

You may have read about the federal government cheating on it is own tests – as regards how far “zero emissions” electric cars can go on a charge, by weighting the math so as to allow the manufacturers of these devices tout significantly greater range than they actually deliver in real world driving.

This is fascinating on a number of levels.

First, obviously, the cheating one.

Remember when VW was practically crucified over what the government styled its cheating on government emissions certification tests? What VW actually did was program the software that ran the computers that controlled its TDI diesel engines to score as highly on the tests as possible. This is something every manufacturer does, by the way. It is also why, as an aside, almost every new vehicle that isn’t a battery powered device has an automatic transmission as these can be – here it comes – programmed to shift in such a way while the car is being tested to deliver the highest possible gas mileage (and lowest “emissions) numbers . . . on the test.

Anyhow, VW was hounded out of the business of making diesel-powered vehicles and forced to get into the business not only of selling battery powered devices but paying for advertising those made by others, among other Soviet-eseque abasements. There was  a reason for all of this, of course. VW’s range of TDI diesel-powered vehicles – models like the Golf, Jetta and Passat – offered so much range (500-plus miles on a single tank) at such low cost (a TDI powered Golf or Jetta could be bought for around $23k) that they constituted an intolerable alternative to $50k devices with half the range.

So they had to go. The cheating was just the excuse.

If you question that, consider the government’s indifference to its own just-discovered cheating – which is far more substantive and (arguably) malicious. It deliberately jiggered the range-math it uses to come up with the range figures touted on the window stickers of battery powered devices so as to fool people into believing the devices will go farther than they actually do.

This is potentially lethal – to actual people.

As for example the device owner who assumed his device would go “x” number of miles who found out the hard way that it won’t – when it’s 10 degrees outside and his device comes to a stop by the side of the road. Contrast this with the lack of a scintilla of evidence produced establishing that VW’s cheating caused any harm to anyone.

As opposed to affronting an agenda.

There is also the harm caused that is usually styled fraud. VW defrauded no one. Its TDI diesels actually went farther than the range claimed by VW; owners regularly reported getting higher mileage than what the window sticker said they’d get. They delivered on every claim made by VW – and then some.

But VW cheated . . . who, exactly?

There is also another interesting aspect of this juxtaposition. It is said that by cheating on federal emissions certification tests, VW sneakily caused more of a combustion byproduct (oxides of nitrogen) to be “emitted” than would otherwise have been. The amount was said to be “up to 40 percent” more than the allowable standard; never mind that it amounted to a fraction of a fraction of that standard. This is a common con when it comes to the way “emissions” are characterized by the Leftists who control the government and the lügenpresse that “reports” on what the government does. Both share the same agenda. Both will say that proposed new “emission” reg will reduce whatever the “emission” is by “50 percent.” They fail to mention that they are talking about 50 percent of a much smaller percent; i.e., 50 percent of 1 percent (or even less than that).

For the obvious reasons.

Now, VW may have cheated on the government’s certification tests. But it more than delivered on the mileage figures it claimed its TDI diesel-powered vehicles would deliver. And did deliver. This means VW’s diesel-powered vehicles “emitted” less of the various dread gasses – because they burned less fuel. Juxtapose that fact against the fraud perpetrated by the feds regarding the deliberate over-estimating of EV range. It is more than just a fraud – it is an affront to the environment.

At least, according to the same false standards used to pillory VW.

A battery powered device is not “zero emissions.” It is elsewhere emissions. The C02 is “emitted” at the utility plant that generates the electricity that powers the device. If the device uses more electricity than falsely advertised, then its use is causing more C02 to be “emitted.” And in this case, we are not talking fractions of a percent (or less) differences.

Consider Tesla’s new Cybertruck as a case-in-point. The claim is the thing can go 320 miles. Inside EVs – a site that defends EVs – just ran a devastating piece about how far these devices actually go, according to people who bought them. They report real-world range of the device is 164-206 miles.

How’s that for Cyberfraud? How’s that for “the environment”?

And it’s not just Tesla’s devices. It’s all of them. I can personally attest to this, having test driven almost all of them. None of them delivered on their advertised range. All of them came up short by about 20 percent and (in the cold) often 30-40 percent or even more. It’s not just me reporting this, either. Even the lügenpresse is having to report it because it’s become impossible to deny it.

How much more “carbon” is being – has been – “emitted” as a consequence of double-digit (and deliberate) misrepresentation of how far battery powered devices actually go on a charge?

Why is there no Dieselgate-like inquisition?

We all know why. Because it (the “emissions”) don’t matter. Serial fraud doesn’t matter.

The agenda does.

. . .

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    • Hi Eric,

      Musk is an odd duck. I can’t figure the guy out. For someone supposedly as smart as he is, he doesn’t seem to be. Ever listen to him speak? He sounds as average as McDonald’s coffee. How does this guy run multiple billion-dollar businesses?

      • Its like he is an idiot savant. He is the deep state’s EV Jesus so he gets away with fraud…Underground roads and Hyperloop and low orbit rocket passenger travel and colonizing Mars stupidities. Fooling fools (especially taxpayers) out of billions.

      • Hi Saxons,

        Yep. I think it’s very interesting the way EV Fever tracked similarly with the hysteria over “masking” and “vaccines.” Initially, a seemingly unstoppable force; everyone seemed to be onboard. There was no going back. But the lies behind all of this didn’t hol dup; the truth came out too soon and too forcefully before they could cement. And then it was over.

        Now, we still have the problem of the tyrants pushing all of this. They have not given up and they will not stop until they are stopped.

  1. Today Tesla’s common stock (TSLA) was slammed down more than 12 percent, after Tesla said it expects ‘notably slower’ volume growth this year compared to last.

    EeeVee Fever, comrades: it’s just a dull orange glow in the rearview mirror, as we press on into the blizzard of EeeVee Winter.

    • Hi Robbie,

      It has been released; my understanding is these results were compiled by several new owners. The linked article (from Inside EVs) gets into all of that.

      • Hi Mike,

        There seems to be no end to what these technocrats want to do to us under guise of “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving the planet”, “Protecting public health”, etc.

  2. Hi Eric – big fan.

    Have you considered styling EVs, contra ICE, as EXTERNAL combustion?

    Maybe even SPONTANEOUS combustion vehicles?

      • That charging station in Hornbrook Ca, pointed out by “barking dog caller” on Bills show allegedly aborted due to insufficient power supply.

        As it type this a series of hydroelectric generator dams are being removed from the Klamath river just upstream from Hornbrook Ca ?

        This is even more indicitave of rampant bullshit out of control than that spontaneous appearance nationwide of abundant social distance floor sticker inventory in March 2020.

        Goes right over sheeples head.

    • Unilaterally defining the terms of debate is our exorbitant privilege.

      ‘Covert combustion’ smokes out the MPGe scam, leaving it naked in the rain.

      Going to the jungle where the elephant roams
      Got to get away gonna make it my home
      Naked in the rain with black tattoos
      Runnin’ through the woods laughin’ at the blues

      — Red Hot Chili Peppers, Naked in the Rain

  3. Burn trees to recharge EVs (latest net zero insanity)

    Burn wood to create steam to turn a turbine to turn a generator to recharge a huge lithium battery…the battery is used to recharge a huge battery powered excavator….

    Instead of just powering the excavator with a diesel engine…..powering the excavator with a diesel produces far lower emissions….

    • Wood powered cars have advantages over gas, diesel or electric vehicles.

      An ice engine converted to run on wood connected to a generator would be a great off grid power source.

      The worst choice is electric vehicles. When the grid goes down they are useless.

      There is lots of free wood someplaces, you can drive around the world with a saw and an axe.

      In a very remote location this would be good, if there is lots of trees.
      When/if they cut off our gas or diesel we can use these.

      There might be a business opportunity building and selling these.

    • I agree, Eric –

      Also: Musk is a liar. X – which is Twitter rebranded – is no”free speech zone.” Among other things, X will not allow any links to Brighteon (where there is free speech) and it continues to shadow ban speech, allowing some posts to be seen but others not.

    • Hi Martin,

      I despise the UAW. It is hard to imagine a more corrupt organization – unless you think of the government. That said, I have great sympathy for the average UAW worker, who is forced to join the union (if he wants to work) and who probably knows his job is being obsoleted. But what can he do? The union speaks for him…

      • Teamster are a terrorist organization. I worked at a UAW shop first job out of college. I never knowingly have or never will buy something they had a hand in making. I don’t even read you reviews on Amerikan cars 🙂

      • ‘UAW Union Boss and ‘Never Trumper’ Shawn Fain concedes that most rank-and-file members will vote for President Trump:

        “A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden … the majority of our members are going to vote their paychecks.”

        Now we see that Shawn Fain is just another greasy crook like Mitch McClownell and Mitt Romney, selling out his own constituents in dirty insider deals.

    • At least with the Bossman endorsing Biden, it might actually become clear to a few people the the UAW (and other organizations like it,) are literal Front-Orginization for the Democratic Party – which many right-wingers are forced to bankroll if they want a job.

  4. Diesel Exhaust Fluid is synthesized from ammonia and ionized water, 32.5 gallons of ammonia, 67.5 gallons of ionized water, the first synthesized urea. Reduces Nitrogen emissions in the atmosphere.

    The iron skunks are clean burning these days.

    Farmers do not object to hog waste slurry spread as manure on fields.

    It is fertilizer, farmers also welcome smokestack fallout from coal-fired power plants when the smoke had sulfur emissions, and it falls onto farmland. Smokestack scrubbers do the job these days.

    A Canadian coal-fired power plant was sending brown/grey clouds of smoke from a coal-fired power station for decades.

    “It’s free fertilizer,” said my uncle. Made plenty of money farming.

    Never smoked tobacco, died of lung cancer. Oncogenes everywhere in this world.

    There are known lung carcinogens.

    Musk is making himself look like a fool, a carcinogenic human or something.

  5. I want to second what Eric said about today’s affluent having no sense. The only man I know who did very well for himself worked his tail off in Chicago back when there was heavy industry and good paying union jobs. He is now the old guy every man wants on his building project. For everyone else I know in my small circle, the six figure incomes come from pharmaceutical jobs. I think it is a deliberate scheme to place wealth in the hands of fools, whether you’re talking about the make-work, bullshit jobs, or welfare. In both cases it is assured that the majority of this wealth will transfer back to the purveyors of worthless bullshit nobody truly needs.

    • A free phone, a free ticket to anywhere, free health care,….injection exemption, free housing, $2000/month spending money…guaranteed mortgage approval, ..enough to get by on till you set up a car theft ring….

  6. Hey Eric, what would it take for diesels to come back? I’m certain that if dieselgate happened during Orange Man instead of The Limp Wristed Queen, be a slap on the wrist fine and more manufacturer’s would be combining hybrids with diesels rather than this Agenda 2030 crap

  7. Why don’t you want a battery-powered vehicle that uses electricity to make it go?

    You should feel guilty driving an automobile with an engine that uses hydrocarbons.

    Shame on you. You should know better, we’ll tell you how you can.

    How you gaslight the uneducated morons. Those who know better know what it is.

    I wouldn’t be caught dead in a Cybertoytruck.

  8. I watched this out of curiosity a couple days ago:

    How far does a Cybertruck go while towing 11,000 lbs? The answer is about 90 miles.

    I’m actually surprised it went that far with this new data from users. It seemed like the guy was about to pee himself trying to get to his preferred charger. It was down to the wire.

    What was hilarious was that he suggested that, if he’d run out of charge, he could’ve just taken the Humvee off of the trailer and towed the Cybertruck instead.

    …But it’s so beautiful.

    • How far does a Cybertruck go while towing 11,000 lbs? The answer is about 90 miles……

      You can’t quick charge the battery over 80% or you ruin the battery….you can’t run the battery under 20% or you ruin it….so you can only safely use 60% of the battery range…60% of 90 is 54 miles….lol

  9. If the Supreme Court of the United States won’t allow states to protect their borders when the responsible party will not, and that responsible party actually assists in an invasion, how could anyone expect any kind of legal assistance where shady car manufactures lie about the performance of their products in favor of a false narrative?
    When a state cannot protect its citizens from crime cartels and syndicates, drug lords, and whathaveyou, what is the use of any legal system?
    When foreign nationals have more rights than citizens,,, even veteran citizens that fought for this nation now homeless on the streets,,, are given free money, welfare, transportation, housing, food, education, medical then it’s over.

        • Same here, just out of curiosity. Hearing the hum of the cars go around the track reminded me of a video game. It seemed fake, like there was no real world urgency or anything at stake. Like a choreographed dance. Or watching ice skating.

          One thing I noticed was that the stands were filled! Unbelievable that people would pay to watch this. My first thought was that they probably had the technology to fill the stands on screen using AI. LOL Wouldn’t doubt it one bit.

          • Amen, Philo –

            Why not just get rid of the drivers, too? I mean, they’re not shifting. All they’re doing now is steering and braking. Less and less role for the driver. Just put the devices on autopilot and let them run around the track for a few laps, until they run out of charge.

  10. IIRC, the government and the media did something similar to justify face diaper mandates at the height of COVID hysteria. There have been studies done in states that had NO mask mandates vs states that HAD such mandates. If memory serves, there was statistically NO difference in the number of COVID “cases”, but government and establishment media used fuzzy math to make claims like mask mandates resulted in a “40% drop in infections”.

    And then of course, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer engaged in some shady practices in clinical trials for their COVID jabs, which, instead of going after the pharma companies, the government and media used such claims to trumpet narratives like “95% effective!”, “Safe and effective!” or “The vaccines act as a dead end to the virus!”

    Not only that, to eliminate the control group, the pharmaceutical companies ultimately gave their jabs to people who got a placebo in the clinical trials. This whole maniacal COVID jab push has effectively been one giant medical experiment that will likely end up being the BIGGEST public health disaster in our lifetimes, but very few politicians & people running for political office even want to talk about it, let alone the various crimes that governments have committed in the name of “Protecting Public Health”.

    • Hi John,
      Something else that never gets mentioned is how Sweden did just fine without all the draconian measures used in the rest of the “free” world. Life went on normally without lockdowns destroying small businesses and people’s lives.

      • Hi Mike,

        I forgot about Sweden, but then the fact that Sweden did fine without draconian measures went against the narrative/ agenda the same way that countries with LOW VACCINATION rates ultimately fared much better with COVID than countries that had HIGH VACCINATION rates. However, there are people who’ll STILL say that draconian COVID measures such as lockdowns and mask/ vaxx mandates “Saved lives” despite little to NO evidence whatsoever indicating that, and MASSIVE evidence that such draconian measures DESTROYED countless lives.

      • Or that India and other countries that regularly use hydroxychloroquine to fight malaria and other maladies had nearly 0 deaths from COVID. Seems that mom’s cure for every sniffle is hydroxychloroquine, and the government handed out cheap and effective hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in a blister pack that cost about $4 per person (contained multiple doses).

        • Hi RK,

          The thing with Hydroxychloroquine was, here in the U.S., back in 2020, during Orange Man’s (first) term as President, the media and the medical-industrial complex ran a propaganda campaign against Hydroxychloroquine, calling it a “Dangerous drug approved by Trump”, which deranged Trump Haters ate up as TRUTH. Ironically, it turned out Trump was RIGHT.

          Not only that, when Ivermectin was turning out to be another effective COVID treatment, the same media and medical-industrial complex ran a propaganda campaign against that drug and doctors who advocated it, calling it “Horse dewormer approved by Anti-vaxxers”. The FDA even posted a tweet saying (paraphrasing) “You ain’t a horse. You ain’t a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” The cabal was relentlessly pushing vaccination as the ONLY solution to the dreaded ‘Rona. They even ran narratives like “Pandemic of the unvaccinated!”, which turned out to be complete bull crap. And then of course, the Biden Thing tried to make it MANDATORY for people who work for an employer with 100+ employees to get vaxxed, which SCOTUS thankfully struck down a few months later. I can’t even imagine what would have happened had SCOTUS ruled the other way, given the authoritarianism that we’ve seen from the Biden regime the past 3 years.

          And with the WHO trying to implement a global pandemic treaty later this year, if they succeed, unelected bureaucrats far away could theoretically tell everyone here they MUST take the latest (Warp Speeded, untested) experimental mRNA jab that Big Pharma makes under a declared “Public Health Emergency”, or tell everyone they MUST give up eating meat and using gasoline because “Climate Emergency”.

  11. Yeah: Same thing as the Hyundai MPG overstatement case. Was Honda too caught up in that? Hyundai paid a hefty price for this as I recall. But you’re right, EV is all about the agenda.

    • Same with Harley Davidson.

      Been saying this forever, Vdub was crucified to push these rolling crematoriums that they can wirelessly affect the range with. In either an parallel universe or in a hopeful future, there’s a diesel renaissance without the EPA throttling them

  12. 2023 was supposedly the hottest year on record. Therefore, the Davos crows demand you change your lifestyle and curtail your well-being.

    • That was Mazda, but point well taken. Diesels are insanely efficient and are so much better than a battery-powered device.

    • Hi Chris,

      I got to drive all of them – and every one of them returned higher-than-advertised mileage. Phenomenal vehicles – and engines. And now they’re all gone – because they were too good.

  13. I swear, people have gotten to be dumb as a rock when they are pissing away money on a stainless-steel, battery-powered refrigerator on 4 wheels. By far, one of the ugliest pieces of crap to hit the road since the 1970 F-100. A Delorean, has more appeal, and we know what a miserable fraud that POS was. This is definitely the vehicle of choice for people who sit on their ass all day in ‘cyberspace’ and have no where to go, nor any need to go.
    “Here folks, spend a 100K a featureless, homologous, virtually useless piece of crap, and pretend you have somewhere to go, or something to do when you get there”

    • Hi Graves,

      I have a hypothesis about this: I think a lot of today’s affluent people are Michael Abraham people; government workers of one stripe or another – who draw huge salaries for make-work (basically) that would never return that kind of income in a free market where they were obliged to persuade (rather than force) people to pay them. Anyhow, there are now a lot of very affluent people who are not productive people; such people have money – but not much sense (as we understand it). In the past, to be affluent generally required being productive in the sense that the person was successful in business, making/selling things. Such a person is not a fool, usually. Michael Abraham types on the other hand…

    • What? That’s not a bad looking truck, idky you’re dissing the F100 there?

      I’ve seen a ton worse, though the “Cybertruck” definitely takes the cake for ugly

      • He was hampered by limited funds amd having to build them in Northern Ireland during “The Truobles”. His former employer, GM, did everything to frustrated the DeLorean, including suing him under a non-competitive agreement which was later ruled by the US District Court as unenforceable, i.e., DeLorean acceptance of a buyout of his pension and health coverage was effectively a “dismissal”, thereby releasing him from any obligation to not compete with GM or work in the auto industry.

  14. I read this stuff and grow to hate government even more. Apparently, only sociopaths “work” in government.

    How awesome would it be right now to have a new 300SD? The epitome of analog.

  15. No different than the ‘gun violence epidemic’ that is proposed to be stopped by disarming everyone who is not a criminal, by criminalizing firearm ownership. Restriction of travel, confiscation of firearms, all of it is government assault on the Bill of Rights, and all of it is being sold to the public as ‘saaaaafffety’.
    I have been just fine for most of my 59 years without govt. ‘saaaafety’ Tyranny, but that isn’t good enough to for them, apparently.

  16. If .gov refuses to do their jobs perhaps the solution might be a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer for “lying” about the fuel economy their vehicle gets. I read something about Hyundai getting sued over that years ago.

    You would think it would be doable considering that EV’s get 1/3 to 1/2 lower fuel economy than what is claimed also as they are claimed to be emissions free is also a provable lie. Nail them to the wall for their lying in court.

    Another thing why is it called a truck when it looks like the world’s ugliest station wagon?

    • You only need to look at all the Trump cases to be disabused of your faith in the court system. The courts are probably the most corrupt of the government rackets. Try suing Pfizer for killing your kid…

  17. Back in the day, car ads would tout their mileage numbers. Then, they’d go on to say that the EPA numbers are for comparison only. That meant you could use them to compare other vehicles’ mileage to theirs, but you may not see those numbers; they’d then proceed to say that driving habits, traffic conditions, etc. would impact mileage numbers. I always viewed EV range numbers in the same light-for comparison only.

    Eric, no matter what car you test, ICEV or EV, you’re not going to see the same mileage or range numbers as someone living in the flatlands would; nor would you see the same numbers as someone living in the city. Why? Your local conditions are different. You talk about going up and down the mountain. You’re also in a rural area with less stop/go driving. Why don’t car buyers keep in mind that the mileage or range numbers aren’t Gospel? Why don’t they view them as the ads used to admonish-for comparison only?

    • I always viewed EV range numbers in the same light-for comparison only.

      For EVs, range is important because charging takes a long time, causing lots of vehicle downtime (which, as you have hopefully learned by now, does not magically vanish when people close their eyes), and fast charging is not an option because fast chargers do not exist. Therefore, the impact of misleading range numbers is much greater for EVs.

    • Mark,

      I can offer expert testimony on this subject as I am a guy who has been test driving new vehicles for almost 30 years; I have driven literally thousands of new vehicles of all types. None of them has returned 40 percent less mileage than advertised. Or even 10. On the other hand, every EV I have test driven did not come close to delivering the range (mileage) advertised. Most returned 20 percent less than advertised; far worse in the cold.

      This fact is now being widely acknowledged.

      It’s a criminal fraud.

  18. ‘The claim is the thing can go 320 miles … [versus] real-world range of the device is 164-206 miles.’ — eric

    A tripartite fraud is underway:

    1. Exaggerated range.
    2. MPGe rating excludes generation and transmission losses.
    3. MPGe is arbitrarily jacked by a factor of 6.67 to assess CAFE compliance.

    In turn, these deliberate, cynical deceptions are supported by subsidized battery plants and purchaser tax credits, costing tens of billions.

    EeeVee Fever is another laughable but dreary chapter to be added to Mackay’s classic catalog of human foibles, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.

    • Hi Jim, as far as I see it looks like fraud. Sue them in court. They might claim you’ll get better mileage if you don’t turn on the heat or AC on. To those people try driving in Minnesota with no heat in the winter or drive in Louisiana in the summer without AC.

      At least in the past heat or AC did not appreciably shorten the range of a vehicle. The same happened when towing. My old Dodge PU got the same fuel economy with an empty box as it did with a load of firewood in it.

    • Understand that we’re living under Communism and have been for a very long time. There is nothing unusual about this official and pervasive lying and denial of reality. Read the book “Mig Pilot” about Viktor Belenkos defection in a Mig 29 in the 1970s. I remember especially his hilarious descriptions of Soviet Potemkin village shenanigans such as lining a street with fresh cut trees because nomenklatura were going to visit. After the trees browned and were replaced a few times, they resorted to painting them green…

      • Excellent recommend, Ernie!

        I am going to get that book pronto.

        And: You’re right about the communism. Practically every plank of the Communist Manifesto has been enacted as law here. We already “own” very little, in any meaningful sense. In the sense that we get to keep it without having to pay the government for the privilege. We’re allowed to keep a certain arbitrary percentage of the money we earn; the amount we “owe” subject to change at will. We are not free to associate (or not). We may only transact business under certain terms and conditions. The power of government is effectively omnipotent as well as omnipresent. Just as Marx envisioned.


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