The Half-Truths About EVs


One of the most effective ways to spread a lie is to tell a partial truth. As for example that people were getting sick a couple of years ago. That truth was used to spread the lie that everyone was in danger of becoming so sick they might die – when the truth was that unless you were someone who was already old or already chronically sick with some other malady, you would probably be fine.

Another, more current half truth – about EVs and powering them up – is that it’s just a matter of building more places to power them up; i.e., those “fast” charging stations where you wait for half an hour or longer to put a partial charge back into your EV. But the truth is that these “fast” charging places are not like gas stations – though the half-truthers want you to think that they are, for the same essential reason that those pushing the “pandemic” wanted you to think there was one.

A gas station can be built almost anywhere and once it is built, it is ready to dispense fuel to vehicles.

That is the full truth.

A “fast” charging” station can also be built almost anywhere. But once built, it is not ready to dispense power – electricity – to vehicles. Not unless power lines have also been built, to connect the “fast” charger to the source of power.

The difference is critical to understand because it exposes a truth they’re not telling people about.

It is not necessary to run pipelines from a refinery or a fuel depot to each and every gas station -or any of them – because they get the fuel they dispense via tanker trucks that bring it to wherever the station is – which for this reason can be anywhere a tanker truck can get to. It is why there are gas stations in far-away, lonely places. Which makes it possible to drive there – and get back from there, too.

To live there.

It is unlikely you will ever see a “fast” charger out in the middle of nowhere because there is no power out there. Not enough power, at any rate, to power a “fast” charger. (Speaking of which, take note of the fact they do not tell people they cannot “fast” charge at home; they let them believe they can, though.)

Because it’s not worth it (in terms of cost-benefit) to run the heavy-gauge lines that would be necessary to wire – just the right word – enough high-voltage electricity from the source, probably far way, to the middle of nowhere.

Or the country.

EV “fast” chargers require the infrastructure – to use the Biden Thing’s term honestly – that for the most part does not exist too far away from the beaten path, where lots of people already live; i.e., the cities and close-in suburbs. This is where high-voltage networks already exist and where it is realistically feasible (in terms of cost-benefit) to build more.

EV “fast” chargers must also be close to this infrastructure for another reason. That being losses (of power) in transmission. There is a reason why most “fast” chargers are built near big box stores, office parks and retail centers. That is where the high-voltage  power already is and you don’t want to get too far away from there, because of the massive cost of the necessary heavy gauge wiring to connect to it from any distance and because of the efficiency losses over it, the farther away you get from it.

What they are not telling you about “fast” charger networks is that – unlike gas stations – they are inherently centralized, along the path of existing infrastructure. This, in turn, gets us to the truth that EVs are also necessarily tethered to that centralized infrastructure and thus, so are their owners.

Who are thereby owned by the centralized infrastructure.

People who do not live within EV driving distance of it will of course be left out of it – which is probably fine with them, if that’s all there were to it. But it isn’t. It is clear to anyone who isn’t blind that they mean to force everyone into an EV, in part by making certain that’s all there is available to buy. The Biden Thing has decreed it will be so within just a few years from now – and several of the major car companies have amen’d his decrees with promises of their own to sell nothing other than EVs a few years from now.

The other part will be decrees that either make it illegal or too expensive to drive anything other than an EV – and you’d have to be blind to not see this coming, as it is essential insofar as eliminating alternatives to the EV and the centralized system they mean to impose.

But – for now – they sooth people with lies, like the ones they spread about “vaccines” that would free them from having to “mask.”

Similarly, they let people believe that the transition to EVs will be a simple matter of swapping a car with an engine for one with a motor and life will go on as it has.

It won’t.

Because it can’t.

As in literally, physically (in terms of physical facts) cannot.

People who do not live where the infrastructure is will not be able to live where they currently do. More precisely, will not be able to get from there to where they work or otherwise need to be – and get back home again in reasonable time. They will be isolated. Forced to live within walking, bicycle or horse-and-buggy range of wherever they work or need to be.

Or obliged to live closer to where the infrastructure is.

Where the centralized control is.

And that’s the fulsome scurvy truth they’re keeping quiet – by only telling you the half of it.

. . .

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  1. Speaking of half truths…

    I have not seen many articles (if any) stating the true cost of charging an EV at home.

    I live in a densely populated rural area in upstate NY (on the shore of a large lake). Most have 2-3 ICE vehicles in their driveways, plus gas powered boats, motorcycles, ATVs, riding lawnmowers, and tractors.

    Per the ‘Ho (governor of NY) by 2035 all passenger cars and trucks sold in NY state must be zero emission hence – electric (battery operated).

    What about motorcycles? Why do they get a pass?

    In my rural neighborhood, by 2035 all households (if they want the newest EV toy) will be charging their vehicles ALL NIGHT from a plug or multiple plugs snaked out their window to their driveways/garages. How much will that cost on an average electric bill (assuming the infrastructure around here can support the draw on the electrical grid)?

    $10 to charge ALL NIGHT?


    Of course by 2035 the cost of electricity will more than likely be double or triple what it is now.

    BTW, a couple new houses have been built in my neighborhood this past year (everyone wants to live on a lake). Both houses have their electrical lines above ground. When my house was built in 2009 it was required to bury the electrical lines. I guess that is no longer a requirement. You would think NY state would require all new builds to bury electrical lines to cut down electrical outages from downed power lines from the many winter/wind storms.

    Guess not.

    Nice to know NY state has also banned natural gas appliances in new builds (shorter than 7 stories) by 2026 and taller buildings by 2029.

    Besides charging millions of EVs in our driveways, we will now be using electricity for heating and cooking.

    Nice. What are the chances the electrical grid will handle it and how much will all of this cost for the average NY state resident?

    The answer: no one knows or cares.

    • ‘Per the ‘Ho (governor of NY) by 2035 all passenger cars and trucks sold in NY state must be zero emission’ — Pug

      During the years I worked and lived there, New York had a motley assortment of governors: the Cuomos (père et fils); Pataki; Spitzer; the eminently forgettable David Paterson.

      But the ‘Ho — who described covid ‘vaccines’ as a gift from God in a church service — is in a class by herself.

      New York is a big, beautiful state … particularly if you’re privileged to live on a lake, by the Hudson River, or on the ocean.

      But its horrific political leadership has made it, in my opinion, unlivable — even in the deep green boonies, where one might think the raging monsters in Albany couldn’t destroy ways of life that go back to Dutch and British colonial times.

      I fled in horror, never to return. Hope they don’t wreck what you’ve got, over the course of your planning horizon. Maybe folks in the Adirondacks can survive with rocket stoves, and foraging for edible roots and berries.

      • Correct. The NYS governor, Kathy “my eyebrows are escaping my face” Hochul, is in a class all by herself. The dumb evil class.

        I don’t give the current NYS “selected” Legislature a pass from being in the dumb evil class either. I don’t vote as ALL elections in NYS are rigged from the get go (my opinion).

        NYS truly is becoming unlivable for anyone be it an upstater living in the Adirondacks or a downstater living in “I smell like pee” New York city.

        Speaking of the Adirondacks, I live an hour from the southern border of the Adirondack park and I travel into the park a couple times a year to go hiking. For the past 15 years, I have noticed more and more for sale signs littering the park. I have heard from locals that the taxes are insane and the regulations are making it impossible to build a home or business in the park. More and more mom and pop businesses in the Adirondacks have closed up shop. It truly is becoming a ghost town (which is a good thing for the native flora and fauna).

  2. They are rebuilding a high tension electric line near my work (replacing a line built in, get this 1945!). Are they adding capacity? Nope, same amount as it was. Not one more volt.

    If you think they are going to let you have an electric car, you are crazy!

    If they were, they would be rebuilding this line with at least triple of what they are replacing. But they aren’t. They wouldn’t even need more right of way, they could just build it. But they aren’t.

    Not a single electric company in the world is increasing capacity in either generation or distribution. My local company is likely getting out of generation completely, buying on the “open” market. We already have the highest rates in the state, just wait until they don’t make any power…….

  3. People are fools thinking the GOV will actually deliver on any significant infrastructure upgrades. I’m 8 miles from town, still waiting for the glory of high speed internet in my little ‘hood. Been here 11 years.

    The only reason we get “fast” DSL at home is some rich guy paid to have fiber run about 3 miles up our nearby arterial road and into his property in the hills behind us. The Telco had enough brains to put the hub box near our development and so our copper phone lines are now off that hub. Woo hoo!

    • I live in a pretty close in suburb near Chicago. I STILL don’t have fiber, after TWENTY years of At&t promising. DSL was installed in 2002, with the promise that fiber would be installed within two years. Some parts of town were finally wired for it last year, but the town was told the rest of the town won’t be getting it after all, the rest of the project is,,,,, cancelled. The town still won’t “allow” other providers, even after another company wanted to……. Telcos suck…..

      • If we had a real press corps in this country there would be follow up reporting on these election year “promises for the masses”. Always great coverage of the kickoff press conference never any follow up. Remember “shovel ready jobs”?

      • I think they’re trying to force people into getting cellular-based internet. In my area, we can’t get FIOS but they keep pushing the Verizon 5G home internet hubs.

        I specifically had my house wired for ethernet when I had it built in 2014. I still prefer *wired* internet although I have a wifi network. There’s no way I’m gonna do 5G for the whole-house solution (rather than fiber) but that’s apparently what they’re trying to get people to do.

        Probably much easier to route through NSA, etc.

        • I worked for at&t and actually fiber is the easiest method to spy. Just split it off and send the copy where ever.

    • Too hard to compete with cable, and soon too hard to compete with cellular to the home.

      Fiber costs the same to install no matter how many customers it feeds. Whole cities are fed with two pairs between hubs, each pair supplying 400 Gbps. Ideally the two pairs go off in different directions so if one gets cut the other will stay up, but not always.

      Any new “greenfield” development is going to be 100% fiber fed. The expensive part is the trenching and layout, so when the trench is open you put in the fiber. The old neighborhoods are where it gets harder. Not only do you have to run fiber for every potential customer up front, you also have to convince most of the people getting service from the cable or DSL (or wireless) to switch. Many of the will, but you don’t know until you have it built. Google tried to gauge demand by enlisting potential customers to get their nieghbors to sign up too, but when the fiber was built out they didn’t get as many as pledged to switch. I imagine they were sincerely going to switch but then the retention department offered up a deal too good to be true. That’s what happens when there’s a competitor.

  4. ‘big box stores, office parks and retail centers [are] where the high-voltage DC power already is’ — eric

    Commercial sites have 3-phase AC service. If the site has enough capacity, an AC cable can be run out to the charging stations.

    An Evesco 360 kW Level 3 charger uses 480-volt AC, 3-phase, 60 Hz input power. Rectification to DC current is done inside the charger cabinet.

    A paper from Texas Instruments points out a distinction: Level 1 (120 volt) and Level 2 (208-240 volt) chargers supply AC power to the vehicle. AC to DC conversion takes place in the vehicle. Whereas,

    • Level 3 EVSE differs from Level 1 and 2 in that
    AC-to-DC power conversion takes place in the
    charging station, so it’s possible to supply a high-
    voltage DC line to the [vehicle] battery to shorten
    the charging time.

    For the EEs out there, the TI paper supplies details on the ‘Vienna rectifier’ circuit (new to me) that does the AC to DC conversion. It was patented by Johann W Kolar of Vienna University of Technology in 1993.

    Is the good professor irked that it’s not called a ‘Kolar rectifier’? If it were my invention, I’d be bitching on Twitter all the damned time. Ahhh, but the precious royalties are a consolation!

  5. Amazing the gnat sized memories people have. Guv murdering men, women and children,,, Randy Weaver, Waco and Oklahoma City fiasco. Then the nine eleven bs where jet fuel melts tempered steel and those small explosions heard just before the bldgs fell into their own foot print was a figment of our imagination. . All the wars where American troops lost are fighting for truth, justice and the American way. Soon to be in Ukraine fighting evil Putin.
    The corona plandemic where everything was a lie including the made up virus and most fell for it,,, still falling for it. Injections that have killed, maimed, disabled millions still out there still being pushed by our fine medical establishment and ‘doctors’ without a hint of sorrow. Just gimmie the money and we’ll kill anyone says the ‘hospitals’. Need a life saving transplant….. the death shot is required.
    Then we have the biggie! The bs went from the world destroyed by global cooling to the world destroyed by global warming then climate change to now climate adaptation. It’s so stupid a 5 year old could see through it but not Americano’s. EV’s which move the life giving CO2 from the tailpipe to the generating station are the newest big prevarication. Fast charging those batteries will gobble up a 1/4 to 1/2 of their life but hey Americans can afford new batteries every 7-8 years working for wally world.
    The whole thing is a shit show. Now cutting off the genitals of our ‘children’ is all the rage in America and the West. Yes, be the first on your block to neuter your little boy or girl. Buy up their really cool tranny training clothes and equipment at your nearest Target,,, made in Chyna of course.
    Okay,,, I’ll quit for now,,, gotta go out and worship the military deity who are fighting for America’s freedums at all 800 bases around the world. Fire up those grills and give thanks to the god of hell fire. Happy death day.

    • ‘Happy death day.’ — ken

      Russia’s Interior Ministry has issued an arrest warrant for South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham after he told Zelenskyyyyy on video that “Russians are dying” due to US military aid and that “it’s the best money we ever spent.”

      Surely there must be a polished stainless steel, dildo-shaped device that can be plugged into a Level 3 charger on the blunt end, and into Lindsey Graham’s bunghole on the smooth shiny end.

      Throw the switch and watch that bloodthirsty alcoholic poofter thrash himself to a pulp like the rabid dog that he is. Got popcorn?

      • Surely there must be a polished stainless steel, dildo-shaped device that can be plugged into a Level 3 charger on the blunt end, and into Lindsey Graham’s bunghole on the smooth shiny end.

        Won’t work. That’s Miss Lindsey’s idea of a fun weekend.


    Electrify America pays 100% of the upfront capital investment for the design and installation of new charging stations, as well as maintenance and upkeep costs—and we’re just a phone call away after contracts are signed and hardware is installed.

    Thank you Volkswagen.

    Halfway down the page we see…

    Optimal site criteria:
    Retail proximity, Parking spaces, Power proximity

    What about sub-optimal locations? Will they pay to extend the 400 V service to the location? Will the utility/state/feds kick in enough “incentive” to cover that cost?

    About a year ago the greasy spoon diner/convenience store installed a Tesla Supercharger pad, with a half dozen pedestals. Across the highway someone is building a new Love’s, also with charging (I’ll assume level 2 DC fast with all the bells and whistles, because why wouldn’t you). Will there be price wars between the two? My guess is there’s no local control over the pricing, or the peds for that matter.

    BTW both locations are less than a half mile from the substation that feeds the town. Between the pot shop grow operations, gas pipeline compressors, and now the chargers Xcel energy will be extracting millions in profit from our little town. And there are three more gas stations nearby, easy picking for adding chargers.

    • ‘Optimal site criteria: Retail proximity’ — Electrify Amurika

      As a business, you go to where the retail traffic already is.

      But it’s tricky. Say it takes 30 to 45 minutes for a fast top-up on one of the higher-kilowatt chargers. Is that enough time to cross a crowded parking lot, shop in a store, stand in line to pay, and then return to the vehicle before it reaches full charge and then turns into a space-hogger?

      Dwell time — whether the EeeVee-ers hang out in their cars or wander through an adjacent store — is going to be an endless headache for EeeVee infrastructure developers. I would advocate that the EeeVee owner, too, be attached a cable which will give her a nasty jolt if she tries to go walkabout.

      Bzzztttttt — no shopping for you, bitch. Back in your cage!

    • Once Warren Buffett has full control of Pilot/Flying-J locations next year, the chain will be very aggressive about rolling out charging stations, particularly in Texas, where The Gecko has harbored plans about dominating the power grid for a very long time.

  7. Aside from the beefed up grid infrastructure needed there isn’t going to be enough generation available anyway. My former employer just took a $200 million write off on their share of a wind “farm”(do they grow wind on a wind farm?) which is years behind schedule, if it even ever gets built. Meanwhile they’re scheduled to shut down a reliable 800 MW power plant, that runs on that evil natural gas, sometime next year. These freaks don’t get the concept of base load, good luck heating your house on a freezing cold windless night, especially if you drank the kool-aid and installed heat pumps.

  8. I was visiting with my friends that moved from SOMD way out to the Floyd, VA area this past weekend. The lady has an Outback and not just any Outback but one of the PZEV variety!

    I had never noticed that before (though I’ve been in their car many times) and, if I hadn’t read ep autos, I would never have known the significant of it.

    I mentioned to them (something like), “See that PZEV? They don’t make those anymore. They *had* to make them go away because otherwise it blows the EV story.” They just shrugged and said “huh.”

    We were in Asheville, where every other car is a Subaru Outback or Forester. Not kidding at all. “Every other” is probably under estimating the situation. And, wouldn’t you know it, I noticed that there were several PZEVs in various conditions.

    And I bet the respective owners, more likely than not, are equally oblivious to the significance of it.

  9. I think the thing that irritates me the most about the EV push is that hybrids would actually work for most people. The fact that they want to ban even hybrids makes their lie so transparent. Of course most sheeple seem too dumbed down to notice. Hopefully more and more people re catching on to the ludicrousness of the whole ev only idea.

  10. The half lie is so effective because it let’s someone who is emotionally invested in an idea that they (wish) were true (beliieeeve)… Yet still argue about few slivers if facts that back up their beliefs.
    All of us know someone who knows someone who had “long covid” or died from covid.” Which may be true but even then probably not. However, dying from covid could be like dying from a stabbing. He was clubbed, stabbed, pushed down the stairs then shot. See? He was stabbed, and now he’s dead!

    • Then there’s the “zero” truth, which is also effective. Like when the healthy 40 year old dies “suddenly” 4 days after a second clot shot. It was simply “their time.” No further investigation necessary.

      • In 2019 BC (before covid) many people who “died suddenly” were looked at by authorities as possible murders.

        Now, not so much. I wonder how many disgruntled spouses are getting away with murder (a pillow over dearly departed hubby’s face while he sleeps in bed) and cashing in on life insurance policies?

        Not that anyone cares…

      • Dowd has a question to ask yourself in his new book for those of us “on in years”. “Think back to your high school or college days, how many people did you know, especially athletes who just suddenly dropped dead?” In my case the decade or so this encompasses I knew of only one, from a neighboring school. Now, there isn’t a day that passes without several “healthy” people just “suddenly” winding up as dead as corned beef.

        • Amen, Rom –

          The only person in my age group who “died suddenly” when I was in high school was my friend Stu, who was killed when he ran his ’71 GTX off the road.

    • Hi John,

      I call bullshit on that. The Tesla Y is a $50,000 (to start) car. A Corolla costs half as much. So – according to the bullshit – all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of people can afford to – and are willing to – spend twice as much on a car.

      • On a car that only works half the time? I suspect you’re right in the male bovine excrement aspect. But I also have no idea what they cost in China since the state is in charge of that. Including whatever subsidy may be “needed”. Too bad for the US Psychopaths In Charge they are bankrupt.

    • I second Eric, Tesla couldn’t have made that many cars with all the supply constraints on lithium batteries and such.

    • Tesla certainly isn’t the best selling car in my crappy rural neighborhood. My guestimate is 99.9% of vehicles rusting in the driveways are ICE cars/pickup trucks with an average age of 7 years old.

      I saw one Tesla parked next to my car near a local walking trail a few weeks ago.

      From afar I thought it was an old Saturn, it was so ugly. But once I got up close I saw it was an ugly black Tesla. My $19,000 2018 Mazda3 was prettier than the $50,000 battery pack parked next to me.

      For $50,000 plus, a vehicle should at least be novel looking and have some WOW character. They should design round EVs (like flying saucers).

  11. “This is where high-voltage networks already exist and where it is realistically feasible (in terms of cost-benefit) to build more.”
    But they don’t already exist there. Many grids can’t generate or transmit enough power in urban areas to accommodate air conditioning, much less thousands plus added EVs. Not long ago, LA residents were told NOT to charge their EVs in the evenings, when they MUST be charged if they are going to be used tomorrow. It would cost trillions to upgrade the generating and grid capacity to account for a significant shift to EVs, and there is no attempt on the drawing board to do that.
    It’s all a big fat lie, told by professional liars. We can’t afford to convert to EVs, which means they want to convert us to not driving at all. Because in reality, they hate our guts, and are disappointed that their Covid policies didn’t kill more of us.

  12. It’s sad that the MSM won’t report on this. I know that they have been bought off but it would be nice to see some journalists asking hard hitting questions that the politicians can’t answer and look like the idiots they are. But it won’t happen and hopefully the people will remember who lied to them and why. Bud light overshot the current “Overton Window” and look what happened; it’s past time to make a few more examples.

    PS: Tesla is Newspeak for ugly car.

    • “Tesla is Newspeak for ugly car.”

      I can honestly say (though I hate them all) that there is one model of Tesla that isn’t particularly “ugly” from my point of view. Apparently that is their most expensive model based on some rare sports car. I still wouldn’t want it without an engine (or at all from Tesla).

      However, all the other models really are just ugly designs. I wouldn’t care who sold it or what was under the hood, those are just ugly. They look stupid. Kind of remind of 1930’s “design language” (as they call it these days).

      And that’s just on the outside, where it’s easy to look cool. Go take a look inside and that stupid huge panel is just awful. Reminds me of a kiosk.

      Take any Toyota that has been electrified. They still have the Toyota design and, in comparison to Tesla, are much better looking. Still don’t want one but how is that other people remain blind to the ugly looks of Tesla?

      • I haven’t seen a good looking car in the last 20–25 years. Same goes for the useless Trucks…. 4 door ugly cars with a mostly unusable small box attached. Fugly,,, all of them.


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