Green is Old


We are told the “green” thing to do is to buy a new EV. But the problem with buying an EV is you’ll inevitably need a new one, sooner. This is because an EV’s battery pack – its single most expensive component – is very unlikely to not require replacement years before it would be necessary to replace a non-electric car.

Or truck, as in my case.

My 2002 Nissan Frontier is very “green” – in the environmental rather than the political sense – because it was made 21 years ago and so hasn’t “emitted” any “carbon” manufacturing a new one since then. How much “carbon” – the new verbiage being used to associate dirty things with the “emissions” of carbon dioxide, a colorless, odorless and non-reactive gas that plants must have enough of in order to live – is “emitted” in the course of obtaining the raw materials needed for one 1,800 pound electric truck battery?

How about two of them?

How many of them will an electric truck such as the Ford Lightning or the soon-to-be-available 2024 Chevy Silverado and Ram 1500 REV (to make it sound exciting, so as to make you forget how functionally gimped it is) need over the course of 22 years? Or even ten?

The good news is they probably won’t need more than just the one. The bad news – for the environment – is the owner will need a new EV, because buying a new 1,800-plus pound battery pack for an old electric truck will cost almost as much (maybe more) than the truck is worth by the time it needs a new 1,800-plus pound battery pack.

How much, exactly?

About $35,960 – excluding the labor to install it.

The latter figure amounts to a sum equivalent to about twice what it took to buy one brand-new example of my truck back in 2002. Meaning one could have purchased two of them, brand new, for the cost of one electric truck replacement battery. Not counting the cost of the battery that came the electric truck when it was new. Not counting the cost of the rest of the truck (which is about another $30,000 on top of that).

But back to the costs  . . . to the environment.

At least one and probably two 1,800 pound-plus battery packs over ten years – and probably sooner-than-that, if the electric truck is regularly used and its 1,800 pound-plus battery pack regularly and heavily discharged and then “fast” charged – means probably several times four tons of materials will have to be extracted from the Earth, then refined and manufactured – accompanied by great gaseous oceans of “carbon” being “emitted” in the process.

Those two battery packs together constituting more weight – in materials – than the weight of my truck, itself.

It is probable that less “carbon” was “emitted” 21 years ago in the course of manufacturing my truck, itself, than is “emitted” in the course of manufacturing just one two-ton electric truck battery pack – and a near certainty that more more is “emitted” in the course of manufacturing two of them – for one electric truck. Plus whatever was “emitted” in addition in the course of manufacturing the electric truck, itself.

Not adding in the “carbon” that will be “emitted” in the course of powering these things – which all specifically tout how powerful they are. Not that they are efficient – because they aren’t. There is nothing “efficient” about a three-ton half-ton truck that requires a ton of batteries in order to be able to go less than half as far as a non-electric half-ton truck can go on a full tank of gas. It is the apotheosis of inefficiency to increase the weight of a vehicle by a ton – and for that reason be obliged to burn through the additional energy required to move all of that weight.

But it’s even worse than that – because it is made even more inefficient by designing the thing to be capable of moving all that weight at super-speedy speeds, which inefficiency is doubled-down on when the people who drive these things use all of that gratuitously wasteful-because-unnecessary power to make them feel better about how much they just paid for it all.

Which, of course, is exactly why the few who can afford this buy into it. If these things were modest – in order to be efficient – they would not be appealing to people who have money to burn.

Which isn’t most of us.

Rather, it is some of us. The ones telling us that it is “green” to drive a three-ton half ton rather than “cling” to a 21-year-old truck like my ’02 Frontier.

There is something very red about electric trucks. As in politically. In the sense that red has always been historically associated with a particular political philosophy.

It is interesting that, electorally, a decision was quietly taken to change red to blue – so that blue could tout green without the tincture of red.

. . .

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  1. Wish I could post a picture.

    Just bought this one last week through the Craig’s List. Spent it’s life in the high desert of CO and NM.

    1979 F-150 4×4 – 300cid I6, New Process 435 top loader transmission with a “granny” 1st gear, New Process 207 gear drive, cast iron, transfer case, solid Dana front axle.

    There’s some surface patina on the body and paint, the original paint was blue and a rattle can blue paint over top of it. The usual heat and sun damage on interior plastics, but the frame and underside looks like a two year old truck. It is in amazing shape.

    That’s the new going to town rig for me.

    The price you have to pay “go old” is a little distressing. I’ve been buying, selling, trading and driving old Ford trucks all my life. I could buy trucks like this all day long for $500 to $1000

    • Well, that’s not the case any more, although I scored a good deal on this one. It arrived on a Thursday, I cleaned it up on Friday and put it in local car show on Saturday.

      I had a 2020 GT Mustang on one side and a 1967 Corvette on the other, and still had folks coming up to say “I had one of those, best truck ever” “I used to plow snow with one just like that” and so on.

      With the exception of the Dura Spark ignition module, there’s not a computer chip in it. Not even a radio/stereo. It has a metal blank attached over the mount in the dash where it would have been from the factory, I’ll have to research and see if you could have ordered one with no radio.

      While I do have a complete points and breaker system, I will make my only concession to modernity by installing a Davis Unified Ignition system. Simple, reliable, rugged and makes a powerful fat HE spark.

  2. Climate Change

    Global Warming

    Carbon Dioxide

    Tragedy of the Commons


    Useful Idiots

    Useless Eaters

    On and on and on and on, flip flop it never stops.

    You better believe it, you no good ignorant swine.

    If anything, some people’s brains are complete malignant neoplasms, nothing else.

    The prime example is Joe Biden, Creutzfeld-Jakob candidate, pretty soon, all Joe will be able to do is grin and bear it.

    That’s the way it goes moving west.

    Nobody for President, it is too dangerous of a job.

    You end up with shit for brains. Another drooling idiot, obviously.

  3. Ok, let’s try some (possibly more representative) numbers.
    California numbers, for example.
    It happens that I live in California, but so do 39.24 million other Americans, out of 331.9 million U.S residents, or 12% of U.S. population, which makes it the most populated U.S. state. Texas is second at 29.5, Florida third at 21.8, and New York fourth at 19.8 million.

    But first, the replacement cost for an IC engine. The video does not specify whether the replacement is a brand new, or a re-manufactured engine. Judging by the $10,000 price, I would guess brand new. I also surmise that a Ford (or any other make) dealer service department would refuse to install a re-manufactured engine (prove me wrong).

    The *installed* cost for a NAPA remanufactured 300cid straight six in my ’89 F150 was ~$5,500 five years ago, of which, IIRC, ~$3,500 was the cost of the engine. I do not recall the independent repair shop’s labor rate at that time, but I guarantee it was less then the local Ford dealer’s shop rate.

    So, we can, and should, discuss shop labor rates. According to the video, dealer shop rate in Alabama was (205)/(15) = $135/hr.
    The Ford dealer in Norco, CA (Hemborg Ford) chargers $159/hr, last I checked. Independent shop will generally charge less, sometimes quite a bit less, because they want and need your business. But, for now, let’s compare apples to apples. So, dealer labor rates are evidently (159)/(135) = 1.18 the cost of Alabama prices. (20 hr)*($159/hr) = $3180.

    Fuel costs to be discussed in a follow on post.

    • Now let’s talk about fuel costs for IC versus battery powered, using California prices, paid by 12% of U.S. population.

      First, gasoline costs. California has notoriously high gasoline prices, due in part to high fuel taxes, in part to special anti-pollution fuel formulations, etc. CA prices are significantly above national average, which was used in the video.
      National average price = $3.93/gallon (presumably 87 octane unleaded)
      One recent California price = $4.80/gallon (87 octane, Chevron or Mobil, ZIP Code 92882)
      So, name brand 87 octane in CA costs (4.80)/(3.93) = 1.22 the national average.
      (maybe more in L.A., maybe less in Stockton, idk)

    • Next, let’s look at electricity costs in California, versus the rest of the U.S. California is notorious, not only for high gasoline (& diesel) costs, but also high electricity costs. As a customer of Southern California Edison, I am most familiar with SCE rates, so will use those for purposes of this discussion.
      SCE offer two pricing plans, the first being “tiered” pricing,” the second being “time of use.”
      Tiered rates are given here:
      whereas a TOU plan designed specifically for electric vehicle owners is given here:

      If you choose tiered pricing, you are certain to be paying the Tier 2 price to charge your EV, or $0.42/kwh. If you select TOU-D-PRIME, available only to EV owners, you will pay $0.26/kwh off peak, and a whopping $0.66/kwh for all electricity used between 4PM and 9PM weekdays. You know, the time of day when you get home from work, crank up the A/C to cool down your house, maybe turn on the TV to catch the evening propaganda (excuse me, “news”), and fire up the good ol’ electric cookstove you have been “mandated” to use in order to “save the planet” while cooking your dinner. But wait, your EV is knackered from a hard day’s commute, and you need to juice it up for 30-45 minutes to make a fast grocery run for the “exotic” ingredients in that new Thai recipe you wish to try, plus a bit of liquid refreshment to aid in winding down from the work day’s stress. Ka-ching! $0.66/kwh, comrade. It’s either that, or eat raw worms and drink brake fluid. Well, maybe straight rotgut whiskey, or methanol.

      Stay tuned, folks…

      • Now, let’s put it all together.
        For the battery powered model,
        Using the (installed) EV battery prices from the video, and assuming 200,000 mile battery life:
        “Standard” EV battery = $32,000/200,000 mi = $0.16/mi. battery cost
        “Extended Range” = $40,230/200,000 mi = $0.20/mi. battery cost
        Electricity consumption is given as 48 kwh/100 mi, or 0.48 kwh/mi.
        Charging only off-peak on a TOU rate plan yields an energy cost of

        (0.48 kwh/mi)*($0.26/kwh) =$0.12/mi
        Using Tier 1, the energy cost would be
        (0.48)*($0.32) = $0.15/mi
        Using Tier 2 (more likely)
        (0.48)*($0.42) = $0.20/mi
        Lowest total cost (standard battery + off peak TOU electricity):
        $0.16 + $0.12 = $0.28/mi
        Highest cost (extended range battery + Tier 2 electricity):
        $0.20 + $0.20 = $0.40/mi

      • And for the IC model,
        Ass-u-ming a remanufactured V8 can be purchased for 75% of the cost of a new engine (actually, this is a guess, as I have not priced a remanufactured V8)
        Estimated engine cost = (0.75)*($10,000) = $7,500.
        Sales tax @ 8.75% = $656.
        Installation by independent shop which charges $150/hr. shop rate
        (actual current shop rate of a reputable shop in ZIP Code 92882)
        20 hr. @ $150 = $3000.
        Installed cost (estimated) = $7,500 + $656. + $3000. = $11,156.
        Assuming an engine life of 230,000 mi (my actual experience with the factory 300cid straight six in my 1989 F150) gives engine replacement cost of
        $11,156/230,000 = $0.05/mi.

        The fuel consumption estimate is 19mi/gal, which at $4.80/gal gives:
        ($4.8)/(19) = $0.25/mi

        Engine replacement plus fuel cost = $0.05 + $0.25 = $0.30/mi

        Now, the above figure *does* *not* *equal* the total operating cost of an IC engine, because it omits normal IC engine maintenance and repairs, which are *NOT* negligible. To list just a few:
        — scheduled oil changes
        — spark plugs, plug wires, coil, distributor cap
        (typical “electrical tune up”)
        — replacement starter battery (12V)
        — belts and hoses

        Nor have I considered power transmission to the wheels. An IC engine which uses a manual transmission also requires a clutch, and the clutch disk, at east, *will* need replacement, at some point, which is expensive, due to labor involved. Also likely candidates for replacement will be clutch release bearing, clutch slave cylinder and/or slave cylinder hydraulic hose, clutch master cylinder, and the actual clutch assembly. All this shit is expensive to replace, so you should not ignore the cost when estimating total cost of propulsion.

        My experience with manual transmissions is they last a long time, provided they are not abused, such as by attempting to transmit more power than they were designed for (i.e., “hot rodding” the engine). The Borg-Warner T18 in my 1989 F150 is just as installed at the factory. Some day, of course, it will inevitably break, if operated long enough, but “someday,” knock wood, is not yet here. About automatic transmissions I know very little, so will say nothing.

        What components are likely to break when transmitting power from an electric motor to the drive wheels of a vehicle? I think *no* one* knows the answer to that question, because these devices have not been around long enough for anyone to know.

        And that’s *my* US$0.02
        [vox Porky Pig]
        That’s all, folks!

    • Our Ford dealership charges $300/hour for labor, and they are not the most expensive. We found an independent for under $150/hour.

  4. EV battery lifespans claimed in this article are pure speculation, not based on data. The range based on data is 1,000 to 1,500 recharges, and the batteries are NOT worthless after those recharges — just lower capacity.

    1,000 to 1,500 recharges at 200 miles per charge is 200,000 to 300,000 miles. Owners of automobiles rarely drive over 200,000 miles (1% to 1.5%)

    It IS green to keep an automobile as long as possible.

    It is also green to buy a car or truck painted green.

    Buying an EV is green ONLY if enough miles are driven to offset the 70% larger upfront carbon dioxide footprint from producing the batteries. And there is an additional carbon dioxide footprint for upgrading the electric grids to handle the increased electricity demands from lots of EVs.

    If one is a follower of science, rather than wild guess climate predictions of doom, one would want to green the planet with more vegetation, resulting from more CO2 in the atmosphere. That’s the only green that counts.

    • Richard,

      It’s not “pure speculation.” It is a well-established fact that heavy discharge/recharge cycles shorten the service life of batteries. This will become apparent when EVs are not second cars or cars driven just a few thousand miles each year – as is the case now. When they are used every day, as most cars are. Then we’ll see. Of course, by then it will be too late, eh?

      Just the same as with “masks” and “vaccines.”

  5. I like the Red-Blue analogy. I think that after 1988 everything was standardized from blue =dums to red = returds. Prior to 1980, they alternated between red meaning challenger and blue meaning the incumbent. Some claim that it lasted between 76 and 2004. I believe after 2000, the current “thing” became the standard. I liked the old way. It wasn’t easy to pigenhole and identify people’s affiliations. My stupid commie brother tells me I’m a commie because I supported “red” people like Trump. Beam me up.

  6. What is electricity? We behave like wires are like pipes, pushing electrons around, or that the electrons move back and forth. This is good enough for a concrete understanding, but the reality is it is just an “energy field.” The wire is just a tool to direct the field in the direction we want.

    Generators and batteries create the field, but so does the wire, and the load. Loads, like lights and motors (and computers) transduce the field into something like motion or photons. Along the way resistors, inductors and switches manipulate the field.

    That’s it. That’s what all this stuff is about. The theory guys love electricity because once the infrastructure is there, nothing moves. No pipelines to leak, no tankers to get stuck in a canal, no international incidents (or very few since most grids don’t depend too much on foreign generating stations -Germany and the Northeast US being notable exceptions). Just an electric field.

    Ephemeral and nearly virtual. Power companies essentially sell nothing, deliver nothing. If they unplug the generator the field collapses and no more power, but otherwise nothing changes. Everything is still there, just that it doesn’t do anything and there’s no residue of the product.

    One of the reasons why software is such a VC darling is because it doesn’t exist. It’s just pure thought, and when removed from the machine it is nothing. When you buy Windows or iOS you’re buying nothing.

    Which business would you rather be in? The one that needs to ship product all over the place, or the one that ships nothing anywhere? Thirty years as an amateur investor has taught me the company that has no shipping costs is going to be more profitable than the one that does.

    • Hey, ReadyKilowatt,

      Since you obviously know a hell of a lot more about electricity than I do, perhaps you can answer a question which has bugged me for a long time, which is this:
      Since high speed wired communication involves electrical waves running simultaneously in both directions, how come the waves do not collide and wipe each other out (destructively interfere)?
      I surmise the answer may be in two parts,
      Part 1 = coax
      Part 2 = twisted pair (ethernet)

      I am familiar, in the practical sense, with the concept of impedance at infinite length, and how to terminate, say, 51 ohm coax, to prevent ringing, but am otherwise ignorant of the theory of transmission lines. My theoretical knowledge of E & M is limited to one semester of a fairly rigorous course taken by all science & engineering students as part of general degree requirements. The textbook used was “Electricity and Magnetism,” by Edward M. Purcell, and I took the class in Fall 1967. A pointer to an appropriate resource would be much appreciated, if you have one. Thanks in advance for any help you may give.

      • Ethernet, using CAT-5 or CAT-6 twisted pair cables, use two pairs of the 4. one pair for TX and one for RX. If you want to connect two devices together one side has to flip the RX/TX pairs. So the PC transmits on the green pair and listens on the orange pair while the switch listens on green and transmits on orange. The blue and brown pairs aren’t used for Ethernet in the standard, but some networking devices use them to send power. The amount of twist in the twisted pairs is different for each and the signal is a balanced circuit, so any crosstalk across pairs is canceled out.

        Coax, in the case of cable television, uses amplifiers and devices called diplex filters to segregate upstream and downstream traffic. Amplifiers only work in one direction* and the filter will prevent intermingling -although technically in any coax cable all signals exist at the same time. The modulators (transmitters, although in cable terminology a transmitter is an optical fiber device, another topic) only transmit on certain frequencies and demodulators (receivers) are tuned to those frequencies. Much like a car radio only tunes in one station the modems only listen to what they’re told to use by headend equipment. This is also known as Frequency Division Multiplexing, or FDM. In the case of “upstream” traffic (CPE modem to headend) there’s a combination of FDM and TDMA (time division multi-access) where a modem can only transmit when the headend equipment tells it to (because it cannot hear the other modems).

        Baseband signals over coax (thin net, SDI, analog video) will interfere with each other, so in the case of classic Ethernet the nodes must listen before transmitting and if there’s a “collision” because two nodes transmit at the same time they wait a random amount of time before trying again (this is called carrier sense multiple access with collision detection or CSMA/CD). Other baseband signals are one cable per signal and only interconnect point to point. As you said the cables need to be properly terminated or any remaining energy will be reflected back to the transmitter, delayed by the time it took to get from the transmitter and back, usually around 80% of the speed of light. In the case of old analog TV it would cause “ghosts” of the primary image shifted to the right of the main image, or overly bright images. Not sure what happens to a coax Ethernet network without termination (that was mostly before my time), but I imagine it would just be constantly detecting collisions.

        *There are new advancements in “bidirectional” amplifiers being rolled out, but that’s a few years from becoming common

      • Also, for the sake of completeness, I should mention that in FDM systems there is interaction between carriers. This is called harmonic resonance. All waves can interact with each other, like music or the wake waves from boats on water. Some signals will add together and radiate a third signal. That third signal can interefere with a legitimate signal on the harmonic frequency. Some will cancel out each other in some sections of cables and reenforce in others. Proper network design will account for this but usually isn’t enough to cause receiver issues.

        Here’s a great video/film from the AT&T archives that explains how waves travel down transmission lines:

  7. “There is nothing “efficient” about a three-ton half-ton truck that requires a ton of batteries in order to be able to go less than half as far as a non-electric half-ton truck can go on a full tank of gas. It is the apotheosis of inefficiency to increase the weight of a vehicle by a ton – and for that reason be obliged to burn through the additional energy required to move all of that weight.”

    Exactly. Simple physics is going to end the EV – but probably not before the guv’ment wastes many more of your dollars and is eventually forced to give up.

    Seeing how much they are wasting in Ukraine to fight a losing war against Mother Russia, these parasital pricks might never give up. The Biden thing is going to cross all the red lines, and keep doubling down until the nukes are lit off. Maybe, unless cooler heads remove this lunatic from office.

    I will tell you how this might end, the clue is the headline pic of
    James Howard Kunstler’s Clusterfuck Nation blog: a mule pulling a jalopy. They are going to fuck things up so bad we are going to be shoved back into 1850 whether we like it or not. Kunstler asks, how are we allowing this one (Biden) family to fuck things up this bad. Cocaine in the White house, bribes from Gina, catastrophic wars, debts through the ceiling.

    Seriously folks, the Biden thing keeps doubling down on his Ukrainium war fantasy/insanity. Cluster bombs for a huge cluster fuck. Slaughter like we haven’t seen since WW1. And for what? Did the Amerikan people ever vote or approve of this war? I thought we lived in a Democracy. What are we to gain when Ukraine, just a few years ago, was part of mother russia?

    I work hard for my money, which is why I value my Geo Metro. The little crappy Geo Metro is king of fuel efficiency, which means I am not funding Rex Tillerson’s next humongous supersized yacht. Exxon-Mobil is the world’s biggest corporation because it is good at getting what we want – oil. And oil is made into gasoline, and I want a lightweight car, not some electric 6,000 lb beast, but a light and fuel efficient, max mpgs, easy to work on, low cost replacement parts.

    I mean, I never have to worry about an bank breaking part on my little cheap ICE car, but if I have one of those electrics, or even a hybrid, I would worry about the main battery going out, and when I detected it fading, that would make me nervous and I would sell the car first, to a sucker, a bag holder, like a dealer on a trade in.

    Gasoline is the miracle liquid, because it is stable at room temp and has beaucoup BTUs, can be stored in a very inexpensive container that is not pressurized, or minus 400 Farenheit. The solution to our problem is not heavy electric, nor a hybrid, but super efficient ICE cars. But in Amerika, we want power and big trucks so our controllers are going to force us to change the way they want, not the way we should go based on natural forces based on economics, not ideology.

    By mandating EVs, they are making the nation a fail. EV’s are a money loser, and they only work when we have so much extra money, living in a military empire, that we can just waste money as a national pastime. We have so much extra money Biden can send $200 billion to Ukraine without Congressional approval. That is some largesse on a biblical scale.

    The problem with gasoline engines is that they are only 25% thermally efficient. So what we really need is a work cycle that is 50 or 80% efficient. Some experimental diesels are supposedly 50% efficient, that is turning the potential BTU’s in the fuel into torque.

    • “The Biden thing is going to cross all the red lines, and keep doubling down until the nukes are lit off. ”

      Biden may end Amerika, don’t believe in prophecy myself, I view it as predictive programming, but this is choice:

      My Vision of the Destruction of America By A. A. Allen July 4, 1954 Atop the Empire State Building

      “As I looked, suddenly from the sky I saw a giant hand reach down. That gigantic hand was reaching out toward the Statue of Liberty. In a moment her gleaming torch was torn from her hand, and in it instead was placed a cup; and I saw protruding from that great cup a giant sword, shining as if a great light had been turned upon its glistening edge. Never before had I seen such a sharp, glistening, dangerous sword. It seemed to threaten all the world. As the great cup was placed in the hand of the Statue of Liberty, I heard these words, “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, drink ye and be drunken and spew and fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send.” As I heard these words, I recognized them as a quotation from Jeremiah 25:27. I was amazed to hear the Statue of Liberty speak out in reply, “I WILL NOT DRINK!” Then as the voice of the thunder, I heard again the voice of the Lord saying, “Ye shall certainly drink” (Jeremiah 25:28). Then suddenly the giant hand forced the cup to the lips of the Statue of Liberty, and she became powerless to defend herself. The mighty hand of God forced her to drink every drop from the cup.”


      That is the choice section of that long prophecy, which I view as an honest man, privy to the plan, explain it in Biblical talk as a warning. Freemasons know the plan and certainly NYC is full of freemasons.

      Amerika has been forced to drink from the cup of endless wars, the nation did become a tyrant unto the world, and it certainly could be destroyed by Russian nukes.

      Unless we act to remove the grotesque Biden thing from office and sue for peace. I like the idea of RFK junior, a Kennedy well versed in conspiracies who brings justice down on the real perps of the endless crimes of the deep state.

      • Prophetic Word: Vision of the Destruction of America – AA Allen (1954 Prophetic Vision Prophecy

        Be aware of how prophecy works. Those that know the plan present the plan as prophecy. Almost certainly the plan is revealed to a freemason like AA Allen and it becomes predictive programming.

        Just think about it, God forces you to drink the cup, then God punishes you for drinking it. That is psychobabble, and just like Adam eating the fruit, when God put the fruit in the Garden of Eden, then God judges Adam for eating the fruit.

        The irony is that the freemasons are at the center of the destruction – the wars, etc. and Freemasonary is behind the creation of Pentacostal cults, JWs and Seventh Day Adventists so says David Icke.

        The plan is to destroy Amerika and then blame you for it – just like God did to Adam.

  8. ‘Red has always been historically associated with a particular political philosophy. It is interesting that, electorally, a decision was quietly taken to change red to blue.’ — eric

    Like many clumsy examples of American insularity, this flat-footed inversion of long-accepted color symbolism was brought to us by the Lügenpresse:

    ‘In 2000, both the New York Times and USA Today published their first color-coded, county-by-county maps detailing the showdown between Al Gore and George W. Bush. Both papers used red for the Republican Bush, blue for the Democrat Gore.


    “I just decided red begins with ‘r;’ Republican begins with ‘r.’ It was a more natural association,” said Archie Tse, senior graphics editor for the Times. “There wasn’t much discussion about it.”

    OMG, what an idiot. What a blithering know-nothing. The Chinese-American Tse never heard of chicoms being called ‘reds’? Yet this uninformed simp remains the graphics director of the Slimes.

    Don’t know much about history
    Don’t know much biology
    Don’t know much about a science book
    Don’t know much about the French I took

    — Sam Cooke / Herb Alpert / Lou Adler, Wonderful World

  9. I do remember the electorial map being blue/republicams & red/democrat. The reason for the reversal was internationally, red has alwas been associated with nazism/communism and that color hit too close to home with the democrat party. So their party spokespeople in the media flipped it around. History revision in action for you!

    • Allen,

      One charge I’ve heard ad nauseum from the Democrat Party for years is that Republicans are Nazis, fascists, authoritarians, white supremacists, racists, etc. Now I’ve had my issues with the “R” Party going back to when George W Bush was President, but the Democrat Party isn’t any better. Why, just over the past few years, they’ve openly embraced Big Pharma, war, authoritarianism, censorship, COVID lockdowns that made it possible for large corporations to make BILLIONS while many small businesses closed permanently, COVID jab mandates, punishing people who refused to be guinea pigs for Pharma, pushing the agenda of a handful of billionaire elitists, etc.

      • Spot on John,
        Just observe the hysteria over the “Trump judge” – who was confirmed 98-0 by the Senate btw, who came down squarely on the side of the Constitution and free speech with the injunction against the Biden administration’s censorship. Instead of cheering a clear victory for the first amendment they’re wringing their hands because the serfs will be allowed to decide for themselves what’s true.

        • Hi Mike,

          The Democrat Party appears to be acting in the same desperate way establishment media, the globalist technocrats, the Biden Thing, etc., are, and to make sure they don’t lose power & control completely, they have to resort to fear porn, censorship, propaganda, etc., to prevent a mass uprising from the masses.

      • Better go back further to “read my lips,no new taxes” old man Bush. Not just “W”. He signed law to ban freon, signed the American disability act that let addicts & fat people to claim disability and got us involved in middle east war. Of course Nixon doubled down on the Great Society program and gave us the out of control EPA and took the dollar of gold entirely giving us the incredible shrinking dollar. Oh yeah “W” gave us another unlimited war, more government interference in prescriptions ( Medicare Part D) ethanol ( to make fuel cheaper & plentiful), Homeland Security, NSA, etc. Reagan and Calvin Coolidge where the two best presidents and Trump succeeded in unmasking the corruption in DC and for that they are gonna make him pay dearly.

        • Allen,

          I wasn’t even old enough to vote for a President until 2000, when W ran against then Vice President Al Gore. I was also politically naive then compared to the past few years. I voted for W, but when W’s 2nd term was nearing an end, the subsequent Republican candidates for President have been lousy (with the exception of Donald Trump). Remember John McCain? He was the first candidate I ever proverbially held my nose voting for, and in 2012 I had a similar reluctance in voting for Mitt Romney. In 2016, I liked Trump’s campaign messages like “Drain the Swamp!” and voted for him. One good thing Trump did was expose just how corrupt the U.S. government really is. I voted for Trump again in 2020, as his opponent Joe Biden was just as awful a candidate as Hillary Clinton was if not more so. I have my own reservations about voting for Trump in 2024, given his age, baggage from his 4 years as President, questionable hires, continued advocating of the COVID jabs that are actually “Unsafe & Ineffective!”, people who just hate Trump so much they’ll vote for Biden again if we end up with “Trump v Biden 2.0” next year, etc. With RFK Jr running for President, depending on who becomes the “R” nominee for President, RFK Jr may be the first Democrat Presidential candidate I vote for, given that he’s been doing some good re the COVID insanity. However, he has made some concerning statements about climate change in the past, but he had an interview with Kim Iversen not too long ago where he said that these elitists have been using “climate change” as an excuse to implement tyranny, so he may have had his own awakening like a lot of other people have. He’s also been speaking out against endless war and some of the dystopian plans from the globalist technocrats such as CBDCs.

          It has already become obvious that the Democrat Party establishment, the Deep State, and the media will do their dirtiest to make sure he doesn’t stand a chance of becoming the “D” nominee, let alone PRESIDENT.

          • Anymore, I’m not so sure the Deep State, and the media, have to lift a finger to stop RFK Jr, people in general just seem too chicken shit to wanna be exposed to any level of truth & RFK Jr, for all his shortcomings, sure does speak truth to The People.

            ‘US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?’

            The interview:


              • I don’t equate weather with climate. But over the last five years, four included a late frost that knocked out my apple crop. More than I lost in the previous 25 years. Right now, looking at my outdoor temperature readout, it’s 55 degrees. Previous years, on this date, such sunrise temperature was usually at LEAST 70. Climate? No. Weather modification? At least possible if not a fact. Leaning toward the latter.

                • Well, there are HAARP satellites that can manipulate the weather. There was a book written about it in 1995 by Nick Begich. Not only do these satellites have weather manipulation capabilities, but they also (if I remember right) can manipulate humans as well.

            • “I’m not so sure the Deep State, and the media, have to lift a finger”
              By and large, most voters treat elections as a sporting event, and they want to vote for the “winner”, and get all bent out of shape if their pick doesn’t win. All the media has to do is throw some polling at the voters, and voters will support the poll winners.

      • Well….George HW Bush was a 33rd Degree Mason and a pedophile. So really, there is really not much of a difference between the D’s and the R’s. I always wondered if Shrub Jr was a pedo and mason, as well? The apples usually do not fall far from the tree.

        • Hi Shadow,

          Among post-war (WWII) presidents, The Chimp ranks high – or rather, low – as one of the worst. A small-minded, vicious man who accelerated this country’s transition into an Orwellian “homeland.” He is also singularly responsible for Barry Soetero and the damage that has caused is as yet incalculable.

    • Other colors are available.

      In the case of ugly-slug RINO poofters like Senators Linda Graham and Mitch McClownell, pink suggests itself: pink hat; pink T-shirt; pink panties.

      And pink f*ck-me high heels. :-0

  10. In Oregon, if you drive a vehicle that’s 20 years old or younger, you have to take it to a local DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) station for an inspection every 2 years when you renew registration. Before cars got OBD ports, an employee at the station would stick something in the car’s exhaust pipe to check emissions. Now, they simply stick a device connected to their computer to your vehicle’s OBD port. My late 1990s truck has passed the inspection each time I’ve had to take it in to be “smog tested”, but I once had a neighbor whose late ’90s Ford Taurus failed the test because of some computer part.

    Speaking of DEQ, an unelected bureaucrat at the state office decreed last year that sales of new gas vehicles in Oregon will be BANNED by 2035 ala California, meaning that someone who wants to buy a new vehicle in the state will only have the option of buying a very expensive EV. Will these bureaucrats also seek to ban sales of OLD gas vehicles, or perhaps BAN private ownership of vehicles altogether ala calls from those psychopaths at the WEF?

    • IMO, they will not ban ICE cars, they will accelerate the registration cost exponentially until they cost more than EV.

  11. The landfill economy, hard at work being uneconomic and unecological, to save us from the “climate crisis”?
    $36000 plus installation to replace a BATTERY? And where does the dead battery go? Into the landfill.
    Far more ecological to make things that last a long time. A very long time. Which we had reached in car engineering about three decades ago. And now, it’s gone. To “save” the planet.
    A far more dangerous thing to the environment and the economy is the psychopathic ramblings of those who desire to satisfy their psychopathy at all cost. Also known as the state.

    • > And where does the dead battery go? Into the landfill.

      Theoretically, it could be parted out. Quite often, it only takes a few cells going bad to render an entire pack as “bad.” I’ve salvaged good cells out of “bad” battery packs. A computer battery had one bad cell out of six that kept it from working. A power-tool battery had two or three cells out of ten that went bad. The cells that are still good can be rebuilt into new battery packs for whatever purpose: power a computer or tool, build a “powerwall”, or power an e-bike or (if you’re ambitious enough) an EV.

      Whether this is being done on any significant scale is another matter. There are YouTube videos showing Tesla battery packs being dismantled and put to other uses. AFAIK, it’s mostly hobbyists or small businesses doing this sort of thing, and usually as a one-off. There are companies that take in “bad” battery packs and sell them on to people who salvage good cells from them; I’ve done this before and have about 100 18650s hanging around purchased at fairly low cost. I don’t think there’s anything in place on the same scale as the recycling process for lead-acid batteries, though.

  12. If it was just about the environment they would just make it a requirement that if you bought a new car you would be required to drive it for the next ten years before buying a new one. Unconstitutional? Probably, but what isn’t now?

    Would going all EV help? Probably not since China builds two new coal fired power plants a week and most western countries lack the generating capacity, grid infrastructure et al to actually do this. But our leaders insist this will happen and it will! Of course this will end up looking like that scene in the movie “Downfall” where Hitler is ordering his generals to move troops around who were already dead or captured. Perhaps by 2035 Eric will be reviewing gm’s new Pedicab and Stelantis’s new bicycles.

    • “most western countries lack the generating capacity, grid infrastructure et al to actually do this”
      That doesn’t matter. An edict is put forth, regardless of the impossibility of implementing it. So let it be written, so let it be done. Our edicts over ride physics and chemistry.

    • I’m starting to see big solar fields going up in my neck of the woods. Mostly on private scrubland for now. I’m OK with it to some extent, but it does spoil my view off to the southwest. Can I sue for damages? A lawyer in Aspen sued another lawyer who cut down an aspen grove so he had a nicer view:

      Greens love to “set aside” land for future generations’ enjoyment. Mostly land next to theirs, to make sure no one f***s it up. The rest of us have to put up with whatever they deem acceptable losses for the greater good. I’m not against solar as a general rule (I have 6kWh on my roof), but given just how much undeveloped land out here in the west (most of it owned by you-know-who), why pick the spot right by everyone’s houses? Oh, I know! Because it never makes payback if you have to build out the grid. Because payback still matters, even when there’s a catastrophic existential crisis. And besides, as Curtis said to Jake and Elwood, “What’s one more old n****r to the board of education?”

      • Actually FedGov owns hardly any land anywhere, legally. The Constitution is very specific about what land can be owned by them, “for forts, magazines, and other needful BUILDINGS. With permission of the State legislature where it’s contained.” And the ten mile square that is DC of course.

        • Does one reply to the ply?

          US Air Force bases are located in oil country. Not by mistake.

          By 1950, the known unexplored and undeveloped oil deposits, accumulated units, the geographic locations, determined the locations and the development of modern air force fortresses in the United States, no other reason. Many bases in all of the states makes secession difficult.

          Post-modern military fortresses are a high risk category, you never know when the attack might happen.

          Doubtful Lloyd’s of London will insure an installation that is fortified with B-52’s, fighter jets, nuclear bombs, nuclear-tipped inter-continental ballistic missiles and everything under the sun to keep it all intact.

          Drones seem to play a role in the defense industry these days.

          Wherever the zeitgeist is, nobody knows.

          Janes Defense has an idea. Janes has their finger on the pulse.

          It’s the war dollar, Bill Hicks would have made good fun of the comedy that it is.


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