My Invite to Become a Member of the Club


The great comedian George Carlin – who was great because his humor was serious in that he pointed out things that made us laugh, nervously – once observed that “it’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” By which he meant most of us are not members of the “club” that essentially runs things.


Another and less-well-known comedian who also knew the score was Bill Hicks. His humor is similarly hilarious – and biting.

The truth, as the saying goes, often hurts.

One of the ways the club runs things is to control what’s said – in print, on TV and online – about things. By controlling these things, the club has great control over what the people who aren’t member think – about everything.

Recall, as an example, the way the foregoing controllers of the narrative were able to control the way people thought about what was marketed to them as “the pandemic.” It was hard not to think there was one, when from practically every TV, web site, smartphone and newspaper almost all you heard and read and saw was that there was one. “The cases! The cases!” carried more weight than the facts – as before our own eyes.

We all know the story – and that’s not the only one.

What you may not know is how these narratives are all put together so uniformly, so all-encompassingly. As if everyone agreed with them – when in fact, it’s only a relative handful who’ve agreed to spread the narratives they’re very well-paid to propagate. It is not so much ideological- though there is definitely an element of that. The primary driver of these narratives is the thing that usually drives men (and women) to do others’ bidding.


And the celebrity that’s often included.

It can be very tempting, to journalists especially. Chiefly, because it’s not easy to make a living making the-powers-that-be unhappy. The big money (and celebrity) is in making them happy. The price a journalist pays for that is that once bought, he’s owned. This is kind of what Orwell meant when he wrote that bit of dialogue in his novel, 1984, between the lead character – Winston Smith – and his friend/betrayer, O’Brien. The latter – a member of the Inner Party, which was the club that ran things in Oceania – had cozied up to Winston, who was a hidden heretic against the Party. O’Brien pretended to be a fellow heretic or at least a sympathizer. He invited Winston to join a club that was opposed to the Party, which Winston thought he was doing.

When he found himself in prison – having been rounded up by the Thought Police, the enforcement division of the Party – he was surprised for a moment when the door to his cell opened and he saw O’Brien.

“They’ve got you too!”

O’Brien quietly corrected him. “They got me a long time ago.”

They almost got me, too.

Back in the ’90s, I had a few articles published by The Wall Street Journal.  I was eventually approached by their editorial page – by a member of the Inner Party, or the club, if you like – who offered me a job as an editorial writer. The pay would have been considerably better than what I was earning as a writer for The Washington Times, which was a kind of AAA farm team for the big leagues of conservative journalism. It would have – as the saying goes – opened doors.

Like the one that leads to Room 101 – where Winston Smith ended up.

I chose not to walk through that opened door and that is the only reason you’re reading this little story today. Or anything else you’ve read on – where there is no “narrative,” because they don’t own me.

I’m not exactly sure what saved me from walking through that door. I will admit the prospect of being paid a great deal more than I was earning – with the prospect of being paid a great deal more – held my attention for more than a minute. But when my attention shifted to what that would cost me, I quickly decided it wasn’t worth it. And what made it easier for me to walk away from that offer so many of my tribe couldn’t refuse was that, by the grace of God or some other thing, I hadn’t already bought in.

Many of my contemporaries – friends of mine – bought a new car, then a house they couldn’t really afford. Or – more finely – bought things they could only afford to keep if they sold out. I bought an old VW instead. I knew I wanted no part of that life and it is why I was able to escape that life – which is an interesting thing when you think about it a little bit.

Most of the people who were successfully pressured to wear Face Diapers – and submit to being injected with mRNA drugs – were people who could not afford to do otherwise. They bought what the club was selling, without realizing how owned that made them.

So many have made the same mistake – without realizing they did, until after they’d made it.

When it was already too late to not pay dearly for it.

. . .

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  1. The slave owners own and control the world through limited companies….all law is corporate law……

    Why do politicians register their name as a limited company?……

    This is an informative video…….

    A citizen…like John Smith… an implied company of a parent company…the country….like Japan Inc…all countries are registered as limited companies.

    In 1834 they abolished slavery….In 1836 they created the birth certificate …. stopped making just certain people slaves and made everybody slaves….you are an implied company of a parent company….the country…

    All the politicians did this already… can too….

    By registering your name as a Limited company…like John Smith Ltd. it becomes an expressed company with you as the director….then you leave the company dormant…you can also trademark the name….take back control…..

    The old system…..chattel slavery where you own the person…personal property…own the laborer…but you had to care for them….

    The new system….capital control of labor…slaves…. by control of wages by controlling money…the bankers idea…controlling the slaves…through fiat money inflation…the slaves are paid very little…by design….

    Thomas Jefferson…
    ” paper is poverty.. It is only the ghost of money and not money itself”

    Also watch…..The Laundromat movie….. it is about the practice of money laundering and corruption using fake trusts and shell companies based in tax havens…committing fraud through a maze of companies….how the slave owners run things….

    • By registering your name as a Limited company…like John Smith Ltd. it becomes an expressed company with you as the director…get back control of your ship….

      If you don’t do this, your company is floating around the high seas with no captain…no director…so all the pirates can jump on board and steal all your stuff…..

    • Thomas Jefferson…
      ” paper is poverty.. It is only the ghost of money and not money itself”

      It got worse….now money is just 1’s and zero’s …a digital entry on a server, in the cloud somewhere….gone/confiscated in a few seconds….

  2. Eric, didn’t you speculate in a previous essay (((they))) may float Michael (aka Michelle Obama) as the next Demoncrap POTUS candidate?

    Barack Obama arrives at Downing Street for surprise private meeting

    Homosexual Barak Obama was spotted in the UK going into a secret meeting.

    1. this could mean the Sniffer Pedo is going to be replaced as the Demoncrap candidate

    2. the replacement could be homosexual tranny Michelle Obama

    3. this could Biden handler Obama could be slated for a 4th term


    What’s going on some might ask. In 1913 Crown asset Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. FRN’s replaced our gold back currency. The British Crown (owned by the Rothschilds) became the official owners of the USA corporation and ever since the USA has been secretly ruled by the Rotshchild Zionists.

    Current crown agents are Janet Yellen, Anthony Blinken, Joe Biden. Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk. Any of these actors can be replaced with new actors. Elections are staged managed theater to fool the public into thinking they have some say in government. You do not, you are owned, your Social Security number and birth certificates have CUSIP numbers. You are bonded by the crown, you are literally on their books as an asset. When you die they collect the value of the bond.

    • Becoming. A book by Michael who became a woman. The Obamas presented themselves falsely as a married heterosexual couple. They are not, they are homosexuals, and Michelle’s kids were rented from friends of the family. NO SHIT.

      FACT: Sasha and Malia Obama real parents are Dr Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt.

      This is the he-she back in the 1980s:

      So I present this information as a wake up call, do you really want a black tranny as your President, a person who has no government or management experience?

      • I don’t care about that.

        If a black transsexual person were to run the government so as to respect individual rights, limited government, peace, freedom, and sound money I would vote for him/her/them/whatever in a heartbeat.

        Because I believe that she (or her husband) would do the exact opposite of that, I do not plan to vote for Michelle Obama if she runs.

        If the fix is in, it won’t matter anyway.

  3. I’d bet everyone, at one time or another in their life faced a fork in the road that led to ‘the big club,’ or a life more ordinary. Mine was at 18. My father was a big wig exec in one of the big three insurance companies. I was told if I went to college and got a degree, then went to work for ‘the company’ I would have a job, with unlimited opportunity, and my life would be set. Looking back on it based on his level of attainment I’d probably be worth 10s of millions or more had I taken the deal. Glad I valued my soul at more than that.

    I declined the offer, choosing instead to spend 4 years in the military, after that followed by 4-5 years of dead end jobs I started my own business and have never regretted it. The ability to say NO to anything I didn’t like/want to do, has been liberating. Since around 2012 at 47 years old Ive been semi retired, which is even more liberating. The only suck is the things I’m really good at, other than gardening, I no longer enjoy.

  4. I’m very grateful that you made the decisions you did Eric. You’re one of the few voices of truth and reason in automotive journalism, which I’ve been hugely disappointed with. Almost all of them are a chorus of yes men for EV propaganda no doubt for the very reasons you state in this article.

  5. That last picture is a perfect metaphor. I’ve always hated neck ties,the symbolism being too obvious,a leash and collar to lead you around. Get too uppity turns into a noose. Maybe that’s why Rothbard wore a bow tie.

  6. “It is the business of the very few to be independent; it is a privilege of the strong. And whoever attempts it, even with the best right, but without being OBLIGED to do so, proves that he is probably not only strong, but also daring beyond measure. He enters into a labyrinth, he multiplies a thousandfold the dangers which life in itself already brings with it; not the least of which is that no one can see how and where he loses his way, becomes isolated, and is torn piecemeal by some minotaur of conscience. Supposing such a one comes to grief, it is so far from the comprehension of men that they neither feel it, nor sympathize with it. And he cannot any longer go back! He cannot even go back again to the sympathy of men!”

    • Hi X,

      One of the facets of this I’ve been mulling over relates to what you just wrote about the sense of independence that arises – is developed – as a result of not doing what most people do (because that’s what “everyone” does). I remember when – as a young, single guy in my 20s – I decided not to spend money on health insurance, which literally all my friends at the time did. They all expressed shock that I could stand being without “coverage.” Eh? What makes a young, single guy in good health who has good habits sweat “health”? Yes, of course – accidents can happen. But I submit it is neurotic to expect them to happen and to cower in fear of them happening. I have saved myself tens of thousands of dollars over the years by not writing checks to the health insurance mafia. I am working on ways to avoid writing them to the car insurance mafia. I tire of paying mafias. I do not understand people who do so willingly.

      • When I was a “young guy in my twenties” practically no one in my demographic had health insurance. We couldn’t afford it, so we didn’t buy it.

        • I still don’t have health insurance and I’m 57. Yikes! What do I do about the IRS, I lie. But now I work under the table so I don’t even have to deal with the IRS. The simpler life becomes, the better.

          • Hi Pug,

            We’re told – lectured – that we must have “health insurance,” else we might be bankrupted by medical expenses. To avoid that, we bankrupt ourselves paying for “health insurance” – which is notorious for not paying for “coverage” when it is needed.

            I know a scam when I smell one. And insurance is exactly that.

            • Good health is the reward of mankind for comprehension and adherence to definite physical and chemical laws that define bodily processes.

              The virtues of good health are contentment, happiness and longetivity becoming the product of posterities noble heritage.

        • When I was a young woman in my mid-20’s I went without for several years from the time I could no longer be on my parents’ insurance to the time I got insurance thru a job. Literally I had no choice – I was unable to afford it and the job I had at that time did not offer any.
          But, nothing terrible happened!

      • I was 23, wife pregnant, sysyem engineering an RCC with prime tower locations in Bumfk WY.

        A tribal billionaire of banking background purchased the RCC for its prime tower locations as cell systems were being planned and laid out.

        I immediately gave the sellers two weeks notice. Mr H, the purchaser, shortly arrived in Bumfk to personally pitch me.

        I was offered an entire countys cable system and all its future upgrades to play with in a tiny (at the time) Cali town.

        I gratefully declined, of course.

        Giving the tribe my middle finger since 1981. . . .

        I was right to do so and woulda given it both with knowledge of this fkd up future.

      • >health insurance
        There is no such thing as “health” insurance, which would pay a benefit if one’s health declined. There would be a schedule of benefits for all conceivable medical conditions, from athlete’s foot to diabetes.

        What is being sold is *medical* insurance, which encompasses both *doctor* and *hospital* insurance. Realistically, this *should* be used to protect the policyholder from the financial ravages likely to result from any contact with the medical-industrial complex. However, it has been perverted into a mere third party payment scam, in which the actual exorbitant costs are concealed from the “patient,” a.k.a. the “raw material” in the medical industry.

        Those who are employees get “coverage” through their employer, who must add the medical insurance cost to his direct labor burden, along with workers comp, FICA, unemployment and disability taxes. The employee typically does not know how much is paid on their behalf, or IOW how much more they could be making in the absence of such payments.

        Those who are self-employed get to pay the piper in either case. So, why should you pay Guido the insurance agent, so that Guido can, in turn, pay the medical mafia, for routine and foreseeable medical expenses? Guido, like everyone else, does not work for free. Might as well save the vig, and pay the Doctor-God directly. In my experience, they will give you a significant discount for payment in cash. For my current “provider family,” the cash discount is 30%.

      • “Health insurance”

        It doesn’t insure health…eating properly and exercising does that.

        It is for access to the allopathic medical system…which will destroy your health, if used to treat anything other then broken bones.

        it doesn’t provide access to better medical systems that compete with the allopathic system….which has a monopoly….

        It provides insurance to allopathic doctor’s income streams from selling poisonous drugs and injections….while their competitors are not allowed to operate at all…have no income…

        China has a more open market…allopathic medicine pushed by Rothschild couldn’t get a monoply in China or India or Japan….they tried and lost….better health care there….

        Cars are next….

        Regulations will force out ice car sellers… their incomes to EV sellers….another monopoly….the car market is being rigged like everything else….free open markets are dead…..

        The car market will be more government controlled…communist…then in communist China…..

        • Horrible, over weight, polluting, defective, useless, road destroying, 5000 lb, $60,000 EV’s only soon….thanks to a communist government’s regulations….

          more government controlled…communist…then in communist China…..

  7. helot: My associates at GM called it the Golden Necklace. Each year, GM added a link. Maybe a raise, or a promotion. Every year you earned out more of the company’s contributiones to the stock-purchase plan. Get to a certain level and you could buy Frigidaire appliances for about half-price. Another level, GM cars at deep discounts. The necklace got heavier and heavier and made it harder to jump with each link.

    I was one of the few that did. That was in the late ’60s. Many who stayed because the pension plan was one of the largest and heaviest links, lost it when GM went bankrupt and they were not the real “stakeholders” that they always thought they were. And all those shares, including the ones they got as GM “contributions” went to zip. Even though the settlement violated just about every tenet of business law, corporate law, and bankruptcy law, the Federal Government decided who the real stakeholders were.

  8. Indeed, freedom, liberty, independence and self-respect are all priceless things. Keep doing what you’re doing, Eric!!!!!!!

    Unless, of course, you’re actually O’brien trying to lure in and identify the hidden resistance. LOL.

    • Your O’Brien reference reminds me of that scene in Scarface where he’s smoking a stogie in the in-floor hot tub and he tells Manny “don’t talk about trust, it makes me nervous.”

  9. Same here. I opted-out at a quite early age. Partly because of the corruption of the corpo-government matrix, and partly because I value autonomy and freedom (both of thought and action) above all else. I walked away from offers and enticements as a teen that other teens were envious of to pursue honest work with my hands on the smallest of scale. Never got into debt, never had to punch a clock.

    In my late twenties sometimes I’d have brief periods where I’d question my choices as I’d see the kids I went to school with buying nice houses and such, but I’d quickly come back to reality by asking myself if I’d want to be living their lives, and if they had anywhere near the freedom that I did. Hell no!

    I stayed the course, and by my late 30’s the gap was closed. Not only that, but I was (and had been) living the life I wanted and enjoying great liberties while they were veritable slaves not only to taxes and interest, but right down to the way they had to dress and speak.

    I have been exceedingly happy with the choices I made, and would not have been happy had I followed the course that is set before us as ‘normal’. Had I hewed to the typical course, I would have certainly lost any of the material benefits which are touted as the reward for following that course, as (just for one example) I would have lost everything for my refusal to participate in the “:pandemic” Potemkin being that I am not one to submit to such things as wearing a silly mask or taking body and health altering drugs for any price.

    The liberties and peace of mind we gain from maintaining our integrity is priceless. It may have seemed Henny Penny-ish [The sky is falling!] to seek to preserve our integrity and liberties decades ago, before the world became so crazy, but those who are faithful in little matters will also be faithful when the SHTF. As a result, not only have you[Eric] and I and many others here avoided being soaked in the Hershey squirts when the S did HTF c. 2019 (see, 19. Oh I mean “C-19”) but we have avoided many, many piles of dog crap through the years, and will continue to be able to do so going forward. Those piles will be getting higher and deeper (Ph. D.), and only those of us who have opted out have any hope of resisting (And it will be hard enough for us. Never mind those who have been long embroiled, and the youngsters who are being forced to set a course and opt-in at an earlier and earlier age.)

  10. Hi Eric,
    Sure glad you made that decision, this site was a great resource during the scamdemic. You and the other people here helped me keep my sanity, knowing that I wasn’t the only one who saw through the lies. To transpose the title, yours is a small club and I’m glad to be in it.

  11. ‘You are free to be a drunkard, an idler, a coward, a backbiter, a fornicator; but you are not free to think for yourself.’ – George Orwell

    About all you can do is sober up and do what you are told.

    Can’t even lift a cup of coffee, so much pain in my right hand.

  12. Some blessings in disguise are really really well disguised blessings.

    Saying *No* is powerful. It clearly communicates to the other party you are not and will not be subject to their leverage.

    I’ve tried to communicate this to my daughters, do not allow others to have leverage over your life. Also, you can only negotiate when you have true options and can turn down what is being offered, or the other party better offer up or you are out of there.

  13. Good for you Eric, and blessed be for choosing the path less traveled. And yes you were vindicated, because all those who fell into the pit of corruption, probably paid a huge price when it came to the clot shot. Once you sell your soul, the tendency is to continue to sell your soul, look the other way, rationalize your behavior, because as you say, with the larger paycheck you get further into debt, and can not back out with sacrificing your entire posh lifestyle.

    Anyone can walk away from corruption, and I am sure people do every single day, and it may make you homeless. But being without anything may be better of a choice in so many ways. Freedom is experienced when you have nothing left to lose.

    You can corrupt some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not corrupt all of the people all of the time. Why that is has puzzled me most of my adult life, I wonder about those things, and I don’t have an easy answer that religion teaches. As soon as you toss myth out of your mind, and quit assigning everything to either God or Devil, you have given yourself permission to look deeper into life.

    Life on earth, IMO, is a grand manipulation. There is no God testing you for heaven. You are not here to learn life lessons because when you die you go to the light, a soul trap, your memories are swiped like a hard drive and you are inserted back into the reincarnation cycle tabula rasa and forced to be abused and tortured as a human for the production of loosh. Well that is the theory found on the internets, LOL. Forget religious teachings about sin and separation from God, there is no sin, and you are never separated from the ultimate Source. Always trust your intuition. Act in love, because you are love, not because some idiot in a robe tells you.

    Earth as a Loosh Farm is a good theory, because it explains why humans are constantly at war. The owners want negative energy, call them Archons or Reptilians (or whoever or whatever), you are in a Matrix which is feeding on your life energy, technology so advanced we can not conceive of it. I often use the example of the farmer and the cow, the farmer may even love his cows, he takes care of them, milks them, then eventually slaughters them. The farmer never tells the cow his real intentions. Likewise “god” (or the Grey Aliens, Anunnaki, etc.) never tell the human livestock what the real game is. That is the way of the higher intelligence interacting with lower intelligence. Just look at how we treat monkeys, then realize you are the monkey.

    A great movie to watch that puts this all in context is Jupiter Ascending with Mila Kunis as the heroin. Hollywood gave it bad reviews – a sure sign to watch it. Other favorite movies to understand how the Bible is used to rule us, is The Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis. Gary Oldmen’s performance is spectacular.

    Must watch films to overcome the real Matrix, are the Matrix trilogy, Dark City, The Truman Show, The Thirteenth Floor, They Live, and Lloyd Pye’s presentation on YT Everything You Know is Wrong – which I have watched a half dozen times. Think, people, think! There is no way in hell humans evolved out of fur in an ice age. Without fur, fangs, and claws, the naked human is being manipulated to work for money. The real Original Sin was our illegal and immoral creation, it was the “gods” the Elohim or Anunnaki who sinned by using their own DNA to create us, a lesser version of themselves!

    If you wrap your mind around how fake humans are compared to all of the other wild animals, how we must make clothes, and grow our own food, your mind can expand and wonder just what the hell is going on with us. All animals are fit, they fit into Nature like hand into glow, the gorilla does not need a job, it is surrounded by food, it is perfectly adapted to it’s environment, and you are not. Give a gorilla a shovel to dig a ditch and it will not. But a human, a human can be told orders to did a ditch, and the human will dig a ditch for food and shelter. Thus the Gorilla can not be corrupted, do you see the difference between us and wild?

    And that is why you are naked, so you can be manipulated into working. And that is where the corruption starts. Because you need money to buy food and pay rent and thus the heirarchal system of power on earth was set up by the owners (on and off world). Sure you may make a choice to be corrupted, but the flesh is weak and can be corrupted, and what choice do you have but to play along or be in a soup line homeless?

    You’ve all seen the pyramid of power charts on search images?

    At the top of the pyramid is the Illuminati, those in contact with ET owners. They manage earth for ET, in exchange, they can be as evil as they want. Us at the bottom are pawns in their wars as they carve up the planet for pleasure and profit. The cult that runs earth is also highly sexually perverted – that is why trannies are being promoted up the food chain to rule nation states, that is why Eric your intuition is right about Michelle Obama, he is a likely POTUS candidate, as well as why Emmanuel Macron is married to a man, his father.

    Remember Star Wars? “I am your father Luke” Nooooooooooooooooooo.

    Your father in heaven are alien pricks. They taught us to worship them. That is why the church steeple on Abraham religions points up, toward the heavens, where they live (in a space ship or another star system). The Lord’s Prayer is to them. We have been tricked into worshipping the false gods, our creators are space aliens who manipulated our DNA, removing our fur, giving us a huge brain, speech, etc.

    Think about this, why is human child birth so difficult and painful? Eh? Ever think about that? Because we did NOT evolve. We were created with big heads with big brain capacity, so we could read, write, speak AND TAKE ORDERS.


    • You all know that around the planet, in the power centers, is weird occult art. Art with a hidden dark meaning. Take the Louvre, it has this very weird pyramid above and below ground as the center piece attraction and I bet you have no idea what it means. If you go inside the Louvre and under the big pyramid you see a little pyramid – which represents earth. The big pyramid above represents Space Empire, and the little pyramid below, represents Earth Empire. Get it? The elite are mocking you to your face, they are telling you straight up, but you do not see it. And you can not see it because your mind is ruled by myth, false knowledge, or what is being called now by Mark Passio NEGATIVE KNOWLEDGE. The shit in your brain is keeping you from seeing reality. Your religions are maintenance of the lie.



      The 3 main Giza pyramids are laid out to Orion’s belt. In the book The Orion Mystery, the author Duval shows how the 3 pyramids are laid out in perfection proportion to the 3 stars in Orion’s belt. A visitor from space, looking down on earth, sees those pyramids and then observes that they match the Orion constellation in the night sky, and then concludes earth is owned by a civilization in Orion star cluster. IOW the pyramids are a space marker for who owns earth.


      LORD’S PRAYER DECODED by Yukon Jack
      On October 29, 2018 By YUKON JACK

      “Our Father in heaven, (alien mother fuckers in heaven above)

      hallowed be your name. (whoreshipping the space devils as God)

      Your kingdom come, (space empire on earth)

      your will be done, (alien will on earth is one world authority, i.e. One World Government, New World Order, World Communism, the Jewish World Order, Agenda 21, Global Warming carbon taxes, etc.)

      on earth as it is in heaven. (empire on earth just like in heaven – we build it for them when we accept our slave status to God)

      Give us this day our daily bread, (like domesticated dogs we are begging for our daily bowl of food)

      and forgive us our debts, (we are indebted slaves who must work for their daily bread, no other specie does this)

      as we also have forgiven our debtors, (in order for us to have a workable society we must forgive debt – which is really communism, or that the individual is enslaved by the collective, hive mentality)

      And lead us not into temptation, (be a good working taxpaying slave, don’t be distracted by the desires of the flesh)

      but deliver us from evil.” (the system is evil by design so it is impossible to be delivered from evil when you are in hell)

      The game being played is very simple once you wrap your mind around who we really are and what we are doing here in hell. Humans are containers for the soul, human beings are these containers with the soul installed. We are souls trapped in the flesh, our bodies were genetically engineered to house souls on a prison planet.

      The game here is to fool you into accepting your slave condition, you must voluntarily submit to economic slavery of the authority in heaven above, thus religion is meant to fool you about God. God in heaven is really aliens in space above. They are looking down on us just as you imagine God is watching us all the time.



      God doesn’t love you, that is a laughable idea when you are already in hell. We have already been judged and cast to earth, our souls were captured by space empire then forcefully incarnated into human fleshbags on this planet. We are in double top secret prison, we are imprisoned in the flesh, and imprisoned on a planet with a big gravity well.

      It is time to wake the hell up – it’s time to wake up from the Bible trance spell in hell. Your life is a lie, your religions are the maintenance of the lie, your governments are criminals operations. You are a divine free being that has been illegally captured and forced to incarnate in a flesh meat bag on a hell planet. You don’t owe anything to anyone, you are not part of some Jewish owned debt slave collective.

      The governments that rule us claim authority over us, but this is an evil lie because we are free spirit and not slaves of some mother fucking space pricks who are running this slave planet! Earth is some kind of factory farm and we are the livestock that is being manipulated to build space empire on earth. We are free and all those who claim authority over us are the enemy.”

      • Sacre Chatte, YK!

        That’s a hell of a lot of stuff to digest in one bite!

        Yikes , given your info …..perhaps I should explore the virtues of licking Fentanyl patches, for a new hobby…

        Heck, I was heading out for a “Bug Out” location check at the request of a bud…in need of a “Climate change” ..relocation…

        I understand, as a “USA, USA”…fist pumper…He’s somewhat hesitant to immerse himself into the…”beaner lifestyle”…however I will indulge his Puerto Rico”…dream location fantasy and check it out…

        Heck, I thought it was pure “hurricane bait”…..
        But then again… I thought the Dominican republic was a “POS”….


      • So happy to have confirmed that I’ve lived my life for the
        right reasons: Sex, alcohol, rock ‘n roll, libertarianism,
        and high-performance vehicles.

    • I recently thanked my younger brother for taking me to the slaughterhouse kill floor, where he worked for FDA, while I was dosed on 300ug Owsley.

      Saved my beautiful mind from that laundry list of holyweed bullshit agitprop.

      Same result on better fuel!

    • Jack,

      You raise very good points and I agree. The question is, what will happen next? What will the owners of the Loosh Farm do next, now that they are almost at the end of the line? They can’t continue piling debt upon debt forever. They need to reset the system at some point, which is what they’ve told us they’re gonna do. But can they actually do it? If you think about it, it’s really difficult if not impossible to do. If you close down the banks, the economy stops. There’s no food in supermarkets, no fuel in gas stations etc. There’ll be chaos in the streets. That’s why I think they won’t reset the system and will simply let it crash instead. This will make one hell of a Loosh feast for them, too. Then, they’ll simply close down the farm and repopulate it with new people, or new species, with memories wiped clean, just like they did with us. Rinse and repeat, and enjoy your Loosh again!

  14. Always enjoyed telling the boss “NO” or to “Go Eff Themselves” too much to walk through that door. Same reason I stayed out of the debt trap.

  15. I was lucky enough that the company I worked for during the COVID period wasn’t able to force people to get injections. They did have a mask mandate, however, I was able to skirt it most of the time. The thing that I was nervous about was that if they had decided to do the forced injection thing, I would have to leave.

    My cost of living is not low, but not high. No car payments and small amount of revolving credit cards paid off monthly for household expenses.

    All said, I am prepared to lose it all before anyone will force a shot down me.

    • Same here, Swamprat. I was really nervous, as well, about work, as all other places were mandating the COVID jab to keep their jobs. Thankfully, I was able to avoid it, but I had to wear a mask, and still do, for the months of the flu. One place still mandates, but for the most part, those have since dropped off. At least until the next pandemic comes around. I do not regret in the slightest NOT taking the jab. Sadly, I have many co-workers who DID get the jab, and are now deeply regretting it. I was ready to live out of my old car at -40 below, if need be, I was willing to go that far. I have been homeless before. It sucks, but I could have done it again if it had to go that far. For I knew Big Pharma and the Feds were crazy enough to take it that far. I am also well-aware that this issue may surface in the future. For it worked so well the last time, Big Pharma & the Feds might try it again in the future, and push further than they did the last time around, just to see what more they can get away with.

  16. Good on ya, Eric.
    It is impossible to put a price on freedom.
    Shortly after I started my own business in 1996, I was *heavily* recruited by a relatively large company in the same industry. Part of the recruitment pitch was money. I declined that and one subsequent offer, based mainly on wanting to do things my own way.

    One small correction:
    The great [social philosopher] George Carlin – who [skillfully used] humor [to get his points across].

  17. There are critical points in one’s life that in hindsight are far more important than you might realize. The fork in the road taken, as they say. Small decision points and some big ones too.

    I’m wondering if there was any consideration given to the (then new) World Wide Web, and the potential back then? I remember those days, when I “upgraded” from Compuserve to AOL because AOL was cheaper and had the GUI interface. But then a friend of mine got a job at Penn State and let me user her PPP dial-up account, which got me on the Internet. For a while I just played around with Gopher and Usenet. But at some point I had to reinstall the Winsock and she handed me the official PSU IT department’s CDROM, which came with this thing called Netscape. I had heard of it, but wasn’t really interested after using text-only web browsers… But here was something else entirely. Seeing the formatted text and inline graphics. Man, that was a game changer. I remember showing it to a few creative type friends of mine (I was still in local television production at the time) and we all speculated that this was the end of print media. And everything changed for me. Building pages with HTML and notepad was easy enough to figure out, and then Word had a “save as…” HTML option. By that time there was a small ISP in town with a T-1 and modem bank, selling monthly access for $20 or so. That $20 bought you an email address and some server storage too. So I put up a web page that was updated with a web cam every few hours (The Amazing Mutley Cam) to keep an eye on my dog while I was at work. And I dreamt of what might be possible if I had any real ability and motivation…

    • Hi RK,

      Interestingly enough, I was for a time the AOL Autos “car guy.” But I parted ways with them when they tried to give me “direction” as to my writing. They wanted me to write – among other things – articles such as “Cars of the Stars.” I’d rather scrub toilets. Honest work, that.

      • LOL. Pablum to keep the brain-dead people clicking. Nothing new under the Sun (workstation).

        Adam Curry, the inventor of podcasting, registered back when setting up a domain involved a phone call. He offered it to management. Their response: “We have the AOL keyword, thanks anyway.” This was back when most of the people on the Internet were college students… 🤦

      • I am glad that you branched out, Eric, said “no thank you” to becoming “a club member”, and went your own way. Do not discount toilet scrubbing. One has to start somewhere, and you can always tell what kind of person someone is, based on how he/she treats the housekeepers and waitresses. I loved the Carlin clip! I especially liked his one when he talked about swimming in the Hudson River: “…you know, to cool off”! I did not care for Carlin when I was younger. Not sure why, but I appreciate his clips, now. If he were alive today, I can only imagine what he would have to say regarding the jabs, the lock downs, and the face diapers. He would have a hay day, and plenty of stand-up to work with.

        • There was a fella here at EPautos awhile back saying Carlin would have been a Covidian & was a Malthusian. …Did he have video to back up his claim, I don’t recall.

          I think of that now, whenever I see Carlin mentioned, & wonder.

          • Hi Helot,

            Well, that seems extremely unlikely to me. He railed against the Climate Cult, long before any other comedian would touch it; hardly a popular stance among “liberals”.


            He mocked the “gotta vote” crowd and said it was them, not him, who were responsible for the mess.


            He exposed the corporate kleptocracy that dominates the world.


            I’m pretty sure that Carlin would have excoriated the Covid cultists. He would have recognized that the response was an evil power grab masquerading as virtue.

            It is true that Carlin, like Mencken before him, displayed a contempt for the “booboisie” which often caused his ire to be focused too much on “regular” people. But, that is not a Malthusian sentiment, it is a common conceit of the intellectual class. Malthus asserted that human need, due to population growth, will exceed resource capacity and result in mass famine.

            Carlin may have been reflexively (and thoughtlessly) concerned about “overpopulation”, as were most people at the time. But, I never heard him go full on Malthus.

            Anyway, I can’t know for sure, but it is far likelier that Carlin would have led a comedic assault on the Covidians than becoming a member.


  18. Good stuff Eric, and we are grateful for your decisions.
    My wife and I have a similar story. We both paid 3/4’s or our own education. We excelled and made the early big club, but then the grooming was unbearable. I jumped off the ladder before her, then she followed. Life was more important than the sacrifice of your soul for money. Even the next level down found us being exploited and after what we called ‘strike three’, we started our own biz with nothing and a newborn. But we bought smart with our house/cars a fractional cost of our peers. We questioned these decisions often with lots of external pressure, even from family.
    People that know our story always question ‘how did you do it? it seems impossible.’ Most always think we were/are smarter or had an angle, etc… Nope, I tell them ‘we were forced into it to save our souls’. It was an extremely tough first 10yrs, but happy, grateful, free.
    25yrs later from day 1, 15 person company who we treat like we wanted to be treated.
    Thank you for the article/story.

    • Thanks, Chris – and kudos, back!

      I like talking about this subject because I think if more were to do so, more would have a similar (good) story to tell, too!

    • Chris wrote: “we started our own biz with nothing and a newborn.”

      So I’m wondering, did you start the business you wanted to be in, or decide to be an entrepreneur then find a business? I ask because I took the first route and failed miserably. I guess you could say I didn’t read the market correctly, despite all the indicators pointed at growth and potential for business. But over that time I met quite a few people who left the corporate world to become entrepreneurs, only choosing a business after seeing what seemed to be available. Startup vs franchise.

      I imagine both methods have their potential for success, but it might take a different sort of person for each. Someone starting a fast food franchise is going to have a very different goal than someone who opens a diner because they have a passion for cooking for example. They’re both lumped into the same “entrepreneur” category.

      I used to be in the cable advertising business, on the production and operations side. I knew most of the people running “kitchen table ad agencies” in the area because they all started out working for us or one of our competitors. But they got passed over for promotion, or didn’t like the sales manager, so they took their rolodex and left. They did the same thing they were doing for the company, just without a safety net. And maybe they got a few new accounts along the way too. They count as entrepreneurs too, but very little of what they did was something I’d define as entrepreneurial. But then again at least one of those guys did leverage that process into a very successful full service ad agency.

      • Hi RK,

        The best way to succeed in business is to find a niche that most people either a)haven’t thought of or b) hate doing.

        I opened my business almost 22 years old. I started as a bookkeeper. It is a job that most people despise and are happy to hand it over to someone else. It is also an industry where there isn’t a lot of competition (well, because people hate it doing). I had a talent for cleaning of messes and I was quick. My business was (and still is) 100% referrals. When I got my EA license my bookkeeping clients naturally became my tax clients. I steered away from bookkeeping to focus on tax, but I still do it for my clients that have been with me for years.

        My advice is either look for opportunities where there isn’t a lot of competition or become the best among your competition. That is the only way to succeed.

        • This is well-said, RG!

          Find something you’re good at (and like to do) then do it well. For me, it wasn’t just writing decently – something I have always been good at. It was being relentlessly dependable. I always met my deadlines when I was working for newspapers and magazines. In my field, this is even more important than being a competent writer. There are many superb writers who are unreliable flakes. Editors get screwed by them all the time. They never got screwed by me. They knew if I accepted an assignment they gave me, they’d have a sound, publishable piece on time as promised. That was worth its weight in gold – to them and to me. It resulted in more assignments – and referrals. It was the basis of my freelance career, when I branched off on my own.

          Getting it done is what it’s all about. No matter what it is that you do.

        • RG,
          Firstly, congratulations on your success. Those of us who have *successfully* started, owned, and operated a small business have shared experiences which are incomprehensible to those who choose to be employees (no offense intended).

          To what you have said, I would only add, do not be afraid to jump right in. You will never do anything sitting on the shore, wondering what it is like to be in the water. Maybe sharks, but you will have to learn to deal with those… Once you are in the swim, it is likely to be easier to discern what skills are in critical short supply, and react accordingly. Your own story appears to be an excellent example. Adapt, and survive.

          From my experience, it helps to be an adrenalin junkie.
          From which, as a retiree, I am now in recovery. 🙂
          Deadlines, baby. Deadlines. 🙂

          • LOL, Adi. Yep, one must be an adrenaline junkie. Deadlines are a given and they must be met if a business wants to be successful.

      • Good questions RK.
        I had worked in the same industry ‘engineered equipment sales’ for 10yrs, in different markets. I always worked myself up to ‘best or top salesman’ pretty quickly with 3 different companies. The first 2 cut me off, and I left. The 3rd company and timeframe did it, and hence strike 3. Late 90’s, I made a ‘deal’ with my boss. Let me run……….. with no cap. He did (smart man). I was making double for me and triple for the company compared to the average salesman.
        I don’t know why they did what they did, but they backed out on the deal and cut me……………..again.
        I was besides myself with a wife that just quit her corp. job to be a stay at home mom, with a newborn, and new house we just built, because I was doing it, financially, myself.
        Luckily we were prudent, so far.
        My wife and I put pencil to paper, and figured out what I was going to lose from them cutting me. Would she have to go back to work?, etc…..
        We then debated whether or not we could do it on our own. The scariest decision(s) of our lives. We decided that with the contacts and relationships I had built so far, that we had a good chance of paying the mortgage and eating.
        That first day was liberating.
        We had biz relationship people trying to help us with things like a Contractor friend telling his client ‘you will use Chris or we won’t do the job’, etc…
        We almost went out of biz 3 times in ten years. The biggest problems were our competitors trying to crush us. BUT, we had no debt. except the mortgage.
        we called it rice and beans time when our peers were living it up. Tough times. we even questioned it from time to time.
        Now 15 people and we do not cap anyone. Add value to the company and you get paid for it, period. The growth of the company is on them now. We needed to buy a building which is mega $ to do in our area and we didn’t have the $. I went to my top salesman and asked them if I could cut them to accomplish our goals. They didn’t hesitate and shook my hand. And it worked. Good stuff.
        I hope that answers your question(s).

        • The other thing that happened was our model of no cap, attracted the top of the top talent. I would put my top 3-4 salespeople against any in the country. It’s a pretty simple concept that they have skin in the game.
          And as others have said, like RG, you have to like it. I thoroughly enjoy the mechanics and physics of my job, and particularly fixing others mistakes. It’s quite a challenge. And like golf, you can never master it, although I’m close (mechanically). The current challenge is sharing my experience/knowledge with our younger people.
          I am not the best biz man., just common sense I guess. I have made many choices, like some have said “you could be national, for sure’. But that means growing so fast, and here’s the kicker, with other peoples money, that it would just be a biz, and I think it would have killed my love for what we do best. I’m not that guy, nor is my wife. And we still believe in no debt. I hope the next Gen gets it. I think so. Trying

          • I worked in straight commission sales for a long time….

            I used to tell people that was reality…you had to create something everyday…or you starve….at the beginning of every month you were back to zero again….

            This is the exact opposite to a government worker…very high pay, can’t be fired, huge gold plated pension upon early retirement….and now with WFH they are working 2 or 3 jobs because nobody can see what they are doing and don’t care…..

            If you don’t want to work at all…it has been the same for 6000 years….

            1) you join the church, become a priest or monk…

            2) or become a king, prime minister or president and never work….get all the power and all the money…..

  19. ‘I’m not exactly sure what saved me from walking through that door.’ — eric

    My brother graduated in journalism and then worked a couple of years for a Gannett paper in a medium-sized city. During high school he’d been a sports stringer for our local paper, getting a colorful intro to newspaper culture via a crusty old editor who kept a bottle of whiskey in his bottom desk drawer.

    When he resigned to attend law school, Gannett published a magazine ad. The posed photo showed my brother at his desk, hands clasped behind his head, a pencil in his mouth, editing some copy. The headline: **** *******, we hope you come back.

    For its purposes, Gannett was touting its highly qualified reporters, aspiring to continue their education. But what was the quid pro quo, had he returned to the MSM (he didn’t)?

    Presumably, buying into the liberal Democrat hive mind which guides the editorial slant at Gannett (including, to my disgust, the Arizona HillaRepublic, a formerly conservative paper taken over by Gannett in 2000 and turned into a McPaper that notoriously endorsed Hillary in 2016).

    And they weren’t wrong: to this day, he is programmed by the WaPo and WSJ cult of state worship, seeing Russia, Russia, Russia as a dastardly threat and Trump as an insurrectionist. Maybe Gannett will take him back after all. 🙂

    • That story took place at a time when individuals were given credit for their effort. These days I imagine whatever passes as Gannett would tell him goodbye and don’t come back, we’ve already slotted someone else into your position. And that new employee would be a little more compliant, a little more dependent on the style guide, and probably a lot less capable. But that’s OK, the modern corporate managers don’t want free thinkers (probably never did), unless they graduate to the SME (subject matter expert) position. Everyone else is expected to grind out and be productive, escalating as necessary to the next level if there’s a problem they can’t figure out. Showing initiative is right out, as is being smarter than your boss.

      In the case of the mainstream media outlets, I imagine they figure that someone with name recognition will just leave and start their own blog anyway. And now that the government and big business figured out that saying nothing to the press is safer than responding to any reporter outside of a carefully choreographed press conference, the reporter as stenographer is better anyway.

  20. A certain radio personality who I believe sold out to a company with a Blue Oval logo years ago was on the air yesterday trying to justify dealer markup by talking about how buyers are running Cybertrucks through the used auctions for premiums of $30k+ over the MSRP. “It is a free country”.

    Is there any truth to that story?

  21. RE: “They bought what the club was selling, without realizing how owned that made them.”

    I have heard it referred to as, “The Golden Handcuffs”.


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