Classic Mustang (or something)


Anyone have any ideas about a good site that lists classic Mustangs for sale? I’m looking for a 64 1/2- 66. I have more money than brains, obviously. I want a daily driver. Any suggestions?


  1. Here’s my two cents, might get a beat down for this one.

    Going to say it anyway…

    Get a Chevy instead. Cheaper parts and easier for me to fix (cuz I know you’ll be calling me for help).

    • I agree, mang.

      No disrespect to old Fords. I love them. I also love old Pontiacs. But, here’s the thing: Chevy people have probably the largest (and most affordable) parts supply food chain available to them. Chevy never stopped building small block V-8s. Both the classic Pontiac V-8 and the OHV Ford V-8s (small and big block) are obsolete, out-of-production units. Finding, for example, a decent/rebuildable 289 or 390 core (or 400, 455 if you are into Pontiacs ) is much harder – and more expensive – than finding a brand-new small block or big block, complete with a GM warranty. Transmission manufacturers make their units to fit the Chevy V-8, too. Because there are gazillions of them out there. Mass produced equals cheaper. Etc.

      I much prefer my ’70s Trans-Am to the same era Camaro (I’ve had both, incidentally). But the troof is the Camaro’s easier to buy and build, just because there are more of them and they’re more supported than the ‘Bird.

        • As has been indicated previously above, convertibles and HiPos of that era are beyond reasonable price. But there isn’t really much difference, mechanically between a 289 HiPo and a 6-cylinder, except the obvious. And you can enjow a nice 6-cylinder coupe or convertible now, and rather shockingly cheaply turn it into a fire-breather later, with even all-aluminum Windsor-based 427s available from Ford Racing, complete, with warranty;

          • There are a lot of differences in 6 cylinder and V8 fords built before 1969 and gradually decreasing until 1975 when drivetrain and suspension parts were commonized outside the obvious like front springs and such. 250 six cars got V8 components more so and earlier than the other sixes.

  2. It depends on how much you want to spend.
    Hemmings will likely have the most expensive (as Eric mentioned)
    Autotrader and craigslist will have a mix.
    Then there is watching the the ton of mustang forums out there.

    Forget about even mild performance models if you want something cheap.

    In those years you’ll be looking for a 6 cylinder or a really plain small block V8 car at reasonable prices. Then again in a daily driver form that’s all you might find.

    It seems most of the more desirable mustangs are either restored, perfect originals, or shells these days. Occasionally there is a barn find that’s decent but not perfect.

  3. Hi Joseph,

    The big problem you’ve got is that these early Mustangs are extremely collectible – and thus, it’s probably going to be harder to find a good deal. However, provided you’re willing to consider something other than a 289 Hi-Po or GT350 you might still be able to find a nice one for a manageable price. I would steer clear of Hemmings Motor News and Old Car Trader – unless money’s not an issue and you just want to find a restored or very nice Hi-Po, etc.

    Instead, I’d scour Craigs List and local classified ads. You are much more likely to find a reasonable seller this way.


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