Burning Love . . .


An ironic article appeared in the industry trade publication, Automotive News the other day. The lead reads thusly:

As the nation transitions to electric transportation, fires have become a significant problem, affecting everything from e-bikes to high-end Teslas. These fires present an additional challenge to the electro-mobility industry, which is already dealing with cost concerns and infrastructure issues. The incidents not only claim lives but also risk undermining the progress made in electric technology.”

Italics added.

We need a copy editor, stat.

“The nation” is not “transitioning” to electric transportation; it is being forced to transition. The difference is that between a date and rape. But the writer of the article tries to make rape sound as if it were a date.

EVs spontaneously combusting is not an “additional challenge” – observe the blasé language, as if we were discussing losing weight or some other thing that could be improved via effort. What we are dealing with as regards lithium-ion batteries is an inherent vulnerability that cannot be fixed.

At least, not without using something other than lithium-ion batteries. It is either ignorant or disingenuous to speak of  “additional challenges.” It is like speaking of the infirmity that inevitably attends old age without mentioning the old age part, implying it’s a problem that can be fixed.

But the best part is the part about “undermining the progress made.”

This is truly stupendous. It manages in one short phrase to shame and blame the victims of this forced regression to battery-powered vehicles – which are not new vehicles. They are vehicles that failed in the market – 100 years ago – when better alternatives became available (as this column discussed in greater depth a few days ago; you can find that here).

But at least the EVs of 100 years ago didn’t spontaneously combust.

Why? Because they used lead acid batteries to store electricity. These are less fire-prone because they do not contain hundreds (let alone thousands) of individual failure points; i.e., the hundreds (if not thousands) of individual cells that you will find within an EV battery pack. All it takes is for one of these to “thermally run away” – short circuit – and you’ve got an almost instantaneous, fast-progressing and extremely hot fire that is extremely difficult to extinguish, even with professional-grade equipment.

This is why EVs are “totaling”  transport ships full of vehicles – and the ship along with them. Most recently, the Freemantle Highway.

The electric cars of 100 years ago were supplanted by cars powered by engines that burned gas (and diesel) because the latter were more versatile, could be driven farther and didn’t take all day to recharge.

But not because the EVs of 100 years ago were fire hazards.

Today, they are – and the fact is becoming generally known, including to the insurance mafia – which is finding it is on the hook for these fires, some of which can entail losses in the many millions, as in the case of a burned-to-a-crisp cargo ship. Money talks. Or rather, it gets people talking.

Also, not buying.

It is interesting, in a canary-in-the-coal-mine way, to observe the fact that inventories of EVs are piling up all over the country. There is reportedly a 70 day supply – that is, unsold backlog – of EVs that have been built and shipped that are sitting and waiting for buyers who’ve not materialized. EVs are suddenly not as hot as they supposedly were. Possibly because people are beginning to realize just how “hot” they can be.

Also, the effect of the hot – and the cold – on these Occasional Use Vehicles (OUVs). The latter a much more honest acronym than “EV” given the fact of their limited range under optimum conditions – and what happens to their range when conditions aren’t optimum. Word began to leak out about that last winter, when people who’d never driven an EV in very cold weather found out what happens to EV range in winter. Not many people will knowingly buy a car that goes 30-50 percent less far when it’s cold out, which in many parts of the country is for months out of each year.

Similarly, word is leaking out about what happens to the range of a battery-powered device when it is hot out – and the battery must also power the AC, in addition to the car. In brief, a general awareness is dawning that EVs have a narrow bandwidth of real-world usability and a built-in vulnerability to burning up that cannot be lessened by exercising caution. The EV owner can only park the thing far away from his house, so as to reduce the risk of his house going up in smoke. It is also an inevitability as certain as the tide rolling back in that the insurance mafia is going to “adjust” what it charges to “cover” these things, so that it is not left holding the bag paying for the certain losses that will be (already have been) incurred by these things.

But the lügenpresse is still doing all it can to alter the course of that talk – much as it did during the “pandemic,” when it exercised all its might to trample over any inconvenient facts about the risks of the ‘Rona, the efficacy of alternative treatments such as Ivermectin and the inefficacy of “vaccines” that turned out to be useless as well as dangerous.

Kind of like EVs.

. . .

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  1. There were fire hazards with the old BEVs too, just not the lead acid batteries. It was the wiring mostly. Wire insulation wasn’t the greatest back then. Old houses can have the same issue if nobody ever replaced the wiring from 1915 but the wiring is generally protected from the elements.

  2. Eric – i’m assuming you’re following this story – the thing is STILL burning apparently !! They cannot put it out because there is no way to do so (the batteries generate their own oxygen so keep burning). The thing is – imagine if one of these fuckers go up in an underground car park or something god forbid…. this looks extremely bad.

      • Helot, youre right – there will probably eventually be electric car fires visible from space. And the way waste disposal works in developing countries – ie you but everything in a pile and light it on fire – you can imagine how it will be !!

  3. Maybe one way to get the issue of the EV problem across would be to explain to people: imagine if gas cars were like evs. Say you just bought a brand new pickup. But nowadays there are very few gas stations and you need an app to find stations stocked with gas and that gas now costs $20 per gallon So if you forget to gas up on the way home from work and wake up the next morning to an empty tank, you’d need to not only cancel your first morning appointment, but then rearrange the rest of your day while you figure out how you’re gonna fill your tank. Oh also there are now built in defects to gas tanks that cause them to leak and catch fire, so your insurance rates have gone thru the roof. And your house may burn down if you garage your truck. I have trouble getting my arms around ever being ok with the idea of having to take longer than 10 minutes to gas up my car, much less worry about the thing when its just sitting in the garage. Or having to spend any amount of time worrying about range and will I make it home or to the next charging station and once there are the chargers all taken and do I have 45 minutes to spare etc etc. the best part of driving is having all those factors and worries eliminated from daily life. Aka FREEDOM. The almost absolute certainty of knowing all you have to do is hop-in and drive…..you can enjoy your ride or focus on life instead of the trip itself.

  4. Al Gore (unhinged coked out lunatic) said the oceans were boiling and increased CO2 was like a million Hiroshima bombs going off every day. I think he got it wrong, the ships full of burning EVs is what is boiling the ocean.

    Seriously, what happens to the heat of all the fossil fuels burned? So far humans have burned over a trillion barrels of oil, so why isn’t earth boiling? Because all that heat goes out to space at night, and is gone forever. The same for the sun’s heating of earth, each night the earth cools. The temperature on earth is a balance of the heating and radiation cooling.

    The sun’s energy greatly exceeds human fossil fuel burning by a huge margin, only 12 hours of sunlight is equal to all the heat we generate in one year. So as you can imagine, us burning coal or oil has little effect on earth’s temp.

    A good way to visual this is imagine you build a huge bonfire in Canada in the winter. When the fire goes out, the air is just as cold as it was before the fire. So where did that heat go? It went out to space. Excess heat radiates away immediately.

    Where did the heat in the wood come from? From the sun, the light of the sun is used to make cellulose. Burning wood is releasing solar energy. All these fools who are against wood stoves are complete dumbasses, wood burning is 100% renewable energy made by the sun, and guess what, you don’t need a solar panel or any other device to get this energy, all you need to do is collect wood and burn it. Nature does all the work for you!

    Joe Biden is a real dumbass, probably the most dangerous dumb ass on the planet, with the exception of Zelensky, who just destroyed Ukraine because he believed his insignificant pissass nation could take on Mother Russia. I think Zelensky has the same cognitive problems of Al Gore, caused by the same substance, cocaine.

    • I agree that Joe Biden is a real dumbass, but your climate science is mixed up.

      The incoming solar energy and outgoing cooling via infrared radiation are NEVER in balance. That’s why Earth’s climate is always changing.

      And the heat from burning hydrocarbon fuels is a minor source of global warming. The main hydrocarbon contribution is CO2 emissions. They inhibit Earth’s ability to cool itself. The first 0.005% of CO2 is a very powerful greenhouse gas cause of global warming (greenhouse gases actually impede cooling). But above the current CO2 level of 0.042%, CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas very unlikely to cause a climate emergency if the concentration doubles … which would take at least 150 years.

      All energy and life on our planet originally came from the sun.

      Burning wood causes air pollution, and releases a lot of CO2, except if burned in the UK and EU, where they burn wood to male electricity, and falsely claim it is a “green” fuel.

      Al “the climate blimp” Gore is not a scientist, and could not earn an A or B in the two elementary science courses he took in college. Listening to Mr. Bore pontificate about climate science is no more useful than listening to Fauci blather about masks.

      • “That’s why Earth’s climate is always changing.”

        Hey Richard, I’ve been thinking lately about what “climate” means. I wonder whether a phrase like “the Earth’s climate” is nonsensical, since the planet actually has many different climates.
        In fifth-grade geography class, one of the things we learned about every country was its climate. Smaller countries would have just one, say, “tropical,” while large ones could have several. But generally, you could imagine what living there would feel like if you saw that one-word climate moniker.
        But Earth is too big and varied to have a “climate.” It would not be helpful, for example, to say, “Earth’s climate is favorable to human habitation,” since that’s obviously not true for polar regions.
        Seems to me that climate is general, but only in that it aggregates weather variables like temperature and rainfall over time, not over vast areas.

      • CO2 is NOT a powerful greenhouse gas. The concept comes from a scifi book/story by Murray Leinster in the 40’s or 50’s.

        A greenhouse has an insulating barrier of glass or plastic that significantly slows the transfer of heat. A gas, any gas, H2O, CO2 or CH4 does NOT do that, it isfiction, oft repeated, but fiction non the less.

      • “CO2 emissions. They inhibit Earth’s ability to cool itself.”

        What utter bullshit. Go to Arizona on a clear night and see if the earth doesn’t cool itself. The temperature drop from the day to night is seriously fast and dangerous to anyone not prepared.

        I am sorry Richard you are dead wrong about CO2 trapping heat, it does not. What does trap the heat, especially at night, is cloud cover.

        And Richard, you seem to be unable to understand that if CO2 is doing something, it does it both directions, sunlight coming down or infrared going up.

        NASA put up the OCO satellite to measure directly how CO2 affects temp at high altitudes, the greater the CO2, the greater the cooling – which is exactly the opposite of the global warming by CO2 claim.


        “NASA says that CO2 is a coolant not a warming gas. One part of NASA is now in conflict with its climatologists after new NASA measurements prove that carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth’s atmosphere. NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun.”

    • You need to stop using the term “fossil fuel”.
      Far from being “fossil fuel”, hydrocarbons are not only plentiful but are being created by yet-unknown processes deep within the earth.
      The term “fossil fuel” was coined in the 1950s when little was known about the processes by which oil is produced. Oil is “abiotic” in nature, as even depleted oil wells are “filling back up” from deep below the earth’s surface.
      Oil interests are drilling wells at 5,000 feet, 10,000 feet, and 15,000 feet and deeper, and coming up with oil deposits way below the layers and levels where “fossils” were known to exist.
      As Russia gained much expertise in deep-well drilling and coming up with oil deposits far deeper than that of the level of “fossils”, abiotic oil at extreme depths was actually a Russian “state secret” for a long time.
      Fossil material found in hydrocarbons are a result of these hydrocarbons migrating through fossil layers and are not a creation of fossils.
      At the rate oil is being pumped out of the ground, there is not enough fossil material to account for the amount of oil harvested.
      Not only that, but there are planetary bodies in which hydrocarbons are naturally occurring (without fossils).
      “Peak oil” and “fossil fuels” are discredited concepts that environmentalists and others are latching on to, in order to display their hatred of oil being a renewable resource as well as to push prices up.
      Follow the money.

      • > there are planetary bodies in which hydrocarbons are naturally occurring

        >Lakes of ethane and methane on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, have been detected by the Cassini–Huygens space probe, and had been suspected long before.[2] The large ones are known as maria (seas) and the small ones as lacūs (lakes)

        Hydrocarbons? Yes.
        Fossils? No.

  5. So what’s gonna happen if the majority continues to refuse these useless firebombs? Are the elite gonna send out shock troops to confiscate our IC vehicles?

    • Its happening now. They’re destroying supply chains, contrived shortages (think Mavericks), Massive car insurance premium increases, Throttling our domestic oil production. I’m sure the list is a lot longer. If that fails I figure they’ll just jack up vehicle taxes and make gas shortages a new reality, (think 1970s)

    • It’s more likely the elite will issue diktats that the masses are REQUIRED to turn in their gas vehicles like the Biden Thing tried to do with millions of Americans who have a job but “Didn’t take that vaccine”. The Biden Thing tried to REQUIRE that employers with 100 or more employees have their employees be “Fully vaxxed” via diktats from OSHA.

      • All of the above amigo, all of the above. I’m sure it will involve every lever they have at their disposal.

      • I imagine that it will be easier for them to simply shut off the fuel supply. That will be easier than forcing people out of their ICE vehicles as they know enough people are not going to buy them willingly. But if it is anything like how they tried to force the jab into people it may not go as well as they would like.

  6. Eric,

    With all the problems EVs have, along with their lack of sales, do you think that these issues will be enough to derail the rush to EVs? IOW, do you think that ICEVs will remain viable longer than TPTB would want them to be?

    • Hi Mark,

      I think this all going as planned; the plan being to render cars – and driving – increasingly unaffordable as well as unpleasant. EVs are merely a vehicle toward that end. The fact that they are unaffordable for probably 70 percent of the buying public (I’d say closer to 100 percent for teens/people under 25) will all by itself greatly reduce cart ownership. The rest – most of the rest – will be taken care of via the cost of electricity and the impracticality. If that’s not enough, then it will be “discovered” that EeeeeeeeeVeeeees are “bad for the environment.”

      • Eric,

        I’m hoping that all these problems will reach a critical mass, so as to derail the rush to EVs. BTW, I LIKE EVs! I think that they’re cool; I always have. That said, they’re not ready for prime time, and they need more improvement to be a viable replacement for ICEVs. I don’t like that they’re being forced on us, either. I think that, given time to develop organically, they could be viable, but not now, not like this.

        BTW, I’ve thought about getting an EV; I considered the Chevy Bolt. However, because my garage is integral to my house (it’s below my living room), I didn’t. Why? Because I’m concerned about the battery pack catching fire, and those battery pack fires burn HOT! I had to replace the battery pack on my old HP laptop because the thing got hot. EV’s have thousands of these Li-Ion cells, not just a few like a laptop does. Until the battery issues are resolved, I won’t be getting an EV, either.

        • Maybe this isn’t the best analogy, but when people say they like EV’s except for the tiny detail of the battery technology needing improvement, it sort seems like saying they like ice vehicles but they just need to figure out how to make a gas tank that doesn’t leak and holds sufficient gas to provide decent range.

  7. Despite panicky orange and red predictions of several 104-degree days in a row, this week has not seen 100 here in my little part of the Midwest. We have broken 100 only one day this month – just barely. The record high for every day in July is above 100, many of those records having been set in the 1930s. You would never know this from watching the news, since they report only predictions and heat index numbers, not the temperatures that actually happen.

    • I thought about your comment a few times this evening. Felt like it got to 100 in my neck of the Midwest, but I didn’t think it was ‘all that’. I spent quite a bit of time inside on this webpage though. Western civ & CAC:)

      Heard of some people around here who thought this was, “The hottest July Ever!” …Regretfully, they didn’t seem open to reason & facts.

      I only read the Internet weather, I never watch the vids, but I can imagine what you’re saying is true, “they report only predictions and heat index numbers,” add a dash of, “twenty million people are affected” or sum such number, & ya got a recipe for scaring the pants off people. Bugs me to no end they do that. The fuckers who decided to start doing that should be,… I dunno, made to eat a truckload of skittles and unicorn poop.

      • Yes, helot, I’ll bet if you took a survey around here, a large number would agree with that Hottest July Ever crap. But it’s looking fairly certain now that our 56 acres will end the month with only one three-digit high. Heck, that might be what you’d call unprecedented!

      • In the middle part of Missouri back in July 1980, it got to 105+ degrees, and up to 110 degrees, every day for two weeks or more. I know because I was out working in it. Not getting a lot done, too busy trying to stay alive, but out there we were. And it wasn’t a “dry heat”.

        • They act like it has never gotten hot before in the Summer. Or that we have seasons. Even worse, we have a stupid population willing to be enslaved to an elite over something that even they cannot control although they are sure as hell going to try.

          • “…we have a stupid population willing to be enslaved…”

            Not willing, DEMANDING. Just like “covid”, the dildos know they’re not really “in danger”. They just like the “convenience” of an “alternate reality”.

        • RE: “In the middle part of Missouri”

          On my list of videos to watch:

          ‘*LIVE* in a SUPER CELL STORM Destroying Crops in Midwest USA’ – Doug and Stacy in Mo.


          …In the background, in the back of your (anyone’s?) mind,… is geoengineering.
          The Power Elite describe a system they wish to ‘someday’ deploy… and it matches perfectly with what anyone can observe If they just keep looking up.

          …And, the beat goes on. Ladidadeeday…

  8. ‘As the nation transitions to electric transportation …’

    Why do all these “reporters” believe this stupid line?

    There is no “transition” to electric. Even though its forced its going to be very slow, until ICE cars start to be discontinued in larger numbers. Very likely with the 2030 model year on.

    If electric cars was the end goal, there would be many other developments going on with power supply beside the lithium-ion batteries. There isn’t. They are putting it all on the lithium-ion batteries.

    And I don’t see any way lithium-ion batteries will work. They just don’t and won’t.

    • There is no intent to transition. As I’ve been saying since the whole EV scam began, if that was the intent they would be working hard on increasing grid and generating capacity to accommodate them. They aren’t. They can barely keep up with air conditioning, and often fail.

      • I think you are right. They have no intention on building the infrastructure needed for EVs otherwise they would be constructing it now in preparation for the transition. No, the ultimate goal is to force us out of our vehicles, eliminating our freedom, and squeezing us like sardines into modern day Warsaw ghettos.

  9. Here is a list of the cars that went down with the Felicity Ace (last year the EVs took out the whole ship):

    Make and Model Number of Cars
    Audi A5 Convertible 84
    Audi A5 Coupe 43
    Audi A5 Sportback 147
    Audi E-Tron 121
    Audi Q3 297
    Audi Q3 Sportback 144
    Bentley Bentayga 77
    Bentley Continental GT 38
    Bentley Continental GTC 50
    Bentley Flying Spur 25
    Lamborghini Aventador 15
    Lamborghini Huracan 20
    Lamborghini Urus 50
    Porsche 23 made in Zuffenhausen, 19 in Leipzig, and 126 in Bratislava
    Volkswagen Caddy 47
    Volkswagen Golf 199
    Volkswagen ID.4 159
    Volkswagen T6 116

    (Private cars not listed)

    Fremantle Highway currently on fire and still floating:


    The 25 electric cars has been upped to 500. The sailers who jumped overboard almost froze to death. All the crewmembers have gone to hospitals WITH BREATHING PROBLEMS.

    All the cars are destroyed because the heat rapidly builds up in the hull, TURNING THE INSIDE OF THE BOAT INTO A KILN, combusting them all. This happens so fast the crew barely escapes with their lives.


    Note: insurance adjusters and their fire investigators can not determine the cause if the boat goes to the bottom. And how does a steel hull in water melt so it can sink?

    • I was thinking about the Fremantle Highway cleanup cost. It is a huge loss – and near impossible to clean up, and the boat is ruined. The boat and the contents inside is a 100% loss.

      Which got me thinking, the owner is not going to want to deal with fixing the mess. Imagine it was your problem, towing the boat back to port then spending millions to clean it all up and scrap the boat.

      That is why the Felicity Ace is at the bottom of the drink – that owner had the same problem and scuttled the boat – which is what could happen again. The Fremantle Highway sinking out of sight and out of mind is how you cut losses on a huge loss.

      A ship full of burned up EVs is a toxic waste dump – extremely expensive to clean up – which is why I will not be surprised if the current EV torched boat goes to the bottom before reaching the port.

      Which BTW is exactly what happened to the Trade Towers billion dollar asbestos clean up price – which was solved by an unpermitted controlled demolition, and an insurance clause that got “lucky” Larry SilverSTEIN to double his money.


      Towers’ Destruction ‘Solved’ Asbestos Problem

      “The Twin Towers had large amounts of asbestos fireproofing which would have necessitated costly removal had they remained standing. The exact amount and distribution of the asbestos in the Towers remains unclear, like other details of the buildings’ construction and history, but the evidence suggests that the cost of its removal may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves. ”

      Daily Star: “Lucky” Larry Silverstein got his nickname after a series of close calls and bittersweet victories stemming from the September 11 incident.

      Both the North and South towers of the World Trade Centre collapsed after two hijacked planes were driven into them.

      A third jet smashed into the Pentagon and another crashed into a field.

      Almost 3,000 people lost their lives and at least 6,000 were injured.

      But one man ended up very rich from the whole thing.

      New York property tycoon Larry Silverstein purchased the entire complex on a nine-year lease six months prior to the attacks.

      The deal was worth $124million (£96million) – but he walked away with $4.5billon (£3.2billion) after taking out a huge insurance claim following the tragedy.

      His first job as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex.
      INSIDE JOB? Some think Larry was a little too lucky (Image: GETTY)

      The new client was Securacom (now Stratasec) and George W. Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, was CEO.

      According to public records, Securacom provided electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key players in the 9/11 attacks.

      Not only that, Mr Silverstein also explicitly included “terrorist attacks” as a clause in the new agreement.

      On the day of the attack, Larry had a doctor’s appointment, which meant that he did not turn up for work as normal.

      His daughter Lisa also skipped work, and his son was reportedly running late.”

      • Excellent summary Jack,
        Yet somehow the asbestos, which was there to fireproof the girders, supposedly didn’t stop the steel from “melting” due to burning jet fuel – which doesn’t burn very hot without the proper aif/fuel mixture. Some serious cognitive dissonance there.

        • > asbestos, which was there to fireproof the girders, supposedly didn’t stop the steel from “melting”

          That is because the fireproofing above, I think, ~62nd floor contained no asbestos, because EPA banned asbestos in buildings during the time the towers were being constructed. The aircraft impacted the towers above that level. The man who invented spray-on fireproofing was very outspoken in his opinion that the non-asbestos formulation would be inferior. Looks like he was right.

          BTW, steel does not have to melt to become structurally worthless, only to soften due to heat. Look up “Young’s modulus as a function of temperature” for further information.

          • BTW, I do not buy the “official” explanation of how and why the towers (or Bldg. 7) collapsed. Just so you know. 🙂

            That said, I have seen structural steel which turned to metal spaghetti in the aftermath of an ordinary building fire, although in that case it was Type 5 commercial construction (mostly wood framing, with a line of steel columns and beams down the centerline of the building) and was therefore not fireproofed.

    • Yep, the EV count went from 25 to 50 to 500. How is it the manifest is not public knowledge by now? Can’t a news crew get a copy from the shipping company, and isn’t all of this information online and readily accessible to anyone?

  10. Yeah, let’s build electric vehicles using batteries that auto-immolate at any time under all circumstances.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to begin to count how many lithium batteries in electric vehicles auto-immolate, count how many bite the dust before their time, die suddenly.

    Start counting any kind of EV failure, then make a sound and reasonable sane decision.

    Make it quick.

  11. >As the nation transitions
    Reminds me of a recent MSM article which stated that the radioactive nuclear waste from the decommissioned San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (“SONGS” – now who could object?) is part of “the nation’s nuclear waste.” No, dummy, all waste from the plant belongs to the plant operator, in this case SoCal Edison, not “the nation.” Of course, there is a company from New Joisey (where else?) which wants to inflict the many tons of this toxic garbage on the citizens of eastern New Mexico, because, what the hell, the whole state is contaminated anyhow, right? (Search online for “Downwinders,” and how they were rebuffed by the producers of the current hit movie which glorifies the physicists and engineers who invented nuclear weapons.)

    And now we come to the “fun part” of EeeVees, namely recycling. Steel, as most people are aware, is considered to be one of the “greenest” materials, because it is nearly all recycled. To recycle a steel engine block, or body panels, simply feed them to a huge shredder (“megashredder”), then ship the result to a steel plant for re-refining into new steel. Ditto the fuel tank. Aluminum and magnesium can similarly be recycled.
    (Search online for “megashredder,” or alternatively for SA Recycling, to see some of these beasts in action. Some cool videos, for those so inclined.)

    EeeVees, not so much. While composite body panels are a somewhat cool idea (not just for EVs) they are not recyclable, and will end up, pulverized, as landfill, along with giant wind turbine blades.

    Finally, we come to the batteries, a complicated type of chemistry having a few variations, all of which are expensive to recycle, as well as being unavoidably heavy. Here is what a paper published by the American Chemical Society has to say on the subject:
    Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling─Overview of Techniques and Trends

    Worth reading in its entirety, in my opinion.
    A few quotes:
    > By most accounts, most discarded LIBs eventually are landfilled or stockpiled, contaminating the land while wasting energy and nonrenewable natural resources.
    > significant LIB waste is and will be generated every year which, if not recycled and reused, will exert massive environmental impacts and accelerate the depletion of mineral reserves.
    >Due to the complex structure and number of materials in LIBs, they must be subjected to a variety of processes prior to reuse/recycling. LIBs must be first classified and most often pretreated through discharge or inactivation, disassembly, and separation after which they can be subjected to direct recycling, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, or a combination of methods,
    >Recycling also has environmental costs including transportation, preparation, and high energy use. Kim et al., for example, noted that “the techniques that are widely commercialized or researched are also environmentally harmful”.

    During my boyhood, in the 1950s and early 1960s, we were told that nuclear (fission) power was “clean energy,” which would be “too cheap to meter.” Hasn’t quite worked out that way, because the *ENTIRE* fuel cycle, as well as plant degradation and maintenance, were not considered. So what if a few thousand Native American uranium miners die of lung cancer? So what if plutonium (a heavy metal, like lead, only worse) is one of the most toxic substances known to mankind? So what if Dow Chemical, the operator of Rocky Flats plant, nearly wiped out Denver, twice? So what if Hanford is still a massive toxic waste dump?

    So now, comes 2023, we no longer have plutonium fires (search online, if you are interested), which are very difficult to extinguish, and have radioactive byproducts. Instead, we have lithium fires, which are difficult to extinguish, but have no radioactive byproducts. That’s “progress,” folks!

    • > current hit movie which glorifies the physicists and engineers who invented nuclear weapons

      Which raises the question, “Why glorify nuclear energy, including nuclear weapons, at this time?” I can think of two possibilities.

      Possibility 1:
      A false flag attack has been planned, which will involve the detonation of a nuclear weapon on U.S. soil sometime before the next scheduled Presidential election, and which will be blamed on “Iranian terrorists.” The objectives are two. First, to get “Joe Biden” re-selected, possibly with Gavin Newsom as his new Vice President. Second, to get the U.S. involved in a war with Iran, which is every Israel-firster’s wet dream, but is unlikely to happen without extreme provocation, whether real or imagined. I note that the notorious shill, Robert Kennedy Jr., recently referred to a “genocidal” Iranian government. “Genocidal?” Really, Bob?

      Possibility 2:
      Nuclear fission power is about to be massively promoted as “clean” energy, since it is obvious that wind and solar cannot substitute for hydrocarbon fuels on a scale sufficient to supply the energy needs of a modern society. Nuclear waste is just something “we,” “the nation” will have to deal with, in order to “save the planet.”

      Yawn. As Tonto said to the Lone Ranger….

      • Look up the Samson option…
        Israel’s nukes are already “embedded” in cities around the world and are ready to be detonated (remotely) at a moment’s notice. This is why israel refuses to allow its nuclear facilities to be inspected. Its nukes aren’t there…but have been placed in various international cities under diplomatic pouch.
        Of course, the blame will be put on israel’s favorite “enemy of the week” and will be used to “jump start” the next “war” for israel’s “interests”. Or this could be a precursor for the “(((powers that be)))” to finally get control of the masses. They are crazy enough to do it.
        Look for a nuke to be detonated in Rome or Brussels, Rome being the jews’ European favorite as it is the seat of Roman Catholicism, the jews’ mortal enemy.
        In the United States, Atlanta, Chicago or Los Angeles are likely targets. New York City is “off limits” to israeli nukes as it is full of the “chosen”.

        • >New York City is “off limits”
          Likewise D.C., as “da gummint” would have to continue to function, and it would never do for all top “officials” to have mysteriously and fortuitously decamped prior to a “surprise” attack. Even Arlen Specter (Mr. “Single Bullet” himself) would have difficulty peddling that fairy tale.

          I doubt Los Angeles will be the target, because it is the seat of the mighty Wurlitzer of propaganda which will be required to sustain the “approved” narrative. As well, the operators of that machinery are not disinterested parties.

          > Israel’s favorite “enemy”

          Iran, without question.
          The U.S. military will never recommend a U.S. invasion of Iran, based, firstly, on topography and associated logistics. The *ONLY* way to get the U.S. involved in what would be a *very* costly and extended war on Iranian soil would be the excuse that “we had no choice,” because “the Iranians” (using their alleged “terrorist” proxies) attacked us in our ‘Homeland’ (der Heimat).

        • Yes, the Samson Option is how Israel blackmails the west. And an even bigger secret is that traitor LBJ gave Israel the entire arsenal of decommissioned Davy Crockett mini nuke warheads, which were photographed by Mordechai Vanunu at Dimona.

          That lying prick Bibi Netanyahu points his finger at Iran when it is Israel with a huge (illegal) nuclear arsenal – which uses the nukes on a regular basis – like this one here:


      • Hi Adi,

        This brings up a topic that has long been of interest to me. The first bomb dropped on Japan was a uranium “gun” type bomb that had – supposedly – never been tested. The second bomb was a totally different implosion type plutonium bomb. Think about that a minute…

        How did the U.S. government know the first bomb would work? Unless, of course, it had been tested… somewhere else.

        And how is it that, in the frantic rush to develop one bomb that worked, two different designs were developed? Cough. Ahem…

        • Hi, Eric,
          From what I know,

          1) There was only enough highly enriched uranium (U235) for one weapon, and it would have taken quite a long time to produce enough for even one additional uranium bomb. Read up on the enrichment facilities at Oak Ridge, if you are interested. Hint: they were enormous.

          2) The gun type uranium weapon was much simpler than the implosion type plutonium bomb. The designers were pretty sure the gun type weapon would work.

          So, “blowing” the entire world’s supply of U235 on a weapons test would be analogous to showing up at a gun fight with a single shot pistol without any spare ammo, and “test firing” the pistol before the fight.

          3) There was enough plutonium already available to assemble another “Fat Man” device, and more was on the way from Hanford in the near future. Repeated bombing of Japan, if required, would necessarily have employed implosion type plutonium weapons, due to the supply constraint. I do not know the nuclear physics involved, but I have read that a gun type weapon was not possible using plutonium. Thus the need for the significantly more complex implosion type design, which involved complicated conventional explosives technology (explosive “lenses”) which had never been tried before.

          4) At the start of the Manhattan Project, there were many unanswered questions. Even the most knowledgeable physicists did not know for sure how much material would be required to make a working bomb. So, in true government, and especially wartime, fashion, money was thrown in all directions, in large quantities, ostensibly to “beat the evil Nazis to the punch.” But that is another story…

        • They did one test beforehand (Trinity)

          The ability to test was highly limited, because the necessary isotopes were in short supply. My understanding is that the Trinity device, Fat Man, and Little Boy were essentially all of the material the USA had on hand at the time.

          Everyone forgets this but the Japanese also had a nuclear program o going at the time, also.

          • Hi Publius,

            Yes, they tested the implosion-type bomb; ie., the Nagasaki bomb. The Hiroshima bomb was never tested – cough – before it was used.

            • Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki supposedly used nuclear material that had a half life of thousands of years yet here we are only 80 years later and both cities are bustling mega metropolises. Not bad…. eh?

      • That’s some Code Red level paranoia right there. A conspiracy to get rid of ICE cars is child’s play next to false flag Israeli nuclear explosions in the US.

        Well meet back here after the 2024 election and see how many nuclear bombs have been set off in the US. And see if war with Iran is imminent.

        • I hope I’m dead wrong on both counts, but my extensive geopolitical expertise, the ability to put “two-and-two” togetner and the ability to “look at the big picture” surely suggests a possibility of these two actions being valid.
          Are you attached to IDF Unit 8200?

          • I have no idea what IDF Unit 8200, but I’m guessing it’s some sort of Israeli secret group that is familiar to the conspiracy clan. Do they pay well? I might look into it. Do they take Catholics?

    • Not only your boyhood, but your mindset regarding nuclear energy is stuck in the 1950-60’s. Nuclear energy has come a long way since then. It is extremely efficient and safe. The small amount of nuclear waste from power plants can also be recycled. It’s not done in the US because anti-nuke crazies have seized control of the process and prohibit any meaningful advances. What the US is going to have to do if it proceeds on this crazy path to get rid of gasoline is to generate tons of electricity. The only “green” way to do that is with nuclear power.

      • Don’t think of nuclear waste as a problem, think of it as an opportunity for a solution.

        “To quote from a story in Wired magazine: “The U.S. Department of Energy predicts that we’ll spend $150 billion to dispose of radioactive leftovers generated during four decades of Cold War weapons production. Paul Brown, a physics Ph.D. from Boise, Idaho, says he can do it for less than a quarter of that price—without burying hazardous waste. How? Give the nukes a taste of their own medicine: Blast them with radiation.””

        Strange Case of Paul Brown

        Paul Brown was a gearhead, raced a Mazda, didn’t work out one day.

        A featured story in Autoweek.

  12. This is a far out thought, but at least has some merit, and is something to think about.
    When the SHTF, (and it will), the “powers that be” don’t want any way for the “proles” (us) to fight back.
    Gasoline and other petroleum-based products are not only sources of massive amounts of energy in a small package, but can be used for other purposes, such as political and social revolution.
    One can easily cause much havoc with even a gallon of gasoline. Potassium nitrate, fuel oil and many other products derived from hydrocarbons are other ways in which to cause havoc and to “get the point across”.
    The “powers that be” are hell-bent on eliminating any products that could successfully be used against them, hence the rush to eliminate hydrocarbon products (portable energy) as fuels for transportation by the masses.
    I have no propensity for violence, but am throwing this out there for others to think about.
    Get my point?

  13. An old man – who knew how the real world worked – told me that in the Great Depression many things were set on fire – because he said, when you can’t sell to your customers, the insurance companies were “always buying”. Just sayin’, I am reminded of that adage because EVs are not selling well.

    Those guys who jumped ship to save their skin, that is a long ways down. Jumping off a cargo ship is like one of those record jumps off a cliff, I know I would not want to do it. The deck is way the hell up from the water line, and when the ship catches fire and smoke is pouring throughout the hull the first thing is the sailors would be forced up to the deck for fresh air.

    This burning ship load of EVs is not the first time, either, did you all catch this story from 2022? Just last year another ship called the Felicity Ace burned up, burned for frickin’ 13 days then sunk. How does a boat made of steel burn for two weeks?

    By Euronews with AP, AFP • Updated: 01/03/2022

    “The Felicity Ace caught fire thirteen days ago off the coast of Portugal’s Azores.

    A large cargo vessel carrying cars has sunk in the Atlantic Ocean, thirteen days after a fire broke out on board.

    The ship’s manager and Portuguese navy confirmed on Tuesday that the Felicity Ace sank around 400 kilometres off the Azores.

    The Panama-flagged vessel was being towed after a salvage team had extinguished the fire, MOL Ship Management in Singapore said in a statement.

    The 200-metre-long vessel had been sailing from Germany to the United States before it caught fire last month. Portugal’s Air Force had evacuated the 22 crew members, before letting the ship drift for several days in the mid-Atlantic.

    Ocean-going tugboats with firefighting equipment had been hosing down the ship’s hull to cool it.

    Portuguese navy rescues 22 crew members from burning cargo ship in Atlantic Ocean

    It was not clear how many luxury cars were onboard, but vessels of the Felicity Ace’s size can carry at least 4,000 vehicles.

    The ship was transporting electric and non-electric vehicles, according to Portuguese authorities.

    Authorities suspect the fire may have broken out due to the lithium batteries used in electric vehicles, but an investigation into the cause of the blaze is still underway.

    The Portuguese navy confirmed the sinking of the Felicity Ace, saying it occurred outside Portuguese waters.

    There were also concerns that the sunken vessel could pollute the ocean, given that it had been carrying 2,000 metric tons of both fuel and oil.

    The Portuguese navy said in a statement that only a few pieces of wreckage and a small patch of oil was visible where the ship went down. The tugboats were breaking up the patch with hoses, it added.

    A Portuguese Air Force plane and a Portuguese navy vessel will remain at the scene on the lookout for signs of pollution.”
    Car Buzz – The Sinking Of The Felicity Ace Was A $500 Million Tragedy
    Apr. 09, 2022 11:07 AM ET
    by Gerhard Horn Industry News / 10 Comments

    Action is now being taken so this never happens again.

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past two months, you’ll have heard about the Felicity Ace incident. The abridged version is a carrier ship catching fire, taking 3,828 cars to the bottom of the ocean.

    As you can imagine, there are enormous consequences for automotive manufacturers. Lamborghini has to restart Aventador production, while Porsche has to replace 1,000 cars. Luckily, these manufacturers are insured. Unfortunately, some vehicles that can never be replaced were lost as well.

    While the cause of the fire will likely remain unknown forever, it’s widely believed that the EVs on the ship contributed to the ferocity of the fire. According to Splash, this is the fourth big carrier ship fire since 2019.”

  14. That story you brought up sounds like all the media outlets (Pharma sponsored) that wrote articles and ran stories on TV puzzled as to why COVID infections and deaths were skyrocketing in areas with HIGH vaccination rates, while countries with LOW vaccination rates were doing far better. It couldn’t be because of the “Safe and Effective!” COVID jabs; it had to be because of those who refused to be vaxxed and used an off patent drug the media smeared as “horse dewormer”.

  15. Amazing how the saaaaaaafety cult has taken a pass on anything EV related; shows what the real agenda is, and it’s definitely not our safety. Meanwhile Ford’s govco (as in taxpayer) paid $9 billion dollar battery plant proceeds apace; be a shame if that were to burn down 😆

    • Ironic in how many in this safety cult are not the ones driving these EV’s even though they want to force the rest of us to.

        • It is called Taxachusetts, and for good reason; the lefties here managed to passed a referendum last year adding a so-called “millionaires tax” surcharge of 4% on top of the 5% income tax for any income above $1million dollars; plus it applies to your entire income, not just the portion above $1million. Of course this will now bite everyone with a small business and anyone selling their house at the inflated prices around here. These commie bastards just can’t stand anyone being successful, whether by hard work or good fortune, the jealousy is palpable. I think the end game is to Harrison Bergeron everyone in the name of “equity”.

  16. The tanker fires are really disturbing. Not a single word of remorse as they light their virtue signal fires for all to see. Maybe these Garbage Elite are planning to go off world, or underground, like morlocks. That would track, as they hate Gods creation with all their heart. Calling evil good and good evil. Many of them literally scream at the sun

    Where are all the classic liberals, environmentalists, and anti war types? They’re busy agitating for blowing more things up in Europe. The amount of free carbon released in these peoples name is staggering, No regards for the Ocean or the Sky, all that matters is their narrative. This new narrative, which is nothing more than the old current thing, has become their God.

    Woe to you o earth and sea. If these lunatics aren’t stopped, 10 years from now this place will look like a prison planet worthy of the darkest Sci Fi ever written. Unrecognizable to those of us who experienced the before times.

    • I want to file a lawsuit against the Biden administration over his environmental executive orders. My objection is based on the First Amendment and separation of Church and State.

      They are by edict establishing their religion via the State.

      • You’d be standing on solid ground with that as a legal argument. Their “religion” isn’t fooling anyone with even two tiny brain cells to rub together.. Its Marxism, under the guise of saaaaaving the earth. The Earth is controlled by the sun, and it doesn’t need or want our help. These people, so concerned should just off themselves, thereby sequestering their carbon footprint. God forbid the lazy asses do anything that actually works like planting a bunch of trees.

        I’d pitch in to get a class action going against the big Insurance mafia. Pretty sure everyone with an EV that charges at home should be facing upwards of 400-500% premium increases. A few houses burn down, then a few more, before you know it you’re talking real payouts. I’m no actuary, but I’d bet a fat stack the Insurance mafia will try to spread this new risk among us all. Just like with life insurance and the clot shots.

        I’m not my brothers keeper and I don’t buy into this selling point of ‘come on man, we’re all in this together.’ The Corporate and political elites have proven this argument to be garbage. Honestly, anyone who refused the clot shot, who hasn’t caused a car crash, and now anyone who hasn’t taken the unnecessary risk of burning their house down, should be paying a pittance for insurance. Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting to the point where I’ll just refuse buy their shit. Not that I cant afford it, I just don’t appreciate being taken advantage of for doing the right thing. They don’t even have the decency to say “thanks, maybe next time we’ll bring you some flowers.”

        Its bad enough the stores pass on the cost of all these thieving phuqs, who walk out with full carts, and never pay. Meanwhile inflation is fueled by the Dindu theft machine that goes on unabated. Imagine working for one of these stores and having just a modicum of pride. Worrying about profit and loss, and how it affects your compensation and retirement, while the upper management doesn’t give two shits. Its like reparations are already happening and very few people even notice..

          • People are starting to notice. The same people who want to blot out the sun strike me as the type that call evil good and good evil. Some of them have even been known to scream at the sun. Me personally, I’m humbled by his presence. I’ll just continue gratefully luxuriating in his loving rays as long as he’s up there.

    • Ev’s make up less than 5% of vehicle sales after 15 years on the market (that is a huge market flop…lol),

      ATTENTION: and 80+% of former ev owners say they will not buy one again…

    • from zh comments

      Uncharged lithium batteries are actually more likely to combust. The sweet spot for stability is approximately 20-80% state of charge. This is where all the charge controllers keep these batteries, from your phone, laptop, car, etc… 100% indicated is approximately 80% actual capacity. ….another scam…they advertise 100%….you only get 80%…lol

      on the plus side, at least when a battery burns it doesn’t release any carbon! …these are green fires:)
      …kinda like munition fires and navy, airforce emissions,
      …hopefully, there are no small plastic grocery bags or plastic drinking straws on board, that could be bad!

      ” I can see why James May likes electric cars so much. To him this kind of talk is way beyond erotica. It’s filth.”
      ~Jeremy Clarkson

      climate crisis so bad, temperatures so high that cars catches fire itselfs …
      we are doomed ….i think my pc catching fire right now

      The irony is strong.
      a fire that cannot be extinguished, afloat in the largest body of water on the planet. Caused by a product that supposed to save the planet.

      In the near future, the night sky will be illuminated in all directions due to inextinguishable EV battery dump fires across the horizon.

      Gas stoves are bad but burning EV’s are ok?

      These volatile EVs are making the exploding Ford Pintos of the 70s look like a walk in the park…..ice 100 x safer

      Unsafe at any speed. Even when parked.

      Shipping cost for EV’s just quadrupled.

      So I guess toxic gas releases from lithium battery fires are healthier for the planet than those pesky greenhouse gases?

      Nathan Habers, spokesperson for the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners, is right, lithium batteries cannot be extinguished with water.

      The problem is, besides being highly flammable, lithium is literally the lightest metal. At atomic number 3, it is the first element in the periodic table which is a solid.

      Lithium is so light, it floats on water, so lithium will blaze away while sitting on the surface of water.

      Lithium melts at 180 C / 356 F, and burns at 2000 C / 3632 F – almost hot enough to melt steel, more than hot enough to destroy most composites and metals like aluminum.

      The fumes from a burning lithium fire are highly toxic, capable of causing death or long term dementia like brain injuries, so you need to keep members of the
      public at a safe distance. Fire fighters need to wear respirators if they approach the flame.


  17. Another Marxist irony in the makes; as this ship burns off the Dutch coast it is apparently in an environmental sanctuary area which is supposed to be pristine to rare aquatic fowl and fish. So, the Marxists are saving the planet with EV’s but a few eggs gotta break in order to make their omelet so they can eat it too.

  18. Automotive News has long been an apologist for every “current thing” in the industry, that is, as long as it is anti-transportation, anti-mobility, and anti-car ownership. They are an anti-motorist rage through and through.

    Now that that is out of the way, my anecdotal observations is that modern ICE cars had been catching on fire at higher rates than they were in before. The fires are way more intense with the use of injected molded plastics, lithium power supplies and generally flammable materials.

    Add in lithium ion batteries and yet more electronics with combustible strategic minerals compounds and it is likely to get worse as the country “transitions” to electric.

    I truly hope that these woke assholes continue to use this language as it is red meat for conservative type people. It is my hope that more people will take the attacks on personal transportation seriously and not just sit down and take it like a can of bud light.

  19. Watched a video about Mercedes’ new “secret weapon” in their EVs. Seems they have a new motor design that’s more compact and slightly more efficient when compared to other motors. Sure, that’s great and all, but I don’t think the weak link in EVs is the motor! In fact a traditional AC induction motor is already over 90% efficent at converting electrical energy to motion.


    I’m sure this new motor will improve the EV “experience,” but it isn’t going to suddenly make them truly competitive with ICE cars in any practical sense. And it has some major downsides, like limited powerband and slow top rotational speed. So you’re stuck with a transmission, which might negate any efficiency gains from the motor. And it requires cooling, and all the added weight and complexity that involves too. All the disadvantages of ICE engines with none of the benefit.

    Where it could see a real advantage is in hybrids. Since it is so compact it could be easily added to drivetrains between the engine and transmission. But hybrids are verboten of course, since they aren’t consuming electricity all the time.

    • “Mercedes’ new “secret weapon” in their EVs.”

      A true secret weapon would be an internal combustion engine…..

  20. And where are the safety freaks at the DOT? In the past they raised a big stink about the Pinto’s gas tank and the saddle tanks on the square body Chevy trucks being fire hazards! Agenda over safety these days at club Fed!

    • No other product that demonstrated such a catastrophic fire hazard would be allowed to remain on the market. Much like the “covid vaccines”. “Safety” has become a political weapon instead of a reasonable evaluation.

  21. They’re saying the “forced” part out loud now.


    From link:

    “We see a lot of potential in the U.S. market with EV infrastructure … with the regulations to force EVs in major cities by 2035. So I think there’s a huge market and the whole world is moving from internal combustion engine vehicles to EVs,” Le told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” on Friday.

    • Hi Funk!

      Yup. It’s an axiom that when a Leftist speaks, he is lying. The examples are legion. For decades, they have lied about “safety” – when what they really meant was using “safety” to attack cars and driving. Just as they lie about “health,” when what they really mean is using “health” as the excuse to control.

    • Maybe someone can explain why it is that foreign companies,,, Toyota, Nissan, BMW, etc.,,, have no problem opening up manufacturing plants in the US but US manufacturers cannot because they say it is too expensive and open their new plants in Mexico or China or wherever?

      • It’s because Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Subaru, Mercedes Benz, BMW, VW, Kia, Hyundai, et. al. as a rule open up their plants not in Detroit but in right to work states mostly in southern and southern-adjacent states like AL, SC, IN, TN, etc. where the cost of living is lower. Furthermore, those plants are non-unionized plants.

        If the Big Three told the UAW to take a hike and they opened up plants in the South or Intermountain West, the wouldn’t cost much.

        But that will happen right after the next Ice Age starts.

        • Labor costs for the “big three” account for only about 10% of total costs.
          Labor is not the problem.
          This may sound “racial” to some, but I don’t care…
          Other auto makers place their plants in areas where people want to WORK and where there is little or no crime “problem”.
          The southern states are ideal. “Right to work” (recently repealed in Michigan) adds to the desirability of non-union locations. It is union “work rules” that are a problem.
          It is interesting to note that these southern-based auto companies pay wages commensurate with their northern union counterparts so wages are not the problem.
          The “big three” are stuck with legacy plants located in or near major cities. Of course, the “big three” made promises to the politicians to keep plants running in these northern regions. The criminal problem as well as a less-than-capable workforce adds to the problem.
          A good example of criminal activities regarding the legacy auto plants is that brand new vehicles are being stolen from storage yards, the criminals even driving through fences to steal vehicles–none of which have been issued a “manufacturer’s statement of origin”, required to title a vehicle.

          • That depends on how you allocate the costs to labor. When I worked at GM the biggest cost we had was health care benefits which actually cost more than the steel that went into the cars. That was of course a few decades ago, but I doubt the situation has improved

    • >force EVs
      >huge market

      If there is a “huge market,” then “force” is unnecessary.
      I believe “forced market” is what is known as an oxymoron.
      Maybe because oxymorons are frequently uttered by morons.

      • Vietnamese commies aren’t yet as slick as Chinese commies when speaking to dumb ‘Muricans, hence the inadvertent telling it like it really is on the “forced” part.

    • Vietnam’s revenge on the US for dumping agent orange and all kinds of bombs with all kinds of “bad” stuff. I don’t think we used depleted uranium in Vietnam, that was a later development. Vietnam is “luckier” than Iran.

  22. Capo Gecko of The Mafia is all in on wetting the beaks of as many of his Lieutenants as possible in the All EV future. Yes, the mainline insurance business may be at more risk, but, at the same time, he’s moving to take advantage of the opportunities presented for the other subsidiaries such as Pilot/Flying-J and the energy holdings.

    Capo’s paid point man in Texas on the energy front, the Lieutenant Governor, failed to deliver the “backup” gas generator gimmie in the Legislature, but Gecko will wait.

    The latest with which I have direct personal experience is Lubrizol’s expansion into fluids for liquid cooling electronics, not just for EV systems but the All AI computing future as well.

    Gotta wonder about some of the coolants and the safety stickers I see.

  23. I may have stated this before on this site, but here it is again.
    My sister had worked at the Tesla battery/inverter plant for about a year in QC. She was regularly failing batteries that didn’t meet spec ( who says spec is even sufficient? ) She ended up having someone higher up override here QC rejects because the lines production numbers weren’t meeting goals.
    When she first started there she was excited about incentives to purchase a Tesla at reduced price, their version of Ford’s A plan. After 6 months she had conceded QC was so bad she wouldn’t take one for free. She ended up quitting. I was told Elon is a certifiable nut job and the plant was filled full of diversity hires, woke-ishness, and a very low level of competence (but I repeat myself.)
    How much does the culture of a piss poor labor force have to do with the fires failures and dangers of EVs?
    This is not your father’s Oldsmobile…

    • Hi SS,

      I have a feeling shoddy workmanship is becoming the norm across the auto industry, actually all industries. In one year I have purchased an inferior dishwasher, chest freezer, and car.

      My husband is a tradesman and the units (refrigerators, ice machines, HVAC units) constantly have to be reworked because of the defects that each of these consistently come with. Yesterday, a 20 ton make up air unit didn’t work because the assembly line (or robot) connected the orange wire to the blue terminal and the blue wire to the orange terminal. It was an easy fix once the problem was found, but who wants to pay a contractor $160/hr to trace this out.

      It is taking 9 to 12 months to get this equipment from the manufacturer and then have to deal with this garbage on top of it. It is ridiculous.

      Why would any of us want to buy something new? What a waste of money and resources.

      • Our HVAC is aging out and these quality issues with new stuff has me concerned. Any recommendations on what brands are still OK or is it all suspect now? Looks like the “retirement of the competent” has hit manufacturing. So much for TQM programs of the ‘90s.

        Your Caddy engine debacle and recent engine issues in new Harleys makes it apparent the bean counters have pushed “lean” way too far. From my manufacturing engineering background this is inexcusable. My take on your engine is the oil feed passages in the block are screwed up. Misdrilled and/or debris not removed prior to assembly are my guesses. Hey Caddy, got to clean and check that block prior to final!

        • Hi Sparkey,

          For years Trane and Carrier were the dependable units, but now they even come with their host of problems. My home actually came with a RUUD unit (basically builder grade, low end). It has had small issues over the years, but hubby has kept it running. It is now 22 years old. I also still have the old refrigerator that the house came with, too. The new ones contain butane or propane which I don’t want to deal with. They have also switched out copper lines for aluminum.

          I wouldn’t worry about the brand so much as I would worry about the installer. You want someone who knows what the hell they are doing and is able to fix it and fine tune it because I guarantee it will not go smoothly.

          The Caddy fiasco has left me gun shy. I don’t trust the automobiles out there. I have researched everything from the Porsche Cayenne, the Genesis GV80, the Toyota Sequoia, and the Lexus LX600 and I find myself picking everything apart. I don’t like the screen setup, the back seat is too small, the cargo space setup is stupid, etc.

          I may just go hell with it and buy the 1970 Chevelle. The horn and radio don’t work and it has no A/C, but at least I know what I am dealing with. Gas mileage is going to be a bitch though. 🙂

          • Hi RG,

            I strongly recommend looking at the last-gen Sequoia (or LX 570) if you guys are still wanting a nice big luxury SUV that isn’t a piece of crap. These things are just brilliant and I am betting you could find a cherry one around 3-4 years old for tens of thousands less than the Cadillac cost you….

            • I was thinking the same thing. The Seq probably burns more gas, but will be 10 times as reliable as the caddy.. My favorites are the 2005-10 models. Of course, those are the ones that burn the most gas. 2000’s cars burned the most gas since the cars made in the mid 1970s

        • Sparkey,

          I got a new Trane HVAC system two years ago, and it’s GREAT! It does a better job of both heating and cooling, and it does so for less. The installers told me it should last 20-25 years, which should be longer than me.

          • Ok thanks! Model selection has me baffled – 2 stage, 3 stage, variable heat pump? I’d like to balance reliability and efficiency, don’t want a 99 efficient but too complex for reliability.

            • My place is small enough that I got a single stage A/C unit. I have a traditional, split HVAC system, i.e. conventional furnace and central air. Even if you get one of Trane’s lower end systems (i.e. single stage furnace and A/C), their efficiency will be 92% or greater. I don’t know about their heat pumps, as I don’t use one. If you go to http://www.trane.com, you can find a Trane dealer in your area, and they could help you figure out what system will work best for your home.

        • Hi Sparkey,
          I have a Goodman system that’s been working great for the past ten years or so, they’ve made in Texas, not China, though that’s no guarantee of quality these days.

      • I am sorry you are dealing with that RG. My appliances are 35 years old and do not think they have the smart chips in them. The washer actually washes the clothes but my dryer squeaks. Even still I will cry the day I have to replace them because what I see at the stores are nothing to brag about. The washer and dryer I got at a junk yard from a 90 year old guy, whose 70 year old daughter had tested them ahead of time LOL. I have a friend who has Samsung appliances and warns me they are crap. And now, with the Biden regime getting ready to regulate everything out of existence, we may be hand washing everything one day. For what you pay for new appliances they should last you as long as the old ones. But, I see where people rarely get 10 years of good use if they are lucky….truly a rip off for the consumer.

        • I’m lucky. I bought the washer and dryer I use in Texas about 8 years ago. They are working well. It’s a low line model, still has the circuit boards, but I suspect that they were better made back then. In my OK house, I bought lightly used high capacity GE models. They, too are new, but I paid $600 for them both. They work very well. It was either that or buy a brand new machine set for about $1500. No thanks.

        • Hi Shadow,

          I would hold on to these as long as you can. I still regret not taking my grandmother’s mustard colored GE refrigerator from the late 1970s. Was still in perfect working condition when she moved out last year.

        • Dryers are easily rebuilt, as long as the drum insides are still smooth and don’t snare the clothes, wear issue ditto the washer drum. The porcelain washer drums will wear and start to fray cuffs and collars.

          Anyway an electric dryer is drum, rollers, belt and motor plus the heater. Thermal mechanical switches keep it right temp. I’d rather put a bit of money into that old mechanical dryer than the frustration of a new electronic gee whiz with POS internals.

      • Well and the new units are constructed to function inherently less efficiently. To you know…. save the planet. Our new dishwasher broke several times because its electronic control panel malfunctioned repeatedly. $400+ to replace and difficult to source the part. The only purpose of this panel is to operate ie start and stop the machine! Kind of like a light switch. Now our old Maytag dishwasher which I bought for $350 in 1988 had manual levers and buttons to operate it, washed a load of dishes in 35 minutes and never once broke in the 15 years we lived in that house. The new one takes 3.5 hours to do the same task, (when its not broken). The repairman suggested that we could extend the life of our dishwasher by not running it every day. Wow. I never thought of that gee if I don’t drive my car every day or wear my good shoes every day i could…like…also extend their useful lives. What a brilliant idea! Sarc off.

        • Hi RS,
          I sympathize, we had to toss a perfectly good dishwasher a couple years ago because the electronic control panel got fried. Couldn’t get a replacement anywhere, long ago discontinued by the manufacturer, etc. Of course the new one has electronic controls so probably face the same problem in the future. Really miss the old Kenmore with mechanical clock timer controls.

          • RE: “Really miss the old Kenmore with mechanical clock timer controls.”

            I keep getting reminded of this bit:

            ‘Stainless Steal’

            “The decay in quality reveals that the collapse of the neoliberal-hyper-financialization-hyper-globalization model has already occurred. […]

            The “Crapification” of the U.S. Economy Is Now Complete […]

            We are now living in a comprehensive illusion of what is quality.”…


        • I noticed st friend’s house, that their newer water saver washer takes twice as long to wash their clothes, as opposed to my older washer that fills up with water, actually washes the clothes, and in a fraction of the time. I cannot see how these newer washers are saving anyone anything.

          • A fine observation, “I cannot see how these newer washers are saving anyone anything.”

            Goes in hand with the link I posted 3 minutes after your comment.

      • Can someone please explain the hatred of the Free Masonry to me? One side of my family has quite a few Free Masons in it. They have always been well respected, honest, successful men. I look at it more as a white Christian networking group. I know the tenets are secret, but devil worshipping…no way.

        • R.G. A guy I worked with was a mid level blue lodge member (mostly LEOs and Miltiary guys.) He told me once you get to a certain point some of the blood oaths/rituals get pretty dark and disturbing to the point he wasn’t comfortable with it anymore. Which was telling to me since he was former SF and had definitely killed people in combat. Everything I get is second hand knowledge so take that for what it’s worth.
          I think it’s gradient. Like government, you have your small town city councilmen who you know personally and means well, all the way up to the Clintons, Stalins, and Churchills of the world. I understand the hatred of gov. but one of these is not necessarily like the other.

        • Well they don’t do masonry work for free, so they are utterly misnamed.

          As I understand it they are all secret devil worshippers that drink the blood of babies. Other then that I have found them to be okay.

    • That concerns me.

      Is Tesla IATF certified? If so, and what you say above is true, I can’t imagine they would keep their certification very long. Or do they fudge the paperwork?

  24. ‘As the nation transitions to electric transportation …’ — eric

    Gotta love the evocative, tongue-in-cheek use of ‘transition,’ which serves double duty as the preferred verb to describe modifying a person’s secondary sexual characteristics. One’s underlying chromosomal firmware, of course, can’t be reflashed without bricking the old meat sack.

    In other words, lie down in your hospital gown, put your legs in the stirrups, and prepare to drive a pussy EeeVee the rest of your life. Post-op care includes 3 hours a day studying Dylan Mulvaney tapes to master that round-lipped, limp-wristed look of aroused surprise.

    Congrats, new EeeVee owners: this Butt Light’s for you! 🙂


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