Diaper Report: 10/27/2022


This report concerns word just received from an old friend of mine about a friend of his (whom I also know) about his son, who – like an alarming number of other people’s sons (and daughters) has developed heart problems.

It is alarming because young people used to develop heart problems rarely, if ever. Until about two years ago, that is. Now, for some reason, it has become almost as common as acne among young people.

Yet almost no one wants to talk about why that is. What might be the cause of it. The one thing that has changed during the past two years that might account for it, since the two things are congruent.

Of course, correlation isn’t necessarily causation. And yet, three years ago, it was.

Every time someone died – even someone well beyond the age at which people are (well, were) understood to die naturally, of old age – it was immediately and authoritatively attributed to “the virus.” For example, the death of former Secretary of State (and General) Colin Powell, who was 84 when he died in October of 2021. Who had cancer – as well as old age. When he died, it was not reported that he died of old age – and cancer. He would have lived forever, you see – had it not been for his having caught “the virus.”

Today, when a 24-year-old dies “suddenly,” it’s never related to the one thing that has changed since Colin Powell died of old age and cancer.

Well, it is never mentioned as a possibility by the same media-bots who never stopped mentioning the deaths of elderly people (and even the deaths of young people, in motorcycle accidents) in the same breath as “the virus,” which was reflexively assumed to be the certain cause of every death. . . until a “cure” for the “virus” was found. That “cure” is treated by the media-bots as sacrosanct, a thing that can only be discussed in the affirmative, notwithstanding the abundantly obvious negatives – in fact as well as anecdote.

For example, the fact – admitted to, by the makers of the “cure” – that it does cause heart problems, which was only admitted to when it became impossible to deny the fact due to the sudden spike – so to speak – in heart problems among people who didn’t have heart problems prior to being “cured.” These problems are minimized, of course – in keeping with Stalin’s dictum that the death of an individual is a tragedy but the deaths of many individuals is merely a statistic.

Statistics – plural – that are being ignored with the same degree of deliberateness that every single “case” (meaning, a positive test result) was touted as synonymous with sickness and imminent death prior to the “cure” having been “rolled out” at “warp speed” about two years ago.

Thousands of people – at minimum – have developed heart problems coincident to the “cure” having been administered to them, usually under duress. My friend’s friend’s son, for one – who lives in New York, where it was made almost impossible to remain employed, go back to school or even go out to eat unless you had submitted to the “cure.”

Curiously, this carries no weight with the same people who – before the “cure” came along – urged the most extreme measures to stymie the slightest risk of the thing the “cure” supposedly  . . . “cured.” People who weren’t “symptomatic” were assumed to be sick – and treated accordingly. Businesses forced to stop doing business (well, some of them; the ones not big enough to buy an indulgence to remain open) and people forced to stay away from other people even if those people wanted to be with other people. Including elderly relatives, locked-up in prisons for the elderly – where thousands of them died, alone.

Nothing was too extreme to address a risk so extreme that 99-something percent of the not-elderly/not-unhealthy population wasn’t seriously threatened by it.

Because granny might die.

Now, young people are dying. Of things that – for the most part – only old people used to die of. There is an admitted-to risk of something nearly as bad arising from the supposed “cure” – that being serious and often permanent debility arising from premature and artificially induced heart problems in people who ought not to have to worry about such things for decades to come – but whose young lives have been stunted and forever limited by an old-age debility they wouldn’t have developed at a young age, were it not for the “cure.”

Almost half a century ago, another “cure” was taken off the market when it became clear it had injured a small handful of people. And that “cure” was never all-but-actually-forced on people. Of course, half a century ago, the government hadn’t become an adjunct of corporations – and vice-versa.

Half a century hence, a “cure” that has injured thousands – if not tens of thousands – is still being forced on people. On people’s kids.

A “cure” that “cures” nothing and probably contributes to the spread of “the virus” by dint of causing the people who took the “cure” to believe they could not get or spread “the virus” – and so does exactly that. And probably has contributed to the metastasis of the “variants” of “the virus,” by encouraging mutations of it.

But we aren’t supposed to talk about these risks – these realities – which are still being characterized as “misinformation” by the same people who “informed” people that 84-year-old men who die of old age – and cancer – were felled by “the virus.”

And that the “cure” is “safe” and “effective.”

. . .

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  1. Karma strikes again:

    ‘Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has tested positive for COVID-19 again after completing a round of the coronavirus antiviral treatment Paxlovid.

    ‘Walensky tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this month, going into isolation and taking “appropriate action” for her health.

    “On Sunday, Dr. Walensky began to develop mild symptoms and has again tested positive. Consistent with CDC guidelines, she is isolating at home and will participate in her planned meetings virtually,” the agency said.

    ‘This apparent case of Paxlovid rebound is not surprising. White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci and President Biden both tested positive for COVID-19 again following a round of Paxlovid.’


    If it’s “not surprising,” WHY do they keep taking this worthless, dangerous snake oil called Paxlovid?

    A course of Ivermectin and nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide and iodine would have fixed it the first time.

    We are ruled by idiots who actually believe their own malicious lies.

  2. The Pentagon is stubbornly refusing to drop their Vaxx mandates for military personnel despite the fact these “vaccines” don’t prevent infection NOR stop the spread of COVID. Many service members who did get vaxxed say they won’t take any boosters, but if past actions from the Biden Regime are any indication, they’ll try to FORCE those service members to get a booster jab at some point or be DISCHARGED for non-compliance. The WHOLE Biden Regime is a freaking disgrace…..


  3. How about those people that were SO SURE abhout the poison gene therapy that they made it their business to make fun of “idiot” anti-vaxxers? I mean, it’s one thing to go along with the herd but it’s “next level” to be like this guy:


    Salty Cracker gives a fun review of that guy’s ironic Darwin award. If you’re dating, how much do you want to invest in someone that might be next in line for the award?

    And I do think their shedding is bad news for people that are trying to stay healthy. Not as bad as directly experimenting with the poisonous gene therapy but bad enough!

  4. Ad-dependent media can’t say anything bad about their pharma sugardaddy. Healthcare industry is projected to spend $15 billion next year online. That’s not counting traditional media. Most of that will go to Google, who will pass along a few crumbs to the content producers. Traditional media at least has their own ad sales deparments so they only have a few agencies to deal with. Nice work if you can get in on the act.

    And that’s the thing. Despite millions of Tik-Toc’ers and YouTubers the media is still a very tight and small club that punches way above their weight when it comes to importance. Musk has the right idea buying Twitter and taking it private, publicly traded media companies are a product of the go-go 1980s and high capital cost cable TV empires, not the way things were ususally done. Twitter’s business model is all screwed up because of having to keep investors happy. They should have thousands of salespeople, not thousands of coders and moderators. And even then, for the amount of revenue generated by Twitter the front costs are basically nothing, compared to US Steel or GM. Heck, even mighty Apple’s revenue per employee is horrible compared to most media companies.

    And government is so in bed with pharma (watch the RFK jr doc about Fauchi) they’re not going to say anything bad either. In fact the regulatory agencies probably can’t say anything bad about pharma, because they have dual mandates to promote and regulate industries. Add on patent and other revenue and it makes for a marketplace worse than the wild west.

  5. My extremely liberal friend’s daughter who is early 30’s had a stroke. My friend on the phone didn’t say it, but he voice had a degree of suspicion that this was *caused* not something natural. I didn’t say a thing, other than my condolences.
    If I wanted to go there, I could have said; “I wouldn’t stick anything in my body that Trump had something to do with, why did you?”

    These vaccines will be the greatest crime against humanity since the holocaust. Trump is invalidating himself if he keeps up claiming the vaccines were the greatest achievement since the moonshot. We need a DeSantis President to go after the Elf of Death- Fauci.

  6. According to an article in the Daily Sceptic, a recent study from Switzerland shows elevated troponin levels, indicating heart injury, across all jabbed people, with 2.8% showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.

    Take the jab and risk 2.8% chance of having heart problems? That’s not a huge risk for granny who’s 85. But what about a teenager? Maybe he should avoid the jab and start smoking instead? Which has a greater lifetime risk? Who’d get on a plane that has a 2.8% chance of crashing?

    Two years ago there were a number of physicians who were canceled as they warned that the jab spikes were causing clotting and heart problems.

    Biden took his fifth jab a few days ago, even though he already had covid after four jabs.

    • Amen, Howard –

      And what makes this worse – execrable – is that these drugs are being pushed. I have no problem, as a libertarian, with people choosing to put whatever they want to put into their bodies. I put a lot of greasy meat into mine! But this is different. People have been heavily pressured, all-but-forced, to take these drugs. Kids, especially – who are at the mercy of adults. It’s despicable.

      • Indeed! And I see now big Pharma wants to increase the price (paid for by whom?) from $20 per dose to $120. Since you have to be jabbed several times a year, you can spend $240 per year for all the future illness your body can manage until you die an early death.

        I love meat and butter, yet I’m slender and muscular. Everything in moderation of course!

        • Howard,
          “I love meat and butter”
          I lost 40 pounds in six months after my ex moved out. She put sugar and other assorted carbs into everything she cooked. I don’t. I don’t even eat barbeque sauce, salad dressing, or ketchup, which all have sugar added. Which has improved my rheumatoid arthritis to better than its been in 3 years. Brown rice seems to have little to no effect, so I do eat that, in small quantity. One needs a little fiber in their diet. Not the “recommended” 28 grams, which is meant to encourage a carb intense diet.

        • The sad and ironic thing is, Howard, you might have better luck with your health (Russian Roulette, as it were) sticking with the butter and meat, than with the COVID jab….

      • The injected rate was low until they told people….no nazi needle…. no job ….then the injected rate jumped higher…….getting totally banned from society was also a good motivator to get the kill shot….

        step one was to get everybody deeply in debt, with negative real interest rates and easy credit, then you control them, they need cash flow, if they nad no debt and some savings they could have quit their jobs over the kill shot…..

    • Howard – “Biden took his fifth jab a few days ago…”

      He may have been jabbed five times but who
      can verify what was in his jabs?

      Politicians, on most issues, are quite ignorant. They spend
      what IQ they may have promoting themselves and
      whoring for votes.

  7. Big pharma, the occult satanic connection:

    Paracelsus is the founder of our modern allopathic medicine, he is big pharma’s hero.
    Did you know that the “father” of modern allopathic medicine was an occultist?
    He was a worshiper of Satan, he is also a hero in the church of satan.

    paracelsus founded our modern allopathic medicine practiced everywhere today. It is based on using poisonous drugs and injections.

    pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
    pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

    This system of administering poisonous drugs worldwide is a trillion dollar industry and the medical merchants of the earth profit greatly from it. They love the money it produces and ignore the many lives it destroys. Millions worship this satanic medical system.

    In a June 2010 report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, authors said that in looking over records that spanned from 1976 to 2006 they found that out of 62 million death certificates, 25 million deaths were coded as having occurred in a hospital setting due to medication errors.

    The total number of deaths due to the American modern medical system of drugging, unnecessary surgeries, infections, medical errors, etc., is nearly 800,000 people per year!

    This is more than people who die from heart disease with over 600,000 deaths per year and cancer with over 500,000 deaths per year. – articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ archive/2003/11/26/death-by-medicine-part-one.aspx

    big pharma causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care)

    According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 100,000 Americans die from reactions to prescription drugs each year, making this the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.
    The death toll from ILLEGAL drugs stands at 10,000.

    Kennedy quote on big pharma

    He mentioned another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
    “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

    “It requires a cognitive dissonance,” Kennedy commented, “for people who understand the criminal corporate cultures of these four companies to believe that they’re doing this in every other product that they have, but they’re not doing it with vaccines.”

    Knowing this why would you inject yourself with their deadly injections or take their poisonous drugs?

    • Did you know that the “father” of pharmacology was an occultist?
      He was a worshiper of Satan!

      Born as Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim in 1493, he called himself Paracelsus. He was well known as a Swiss German physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist. He founded the field of toxicology better known as pharmacy. For hundreds of years physicians used natural herbs and food for healing.

      Paracelsus defied this notion. From his studies on chemistry and metallurgy with the mix of occultic worship and astrology, he theorized that metals such as mercury, lead, tin, copper, and gold could “purify” the body. He believed that the stars and planets were the main cause of human illness and disease. He believed that ALL diseases should be treated with metals which are poisonous to the body.

      This was a very radical practice during his time. He treated many diseases with mercury better known as quicksilver. Many physicians who bought into Paracelsus method and used quicksilver (mercury), also known as Quack Salber, were known as “quacks”. This was a very rebellious way of treating the body at the time (Jethro Kloss, Back to Eden, 2nd ed., pp. 52, 53). Many died as a result of Paracelsus way of treatment.

      At 50 or 51 years old the story is told that Paracelsus was thrown out the window by other physicians at the time who believed him to be very dangerous in 1541. It is amazing today that Paracelsus is known as the father of modern pharmacy! Where did he get his inspiration? Baphomet, Satan!

      This system of Paracelsus is the foundation in which modern medicine is built. It has killed and poisoned millions of people. Pharmaceutical drugs never cure disease – they only try to manage it by inhibiting or manipulating a function in the body that is supposed to happen naturally.

      • hahaha……At 50 or 51 years old the story is told that Paracelsus was thrown out the window by other physicians at the time who believed him to be very dangerous in 1541.

        fauci next?………he loves Paracelsus….lol

  8. one less leftist propaganda outlet?

    The Firings Begin: Twitter CEO, CFO, & Top Censor Escorted Out….best news in 2022…

    As the bell tolls for the end of the first chapter of Twitter’s life as a deep state narrative-enabling machine, the firings have begun with Musk becoming ‘Chief Twit’.

    fired……..this witch banned everybody, mostly conservatives…..Vijaya Gadde, a leftist communist…..the top legal and policy executive, (or censorship czar)…..she is bipoc, she banned mostly whites so she is racist….NOTE: banned Trump….

    As a reminder, having been with Twitter since 2011, Gadde was the key executive in charge of ‘trust and safety, legal and public policy functions’ – described by Politico as the company’s “moral authority.” Gadde holds one of the most controversial positions at Twitter: Her teams decide how to moderate content. Gadde will leave with $12.5 million severance….lol.


  9. People are getting dumber by the moment!

    Spoke to a 20-something girl today who informed me that she had dutifully been wearing her mask up until just recently. I made some comments to the effect of masks being totally ineffective, to which she replied: “Well I went to visit someone in a nursing home a while back, and I had my mask down for just 20 minutes while I was there…and I got the ‘Rona. See? Masks do work! That 20 minutes was all it took!” [And she works for a doctor, no less!]

    So I asked “Did you die?” [seriously]. To which she replied “I had flu-like symptoms for a few days”. [Who’d have thunk it? Get the flu…get flu-like symptoms….]

    I then asked if letting down the mask for 20 minutes is what did it, how does she account for the fact that I have never worn a mask, not so much in three years, and have not even had so much as a case of the sniffles? Mentioning that I am very alert for signs of any sickness so as not to transmit anything to my 97 year-old mother.

    Deer in the headlights……

    They let the TV do the thinking for them, and have forgotten how to do it themselves…..

    • The globalist/satanist control group at the top want to own and control you like cattle.

      These monsters think/say they are the new gods, a long time ago there was a warning about an antichrist taking over, the antichrist is multiple as in antichrists, there is 3000 monsters at the top controlling this reset, they are the antichrists, replacing a good god, with satan.

      The new olympians, the guardians, that is what the globalist/satanist/one world government trash call themselves, the new gods.

      Big Pharma is one of the tools they use for control, they spent billions of dollars over the last 120 years brain washing people to believe their narrative and believe in their wonderful allopathic medicine. All medical alternatives were shut down.

      It has been very successful, 99.95 % of people believe in their germ theory, it was proven false, fake science, 120 years ago but it doesn’t matter, people believe in it , it is not backed by science, can’t be proven scientifically, it is only a belief, so it is a religion, a religious cult.

      People believe in and defend this cult’s beliefs very aggressively, do not question it or you will be attacked, demonized, it is a very aggressive cult. These are rabid cultists.

      Do people really believe these lies?….Sure look how many wear masks or lined up for the nazi needle.

      the control group does not permit any deprogramming attempts.

      Do not watch this deprogramming attempt….lol


    • Hi Nunz,

      Imagine dating a woman-child like that. I use the term purposefully. Because it is descriptive. Though chronologically an adult, people like that woman are children, intellectually. They believe – and they feel. And they get mad when their feelings and beliefs are challenged.

      • Eric,
        That’s because their entire existence is completely invested in their feelings and beliefs. And they are taught to “believe” whatever male bovine excrement they are fed, and to feel good about doing so.
        Thank you public education. You have achieved exactly what the founders of it openly claimed was their goal.

      • Eric, that is why I gave up dating long ago. They’re all either women-children….or psychos.

        The women-children have gotten much worse more recently. That is EXACTLY what they seem like when you listen to what they say- children. The vax thing just kinda makes it easier- Ask one question….and the loud “disqualified’ buzzer sounds! The masks were even better! You could visually spot ’em, and thus not even have to wonder.

        It’s not much different than it was 30 years ago, otherwise. I shudder just thinking about what dating was like: Try and narrow the field down to those who at least looked fairly sane and conservative….but it was always the same story “Going to college, and working”- so they had no time to truly indulge in just hanging out and getting to truly know someone…but they wanted someone to accopany them to family functions, and maybe boink them. Dare to marry one, and you’d get the college debt and the woman who will be devoted…to serving some corp so she can pay off the college debt and live in overpriced, over-taxed oppressive suburban hell…… Oh, yeah…and then half of even those already had a kid….

        And there’s no impetus for the women to care, because there are so many men who will just jump at the opportunity to have any one of ’em who is north of Rosie O’Donnell as long as they have a steady lay, or something that qualifies as somewhat female and is able to bear children, if that’s their thing…even though that woman’ll never be a true mother, and the kids’ll be thrown into daycare, and they’ll be divorced by the time the kids are 18, or likely even sooner……and the man’ll lose half his stuff…and then go out and do the same thing over again…..

    • Nunzio,
      “They let the TV do the thinking for them, and have forgotten how to do it themselves”
      Thanks to public education, they were taught NOT to think for themselves. Ever. Simply recite what you’re told and all will be well. One cannot forget what they never learned.

  10. According to MSM, coof symptoms among partially vaxxed, vaxxed, and unvaxxed:


    From link: Four of the five most commonly reported symptoms, including sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough and headache, appeared across all three groups…


    Gee, who’s EVER had such “novel” symptoms? Call the clambulance! Go get ur umpteenth bootsah! Fake. Scam. Complete and utter BS.

  11. My terminally ill wife was hospitalized a couple weeks ago. The coronocraziness is alive and well in the world of corononazis. After 5 days of doing nothing for her I told the physician that we were either being discharged or going AMA. Either way we were leaving. They were aghast that we dared defy the heroes of covid. As soon as we got home she smiled & we cut up a little bit.

    We’re now in hospice. They can come to us. And in my home, no mask will be worn. I don’t care if they do but by-effn-gawd we won’t.

    • Hi Mike,

      I hardly know what to say. Words fail. I am saddened to hear about your wife – and the both of you. I send my sympathies and wish you the best.

    • I hear you man! Kovid and Kancer…
      My wife died of terminal cancer a year and a half ago. Due to the KovidKult we did not get any support or help in dealing with the situation. Wellness House (Cancer support center) went totally virtual which did absolutely nothing. This is one reason I am so disguised with the Kovid Kabuki. Hospice was there for us though and there NO Masks…

      I wish you the most positive thoughts hang in there!

      • My wife died last December, of pancreatic cancer which didn’t know she had until it had reached end stage. For us, both Johns Hopkins Medical Center and later the hospice service ( we were not allowed to choose which company we preferred ) were not only useless, but wasted valuable time. The only temporary respite from the suffering that we were able to access medically was a holistic hospital in Tijuana, Mexico.

        I know libertarians are allergic to frank discussions about race reality, but I will say nonetheless that one of the several reasons I was angered by the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, touted as one of the top 3 or so cancer centers in the country, is that for the entire 8 days my wife was there, I could find not one single White male doctor anywhere on any staff or any department that I checked or that I could see at any time in the hallways, lobbies, offices, or cafeterias. Typically a Jewish MD occupied the uppermost positions, while Indian, Chinese, and Korean doctors made pointless calls and 2 mintute visits at the level of patient interaction. Most spoke English well enough in a superficial way, but heavy accents and lack of familiarity with common idioms precluded the kind of detailed or nuanced discussions that I remember having with doctors when I was in the military decades ago and medical personnel were still predominantly White.

        As for hospice, they mostly got in the way, and were 2 to 3 days behind the curve as my wife declined in her final few weeks. They did absolutely nothing to relieve her suffering in the final days. She was never given at least one or two pain-free hours to talk and to share affection. They were more interested in trying to ameliorate her symptoms with the latest drugs rather than using morphine. The sales rep who intially briefed us, the nurses and social worker assigned to our case, and the chaplain were all overweight females talking glibly about dying with comfort and dignity and asking what my wife what her goals were. Digusting.

        • Hi Mack,

          I just read this. Horrible. My sympathies. What you’ve written neatly summarizes the indifferent machine that modern “medicine” has become. I know a little about it myself, having dealt with it a few years ago when my dad died as well as currently (my mom has dementia and is in a “care” facility). It’s mercenary, impersonal and indifferent. Not always – and not all of them, just the same as you occasionally encounter a cop who isn’t a dick. But the system is the rule rather than the exception.

          I’ve decided – for myself – that I will deal with whatever issues may arise in my own life, myself. Internally and privately. With my family and friends- as it once was.

          Again, I am very sorry to hear about your wife – and how they treated you both.

  12. A real cute girl, 39 years of age, I met at the Natural Grocers store revealed to me that she had been vaxxed and regretted every minute of it. She says the vaxx slowed her down and made her lethargic. She looks tired all the time, probably a combination of factors, but I have no doubt the vax has had a negative effect on her health. What scares me is that she said that she heard the speculation that everyone who took it would be dead within x number of years. We are really only 1.5 years into this thing and the death rate has skyrocketed for people between 24 and 65. We will see

    • Hi Swamp,

      Horrible. Were I single, being “vaccinated” would be an automatic deal-breaker for a prospective date – no matter how attractive the woman might be. I don’t want whatever she’s got. And – more deeply – I wouldn’t want anyone so weak-minded that they allowed themselves to be injected with drugs they knew nothing about, just because they were told it was “good for them.”

      • Eric,

        Someone recently wrote a piece about “unvaccinated” single women rejecting “vaccinated” single men due to the fact that there are STILL too many unknowns about these “vaccines”, even with the issues that have already developed since their rollout. I’m curious where these single women are at, as I’m a single man myself who didn’t take part in this MASSIVE medical experiment due to the fact that the original COVID Wuhan strain had a near 100% survival rate for people under 70 who got infected. I think I may have also been sick with the dreaded ‘Rona early on in this “pandemic” and recovered from it after 5 days without going to any hospital, thus acquiring natural immunity. I’m sure your commenters here already know about the various studies showing that natural immunity acquired from a prior infection is better than any immunity one might get from the “vaccine” despite the public health Poobahs trying to downplay NATURAL IMMUNITY. Plus, these experimental mRNA products already had too many unknowns when they first became available, having been developed at “Warp Speed”.

        Over the next few years or so, who knows what might happen if and when “vaccinated” people mingle with “unvaccinated” people.

        • Hi John,

          I expect there will be dating apps and sites that cater to Purebloods. Were I single, I would never date a “vaccinated” woman. And I understand why unvaccinated women would never date a “vaccinated” man. Who would date someone who might be carrying a dangerous disease? Who might produce damaged children – or no children, at all?

          Besides which, even if there are no physical issues, a “vaccinated” person has shown themselves to be careless and cowardly. Who would want to date such a person?

          • Eric,

            I’ve read numerous stories from REAL scientists, doctors, and news outlets that once someone gets these “vaccines”, they’re injected with as many as trillions of spike proteins, which are said to be the most dangerous part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Could they be transmitted to others via intimate contact? I don’t know.

            It’s also astounding that the same people who’ve bleated about the “Evils of Big Pharma” for as long as I can remember, even to the point of saying they wouldn’t take any “Trump vaccine”, have flipped and acted like their biggest shills since the Biden Regime took office via Vaxx mandates, implementing Vaxx Passports, advocating throwing those who didn’t get vaxxed in a special COVID camp, and even advocating FIRING those who didn’t get vaxxed.

            And remember the narrative “Asymptomatic spread”, which government and public health bureaucrats used as justification for LOCKING DOWN the entire population? How ironic it would be if it’s the “vaccinated” who are “Asymptomatic spreaders”.

      • I agree, Eric. At this point, I may be alone the rest of my life, thanks to the COVID vaccine crap. I never in a million years thought that a first-date question would include, “are you jabbed”. Yes, I know of so many who are suffering from vaccine regret, but the fact is, there is no going back.

  13. ~Similarly:

    ‘Post-jab prion disease case history in Sunnyvale, CA’

    “To this day, the doctors at Stanford act completely clueless as to what might have caused Tammy’s brain to fail.

    All the doctors refuse to consider it could have been the vaccine despite overwhelming evidence that these vaccines cause prion diseases.

    It simply couldn’t be the vaccine but they won’t say how they can rule this out. […]

    What’s worse is that the medical community is taking a blind eye to what has happened. Not only will they not acknowledge the cause or speak out publicly about what has happened, they won’t even document these cases in the medical literature. So these deaths will keep happening and most people will be none the wiser.” …


  14. To quote PT Barnum, (paraphrased perhaps) “No one ever lost a dime underestimating the American public”. Proof is in the pudding.
    Perhaps we should be grateful that there still ARE alternative sources of information. It has been a relatively short time since there were none. And ALL of us would have gone along with this male bovine excrement.
    God bless Eric Peters for being one.

    • John Kable:

      You make an excellent point: “It has been a relatively short time since there were none [alternative sources of information].”

      With that said, I’ve never just gone along with the heard. I like to think I wouldn’t have fallen for the BS without alternative sources of info being available.

      • Mister,
        “I like to think I wouldn’t have fallen for the BS without alternative sources”
        Wouldn’t we all, but would we? Hard to object with no alternative information. How long did it take for the people to reject the Vietnam War? Fortunately we no longer need to wonder about it. Since there ARE alternative sources. In spite of the monstrous effort to erase them.

        • Hi John,

          I suspected it was bullshit almost immediately – because I instinctively am suspicious of everything done by government (because government is an inherently suspicious enterprise). And because I saw they were clearly misrepresenting the threat by
          not explaining that a “case” isn’t a death. I knew it was bullshit very shortly thereafter – when I did the rounds of the regional hospital in my area and saw for myself that it was not “overwhelmed”… and from that moment on, I did all I could to spread the word that the whole thing was – is – bullshit.

          • Eric,

            Now the media is reporting about RSV, a respiratory virus that largely affects children. The stories they’re putting out now sound eerily familiar to the peak of the COVID “pandemic”, except this time they’re claiming that CHILDREN are “Sick with RSV” and “Overwhelming hospitals”, which brings up a question whether these children got the COVID “vaccines” and whether the media and the government will try to scare the masses once again into getting vaxxed; perhaps this time with a brand new mRNA RSV vaccine if the pharmaceutical industry develops one.

            • John,
              I read (on Dr. Mercola’s site, I think) that most kids get RSV by the time they’re two and it’s basically just the sniffles. The reason they’re getting sicker now is because the lockdowns kept them isolated, which kept their immune system from developing properly. Yet another example of Covidiots making things worse.

              • Mike,

                The media seems interested in running fear porn about RSV (Like they did with COVID); possibly to scare MORE people into getting vaxxed and this time claiming that if people DON’T get vaxxed they’ll be “Killing children”. Will we see the same Big Government/ Big Media/ Big Pharma/ Big Tech approved narratives about RSV that we did with COVID? Time will tell.

          • You just know instinctively that some things are wrong; very wrong. Much of modern edumacation and media is about relieving you of what you know to be true.

            When I was 14 we had the Swine Flu thing- 1976. My mother dragged me down to a local doctor and made me get vaccinated. I resisted as much as I could, I KNEW it was wrong, though I didn’t know a thing about vaccines or medicine at the time- and there was no internet or alternate sources. And I’ve never been one to be afraid of needles, either.

            I vowed after that that I would never take another vaccine, NO MATTER WHAT…and I never have.

            Oh, and what became of the Swine Flu? 8 people died…all residents of one particular military base, and all 8 had been vaccinated.

            People never learn. (It sure was a lot easier to stage an ‘epidemic’ back then….)

            • RE: “the Swine Flu thing- 1976”

              I still remember: They lined us up in the elementary school gym and took us, one by one, our parents failed us. In hindsight, I imagine the adults all thought they were doing good.

              our parents failed us

              I only hope, the children of today, can live long enough to say the same…? Or, for the fortunate, they never got, The Shot.

              • Exactly, Helot. Being forced to get that shot was the point at which I realized that although my mother certainly had the best of intentions, I would from that point on have to rely upon myself ultimately for my ultimate safety and maintaining integrity of conscience.

                Funny thing is, as if to show the utter incompetence of these medical yes-men, after we left the doctor’s office, I noticed that blood was flowing from the puncture and staining my shirt. The assclown of a doctor nor anyone in his office failed to notice….. In retrospect, that was probably a very good thing, as it likely let a lot of the just-injected poison flow back out!

  15. During the “pandemic,” I regularly talked with a good (and very smart) friend of mine about how it was all bullshit. We would discuss in depth about all of the Bernaysian propaganda that was behind it and that the main goal was for power and to sell a “vaccine.”

    Despite all of his talk over more than 2 years, I learned yesterday that he had 2 poison shots along the way. I just about fell over when he told me this. He told me he’s not worried about any long term effects though, because he’s sure he only got the placebo.

    Cognitive dissonance is real folks!

    It still boggles my mind how a patently bullshit (albeit massive) propaganda campaign can translate into one allowing injections of a unknown substance into your body.

  16. More denial every day. People refuse to believe that they are being coerced to compliance, eventually accept that what has happened, can’t/won’t be reversed, you have to continue to live under pressure.

    The odds are against you every day, get vaccinated, then boostered, then still become a Covid victim. Rochelle Walensky has Covid and she has been vaccinated and boostered. Those are not good odds.

    One story I read blamed the unvaccinated for causing the vaccinated to become sick again.

    You can make up anything to protect the vaccinated, denial works the best. It is not the vaccine that causes the vaccinated to become re-infected, whatever, it is the vaccinated who are to blame. Scapegoat time, again.

    The ox is gored, nothing can be done to un-vaccinate the vaccinated. Two weeks to stop the spread didn’t work, nothing can be done to stop the spread of Covid, should be obvious by now. Epic fail.

    If it is only your heart that has an adverse reaction, you’re lucky, you still have your liver, lungs and other vital organs, you can always get a new heart from the heart store.

    Heart diseases exist, the heart can even have cancer. A myocardial infarct can develop and it’s all over. Heart transplants work. No worries there.

    What’s a few hundred thousand adverse reactions from the vaccine? The number of deaths is in the thousands, a statistic, not a tragedy anymore. It’s over, time to move on.

    A few million words to explain why there are adverse reactions to the vaccines will have to do.

    Not that much to see.

    Kind of fun to watch videos of people dropping like flies.

    It all started with Tiffany Dover fainting after receiving her vaccine, everybody watched. Took a few hundred thousand words, maybe more, to explain what happened to Tiffany. Not a word about her now.

    Vaccine propaganda gets the job done, a few hundred million stood in line for the Pfizer clot shot.

    You won’t get sick after you are vaccinated. Yeah, right.

      • Hi Drumphish,

        One thing that’s crazy about this whole thing, is that people who got their 2nd dose of COVID jab were still labeled “UNVACCINATED” up to 14 days after 2nd jab, which may have enabled peddlers of “The Narrative” to claim that people who were dying were those who DIDN’T get vaxxed. Over time though, those who did get vaxxed had to get a booster to be considered “Fully vaccinated” and then the public health bureaucrats changed it to where the vaxxed had to get another booster to be considered “Up-to-date on COVID vaccinations”.

        And now, the Biden Regime is trying to scare the vaxxed into getting that brand new bivalent booster jab that has NEVER been tested on humans. So far, from what I’ve read in alternative media outlets, only something like 3 or 5% of vaxxed people eligible for that brand new concoction got it.

  17. To this day, there are STILL people out there who peddle the increasingly obvious lies that “People who didn’t listen to Tony Fauci and get vaxxed are the ones dying” or “Safe and Effective” and cite “Fact check” stories from Reuters or some media outlet that got MONEY from the Biden Regime to peddle “The Narrative”, and if you challenge their narrative, they demand YOU cite studies which they’d probably just dismiss out of hand as “Disinformation” or “Conspiracy theories from ANTI-VAXXERS”.

  18. ‘Stalin’s dictum that the death of an individual is a tragedy but the deaths of many individuals is merely a statistic.’ — eric

    Politicians, as my correspondence with them has proven, absolutely refuse to engage with the VAERS database maintained by their own US fedgov. Covid ‘vaccine’ totals as of Oct 14, 2022:

    Adverse reactions: 1,442,261
    Hospitalizations: 180,915
    Deaths: 31,569

    Instead, a vax injury denial cabal headed by Johns Hopkins dismisses these astonishing totals as merely ‘signals of potential concern,’ which their ‘scientists’ then deceitfully rationalize away.

    Here are Johns Hopkins’ comforting words to Eric’s friend’s son:

    ‘VAERS data first surfaced reports of myocarditis following the second dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. After extensive review, scientists [sic] determined that the benefits of the vaccine ultimately outweigh the increased risk of myocarditis observed in some of the vaccinated (primarily males ages 12–29).

    ‘Moreover, additional studies show the risk of myocarditis to be 16 times greater among those infected with COVID-19 than the uninfected, suggesting that full vaccination is helpful in preventing myocarditis and other complications of the disease.’


    Plenty of papers demolish JH’s absurd, inverted claims of a positive benefit-to-risk ratio, and a greater myocarditis risk from covid than from the vaccine. But this twisted Big Pharma agitprop is received gospel at the FDA, CDC and among a majority of Congress Clowns.

    Today’s malevolent replacement of science with malicious superstition suggests the US is sliding into a Dark Age, in which knowledge and know-how are lost as the WEF shrinks the human population back to half a billion. Covid ‘vaccines’ are merely the first volley in their demonic assault on humanity.

    • Hi Jim,

      It’s jaw-dropping, isn’t it? The lengths to which these people (and institutions) will go to avoid admitting they were wrong and rationalize their failures (to put it kindly). “helpful in preventing myocarditis” … What? Really? “Preventing” it… by causing it? My friend’s kid did not have heart problems before he was coerced into taking the “vaccine.” Now he he does. Oh, just an unlucky and trivial “event” in the greater good scheme of things.

      • Eric,
        But in their mind they were NOT wrong, and did not fail. They produced gargantuan profits for Pharma, and subjugated millions to the Psychopaths In Charge. Of course they intend to keep the ball rolling.

    • >the US is sliding into a Dark Age

      It is really simple, Jim…and, based on your comments, you already know the drill, which the late great George Carlin articulated many years ago.

      There is a fundamental conflict between the principles laid out in the founding documents of our republic and the wishes of big business. Jefferson Franklin, et. al. realized the only way a representative government could work is if the citizens are well informed and capable of critical thinking.

      Big Biz, OTOH, wants and needs ignorant, passive consumers, who will mindlessly buy whatever crap large corporations mass produce and foist on the general public. I see this as the “curse of bigness” (and remoteness) more than anything else. If you hire a plumber, or a roofer, or an automobile mechanic, you will hold that person accountable, because you get to inspect and approve their work, and your hand is on the checkbook. Big Biz has no such constraints, at least on a one to one basis, with respect to its customers. They get a much longer rope with which to hang themselves. Word does get around, but it takes a much longer time.

      Meanwhile, BigCorp can and does hire marketdroid$ to peddle their (possibly substandard, or even harmful) products to their intended victims. Enter Eddie Bernays, et. al. Cancer sticks (cigarettes) become “torches of freedom,” etc. “Why this tastes like shit.” “It *is* shit, but it’s really *GOOD* shit.” “You will eat it, and you will *like* it.”

      Politicians figured out long ago that politics is just a branch of marketing. Enter Edward Mandell House, et. al. You will own nothing, and you will *like* it. My ass.

      Time for re-education camp, comrade(s).

      • ‘Enter Edward Mandell House, et al’ — Adi Heidler

        Today’s counterpart of ‘Colonel’ House (America’s shadow president after Woody Wilson’s incapacitating stroke) is ‘Doctor’ Jill, who shepherds the cognitively impaired “Joe Biden” off the stage after he shakes hands with invisible friends.

        Trouble with you is the trouble with me
        Got two good eyes but you still don’t see
        Come round the bend you know it’s the end
        The fireman screams and the engine just gleams

        — Grateful Dead, Casey Jones

  19. What is occurring is upsetting and I feel for the individuals that were forced into accepting these shots, but the studies are out there. Yes, they were not highlighted by the media and stifled intentionally by the administrations, doctors, and the press, but they are available.

    Anyone with access to a computer had the ability to research that MRNA shots have been tested for decades and the results were horrendous. A handful of individuals and groups were willing to put their careers (and lives) in jeopardy to speak the truth. Many chose to disregard their findings and tag them as conspiracy theorists. The individuals that received the jab signed a permission slip that the injection was under an EUA and has not been fully tested. Many people chose to disregard and ignore this small print that their signature is affixed to.

    There are known truths that have always existed: governments continuously lie to their citizens and corporations only goal is profit. These same corporations will continually lobby the officials in charge to make sure the bottom line never decreases.
    It is an ugly game and one where the individual must constantly watch their own back. It is unfair, but the care of the individual comes down to the individual even if market forces and evil intentions are in our way. History has always been horrid, this time is no different.

    • “Corporations’ only goal is profit.” — Raider Girl

      True, unless they sell their soul to the Intelligence Community. Then bad things can happen.

      Consider Meta Platforms, formerly known as Facebook. Yesterday afternoon, its stock closed at 129 and change. This morning, pre-opening, it’s trading at … 99 and change:


      That’s a 72% smash from its 52-week high of 353, both for META and for the personal wealth of its founder and CEO, Mark Fuckerberg.

      Possibly Faceberg will become the first member of the thought-controlling social media cabal actually to be put out of business. Things are looking up! 🙂

      • Hi Jim,

        I am happy to see Facebook sliding. I can only hope it shares the same demise as Myspace. I have some days that I think (some) people are opening their eyes and seeing the world for what it truly is. Then I turn on the Philadelphia news and watch local reporters interview the average American and how they justify that Fetterman’s oral skills may stink but hey, they will vote for him because he understands the issues. I then look who is in the White House and seriously contemplate that the Rapture is long overdue.

        • Hi RG,
          If you ever watched the “Jaywalking” segments on the Tonight Show when Jay Leno was host it was obvious the average American had the intelligence of a rock.

          • Hey Mike you do understand that they edit out the correct answers? The producers have to sift though dozens, possibly hundreds of boring old correct answers to find the few comedy gems in the gangue. And who’s to say the whole bit wasn’t loosely scripted?

        • RG,
          “seriously contemplate that the Rapture is long overdue.”
          Or perhaps we are in the early to middle stage of it?
          I don’t believe in it, but one cannot KNOW until the end of the story. Much like life after death. The only ones that KNOW are dead, and don’t talk much.

    • Hi RG,

      I agree completely. To trust the government is akin to trusting a fox with your henhouse. It takes a combination of childish naivety and laziness/stupidity to do so. Due diligence is part of being adult; arguably, it is one of the things that defines an adult.

      The drug pushers have an established record of recklessness and untruthfulness. They succeeded in acquiring near-immunity fr being reckless and untruthful. Would you buy a used car on such a basis?

      • Eric,
        I would not buy a clothes dryer on such basis.
        Zero long term safety testing? Zero product liability? I think I’ll pass.
        “The drug pushers have an established record of recklessness and untruthfulness.”
        The Pharma companies making the “vaccines” have paid out billions in criminal and civil penalties for past sins. Suddenly, they have been given redemption? By which God exactly?

      • The fundamental problem of the fox in the henhouse is the religious l establishment of authority. Nobody has any authority, yet we have governments that say they have absolute authority. So where did gov’t get this presumed authority? From the priest who said god established gov’t.

        Submission to Authorities
        (1 Peter 2:13–20)

        1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. 2Consequently, whoever resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

        3For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Then do what is right, and you will have his approval. 4For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not carry the sword in vain. He is God’s servant, an agent of retribution to the wrongdoer.

        5Therefore it is necessary to submit to authority, not only to avoid punishment, but also as a matter of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes. For the authorities are God’s servants, who devote themselves to their work. 7Pay everyone what you owe him: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.
        In today’s world, Hillary would say she has authority because of the vote, but as we know they cheat, stuff ballots, etc so that claim is also false. After reading many of your essays Eric, you hold true to the Libertarian ideal of self autonomy. So that means the Holy Bible is your deadly enemy, but perhaps you have not figured that out yet.

        But, of course, it is worse than religious literature fraud, since authority does not exist, only the most unscoupoulous are attracted to power. I do not want to rule over others, in fact I do not even vote and here is why:



        But total sleazebag scumbuckets like pedo Joe Biden has no problem assuming authority and doing very bad things like taking our national wealth and sending it the Ukraine shithole. Biden is the worst of the worst, like Caligula, and you know what, the system of authority raised him to the top, because all governments are like cesspools, the big chunks float to the top.

        Trump, the billionaire business man may be less corrupt than Biden, but he is not up to the task required to defeat ultimate evil, Trump needed to be a ruthless dictator to clean out the Demonrat deep state, but he failed, and now he is indicted by these liars and authoritarians.

        And what about the corrupt corporations like Pfizer run by the Jew scumbag Albert Bourla? It is easy for him to corrupt the scum like Trump AND Biden, because they are corrupt by the very nature they are willing to use force, and be authoritarians. So the point I am making the system is irresolvable, and a good approach may be what George Carlin says, “be happy with what you got”.

        George Carlin on the Illusion of Choice in Politics.

        Think about it, the death jab was voluntary for most people, the gov’t didn’t go around with guns and just mow us down, and now they have been caught promoting a fraud, and so now they will have to defend themselves from decades of lawsuits. That is very good – the system is now bogged down.

        Why is one big reason why they want to distract us with a dirty nuke false flag in the Ukraine shithole. War is the answer whenever the political scum have failed and are backed in the corner, and they are losing their authority. Killing millions is perfectly acceptable to stay in power.

        “Our lives, our liberty, and our property are never in greater danger than when Congress is in session.” – Mark Twain

    • >It is unfair
      “Fairness is a child’s concept.”
      – J. F. Kennedy
      >History has always been horrid
      Life is *supposed* to suck.
      Mankind was kicked out of the Garden of Eden, long ago, for eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Ignorance is bliss, or so they say…

      • Hi Adi,

        I don’t agree that life is supposed to suck, but it does have its hills and valleys. As Eric stated above, we must practice due diligence. TPTB have always looked down on the lower classes with contempt and disgust. The lower classes were used to advance the elite. I agree with you that many feel ignorance is bliss. I am always surprised on individuals who don’t wish to improve, research, and educate themselves about the world around them. Staying dumb has its drawbacks and apathy is even worse.

        • RG,
          “we must practice due diligence”
          little diligence is required. The Psychopaths In Charge ALWAYS lie.
          Politician: One most adept getting the most people to believe the most preposterous lies the most often. Very few exceptions.

    • “Anyone with access to a computer had the ability to research that MRNA shots have been tested for decades and the results were horrendous.”

      That is not true.
      There were something like 15 (I forgot the exact number) of mRNA vaccine trials.
      14 were failures. One was a success, for some rare disease. The big failure was the mRNA Covid vaccines that followed the first 15 experiments. I researched this in 2020 and no one was trying to hide the facts back then.

      14 failures of 15 sounds bad
      But vaccines typically have a 98% failure, rate so 14 failures of 15 is expected.

      The real problem is successful vaccines take roughly 10 years to develop and test.
      The Covid vaccines were rushed to market in only nine months, with only two months of testing. That seemed like a high-risk process to me, and the wife, so we decided to avoid Covid vaccines before 2020 ended. We decided to let others be the guinea pigs.

      • Richard,

        You know what’s true? As in, factual? That the pharmaceutical cartels pushing these drugs (literally, pushing them) that aren’t vaccines have an established track record of reckless endangerment and dishonesty. Have harmed legions of people who took their drugs. Have managed to secure near-immunity from liability for harming people.

        What kind of idiot does one need to be to trust them? To take any of their drugs?

        What kind of asshole does one need to be to defend them?

        • You are far too kind calling our public servants assholes, they are complicit in murder, they are mass murderers.

          There is more to this Eric than just a corrupt pharma company like Pfizer. There is a tribal connection. Israel recently awarded Albert Bourla (the scumbag CEO who says he would not be getting vaccinated with his own vaccine) the Israel Noble Peace Prize.


          Now why would they do that? The vaccine doesn’t even work! And surely the smart people of Israel would know that. And Bourla is a CEO in an Amerikan company, not an Israeli company. Because Bourla is a Jew who killed many Goyim, that is why, so he is awarded for being a great Jew. That is a fact Jack, and people need to stop having their heads in the sand about what these Jews are up to – killing us intentionally as a religious and national goal.

          Now if you think that is strange, what about this latest hoopla that Russia is claiming Ukraine has a dirty nuke? Well whata ya know, Israel has just developed a treatment for dirty nuke radiation sickness – which coincidentally Bourla just happened to have the cure for Covid before Covid-19 was even discovered.

          Must Read–Israel develops successful treatment for victims of ‘dirty bomb’ attack


        • Hi Eric.

          Most people do not think. They simply react. How they react is based on how they have been indoctrinated. That’s been the entire purpose of the Gangs “education system” from the start. We are living in historic times. Many, many will not survive these times. Those that do, will be those who do not bow to “authority” for its own sake. The next Selection is bound to be rather interesting. Given the number of RINO’s that have lost, and the advent of MAGA, the Deep State is going to have to pull a number of rabbits out of its hat. This does not bode well for anyone.
          Winter is coming. Make certain you are well prepared.

          • I agree, BJ –

            And I am thankful that my parents were people who provided me with books – adult books – when I was very young and encouraged me to think rather than emote. I also had the benefit of not being placed in a government school until after I’d already developed the capacity to think critically.

            I encourage every parent to regard government schools as dangerous schools. If you love your kids, keep them out of them.

            • Eric,
              Indeed, one’s children would be better off with NO education rather than a public education. They will learn more truth on their own, being inquisitive by nature. Teach them to read and then turn them loose is a better strategy.

        • Allopathic medicine works…haha

          Pharma now kills more Americans every year than the Axis powers did in all of World War II

          The pharmaceutical industry is committing genocide via opioids in economically depressed towns throughout the rust-belt and Appalachia — because it is profitable to do so and because they see poor people as undesirable and expendable.

          Re: The pharmaceutical industry is committing genocide
          top of the list were the old people, they were targeted with the non placebo mrna shots, the government doesn’t want to spend money looking after old people….

          research shows the non placebo mrna shots were targeted to poor areas…this saves the government money not having to feed useless eaters, the non placebo shots were also targeted to conservative voting areas, the leftist/communist rulers hate conservative voters.

          Looking at more data they found the non placebo shots were targeted to conservatives/conservative areas. More non placebo shots in conservative areas…..more like 6 out of 6…..

          🚩 The pharmaceutical industry has engaged in genocide via the childhood vaccination schedule since they received liability protection in 1986 — because creating chronic illness in kids is their core business model.

          🚩 Under the guise of Covid, the pharmaceutical industry has expanded the genocide to all Americans and people throughout the developed world — by blocking access to effective treatments and injecting people with dangerous genetically modified substances.

          All of bourgeois society — academia, the media, the medical and scientific establishment, government, and Wall Street — conspire to cover up these crimes that now impact nearly every American family in some way.


        • Hi Eric

          an interesting point….they are not medicine….more lawsuits needed…

          from…. austin fitts

          these vaccines are not vaccines

          Why are we calling these formulations “vaccines”? If I understand the history of case law, vaccines, in legal terms, are medicine.

          Intentional heavy metal poisoning is not medicine. Injectible surveillance components are not medicine. Injectible credit cards are not medicine. An injectible brain-machine interface is not a medicine.

          Legal and financial immunity for insurance companies does not create human immunity from disease.

          We need to stop allowing these concoctions to be referred to by a word that the courts and the general population define and treat as medicine and protect from legal and financial liability.

          The perpetrators of this fraud are trying a very neat trick—one that will help them go much faster and cancel out a lot of risk—at our expense. I understand why they are doing it.

          What I don’t understand is why we are helping them. Why are we acquiescing in calling these bizarre and deeply dangerous concoctions “vaccines”? Whatever they are, they are not medicine.

          So, what shall our naming convention be? What name shall we give to the relevant poisons, neurologically damaging metals, and digital shackles?

          Whatever we call them, I know one thing …


          • So, what shall our naming convention be

            killshots, nazi needles, extermination injections, parasite injections, MAID medical assistance in death, poisonous injections,

      • The COVID vaccines were not rushed to market, Richard. MRNA technology has been around since the late 1980s. I don’t dispute that the COVID jabs were a failure, but to implement technology onto human beings when the four animal studies that were conducted from 2002 through 2018 were dismal flops why would the world governments consider such a risk to the population? Then ignore the injuries and deaths associated with it.

        And to state that someone with a computer could not research this? I did. You did. Someone else could not?

        • RG,

          One expert we can look at is Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. He has his own Substack where he’s been writing pieces on the COVID “vaccines”, the government’s COVID response, data on Vaxx injuries and deaths, and the larger agenda being pushed by the WEF.

          Another expert is Geert Vanden Bossche, who is about as PRO-VACCINE as anyone can get, having worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and others. He predicted last year that this obsessive MASS VACCINATION program would backfire and create vaccine resistant COVID variants and an EXPLOSION of infections in areas that were HIGHLY VAXXED. Unfortunately, that prediction came true, and he recently warned of serious trouble ahead for the “vaccinated”, particularly those who’ve been “boosted” .

          Other doctors, health officials, and scientists who’ve been speaking out against “The Narrative” include…..

          Peter McCullough
          Joe Ladapo (Florida’s Surgeon General who recently spoke out about the risks of the jabs to young people, particularly men, and got criticized by “The Narrative” pushers for it)
          Michael Yeadon (Formerly with Pfizer)
          Pierre Kory (He has a new book coming out titled “The War on Ivermectin”)
          Jay Bhattacharya (One of the founders of “The Great Barrington Declaration”)
          Joseph Mercola (Last I heard “The Narrative” pushers had him #1 on their list of THE DISINFORMATION DOZEN)

          And others……

        • Hi RG

          this info was out there in 2020….

          Dr jekyll


          from Dr Carrie Madej

          you can patent anything that has been created, modified, or engineered.
          The cv19 vaccines are designed to make us into genetically modified organisms in the same way Monsanto has modified and patented their seeds.

          For example, Monsanto genetically modified various seeds.

          So transpose that to a human cell line that could potentially mean that we could be patented, or human cell lines could be patented. And if it’s patented, it has owners. Do you see a problem with this?

          What if our DNA is modified with genes from another species? Are we still human? Is this trans-humanism? And what if our DNA, our genome, is modified and thus can be patented and owned? This is going on right now, today.

          I will add that this type of DNA vaccine has never been used on humans before.
          They are now proposing to take something we have never used and inject it into everyone that will make them trans-human.

          They are not using good scientific methodology at all. They have no randomized placebo-controlled trials for any vaccine, They’re not following any sound scientific protocol to make sure this is safe for us, to make sure it would work for us, or to know anything about it—and they want to inject the vaccine and DNA altering cell lines into the masses.

          The vaccine manufacturers, referred to as Big Pharma, were made exempt from product liability in the 1980s. Meaning that if a vaccine causes seizures, paralysis, etc., they as a group are not liable.

          here is the big lie:
          Big Pharma just has to prove that the vaccine is producing antibodies.

          Just because you’ve got antibodies does not make you immune to something.
          the efficacy of every single vaccine is predicated on the idea that it induces antibodies and therefore immunity. This is the key assumption – and it is patently false.

          ATTENTION READ: there it is: based on an assumption = a belief. this vaccine bs is just a belief = religion. this is being pushed by religious fanatics. the new covid religion.

          vaccines are just a belief = a religion no science behind them: vaccine religion: an occult satanic religious death cult

          it is worse than that: and now we have more evidence of this in the form of certified pathologists stating that there is no proof of the existence of covid antibodies as well.

          Without testing we don’t know for a fact if it would really work as claimed out in the population of people. A real study would show that it actually works, or doesn’t work, in the population of people. But they are not testing, saying they don’t have time.

          Another important fact to know about all vaccines is that many of them are using the MRC5 aborted fetal cell lines from the 1960s. This is an immortalized cell line. Immortalized means it does not die. In other words it’s a cell that has lost the ability to go through apoptosis—natural cell decay and death.

          A cell that cannot go through that death process is called cancer. That is a definition of cancer.
          ATTENTION: So they are trying to use a lot of words to mask the fact you’re being injected with cancerous cells.

          “Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced
          ATTENTION: I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an unvaccinated person.”
          Dr. W.B. Clark, New York Times, 1909

          Some of the vaccines that are using these cancerous cell lines from aborted fetuses are:

          MMR – measles, mumps, rubella
          Chicken Pox
          Hepatitis A & B
          Polio, etc.

          An Italian report backed by the government of Italy and a group of scientists called Corvelva They state that these vaccines have the potential to increase tumorigenesis, which means increased risk of cancers, increased risk of mutagenesis or mutant genes.
          anyone taking those vaccines would also have an increased risk of transmitting live infections. This is well known.
          SUPER SPREADER: read this…………..They would have an increased risk of transmitting live infections. so when you get the vaccinee you will be a biosecurity terrorist. shedding spike proteins…a new zombie

          There’s new evidence that double-vaxxed individuals build up huge viral loads in their noses and sinuses, causing them to become super-spreaders, and infect others

          Israel is one of the most heavily vax//xe…d countries in the world, with nearly 80% of the population fully vac//ci..na…ted and almost 100% of the elderly. But now Israel is experiencing a massive increase in infections (and of serious cases), mainly among the fully vax//xe..d.
          sweden has banned people traveling from isreal

          Added bonus in shot……….The Covid 19 vaccines will have a bacteria that’s a contaminant—mycoplasma pneumonias. It’s a very common bacteria used as a contaminant. This really has nothing to do with the vaccine itself but they have it in there. So you are getting an infection on top of the v………e.

          This stuff is so bad it has the potential to be used as a bio weapon. They are injecting cancers into your body along with very toxic substances, like mercury derivatives, aluminum derivatives and other things like that. In addition to the unknown effect of the combination or an accumulation of these vaccines together and the synergistic effect that happens. mixed together they could be 10 times as dangerous.

          “The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State: ‘Für euer sischerheit’ —> ‘It’s for your safety’” these satanist witches are nazis.

          Auschwitz = Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free)

          Earth 2020 = V……….e will make you free


          • date these people?….haha

            SUPER SPREADER: read this…………..The kill shot injected would have an increased risk of transmitting live infections. so when you get the vaccinee you will be a biosecurity terrorist. shedding spike proteins…a new zombie

            There’s new evidence that double-vaxxed individuals build up huge viral….spike protein loads in their noses and sinuses, causing them to become super-spreaders, and infect others


      [DISEASE THEORY …… Big Brother promoted the disease theory of fraud and plagiarist Pasteur and suppressed the true one of Bechamp, for the simple reason there would be no market for vaccines and most drugs, and no ability to generate Fear…….fear….look how that worked the last 2 1/2 years…..

      (his main mind control ploy) by The Virus hunters, and such dependence on doctors$$$, or use vaccines to create a huge market from vaccine diseases eg smallpox vaccine, or for genocide in his depopulation agenda,

      while disguising the disease fallout from his lucrative use of chemicals like pesticides, eg Polio & BSE. The Virus hunting gravy train will run and run with his control of the media and governments, which keeps the non-profitable, revealing Nutritional Medicine out of the way.


    • this was known info in 2020……


      The bureaucrats behind this killer vaccine KNOW what happened in previous animal testing with mrna vaccines. When animals were vaccinated against the virus and then exposed to it after vaccination against it, ALL OF THEM WENT INTO A CYTOKINE STORM. This is when the immune system attacks itself destroying every organ in the body. It is a rapid death. IT KILLED EVERY ANIMAL IN THE STUDY. cool, a vaccine with a 100% death rate.

      The only other RNA vaccine ever approved killed the horses it was supposed to save.

      Now you know why they SKIPPED ANIMAL TESTING. They will give everyone this vaccine and then release another virus. skipped animal testing, the useless eaters are lower than animals.

      The DNA-based use reverse-transcriptase (like HIV uses) to change your DNA to incorporate the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein into your own DNA so it can be expressed at semi-random times like the mRNA vaccines do. This is equivalent to planting random time-delayed grenades throughout your entire body.

      the bottom line is that the vaccine is UNSAFE and downright dangerous being an elixir mixed in hell’s real kitchen, and made up of “aborted fetus tissue”, “half mouse half human chimera tissue”, hydrogel: a biosensor which would monitor your body as well as send and receive information to the 5G Smart Grid.

      Autoimmune disorders of all kinds (allergies, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and many more) have exploded as vax mania gripped the world over the past 30 years. It’s not a surprise. Vaccines by their very nature disrupt the immune system.

      all you really need to do is look at the decline in overall health over the past 30 years and it’s pretty obvious that vaccines play a big role. 1/3 of American children have chronic, lifelong health conditions now. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the 72 shots they take.

      what about the vaccine industry’s little-discussed reliance on DNA from species such as birds, dogs, monkeys, cows, pigs, mice and insects in vaccine manufacturing. Noting Béchamp’s belief that “an organism’s microzymas are unique to it, and are not interchangeable with those of another,” Béchamp would disapprove of introducing microzymas “proper to one species. . .into an animal of another species”—which is exactly what vaccines do.

      How. . .foolhardy is it then, when vaccinal microzymas are not only from another species, but are already morbidly evolved and are accompanied by preservatives, formaldehyde, and other chemicals? There is no sanity whatever to this practice.

      we hear that muslims and jewish can’t and shouldn’t get the Vaccine, due to it containing pig ingredients. christians because it contains aborted fetus tissue.

      now we hear that it will infect or disable your testicles.
      researchers say: To protect fertility, some men may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to vaccination

      And this mRNA shot is pure madness if you care to look. The technology was patented in 1991 and has never been used on humans (so you get to be the first guinee pig, good luck with that, bringacoffin) because every single animal study has shown horrific results. Do not get this shot no matter what they say. It’s very, very bad.

      Vaccines to cure a Hoax virus that nobody can isolate, identify or photograph (yes, not even one virus), (the chinese dug out something from somebody’s lung, it was actually an exosome, these people are nuts they believe in fake science), changes your DNA in unknown ways and people line up for it. They must be crazy.

      mRNA vaccines hijack the body’s cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins cause the body to attack itself in a “cytokine storm” of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death.

      another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
      “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

      MRNA vaccines intervene directly in the patient’s genetic material and, therefore, they change individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, something that has been banned and so far considered criminal.

      after unprecedented MRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat vaccine symptoms complementarily. They will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, just as you can’t cure a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, Disease genetic heart, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because genetic defect is forever! dead or permanently disabled, gimped.

      the cv19 hoax created a great opportunity to force inject a dna vaccine or insert chips, nano wires, nano particles, 5g is being installed to connect you to the cloud and data mine you. goal: depopulation, sterilization, behavior modification, total control and a cull.

      These new vaccines are not vaccines, installing gmo technology, chips, wires, etc. is not a vaccine, but they say it is to avoid liability, vaccine manufacturers can not be sued. if they say it is a vaccine it can be mandated (forced), these new injections are not vaccines but they say they are so they can be forced. if there is insurance involved, you save the insurance company lots of money. this is insurance fraud.

      who is responsible for cv19 hoax? nwo/cabal/ccp/globalists who is in it? the .0001% billionaires and their huge corporations, big tech, big pharma, big oil, big media (all the media), twitter, facebook, google, big banks, etc, china was chosen to lead it.

      Psychopathic members of an occult satanic death cult running the planet, planning your horrible future. religious fanatics ramming their poisonous vaccine down your throat….vaccines/germ theory = religious fanatics, the new covid religion. a satanic cult that believe in eugenics, slavery, transhumanism and fake science.
      pope is part of this cult.



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