Diaper Report: 01/10/2023


During the French Revolution, you were considered suspect – by the revolutionaries – if you wore culottes, the traditional breeches of the aristocratic class. Those who did not wear them were styled sans-cullottes.

In the revolution to come – hopefully – the same suspicion will be focused on anyone who wears two hats.

Like Dr. Scott Gottlieb, for instance. This white coat was the former commissioner of the FDA, the federal regulatory agency that is supposed to assure that the drugs sold by pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer are . . . what’s the phrase? Yes, that’s it. “Safe and effective.” Gottlieb – who is currently a board member of the very company making the drugs that are neither effective – if the measure is preventing infection and transmission – nor safe, if the measure is free of significant risks – worked very hard to make sure people were not made aware of either fact.

He badgered Twitter to suppress Tweets that might have adversely effected the reputation and profitability of the drug company on whose board he now sits – and collects a fat check for so sitting. His value to Pfizer, no doubt, arising from his status and connections as the former commissioner of the FDA.

When another white coat – Dr. Brett Giroir – posted a Tweet about naturally acquired immunity being superior to the (as it turns out) non-immunity conferred by the drugs pushed by Pfizer (and Moderna and J&J, et al) as “vaccines,” an angry Gottlieb pressured Twitter’s Todd O’Boyle to suppress this truth by labeling it . . . “misinformation.”

This occurred in the fall of 2021 – at the height of the drug-pushing. At the time when the Biden Thing was saying “patience was wearing thin” as regarded the “hesitancy” (as it was styled) of those who were unwilling to be drugged just because Biden – or anyone – said so.

Giroir’s truthful information wasn’t helpful to Pfizer, of course – which is why a Pfizer Illuminatus objected to it being spread. But it could have been extremely helpful to millions of people who were being heavily pressured to take Pfizer’s (and Moderna’s and J&J’s) drugs at the same time they were being misled about the efficacy as well their safety.

By a former commission of the FDA.

He is not an isolated case, either. The entire federal regulatory apparat is termite-riddled with compromised grifters who cash in on their connections to the apparat after having left the apparat. It is routine for a regulatory illuminatus to be chosen from among the ranks of the officers of the very corporations they are then supposedly bound to “regulate.”

It actually works the other way around – as we can see with regard to Gottlieb. As FDA commissioner, he didn’t do anything to prevent Pfizer’s drugs from being pushed by the very government he collected a check from. And then he collected bigger checks from Pfizer – for pushing the drugs made by his employer.

“This is the kind of stuff that’s corrosive,” he lectured O’Boyle. “Here he draws a sweeping conclusion off a single retrospective study in Israel that hasn’t been peer reviewed. But this tweet will end up going viral and driving news coverage.” 

Note the irony of the thing. The “vaccines” were pushed based on zero “peer reviewed” studies and not a single “retrospective study.” Just trust the drug pushers. And do not question them.

O’Boyle did his part, too – by neglecting to mention to his higher-ups at Twitter that Gottlieb was currently on Pfizer’s board. Only that he was the former FDA commissioner – thereby lending a false standing to the not-so-good doctor. Who also went after another person who Tweeted “Sticks and stones may break my bones but a viral pathogen with a child mortality rate of ~0% has cost our children nearly three years of schooling.”

This was around the same time that the drug pushers were trying to get the FDA to approve as “safe and effective” drugs for children ages 5-11. Each kid forced to take these drugs being a ka-ching for Pfizer – and thus, for Gottlieb.

And also a possible casualty.

You’d think a former head of the FDA might be . . . concerned about such things.

That, of course, assumes a conscience.

The disclosures about Gottlieb – who was FDA commissioner under Trump – ought to concern us. And not just with regard to Gottlieb, but generally. If there is any good to have come out of the past three years it is that now we know.

Because it can no longer b denied – like the pile of dog crap you just stepped on.

These people – all of them – are not to be trusted. Anyone who works for the apparat is part of the apparat. Does one arm of an octopus act at odds with the rest of the octopus?

To expect any Illuminatus of this apparat to act in our best interests is kind of like expecting drugs that don’t prevent infection to prevent the next infection.

Of course, to say so is to risk being accused of spreading “misinformation.”

. . .

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  1. ATTENTION: in the U.S. children are mandated 72 injections, this now includes the deadly cv19 vaccine….

    in japan none, zero, send your child to japan

    72 injections….that is great marketing….your health is so screwed up you will be a life long customer buying all the drugs to counter act the effects of the 72 shots….it is a trillion dollar business, the most profitable business in the world….

    what about the cost of the injured/sick/screwed up child caused by the injections, it could cost millions of dollars looking after it 24/7 for 50 years, paid by the parents and or the taxpayers….

    are these bastards the marketing arm of the ccp?

    ATTENTION: all the vaccines and drugs the government has been pushing, all the ingredients come from china, every injection or drug = more profit for the chinese ccp.

    NOTE: the ccp companies benefited the most from the bat germ bs narrative, profiting from the injections, masks……

    anybody pushing these injections or drugs is a ccp shill….

    what’s with this pushing of poisonous drugs made out of oil and these poisonous injections? ….allopathic medicine bs….

    never say or do anything to reinforce, enable, continue, this bs , it just helps the ccp and big pharma get rich

    reinforcing, enabling, this, by embracing it makes you a ccp shill

  2. In a June 2010 report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, authors said that in looking over records that spanned from 1976 to 2006 they found that out of 62 million death certificates, 25 million deaths were coded as having occurred in a hospital setting due to medication errors.

    The total number of deaths due to the American modern medical system of drugging, unnecessary surgeries, infections, medical errors, etc., is nearly 800,000 people per year!

    This is more than people who die from heart disease with over 600,000 deaths per year and cancer with over 500,000 deaths per year.

    people think heart disease is the number one killer….lol

    – articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ archive/2003/11/26/death-by-medicine-part-one.aspx

    Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
    “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

    Dr Suhab Siddiqi, Moderna’s former Director of Chemistry told CNN that he would not allow the vaccine to be injected into his body. why would you?

    How Money From Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence


    • According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 100,000 Americans die from reactions to prescription LEGAL drugs each year, making this the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.
      ATTENTION: The death toll from ILLEGAL drugs stands at 10,000.

  3. “Watch this video to find out more about the new and innovative research done by the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence, and their contribution to the field of medicine.”

    ‘Kaufman Institute for Coincidence’


    [Warning – spoiler alert – for the video:]

    “Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical coincidence? You want proper medical care, but you don’t want people sniffing around asking a whole bunch of questions about what might be causing your problem. At the Kaufman Institute for Coincidence we won’t look into the cause of your heart or other problem, we’ll just fix it. That’s right, we promise to only look at your symptoms. We won’t get all curious looking for causes, because that could get your employer, or your doctor, into some legal hot water. And nobody wants that! At Kaufman, we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death. And if we want to operate at the speed of science, there’s no time for looking for causes. That’s right, no pesky questions about drugs or vaccines you might have been given. At Kaufman, we specialize in the effects and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists. And let’s be honest, we know the cause anyway. It was a coincidence, right? For each new patient, Kaufman’s talented team of doctors strap on their blinders and look directly at the problem area, usually the heart, just like the CDC recommends. Our main campus now treats the following coincidences:
    -blood clots
    -heart arrhythmia
    -heart attack
    -magnetic skin
    -difficulty breathing
    -full body blisters and burning
    -kidney failure
    -memory loss
    -sudden death
    -and much much more

    Give your coincidence the attention it deserves, but not the wrong kind of attention, at Kaufman. Schedule your appointment today at KaufmanCoincidence.com and receive a doctor’s note with real “sciency” sounding explanation to provide to your anti-vax friends, proving to them it was definitely not the vaccine that caused your coincidence. Kaufman: Because coincidences happen… pretty much all the time.”


    Lead author of peer reviewed research re-analysing Pfizer & Moderna trials on mRNA vaccine @JosephFraiman calls for immediate suspension of jab due to serious harms.

    ‘We have conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac death’


    How long can CDC and FDA stonewall and cover up their campaign of mass murder?

    Trials are coming … criminal, not research trials.

    • Big pharma, the occult satanic connection:

      Paracelsus is the founder of our modern allopathic medicine, he is big pharma’s hero.
      Did you know that the “father” of modern allopathic medicine was an occultist?
      He was a worshiper of Satan, he is also a hero in the church of satan.

      paracelsus founded our modern allopathic medicine practiced everywhere today. It is based on using poisonous drugs and injections.

      pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
      pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

      This system of administering poisonous drugs worldwide is a trillion dollar industry and the medical merchants of the earth profit greatly from it. They love the money it produces and ignore the many lives it destroys. Millions worship this satanic medical system.

      In a June 2010 report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, authors said that in looking over records that spanned from 1976 to 2006 they found that out of 62 million death certificates, 25 million deaths were coded as having occurred in a hospital setting due to medication errors.

      The total number of deaths due to the American modern medical system of drugging, unnecessary surgeries, infections, medical errors, etc., is nearly 800,000 people per year!

      This is more than people who die from heart disease with over 600,000 deaths per year and cancer with over 500,000 deaths per year. – articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ archive/2003/11/26/death-by-medicine-part-one.aspx

      big pharma causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care)

      According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 100,000 Americans die from reactions to prescription drugs each year, making this the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.
      The death toll from ILLEGAL drugs stands at 10,000.

      Kennedy quote on big pharma

      He mentioned another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
      “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

      “It requires a cognitive dissonance,” Kennedy commented, “for people who understand the criminal corporate cultures of these four companies to believe that they’re doing this in every other product that they have, but they’re not doing it with vaccines.”

      Knowing this why would you inject yourself with their deadly injections or take their poisonous drugs?

      • fauci…the science…lol

        fauci has publicly stated believing in and spreading ideas exactly that have the same level of scientific proof as……. the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying

        The field of virology is about the same scientific level as the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying…100% fake science

        Jung had some weird ideas…freud warned him…if you talk about fairies at the bottom of the garden we will loser all credibility

        maybe freud was wrong….allopathic medicine has been doing that for over 100 years

        the Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud movie


    • Ah, I didn’t see ya beat me to it by a day, Jim H.

      Do they have an office in your area?

      Everyone should make an appointment. …Right? Maybe that’d lower some numbers?

      ‘The Starfield revelation: medically caused death in America’

      “If you’re looking for evidence that institutionalized American medicine doesn’t care about killing people, here it is. […]

      Every year in the US there are: […]

      * 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.” …


      • Number of deaths for leading causes of death U.S.

        1) Heart disease: 655,381
        2) Cancer: 599,274

        3) The medical industry causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care)

        4) Accidents (unintentional injuries): 167,127
        5) Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 159,486
        6) Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 147,810
        7) Alzheimer’s disease: 122,019

        8) over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs

        9) Diabetes: 84,946
        10) Influenza and Pneumonia: 59,120
        11) Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 51,386
        12) Intentional self-harm (suicide): 48,344

        The medical industry causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care)

        and over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs. This is only from the reports we know about.

        now they can say died of cv19, for everything, just number 3 and 8 will give them great numbers as an excuse for masks, lockdowns, forced injections. the lockdowns have caused number 12 to sky rocket.

        reclassify deaths to avoid insurance claims…..insurance fraud

        another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
        “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

        The covid “vac cine” is an experimental biologic which is being marketed as a vac cine so that it can be legally mandated (force injected). Experimental biologics (unlike traditional vacc ines) cannot be forced on people without consent which is why pharma will be permitted to regulate them as vaccines.

        they want to say they are vaccines because if it is a vaccine they are not responsible if you are injured or die, you cannot sue them, plus it can be mandated. sounds like insurance fraud.

        anything they want to inject in you, chips, nano wires and any other technology they will say it is a vaccine so they can’t be sued when you are injured or die. vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability.

  5. CNN — of all ‘news’ outlets — exposes the lies and deceptions underlying the approval of bivalent ‘boosters’:

    ‘At a meeting of an FDA advisory group in June and a meeting in September of a panel that advises the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, experts were presented with information indicating that the new vaccine worked better than the one already on shelves.

    ‘The data that was not presented to the experts looked at actual infections: who caught Covid-19 and who did not.

    ‘It found that 1.9% of the study participants who received the original booster became infected. Among those who got the updated bivalent vaccine – the one that scientists [sic] hoped would work better – a higher percentage, 3.2%, became infected. Both versions of the shot were found to be saaaaaaaafe.

    ‘Dr Paul Offit, a member from the University of Pennsylvania, said he was angry.

    “I was angry to find out that there was data that was relevant to our decision that I didn’t get to see. Angry because they should trust us to make the decision based on all the data. These agencies, whether it’s the FDA or CDC, can’t make that decision for us. That’s the point of having an independent advisory committee.”


    Two words, Paul: special prosecutor. Hang ’em high.

  6. All I can add to the discussion is I did the opposite demanded of me by Herr Gottlieb and his ilk. I did not get sick. Ever.

    While those who fell for it hook, line, & sinker did. Multiple times.

    • Ditto, Mike –

      I’m fine, despite not having worn a Face Diaper even once. Nor taken any drugs that aren’t “vaccines,” either. I knew almost immediately the “pandemic” was theater on account of the transparent idiocy of “masking” … something I knew (having grown up around doctors) was just that – theater. That gave good reason for suspecting everything else that followed. Especially in view of the fact that I didn’t get sick, despite not having worn the idiotic “mask.” Why would I take drugs to combat something that didn’t worry (much less threaten) me?

      I also don’t wear a life vest when walking in the woods.

      • It is obvious Mike and Eric that you did not get sick not because of the vaccines, but neither of you own a gas stove. Duh! AOC reported just yesterday that it is nitrogen oxide that is causing our decline. 😜

        The gas stove was first invented in the 1821 while the clot shot was marketed in 2021 and the increase in illness can only be attributed to the appliance that has been around for 200 years not the newbie technology that was forced upon the masses no matter what the VAERS alludes to.

      • Eric,

        As I’ve stated before, I (presumably) got sick with the ‘Rona almost 3 years ago and my own immune system ultimately defeated it after 5 days. I never took any experimental pharmaceutical products, nor have I worn a filthy face diaper for over a year, even when Oregon’s former Queen, Kate Brown, had a statewide indoor mask mandate in place, though for a while I did wear one on an ear lobe to mock the mandate. Almost 3 years into this “pandemic”, I never got anywhere near as sick as I did in early 2020, though the “vaccinated” seem to get COVID or some other sickness over and over again.

        The studies showing the superiority of natural immunity to vaxx immunity are numerous, but social media, special interests, and unelected bureaucrats at government health agencies were hell bent on censoring that information, as well as information on cheap drugs that have been around for DECADES. Perhaps because the pharmaceutical industry couldn’t make any MONEY off of natural immunity, let alone cheap drugs that have shown to be effective COVID treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

      • THE PANDEMIC WAS REAL. Anyone who says it was phony is a tin hat conspiracy nut
        The excess deaths and all-cause mortality increase starting in April 2020 was much too large to be a coincidence.

        The fact that you don’t take drugs, vaccines or wear masks, has nothing to do with the fact that you were not infected. Infections depend on the quality of one’s immune system (to fight them quickly) and someone else to provide viral aerosols that infect you.

        The mask advice was good for an unintended purpose — it immediately told us politicians and bureaucrats had no idea what they were talking about. I read five scientific mask studies in mid-2020 — not one even suggested masks could prevent the spread of viral aerosols. At best, if you were coughing or sneezing viral aerosols, the mask would reduce the spray distance. Maybe useful outdoors. But the old advice was better: If you feel sick, or are coughing and/or sneezing, just stay home and don’t infect others.

        I’m older than you, don’t exercise, take 4 prescription medications, am not healthy, and I didn’t get Covid either. So what?

        • Hi Richard,

          If the “pandemic,” as you style it, was real, then why did seasonal flu “cases” (and deaths) essentially decline to nil during the same period that “COVID” was supposedly running amok?

          • Number of deaths for leading causes of death U.S.

            1) Heart disease: 655,381
            2) Cancer: 599,274

            3) The medical industry causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care)

            4) Accidents (unintentional injuries): 167,127
            5) Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 159,486
            6) Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 147,810
            7) Alzheimer’s disease: 122,019

            8) over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs

            9) Diabetes: 84,946
            10) Influenza and Pneumonia: 59,120
            11) Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 51,386
            12) Intentional self-harm (suicide): 48,344

            now they can say died of cv19, for everything, just number 3 and 8 will give them great numbers as an excuse for masks, lockdowns, forced injections. the lockdowns have caused number 12 to sky rocket……

            it also hides their screw ups…..people killed by their health care….lol

          • ATTENTION: all the vaccines and drugs the government has been pushing, all the ingredients come from china, every injection or drug = more profit for the chinese ccp.

            NOTE: the ccp companies benefited the most from the bat germ bs narrative, profiting from the injections, masks……

            anybody pushing these injections or drugs is a ccp shill….

  7. “These people – all of them – are not to be trusted. Anyone who works for the apparat is part of the apparat”

    Which is precisely why we need term limits for all govt employees (with possible exceptions in times of emergency, e.g. wars), and not just for politicians. Definitely not an end all be all solution, but a damn good start.

    There’s an old saying “once a govt employee, always a govt employee.” Terms limits will help get rid of that old chestnut once & for all.

    • I like that idea. My only suggestion to make it better would be to dramatically reduce the salaries of all government employees and ditch the pensions. I’ve always liked the idea of term limits for elected officials in the first place.

      Oddly, or tellingly, enough. Many conservatives argue strenuously against term limits, saying that “they’ll just corrupt the institutions in other ways.” I say, fine! Let ’em figure out new ways. The idea that we can’t stop a know method of deep-set corruption for fear that new ways will be invented is preposterous.

      But that is what people say.

      • Hi XM,

        It is styled “public service.” If so, why do they insist upon being paid? If one is so interested in “serving” the public, then why not offer up one’s services gratis? The fact that there is profit attached to such “service” says much about the nature of the thing.

        • Indeed Eric,
          Both of our kids had to do x hours of “public service” as a graduation requirement, they weren’t paid for it. It’s disgusting that so many politicians have labeled themselves “public servants” while being nothing but parasites feeding off the actual work of others.

        • Government is inherently evil, so the best government is no government.

          It has been done, a town in Mexico got rid of all the government, police, etc., they formed committees and handled everything themselves….it worked really, there was no more crime, they saved all the tax money they were paying the government.

          The next best is a very small government, that has no money, or access to money, then it can’t afford to follow you around 24/7.

          The worst government is the current government which are leftist/communist/nazis, with access to unlimited money, through taxes and borrowing from a corrupt central bank in your name….then they can spend tons of money following you around 24/7.

      • XM,
        I wish it was peculiar, that practically every congress person, of both houses, becomes a millionaire before leaving office, on an upper middle class salary.
        Way back when Jesse Ventura was running for governor, and still had a functioning mind, he said (paraphrased, I doubt I remember the quote precisely) “Politics is crooked, and I can prove it. Why would an honest person spend more to get a job than the job pays?”
        Robert Heinlein had an interesting idea. How about instead of paying them, they have to pay to hold the office. From my first comment, it appears there is money to be made there, so why should we be paying them at all? It’s not like the moral foundation and ethical standards would decline if they had to pay for it. They couldn’t get much lower.

        • The lie has always been that the sacrifices of you and your fellow sacrificers would build a better world for everyone. Now they no longer try to hide it: sacrifice gets you worse, not better. Bugs instead of meat; an urban apartment instead of a house and land; mass transit instead of a personal automobile; a guaranteed income instead of meaningful work; computer entries instead of money, surveillance instead of privacy; compliance instead of freedom; punishment instead of reward.

          “And you will be happy.” That assurance is as stale and false as the phony causes they trot out to justify your unhappiness: the climate, the earth, a virus, a war, an alien invasion, the common good, etc. We do owe them one debt. The last few years have made it obvious to anyone who will look that it’s not about the phony causes, it never has been; it’s about power and control, and always has been.

          That’s not nothing, for from that recognition comes the realization: run from those demanding sacrifice, which at the least means every government on the planet. Sadly, running is only possible in the metaphorical sense.

          Gangster governments are the order of the day, regardless of how they cloak their intentions and actions.

          The money they take from you….where does it go?

          Dr. Marc Faber says these governments steal between 5% (honest governments) and 100% (crooked governments) of the money collected, borrowed.


    • Be careful about those exceptions. Remember, Eastasia has ALWAYS been at war with Oceania! I also believe that we need age limits. No more crusty 80 something year olds running the show. And that’s coming from a crusty 70 something year old! Really don’t understand what drives people like that. I’m 8 years younger than Biden, and I don’t even want to tie my shoes anymore, let alone run a country.

      • Floriduh,
        Indeed, I don’t get this preoccupation with septuagenarians and octogenarians for “public service”. Perhaps because their minds, like mine, are getting weaker and might be easier to manipulate. After all, that’s all Biden has to offer.
        My mind, not so much, since I’m a perennial sceptic.

      • Hi Floriduh,

        It’s because you have a life. Or – better said – your life has meaning, outside of politics. These people – politicians – are succubi who live to feed on adulation and power. In other words, pathological people.

        • Eric,
          Our principal flaw is that being mostly sane, we cannot fathom the depths of depravity a socio/psychopath will descend to. Fundamentally, there is no depth limit. There is nothing they will NOT do to satisfy their psychosis.

    • The “private company” thing has bugged me for a long time as it was but even in new ways lately. First, the concept of a publicly held company (aka corporation) is an entity that has a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders. That is not “private” by definition. And that’s outside the fact that publicly traded corporations are purely creations of the government and cannot exist outside of the SEC framework by definition.

      Then, as we saw in the orgy of totalitarian frenzy known as “covid”, the actual “private” (i.e., mom and pop or other non-corporate business entities) are compelled, not just by law, but by diktat to do what the government says. Orders and mandates, constitutional or not, applied equally (public vs private) or not, makes no difference.

      Then further, we now have our suspicions confirmed about certain corporate entities via the “Twitter files”. Private company is it? Functioning as an arm of the government seems to be at odds with that theory.

      “Private company” is more of a deceptive ploy to screen what is really going on. Unless and until private individuals and organizations can conduct whatever “business” they like, as they see fit, without government being involved, I think that there really is no such thing!

      Or conversely, any truly “private company” is technically rogue and operates outside of the law. It’s one or the other!

  8. Lest we forget, COVID lockdowns were implemented during the Trump Administration, and for whatever reason, President Trump called for locking down the entire country instead of pushing back against such advice that not only DIDN’T work to “Stop the spread of ‘Rona”, but also destroyed an otherwise strong economy, destroyed COUNTLESS lives, and may have also doomed Trump’s reelection campaign…Scott Gottlieb was one of those calling for lockdowns and censoring doctors who argued in the existence of natural immunity to COVID via recovery from a prior infection. Gottlieb must have sensed a HUGE money making opportunity for the drug company he works for, Pfizer…..


    • Oh I’ll certainly never forget John! In my opinion that is the greatest injustice and act of violence perpetrated against the people of this country in its history. The fraud of the Vietnam “police action” pales in comparison. The coup and assassination of JFK is close but, in my mind, also less egregious despite being heinous evil.

      I keep rooting for Trump to get caught up by some legal action for real. But the more that I hope for that, the more it appears to be theater. If they want to do something against anyone (e.g., JFK or even General Flynn, etc), they’ll do it! Actual facts or law won’t stand in their way.

      It’s an eminence front.

      • XM,

        I voted for Trump in 2020 because the alternative, Joe Biden, was quite possibly a worse alternative than even Hillary Clinton. After Clinton’s loss to Trump in 2016, I figured she’d run again in 2020 and that the Democrat Party Establishment & Big Media would have framed it as something like “Trump v Clinton 2.0”. After Trump left office, I’ve cooled on the possibility of him running for President again in 2024. Here are some reasons, in no particular order….

        1) He’ll be close to 80 in 2024. We already have too many politicians in DC who are at least 70 years old (many of them corrupt and/ or out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans), and the 80 year old “President” we have now is already the WORST President in my lifetime.
        2) His continued advocating of the COVID shots despite massive evidence that they’re NOT what they were sold as to the masses.
        3) Too much baggage from his 4 years as President.
        4) Some of the people he hired to work in his administration were swamp creatures.

  9. Johns and whores abound in the Fascist States of America. A very good argument for legalizing ordinary prostitution. There is no doubt the fascists need some competition.

    • Government spending in the United States was last recorded at 43.6 percent of GDP in 2021 ……it was only 6.55 percent of GDP in 1907

      Dr. Marc Faber says these governments steal between 5% (honest governments) and 100% (crooked governments) of the money collected, borrowed.

      El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele says….. “There’s plenty of money to go around if politicians didn’t steal it”

  10. ‘During the French Revolution, you were considered suspect if you wore culottes.’ — eric

    These days, you’re a bit suspect without being attired in nonbinary work wear, says the NYT.

    Check out this bearded dude in a short dress, with black pantyhose accenting his pudgy legs:


    Yep, this is what passes for ‘journalism’ in the pandering ‘new Weimar’ Lügenpresse.

    • I go berserk when I hear “culottes” !
      I remember ole’ argument #179
      That was the 179th argument with the wife
      We are currently at argument #978 after 45 years together.
      We recall the arguments by number.
      Argument #179:
      Wife buys awful looking orange coulottes “for summer”
      Puts them on. Asks “What do you think of them?”
      My answer: “I would not be seen in public with you if you were wearing those”
      Argument begins.
      Greek wives can get very loud.

      The only louder argument was ole number #19
      Wife cooks for us for the first time
      Asks me if I like spinach, and I say “no, I hate spinach”
      So naturally she bakes me a Greek style spinach pie (her first time) !
      I immediately discover that she can’t cook.
      She asks me “What do you think of my spinach pie?”
      My answer, as I choked on the awful meal:
      “I wouldn’t feed that pie to a dog”
      Screaming begins — my ears are still ringing.
      But she stuck around for 45 years, maybe just to annoy me?
      I do the cooking, and she washes the dishes.
      That’s the proper division of labor in our house.

      • While I have no personal experience with Greek people, my mother’s side of the family are/were old world Hungarians. Holy shit. Talk about people that are loud! But, they are essentially good people and very smart in a non-technical way. Old world common sense goes a long way. And they all cooked very well.

      • OMG! Thanks for flashbacking me to the time I saw such in a Sun-dress & high heel shoes at the grocery store.

        …I’d – almost – … – almost – gotten that image out of my mind.

        “My eyes! My eyes!”

  11. You nailed it Eric,
    The entire federal government is a giant revolving door. Generals move on to “defense” contractors, alphabet agencies exchange personnel with the industries they supposedly oversee, and every congress critter becomes a multimillionaire. Time to burn it all down.

    • Mike,
      It is sad that people don’t realize that congressmen and women routinely become millionaires on an upper middle class salary, in just a few years. Some time ago a congressmen, Charles Wrangle, got caught cheating on his taxes regarding his villa in the Dominican Republic. Corporate media was so terribly upset about his tax avoidance, but apparently weren’t bothered by the fact that he owned a villa in the Dominican Republic, on a congressman’s salary. He had never worked in the private sector at all. All he ever did to afford such property was collect bribes.

    • >“defense” contractors
      What if we had an *actual* Dep’t of Defense?
      We could rename the current MIC as Dep’t of Offence,
      which, IMO, would be truth in advertising in many ways…

      The world as (American) football.

      Just sayin’,
      and not holding my breath, either…

  12. The media is all on the Big Pharma payroll as well.

    Check out this recent 60 Minutes piece selling an alleged “anti-obesity” drug, Wegovy (aka Ozempic and Rybelsus) made by Novo Nordisk. It’s nothing more than an infomercial, but it attempts to deceive the viewer into thinking it’s a piece of objective and trustworthy journalism.


    Lesley Stahl has no problem prostituting herself. Even at the age of 81 she still swallows!

    • Thanks for linking to that, Mister!

      At one time, it was illegal to advertise drugs. And drug pushers were regarded with contempt by doctors. But that was before doctors – most of them – became employees. They do as they are told – just like the “masked” teenager at the checkout counter.

        • “are obese,” not “have obesity.”
          What a disgusting, lying slut she is.

          Listen, and ye shall know what a mouth full of corporate cock sounds like.

      • Eric, at one time there were no laws surrounding advertising. “Patent medicines” were free to advertise anywhere, and paitents were free to consume them if they wished. Many people became mildly addicted to these medicines, but the majority did not. Why? Well, because most people understood they shouldn’t believe anything in the papers, least of all advertising. Because the press was free. Free to lie, free to cheat and free to mislead.

        In the era of electronic media, the FCC controls the press. They do so by making information channels scarce. The FCC threatened action against acceptable speech over the airwaves. To avoid legislation, the National Association of Broadcasters adopted the NAB Code, which self-censored the airwaves. I’d like to think that was a brilliant move by the people who created broadcasting, in that they were willing to limit income in exchange for light regulation. They saw the big picture and knew not to pick that fight. So they took ad buys from asprin and cold medicine (and my favorite: Sammy Davis Jr hawking Alka-Seltzer as a hangover cure), but not anything that needed a prescription. Over time those wise people aged out and died, and were replaced by people who didn’t seem to have the same intelligence. And a new medium, cable TV, that operated under different guidlines and less regulation (although at first far more). So lawsuits were filed under the guise of free speech, and politicans were brought under control as electronic media became the dominant influence. And pretty soon that old NAB code was forgotten. Now they’re the ones who are hooked… to the revenue.

      • Very few nations in the world allow advertising drugs to retail customers.
        At least in the US many adverse side effects must be listed, and after hearing them, I’m surprised anyone would want the drug.

        More important, the Covid vaccines were advertised by government, paid for n by the taxpayers, to benefit private companies, and the ads were NOT required to list adverse side effects because goobermints operate without the same rules that they force on private companies. That’s fascism to me — both the government – manufacturer vaccine partnership and government forced censorship of any discussion of side effects in social media and Google.

    • Mister,
      Oh hell yes. Most of corporate news media’s ad revenue comes from Pharma, and has for quite some time. Pretty much ever since drug ads have been legal. Bet you didn’t know they weren’t always. Just like lawyer’s ads.

  13. When Hoyt Axton was young and developing his musical talent, wanting to be discovered, lived in an apartment, have to live some place somewhere, just the way it is when you’re living.

    Hoyt had a friend that shared the apartment for economic reasons.

    One day, Hoyt left for a business purpose, music related, and tapped his roommate on the shoulder, said he’d talk to him later.

    Turned out that the roommate was a heroin addict, which Hoyt had no clue, came back to the apartment, his friend was still sitting in the same spot. Hoyt found his friend dead, a victim of an overdose.

    Hoyt wrote The Pusher after the sad discovery.

    Pfizer pushes drugs, not manufactures vaccines. When you are coercing people by the hundreds of millions to take an experimental substance, you are pushing, making sure as much as possible is distributed and consumed.

    All for money, drugs kill.

    Pfizer lies.

    • Pfizer didn’t push vaccines — governments did

      Pfizer didn’t lie about vaccines — read their Emergency Use Authorization reports — they only claimed a 1% absolute risk reduction of Covid symptoms in about two months of testing the healthiest people they could recruit, with few elderly people tested. and no children.

      Legal drugs save and extend far more lives than they end.

      • Hi Richard,

        Pfizer’s CEO Bourla styled those who questioned “vaccines” as “criminals.” Is there any doubt in your mind that, if he’d had the power to see it done, he would have had people who questioned/refused the “vaccines” arrested and jailed?

        These companies aggressively push their drugs, using well-paid tools in the media and the government. They also lobby hard to have alternatives to the drugs they push kept from market or banned altogether (viz, Ivermectin).

        They have continued to push drugs they know are not “vaccines” and continue to lie about them by styling them “vaccines,” which they are not. They push these drugs knowing about the harms they cause – and push them on helpless kids (viz, pushing – successfully – to have them added to the mandatory roster of childhood vaccinations) whom they know derive zero benefit and are put at no small risk.

        They are the scum of the Earth.

        • I have informed many hundreds of people about the fair EV reviews at this website through my blogs, and comments left t other websites. Some of those people might glance at the politics articles too. I hope they never notice the following COMPLETELY FALSE claim:

          “They (drug companies) have continued to push drugs they know are not “vaccines” and continue to lie about them by styling them “vaccines,” which they are not.”

          There are two FALSE statements in that sentence.

          (1) The drug companies did not have to push vaccines, or even advertise them — governments did that for them, and

          (2) Covid vaccines ARE experimental vaccines. It is an embarrassing statement to claim they are not vaccines. You can correctly claim they are not safe, and not effective, because that is true. You can speculate that they have been a huge medical disaster, which I do. In fact, I have published links to, and quotes from, hundreds of articles opposing Covid vaccines on my Election Circus blog in the past two years. The wife and I have not been injected, and never will be. We don’t criticize people who git injected, we just feel sorry for them and hope they have no adverse side effects — most vaccine patients do not have serious side effects (known to us so far).

          But I have taken enough time (in 2020) to learn about what vaccines are, what they do, how long the a typical vaccine development process takes and the failure rate of experimental vaccines. So I will never embarrass myself by claiming Covid vaccines are not vaccines.

          I suspect you will not take my advice (summarized below), although you should, and you will probably censor this comment, but at least I tried:

          In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease.

          • The Covid vaccines do seem to reduce Covid symptoms slightly (1% absolute risk reduction) in the first two months after receiving them. Any effect wears off quickly and may have been evaded by SARS2 mutations. So the Covid vaccines are vaccines — dangerous vaccines with minimal benefits for a few months, assuming we have not been lied to about that too.

            Spike proteinds are very dangerous for some people. It does not matter how they get inside the body — a natural infection ot Covid vaccines will be just as dangerous — mainly to elderly people with weak immune systems.

            When excess deaths and all cause mortality did not decline in 2021, with vaccines, and the deaths with covid numbers INCREASED, it is unbelievable that doctors dd not demand a halt to the vaccines. They were not saving lives. And if that was true, they probably were not reducing Covid-caused hospitalizations either (although data are not accurate enough to decide about hospitalizations).

            The vaccines were especially a disaster for young people and children, causing much more damage than Covid did. There are so many heartbreaking post-vaccine injury articles, and sudden death article, of previously healthy people, that it is very disturbing. Sudden death is very rare under age 40. A friend suffered a sudden death in his 50s — a massive heart attack with no knowledge or symptoms of heart disease. My research back then showed how rare sudden deaths were at his age. Heart attacks and collapses of athletes, from high school to the pros, is really bad news. Oh of course it could not be heart problems or deaths from their Covid vaccines — just coincidences — everyone move on — there’s nothing to see here?

            • Hi Richard,

              By definition, a vaccine prevents infection and transmission. These drugs do neither and so are not “vaccines.” of course, that is why the definition of “vaccine” was altered – just as these drugs came out.

              But that does not make them vaccines anymore than a man calling himself a “woman” is one.

      • Richard,
        “Legal drugs save and extend far more lives than they end.”
        Well, except for the fact that the number three cause of death in the US that will never show on a death certificate, is medical error. As in malpractice, errant diagnosis and prescription, etc. Somewhere higher than 250k per year. Hard to pin down because of the death certificate thing. Some say as many as 400k per year.
        Lest you forget, Fentanyl is a legal drug. So is Oxycontin.
        In fact, “legal” drug overdoses exceed illegal drug overdoses.

          • Hi Richard,

            The allopathic model is to suppress symptoms – using drugs – rather than address the underlying cause of the symptoms. Blood pressure drugs are a good example. Hypertension correlates with being overweight, sedentary and other controllable risk factors such as diet and exercise, smoking/alcohol consumption, etc. Many people who are hypertensive (and diabetic) could likely address their problems by addressing these issues, especially in the early stages of the disease process. But they are often offered pills instead. These do control the symptoms but often create problems of their own; cue the need for more pills, to address those problems.

            I do not dispute that some drugs can be very beneficial. My criticism is the first-resort to and reflexive reliance upn pills and also the disgusting, mercenary tactics of the drug pushers.

            • Hi Eric, et al,

              If you really want your blood to boil listen to this skewering of Fauci by Dave Smith on the Part of the Problem podcast….(pretty fun podcast too)….
              It’s the January 10 podcast entitled “Fauci Runs Defense On Hamlin”

              As to the allopathic medical industrial complex, it has been getting markedly worse even before the advent of the Covid hoax……I go out of my way to avoid that malevolent entity….I reckon that the only one who has a vested interest in my live is me….these assholes look to fuck me constantly in the ass and make me pay for it….I think I’ll avoid that situation as much as possible…..

              In any case, interesting times, eh??

          • Richard,
            There is a county in Alabama where the Fentanyl and Oxycontin prescriptions exceeded the population. So who exactly is the “pusher man”? And who do you trust not to be? It appears doctors don’t qualify.
            Who kills more people than illegal drug abuse and violence with a gun combined? DOCTORS.

            • Oe county in Alabama where there are too many Fentanyl and Oxycontin prescriptions relative to the population does not refute my correct claim that prescription medicines have a net positive effect, extending lives and saving lives.

              Doctors do not deliberately kill people. Deaths from medical malpractice are not deliberate. They are NOT comparable to gun violence deaths and drug overdose deaths.

        • You can not blame all deaths caused by medical errors are due to prescription drugs.

          Show me data that prove overdoses from legal drugs prescribed for legitimate medical reasons kill more people than illegal drugs and “legal” drugs prescribed by doctors who are tricked into writing too many prescriptions and/or are paid off to write unnecessary prescriptions. You will not find such data — meaning you are just speculating.

  14. ‘Like Dr. Scott Gottlieb, for instance.’ — eric

    An important development is that the CDC has been forced via FOIA to perform and release an analysis of VAERS safety signals. ‘Safety signal’ means that compared to other vaccines, a particular adverse event is reported with unusually high frequency. And safety signals are legion:

    ‘CDC’s VAERS safety signal analysis based on reports from Dec. 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022 for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines shows clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system and menstrual adverse events (AEs) among U.S. adults.

    ‘There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis.’


    With the CDC’s damning safety signal analysis of mRNA ‘vaccines’ now public, current CDC and FDA regulators have no place to hide if they don’t immediately revoke their authorizations for these absurdly dangerous jabs.

    But the FDA remains intransigent, refusing to release its own Empirical Bayesian analysis of VAERS data in response to a FOIA request. It would be sweet justice if ex-FDA ‘commissioner’ Scott Gottlieb is the first to hang after the Nuremberg II trials.


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