Orange Goes Franco


The Orange Man is seen by many as the man who will stop the spread of authoritarianism in the United States. But maybe he’s the man who’s going to legalize it.

Orange Man has promised that, if elected, he will confer immunity from prosecution upon the enforcers of authority; i.e., the police – thereby conferring upon them carte blanche to enforce their authority as much as they like (and irrespective of the law).

In this possible future, if you are accosted by a cop who has no legal right to accost you – a good example of this being the lawful video-recording of cops giving a wood shampoo to someone else who has affronted their authority – and you object to being accosted and quickly find yourself being given a wood shampoo – the cop who gave you the wood shampoo could not be prosecuted for abusing you.

Do you suppose this will result in cops self-policing? Restrain them from administering wood shampoos?

Orange Man no doubt knows you get more of that which you give license to. As for example the license given to thieves to steal – so long as they only steal so much.

Interestingly, the Orange Man complains about that sort of license-giving. Probably because it’s “dirty hippies” – channeling Nixon – and offends his sense of “law and order,” as well as the sensibilities of like-minded authoritarian personalities. It explains why Orange Man also wants to kill people who’ve “dealt” arbitrarily illegal “drugs,” the latter “drugs” being the ones aging Boomers like the Orange Man do not approve of. But Orange Man approves of other drugs, including those he literally pushed on people. Say what you will about people who deal drugs; they never “push” them on people the way mRNA drugs were pushed on people.

And those “warp speeded” (and “beautiful”) drugs the Orange Man helped push have killed many times more people than have ever been harmed by drugs like marijuana – the chief side effects of which include a jones for Nachos, as opposed to myocarditis.

The incongruity of this does not matter. What matters is authority. That authority be obeyed, irrespective of what it does. Because authority is always right – as far as authoritarians are concerned.

They promise order – and many pine for it to be imposed.

The chaos engendered by Leftists serves as the perfect foil for this – because most sane people cannot stand chaos and want it to stop. The authoritarians of the Franco-Peron-Pinochet type (and also the Charlie Chaplin moustache’d type) pander to this. The people – desperate for the chaos to abate and some semblance of order to be restored – beg for it to be imposed.

It was not for nothing that the Italians of the 1930s revered their Duce – who made the trains run on time.

This accounts for much of the Orange Man’s almost sieg-heiling support. The belligerent refusal to even discuss the Orange Man’s authoritarianism. Even when it conflicts with the freedoms most dear – putatively – to those who support the Orange Man, as for example in the case of the bumpstock ban, the red flag laws and the “due process later” dismissal of  . . .. the due process rights without which “freedom” is merely the “freedom” to obey, or else.

People hear what they want to hear – and believe what they want to believe. It is part of the tragedy of the human condition. And it is a tragedy that waxes when people feel the world is coming undone around their heads.

Save us! – they cry.

Enter their savior.

But he may just be the antithesis of that.

By implication, if the police are to be given blanket immunity from prosecution, then what stands in the way of government persecution? The enforcers of authority are effectively freed to do as they please, which implies those who sic them on the people are also free to do as they please.

Authority must not be affronted. And subjecting authority to accountability is exactly that – an affront to authority. This is the core tenet of Orange Franco’s beliefs. He wants the restoration of order.

His order.

Now, this kind of order may be preferable in the moment to the chaos that invites it, just the same as the chaos that characterized Germany in the 1920s invited the order that replaced it in the 1930s.

But don’t fool yourself into thinking you’ll be free when this order arrives. It will be authority that’s freed – and you’d better do as you’ve been told.

. . .

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  1. The old world order…feudal system….the king at the top, slaves on the bottom…an absolute monarchy

    In the old feudal absolute monarchy…..the 1st son got to be king…the other sons got nothing….

    In the new world order….
    To provide employment to the other sons, they changed the system….to a republic……the slaves were given the right to vote…….all the sons took turns being the president for 4 or 5 years….a republic is supposed to have group consensus…..but the Presidents just seem to do whatever they want…so they aren’t much different then a king….

    The freemasons are the political arm of the slave owning aristocracy…. when you vote you get the choice of one of two or more freemasons…an illusion of choice….all USA presidents have been Freemasons except JFK.

    the choice of one of two or more freemasons…an illusion of choice….one is a pure communist…the other is a bit to the right of that….

    The slave owning nobility, the monarch’s….with their royal bloodlines, going back to the pharaoh kings, running prison planet.

  2. Even so-called libertarians can be authoritarian. One thing that irks me about is that they frequently cite Walter Block like he’s some kind of libertarian god. A few days ago, it was revealed on LRC that at the height of the Covidian hysteria, Block advocated mandatory COVID vaccination, with the death penalty for those who refuse. That’s not a libertarian.

    • Block, sure is fucked up.
      He says lotsa good things,… & lotsa downright bizarre shit.
      I chalk it up to, the marketplace of ideas.
      And, being human beings.
      …There’s a devil inside us all.


      …Anyway, to say, “like he’s some kind of libertarian god” is like, wayyy off base. …Did you see a frickin’ halo over the link, or something? A URL, is like a rose.

    • Please, see also, this link published on LRC:

      ‘An Open Letter to Walter E. Block’

      By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

      …”[Walter Block] has also published materials that clearly disqualify him as a libertarian and Rothbardian and that reveal him instead as an unhinged collectivist taken in by genocidal impulses […]

      I will offer three exhibits to substantiate this claim.”…

      Hardly the type of link one would publish IF they considered Walter a god.

    • I like less and less of what I see on It’s part of my morning routine to peruse LRC every morning. Years ago, I had to stop myself from checking it out in the morning and switch to reading it at night because there was so much good stuff to read that I’d never get to work. Lately, even when I see a headline that interests me, it seems I am always disappointed when I actually get to the article. Much of the stuff there lately is pure garbage. Propaganda, disinformation (“C19 was leaked from a Chinese lab…”), bears no relation to Libertarianism, or is downright socialist or mainstream politics.

      After writing the above, I’m asking myself why I continue to go to that site. Sheer habit I guess. Maybe it’s time to stop.

      • Big A,

        Must disagree.

        The LRC “honeypot site” provides an index into Non-MSM .. and by now, increasingly acts, as an “outright propaganda /dissident website..consolidator”.

        BTW….I would never discovered the epautos website… except for LRC…..

        If you are interested in an example of “Libertarianism in the Raw”…so to speak ..

        Try driving down 27 February Ave. in Santo Domingo DR at evening rush hr(s) on Friday…
        2 to 1 odds , you will never attempt traversing this way home again…

        or….you will give up half-way through “cry uncle”….and surrender the location of the secret Rocket Base to the nearest Plantain vendor.

        Personally, I would choose option 2…Unfortunately, I don’t know about any Secret Rocket Bases!

      • RE: “I like less and less of what I see on”

        …Oh yeah, like what?

        I see this sentiment from a couple of fellas like you, it just seems, to me, it holds no air.

      • Your instincts are correct, Arthur, LRC is of limited value for those of a truly libertarian (not capital L) mindset. At best, it’s a kindergarten-level introduction to the things most of us on this site have known about for years. At worst, it’s merely a watered-down proponent of left-right paradigm thinking.

        • “a watered-down proponent of left-right paradigm thinking.”

          Get real.

          Like I asked the other guy, “Oh yeah, like what?”

          And, more importantly, aside from EPautos, where else to you find anything better?

          Yeesh, at best, you guys are making the perfect, the enemy of the good.

          At worst…? Are you guys bots?

          Also, where’s your Substack articles to show us all how it’s done all right & proper like?

          • Semper Fi h!

            You tell em.
            Next time I’m up Missoura way..let’s head on down to Lambert’s Cafe in the Bootheel..”Home of throw’d rolls”..
            My treat.. 😉

          • It’s called an opinion, Helot, and last I checked we’re all still able to legally form and articulate one. If you don’t agree, that’s your prerogative. I respect yours, it’s just that Arthur and I are able to see the light on this issue. As for what sites are better than LRC, how about: Truth11, Shtfplan and InformationLiberation.

      • @ Art & Jason

        You guys are spot on. It was about a year or so ago (some will remember) we kicked this subject around on Eric’s site, see: .

        When you compare LRC today from what it was say 10 years ago, it’s been devalued and diminished so much (just like the rest of society) that it should only appeal to libertarian newbies and those lost Republican souls who are seeking an alternative to their defunct (and immoral) GOP. I get no pleasure in stating this, but, sadly, it’s a fact. is of little value to someone who’s been around the block a few times, as most have been. Admittedly, I still check it out now & then as occasionally (rarely) a good post may show up – like our host.

        Oh, and I can’t let this slide. Walter Block(head) is a guy I gave up on many moons ago. But damn, he sure gets a lot of good press from ole Lew nonetheless. Hmm, I wonder why? (birds of a feather flock together? — Ooops, did I say that?).

        • Thanks for the link, Dave, I totally agree with your assessment that LRC is nothing today compared to what it used to be, like most libertarian web sites, EPAutos excluded (which is still great). And Yeah, Walter Block is practically worshipped on LRC for some strange reason.

  3. Trump’s going to speak at the Libertarian Party convention.

    “If Libertarians join me and the Republican Party, where we have many Libertarian views, the election won’t even be close. We cannot have another four years of death, destruction, and incompetence. WE WILL WORK TOGETHER AND WIN!,” the former president said.
    (warning: wack-a-mole video popups)

    Why does that quote remind me of some movie villain?

    Vader: You are beaten. It is useless to resist. Don’t let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did.
    [They continue dueling. Luke hits Vader on the shoulder with his lightsaber. Vader returns the favor by cutting Luke’s hand with his lightsaber. Luke screams in pain.]
    Vader: There is no escape. Don’t make me destroy you. [deactivates his lightsaber] Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You’ve only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict, and bring order to the galaxy.
    Luke: [wincing] I’ll never join you!
    Vader: If only you knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
    Luke: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.
    Vader: No. I am your father.
    Luke: [shocked] No. No. That’s not true! That’s impossible!
    Vader: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
    Luke: NO!!! NO!!!
    Vader: Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together, we can rule the galaxy as father and son. [Luke looks down the shaft and then back at Vader] Come with me. It is the only way. [Luke lets go of the projection and falls into the shaft]

  4. I had hope for Ramaswamy. He thoroughly disappointed me with his twisted logic justifying oppression / subjugation / arrest of the anti-genocide protesters on college campuses.

    The logic went something like this: Canadian truckers were justified in their protests bc they were directly affected by the circumstances created. Student protestors are not directly affected, hence, have no right to protest.

    I dunno, maybe just maybe, they don’t like seeing tens of thousands of human beings murdered because they’re not chewish and dare to live on their own ancestral lands despite the apartheid policies of the occupiers.

  5. Donald Trump is full of shit right up to his ears.

    Joe Biden is full of shit right up to his pickled brain.

    Benjamin Netanyahu is full of shit, his brain is dead.

    Al Gore, Hillary, John Kerry, Fauci, Walensky, every single one of them, all completely full of shit.

    They’re all full of shit, what they have to offer. Enough of their shit, gettin’ people killed.

    Fuck those people.

    Life is just a shit sandwich and every day I take another bite.

    • The latest from clown world – Biden’s chief economic advisor is this guy named Jared Bernstein who has a degree in social work. His latest statements have raised eyebrows and is making the news like on ZH –

      “The government can’t go bankrupt because we can print our own money,” said Jared Bernstein, Chair of Biden’s Economic Council. In other words, he is Biden’s chief economic adviser.

      “So, why does the government even borrow?” asked the interviewer.

      “Well, the, so, the, I mean, again, some of this stuff gets, some of the language that the, umm, some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money, which is why the government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by, by selling bonds. is that what they do?

      “Umm, yeah, I guess I’m just, I don’t, I can’t really talk,” the Chief Economic Adviser continued, answering his own question such as it is.

      “I don’t, I don’t get it. I don’t know what they’re talking about, like because, it’s like the government clearly prints money. it does it all the time, and it clearly borrows. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be having this debt and deficit conversation. so I don’t think there’s anything confusing there.”


      Youtube video – watch it to see this is no joke, the guy is clueless:

      “i don’t understand” Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers


      In related news, Turkey cut all trade off with Israel this week. This comes after Israel has had their credit rating cut twice in the past year.

      Credit rating downgrades are the slippery slope to hell.

  6. Hi Eric,
    Too little poeple protest american election system. It can barely be called democratic.Trump which is touted as some extreme anti establishment person is actually establishment lite. European parlamentary systems are a bit better and Swiss system is completly superior.

  7. I was just bitten by an aggressive “Mosquito” and now, I’m telling you of it. It was painful and true. If shit happens to me, this is the record.

  8. Thank you, Eric! This was exquisite!

    This is the excoriation that OJ Caesar needs. And hopefully you are serious and don’t vote for the fucker. I’d protest vote for Donald Duck first.

    A day or two ago, the Orange Man said in a live speech that he’d “protect our freedom”. I think it was the first time I’d heard such a claim. During his first campaign, I don’t think I ever heard the word “freedom”. Certainly not during his first reign.

    No, I’d swear that word was new to his vocabulary. It’s been nearly all “Law and Order!” and “Wall!!”. There WILL be more walls in between you and prosperity and oh, there WILL be an Order, whether you like it or not.

    Don’t expect that it will be the Order you ordered, however.

    My own dad has fallen under this Thulsa Doom’s spell. Angry about the “pro-Hamas” protesters (as I predicted) and how they should have “the shit beaten outta them”. All theater to root out the rebellious youth, and it’s working. Worked first for Jan 6th.

    Follow that Pied Piper.

    • Thanks, BaDnOn!

      That one was inspired by frustration – which you share – that I feel on account of friends/family who have (as you put it) fallen under Thulsa Doom’s spell. My oldest friend is one such. He subscribes to this (to me) insane theory called “devolution.” Have you heard of it? Basically, it holds that Trump and the military are actually in charge; that the past three-plus years have been planned by Trump and the military to save America – and it’s all unfolding before our very eyes.

      I know it’s early… but where’s the whiskey?

      • I have a small, 12 oz. bottle of Southern Comfort on my kitchen counter; I keep it for medicinal purposes. If I feel sick, I take a swig or two before bed… 🙂

      • Oh my gosh I also know someone who believes this. It is impossible to have a political discussion with her after 2020. Is this some kind of weird alternate reality? Where do people who believe Trump is still president even get their news? There is no way to reach her and her descriptions of Trump”s current activities sound like childish deranged fantasies.

        • Hi RS,

          I read a piece recently about there being two types of Trump Derangement Syndrome…….those who hate Trump so much they think he’s literally Hitler 2.0 (I know people who subscribe to that thinking), and those who love him so much they think he can do no wrong.

          • Well it is very weird and confirms that the dumbing down of America is reaching completion. I voted for Trump in 2016. By the time he announced Operation Warp Speed it was obvious he was catering to the 5th grade mentality voter.

            • It’s also weird when we had people on the Left saying they wouldn’t take any “Trump vaccine” in 2020, but after the Biden Thing got into office in 2021, those same people somehow flipped and advocated “Mandatory COVID jabs for all!” with those same “Trump vaccines”, even to the point of pushing quarantine camps and loss of employment for those who refused to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma.

              • Oh yes that was bizarre. Until Covid I trusted the majority of people were logical. When I saw my friends and family behave in illogical ways it shook my faith in people to the core. I still do not trust these family members the way I did previous to covid. I realized people try to preserve their worldview on both sides to the extent of denying common sense. Perhaps this is a protective mechanism. I don’t think there is much to be done about it.

        • Hi RS,

          There is a guy named Kash Patel – who cashes in on the desperate wanting of people like your friend and mine who want to believe Trump is playing “5D chess” using “white hats” to “deploy narratives.” Patel and his crew make these insane but just plausibly believable videos and podcasts and there are people out there like my friend who listen raptly and now live in a lunatic universe in which Trump is still president, etc.

          It’s appalling. My friend saw through the “pandemic” BS but is all-in on the “devolution” BS.

      • It’s a shame your friend is not aware of the true history and use of the term idea of social devolution, as coined by the band Devo.

        Devo was a bunch of prophets who recognized earlier than most that mankind had begun slipping back in terms of human evolution and development. That article also notes this realization came when a band member watched the Kent State shootings. To bad one of them has now bought into the climate crisis BS. The more things change, the more they stay the same. We are Devo.

      • Hey Eric!

        What’s funny is that I drank the whiskey (Maker’s Mark- My favorite) right after reading your article! Great minds, you know. I have a decent hangover today. 😉 Like you, I can only take so much.

        Looks like Another Mouse got to it before I did, but the only time I’ve really heard the term “devolution” was as the inspiration for the band Devo.

        This business about Trump and the military saving America? Sounds like the MAGA kids hitting the crack pipe again to me.

    • There are people on record who are shorting the US and Western civilization. Xi Jinping for one. Soros is another. And there are plenty of people who’ve been trying to get some action on the various stock and commodities markets who continue to get burned. People who look for any crack in AAPL, or NVDA, or call BTC a scam. They take the short position and stay there. And they have plenty of influence and money to try and goose the system for failure.

      If commercial real estate in SFO is always going up, why would anyone ever sell, especially with cheap Greenspan interest rates? Just borrow against your holding forever. But if you can destroy value by allowing crime to run amuck, and be ready to sweep in and clean up the mess, well there’s money to be made. Like Richie Brothers or Ollies Bargain Outlet, someone else’s misery can be very profitable. Add to that a motivational chip on your shoulder and desire to prove your worth (at an international level) and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll abandon your scruples.

      Now lever that up by using national governments, some of whom were “humiliated” in the past by westerners. Once feared or revered, now out of the spotlight and out of fashion. Instead of rebuilding themselves into something new, why not lash out at the people who won? And what better way than to manipulate elections and information? Does anyone really think O’Biden/Trump was a good election? Does anyone think Mittens or JEB! or Hillary would be any better than either of them? At least with Trump we got 4 years of Animal House and watching Dean Wormer shake his fist in anger. Too bad Neidermeyer had to spoil the fun. The J6 homecoming parade finale was entertaining at least. Too bad the “whatever happened to” stories weren’t so funny. Animal House was just movie about college, after all. There’s real money on the line here and they aren’t going to put up with frat boy shenanigans.

    • “I’d protest vote for Donald Duck first.”.

      I hear that Donald Duck plans to announce his support for Israel. Guess he’ll be running!

      • Great Arthur.

        It’s certainly telling that, apparently, to be in politics, someone must declare their undying devotion to Israel. Not Paraguay or Namibia, or any of the other 200-something countries in existence. Israel. “God’s chosen people”. That’s a pretty damn racist thing to say, actually, but it’s repeated ad-infinitum, especially by Christian “conservatives”.

        I have nothing against Jews, but if you ask my opinion, Israel should move. There’s plenty of room in the Sahara, and Israel is wealthy enough to build desalination plants and aquaducts. Just sayin’.

  9. Several good comments posted so far about DJT that I agree with. I will not be voting for the nursing home resident. DJT has proven to be a weak minded fool who is easily manipulated.
    He is no defender of freedom.

    Guess I’ll go 3rd party as my protest vote.

    • Hi Dan,

      The 3rd party candidates I’d look at are RFK Jr. and Michael Rectenwald. As for freedom, NONE of the major presidential candidates even want to touch medical freedom; e.g. the freedom to decline experimental pharma products like mRNA vaccines, which the Biden Thing tried to make MANDATORY in 2021 for people working for an employer with 100+ employees. We had people in 2022 running for political office on a medical freedom platform, and they WON their races.

      • Have you seen RFK Jr.’s running mate? She’s a female Joe Biden.

        RFK Jr. isn’t even antivax, nor anti mandatory vaccinations. He just wants them to be “safe”. [NO vaccines is safe].

        There is no one to vote for. Voters are slaves voting for an overseer, only the plantation owner gets to choose the candidates, and controls what they can and can not do. It wouldn’t matter even if an overseer was elected from among the slaves. His job and number-one priority would still be to safeguard the interests of the plantation owner and to make sure that the plantation makes a profit and that the slaves remain productive and under control. Electing an overseer from among the slaves might pacify the slaves and make them happier and more productive and keep them from getting “restless”, but nothing would change other than that your fellow slaves whom you thought were your allies might now view YOU as the bad guy if you stomped for freedom, because “You are not cooperating with the beneficent overseer”. So your planned escape now becomes harder, as you loose most of your former allies as they no longer want anything to do with your plans, and in-fact become the ones who rat you out.

  10. I “voted” for Orange man twice before I discovered all modern elections are a farce.

    There were two possibilities at the end of Trumps last term. One, he was threatened by Squid to do as he was told and thusly accomplished nothing positive. Two, He is part of the Squid.

    If one were true, with the money he has he would have disappeared from the scene and made sure his progeny would survive. He did not disappear and his appearance on the stage again means Two is correct. Donald is no different than Creepy Joe. He’s merely a different Chief Puppet skin suit.

    Part of the problem is thinking “voting” is real. That’s magical think

    • What did Mark Twain say over a century ago? If voting mattered, they (ie TPTB) wouldn’t let us do it. Yeah, I’m certain I read that somewhere…

  11. I do not believe DJT was ever a “conservative”. He just says the right words, and criticizes the right people, and slipped into power at the right time. Every now and then, though, he slips up and tell us what he really believes. Such as his views of “take the guns, due process later”. WTF?? Not only no, but hell no! I cannot help but wonder, that if he is re-elected, he will not show his true colors, which may not be anything we will like? And why not, he will have nothing to lose, and cannot run for re-election after that. The Establishment may “allow” him to win, crash the economy ala 1929 (and/or also have a World War 3), hang it around his neck and place the blame on him for it. Americans will be just dumb enough to believe it, because with too many on the streets starving, they are going to need a scapegoat.

    • I agree with everything you said, and Trump is not the only faux candidate, I am damn sure all the Libtards in my town, who voted for Biden, had no idea he was going to be bankrolling genocide. The very woketards who voted for Biden are the ones now protesting him. Likewise Trump is no friend of the First Amendment, or 2nd, or 4th. So if you vote for him IMO you should be ready to be betrayed.

      Why bother voting for evil? If candidate A is evil, and candidate B is evil, then why vote – because if you do you are endorsing evil. What if no one voted? Neither Biden or Trump represent us, both are Zionists, Crown Agents – the Crown being owned by Rothschild.

      It is absolutely absurd that any president would support a state committing genocide. Biden is now building some huge floating dock and causeway off the Gaza coast. Who is paying for that boondoggle? My god man, we bankroll Egypt and Israel yet have zero say in delivering food aid.

    • “He just says the right words, and criticizes the right people, and slipped into power at the right time.”

      Yes! Just as with Milei in Argentina: TPTB recognize that a good contingent of the people are on the verge of waking up and realizing that and their ancestors have been the victim of a colossal scam, so they proffered an new actor who would appear to those who are not fully awake that he is a compatriot of theirs who will vanquish the enemies. Trouble is, he is a friend of the enemy and is an enemy himself.

      This should have been blatantly obvious by his cabinet picks in ’16.

  12. THIS should put the final nail in the coffin for anyone who ever thought for a moment that when it comes to these power-weilding tyrants it is somehow possible to have a “lesser evil”.

    This should also put the final nail in the coffin for any reasonable person who thinks that it is effective or propitious to vote. (Ask the Argentinians, who elected someone who talks like Ron Paul but does like DJT)

    I am now almost actually tempted to actually vote so that I may vote against this POS. -But of course, we all know that the other POS’s are just as bad and will ultimately do the same things.

    We need relief from the ever increasing tyranny, and voting for some psychopath [Anyone who desires to rule over others and shepherd an authoritarian political system IS a psychopath] will not do a dammed thing to achieve that end but on the contrary will only cause one to be a party to it by giving their formal consent.

    Once upon a time I used to actually be just a little glad when the Republicans would win, but considering the insanity of this orange turd, I do believe I would rather even see the chaos-LBGTFU-looters prevail. But of course, as Eric alludes to: The chaos[et al] is merely a part of the Hegelian dialectic, i.e “create a problem, so that the people will gladly cheer for the very worst possible solution, which was the real objective to begin with.

    And that’s what Orange Turd’s prosecutions are all about too: To make it seem as if he is “the enemy of the loony party” and to garner support for him among all of those who feel personally affronted by “their man” being “attacked”.

    And thus DJT will usher in the real rulers agenda and put the finishing touches of what is left of America, as most of his moronic supporters cheer, not even remembering their bumpstocks or their loved ones who died from the clot-shot, nor the small businesses they once were able to have, nor the economy that used to be.

    Even my staunchly conservative parents are starting to wake up to OM’s insanity and narcissism. Trouble is, they’re still looking for a savior to vote for, and think that the problem can be solved by voting for someone who is allowed to be on a pre-selected ballot. (O-K, they’re old, but the preceding applies to people of all ages, who too often think that deep-rooted problems can be solved merely indicating one’s preference, or protesting as if anyone who is a psychopath with massive power cares one iota about what they think).

    • If voting really mattered,
      Do you think (((they)))
      Would let you do it???
      -Mark Twain-

      It doesn’t matter who votes,
      It only matter who counts the votes…
      -“Uncle Joe” Stalin-

      Things that make you go HHHMMMMM…

  13. “The Orange Man is seen by many as the man who will stop the spread of authoritarianism in the United States. But maybe he’s the man who’s going to legalize it.”

    Bingo. Eric, you are slowly but surely starting to think like a conspiracy theorist. LOL It is well known in conspiracy circles that DJT might appear as an orange clown, but is really false opposition, a controlled faux patriot – who has completely fooled large swaths of the Amerikan sheeple.

    Trump’s mask fell off in the Gaza genocide, he foolishly publically stated for Bibi to ‘finish the job’ and end any protest of Israel on college campuses. Everyone should now know that Trump is a foaming at the mouth Zionist WHORE, something that he tried to hide for the last 8 years.

    Fact: Trump is a Zionist puppet just like Biden. Long before Trump got elected, this video came out detailing Trump’s Zionist connections, and it is still valid info:

    Trump is Owned and Controlled by the Zionist Jews

    What makes DJT so damn dangerous is his charisma coupled that with the collapsing Amerikan Republik, and you have a perfect recipe for authoritarian dictatorship like so many that popped up in the 1930s. FDR, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Churchill.

    Conspiracy fact: the elite ruin perfectly functioning economies with debt, inflation, war, social engineering, public schooling, socialism, communism, and other shagrilaisms which are then manipulated into war – so they maintain complete control in a wartime economy – and send the pissed off worker classes into the meat grinder fronts. Notice how 500,000 White Christian Ukrainian boys were slaughtered while Zelensky (the perverted Jew butt boy) bought 5 mansions. And go watch the film about how the Ukrainian Jews were spared the military draft.

    The obvious ploy is to use the military draft in a command and control economy to rid the nation of any potential young male threat to the regime holding onto power. Both sides are in on it. Both sides are patriotic believing god is on our side.

    Putin is not trying to win the war, just grind up the Uke boys. The Jew Zelensky outlawed all other political parties, kept his Jew brethren away from the front lines, outlawed Christianity, voting, etc.

    The real purpose of these wars in the economic depression phase to to reorder and carve up the world, for the elite to maintain their lofty status, to cull the population, etc. So be aware of the savior on the white horse.

    Donald Trump is no savior, he is a Zionist Loyalists, beholdened to a foreign state of Israel. IOW a god damned traitor. Biden, of course, is an even bigger traitor. Your choice come Nov. 5th is Ziowhore A vs. Ziowhore B. Neither is acceptable. Edward Snowden did an online poll last week, and 88% said they did not want either candidate.

    And do not forget the two Jew wars in Israel and Ukraine are linked – Israel may collapse and the former Khazar homeland of Ukraine is a fallback position for the Zionist crazies. Zelensky has stated that Ukraine will be the new and bigger Israel.


    Gott mit uns (‘God [is] with us’) is a phrase commonly used in heraldry in Prussia (from 1701) and later by the German military during the periods spanning the German Empire (1871–1918), Weimar Republic (1918–1933), and Nazi Germany (1933–1945). It was also commonly used by Sweden in most of its wars and especially as a battle cry during the Thirty Years’ War.

    • My state is purple, but there’s no way OMB will win. We may have crossed the financial doom line, anyway. Without desperate spending cuts it really won’t matter which form of destructor is installed.

      I’ll just sit back with some popcorn and watch the contortionists try to convince me that Donnie Two Scoops is even remotely capable of dragging us back to sanity.

  14. Remember, regardless of what John McCain did or didn’t do with the Orange Man’s Obamacare *replacement* bill, the point was that the end result would have been a repeal/replace rather than a straight repeal.

    If the Orange Man puts a closeted WEF Socialist like Tulsi Gabbard on the ticket, the fix will be in, with the possibility of a Blue Streak Il Duce reign following the Orange Man.

    Gabbard just bought a house here in Texas, not far from where I live, but located in Leander, an area of the Austin suburbs chock full of military retirees and Deep State types.

    • Shes pretty closeted. You can tell shes fake because she talks about “our democracy ” a bit too much.

      Thats codeword for leftist

      Still, she looks great in a pair of tights.

      She needs to cover the blue streak though.

  15. You would think that the Orangeman, who just had a good dose of freewheeling justice without restraint, he might side just a bit with those who have taken a wood shampoo once or twice in their lifetimes.

    I understand from the Bible, that Moses had trouble with his people just after they were freed and had to live in a desert. After all, slavery had some level of security; after a lot of toil there was food and shelter. Freedom there is no guarantee where food and a roof is coming from. It took 40 years or two generations of being without a security blanket before a new generation of people were prepared to live free.

    The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly

  16. One thing that NEITHER Donald Trump NOR Joe Biden want to talk about is the blatant COVID tyranny that was foisted on the masses for what seemed like an eternity under guise of “Public Health Emergency”. People want to forget about it, but there are those who WANT to foist that tyranny on us all over again, be it for a “Bird flu emergency”, “Climate Emergency”, “War emergency”, or something else deemed an “Emergency”.

    As for the upcoming election, there’s someone seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President named Michael Rectenwald. I don’t know how much support he’ll get, or if he’ll go anywhere, but I’ll have to “Do my own research” on him to see if he’s someone who might get me to vote 3rd party for the first time in my adult life, as I’m not too thrilled with the prospect of Trump v. Biden 2.0. I thought about voting for RFK Jr given that he’s been dropping all sorts of truth bombs about various issues such as COVID, corporate capture of government agencies, Tony Fauci (via his book from 2021), CBDCs, vaccines, Ukraine War, the government’s role in gain of function and bioweapons research, etc., until his questionable selection of Nicole Shanahan to be his running mate.

    • Hi John,

      Michael Rectenwald wrote a really excellent book published last year called “The Great Reset And The Struggle For Liberty”. I just finished reading it not too long ago. It goes over the history of the whole eugenics/no growth/green new scam/great reset agenda. I recently saw him give a talk at a Mises event. He is a very articulate spokesman for libertarianism. Unfortunately, I don’t think that the Libertarian Party is a very good vehicle for spreading libertarian ideas. The only LP candidate who was very successful in spreading the libertarian message was Ron Paul, even though the LP had some other articulate libertarian candidates, such as John Hospers and Harry Browne.

      • Hi Martin,

        Given that Trump appears to be the de facto R nominee, and the D Party all but CROWNED Joe Biden THEIR nominee last year, at this point it appears it will indeed be Trump v Biden 2.0. The COVID tyranny that I spoke of earlier started under Trump in the final year of his (first) term BUT metastasized under Biden, and it’s telling that NEITHER of those candidates even want to “go there” other than try to make everyone think it never happened, they did a great job handling COVID, they never forced anyone to wear face diapers and take experimental mRNA jabs, etc.

        Any 3rd Party candidate, be it Michael Rectenwald, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Jill Stein, Cornel West, Vermin Supreme, or someone else, has at best a long shot chance at becoming President and at worst NO CHANCE at all. On the other hand, people from all across the political spectrum have gotten disgusted with modern American politics & the government and DON’T want either Trump or Biden, and may actually not vote at all or vote 3rd Party, so 3rd Party candidates do have that going for them.

    • That is one (of two) aspects that could be Trump’s undoing. And that is his extreme pride for coming out with the COVID jab that has maimed and killed plenty. The man refuses to see what a horrible decision he has made not only backing up the COVID vaccines, but pushing them, and then being proud of them!

      • Hi Shadow,

        I don’t know if you saw, but Trump went after RFK Jr over vaccines on his Truth Social media platform. The funny thing is, though, RFK Jr is right on the issue of COVID vaccines (and, increasingly, vaccines in general), while Trump continues bragging about his administration’s “Operation Warp Speed” and subsequent development of COVID jabs. That alone could sink Trump’s chances for getting another term as President.

        • RFK Jr. is an old school Democrat. So although he may not swing to the extreme left to Communism like his democrat cohorts, he still is for gun control, and everything else that Democrats love. However, his view on vaccines are one worth pondering. Even still, we have three (RFK Jr., Orange Man, and Bide), who are all anti-gun and pro-war. What point is there to voting, when either candidate will get us screwed? At least with Orange Man, my gas and heating fuel prices were lower, and that is about the only thing that was nice. Either way, I do not think Orange Man is going to save the economy this time, and it does not seem worth voting this Novembre.

          • RFK Jr. is also a RADICAL environmentalist nut job wacko. Some of the stuff he has said about that is not only far-leftist, but probably criminal. For instance, he wants to put (man-made) climate change deniers IN PRISON until they have a change of heart. And he will MANDATE EVs. Are you friggin’ kidding me?? Any reader of Eric Peters Autos should NOT vote for this loon if you value your ICE vehicle and the ability to drive it.

            • I agree, Bill –

              Many people are understandably desperate for an “outsider” – like Trump back in 2016. But Kennedy is just another one of them.

  17. I pray every night that God will send both fascists to their just eternal rewards before the next selection. They’re old as dirt and have to die sometime.

    • I agree Pug,
      D’s or R’s, right or left doesn’t matter, the PTB are all in agreement that we should just shut up, submit, and obey; so much for the “land of the free”. Mark Twain nailed it with his statement “if elections made a difference they wouldn’t be allowed.”

  18. Maybe when he “dons” his new orange jumpsuit, and is given the business by the prison guards, he will change his tune. Kind of as they say, a libertarian is a republican who had an encounter with the po-leese. In any case, to hell with this rotten tangerine. So tired of his act. Like always giving away junk food to heroes of varying stripes. Don’t go away mad, just go away.


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