Diaper Report: 12/23/2022


Some of us understood the danger of Diapering from the beginning. Understood it was more than just a degrading Obedience Ritual. Could see the next step in the inevitable progression.

That “masking” would lead to “vaccinating.”

It is why some of us refused to wear the god-damned “mask.” Ever. Period.

We tried to warn others. The ones who said, “it’s just a mask” and “you can take it off” once you’ve finished shopping. How do you take off the “safe and effective” drugs they made you take next? That you agreed to take when you put on that god-damned “mask?

Maybe you didn’t think, at the time, that you’d agreed to that. But think about it now. Wearing that “mask” was not fundamentally different than agreeing to pay a tax on one cent of your income. By doing so, you have agreed that income taxing is fundamentally legitimate. You have thus denied yourself the means of arguing that higher income taxes are illegitimate.

Principles matter. Precedents are set. Once set, they are expanded upon. Tyrants understand this. It is the way they slow-walk those who do not understand it into accepting their tyrannization.

If it was legitimate to make people wear a “mask,” then it was legitimate to make people take the drugs that, as we now know, are “vaccines” in the same sense that the grape juice in the Communion cup is “wine.”

By believing, you are agreeing.

By wearing, you agreed to taking.

That is why they pushed those Face Diapers as hard as they did. Even to the extent of accepting as a “mask” a pulled-up T-shirt or nasty old bandana. So long as you had something over your face – to show you agreed with the premise. That it was necessary to wear a “mask” because it would “stop the spread,” “flatten the curve” and – the big one – protect others.

“Masking” was thus presented as a kind of civic duty, an obligation of decency owed to your fellow man. Immense social-psychological pressure was brought to bear, to leverage people’s natural and laudable instincts to be decent to get them to participate in what is arguably the most indecent thing done to a large number of people since what was done in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge (Communists) back in the ’70s – and that was localized to Cambodia.

“Masking” was afflicted upon practically the entire world with an official, organized rabidity that cannot be explained except as laying the necessary predicate for what came next. What they had in mind all along. What they knew would never fly until after they had already managed to get a huge percentage of the population to publicly display their own agreement with the necessity of it.

They succeeded.

Cue the “roll out” of the drugs they somehow developed from scratch in a matter of months and which they now told the people who wore the “mask” they needed to take on the same basis they wore the “mask.”

It was their civic obligation to help “stop the spread” and to get things back to “normal” again. Most of all, the drugs had to be taken for the sake of protecting others. If you did not take them, then you were a really bad person. How could anyone who put that god-damned “mask” on their face refuse to roll up their sleeve and extend their flesh? If they refused, they were unprincipled. If they objected, they were unreasonable. It being akin to objecting to the government taking 45 cents of every dollar in income after having not objected to the government  taking a penny of every dollar.

And so most of the millions who wore that god-damned “mask” rolled up their sleeves, just as had been planned. And now – having sown the wind – they are reaping the whirlwind.

A just published Rasmussen poll of the people who did roll up their sleeves gives us an indication of its magnitude. It claims seven percent of them – which is a hell of a lot more of them than the 1 percent or less of the general population who were seriously afflicted by the “virus” – report having experienced serious, often debilitating side-effects after taking the drugs pushed on them to “prevent infection” and “stop transmission.” Which, as we now know these drugs do not do.

But they lied to people about them. Told people they were vaccines. Told them they were “safe and effective.” Just as they told them that wearing a “mask” “worked.” And millions bought the lie or acceded to the lie, for the sake of convenience, or to not “buck” the system and to avoid “making a fuss.”

Rasmussen’s head pollster, Mark Mitchell, says his poll suggests at least 12 million people have experienced serious side effects as a result of being dosed with these drugs that are not vaccines. He also told podcaster Emerald Robinson that this does not include people whose side effect was death. “If somebody died from the vaccine (sic) we couldn’t poll them.”

We do have some idea of the death count, however. It numbers in the tens of thousands, according to the government’s own tabulation system, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). And we all know about the interesting new phenomenon of people – in particular young people, often athletic young people – “suddenly” dying, which is a thing that happened extremely rarely up until lots of people began rolling up their sleeves to take the drugs they’d already accepted the need of taking, by having worn a “mask.”

It is perhaps impolitic to say we told you so. But we did – and there you go.

. . .

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  1. Eric, just hearing that the fear mongering coming out of China has led to the US and other EU nations re-imposing con-vid test requirements for travellers from China. The worst is – the sheep are playing along – the UK hasn’t but comments are flooding the papers at how bad this is and will lead to another lockdown. Not liking the way this is going….

    • Hi Nasir,

      Of course. This will never end until we – the people – end it. “Zero COVID”? How about zero obedience. Never submit to the slightest Kabuki, ever again. The first time someone tries to Diaper you, shove that damn thing down their throat.

  2. Tears of a Lügenpresse clown:

    Americans Still Masking Against Covid Find Themselves Isolated

    It can be tough being a committed mask wearer when others have long since moved on from the pandemic.

    — headline and subhead from NYT, 26 Dec 2022

    Damn, that’s a heartbreaker — mask wearers having to endure sneers and social obloquy.

    And after they were riding so high …

    You’re crawling on the floor like a fool
    And I’m so high on cruel
    You’ll drown in the light and I’ll burn like a star
    Your tears are gonna give me fuel

    — Neko Case, High on Cruel

    • Darn, Jim H! Ya gave me an idear!

      The Fears Of A Clown
      by No-Smokey Robinson

      Oh yeah yeah yeah,
      Now if There’s a rag upon my mug,
      It’s only there trying to block the bug.
      But when it comes down, I’m drooling spew.
      But I’m afraid you’ll give me the flu!

      But don’t let my rag obsession,
      Give you-ooo the right impression.
      Really I’m mad, oh madder than mad.
      I’m alone but I’m gonna get snagged.
      So like a clown my face must be clad.


      Now there’re some sad things known to man,
      But ain’t too much sadder than,
      The fears of a clown,
      When a non-masker’s around…..

  3. I went to see my BIL in hospital several days after our wives and other house residents went overseas. He was having trouble with his legs not responding to moving. He has had all 4 stabs for covidscam. He finally called the ambulance and has been in hospital ever since. Docs unable to figure out what is wrong with him. He described the symptoms and I had seen several people report such symptoms on YT. I told him he was having vax reactions. I told him I would not be surprised if he actually has c19. Well, after 2 weeks in hospital, he was diagnosed with c19 and isolated. I went to take him some hamburgers I cooked on Friday and the ward nurse would not let me in because i refused to don the snot rag. She took the food to him and said I was nice for bringing him some home made food. It is now known that c19 is spreading through Victorian hospitals like wildfire. He will not be getting out until his family return from overseas as he is not mobile. So much for his holidays the last month, stuck in hospital. The doctors know what is wrong but will not tell BIL what the real problem is.

    • Ya kinda lost me after the first part: “I went to see my BIL in hospital several days after our wives and other house residents went overseas.”

      If I understand, that explains much.

      Anyway, hats off for not caving & putting on a slave-face diaper.
      &, nice gesture, “I went to take him some hamburgers I cooked on Friday”. You seem like a good man.

      Also, seems like, c19 isn’t spreading through Victorian hospitals (or anywhere else) like wildfire. Vaxx reactions are. But, I think you know that.

      ‘FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston’

      “It’s now become obvious, with dramatically rising death and injuries, the CV19 injections were bioweapons passed off as lifesaving vaccines.” …


  4. fauci…the science…lol

    fauci has publicy stated believing in and spreading ideas exactly that have the same level of scientific proof as……. the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying

    The field of virology is about the same scientific level as the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying…100% fake science

    Jung had some weird ideas…freud warned him…if you talk about fairies at the bottom of the garden we will loser all credibility

    maybe freud was wrong….allopathic medicine has been doing that for over 100 years

    the Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud movie…great movie…


  5. Quite a few of my employees experienced dramatic immediate resulfs from the fakecine. I never required it or encouraged it despite a state mandate to do so. Fainting, passing out, a week in the fetal position in the couch. Crazy stuff.

  6. Every time someone tells me that the mRNA jabs are ‘safe and effective’ and side effects are ‘rare’ I respond with Takata airbags. Takata airbags are far safer than even the best pro jab numbers. They’ve certainly done more good than harm but that’s not the measure in products of engineering. They are defective and must be recalled. But science? Products of science work on a livestock principle. Well we gave 1000 cows this jab and 4 cows died from it but if we didn’t jab them then we estimate 6 cows would have died so the jab is better than no jab. Then there is the study math which the media doesn’t accurately describe. this where they get their 99% effective numbers from. It really doesn’t mean that. Every “scientist” knows the coded language, the public doesn’t. Take 4 cows / 6 cows is 2/3rds so the jab reduces the risk of the cows dying from this particular thing by 33%! The reality is there is 1 in 500 reduction. So when 1 person in 100 in the jabbed group dies of X and 2 people in the unjabbed group of 100, that means the jab is 99% effective.


    • RE: “Every time someone tells me that the mRNA jabs are ‘safe and effective’ and side effects are ‘rare’ I respond with Takata airbags.”

      Mang, you must get A Lot of blank clueless stares.

      Like, “there’s nobody home, upstairs” kind of looks?

      …Good try, though.

      • Exactly, Helot!

        To the average ‘Mercan, Takata airbags are forgotten relics long buried down the memory hole with Jeffery Epstein (Who?), landline telephones and Trump saying he’d team-up with RFK Jr. to look into the shenanigans of the pharma-cartel’s [pre-COVID] vaccines.

  7. Sometimes, I think about – STOP – getting on, The Internet.

    ‘FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston’

    “In America, you cannot legalize murder. . . . […]

    Kingston goes on to say, “I know people are saying anyone who says there is technology in these shots is a conspiracy theorist or crazy. I just showed you Pfizer says on their website that this is technology. The lipid nanoparticles are technically called biohybrid microrobots. That sounds bad, so they call them lipid nanoparticles to make it not sound so scary. […]

    . . . Not only is the so-called vaccine a bioweapon, you cannot vaccinate against a technology. The whole thing was a lie.””…


    I contemplate taking the happy, “Blue Pill” so many people seem to have swallowed.

    …I. Don’t. Know. How. They. Do. So.

    It’s like, “Lets go get our boosters & go on vacation in the Caribbean!” WTF?

    …Because, it’s cool to turn a blind eye,… or, step over a suffering person on the sidewalk and act like everything is hunk-dory normal?{I’ve seen that on videos.}

    I guess, I’m just not a, psychopath/sociopath/evil bastard … and not into pretending? Idk.

    …Time marches on.

    • The problem is, Helot, is that once you wake up and see the truth, you see it everywhere. Not only that, but you cannot unsee it, either. As much as I hate it, I would rather be awake and know the truth. Rather than asleep, and living a lie.

  8. Eric,

    Sorry to break this to you but this shit show of mass transfections is just getting started.

    Those percentages are going to up and peak around 2025 then another three years down the other side of the bell curve, cumulative damage will be epic.

    For the control group this is deflationary across multiple asset classes.

    • RE: “For the control group this is deflationary across multiple asset classes.”

      Wondered the same thing, myself.

      Spose, it depends upon what your definition of inflation & deflation are.
      And, how many fiat Dollars fall from Da Money Tree (a.k.a. The Fed).
      And, for how long.
      …And, what the potential tidal wave of foreign owned U.S. Bucks is.
      …And, what the War Pigs do.

      Right now, ‘US Durable Goods Orders Plunge In November, Biggest Drop Since COVID’.

      And then, ‘Oil Jumps After Russia Threatens To Cut Output In Response To Price Cap’

      Some interesting charts here, ‘Visualizing Healthcare Spending & Life Expectancy, By Country’

      A bottom line:

      ‘Why the Next Decade Will Not Be Like the Previous 40 Years’

      … “we’ll consume less and it will cost more”…


      Alll that, and it’s no wonder a CFP headline is:

      ‘Omnibus includes 12 hidden gun grabs…’

      ‘Inflation, Recession, and Declining US Hegemony’

      …”With neither the economic establishment nor the public having a basic understanding of what is money and why it is not currency, it is hardly surprising that current financial and economic developments are so poorly understood, and the correct remedies for our current monetary and economic conditions are so readily dismissed.

      These errors and omissions are set to be addressed in 2023.”


      Fun times.

    • tam = big pharma witch part of the leftist/communist/wef/luciferion cult

      tam same as gates no education

      says she is a doctor but no evidence anywhere. who hired her?

      from researcher in an article:

      very little personal (and even professional) information on Tam. Somewhere there was a post that she was 55 years old, but I couldn’t find:

      Her date of birth
      Her place of birth (other than “raised in Hong Kong”)

      The dates of her various degrees – I even went into the UBC and UA websites looking for alumni profiles. There are no listings of her theses and dissertation.

      She is listed having expertise in immunization, infectious disease, emergency preparedness and global health security. Something more specific, and odd, is: “she is a graduate of the The Canadian Field Epidemiology Program” which looks like an internship or upgrades for employees in the Public Health Agency of Canada.

      But I couldn’t find her medical school records to find her year of graduation, or any other post-grad qualifications. no qualifications but she locked down canada.

      I am usually pretty good at finding out some of this information, but to draw a blank on almost all the key components that make up a biographical profile is very strange.

      she works for ccp. not a doctor….ccp spy??

      looks like a moron with no education like gates and soros.

      show the proof. who hired her? has no education, not qualified.
      another blackface diversity hire like the governor general horror show.


      how many more of these bastards are like tam, gates…no education…fake experts…just morons…maybe 90% of the ones pushing the bat germ hoax?….lol


      • HI anonymous1, Lots of good info in your comments, as per usual. The one thing I didn’t notice in your investigation of Dr. Chinky dinky, Dude looks like a women. Probably just another in the long line of he/she diversity hires forced on us by Globohomo inc. The list of unqualified twats in all levels of Government is so long, its almost as if they are just rubbing our face in it now

  9. The Senile old Ijit who demonized MILLIONS of Americans because they supported Trump, wouldn’t take the COVID “vaccine”, or merely oppose him and his agenda now has the GALL to call those same people he demonized to join him in unity….you can’t make this s*** up! Until he apologizes to those Americans whom he demonized for whatever reason, I don’t want to hear any lectures from him or his puppet masters about “unity”.


  10. I’m noticing a disturbing new trend among the Diapered in stores, mainly groceries – they’re starting to talk to themselves! In one of my local markets, I was examining some items and this N95 Diapered woman sidles up to me talking furiously. I thought she was talking to me so I said “What” as I couldn’t understand her. No response. Kept right on talking…no phone or earpiece visible. The mental deficient was having a conversation with herself! I moved away quickly as she made me nervous. As I made my retreat, I made the sheep noise… didn’t even phase her. She was obviously living in her own little masked world…as most of them are. Sadly I doubt this will ever change.

  11. Among those whom I know personally, almost all who have practiced masking and who have taken the [non]vax have had “the ‘Rona”[flu] either TWO or THREE times. Of them, the ones who had the had the ‘Rona before being vaxxed, were not only NOT protected by taking the clot-shot, but apparently lost the natural immunity they would have had from already having recently had the ‘Rona. [I don’t mean to legitimize the notion that there is some hyper-dangerous special Chink flu when I say “Rona”- just using their own terminology because that’s what the ‘tests’/’experts’ say they had. My intent is to prove that they had the same malady each time, which had it not been for the poisons they had injected, they would have been immune to (‘specially in the immediate short term) after the first episode- but of course, such is rarely the case these days, as everyone clamors to injest some poison, -either antibiotics or a vax- which destroy one’s natural immunity/immune system.]

    Virtually everyone I know who practices the Kabuki- either they had the ‘Rona once before the clot-shot and twice after the shot; or never had it before the shot…but have had it twop or three times after the shot.

    A fair number of these shot-takers have not only had severe health problems after taking the shot, but several have been continually sick with never-ending maladies sicne having taken the shot- and these were all formerly healthy/functional people. Ironically, (and of course this is truly anecdotal among a small sample) it seems that the elderly ‘specimens’ among those whom I know who have partaken of the rituals seem to have fared the best- such as my 81 year-old BIL (who still works).

    My 54 year-old friend back on Lawn Guyland, who is obese, but very physically active (The guy has more energy than me!) is now constantly sick- literally- and in addition to such things as blood clots which are now hindering his mobility, there has not been a day in the last 18 months that he does not have either bronchitis or the seasonal flu or the ‘Rona [as if there’s a difference, other than a test saying so- a test with a 90% inaccuracy…], and far from “stopping the spread”, the guy must go to work sick virtually all of the time now (‘cept when he ‘tests positive’ for the ‘Rona, of course…) otherwise he wouldn’t be working at all- and is thereby not only fuirther destroying his own health, but exposing many others when he has contagious ailments.

    As usual, the “solutions” offered by tyrants to the problems which they created in the first place (or which were non-existent except in the minds of the masses so convinced by the media and politicians) achieve the exact opposite of the publicly stated goal….but do accomplish the true purpose for which they were decreed- i.e. the spreading of mass debilitation and disease and death…under the guise of preventing those things. In fact, those of us who resist their attempts to destroy our health and liberty are labeled as “dangers; spreaders of diseases[which we do not have], and squelchers of freedom (Because we, supposedly, are the reason why the soft martial-law and other elements of Kabuki must continue, for we ‘do not cooperate’…. Pot calling the kettle black).

    Typical behavior of the Cabal- blame the victims and those who resist tyranny, though it obvious that we have remained healthy- yet THEY have convinced many that we are somehow the problem and that THEY[or rather, their beards] are humanty’s saviors…… Oy vey!

    • We all have to be jabbed for work, Nunzio, and although I do not asked the jabbed status of my fellow workers, I can just about tell who has been jabbed, as the ones who have are coming down with the Rona multiple times. One long-time nurse friend of mine just died in April…of “long COVID”, the MD’s are saying. She died 3 months after getting her booster, and only seven months after retiring. She would have gotten every last booster if Fauci had told her, as she was all-in on these vaccines. However, I have other co-workers who have been jabbed, and are saying “no more”, and have filed religious exemptions this year. It is interesting to see who is waking up, and who is all-in. So far, they are not blaming the rest of us un-jabbed for it, but then again, the discussion of who got the needle, and who did not, are not openly talked about.

  12. All I can think about government liberals is they are no fun. Reminds me of Animal House scene where the Delta’s charter is being revoked and Dean Wormer says: “There will be no more fun of any kind!”

    • That’s exactly right, Hans. The dean of Faber College was the template for the hard leftist agenda. We all thought he was a cartoon antagonist, but who’s laughing now?

      John Landis probably made more gen-x libertarians than Ron Paul, they just didn’t know it. Of course, same could be said of Tipper Gore…

  13. the stats – I suspect more and more will come over to the side of minor / major side effects. One of my cousins from home was at my place last week. Her family was one of the MOST covid paranoid ones I ever heard of. Hear because I didnt speak because well despite my 2 trips there they didnt want to meet because they were perpetually “isolating” or “social distancing” or whatever its called. This went on for 2 years (im not kidding she didnt even meet her siblings during that time!)
    I was shocked however when she admitted to me last when we met that she regrets having the jab because after the first one all her joints have started hurting and well she was so afraid she never got the second one (instead bribing the Dr to give the certificate). She also said she was actually proud that despite all the pressure, I never gave in and proudly tell everyone what I think of it !!! Im just hoping more and more slowly wake up !

    • Hi Nasir,

      Kudos for hanging strong. It is very tough when everyone around you folds like a cheap suit. The joint pain seems to be pretty problematic across the board from what I have heard. Headaches and trouble sleeping seem to be pretty prevalent as well. It will be interesting to see how many symptoms co exist due to these shots. I think, right now, we are only skimming the surface on what will be.

    • Hi Nasir!
      Heh, you got me thinking of one of my cousins:Despite being ‘fully vaxed’ she has lived as a virtual hermit in her NYC apartment for the last 3 years- I guess she doesn’t really believe that they work…but for some reason took ’em anyway! The latest: She recently got ‘her booster’, and became sick immediately after. At first she called it ‘not feeling too good from the booster’; then when it persisted it was ‘a bug’….. So either the shot made her sick…or at best, didn’t prevent her from getting sick. Yet, she doesn’t want to hear anything negative about the shots….

      Such people will maintain that they are right and we are wrong, even on their deathbed as they die from what we warned them of….just like the communist before the firing squad, insisting that communism would work just fine if only they did this instead of that…..

      • Nunzio,
        You are so “Right On The Money” with your deathbed comment!

        My ex hounded the filthy unvacced…me …..relentlessly about super-spreading and wishing all the skeptics dead….

        Gets the clot shot….2 months later…appendicitis…boosted, 6 months later inoperable pancreatic cancer ….yet stupid gets the RSV? booster…and her left arm swells up like a balloon
        and almost turns necrotic….has about six months left and the clown is still attacking me!!??

        You simply can’t fix stupid by definition…”Long Live Marshall Stalin”….

        • Whooooaaaa, Expat!
          Almost exact same scenario with another friend of mine back in HellNY! Dutifully fully vaxxed….(Like myself, this guy had never had any health issues; never gone to the hospi’l, etc.)…suddenly has to go for an appendix operation. While going through the process, they notice that he has the very beginnings of colon cancer. “Nothing to worry about, we’ll just schedule a quick operation and take care of it and you’ll be fine- no big deal”.

          They open him up, and the cancer just EXPLODES, virtually before their eyes- so suddenly it goes from just the first early stage/no worries, to full-blown stage 4 terminal. He was dead in two months.

          Had I been there, I wouldn’t have even been able to visit him, as the disgusting third-world refugee center they call a hospi’l there in NY doesn’t let anyone in unless they’re vaxxed!

          Hell of a nice guy…and truly someone whom I thought would know better….but I don’t know what it is- they just don’t listen, no matter how many times you’ve been right in the past; the next new thing the media-government says, they believe. In some cases, maybe they wanted to believe, because in these hellish places like NY, life became difficult for those who refuse the vax. Life is now IMPOSSIBLE for my friend. Should’ve chosen ‘difficult’ instead.

          His brother was telling me: At one point when he was in the hospi’l’s palliative care/hospice thingy, as the nurse’s shift was changing, his nurse brings in a new nurse to introduce to him- New nurse takes one look at my friend and says to the other nurse: “Are you kidding me?! This is my mechanic!!!!”

  14. I picked up very early on the masking as theater, and then a psyop then a sh*t test to see who would comply to what. All the lies manipulation threats, and non stop fear mongering was very tell tale. The manipulators and influencers always play the same game. Vietnam, the red scare cold war crap, Y2K, ozone layer depletion, covid etc. All the same crap tactics regurgitated over and over to people with the memory of a goldfish.
    I knew the average person was somewhat unintelligent and cowardly I never imagined the degree to which that was true.
    I never complied with any of the covid stupidity nobody in my immediate family did either. It”s been very telling to see how poorly the lies and capitulation have aged, and how all the dupes just move along like it was bad hair fad from high school. I could say “I told you so” and I may if the proper situation arises but why? These idiots WANT to slowly commit suicide and live like slaves who am I to try and stop them. Get your tenth booster, your really really going to NEED it!
    Those on the fence who are more reasonable I can coexist with and talk to, the cult members can all go to hell for all I care.

  15. I picked up some of the “good” kimchi from the Whole Foods near Aspen this week. Lots of masked individuals shopping. Given that shopping involves touching and picking up objects that have been touched by others, I wonder why they weren’t wearing blue plastic gloves too.

    I used to enjoy going there to watch the trophy wives go about their day. Now that about half of them are masked up, that has lost its appeal. Not to mention the inflated currency has made it an even more expensive experience.

    Government destroys everything!

  16. Eric wrote: “Rasmussen’s head pollster, Mark Mitchell, says his poll suggests at least 12 million people have experienced serious side effects…”

    That may be just the beginning. Once you take the jab, you may find that major side effects don’t occur until years after.

  17. Maybe I’ll make a New Year Resolution.

    Whenever I meet someone I’ll ask if they’re vaxxed. If they say yes, I’ll tell them to stay 6′ away, wear a mask and don’t touch me.

    God knows what they’re shedding and spreading.

    • I’ve had that same thought, Mark.
      However; I’m attempting to resist being just like they were. No easy task, for sure.

      Tomorrow on USAWatchdog:

      “Biotech analyst Karen Kingston will be the guest for the Saturday Night Post. Kingston has more new information that shows the evil vax will kill and injure mass amounts of people. We have a long way to go before it’s over.”

      I just haven’t been able to get myself to watch this just yet:

      ‘Pathologist Proves Covid Shots Cause Blood Clots’


      • If you want to screw with your belief system…your deepest strongest belief…. watch this video…

        These doctors/scientists/researchers discuss the field of virology…sadly it is on the same level as the tooth fairy….lol

        there are virologists, scientists, etc. who know very well it is a huge lie/hoax but they are scared to say one word and are paid huge bribes to shutup…….don’t want to ruin their career….

        but there is one virologist that is doing the proper controlled tests right now that the chinese liar scientist who used faked fabricated data to start the cv19 hoax didn’t do

        there is no science behind the mandates, masks, lockdowns, forced injections, so they are illegal……


  18. It doesn’t matter if masks are effective or not,

    it doesn’t matter if vaccines work or not,

    it doesn’t matter if there’s a pandemic or not, and

    it doesn’t matter if you disagree with me or not.

    What does matters is that I, and I alone, have sole dominion over my body and what goes into it — PERIOD!

  19. I wonder how many of the vaccinated now understand that they do or may have a ticking time bomb inside of them with its fuse lit. What must that be like, to wonder if today might be the day your heart gives out, or that the clot accretion in your bloodstream reaches its apotheosis? Terror, because you know it’s coming. Because you didn’t listen. Because you were impulsive. Because you wanted a free pizza or baseball tickets. Because you fell for it. Because you donned a face diaper. Tick tock.

  20. Admirable summary, Eric. My favorite colorful lines this time are the ones about “one cent” and “grape juice.”
    Yule joy.
    (Perhaps you know already, but the last sentence in your article has a typo, “we told we so”.)

  21. “Rasmussen’s head pollster, Mark Mitchell, notes that 7 percent equals 12 million people.” Huh? Is Rasmussen’s head pollster innumerate?

    This is bullshit. In deriving this 12 million number, Mr. Mitchell incorrectly equates 7% of those that Rasmussen claims it polled with 7% of 171,000,000 (not sure where he came up with this number though -perhaps its those injected?). I know Rasmussen did not poll 171 million people, so his 12 million number is at best an unfounded assumption.

    The lying cheating pollsters, gubmint workers and prostitute media always do this. Typically they design poll questions and cherry pick those polled to ensure their desired outcome. Then, they take the BS poll results of the 200 people or so they allegedly polled and extrapolate that nonsense outcome to the entire US population. Viola: __% of Americans _______. This then provides the necessary pretext to “make policy.”

    Although Mitchell’s made-up-number may help advance the argument that these “vaccines” are bad, we don’t need to and should not rely on this BS poll. We didn’t need to rely on any evidence of adverse outcomes from the “vaccine.” From the get go, nobody ever actually isolated this bullshit virus. The government has admitted to this. Since there’s no virus, there was no need to inject yourself with an unknown substance. That’s as much analysis as was needed to decide whether to allow yourself to be injected or not.

    Of course, it’s of no surprise that people have been negatively affected by injecting a foreign substance into their bodies. Why in God’s name would anybody have done this to themselves????

  22. It’s odd how some people said they weren’t taking any “Trump vaccines” during the 2020 Presidential campaign, but became ZEALOTS FOR the “vaccines” after Joe Biden got into office. It’s almost as if they got vaxxed themselves to “Stick it to Orange Man!” despite his continued advocating of the experimental mRNA injections.

    These people also loved Elon Musk when he was busy with his Tesla electric vehicles, but now HATE him after he purchased Twitter and started the Twitter document dumps, which proved that the federal government and the FBI colluded with Twitter to censor viewpoints the government didn’t like and even censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, which may have sunk Biden’s dream of being president had it been allowed to be shared on social media. Looks like Twitter even colluded with the Pentagon to conduct a propaganda campaign overseas.

    • RE: “they got vaxxed themselves to “Stick it to Orange Man!””

      Saw this unsourced comment at USAWatchdog about people asking Trump to ~disavow the vax, or some such:

      …”Trump finally responded about the vaccine a few days ago… He said I’m tired of hearing this question…I’m the father of the Warp speed and proud of what I’ve done and that’s all there is to it… I don’t want to hear about this again. (Paraphrasing)”…

      There was also this comment, might be interesting:

      … “Wayne Allyn Root will be interviewing President Trump this Saturday during his show on Real America’s Voice News. Wayne has always been against the vaccines, and says he will try to convince Trump to change his position.” …

      • Trump and virology….

        The field of virology is about the same scientific level as the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying…100% fake science…

        it is a tough one for people to face…it is a deep rooted part of their brain washing, it causes cognitive dissonance when discussed, they don’t want to hear they have been tricked, hood winked, are stupid,

        Trump has a big ego….doesn’t want to admit he is wrong….

        you can’t blame him though…he may never have been exposed to the counter narrative to the virology lies, bs, fake science..

        send him the link….


  23. I did the opposite of the “experts” and dumb masses. Never got covid. Friends & colleagues who toed the line got covid multiple times.

    One friend, an RN that does post-op, has gotten it twice and developed rosacea since then. She still has to wear the stupid mask all day.

    Another friend, a respiratory nurse, bought into the hysteria early on. She’s been stabbed/jabbed/boosted multiple times & has had covid twice. She has to wear the stupid mask –which she swears by– all day as well.

    Yet a third friend developed alopecia from the clot shot. She’s really, really good looking so it’s a shame it happened. She fell into the take the shot or get fired silo (she’s an attorney for a large bank). They don’t have to wear the stupid mask anymore, but the damage has been done.

    The most shameful masking was when my wife was still alive. We’d go to a neurologist visit every month. They had and enforced a nazi-esque no mask-get kicked out-find another doctor bullshit. Everyone there was freakin’ terminally ill.

    Social psychologists / historians ask how did the nazis come in power. One only need to look at the western nations’ actions in 2020-2022.

  24. The CDC launched a smartphone app last year called V-Safe, which people who took the COVID jabs could use to report any side effects they had from the “vaccines” since they were under EUA. However, the CDC tried to keep that data hidden until a lawsuit from the Informed Consent Action Network resulted in a court order for the CDC to release the data, and what was found in that data definitely contradicted the often pounded “Safe and Effective” narratives. IIRC, of the 10 million users of that app, around 8% of them reported reactions that required medical care.

  25. This just in from Canada, a country memorably described by MAD magazine as ‘the retarded giant to our north,’ and now fully woke.

    Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam has issued a new public health announcement for the Christmas holidays, which comes in the form of a two-minute interview with “Mrs. Claus” from the North Pole.

    In it, children are warned that they could be on Santa’s “naughty list” if they don’t get the Covid-19 vaccine and mask up. Adults too are told that they won’t make the “nice list” if they don’t get their boosters.


    ‘The banality of evil,’ quipped one snarky commenter.

    Canadians labor under the obsolete delusion that they are ‘nice’ folks, despite being all-in on the NATO-sponsored Ukrainian slaughter which is piling up bodies like cordwood.

    Screw ‘nice’ — how about a punch in the teeth that will leave y’all eating liquid food for the holidays?

    • Hi Jim,

      In Oregon, their “Health Authority” mailed out propaganda fliers for the new booster jabs. It was URGING people to “Get vaccinated right away!” because of RSV, FLU, and COVID, and it even had a list of things to do “To keep yourself and others Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe for the Holidays”, such as “Get the latest booster!”, “Wear a mask indoors!”, “Ask others if they’re boosted”, “Get tested before gathering with family”, etc. Given what we KNOW about all this crap, I have to wonder if OHA gets some or all of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry or if they get money for every COVID jab someone gets.

      After reading your comment, I’m surprised OHA didn’t also bring Santa Claus into its propaganda campaign for the bivalent booster, which was only tested on a handful of mice but nonetheless authorized by the FDA and even authorized for children as young as 6 months of age.

    • tam….hahaha

      tam is a ccp agent working for the wef/globalist/luciferion cult…a bit like brandon…lol

      Re: the bat germ hoax…….
      There is zero science behind anything they have said or done, that is why there can be no discussion about this, their lies would fall apart very quickly, it was just a diversion, from the main crime.

      They can’t debate it because it was just an excuse to hide a financial crime, there was a meeting set up for a debate on feb. 11th 2022, the three top government officials for health canada, including tam, were invited for an open debate,

      they didn’t show up or respond because there is zero science behind anything they have said or done, it is all fake science, disinformation/misinformation, they have been lying 24/7 for two years now, they would have been exposed as a fraud in 10 minutes.

      tam same as gates no education

      says she is a doctor but no evidence anywhere. who hired her?

      from researcher in an article:

      very little personal (and even professional) information on Tam. Somewhere there was a post that she was 55 years old, but I couldn’t find:

      Her date of birth
      Her place of birth (other than “raised in Hong Kong”)

      The dates of her various degrees – I even went into the UBC and UA websites looking for alumni profiles. There are no listings of her theses and dissertation.

      She is listed having expertise in immunization, infectious disease, emergency preparedness and global health security. Something more specific, and odd, is: “she is a graduate of the The Canadian Field Epidemiology Program” which looks like an internship or upgrades for employees in the Public Health Agency of Canada.

      But I couldn’t find her medical school records to find her year of graduation, or any other post-grad qualifications. no qualifications but she locked down canada.

      I am usually pretty good at finding out some of this information, but to draw a blank on almost all the key components that make up a biographical profile is very strange.

      she works for ccp. not a doctor….ccp spy??

      looks like a moron with no education like gates and soros.

      show the proof. who hired her? has no education, not qualified.
      another blackface diversity hire like the governor general horror show.


      how many more of these bastards are like tam, gates…no education…fake experts…just morons…maybe 90% of the ones pushing the bat germ hoax?….lol

  26. The vaxxed people i know STILL continue to suffer repeat cases of covid. I really believe their immune systems were damaged from the covid shots but have no proof. Amazingly they still think the shots and masks work. Oh yeah they wear the masks when theyre sick. To protect others. As they continue to go about their business.

  27. ‘It was their civic obligation to help “stop the spread” and to get things back to “normal” again.’ — eric

    This week I was forwarded an email from a mask maker called Armbrust USA, based in Austin. Excerpt:

    ‘With the end of the zero-covid policy, China is speed-running the last two years of the pandemic, with some experts predicting that they’re going to experience three distinct covid waves in the next few months.

    ‘Millions of new infections and an incalculable number of deaths are coming to China, which means many new Covid variants are possibly coming here.’ — Lloyd Armbrust

    ‘Exploitation,’ I scoffed to my correspondent. ‘Sensationalism.’ But this fear porn has legs. Headline in today’s New York Slimes:

    As Cases Spread, China’s Low Covid Death Toll Convinces No One

    Accompanying the headline is a photo of four Chinese workers, loading a yellow body bag into a shipping container.

    If you’ve kept up with the Twitter files about the FBI’s heavy-handed election manipulation, you’ll instantly recognize the Operation Mockingbird-style campaign, claiming that China’s irresponsibility [How can they just let people walk about on their own?] is generating horrible new covid variants, which soon will arrive here to kill us.

    Crude agitprop like this tends to confirm that probably the US developed the engineered Covid Classic™ virus, set it loose at WIV in autumn 2019, and is STILL trying to shift blame onto Xi’s wascally wabbits of Wuhan for having done it.

    This is your US fedgov poisoning the well of public discourse with its valued handmaiden and fluffer, the Lügenpresse.

    • just a repeat…round two…..

      It’s important to recall that the United States and over 100 countries initiated lockdowns exclusively because of the “data” that was being transmitted out of Wuhan.

      It was faulty, unchallenged Chinese data, repeated by authoritative figures like Fauci (all fauci does is repeat ccp lies, he will make billions of dollars), and his colleagues, that convinced the world to undergo lockdowns and embrace early, aggressive ventilation of patients, among other botched, unscientific treatment and mitigation measures.

      zhang yongzhen was the chinese scientist that released the genome data for the so called sars cov 2 virus, this data was used all over the world to put in place masking, lockdowns, destruction of small business and now forced extermination injections.

      The problem was he used fabricated manipulated data, scientific fraud to fabricate the sars cov 2 virus genome, he used their megahit software program. no controlled experiments were ever done.

      Around the world virologists used 49 different software programs and could never duplicate his results. nobody seems to care………..

      china runs the WHO. The WHO wants to force inject everyone. everyone except china.

      Great Reset” Schwab’s son is married to a Chinese woman. The Schwabs are China lovers. The “build back better” part of the great reset agenda intends to turn the west in to China, China light or even worse.

      the Chinese had a few faked lockdowns in three provinces over a very short period of time, they did not lockdown and destroy their economy, their gdp rose 3%, they invented the lockdown, which they recommended to their competitors.

      ATTENTION: they showed people falling over in the street, play acting, to sell the lie.

      then they were partying and mingling like nothing happened.

      meanwhile in other countries there was social distancing, masking and lockdowns, poisonous mrna injections (never used in china) and soon forced injections, millions died from this, businesses were destroyed the whole economy destroyed and buried in debt,

      the united states china’s biggest rival has a very negative outcome from this situation.

      as they put in place their great reset, the billionaires behind it got 2 trillion dollars richer and all the politicians and their helpers were well paid with bribes, as the people on the bottom got wiped out. china ends up way ahead after the reset.

      china supplies all the materials used to make drugs and vaccines (the quality of the stuff they are injecting is horrible, bringacoffin) for all the world so china will make huge profits from the hoax. the ccp and military own a lot of shares in pfizer

      fauci personally has over 2300 patents on drugs and vaccines and millions of shares in big pharma companies, he runs big pharma, he is big pharma’s head witch. big pharma controls everything now, the government, media, the official narritive. fauci will make billions of $ off this medical tyranny.

      armies of Chinese bot accounts on Twitter were instrumental in promoting early lockdowns in countries like Italy while bombarding political figures who refused to order strict lockdowns, such as South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, with criticism and abuse.
      part of the cv19 hoax nwo/reset is installing a ccp model communist/facist/wef government worldwide, another win for ccp/china.

      This chinese professor says china defeated the U.S. with biological warfare.

      • repeat…

        the Chinese had a few faked lockdowns in three provinces over a very short period of time, they did not lockdown and destroy their economy, their gdp rose 3%, they invented the lockdown, which they recommended to their competitors.

        ATTENTION: they showed people falling over in the street, play acting, to sell the lie.

        then they were partying and mingling like nothing happened.

        they want to sell more masks and kill shot injection ingredients….. and off the whites….lol..preparing for ww3

  28. I grew up (and walked out of) hell. One thing that was common in satanic rituals, was to cover ones face. It not only concealed ones identity, but it made you a non-person. And yeah, this masking was a test: To see who would go along with diapering. Hell, they may as well have put one over the other end too, while they were at it. I remember watching one video, of someone heating up one of the masks, and then viewing it under a microscope. There were microscopic worms coming out of the mask-not seen to the naked eye. In a note of irony, the masks I have to wear at work, are, yep, “Made In China”. You just cannot make this stuff up.


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