Calling Dr. Zhivago


If you’ve seen the classic film about a Russian doctor caught up in the Sovietization of Russia, you will already know how this story goes.

And may be going, again.

The Left – which is Sovietizing America – has been literally flooding the country with “immigrants” and “refugees” from every country in the world. These people are the method by which the country is to be Sovietized. It is expected that the bulk of these people – being poor – will be interested in other people’s things. The Left intends to consolidate its power by offering these people other people’s things, including their homes.

This was one of the central themes of the movie. Dr. Zhivago, the lead character, was obliged to “share” his home with people who didn’t have one. “Share” in air fingers quotation marks to denote the fact that he was forced to “share.” Just the same as when a Leftists “asks” you to hand over a “fair share” of the money you earned.

If you think such “sharing” will never happen here, you may want to think harder.

People are already obliged to “share” their earnings with people who did not earn them. The people who have already been told they have a right to such things as health care and “free” (meaning, paid for by you) education. Why – logically – do these people also not have a “right” to your home?

Or at least, a room in your home?

After all, you probably have one you’re not using and it’s unfair that anyone should have to sleep outside or in a tent when you have a room to spare. Just the same as the “fair share” of the money you earned belongs by “right” to someone else, just because they need it and you have it.

This is the fundamental thesis of the Sovietizers. Except, of course, insofar as it applies to themselves. Stalin and his apparatchiks lived within the Kremlin; the proletariat lived outside it – in homes that fell into decay and disrepair when no one owned them anymore and so no one cared about maintaining them anymore. People – dozens, sometimes -“shared” a common bathroom and you were lucky if you didn’t have to “share” a bedroom.

Stalin, of course, had a private bedroom. And had use of several homes. That’s in italics to make a point of mentioning the genius of the Sovietizers. They understood that the people they impoverished would not abide a handful of autocrats owning everything, Medieval-era Lod-of-the-manor style. They derided exactly that, to depose the Tsar – who operated Russia like a Medieval fief. So did his inheritors – Stalin referred to himself as the Red Tsar – but with a critical difference.

They made a point of not owning anything. Technically. Private property did not exist – legally – in the Soviet Union. But the leadership of the Soviet Union controlled everything. And control is the operative definition of ownership.  Stalin controlled his dachas – plural – so no one he didn’t want within could bed down there. He also controlled everyone else’s living quarters – and so controlled who was allowed within them, too. If he wanted you to house a dozen “refugees” in what used to be (legally/technically) your home, the “refugees” would be bedding-down in your home, like it or not.

Ask Dr. Zhivago.

This is what will come – inevitably – of flooding the country with “refugees” in need of a place to bed down. As well as many other things besides. The Left has already established that what’s yours isn’t, really. You are allowed – for now – to keep a share of what you earned. You are allowed to occupy your home – for now – so long as you continue to pay the government for the privilege. Never mind that you paid for your home -or so you thought you had.

These encroachments of Sovietization will inevitably lead to full Sovietization – because it follows. If you “owe” someone else a “fair share” of what you earned, how can you logically object when the Soviets tell you you “owe” a share of your home to someone else who needs it?

Just wait for it.

Because it’s coming.

In fact, it’s already here. For now, in asking form – without the air-fingers-quotes brackets, in that people are not – yet – forced to comply. How long before asking becomes “asking”?

We’ll soon see.

. . .

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  1. Eric, I object to your calling these people “Leftists”. They are communists, or fascists, which is basically the same. Anyway, Khruschev said we will bury you, and so did Bezmenov (basically), so there you have it. They weren’t lying. And in the Soviet Union, Soviet leaders were also saying back in 1970s that you’ll all be living in communism by the year 2000. Guess what, they weren’t lying either, for once at least.
    Regarding the film, it is great but there’s a similar film which is even better called “Heart of a Dog”. It is based on a novel by Bulgakov and it’s about a doctor in Soviet Russia in the 1920s who performs an operation on a dog, transplanting to it a pituitary gland from a drunkard killed in a pub brawl. The dog turns into a human, which starts behaving like its organ donor – drinking and otherwise behaving obnoxiously. I highly recommend it.

    • Hi Yuri,

      You’re right, of course – in re Leftists being Communists. I use “Left” because it’s closer to the fact than “liberal” or “Democrat” but not as conversation-ending as “Communist,” which I always try to explain is what “Leftism” is after dispensing with “liberal” and “Democrat.”

      I think one of the main jobs that has to be done now is parse words – and the Left. The latter has succeeded wildly in controlling the “conversation,” as the Left would frame it.

      Thanks for the recommend in re Heart of a Dog. I will check it out!

  2. That one scene from Dr. Zhivago has always stuck in my mind. If I ever came home one day and found my house infested with parasites like that I would burn it to the ground, while standing in front of it with a shotgun to keep the fire department away.

    • “I would burn it to the ground, while standing in front of it with a shotgun”

      Which is why they want to ban guns and ammunition, and your state and your governor and your attorney general are some of the worst offenders.

      Not trying to insult you here, but make sure you ask Mayor (“Nonwhites Only”) Wu and Chief Cox for a Boston shotgun permit after you make statements like that and see how it works out for you. Try to even buy reloading components for shotshells without a permit and see how it works out for you.

      • Here in the Soviet of WA ammo asserted a “privilege” if – scratch that – when this bill gets passed and signed into law by Fearless Leader Jaydolf Dimslee:

        I’ll need a bigger trailer to haul stuff back here from Idaho my bootleg list grows: bourbon (north of 20% booze tax); nat gas stove, hot water heater, furnace; phosphate for the laundry and dishwasher (TSP banned in WA); R134a for car A/C (DIY cans banned in WA); petrol gas lawn equipment (if passed use of new gasoline lawn equipment banned 2026 incl fines and jail time); large capacity ammo mags and now the ammo to fill them. Oh and a computer to keep track – 3 years ago the grandsons gaming computer was banned from shipment here to WA due to it using too much electricity I kid you not. Had it sent to friends and picked it up on a trip East.

      • Not a problem X,
        I have several rifles/shotguns inherited from my dad; he lived in Florida so no permits necessary. Getting more ammo might be difficult but if things deteriorate to the situation above I have enough to last till I get taken out.

    • Pushback against the globalist nobility slaver owners….

      NWO globalists mixing up the slaves…then no slave revolt…

      AfD Bundestag member René Springer has promised to deport foreigners from Germany “by the millions” as his party just hit a new high in approval polls.

      A shop owner in Germany was denounced as a racist last month for complaining about migrants mass looting his store, while a left-wing politician sided with the criminals, saying they were “entitled” to steal.

      The consequences have led to Germany becoming the latest major European nation to begin openly talking about re-migration.

      • Slave revolt in china?

        China Pummeled By Dire Deflation, Trade And Credit Data As Labor Strikes, Protests Explode

        China’s stock market is not only down almost 50% from its Feb 2021 high, but also at the lowest level in 5 years and practically unchanged for the past decade!

        China’s debt at record highs, over 300% of GDP..

        And while a quiet, painless sovereign suicide may be an option for Japan with its demographic disaster and rapidly aging population where more adult than baby diapers have been sold for years…….

        for China – which still has a young, vibrant and increasingly angry population – this is not an option as the coming tidal wave of angry protests and strikes, could easily result in the one thing the Chinese Communist Party dreads the most, a revolution.

        • An increasingly angry population ….the solution in the west?…..replace them with migrants that are happy….because they get tons of free stuff…..and will vote for you….

  3. The problem I have with this invasion is it takes away the white people, the founding stock’s right of self-determination. Everyone knows that these invaders always vote for Democrats. Wonder why California in the space of a generation went from a reliable red state to full-on People’s Republic of Hell? It’s all about the invasion over the border that both political parties have a stake in continuing. The GOP’s donor class gets rich off the cheap, illegal labor. The Democrats get to fortify their majorities.

    We can’t accommodate everyone from the Third World just because their countries are trash. All of these people will do is turn our country into the same hellhole they escaped from. With the number of white people decreasing as a percentage of the population and the DIE initiatives that are aimed to keeping whites from employment, the incidents like the Boeing 737 door will increase. Bridges will collapse. Airliners will fall out of the sky. Crime will skyrocket. Shantytowns will be everywhere.

    • Partly true, Doc. But I suspect they’re in for a shock when their pets have a mind of their own and shove aside the local commies for their own cultural brand of corruption.and instead of cowed and beaten americans meekly filing forms and paying taxes,the newbies will pay little or nothing officially but La Mordida will become the rule. I think it might be an improvement… I can deal with corruption privately.

      • Estoy de acuerdo. Yo prefiero la mordida. It’s much more efficient to handle matters on the spot and usually ends up being substantially cheaper. I bet a DUI in Mexico would only run you a couple hundred bucks. You’d be on your way and in bed in 30 minutes. No problema.

        • Indeed gun control is one of the reasons we gringos give for not living in Mexico. But everybody ignores it. And lots of good folks have el Cuerno de cabra stocked away in the closet, or the attic, or under the floorboards where it waits quietly like old Miguel Kalashnikov designed it to do successfully.

  4. The forced quartering of refugees in private homes would be where the line gets drawn by the stay-at-home-mommies who decide elections in battleground states anymore.

    “*WE* worked hard for this McMansion and EV Grocery Getter.”

    Unfortunately, by the time that line gets crossed, it may be too late.

  5. They are not refugees as the term commonly refers,,, They are not immigrants and they are not migrants. They are illegals and most are from sub Sahara Africa plenty healthy for work.
    If you believe these persons have the right to illegally come to your country destroy the economy and culture than yes you should volunteer any excess room in your home(s) and money in your bank account(s). This is no where near the Social Security theme. At least SSI recipients paid 12+ percent of their life earnings. These new Americans collecting as some call them have paid zero, zip, nada nor contribute in any way to the nation either monetarily or culturally. They are a drain on resources which will eventually bankrupt the nation of both.
    There are millions of down and out Americans homeless. Especially the veterans everyone says they care so much for. How many cities have emptied their schools to give them a safe warm place? How many cities have declared a safe haven for these homeless while spending billions for those imported zeros without means or skills. You don’t kill off your own to make room for others! That was exactly what Dr Zhivago was about. Government made the homeless and then forced them on other citizens while sucking up the nations wealth,,, exactly what is happening in the West.
    As I said above,,, many are young men from sub Sahara with a hatred for the West in general and come here only for free stuff. The goody goody two shoes approach from Western NGOs threaten you, your family, your culture, your country. Once the country is broke, (and it is broke today), and the free stuff ends what do you think these nice ‘migrants’ will do?

  6. After arrival, the government is welcoming these people with gifts of our money. Unacceptable. This alone is worthy of rebellion.

    Before the arrival, I believe that large groups are being paid to make the journey beforehand. It’s no coincidence that this is happening to all western majority white countries. There are people who are orchestrating this. Sowers of chaos, death and destruction. Send the immigrants back to their home countries. Send the demons who are orchestrating this back to hell.

  7. Excellent article Eric. I only want to add a comment or two. Eventually the Russian Communists realized that Sovietization in a poor and dumb country like Russia would not work. ((They)) came up with the idea that their system will work in an educated and rich country like the USA. ((They)) moved to the United States in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and took over media, academia etc. ((They)) are very smart and highly organized and persuasive. They are here and they mean to control us. There are not a lot of them. Look at theinfluencers of the but wow they are They just need to convince the new generations of their goodness and love for humanity. They think in terms of generations and not day to day living.
    Trump is not perfect as most people know but he is the best that we can do. We did vote for him and he won in 2016 basically because of the Electoral College.
    Any one who votes for the Democrats(Communists, Obama, Biden etc) is a traitor to our European people.

    • Thanks, Euro!

      I would like to think that Trump might be a latter-day Franco (because – ruefully – I believe we are at that point now, or almost) but his record thus far has not been altogether encouraging. That said, what realistic alternative is there?

    • Russia was never dumb. They have stuff today the America would kill for. OH! excuse me,,, America is killing for. But Russia was poor because like America today, Russia’s wealth was sucked up by bureaucrats in their government.
      Look at Russia today. Debt to GDP of about 12-15 percent while the West, especially GB and the USA lie,,, lie,,, lie lie lie! The USA Debt to GDP is supposedly around 130 percent. The USA includes government spending and government debt spending as GDP. Any government is a drain on GDP, not an enhancement. Take out the Debt and Government spending and the Debt to GDP would probably be in the thousands of percent. And Americans (and the West) calls this wealth. cooooolll…..

      • There are a number of aspects of the GDP that are actually labilities. Lawyers, doctors, insurance, etc. They are NOT productive, and indeed produce nothing but bills to pay.

  8. Yes. Thank you for comparing to U.S. to the Soviet Union instead of Nazi Germany. Criticize Hitler’s methods and decisions if you will, but at least the guy was trying to defend his own country and his own people.

    The U.S., on the other hand, allied itself with the USSR against him. That’s very telling — communism pronounces everyone equal. So does “democracy.” (Not for nothing was East Germany called the “German Democratic Republic.”) Communism seeks a world without borders. So do Western nations that are allowing themselves to be flooded with “refugees.” (They all seem to care about Israel’s border and Ukraine’s border, though.)

    Remember that the American dictator Franklin Roosevelt, who was in office 1933-1945 (the exact same years as Hitler) replaced James Madison’s Bill of Rights (which told the government what it could not do, like take our guns) with his communist-oriented “Four Freedoms,” which granted government unlimited power against “freedom from want” and “freedom from fear.”

    How can you MAGA semi-fascist followers of Orange Hitler possibly object to the government taking your stuff and giving it away to the tens of millions of Third Worlders crossing what used to be your southern border? Why, we’ll have to have a show trial (no, make it FOUR show trials), convict Orange Man as an enemy of the people and send him to gulag, and “save democracy.”

    • The United States allied itself with the Communist Bolsheviks because Jews controlled both.

      The Jew FDR outlawed gold and instituted Socialism to the USA.

      The Jew LBJ had JFK assassinated then pulled the USS Liberty incident to get USA in an Israeli war. JFK was stopping the secret Israel nuclear weapons program.

      Nothing makes sense about Amerikan politiks until you frame it inside a Jewish conspiracy. Why is the USA helping Israel commit genocide in Gaza, when genocide is completely against the values of the nation? Because Jews control Amerika, Blinken, Nuland, Yellen and 90% of Biden’s staff are all Zionist Jews.

      All the presidential candidates slavishly whore themselves to Israel, Trump and Biden both compete to claim they love Israel the most – when the Jews have illegally invaded and displaced the natives of Palestine – a serious crime which the USA should not endorse.

      Note how the Biden admin is defending Israel at the Hague this week.

      One of the first things LBJ did was send all the Davy Crockett nuclear warheads to Israel. Mordecai Vanunu photographed them at Dimona.

      scroll down thru the photos to see nuclear weapon cores:

      Jews did 911, and many researchers say they used nukes in the basement to bring down the Trade Towers. Where did Israel get the nukes to bomb the WTC? We gave them to them. We literally got nuked by our own nukes because we are completely controlled by Israel.

      Israel has not signed the NNPT and does not allow any weapon inspectors at it’s nuclear facilities. It is a rogue nation operating outside of international laws. It will be interesting to see how USA/Israel flaunt any ICC findings.

      Because the USA has signed the NNPT and Israel has not, it is illegal for the USA to give Israel a dime.

      • The Reuben Efron character was gathering intelligence on LHO, a CIA Mossad guy.

        Was somehow involved with the Kennedy assassination.

        According to one gospel over at Unz dot com.

        He died on November 22, 1993, 30 years to the day of JFK’s untimely demise.

        Some Karma there, seems to be.

        I must confess, another reader of Unz Review.

      • I believe the Mossad/Langley did 9/11 but what sort of “nukes” would create what we all saw? If there were indeed small fission/fusion bombs the area would have been intensely radioactive-hot which it was not. Background levels of ionizing radiation persisted. The intense temps underground for weeks without the gamma tend to indicate some other source, like regular chemistry.

      • Hitler lost and everyone in the USA has been brainwashed for decades about Hitler and what he did. (I am not a nazi and I am not defending him) My entire childhood was watching Hogan’s Heroes, Sound of Music, and Holohoax fable. Like every boomer I got fully indoctrinated into anti-German propaganda.

        Later in life I undid my own brainwashing by studying the Holohoax – which is completely made up bullshit by the Allies after the war was over, no gas chambers, no lampshades/soap, and the 6 million number completely arbitrary like 6 feet social distancing. As soon as you learn that the Rabbis use the 6 million number 135 times before anyone ever heard of Hitler, a bright mind immediately knows it is a bullshit figure, just a magic number based on 6, for the Jewish 6 pointed star.

        The quintessential film came out to undo the WW2 propaganda BS you were taught is called ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ which is a must watch if you want to get a truth bomb lit off between your ears.


        The one thing you MUST wrap your mind around, is that allied crimes like the fire bombing of Dresden was whitewashed by blaming Hitler for everything. Allied crimes became Third Reich crimes. And they still do this today, the Israeli invaders blame the genocide on the victims. The fact is Israel has no right to exist whatsoever, and their claims to the land are not legal – no court will recognize religious text as a legal claim to land.

        The next thing everyone needs to get is that the EXACT SAME RUTHLESS TRIBE that killed 66 million Russians is running the United States.

        And that this Communist group – is running the Biden regime – which illegally stole the election – and will do anything to stay in power including killing/imprisoning any Trump supporters or even killing Trump himself. The J6 prosecution is a clear message for the 2024 election, when the Demoncraps steal it again, don’t resist.

        And if you understand all of that, it should be crystal clear to you that Amerika 2024 is Weimar 1929, just before the rise of Hitler – which is why Trump the nationalist is so feared. Hitler came to power for the exact same reason Amerkans are searching for a real leader today.

    • “Hitler’s methods and decisions”

      Hitler made a mistake by invading other countries using armed force. He should have stuck to his borders and made Germany great. He thought other people were Untermenschen (‘underman’, ‘sub-man’, or ‘subhuman).

      He thought that the German soldier was the equal of 7 Untermenchen. He found out at Stalingrad how wrong he was. He could have united Europe instead he created one of the great disasters of our time. Stalin was worse but at least he killed, Gulaged most of his own people who would not obey his dictates. F&#k them both.

  9. Texas evicts Mayorkas’s minions:

    ‘In its latest assertion of sovereignty and responsibility for securing its border with Mexico, the once and future Republic of Texas has seized control of a 47-acre park in the city of Eagle Pass, which has been a major avenue of illegal immigration. What’s more, the Texans are barring US Border Patrol agents and watercraft from the property, which they’ve used as a staging area for processing migrants.

    “They are denying entry to Border Patrol agents to conduct our duties,” a federal official told CBS News, who wondered “what authority (Texas officials) have over the federal government.” Texans are increasingly wondering about the opposite question. — ZeroHedge

    Meanwhile a ‘Biden’ regime which can’t and won’t defend its own borders is seeking out new military adventures abroad. New York Slimes this morning:

    Who Are the Houthis and Why Is the U.S. Attacking Them?

    *cough* muh Izz-ruh-uhl *cough*

  10. Seems I recall reading a few days ago that NYC public schools have re-employed “remote schooling”, so the schools can be used to house immigrants in the school buildings. That’s not too far away from them showing up at your door, along with a goon with a gun, demanding you house them in your home.

  11. Remember the zombie apocalypse genre? There were sub-categories of zombies. Slow zombies, fast zombies, swarming zombies.

    Since COVID we’re not seeing any new big blockbuster zombie movies greenlit. And we probably won’t see any new swarming zombies ever. Turns out filmmakers can’t keep up with IRL.

    Several hoteliers in Denver are being paid by the state to house refugees. The press is writing up human interest stories about them. One owner of a 50’s era motor lodge is so happy that they are calling her “mama” because she’s basically taken on the role.

    This is going to be unpopular, but I’m actually not against allowing people into the country, even if they come through on dubious credentials. Many of them are leaving communist hellholes like Venezuela, and I can certainly relate. The fact that they’re getting a stipend from the feds is the issue. My great-great-great grandparents immigrated here sometime around the Civil War. I’m not sure of the details, but my guess is they either had someone sponsor them or they just made their own way. That’s the kind of immigration we should be encouraging. But the way the US (and the world) is set up today that’s just impossible. The Wilsonian creation of passports clamped down on the hoi-polloi’s ability to move freely, and I doubt the Venezuelan authorities are issuing many passports these days.

    Ultimately the blame falls on Washington, and the Congress specifically. They’re the one who set up the quota systems that mean no one from South or Central America can legally move here because there’s a massive backlog. Meanwhile if you’re Austrian you can waltz in tomorrow afternoon. But immigration reform is one of those third rails, like Social inSecurity and abortion, that are too important as a campaign issue to fix.

    • 100 percent agreed. I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this immigration system is a basket case with both “sides” gaslighting and demagoguing the issue to death. Lefties want all sorts of civil, political and economic “rights” for the “downtrodden” while the righties use this wedge issue to hide some of their thinly veiled prejudices. This stalemate assures that immigration attorneys and members of the apparat will continue to live off our money and assure that the laws to be unfair and serve no one.

      I am concerned about the “military aged” men who are entering this country, but neither the left or right wing in this country is defining what is actually happening.

      The whole immigration system needs to be incinerated. There are productive people who have been wronged by the legalistic nature of this system, being denied even green cards despite having been here 20 plus years. As long as that situation exists, I don’t really care about the border wall or anything else. This country has failed its citizens and about everyone else.

      • I suppose this is a “thinly veiled prejudice,” but every wave of spicy, vibrant, diverse brown folk make America less American and more … something else that I didn’t sign up for. The country was founded by Euro-White men who declared that they were out to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and ***their posterity*** — not the posterity of various mestizos, Ubangis, dots-on-foreheads Indians and other sorts of mystery meat. Other “ethnicities” seem to be entitled to their own countries; why not American Whites?

    • I agree, RK –

      I have no issue at all with people being free to find work/better lives. But until there isn’t a welfare state – and a Leftist apparat that continues to expand it – I say it is a recipe for national suicide to have open borders. Moreover, I deeply resent that I and other Americans are expected to “obey the law” – and punished for not obeying it – while “immigrants” can violate the law with impunity. In part because they are too poor to fleece. Meanwhile, Americans are being fleeced serially.

      • The state as charitable organization is the problem. By crowding out churches and other charities the state takes away the citizen responsibility to their brothers. We see that Americans are a very charitable people, when the call goes out for assistance we all step up, usually far exceeding the ask. It’s what we do. Religions and other accountable organizations will usually screen who they help and often put a limit on the handout. Might be as simple as hearing a sermon for a meal or as complicated as working in the monastery’s vineyard until your sin is absolved.

        The state, because it cannot discriminate, must not attach any requirements to their charity. And being a victim of an “act of God” means that the state has to step in, because God let everyone down (or something…). And at the scale of the Federal Government it’s always simple to cherrypick a hardship case that can be paraded around to show how much good the bureaucracy is doing with “your tax dollars.” Problem is that they’ll never actually fix the problem, because then you won’t need the state. Better to get everyone addicted to the handouts, like a dealer keeping his customers just able to keep feeding the disease.

  12. The Left has gone absolutely insane the past few years. They actually think that entire societies can be run SOLELY on wind & solar energy, censorship is good/ free speech bad, face diapers “Stopped the spread of respiratory viruses”, anyone who opposes THEM is a “Fascist, White Supremacist, Far-right extremist”, etc., Trump is Hitler 2.0, human beings are destroying the planet just by breathing, forcibly injecting every last human with experimental pharma products would have ended COVID, removing unauthorized political candidates from ballots is “Saving democracy”, only white people (particularly white men) can be RACIST, forcing everyone in EVs and eating bugs and frankenfood will “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave the planet”, disarming ordinary citizens will reduce violent crimes, allowing children to change genders without their parents’ knowledge is “Gender affirming care”, etc.

    They’ve either become useful idiots for the globalist/ technocratic elite, they “identify” with them, or they mistakenly think they won’t be affected by the sick, evil agendas being pushed by these technocrats.

    • For a brief moment in the 20th century the elites had the power of the Romans or early Catholic Church, because transmitters and printing presses had an extremely high cost. Now that the price of communication has dropped over 99% and the price for production is trivial, they’ve lost that power and they don’t know what to do about it. For now they’re able to go after the gatekeepers, but what happens when everyone has symmetrical bandwidth into their homes? Someone will crack the “home social media server” product, under direct control of the user. Then one more gatekeeper will fall. The powerful will continue to belittle these new tech products, because that will take away from their bread and butter. And the regulators will line up behind them as revenue streams and shareholder value is destroyed. Politicians will turn these users into “dark web” criminals.

      Then we’ll all get used to it and they’ll figure out how to take that over too.

      There’s an analogy here. In the 1970s the rebirth of country/western music touched off a schism amongst the population. This was the rise of the redneck culture as a backlash against disco and other urban genres. Jimmy Carter got into office by playing to these “folks.” Music led the way but fashion and television caught up, leading to Hee-Haw and The Dukes of Hazard. And of course films like Smokey and the Bandit. Back then Hollywood reflected culture to make a buck. Now Hollywood seems hell bent on self-destruction, maybe building up the ultimate short?

    • It’s interesting, isn’t it?

      I agree with the observations made by others that Leftism is a kind of messianic secular religion for people who have lost their religion – and so, meaning in the lives. They recover it via their new religion, which has a dogma of righteousness that makes them feel “good” as well as a “devil” at whom they can focus all their many resentments.

  13. They can ‘share’ my property when I’m dead, but they will have to kill me, themselves, in order for that to happen. It may end up as a firefight against a zombie hoard, but I won’t be the only one taking a dirt-nap if it comes to that, either!

    • I’ll share my property, but I get to choose who it is. It will be an adult human female, a woman, 28, gorgeous, a knockout, and the figure she has will figure in on the decision.

      In fact, I’ll take two!

      Might work until irreconcilable differences take place, police get there, restraining orders, evicted from your own home and the squatters take everything you have.

      You’ll finally realize it was a trap and Klaus sent them, the dirty dog that he is will pull stuff like that.

      It was a means to get all you have, use beautiful women to entice you so you can be separated from the whole kit and kaboodle. You were happy, now you have nothing. Epstein-ed or something.

      How they roll.

      They’ll do it every time.

  14. ‘The Left – which is Sovietizing America – has been literally flooding the country with “immigrants” and “refugees.” — eric

    ‘The Left’ is an amorphous thing. But massive irregular immigration has a face — ‘Secretary’ Alejandro Mayorkas, head of Homeland Security. How did this unlikely lifeform ascend to the position he’s in, where he can order informal border crossers to be greeted with bus tickets and transported inland?

    Who knows how many foreign passports Mayorkas holds. But somehow, a Republican-dominated House, for all its raging and portentous visits to Eagle Pass, can’t muster the votes to impeach Majorkas, much less deport him in leg irons as an enemy alien.

    • Another aspect of what is going on at the border is massive, unregulated child trafficking. Unaccompanied children who cross the border are being temporarily kept in warehouses at the border, then sent around the country to unknown destinations. There is no tracking done to determine where these children are being sent.

  15. Hi Eric. I believe that in Massachusetts, that bastion of freedom, Spirit of America and all that, the governor has already “asked” citizens to take in immigrants. I also think that she has declared the whole situation a “state of emergency”. How long before that “ask” becomes “you vill take ze immigrants” ? Don’t know the details of what she is looking for, but I do know that Boston is a great test market. They showed their willingness to comply with those two bombing suspects. And so it begins.

  16. This scene from Dr. Zhivago has always been one of the most horrifying vignettes in a movie ever, mostly because it was so realistic and exquisitely captured his shock upon being faced with the total violation of the most personal of spaces, ones home. My family on my fathers side is Russian and Ukrainian. My grandmother had no desire to ever visit that country, and we had relatives who still suffered in poverty living in Poland.


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