Why is Orange Man Bad?


What is so bad about the man with the orange tan? Why does he trigger people with blue hair so?

We all know why.

It is not so much the Orange Man himself but rather what Orange Man has awakened. Specifically, the consciousness that America – the traditional conception of it as a nation-state that puts its people first – is being deliberately undermined by people who see America as a kind of administrative district of their hoped-for World State, one modeled on the old Roman empire, in which all peoples co-mingled but were all beholden to the same central authority.

More recent expressions of this concept were the Austro-Hungarian empire of the Hapsburgs and (not long after) the formation of the European Union. The latter having transformed the once-distinct nation-states of Germany, France and other “members” into what the once-independent states – plural – of these United States became after the consolidation of the American empire; after the “rebellious” states of the Southern Confederacy sought to assert their independence.

Well, Trump – in his way – is also “rebellious.” Or – more finely – he conjures a rebellious spirt, in traditional Americans.

And that likely explains why the blue (and purple) haired are so triggered by the Orange Man. The former are militantly obedient – as we saw during the event that was marketed as a “pandemic” – and that was used by the militantly obedient to get rid of the man with the orange tan. They were not only eager to obey, they were determined to make sure everyone else did, too. This was so not only with regard to the wearing of the face burqas (which went beyond mere obedience in that people had to show they “agreed” with what they were being made to do) but also with regard to the parameters of allowable opinion and even of fact.

The Orange Man excited opposition to obedience, especially as regards the parameters of allowable opinion. He may have done essentially nothing to prevent the blue-and-purple hairs from stealing the election but what he did do was engender widespread suspicion publicly expressed that the election was stolen. This is absolutely intolerable Thought Crime, in the words of Orwell. The sanctity – just the right word, with all the religious connotations – of authority may never be questioned.

At least, not when authority is in the hands of the Left.

Trump, himself, is also an authoritarian. But his authoritarianism is of the nationalist variety and that is the only form of authoritarianism the Left (and the establishment “Right,” which is just Left-lite) dislikes, for it is at odds with their goal of erecting a world-wide authoritarian state in which “diversity” is their strength, via the unmooring of peoples to their common culture, kith and kin – thereby rendering them atomized bipedal widgets to be moved around a kind of immense chessboard, controlled by the World Controllers.

Trump – the phenomenon – is a percolating, inchoate resistance to this, in the manner of the instinct for self-preservation that is innate in every healthy animal. Americans understand, even if many cannot (or dare not) articulate it that they are in the position of the American Indians circa 1870.

The reservation looms.

Possibly, something worse.

The Indians ended up on the rez because they were unable to unite against their common foe – which (from their point-of-view) they ought to have done much sooner than 1870. If they had done it circa 1620, America might still be Indian country. There is a hard lesson to be learned from their experience.

Imagine how . . . triggered the ruling claque of the just-consolidated American empire would have been if the Indians had an Orange Man among them, who conjured a “rebellious” spirit and caused the disparate tribes to question what was being done to them and caused them to resist it as a bloc rather than individual tribes, picked off one-by-one.

Instead, the Indians were led to the rez by some of their own chiefs, the Mitt Romneys and George W. Bushes of their peoples – who scolded them for clinging to their traditional ways and for desiring to keep their land rather than give it away to interlopers.

It is absolutely fascinating that the Left (and the Left-lite) is, on the one hand, apologetic to the extremes of unction over what was done to the Indians of America yet triggered into apoplexy whenever it is suggested that the same not be done to Americans; that Americans have a right to put themselves and their interests first.

Trump Derangement Syndrome lies in this duplicitous dichotomy. The Left isn’t just triggered. It is suicidal-homicidal.

And the Left-lite is complicit in this murder-suicide pact, awareness of which Trump has triggered.

. . .

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  1. Heard this morning that Judge Judy is endorsing Nikki Haley for President. I watched her eponymous court show for years until she endorsed Michael Bloomberg for President in late 2019. Bloomberg has to be one of the biggest purveyors of “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafetyism”/ the Nanny State, as well as one of the biggest anti-gun zealots out there (Of course, elitists like himself will keep THEIR guns, and screw everyone else).

  2. Brandon bad….

    Destroying the dollar….The Fed cranked up the printing presses since 2019….

    Election year….The Fed has been told to cut interest rates in 2024…keep the bubble intact…..to help the leftists get re elected….more dollar destruction…..but the leftists don’t care….

    Gold up about 74% from April 2019 to Jan 2024…better then cash

    Bitcoin…the most hated….up 474% …..from April 2019 to Jan 2024…one argument was it helped protect you from central banks printing……..was better then cash

    Jamie Dimond said he hated bitcoin….there is a new Bitcoin ETF coming out soon….his bank JP Morgan will be the leader in brinking it out….lol….do as we say not as we do….

    S&P 500 up about 63% from April 2019 to Jan 2024…….better then cash

    Average home price April 2019 $374,500

    Average home price Sept 2023 $513,400…….better then cash

    Average home price April 2019 priced in gold 1285 291.4 ounces

    Average home price Jan. 2024 priced in gold 2034 252.4 ounces


    • Average home price April 2019 priced in gold at $1285/ounce….. 291.4 ounces

      Average home price Jan. 2024 priced in gold at $2034/ounce……. 252.4 ounces

  3. Most people don’t know why they hate him anymore than why drink one soda over an other, or soda at all. Because they are told to. Why does the establishment fear him so much is a better question? The answer is why Eric should leave politics alone. Because someone will eventually say the truth out loud and the outrage industry agencies shysters will be at the door.

    • Hi Matt,

      The good news, such as it is, is that I don’t give a flip about the outrage industry agency shysters; I’m long past that. Let ’em come, says I.

  4. Quite a pickle the Deep State is in. When they stole the election in 2020, ‘Joe Biden’ was intended to be a ‘one-term nobody’ place holder. But as usual, the trappings of office have gone to the old grifter’s head. Desperately needing to retain office to pardon his delinquent son, and potentially himself as well, ‘Joe’ has dug in his heels.

    Meanwhile, presidential primaries kick off just four weeks from now in South Carolina, and accelerate dramatically in early March. What is the ‘intelligence community,’ a Democrat party franchise, to do?

    ‘Taking him out’ has got to be one item on the menu. Will they do it? Given the logistical difficulties and the sensational claims of an inside job that would follow, it’s not highly probable.

    But if decrepit old Joe suffers a health crisis or an accident in the next few weeks, we will know the identity of the primary suspects the instant the story hits the wires.

    • You got to hand it to old Joe. I doubt he did it intentionally, but in hiring the most unlikble person in the country as VP, he made it almost impossible to get rid of him.

      • He did, for sure. But if young Gavin is to emerge as the Democrats’ white knight … errr, strike that, ‘deliverer’ (didn’t mean to go all rayciss on ya) … then the time is now, and the time is short.

  5. “The Indians ended up on the rez because they were unable to unite against their common foe – which (from their point-of-view) they ought to have done much sooner than 1870. If they had done it circa 1620, America might still be Indian country”

    The Natives in North and South America were stone age civilizations. Look at what Cortez did with his small band of warriors. Look at Pizzaro and his victory over the Incans. Even if the Indians united back back then they would be no match for modern weapons. Suppose the Natives did kill all who invaded, it would be just a matter of time before the European rulers would mount a d-Day type of assault using any and all modern weapons at their disposal. The Indians would not have stood a chance. See if you can win in a gun fight using a stone knife.

    He who has the biggest gun wins. Rule come from the end of a gun barrel. Always has and will. Nature cannot tolerate a power vacuum.

    • The other Indian tribes were in wars against the Aztecs…..these tribes helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs…….it is obvious now the Indian tribes should have all attacked the Spanish and exterminated them…they didn’t and that was the end of them….

      but…..now with reparations these Indians might get money or land back…

      The whites have been slaves longer then anyone, where are their reparations?….never a word is spoken about this crime…..

      the white slaves do get something….the bill for the reparations for all the other slaves…..

      • I’m pretty sure my relatives in eastern Europe prior to the year 1800 were peasants/serfs, bought and sold with the land. So, where is my reparations shit!!!

        On the other hand I am living quite a comfortable life with cars, heating/cooling TV etc etc. But if the shit stops coming I may just pull out my pitchfork and start looking for my overlords to put my pitchfork into. I do keep myself in shape with lifting, range time just in case.

        I hungry peasant is an angry peasant!!!

    • One Indian said they were put on reservations because….. if the other white slaves the nobility control group brought with them to help genocide the Indian tribes….saw how freely the Indian tribes lived…there would be a slave revolt….

  6. On yesterday’s third anniversary of a protest which has been weaponized to produce over 1,200 political prisoners, the New York Slimes had this to say:

    On Jan. 6 Anniversary, Trump Repeats Lie That 2020 Election Was Stolen

    ‘At a second event, Mr. Trump — who has repeatedly referred to the people serving sentences in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, attack as “hostages” — called on Mr. Biden to free them. More than 1,200 people have been arrested in connection with the attack, 170 have been convicted of crimes at trial and more than 700 have pleaded guilty.

    “Release the J6 hostages, Joe,” Mr. Trump said in Clinton, Iowa. “Release them, Joe. You can do it real easy, Joe.”


    Industrial-scale railroading of peaceful protesters by the sinister, un-American Merrick Beria Garland troubles me more than anything. It is a very clear historical precursor of the murderous purges that occurred in the Soviet Union under Beria Garland’s namesake, Lavrentiy Beria. His thugs summarily murdered tens of thousands, and dispatched many more to Siberia.

    Our hijacked Department of Justice must be cleared of the Beria Garland cabal at all costs. If Trump is the means of accomplishing this prudential task, then so be it.

    Never did I vote for Trump. I don’t think he was, or will be, a good leader. He’s a shallow thinker, and his raging narcissism serves him poorly. All irrelevant, though, in excising the metastasizing cancer that is the Beria Garland ‘Justice’ department.

    • It’s difficult to imagine the election tabulation process is legit.
      Beyond that…

      “So, is there nothing that can be done to save America? Nenner says, “The cycle is turning down, and people ask is there anything you can do? You cannot do anything about it. The question is what can you do? You have summer and then you have winter . . . if you know winter comes after summer, you can buy a coat. I have predicted all these war situations, and out of the blue they are here. There is nothing you can do about it.”

      Where does Donald Trump fit in? Nenner says, “Trump is going to be the winter coat. I think he can make it less bad. If this continues the way it is, then we are going downhill very fast. I think Trump is coming back.” …


  7. One thing that strikes me and puzzles me is that, if indeed the Orange Man was a dictator or wannabe dictator, he had perhaps the most perfect opportunity to be a dictator with COVID—and he blew it.

    Think about it: Trump could have declared martial law and suspended the 2020 election—all in the name of COVID. And all but the most conservative and libertarian-minded would have gone along with it—because COVID.

    But he didn’t. He let the states, counties, and cities handle things for the most part—and there were governors, county officials, and mayors who did indeed act like dictators, like Governor Karen.

  8. There is more discrimination against whites then any other race….and it is legal….and whites have been slaves longer then any other race…..where is their reparations?

  9. In the old vertical rule system, the old world order…feudal system….the king at the top, slaves on the bottom….they did not mix up the slaves of different races.

    In the new world order, horizontal rule…. they mix up the slaves of different races…so the slaves won’t unite and revolt.

    In the old feudal system…the 1st son got to be king…the other sons got nothing…. To provide employment to the other sons, they changed the system…the slaves were given the right to vote…….all the sons took turns being the president for 4 or 5 years….

    The freemasons are the political arm of the slave owning aristocracy…. when you vote you get the choice of two or more freemasons…an illusion of choice….

    The freemasons are the political wing of the slave owners……. all USA presidents have been Freemasons except JFK.

    The new world order, horizontal rule….is worse for the slaves……it brought the huge world wars, with millions of deaths.

    The new world order slave owners are at war with the patriarchy and nationalists, their favorite control system is communism.

    The white tribes in Europe were living happily until the slave owning nobility invaded… then genocided and enslaved them.

    The slave owning nobility, the aristocracy….with their bloodlines going back to the pharaoh kings, running prison planet.


    • The slave owning nobility, the aristocracy….with their bloodlines going back to the pharaoh kings….only marry within their nobility group……they see themselves as a different species then the slaves….which they call animals, useless eaters….

  10. Why is Orange man bad? David Icke weighs in on Twitter in response to Alex Jones yesterday:


    AJ – “We always knew Trump was not part of the Epstein operation. 45 was never in the Democrat pedo cult. That’s why the Deep State hates him with all their heart! He is not in their disgusting club. That’s more change in the Alex Jones was right jar!”

    David Icke – “Alex, it’s not a ‘Democrat pedo cult’ – it’s a Global pedo cult including all ‘sides’. Trump has been owned by the Sabbatian Zionists that owned Epstein since way, way, back. Rothschild employee of 24 years Wilbur Ross bailed out Trump by orchestrating a group of 72 banks to save his backside decades ago when Trump admitted publicly that he personally owed a billion dollars – that’s besides fantastic company debt.
    He made Wilbur Ross his Commerce Secretary when he won the presidency. Carl Icahn, an ultra-Zionist billionaire who was also crucial to the bail-out, was given a role in the Trump administration.

    Trump was able to run for president because of the Sabbatian Zionists on that bail-out basis alone – never mind that his major financial backer in 2016 was ultra-Zionist Sabbatian casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson who also funded Netanyahu.
    Ultra-Zionist son-in-law Jared Kushner, a life-long friend of Netanyahu, was Trump’s ‘senior advisor’ and the Zionist connection goes on and on. It was Trump who moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with its massive symbolic and other implications for Palestinians.

    It was Trump that claims credit for Operation Warp Speed that rolled out the deadly fake jab and went on praising its effect even when the data emerged of its devastation to health and life.

    Epstein was a Psyop, Trump is a Psyop and Musk is a Psyop. You condemn the obvious one, mate, but loudly support the other two.

    The day will come when the truth will out – it’s already there if only people would bother to look.”


    David Icke says Trump is owned by rich Jews who bailed him out. He also says Elon Musk is a front man for a cabal which wants electric cars and Ai, and robots etc. How does Musk run 5 corporation? Musk says Ai is unleashing the demon but is furiously working on bringing Ai to life.

    Also, David Icke has been saying the world is run by a pedo cult for at least 20 years.


    BTW – so far the most mentioned name in the Epstain data dump is New York lawyer Alan Dershowitz. 137 times vs. Bill Clinton “who likes them young” 71 times.

    • Hi Jack,

      Icke makes a number of solid points about Trump. I am not boosting Trump, either. I think Trump Hatred, on the other hand, is revelatory about the nature of the enemy and the that understanding is percolating.

      • Eric, the line you are taking is simply not acceptable to the vast majority of citizenry. Beyond a black/white binary choice most can’t comprehend. This is most evident in the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd but, lives quite nicely on The Right as well.

        If you stroke your chin or scratch your head and have impure thoughts about the shenanigans on election night 2020 you must want to have Trump’s baby. For those with Orange Jesus Disease anyone that doesn’t view him as The Savior must be a member of the DNC.

        It’ really quite sickening.

        To think the four leading contenders for election later this year are, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Hailey is to admit this whole system is Kabuki Theater. This mass of authoritarian incompetence then has the temerity to lecture the world on “Democracy”. The rest of the world sees what a joke this nation has become. We, here at home, haven’t a clue.

        You, dear Eric, are politically homeless.

        • Morning, Mark!

          It’s true. Many of us are. Or – rather – face this Hobson’s Choice. What other choice is there? It’s either the Orange Franco or the Red alternative. Like it or not, that’s what we get – one, or the other. I understand they may have set it up this way. But what else can we do other than do whatever we can to salvage what can be salvaged – to hold the line, to the extent that we can?

          I’m as frustrated as anyone else on our side of the line…

          • [What other choice is there? It’s either the Orange Franco or the Red alternative.]- Eric

            There is one other choice! None of the above.

            Your stance on the masks and covid shots are basically “do not participate” and are in my opinion correct. Resistance in the form of do not comply.

            In that frame of mind the refusal to vote when it is obvious there is really no choice seems the correct move but most claim those like me that don’t vote are the cause of the tyranny we see today.

            How can that be when both choices are tyranny? I am supposed to vote for Tyrant A or Tyrant B because it’s my duty as a citizen!? Makes no sense.

            At present Tyrant A is allowing millions of undocumented illegals. 4 to 8 million depending on who you talk to,,, in 3 years.

            No they are not immigrants nor are they refugees. They all have anti-American values and are brought here by NGO’s like the Catholic Church, Soros and others. They collect a $5000 Visa from these NGO’s and a $2200 per month government check likely drawn from the Social Security fund. They even get free medical in many states. California for one. Their only responsibility is to vote Democrat.

            Like the Roman Empire that crashed and burned because they allowed massive immigration, and massively overspent causing their money to become so worthless they could not pay their military or police to control the barbarians (mostly Germanic) they allowed to immigrate.

            This is America’s future for voting the less evil to run their nation.

            • Hi Ken,

              This is a difficult subject. With regards to “masks” – refusal is viable at the individual level. But at the presidential level, our refusing to vote will not affect the outcome; and the outcome will affect us. If the Left secures the presidency for another four years, EVs and the “climate”agenda (to cite one specific thing) will be forced on us. If Orange Man manages to secure the presidency, they might not be.

              Also, it is probable – if the Left secures the presidency – that we get hit with federal taxes on unrealized gains (such as the increase in value of our homes) “gun control” and a number of other awful things. So – as awful as the Orange Man may be – I see sense in voting for him, just the same as I’d vote for a less brutal prison warden if I were in prison and that was my only choice.

              • Hi Eric,

                If Joe Biden or someone on “The Left” wins again and the WHO gets their dream of a “Global pandemic treaty”, they’d likely be all in favor of whatever “public health” diktats WHO makes & demand that ALL citizens give up eating meat, give up any guns and/ or gas powered vehicles or stoves they own, or even take whatever mRNA “vaccines” the medical-industrial complex makes, no questions asked.

          • 333,000,000 people in these United States and these idiots are who we get to choose? This is our best?

            Of all the black PHDs in the world, Claudine Gay was the best choice to run Harvard?

            Our founding fathers were smart. They knew that trusting one fool with everything was a recipe for disaster. So they spread out all the power so that an idiot with power couldn’t do much damage. Then the idiots set about consolidating power.

            • RK, you are correct that the founders were smart about “spread[ing] the power” however, the Hamiltonians hijacked the Articles of Confederation(smart) and replaced it with The Constitution (stupid). That holy writ of a constitution sealed the fate to a centralized GovCo. Lincoln, Hamilton’s intellectual spawn, nailed the coffin shut on Liberty.

              As Lord Acton stated, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Lincoln paved the way for the executive branch to become the Absolute Power. We see how corrupt and tyrannical the office has become. As with all tyrannies, this one will collapse under the weight of its own corruption. Let’s hope and pray we can build something more akin to the AoC than what we have now.

          • El Caudillo might have seemed but a feckless, petty tyrant, especially to all those Jewish Commie rats whose dream of another Soviet republic were dashed by the Civil War that he and his Nationalists fought and WON. But please consider…not only did he save Spain itself, but went a long way to keep Communism out of Western Europe. What’s even more important is that he kept Spain from having to fight in WWII, although he did send the “Blue Division” of Falangist veterans that never lacked for recruits.

    • Under the MAGA veneer Trump is an internationalist. Remember the first impeachment circus ca. 2019? This was a diversion. While Congress was considering impeaching Trump, somehow they were quietly able to pass the USMCA (Trump’s “improvement” of NAFTA) and shortly thereafter, the President signed it. That was the whole purpose of his presidency. George Bush and Obama could not get it done, but Trump did get it done. Shortly afterwards, we had the plandemic and the man was fired by the invisible government. For those of you who do not know, the purpose of the USMCA, EU, etc. is to serve as “building blocks” toward world government. Orwell (who was a Fabian) wrote about them in his book 1984. Remember Oceania, Eurasia and East Asia? These were the building blocks for world government.

  11. “The Indians ended up on the rez because they were unable to unite against their common foe…”

    Tecumseh tried to bring together the Indians. He led the Indians and fought on the side of the British during the war of 1812. Of course, the British left him and his warriors to die….

  12. One could feel comfortable having a beer with Trump, unlike the rest of the “stiff suits, holier than thou” types that infest all of politico and academia. One could “shoot the sh!t” with Trump and truly feel that he is talking to a REAL down-to-earth person.
    Trump did MORE to (attempt to) “roll back” the “deep state” than just about any other president in the last 60 years. The last president to attempt to do so received a one-way limousine ride in Dallas Texas.
    One must not forget that Trump is a businessman, is not afraid to “take charge”, and is used to ruling from the top, not by consensus (going along to get along) as is the case in Washington D.C. This was difficult for Trump as he is used to “taking charge”, not being abused by self-serving dirty,greasy politicians.
    That being said, Trump has been dealing with politicians all of his life and KNOWS what ((they)) are like.
    Trump was hobbled from the start, especially when it came to appointments to the various agencies.
    The “Senior Executive Service” controls the flow of heads of “letter agency” departments. The federal “executive branch” does not have much of a selection of nominees, almost all of them being seniority pick “insiders”–a dangerous situation indeed.
    Trump did not have much of a choice. If he went outside the “Senior Executive Service” he would have had a difficult time during the nomination process.
    Trump exposed not only the Washington “rot” but the fraudulent voting process itself.
    Trump did use “executive orders” to roll back job-killing and expensive regulations, energizing the economy in the process.
    The “COVID-19(84)” “plandemic” was used (on a worldwide scale) solely to destroy Trump’s presidency and to further the grip of worldwide totalitarianism.
    Trump’s main weakness will be him siding with the jews against Gaza…not good.
    When it comes to the jews, Trump DID “give them what ((they)) wanted”. This was all by design as Trump has always been a “deal maker”. Trump KNOWS what jews are like as he has been dealing with them all of his life.
    Trump was going to “drop the hammer” on the jews during his second term until the election was stolen from him (us). The jews could not “kennedy” Trump as he was smart enough to have his own security detail interspersed with the secret service. There would have been no way to effect an assassination.
    You would have seen the “Palestinian” issues resolved as well as the elimination of the “Bantustan system” for Palestinians as there would have been many (illegal) jewish settlements declared “null and void”. Yes, there would have been much “wailing and gnashing of teeth” by the jews, but that too would have subsided in time.
    The future will tell whether Trump’s influence on the jews was helpful or merely a “smokescreen”.
    It is my humble opinion that the jews wanted Trump out of office because, as jews always do, did not want to be required to fulfill “their end of the deal”.

  13. Currently, U.S. presidents perform as dictators – Constitutionally
    they are not. Undeclared wars, and draining the treasury are
    examples of unrestrained power.

    Unless the illegitimacy is addressed, we will go the way of Rome
    and their emperors. The end may be near.

    • Hi libertyx,

      You’re right (sadly). The presidency is an elected (cough) dictatorship.The Left understands this. The not-Left needs to as well. Much as it horrifies me, this is where we are. If by some miracle Trump assumes the imperial purple again, he must act decisively to deal with the Left, as Octavian dealt with Antony (who was, at least, an honorable enemy).

      • The “non-left” gave the Presidency that power. First under Nixon, then Reagan and culminating under Emperor George II and his terrible war on Terror.

        They know full well the Presidency has become a dictatorship that Hitler would envy. The right just wants to keep that power to themselves. Problem is, the left actually does it.

      • Eric,

        Sadly I think you are right. However. I think that only buys us time. Fundamentally it’s a bandaid not a fix. Because, sooner or later, it will come back around on us.

        Please don’t mistake me, I’m not saying it doesn’t need to happen. I’m saying it’s dangerous. More dangerous than where we are now anyway? Perhaps not. 🤔

        People fail to understand this. Trump is the moderate. (So is Putin, for that matter.)

        If you can’t or won’t deal with them, what comes after will be 100x worse.

      • I’ll jump for joy if Simon Bar Sinister runs for POTUS (fans of the “Underdog” cartoon show know of what I speak). My campaign tag line? “Will you do what Simon ‘says’ ?”

    • This is an important observation. Congress willingly ceded its authority over time. Cynically I wonder what difference it makes. My congresscritter is beholden to the MIC and the israeli lobby. As are all of Alabama’s congresscritters.

      The WBTS ended the republic. The 17th Amendment and the 1929 Permanent Apportionment Act handed the nation to the special interests.

  14. One other thing many on The Left did in 2020 was say they weren’t going to take any “Trump vaccine”, but after Joe Biden got into office, they were all for forcing EVERYONE to take it or be severely punished. These people are insane.

    • Hi John,

      The Left is insane – but in a rational way. The Left alters its take on any issue as fluidly as a river changes course but this river only runs one way, cap’n. That is the power of the Left and the weakness of the not-Left, which is stymied by its own adherence to standards – to objectivity. It is puzzled by (and so powerless to deal with) this apparent dissonance, which does not make sense to it.

      Exactly. And that’s precisely why the Left wins.

      There is no reasoning with the Left. There is only recognizing it – and destroying it by any means necessary.

      Franco understood.

  15. One good thing that happened when Trump was President was the DC Swamp exposed themselves for how corrupt they really are, especially after March 2020. It became painfully obvious the past few years that the public health bureaucracies such as NIH, CDC, & FDA are captive agencies of the industries they’re supposed to be regulating. Same with the medical establishment, EPA, Department of Defense, USDA, etc.

    In the before times, The Left also criticized Big Pharma, the establishment, billionaires, censorship, war, the military-industrial complex, and large corporations being in bed with the government. However, after the Biden Thing got into office in 2021, The Left seemed to LOVE ALL of the aforementioned things. And they go after their own if one of their own says something THEY don’t like.

  16. RE: “Imagine how . . . if the Indians had an Orange Man among them, […] caused them to resist it as a bloc rather than individual tribes”

    Decades ago, in a goobermint history class, the teacher told a tale of just such.
    The consolidated tribes were supposed to wait for a sign, the Mississippi River would change course & run backward. Some tribes got the antsy’s & didn’t wait, they attacked & were defeated.
    …Not long after that, there was a huge earthquake along the New Madrid fault line & a part of the river reversed course & ran backwards for a time. The remaining tribes attacked & were not a large enough bloc to win. The End.

    …Dunno if it’s really true & I may even be misremembering some particulars. The guy who told the story certainly spoke as if it were true.

    Anyway, here’s a video from a woman with a ‘Power Surge’ trying to open the eyes of the clueless & get them to prepare:

    Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara

    ‘💥EVERYONE will Suffer in The Coming Struggle’


  17. Why is Orange Man Bad?

    The real answer is because he is stupid, shallow, and has no core principles.

    He thinks of things like headlines. “I like …”, or “… is stupid”.

    He gets some things right with this surface consideration sometimes, but I’m not sure he knows why he is right, just he feels a certain way.

    All one needs to do is talk to him and he will adopt the new position. He is a cheap couch. Last ass makes the impression.

    Bump stocks are machine guns – ban them.
    Take away their guns and have dye process later.
    Fast track a dubious medicine for the cold to play the hero.

    He is a fool who was easily manipulated and lied to, then ‘the great firer” took no action against those who manipulated him.

    He is weak.

    But hey, at least he threw a monkey wrench into the overlords’ works. Though that is what set the stage for all the covid canceling and propaganda.

  18. I hear you Eric, but remember that he’s the Orange Fail. He lost due to allowing the country to collapse economically and socially. He could’ve stood for prudent caution and the ability for people to think for and protect themselves in the face of a possible coming pandemic, but he most certainly did not. The “Left” (meaning Leftists citizens, not overlords) might have cheered-on the policies that caused this, but they didn’t truly like the effects anymore than anyone else.

    Can we have someone better if we are to unite behind a figurehead?

    Although I adore your poetic description of “atomized bipedal widgets to be moved around a kind of immense chessboard”, I’m also quite the staunch individualist. I know that society is an equilibrium of individual and collective efforts and identities, but I gravitate toward my “atomic” undertakings and autonomy if at all I can, even if having help makes work easier.

    So, even better than a figurehead, I like decentralized resistance. Say what you want about groups like Antifa, but they were successful at this. I know many will say that they are supported by Democrats or George Soros, and the epitome of atomized, bipedal pawns. Fair enough. Mostly, it appears to me that they are just selectively spared legal consequences.

    But, their model of assembly and action requires no leader or figurehead, just a common goal. Theirs is typically destruction. Perhaps ours can be creation and preservation. Creation of abundance in life and property. Preservation of our rights and particularly our right to individual autonomy and to be left unmolested by thieves and tyrants.

    • I agree, BaDnOn –

      And – to be clear – this was not intended as a paean to the Orange Man but rather an acknowledgment of the phenomenon he awoke, which has been latent in American culture and politics for decades.

      • Hey Eric,

        Got it, and you’re right. That was the Orange Miracle: to seize on that simmering fervor. Wish it could’ve happened with Ron Paul a few years before. But Orange Man has that bully’s charisma, that stong-man appeal, and no amount of sagely wisdom or genuine character can TRUMP that. :p

      • “the phenomenon he awoke”

        This is even too much credit. He didn’t awaken any such phenomenon, more like served as an avatar for the absurd “hate object” caricature of it on behalf of the Deep State continuity government, whether just for the yucks or with scienter, for consumption by rubes and fools. Brandon called him Hitler in a speech today. The show will go on.

    • “He could’ve stood for prudent caution and the ability for people to think for and protect themselves in the face of a possible coming pandemic, but he most certainly did not. ”

      He certainly tried, at least until Mar. 10. Once the people panicked, however, there was absolutely nothing he could do or say that could reduce it. The panic was deliberately induced for this very purpose.

      You can’t have “someone better” if you are to unite around a figurehead. In the first place, no one had the power to galvanize support in this way since Reagan. Ron Paul is all very well in his way but that’s never going to happen. Secondly, nobody is going to stick his neck out to this extent until this plays out.

  19. It’s very odd that OF eschewed the debates yet presumes front runner status, which does seem to have a sort of inevitability. This reeks of further “reality” programming. I’ll admit the guy is sort of entertaining in a hallucinogenic, campy way, like having Vanilla Ice and a person dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle perform for the swells at his NYE party.

    To me, though, he is of a piece with the renamed flu scam that he legitimized and emboldened. Not only that, he personally took credit for stimmie checks (I saved the letter(s) he signed for posterity) and promoting the “beautiful” Warp Speed shots that, in his mind, “saved millions of lives.” Just like people continue to this day to incant the brand name flu despite all the overwhelming indications of fraudulence, they will continue to incant OF as some sort of organic opposition to the deep state regime as well as continue to blame everyone else for his failures, primarily those of March 2020 forward, while exalting a $0 Obamacare penalty and slightly less restrictive CAFE standards. It wouldn’t shock me at all if OF “wins” in ‘24 and enacts “climate” lockdowns (2 weeks to save the planet!) or maybe nationwide “take the guns first then due process” laws or some such that Obamao or Brandon could never get away with.

  20. Trump is a big fat in-your-face example of how the experts get things wrong. He wasn’t a viable candidate, we were told. Hillary polled better than any candidate ever, according to the pollsters. Trump’s base wasn’t real, they said.

    What they got wrong was that even though 30% of the Internet traffic is pornography, no one is going to admit viewing it to a Pew Research pollster. No white middle class adults ever smoked pot until it was legal. Everyone knows wrestling is fake, yet everyone also knows who Jesse “The Body” Ventura is, and how he became famous enough to be governor of Minnesota.

    And look at MN today. The Twin Cities were one of the big hotspots of Black (communist) lives matter. The Land of 10,000 Lakes is now dominated by The Democratic People’s Party of the US, and will likely rig all elections to keep it that way until the United Soviet States collapses.

    Cannot allow cousin Eddie to vote for who he wants, or we’ll have more embarrassing Trumps and Venturas.

  21. 20%-30% of the population required to be led, and 40%-60% follow their lead in turn because as social beings needing approval and safety in numbers, they are not wired like the remaining 10%-20%. Authorities fabricate or create crises to provide the solution. This is made more possible with a 100-year or more march through all of the institutions.

  22. I watched a video yesterday of a Trump rally, he was saying forcefully he was going to drain the swamp. When elected he filled it with the worst swamp creatures like John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo, etc. You can not drain the swamp by filling it with these Neocon war mongers.


    Trump lied. Trump is now claiming savior of the world status – he speciifically said he is the only person who can save the world this week. Well, I doubt that, and let me tell you why. Trump is married to the problem, he is an Israeli firster his daughter married a Chabad Lubabitcher Jared Kushner, who’s father Charles is a Jewish NYC real estate mobster.

    During Trump’s presidency he proclaimed to be the greatest friend of Israel, even the King of Israel. Asked about 911, Trump covered for Israel and said Saudis did it. So how can Trump save us, or even make Amerika great again, when he will not challenged the cause of our decline? Jews have infilitrated all the media, pharma, state, policy making decisions – it’s so bad Amerika is literally the slavish whore of Israel – a pariah state funding the Gaza genocide – which is against all of our founding values.

    Trump does the unthinkable, he backs Israel in the latest war. You can not be a human being an back Israel in this war, Israel has been genociding the native Palestinians for 80 years, this is just their latest blood letting, a final solution for them – so Jews can steal all of the land. Loyalty to a foreign state is the definition of TREASON.

    So how can traitor Trump save us? He does not out the Jews. He is in bed with them. Thus all Trump is, is a big waste of time, and he’s no Hitler as the Left claims, Hitler was against the Jews rounded them up and removed the infestation from the volk. Trump will do no such thing, and the proof is on his way out of office he pardoned a whole bunch of Jew criminals – go look it up.

    Trump is false hope, he is a serial liar and self promoter. He is playing the nation for his own glory. He may even be paid controlled opposition. Anyone voting for this guy again must have a short memory, do you remember his dysfunctional presidency, the weekly threats against foreign states?

    The biggest joke no one even knows about. Those in the know about this latest war cite the Abraham Accords (that Jared Kushner sponsored under Trump) as causal of the Oct. 7th Hamas attack. The Accords were marginalizing the Palestinians out of existence. Watch Ryan Dawson on this issue and find out how Trump was instrumental in screwing the Palestinians out of existence – leading to his horrific war.

    And Trump has his own subdivision on their land called Trump Heights. Who does shit like that? Trump is evil through and through, in on it with the Jews, and should not be elected again for any reason. What makes him so damn dangerous is his charisma, he could lead Amerika over the cliff and his hysterical supporters would follow him kike a bunch of suicidal lemmings.

    Amerika can do better. We are a nation of 335 million, surely we can find leaders who are pro-nation and pro-traditional values and not be part of the corrupted Zionist system of state. I for one could care less about Israel, I do not believe in the Bible nor do I like these Jewish supremacists who claim some greater status with Almighty God based on their scribbles in their phony plagiarized holy books. There is no way in hell I would ever support a loyal Zionist, any traitor who loves Israel more than their own nation.

    When is the last time you bought anything made in Israel? What is this insane allegiance to a racist Jew only state. People are crazy, just plumb crazy to support Israel.

    • Who is what I ask? RFK JR? I think not. I kind of liked him when he was trying to unite the public, but he came out for reparations. He is not serious. Rand Paul? He has been in office almost 15 years. He has done nothing of significance. Where was the bill to defund the Transportation Security Administration? The EPA? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?

      Ron DeSantis? You got to be kidding me. Yes, he stopped a few bad things from happening in Florida but has done little else. The Blackrock show goes on. Property values and taxes are out of sight. So is homeowners insurance.

      Viveck Ramaswamy? I might vote for him to show that I disapprove of Nickey Haley more than I disapprove of Trump, but he has said some bad things about the contintinuing trade war that we have been fighting against China and the Far east.

      I am hoping that Trump gets elected if only to get those political prisioners released from teh DC jail. They have been there for three years. Shame on anyone for even mentioning the date. It’s more infamous than Pearl Harbor in my view. Those people have been wrongfully detained and need to be released immediately. I have confidence that Trump would release them. He should have pardoned them on 1/7. Fucker

      The Trump show is all we have. I don’t think that all of his supporters are stupid. I know I’m not. I’m not really a supporter, though I will vote for him since there is no one else.

      The last two elections have been different from all the rest. Trump makes some of the right noises, which is a darn sight more than we have gotten from every traitorous white House occupant since 1989.

      Damn the torpedoes

      • ” I’m not really a supporter, though I will vote for him since there is no one else”

        I’m with you on this. Anyone voting for Biden, Kamala, Obama has got to be crazy traitor. We don’t have a lot of choices but at least voting for Orange man will will poke a stick into the asses of our ultimate rulers.

        The USSofA is slowly turning into a tribal multicultural paradise/hell hole. And there is little we can do to stop this. On the surface all looks relatively calm as the police, army etc etc are around to control the worst of happenings.

        ((Someone)) has a master plan of making us minorities in the lands that we created.

        • What happens when you let every race into your nation to displace whites? You end up with shit, like if you put all the colors in a blender, the end color is shit brown – and that is exactly what is happening, by 2100 there won’t be a pure white left.

          People need to wake up about this, Jews are intentionally bringing in every race to destroy the white race.

          On the Jewtube, every commercial and sitcom shows misgeneation, some black man with some white coal burner. It is disgusting.

          What you end up with is mudbrids, neither race wants anything to do with some mulatto abomination. Whites should be proud of their race and call the Jew criminals out for abusing their control of the media.

          If you think I jest, do you really want your white daughter being molested by a gang of blacks or mexicans? Yeah I thought so.

          And if that wasn’t bad enough, every commercial the woman is actually a man. Learn to spot the fake females in corporate advetizing. And it is every god damned corporation doing it, not just Butt Lite.

          Hollyweird has always been a pedo-tranny cult, but now it is spreading everywhere like a plague.


          Mandonna, Madonna is a man.

          Taylor Swift is a boy.

          Michelle Obama is really Michael Lavaughn Robinson, Obongo is a homo. Figure it out, and they can not have kids.

      • DeSantis is much worse. He did good regarding the covid “plandemic”, but other than that, he is a first-class jewish “hasbara”.
        “Holocaustianity™” is the new “state religion” in Florida and the USA.
        In fact, “holocaustianity™” acolyte Ron DeSantis signed legislation restricting all Floridians First Amendment rights while in israel.
        Just who does DeSantis work for?
        No longer will Floridians be able to question any aspect of “holocaustianity™” or criticize the (illegal) state of israel as any questioning of the “official narrative” is now considered to be “hate speech”, punishable by fines and imprisonment.
        DeSantis has already outlawed the BDS movement in Florida…anyone who wishes to procure a state contract must sign a “loyalty oath” to israel promising not to support BDS.
        Passing out leaflets criticizing the illegal jewish state or the “holocaust™” is now considered “littering” with a prison sentence of 5 years mandated for attempting to exercise one’s First Amendment rights. There are already cases in the works…
        School-age children are mandated to attend services at “holocaustianity™” temples, also known as “holocaust™” museums which are actually American taxpayer-funded jewish freak shows that have no place anywhere in the USA.
        Talk about the “separation of church and state”. “Holocaustianity™” has now been declared the official “state religion” in Florida.
        I eagerly await the Constitutional challenges to these misguided, evil unconstitutional “laws”.

        • I can’t figure it out. Americans,,, especially the Christian evangelists believe the Europeon Jews now occupying Palestine have a right to a homeland they never ever occupied once in past history. Their homeland was basically in Ukraine where another genocide is taking place also with American weapons, satellite targeting and billions of dollars… soon likely American blood. It is the USA wanting Ukraine to draft the elderly, disabled and women.

  23. One thing about Trump that is different from all the others who claim to represent the People is that Trump has been on the other side in business and he has experienced just how government meddling interferes with freedom to perform in life and in business.
    All the rest have been looting using government to do so for all their adult lives.
    They only see that government power is to their benefit, and they don’t give a damn if it hurts most of the people they are supposed to represent.
    With one exception, every time that Trump was in a position to use power of a tyrant over the American people, he halted and pulled back from that power. That one time, Trump, the businessman, allowed so-called experts in the medical field to alter his innate judgement because it was not in his field of expertise. It was his biggest mistake. Similarly he trusted (to an extent) the entrenched bureaucracy to follow his plan for the administration. That was his 2nd biggest mistake.
    I hope he has learned from those errors, and I hope if he regains power he rains hell upon those who have betrayed Americans and prosecutes them as traitors to the fullest extent possible.
    D.C. is utterly corrupt and the Deep State bureaucracy can’t be reformed. It must die.
    NIFO It’s the only way to be sure.

    • That one time, Trump, the businessman, allowed so-called experts in the medical field to alter his innate judgement because it was not in his field of expertise.

      I don’t know about that. He continues to talk up his COVID record and how well the lockdowns “flattened the curve,” how his wonderful vaccines were warp-speeded into production, and how he alone took responsibility for saving society. Even though he was treated with Ivermectin and sung its praises during the height of the madness he still plays up the MRNA concoctions.

      • Yes,,, absolutely. I watched one of his political ‘gatherings’ where he trumped up his vaccine and was booed by the Trump crowd. He shut up and went on to a different subject.

  24. More fundamentally, Trump is Bad Daddy, and America has a serious complex about that right now.

    Mitt Romney and the entire Bush clan are poster children for pols with Bad Daddy issues, but the Dems have their fair share too.

    • Yes, there is that. But (this is not original to me, but interesting)

      In most countries totalitarianism takes the form of Bad Dad. Get with the program or I will beat you into compliance. Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about. Etc. Think about Nazi Germany, Spain under Franco, the USSR, etc.

      In the USA, totalitarianism typically looks more like Bad Mom, smothering the life out of you with”kindness,” making up arbitrary rules “for your own good,” “saaaafety,” etc.

      This confuses the heck out of everyone, but especially the Left.

  25. Even people who are ignorant of crypto-jews can see, if they’ll look, that Trump is surrounded by jews — by his choice. Same as Biden. Same as RFKjr. Same as any other candidate given attention by major or “alternative” media.

    This means, as it has for decades, that jews get who they want in the top-tier sElection process, and they get who they want to win. And the jew agenda is always advanced — most quickly by the so-called Democrats and less quickly by the so-called Republicans.

    The jew agenda is obviously anti-Whites, pro-degeneracy, pro-destruction of the USA Whites founded and built. Trump, same as the others, are playing their roles and won’t go to prison for their crimes. Some might ask, “Trump crimes?” Let us go to the heart of it and not make a list. When Trump deliberately violated the Constitution by issuing an Executive Order against so-called “anti-semitic” speech on university campuses, he qualified as traitor to the USA and should have been impeached, at least, for it. He wasn’t even charged on that slam-dunk basis.

    And what’s so laughable, actually ludicrous, is that after the 2020 sElection that was so obviously stolen and allowed by Trump (because it was his role to allow it), people — sheeple — still talk about the party- and media-given candidates as if — yeah, AS IF.

    My website can help those who are willing to learn: https://mywhitetv.nfshost.com

  26. “It is absolutely fascinating that the Left (and the Left-lite) is, on the one hand, apologetic to the extremes of unction over what was done to the Indians of America yet triggered into apoplexy whenever it is suggested that the same not be done to Americans; that Americans have a right to put themselves and their interests first.”

    Psychological projection explains a LOT of what the Left does. Whatever they most stridently they denounce (e.g., stealing elections) is usually what they themselves want to do. The more they denounce “racism,” they more they want to engage in systematic discrimination against whites. The more they denounce Trump supposedly being controlled by foreigners, they more they give a pass to Biden being nakedly bribed by Ukraine and China.


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