Merry Christmas 2023!


It’s almost Christmas – and I almost forgot to wish everyone a merry one!

More seriously, that we all find joy in the good things we have and the good people who make our lives better. Family and friends. I count all of you reading this among mine. I have gotten to know many of you over the years and even though I’ve not yet met most of you in person, I count you among the blessings I’m grateful for – all the more so given the times in which we live. It has been a comfort and encouragement to me to know there are so many good people out there. It is a counterbalance to the bad people we’re all having to think about – and deal with.

But I believe there are more good than bad people; the bad people are merely louder – falsely magnifying their significance. We, on the other hand, have (arguably) been too quiet – and for too long. We have enabled them – arguably – for too long. We have made the mistake, in my view, of taking them at their word – that they mean well but are misinformed or even merely incompetent when in fact they are malicious.

They intend to ruin us. Because they hate us. And they hate us because we will not submit to being controlled by them. This is now out in the open. Everything they have tried to do to us over the past three-plus years is evidence of this.

They knew that “COVID” was no threat to kids – yet they systematically psychologically tormented kids by teaching them to be afraid; that they were going to get sick – and perhaps die – and that they might cause the death of “granny,” if they gave her a hug and didn’t wear a “mask.”

They pushed drugs on people who didn’t need them, knowing that these drugs had no power to prevent them from catching – or spreading – “COVID.” They pushed them using threats of economic destruction and social anathematization worthy of Juden sind hier unerwusncht (Jews – and the unvaccinated – not wanted here).

Even though they knew these drugs had dangerous, potentially life-ending side effects such as the permanent damage to once-health hearts caused by them.

It did not matter to them. It still does not matter to them. They continue to push the drugs.

What does it say about them?

Why are they pushing EVs that they know the average person cannot afford to buy? Why do they seem oblivious to inarguable facts such as the lack of adequate generating capacity to power more than a small handful (relatively speaking) of very expensive EVs that most people can’t afford?

Are the government apparatchiks who regulate “emissions” unaware that carbon dioxide does not cause or worsen pollution? Do they not know that plant life dies without it – and so do we, if there is no oxygen, which is produced by plants as an “emission”?

If these people who insist that sea levels are rising dangerously due to “climate change” really believed that, why do they buy estates just yards away from the shore?

We are told that we must accept gross violations of our persons as well as our personal effects as the price of being able to fly commercially, because it is necessary to prevent “terrorists” from commandeering commercial aircraft. But if it is necessary, why is it not also done to people who fly privately? Those who can afford the latter are not subjected any violations of their person – or personal effects. They simply board – and fly.


Could it be that what’s really necessary is getting the bulk of the public used to being ordered about by government workers? Used to gross violations of their persons and personal effects? So as to make them less likely to object to more – and worse?

These things are all of a piece in that they are not things done by good people who mean well but are merely misguided, misinformed or incompetent. If they were any of those things, then at least some of these things would have been apologized for and done away with.

None of them have. And worse is yet to come.

Understanding this is the essential first step on the road to dealing with it – and with them. We must set aside the normal-times-defaults of forbearance, deference and the presumption that they mean no harm.

They mean us worse.

2024 will be the beginning of the end – or the end of the beginning. It falls upon us to determine which way it goes.

. . .

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  1. A little late to the party, I know. But regardless, Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Here’s to hoping for a new year of mass noncompliance!

  2. A very Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Glad tidings of comfort and joy!

    Yes, as others have said, that first Christmas was an act of resistance and rebellion.

    Mary, a Jewish teenager engaged to Joseph, another Jewish teenager, lived in Nazareth, a nowhere town in Judea, a nowhere country under the heel of the Roman Empire—not exactly anyone’s idea of God’s first draft pick to send his Son to us.

    When the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would bear Jesus, the King of Kings, she responded with the words in Luke 1:46-56

    “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.

    For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

    His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him. He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart.

    He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty.

    He has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, according to his promise to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.”

    Perhaps that is the true meaning of Christmas—the empires of this world are fleeting, the riches of this world are fleeting, but truth endures.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Eric, and to all of the regulars who frequent this site!
    I don’t post very often, but I am here every day to read your posts and listen to your podcast appearances.
    This is one of the primary sites I frequent that helps keep me sane in an increasingly challenging world where the Overton Window continues to move leftward towards more centralized control by those at all levels of government who just want to “help us”, keep us “safe”, and, yes, subjugate us.
    I for one am not, and will not be compliant in this. Last year I purchased a slightly used ‘21 4Runner because I will need (and I want) that capability when we move to Idaho early in 2024 from the Midwest (a blue state). But part of the rationale for this purchase was to give leftists a big middle finger.
    “Don’t comply and nullify” should be the theme for 2024!
    Make this new year the best ever!

  4. ” they hate us because we will not submit to being controlled by them”
    This is it in plain language.
    Merry Christmas to all of you subversives!

  5. Re: ‘teaching them to be afraid’
    this is the kicker to me. I saw it very early on in Elem and middle school. I fought back, hard and smart, with my kids. It worked, and the results were great, even getting other kids and their parents on board.
    If you are a parent or grandparent, please enable and educate these youth. “don’t worry, be strong/bold, I/we got your back”

  6. “Could it be that what’s really necessary is getting the bulk of the public used to being ordered about by government workers? Used to gross violations of their persons and personal effects? So as to make them less likely to object to more – and worse?”

    That is part of it, and evil to be sure. But the most insidious and evil part is getting enforcers trained and socialized with absolute arrogance, with the belief that they are entitled to tell those stupid/deplorable/little people what to do and what not to do. They are trained, indoctrinated, and inculcated that they are masters, not servants, and that they have dominion over everybody outside the government. Without them, reasonable people laugh at and ignore idiots in authority.

    Regardless, Merry Christmas and good will to all men, especially the regulars at Eric Peters’ online speakeasy. I hoist my glass and wish I could buy you all one!

      • My Uncle Tony had a toothbrush mustache in 1962. Had a ranch with cattle, worked cattle all of his life, had a mare to pull the hay wagon.

        Rode the back of the mare one afternoon while on a hay ride.

        She sweated all afternoon long, my pants were sweat soaked at the end of the ride.

        I heard years later that my uncle could “Kick the shit out of anybody” were the words spoken. Uncle Tony was maybe 5’5″ tall.

  7. Eric Peters Autos and Lew Rockwell are my go-to websites to find an island of sanity in a world of disarray. Thanks for everything you do, Eric. Many blessings to you and your families in the EP nation.

    “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

  8. Merry Christmas Eric. It is not possible for me to overestimate my gratitude for all you do. Your prolific writings and the commenters on this site go a long way to help me to maintain my sanity in an otherwise insane world.

  9. Merry Christmas to everyone here. Hopefully 2024 won’t be as insane as or worse than 2020, when entire societies were locked down over a virus that had a near 100% survival rate for healthy people under 70 years old, working people were reclassified as “Essential” or “Nonessential” depending on whether they worked for a small business or large corporation, violent riots in large blue cities such as Portland, Chicago, and Seattle were redefined as “mostly peaceful protests”, and literally everyone was told to “Put a mask on and wait for a brand new vaccine if you want to resume normal life.” In 2021, it then became “Nobody is safe til everyone is safe/ vaccinated!” & “You must take a brand new vaccine to keep your job and resume normal life.” Fortunately, that has crumbled, but the psychopaths behind that WILL try again, particularly if we have an outbreak of something else or the WHO gets their wet dream of a “Global pandemic treaty”.

    However, considering that it appears it will be Trump v Biden again next year, the Biden Thing will likely resort to desperate measures to cling to power, such as start World War 3, suspend the Presidential election ala Ukraine, harden its censorship regime, ban political enemies, use MORE fear mongering, implement draconian lockdowns, or something far more sinister than sane people can even imagine.

  10. Merry Christmas, Eric! Thanks for all your work. I’m looking forward to their plans inevitably unravelling the downside being at what cost? They played their hand too quickly. Too many people know, on all fronts, that these people are malicious. It’ll be very painful but I think things will eventually work out against them and in our favor. Just a question of time.

  11. Merry Christmas everyone and I fully expect Israel to nuke Gaza while we open presents and sing songs around the tree. Israel loves to pull a fast one while we are distracted. IDF Golani tank battalions got whipped by Hamas – so they pulled out. Try searching Bitchute and Rumble for Hamas war footage.

    The new meme (coined by me) the Hamas x IDF ground war is Stalingrad 2.0. Watch some footage to see what I mean.

    Eric, you might want to know the decoders of the Economist cover are predicting a Trump win. The Economist is a Wrathchild magazine.

    2024 World Ahead DECODED: Economist Magazine

  12. Remember the good ol’ days when the Spanish Flu killed more people than WW1 but it didn’t matter because death from disease is natural causes. Death from disease is a type of “death by misadventure In other words: so what?

  13. Thank you Eric for this site, sharing knowledge and stories of all the various topics via this website is much appreciated! Thanks again and Merry Christmas

  14. Me too, Mark3.

    A possible remedy I have to offer, and something for everyone to know about, as we all can’t stay young forever:

    …They have some seat pads, $45 Bucks for a pair, [the cheapest route] …I had some serious arthritic-like pains on my spine,… (I dunno if it was coincidence, or not,) … a day after using this thing, … the pain was, soo very less, almost, gone.

    …What’s going on, I dunno. A person could just run a copper wire to the ground & thru a widow if they don’t have the extra $45.

    ‘There is way too much proof!! Tell your friends…’

    [My comment is awaiting moderation, did I enter something wrong, or is this a new thing to stop Ann from Spamming?]

  15. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year. Thanks again for all your hard work Eric and also for the readers interesting replies.

  16. Merry Christmas to you Eric and every other filthy dirty unvaxed/unmasked grandma-killing bastard here!

    This is what now…. our third winter of death and destruction according to Creepy Uncle Joe?

    I love you guys and every other misinformation specialist out there.

    May 2024 be a better year for sanity and serious retribution.

  17. Merry Christmas to you, Eric, and to all your readers!

    Interestingly, I have noticed a big resurgence of people saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays…” at least here in central Az. Not sure how significant this is. But it’s gotta be a “good thing.”

    And just because I like to say it, “Merry Christmas” once again!

  18. Merry Christmas Eric and all posters here!
    Hoping and praying that the year ahead will bring a critical mass of people who realize what’s happening and just say NO! Refuse to comply and mock the PTB; if enough do the matrix will come crashing down.

  19. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

    Some nut named Robert Hanlon came up with that one. Walked the razor’s edge, probably did.

    However, it is not about incompetence, it is about malice.

    Malicious intent is always criminal intent.

    The Stupid Old Adams in Jewland have malice on their minds, that doesn’t change.

    An internecine battle between nihilists or something.

    They ruin all of the fun. They don’t care if it is Christmas, the bidness of killing is 24/7/365.

    So this is Christmas, and what have you done? A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. John Lennon had the right idea, wrote it all down and made music out of it.

    • Good morning drumpish! I’m not sure what to believe as far as incompetence or malice. One of my sons works a very high level job for a naval defense contractor. He regularly deals with congressmen, admirals and high level bureaucrats. According to him, most are really just clowns and idiots. On the other hand, it does seem that there is true evil at some high level, perhaps people that we don’t even know exist. In any event, that’s enough politics for this year for me. Time to relax and enjoy family and friends for a few days. Happy Christmas and merry New Year to all!

  20. Indeed.

    Let’s not forget that the original Christmas was also about pushing back — against the innkeepers who made a pregnant girl deliver in a barn as she was complying with a government order to be counted; against Herod’s murder of the infants; against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees — “You snakes! You brood of vipers!” (Mt 23).

    ‘Tis the season to celebrate all the dissent on this forum and the community of gearheads and dissenters!

    • Good grief. Why do you say, “pushing back — against the innkeepers”?

      ‘The Economic Lessons of Bethlehem’

      “… the second chapter of St. Luke doesn’t say that they were continually rejected at place after place. It tells of the charity of a single inn owner, perhaps the first person they encountered, who, after all, was a businessman. His inn was full, but he offered them what he had: the stable. There is no mention that the innkeeper charged the couple even one copper coin, though given his rights as a property owner, he certainly could have.

      It’s remarkable, then, to think that when the Word was made flesh with the birth of Jesus, it was through the intercessory work of a private businessman. Without his assistance, the story would have been very different indeed. People complain about the “commercialization” of Christmas, but clearly commerce was there from the beginning, playing an essential and laudable role.”…

      Agree with the rest of whatchya wrote.
      Merry Christmas,… to all.

      • Yes, valid point. Maybe I should have emphasized they were forced to travel for the census so that the government could estimate the TAXES the people were supposed to pay…

  21. Eric, Merry Christmas. Your writings have been my daily mainstay read every morning. Thank you and keep it up!

    I think we need to take a page from the Marxist Left’s Rules for Radicals and use humor and ridicule to have some fun and make our points out loud.

    The Left will never debate the merits of their arguments because they have no merits other than emotion, hatred of us and wanting to run other people’s lives. They need to prove they can fix themselves before trying to sell the laity that these elites should run our lives.

    Sorry Bill Gates….we saw the pictures with you and Epstein’s underage prostitute so no, you are not better than us nor know more than us. Gates you are scum like the rest of them. Love to see Gates wearing orange one piece someday.

  22. Seasons greetings from FJB:

    ‘President Joe Biden pardoned thousands of people who were convicted of use and simple possession of marijuana [sic] on federal lands and in the District of Columbia, the White House said Friday, in his latest round of executive clemencies meant to rectify racial disparities in the justice system.’ — Ape News

    Errr … because of ‘racial disparities in the justice system’? How about just because these were victimless crimes, which no one of any color should have been prosecuted for?

    No pardons for J6 defendants, though — some of whom are still being hunted down, including recently, a journalist. And no pardon for the greatest journalist of our time, Julian Assange, who faces a final hearing in February on a US application to extradite him to a maximum security lockdown, for revealing the crimes of the US fedgov.

    I give thanks for heroes who stand against the DC entity. Eric is one who does his part by speaking up against the madness and the abuse.

  23. Merry Christmas to you too sir! My life is made a little more pleasant with your work.

    One thing I can’t get past is the total lack of debate, especially when it comes to Science. Ask a simple question about accuracy of thermometers of the 17th century and you’re shouted down. Ask how they figured out the temperature of the South Pacific prior to the launch of TIROS-N (1978), the first weather satellite that could measure infrared radiation, and they’ll make excuses, or change the subject. If this is all settled then why the anger? There shouldn’t be any reason to question anything.

    Back in the day I had a housemate who was a weather forecaster for AccuWeather. His area of expertise was the west coast, mostly Southern California and Baja. Even into the early 1990s the only weather stations were on atolls and the Aleutian Islands. Vladivostok was the only weather station in Siberia. They say ice core samples will let them figure out temperatures but that’s a derived figure, not direct measurement. Half the planet had no regular logging of conditions for centuries, and a lot of human thriving was happening well before the modern age.

    And what’s the real problem? Some land might be laid barren but I’m certain other areas will open to farming. Virgin territory that isn’t laced with pesticides and other chemicals. Oh, but if you own land it might become worthless…

    • The local weather station here is at a regional airport. Nearly every day its current temperature exceeds what I see at home, just 30 miles North of that airport, by 5-10 degrees.

    • Hi RK.

      This isn’t about science. Science is a never ending search for truth and understanding. Its all about testing and retesting any given theory. If you are familiar with Karl Popper, then you realize that what is going on today isn’t science. Its a Cult. Why have so many people who know better been either cooperating or silent? Because those behind this agenda have them by the tenure and/or grant money. The Cultists and their useful idiots in the Ministry of Truth (mass/social media) are just as bought and paid for, as the so called “scientists” involved.

      One of their objectives is to drain as much prosperity out of the system as possible. Others are to keep people frightened, off balance, ignorant and desperate. That makes them easier to control. Absolute power is what those involved seek. But there are many indications that matters are not going in the directions they have planned for. Emergent behaviors tend to do that. Lets prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

  24. And the same to you Eric. I wish I had made the journey to see you in person while I was still capable of driving such a distance. I can barely drive at all now, and indeed prefer not to.
    We must come to realize the fact that these so called people are indeed evil, not just mistaken. That they mean us harm, and a great deal of it. I find myself leaning more and more toward the concept of existing Satanism, the existence of demons, and a reason behind the total rejection of religion. Just look at the damage they do to children. Intentionally.


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