Latest Radio: Liberty Conspiracy w/Gard Goldsmith: 06/30/2023


Here’s the audio of my appearance the other night on Gard Goldsmith’s Liberty Conspiracy show! We vivisected some statist shibboleths and hope it’s edifying; my segment begins at around the 59:40 mark.

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  1. Eric – I thought I should bring this story to your attention:

    UK: Gas Vehicles Cheaper to Use Than Electric Vehicles

    “Soaring electricity costs in the UK have made gasoline and diesel cars cheaper to use than environmentally friendly electric vehicles (EVs) as charging the latter have become almost unaffordable for many, a report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) showed.

    “Sharply rising electricity prices have reduced the per-mile cost savings offered by EVs compared to fossil-fuelled vehicles,” the CCC said in its 2023 progress report to the British Parliament.”

    Read more here:


    • Indeed, Jack-

      And it’s the point of the thing. The whole EV thing is about making cars much too expensive – both to buy and to charge – so as to drive most people out of them. They – the creatures behind all of this – admit it now, openly. Because they believe it is now a fait accompli.


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