EVs and “Vaccines” . . .


It’s interesting the way EV Fever and “Vaccine” pushing have tracked together. In particular, the way the people who took (and pushed) the drugs that weren’t “vaccines” didn’t acknowledge they were wrong (or misled) or express regret (or anger about being misled) but instead found endless ways to rationalize what they did (and pushed).

It’s the same with EVs, too.

Rather than acknowledge the numerous flaws or express anger about such things as having been misled about how far EVs actually go in real-world driving, they make excuses for their battery powered devices. It’s no big deal that the device’s range is 20-30 percent less than advertised; that it plummets in cold weather; that the battery has lost a third of its charge capacity after just seven years of driving; that it costs a third more (and rising) to insure a device because of its higher repair costs and the built-in fire risk . . .

It’s still “safe and effective,” so to speak. Like the boosters these same people continue to take, they’d buy another device in spite of the objective failings of their first device.


Audi almost went under back in the ’80s over a fake “60 Minutes” hit piece that asserted Audi vehicles were prone to sudden unintended acceleration (kind of like died suddenly, except it wasn’t true in Audi’s case). Because people were afraid to drive Audis. EV people are not afraid to drive devices that spontaneously catch fire.

“Yugo” is not so much the name of a car as the punchline of jokes about poorly built, unreliable cars. No one wants to buy a Yugo. But they do buy poorly built, unreliable devices.

If Toyota were discovered to have sold Prius hybrids that regularly missed the advertised mileage by 5 percent there would be Hell to pay. But devices that regularly fall 20 percent short of the range they advertise are coo’d over by the people who bought the lies.

Again, why?

Probably because the people who buy the lies and make excuses for the liars are people who believe. They are like the believers in the rituals associated with the event marketed as a “pandemic,” which it was in the same way that there is a “pandemic” of graying hair among those over 50. Most people do not die as a result of graying hair, either. But unlike graying hair, belied in the “pandemic” gave many people something to believe in. It is just the same with those who believe in EVs. And when you believe rather than think, it is hard to shake belief.

The believer has a stake in what he believes; he will make great effort to avoid thoughts that contradict or question his beliefs because he does not want to have his beliefs shattered. His beliefs orient him. They provide the meaning he lacks otherwise. What is a car that just works? It is just a car. A tool. Something that serves a purpose. A battery powered device serves a higher purpose – in the mind of the believer. It shows he puts his beliefs – as in the “climate changing” sense – into practice. The device is so much more than a vehicle. Just as a “mask” was so much more than a garment worn over the face. Just as the Burqa is so much more than a garment worn over the face.

Once a person becomes a believer, it becomes nigh impossible to reason with that person, axiomatically. Belief being immune to the powers of reason. Belief rejecting reason as the primary mechanism for evaluating the truth (or not) of something.

One simply believes.

And such a person will believe anything – and cling tightly to it, too.

. . .

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  1. My neighbour was telling me about her all-electric Mini. I didn’t prompt her; she volunteered this information.

    “At this time of year, it does 100 miles between charges, and it costs about ten pounds to re-charge. BUT, it doesn’t matter, because I only use it to drive into town.”

    It’s not even two years old, and she’s sussed the range-decrement that is associated with cooler weather.

    There’s a powerful aphorism, which I find to have remarkable predictive and explanatory power.

    It goes, “I’ll see it, when I believe it.”

    But, we must ensure that we sceptics don’t fall victim to similar delusions.

    • Hi Bogbeagle,

      For short-range/low speed driving – i.e, as a :city” car – an EV can make sense. It makes no sense when the device is expected to be capable of long-range/high speed highway driving because in order to be able to the latter (even a little) requires the ridiculously heavy battery packs that are why even a small, lower-end EV such as your neighbor’s Mini cost close to $40k. Which is preposterous for a small car that goes “100 miles between charges.” A $15k EV that goes “100 miles in between charges” wouldnot be. But it would be limited to “city” driving.

      See today’s lead article!

  2. Follow the science they say.

    From 1950-1985 and 1997 to 2015 the atmosphere temperature cooled. During those same periods the ‘greenhouse gas’ CO2 levels rose dramatically.

    Quick Question. Does this sound like a greenhouse gas?

    On a sunny day the atmosphere absorbs about 22 degrees of heat and loses it in about 12 hours. In a study when CO2 was heated, it only took about 4 minutes to cool. The cooling of CO2 many times faster then the atmosphere is not the definition of a greenhouse gas.

    The definition of Green House Theory is from John Tyndalls paper written in 1861. Temperature is actually the speed of atoms and molecules. ‘The Science’ says the greenhouse gas prevents the heat from escaping the earths atmosphere by bouncing it back to the planet. If CO2 prevents the loss of heat radiated to it by the earth then how does the Suns heat get through the gas to heat the surface. What? A diode effect? It stands to reason that if CO2 can bounce the heat back to the surface than it can also bounce the heat back to the Sun.

    Not many centuries ago babies and young virgins were thrown into volcano’s to satisfy the evil and keep it from erupting. This was ‘the science’ of the day. In recent times up to the present animals and young children were/are sacrificed to rid the sin of the many. Many religions call for these sacrifices!

    Oh, the science! We must do evil things,,, believe in false narratives put out by the Witch Doctors of our time. Eight billion must be sacrificed so eight hundred can live like Kings our modern Witch Doctors at the WEF/Davos/etc claim.

    It is a fact that humans must ‘believe’ in something. Even believing in nothing is believing in something. Remove a belief and they’ll find another to replace it. Provide the new belief and they’ll soak it up like water to a sponge. Today the new belief is Government.
    Media and Academics are its pastors. Laws and rules comprise its bible. Paying tribute (taxes) is required and like any religion,,, loyalty.

    Anything spoken that is au contraire to the new god’s doctrine is sacrilegious and that person must be punished… or eliminated,,, as happened during the Plandemic.

    • Very perceptive of you to notice they’re arguing co2 operates like a diode. It’s the Hotel California of gasses, you know.

      Funny how they went from global cooling to global warming to climate change and now back to, not just warming, but global boiling. When they’re forced to resort to hyperbolic rhetoric, you just know its a lie.

    • Hey Ken,

      “If CO2 prevents the loss of heat radiated to it by the earth then how does the Suns heat get through the gas to heat the surface. What? A diode effect?”

      I’m not a climatologist, but I am centrally a chemist, so I’ll give this a quick shot.

      A carbon dioxide molecule doesn’t really “bounce back” radiation like a pin-pong ball. It absorbs a particular wavelength of radiation as a photon, enters a higher vibrational state, then re-emits the same wavelength in any direction, returning to the previous vibrational state. At least that’s one thing that can happen.

      CO2 does absorb most of the energy coming from the Sun along CO2’s characteristic absorption bands. Roughly half of the those initially absorbed photons will be re-emitted upwards, while the others are emitted back downwards, toward the Earth. They can then be intercepted by another CO2 molecule and so on.

      But the majority of the Sun’s emitted spectrum is visible and near-infrared light. Most of that light hits the surface of the planet or clouds. Materials on the surface absorb that radiation and some of it is converted to vibrational (thermal) energy and then later re-emitted as long wave infrared radiation.

      That long wave infrared is absorbed by CO2 and other gasses. Again, those molecules can re-emit upwards or downwards (as generalities). The “Greenhouse Effect” is the effect of the capture of that energy, which raises the temperature of the atmosphere.

      Now, exactly how much is up for debate, and the Earth is a complicated system.

      I also wonder about things like this:


        • Hey Ken,

          I read through the article and will see if I can play through the video whilst I work.

          Briefly, regarding CO2 being a relatively poor greenhouse gas, that’s correct. See here:


          CO2 as a greenhouse gas is important, however. As illustrated by the graph, without CO2, we’d all freeze. I am curious about his calculations, so I’ll be checking this out further.


          • There is no such THING as a “greenhouse gas”.
            To use the “greenhouse gasses” is to show utter scientific ignorance. The very term is a misnomer of the highest order.

            A greenhouse works by preventing convective heat lost. Not because they contain “magic gasses” that somehow (apparently via miracle) prevent photonic re-emission in particular directions.

        • A couple weeks ago in southern UT I saw their ‘stuff’ being spread in circles. What flight pattern flies in circles over the border of UT/NV?

          There were multiples of them in straight lines, but it was really interesting to see the circular ones. I had never seen that before.

        • Helot,

          I’ll check it out. I see RFK Jr. in there. Did you see that he might be a Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party?

          I’m curious at to what mechanisms they propose are being used for a clandestine geoengineering campaign. Should be interesting. 🙂

  3. I guess by definition people who are being deceived don’t know they’re being deceived. At some point you’d think a smack of reality would unmask (so to speak) the truth.

    “Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” -Scarlet Begonias by the Grateful Dead

    • That’s because critical thinking is taken away, not encouraged. I’ll never forget when my kid brought home a pure propaganda paper with the question “Why is America the greatest nation on earth?” There were no qualifiers. No benchmarks. No counter questions like “What areas might America improve?” Nope. Just “America. Greatest nation on earth. Agree or fail.” I tried in that moment to teach her critical thinking…”Why would the greatest nation on earth be 38th in life expectancy, behind even Cuba, a 3rd world country?” I asked her.

      I don’t think it took.

  4. ‘[A battery-powered device] shows he puts his beliefs – as in the “climate changing” sense – into practice.’ — eric

    From an article by Dr Mercola this morning:

    ‘To fabricate an emergency where there really is none, the IPCC “assumes enormous positive feedbacks,” Dr William Happer says. Because CO₂ is not a potent greenhouse gas, the tiny direct warming caused by it is amplified by factors of anywhere from four to six to make it seem like it has a discernible impact.

    “I like to say it’s affirmative action for CO₂,” Happer says. “It’s not very good at warming but if you assume lots of feedback, you can keep the money coming in.”


    Funny — ‘affirmative action for CO₂’ precisely parallels the EPA’s ‘affirmative action for EeeVees,’ in which their MPGe is arbitrarily multiplied by a factor of 6.67 to calculate CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy).

    That is, to sell a Big Lie, you have to CHEAT BIG — by a factor of at least four to six. Science, bitchez!

    • Hence scientific fraud is occurring on a global scale? If “climate science” is just political make-believe then then how much have scientists lied to us all this years?

      • You probably aren’t ready for the answer to that question. Frankly, because it goes far beyond “scientists” to teachers, clergy, and doctors.

    • Hi Jim,
      I read that interview too, he shows how the “Net Zero” cult is a death cult and all the attendant “carbon capture” schemes are a giant grift. Too bad it will never see the light of day in any publication read by the average person, though it’s doubtful they would understand or believe it anyway.

  5. They believe they are mini-Gods that can change the world by their good deeds. They believe their ideology is so good and so pure that everyone who does not think as they are evil.

  6. How has the phenomenon of “EV Fever” been observed in correlation with the push for COVID-19 “Vaccine” acceptance, and what similarities can be identified in the behaviors of individuals involved in both movements?

    • By matter of fact, the “CO2 scam” and the “COVID scam” (in fact, the “virus” scam…) are both ran by the same people. Any 2 scams ran by the same group of people are related and comparable in discussion, even if they don’t SEEM related on the surface.

      CO2 scam = Jewish.
      COVID (virus) scam = Jewish.
      Holohoax = Jewish.
      9/11 = Jewish.
      BLM = Jewish.
      Antifa = Jewish.
      LGBTQ agenda = Jewish.
      Fractional Reserve Lending = Jewish.

      There is one key similarity in both movements, too.
      An overwhelming ignorance of “the Jew” being overwhelming behind everything.

  7. Once upon a time just 3 years ago, there were those who wanted to BAN people who refused to “Take that COVID vaccine” from leaving home or going to public places such as restaurants, bars, grocery stores, and concerts, citing “Dangerous pandemic!” Once it became too obvious these “vaccines” were NOWHERE near being “Safe and effective!”, that largely went away, but FEW to NO people who advocated draconian punishments for the mask/ vaxx refuseniks apologized for their behavior other than beg for a “Pandemic amnesty”, whatever that meant. What are the odds that these same people will advocate BANNING people who refuse to give up driving a gas vehicle for an EV from driving an automobile PERIOD, and use some excuse such as “Climate Crisis!” or “Climate Emergency!”?

    • Those of us who drive ICE-powered vehicles will be blamed for climate lockdowns, not only for the supposed necessity of having one in the first place, but it will be our fault that the lockdowns have to last for so long.

      Meanwhile, we have people like this German professor who wants gasoline price of 100 euros per litre. “Only when a liter costs 100 euros or more will our dear fellow citizens slowly begin to think about whether it will be possible to do without a car”, he says. That’s for all intents and purposes a ban on ICE vehicle driving.

      • Hi Stufo,

        Note the sneering, fulminating hate leached by this Herr Professor: ” . . .our dear fellow citizens.” Same stuff that came out of the mouths of the Leftists who wanted us “unvaxxed” herded into camps (or worse). Leftists hate us and want us dead. We ought to understand this and respond accordingly.

      • Hi Stufo,

        It sounds like that professor also advocates CARBON TAXES. Notice he says that CO2 prices have to go up to “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave the planet”. Would he also advocate taxing people every time they BREATHE as well? CO2 comes out of our noses every time we EXHALE. These people are demented, but the scary thing is, many of them are in charge of “Western governments”.

      • I believe the same thing Stufo. Us ‘natural fuel’ users will be blamed for everything wrong with the world. They are already starting it. They will start the propaganda by saying we are polluters and bad people because of it.

        • Earth fuel IC engines, by matter of fact, are merely in their infancy in terms of technological development. We think of it as a “mature technology”, but “mature technologies” don’t advance by leaps and bounds year after year. All you have to do is look honestly at a single factor…HP/CL. Horsepower per cubic liter has done nothing but climb over the last 100 years, thanks to advancements in manufacturing, materials, and design. And it is STILL CLIMBING, indicating that we are no where near the peak of this technology.

          I am a trained jet engine mechanic. I know just a bit about ICE tech. There is 1 way and 1 way only to increase the efficiency of an engine. You must increase the temperature at which the engine operates, and you must waste as little of that heat as possible. This is the same as increasing the pressure at which an ICE operates, because temperature and pressure are directly proportional.

          Of course, the reason we are so limited now with ICE tech is materials and design limitations, mostly due to economics, not existence. The technologies and materials exist, but when you have an infrastructure built around steel and aluminum, moving AWAY from those antiquated materials is an economic challenge.

          When we begin to invest money in technology INFRASTRUCTURE, the COST of that technology WILL come down. By matter of fact, building cars from carbon fiber is, for some RIDICULOUS REASON, prohibitively expensive. Why? Carbon is, literally, one of the most abundant (and most RENEWABLE) resources on the planet. There is no reason every part of a modern car can’t be built MORE CHEAPLY out of carbon fiber than out of steel and aluminum. There is NO REASON engine blocks, pistons, crankshafts, ect can’t be made from titanium, ceramics, and aerospace-grade steels that make the steel in cars now look like cheap pot metal. The only reason for this is the entrenched oligarchical steel, oil, and aluminum barons that run the auto industry that prevent infrastructure investment in alternative construction technologies that will bring their costs down.

          Imagine of all there was to building a car shell / unibody was to spool off a bunch of carbon fiber from a giant spool into a mold and inject resin into it that hardens in seconds, quickly and CHEAPLY.

          When we figure out how to get the oligarchical forces out of the way of the auto industry, we can then revolutionize it from a technological standpoint as well as make cars CHEAPER.

          • Good science. But, no matter what, I dont see a carbon fuselage Vans RV getting “cheaper” . . . .ever.

            Look at its grampa the bicycle. 15k for top end with no motor.

            Least of all a TBM . Only when the auto returns to being an automobile for transportation can this spiral invert.

            • Yeah, but let’s be honest. SHOULD the carbon bike be more expensive than steel, aluminum, or titanium? Carbon fiber can be molded and layered into anything, with any degree of thickness or thinness. It is a superior material in every way. The ONLY thing that holds it back is the fact the infrastructure is based around steel and aluminum. If you build a carbon fiber infrastructure (factories mass producing carbon fiber instead of foundries making steel), there is NO reason carbon fiber can’t become a cheaper material than steel or aluminum. It’s CARBON. It’s the same stuff we put in PENCILS.


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