degrees out, no accessories on, AC, etc…
      Lots of these batteries are far less then 90 kwh so their range will be far worse. If it is 45 kwh battery divide these numbers by two.

      In not ideal conditions, like when it is very cold out, the range drops 50% so the range is 65 miles now. 65 mile range forget about buying an EV….lol

      AT WOT…wide open throttle the range drops 90%, on a race track a tesla at WOT used 80 miles range in 8 miles….lol…..if you tow something, the same problem.

      NOTE: If you use fast chargers a lot it will ruin the battery in your EV, it will lose 50% of it’s range, if you don’t use fast chargers it takes forever to recharge

      NOTE: you can only use 60% of the battery capacity…… between 30% and 90%. using the battery below 30% you can damage the battery, charging above 90% can damage the battery and cause a fire. So you can only use 60% of the range advertised…..

      Fast charging?…start a fire….lol
      Extreme fast chargers, for example,can push battery pack temperatures to 270ºC…514ºF after just a few minutes of charging. Charging times are so long they are putting in extreme fast chargers that ruin the battery and could start a fire….lol……these EV’s are so bad they are trying all sorts of dangerous crap to make them work.

      After 100,000 miles the battery needs to be replaced for $22,000

  25. ‘why aren’t the people hard-selling EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees telling people these things?’ — eric

    Short answer: their ‘climate change’ agenda (and the EeeVees which follow from it) is a Big Lie, concealing an even darker ‘population change’ agenda (guess which direction).

    So we get petulant rants like this one:

    ‘Toyota is king only when it comes to dated hybrid cars and gas-guzzling trucks. But for millions of consumers who recognize the value of EVs, buying an electric vehicle from Toyota is not an option. Seriously, Toyota’s only electric vehicle on the US market is the bZ4X and they can’t even guarantee that the wheels won’t fall off mid-ride.

    ‘Enough is enough. We need accountability now.’


    What the eco-Marxist author misses is that Toyota, arguably the most successful auto maker on earth, IS accountable — to its customers.

    But the US Fedgov and the Sierra Club aren’t Toyota’s customers. They are looters, vandals, invading Visigoths, mindlessly wrecking a civilization which they are incapable of contributing to.

  26. I was at a drone industry conference last week and got to see a live demo of a hybrid hexacopter. It can fly for 5 hours on the stock fuel tank, up to 13 on the extended range tank. 5-10 Kg payload capacity (25 Kg MGTW). Runs on 93 octane gas. Can be shipped as air cargo or as checked luggage on commercial flights (LiPO batteries have severe limitations on shipping and must be hand carried on commerical transport). Power plant is self-starting, fuel injected and completely controlled by the flight control computer, so minimal pilot training required. Noise level is similar to a lawnmower and at 200 feet, practically inaudible in an urban enviroment.

    In comparison, the Alta-X has similar capabilities (35 Kg MGTW) but will only fly for 50 minutes with no playload, and 22 minutes with maxed out 15.9kg payload. Still a monster, but like electric cars not in the same league as the Skyfront hybrid.


  27. The MSM will never tell people about the good the bad and the ugly about EV ownership. Why?, because they do not benefit financially or politically from doing it. The days that you could depend on a relatively unbiased media are sadly long gone. I point out to people who think that EV’s are the future that they are sadly uninformed in that from power generation to rare earth materials and metals that there are not enough for the first world let alone the rest of the planet.

    How about that if you have range issues in good weather then what about in a Minnesota or Alaska winter? That’s when they say hydrogen is the future! Of course now you need to generate electricity for electrolysis or some process that used heat and acid from the 19th century.
    I predict this will be the look on the face of future EV owners in a shorter time frame than you can imagine. Like a deer in the headlights.

  28. ‘You will never be able to “fast” charge an EeeeeeeeeVeeeee at home.’ — eric

    So Big Gov steps in to ‘help’:

    ‘President Biden, a self-described “car guy” and Corvette owner, toured the auto show in Detroit on Wednesday and announced an initial $900 million investment [sic] to begin building electric vehicle charging stations across the federal highway system.

    ‘The infrastructure law he signed last year set aside $7.5 billion to build a network of charging stations to make long-distance travel more feasible for battery-powered car owners.

    ‘Eventually, the White House believes, that will be enough to build about 500,000 stations across the federal highway system and in more isolated rural areas, though senior officials concede that far more stations will be needed to make electrical vehicles practical for many owners.’ — NY Slimes

    When ICE vehicles first appeared, did Small Gov [what America had at the time] build a national network of filling stations? HELL, NO.

    Oil companies and local entrepreneurs (my grandfather among them) built out the gasoline distribution network by popular demand.

    With EeeVees making up less than one percent of the US fleet, no such popular demand exists for a nationwide charging network. So ordinary Americans are suckered into funding a value subtraction ‘investment’ that produces only losses, not returns.

    This is how empires die, sinking scarce capital into worthless white elephants.

    FJB with an 800-volt charging cable. *bzzzzztttttttttt*

    • My great grandfather owned a gas station and auto service shop. My dad tells stories of how he sometimes got into “trouble” when screwing around in the back of the shop. What’s notable is that my grandfather went to college (earning a doctorate in education when that probably meant something) and became a high school principal. His brother didn’t carry on the family business either, and I’m not really sure what he did for a living (he died when I was pretty young) but I know for sure it wasn’t wrenching on cars.

      I think had my great grandfather lived long enough for my dad to reach adulthood dad might have inherited the business. But he died and the family decided that sort of thing was beneath us, and so dad became an electrical engineer, punching a clock for Bethlehem Steel for 40 years. Good job, but had to put up with a lot of crap. Probably would have been happier “pumping gas.”

    • Jim,
      “‘The infrastructure law he signed last year set aside $7.5 billion to build a network of charging stations to make long-distance travel more feasible for battery-powered car owners.”
      Which $7.5 billion won’t even begin to cover. It might build the stations, but it won’t scratch the surface of doubling the generating and grid capacity.
      “Popular demand”, as in natural free market economics. The “invisible hand”.

    • >‘You will never be able to “fast” charge an EeeeeeeeeVeeeee at home.’ — eric
      Pretty much so.
      According to Gargle, current design of “fast” chargers require 480 V =>3 phase<= power.
      Q: How many residential addresses have 480V 3 phase at the pole?
      A: Effectively, ZERO.

      Of course (IDK) it *may* be possible to design a "fast" charger which uses 240V single phase, stepped up with a transformer to 480V single phase. Any such gizmos under development?

      Inquiring minds want to know.

  29. I have posted this info before on some of the other excellent articles here exposing EV nonsense, but it bears repeating.

    Where things will get interesting relative to the electrical grid in general is the peak demand associated with commercial “fast” chargers, because a lot of commercial “fast” chargers will be needed even with many people charging at low levels overnight or at work.

    And I put “fast” in quotes because the current “fast” chargers are not fast relative to the use of gas pumps filling IC engine vehicles.

    Let’s say a typical “Quick Mart” has 16 gas pumps. Each gas pump now has a fractional HP pump, maybe a load of 500 Watts per pump. So maybe 8 kW total peak demand.

    Replace those (or add) today’s “fast” chargers, say 16 of those at a nominal 250 kW (that may be on the low end, Tesla’s may be 350 kW).

    16 x 250 = 4,000 kW or 4 MW of connected load. So suddenly every suburban or rural Quick Mart has an electric load (design peak demand) equal to a paper mill, auto assembly plant, or a medium size college campus.

    And if I’m doing my math correctly, a 250 kW charger (with 15% loss) adds a net of about 3.5 kWh per minute to the EV battery, so it will be adding about 12-14 miles range per minute of actual charge time.

    Compare that to my sedan, where I can add over 300 miles of range in about two minutes of actual full time, or 150 miles per minute.

    Either electric or gas cars will have similar time requirements to pull in, park, initiate the process with a payment method, etc. So the actual “fill time” is what is important.

    And further, most EV proponents assume the in the future, new batteries and chargers will be developed that will make EV charging “as convenient” as filling the tank of an IC engine vehicle.

    If that ever becomes reality then the impact on the grid will be monumental – based on simple calculations, the supercharger load will be about 4 megawatts per charger – that is for ONE charger supplying ONE car.

    Consider that a typical “base load” central station power plant typically has an output of from 600 MW at the low end, 2,000 MW at the high end. Would not take a whole lot of “fast” chargers to absorb the output of a power plant.

    • ‘4 MW of connected load. So suddenly every suburban or rural Quick Mart has an electric load (design peak demand) equal to a paper mill.’ — SteveP

      Four megawatts corresponds to the peak load of about 2,400 residences.


      So adding a large Level 3 ‘fast’ charging station in a small town could double its electrical load.

      This scenario is pure fantasy in the developing world, where rotating blackouts are used to manage inadequate capacity.

      What complacent Americans can’t admit to themselves is that it’s a fantasy here too, as grid breakdowns in Texas and California have illustrated.

      “Biden’s” EeeVee delusion is a bug in search of a windshield. Yesterday the doddering old fool claimed to have spent 720 years in the Senate. But seven centuries didn’t learn him jack shit.


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