The Latest Phase of the Operation


The Devolutionists say it’s all part of the Operation. Orange Man’s conviction is part of the plan to restore the republic, like Maximus in Gladiator.

Just without the spray tan.

You see, Orange Man had to allow himself to be convicted – and possibly, be put into an orange jumpsuit – so as to set the precedent for the future prosecution of the current president. The one the ex-president finally admitted is the president in the course of his almost-incoherent post-conviction remarks the other day.

This admission has not fazed the Devolutionists – who have insisted for the past three years that Orange Man is actually still the president (because he “won” the election) and that the man who pretends to be president is in fact a powerless puppet put in front of cameras to make it appear he’s the president, while Orange Man and his “special forces” cadre that controls the military actually run the country.

That Mark Miley is Orange Man’s man behind the scenes.

That the “white hats” are “in control.”

This is of course as batshit crazy as believing a “mask” will prevent you from breathing in (or out) particles too small to be captured by the cloth that “masks” are made of. But “maskers” still believe it – just as Devolutionists believe Trump is (if not still president) in charge of this ongoing operation, which has cleverly positioned him so as to be able to arrest the guy who Trump himself just conceded is in fact the president, along with all of the maleficent “black hats” who stole the 2020 election in broad daylight.

They will be brought to account! They will be arrested!

Heads will roll!

This, at any rate, is what the Devolutionists believe. They also believe it was necessary to “warp speed” the “beautiful” mRNA drugs to “save millions of lives”  . . . that would have been lost (per Devolution Theory) to the ongoing “pandemic,” which would have lasted for years longer than it did were it not for the “beautiful” drugs Trump devoluted into millions of people’s bodies. People who did’t have to take them either, you see.

Trump never forced them on anyone. 

That’s what the Devolutionists say.

It is also why they believe Trump did not “lock her up” – Hillary, that is – when he had the power to do so. The public would never have accepted him locking her up when he had the power to do so, the argument goes – because such a thing had never been done before to a high government official. Never mind Spiro Agnew, former vice president of the United States and never mind his boss, former president of the United States Richard Nixon – who only just-barely avoided being locked up by being pardoned by the next president of the United States, Gerald Ford.

Agnew became a convicted felon – just like the Orange Man.

So it’s not the first time a high government official has been criminally prosecuted – and convicted. Trump simply chose not to prosecute Hillary. Just as he chose not to end the “emergency” long after it was clear there wasn’t one. That was also part of the operation, you see. It was necessary to allow the “emergency” to go on (and on and on) so as to shed light on the evil intent of Leftist apparatchiks such as Dr. Fauci and all the gesundheitsfuhrers who implemented the “lock downs” and “mask” mandates. It was the only way to expose them! It was necessary to allow them to commit all these crimes, so that – one day! – they could be arrested and held responsible for what they’d done.

Of course, that day will never come. Just as Trump never locked her up when he could have.

Instead he talked about it – so as to make his Red Hat followers cheer in the belief that he was going to. Had he actually done so, Hillary (and her allies on the Left) might not have been able to do it to Trump; but it’s all part of the show, you see.

Which is what this “operation” is really all about.

Never mind.

The delusion of Devolution is even more powerful than the mass delusion fostered during the “pandemic.” Try talking to a “masker”- and then try talking to a Devolutionist. The latter will insist – to this day – that wearing a “mask” prevents you from breathing in (or out) particles too small to be captured by the cloth that “masks” are made of.

And Devolutionists believe they are “in the tiny percentile who knows what’s going on via a brilliant Blueprint in Military and Federal Laws and Orders.” (The capitalization is in the original and reflects the tendency of Devolutionists – and “conservatives” – to fellate the military and “law and order.”)

They are “empowered” and “out of the Matrix.”

More than likely, they’ll be in therapy – when they finally come to terms with their Devolution delusions.

. . .

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  1. In the old vertical rule system, the old world order…feudal system….the king at the top, slaves on the bottom…an absolute monarchy……they did not mix up the slaves of different races.

    In the new world order, horizontal rule…. they mix up the slaves of different races…so the slaves won’t unite and revolt.

    In the old feudal absolute monarchy…..the 1st son got to be king…the other sons got nothing….

    To provide employment to the other sons, they changed the system….to a republic……the slaves were given the right to vote…….all the sons took turns being the president for 4 or 5 years….

    The freemasons are the political arm of the slave owning aristocracy…. when you vote you get the choice of two or more freemasons…an illusion of choice….all USA presidents have been Freemasons except JFK….this stops slave friendly or anti control group people from being elected…..which would be dangerous to the slave owners….

    these two freemasons are marketed as polar opposites…..a leftist and a conservative….this gives slaves the illusion of two different teams…the divided slaves… through this belief… hate and fight each other over their belief…..this hatred and fighting is turned up to ten…see current events…this guarantees the slaves won’t cooperate and take out the slave owners…

    At least two groups cooperate with the slave owners…some women and the LGBQT…….

    replacement slaves are being imported to further divide slaves and get rid of the trouble makers..the white slaves….

    The new world order, horizontal rule….is worse for the slaves……it brought the huge world wars, with millions of deaths….but….in a republic you used to get a bit more 1A….soon to be ended….

    All wars are conflicts, disagreements, between the slave owning groups on the top….

    The slave owning nobility, the monarch’s….with their royal bloodlines, going back to the pharaoh kings, running prison planet.

    • Traitor slaves…..

      At least two groups cooperate with the slave owners…some women and the LGBQT…….

      Someone said…. a dangerous group are ELF’s….educated leftist females….

      Real men do not cooperate with slave owners…

  2. This devolution stuff comes from Patel Patriot. I’ve heard bits and pieces, and know a few who believe it. It’s crazy. They think it’s all part of Trump’s masterful 3-D chess game. More likely, it’s a way for Patel Patriot to get $$ from his notoriety and broadcast views.

    Trump failed. The Rs failed. Everyone is failing except for the anarchists. If Trump’s elected again, he will fail again, because he doesn’t have the courage to do what he needed to do the first time and he won’t admit to his past mistakes and blunders. And Patel Patriot will continue his spin and suckering in the hopeful.

    • Hi Howard,

      Yup. My oldest friend is a Devolutionist. He believes in “comms” and other such jargon peddled by these people. It’s psychologically fascinating. I may write about that…

      • It’s sort of a meta-delusion.

        It’s like they see reality all right, but interpret it in such a way as to reinforce the idea that they weren’t wrong.

      • I’m so sorry about your friend, Eric.

        Our overlords are hell-bent on dividing us every which way they can … and they’ve been very successful.

    • Devolutionist….more bs thrown out there to give non compliant slaves false hope…a form of controlled opposition….

      confuse the slaves….baffle them with bs…..

  3. So this is how the U.S.A. is lost: treason from within. Cicero warned about this and it shows the 2nd Amendment amounts to nothing but posturing.

    • The 2nd amendment isn’t about civil war or revolution. It is about keeping power away from government in the first place, about making law enforcement impossible because any group attempting to rule would run into impossible odds and would quickly run out of law enforcers. This was to be backed up with judges and juries from among the population. We are the government. But the government has become irredeemably corrupt.

  4. I guess we don’t have too much of a choice. Biden the Socialist/Communist/Minority/LGBQTXYZ/Internationalist or Trump the political weakling/nationalist/hedonist/deal making businesses man.
    I’ll go with Trump at least he some-what supports the first and second amendments and promises to roll back CAFE standards. Plus he doesn’t call us terrorists.

  5. Apparently Disease X is here. Called insanity, it appears to be contagious among the folks that claim our sovereignty and lives are theirs to do with as they please. This insanity will eventually make the planet lifeless.

  6. When I was in Portugal for the past two weeks. I saw every make and model of Audi, BMW, Mercedes, that I’ve ever dreamed about. The Audi A6 Avant… left and right. BMW 500 series wagons. A fucken diesel electric MB E-series sedan!! ***E-220de***

    I saw about 6 EV charging stations through a tour of about half the entire country. From Lisbon, Sintra, Belem, Cascais, Evora, Fatima, Tumor, Nazare, they just don’t have the EV delusion in place.

    I talked to our tour guide about his minivan. Seats for 6 adults. Little diesel 4 banger that gets “more than 50 miles to the gallon”. He said they’re talking about getting rid of diesel there by 2035 but it’s highly unlikely to happen.

    There’s zero chance they’re going to tear Lisbon (or the other historical towns) apart for enough fucken EV charging stations to make it work. It’s just not possible.

    I saw Ford wagons with diesel engines that I’d love to have! They don’t even sell that model here in the states, never mind with a diesel. They have every car manufacturer you can think of plus Renault, Peugeot, Citroen, Skoda, and some I don’t even know what they were. I would love to have any number of those cars!

    We are being massively bullshitted here in the USA. This country is straight out of its collective fucken mind and we are getting fucked.

    • In addition to being more sane about EVs there is a decided lack of diversity and LGBTQ worship too. Oh they are -trying- to make inroads but southern and eastern Europe in particular are highly poz resistant in comparison to the cucks of NW Europe who have swallowed much of the same poison as the US has.

  7. The wife and I just got back from a 2-week trip to Portugal. During that time, I did not read (or watch) anything that was not related to our trip. No social media, not even the few good sites (like EPAutos) that I normally read every day. I just wanted to focus on the trip and tune out this shit show.

    We returned to Dulles Airport last night and I drove straight home and we crashed out. Now, since just this morning, I’m starting to see all of this utter fucking insanity. This country is an absolute mad house… “bull goose looney”.

    I’ve seen the talk of those Devolutionists before but I didn’t know that flavor of insanity had/has an actual brand name. Well now I know!

    You know that any fucken person — other than Trump — could have defeated Joe Biden in the next election. But nope. Could not have it. Had to be Trump! The fantasy military blueprint or whatever fucking insane shit.

    I don’t know how many utter fucking idiots I’ve seen, read, and heard that had to shout down Desantis because… ready?… because he supports Israel! Never fucking mind that Trump is their hugest (yugest?) fanboy and would be a human bidet for the state of Israel is such a thing were physically possible.

    Never mind Operation Warp Speed or any of the rest of the fucked up mess that complete orange fucking idiot put upon us.

    Guilty of 34 felonies that are a crock of shit?! GOOD! Eat shit, die in prison! Pretend to be a president from prison. IDGAF.

    I’m telling you that “the set up” is Trump and all the fucken idiots that thought/think is the second coming of Christ or George Washington or Abe Lincoln or whoever/whatever!! Those fucken people handed Joe Biden a second term on a sliver platter!

    Remember who to thank after the next selection when that fucken demon Joe Biden is re-crowned king of the United Shit Asylum. Trump and these delusional idiots fucked us over again.

    • Hi XM,

      I hope you had a great trip to Portugal.

      Hubby and I do not watch the news. We come home from work, throw on some music, and eat dinner together (I even force the kids to sit with us), and unwind. During the day I scan a couple websites to see if anything has changed…usually it is the same news regurgitated again and again. It is amazing how sane the world seems when you turn off the TV. It is white noise and just increases our blood pressure.

  8. Didn’t the Magna Carta limit the powers of the ruling elite back in 1215 CE, June 15th, the exact date.

    Doesn’t matter if Trump is the shithead charge or the brain-dead Biden, they are both illegitimate. Both are told what to do, all of the time. Your vote is useless, you useless eaters.

    You can’t tell people what to do all of the time and expect to get away with it, it doesn’t work that way anymore.

    Kill all psychopaths.

    • The Magna Carta like our constitution requires its rules be enforced.

      Otherwise, it’s just another GD piece of paper as per the chimp.

  9. How can adults who can drive and breed be so delusional and dumb as to believe in the devolutionist nonsense?! Truly terrifying that such a large contingent of morons live among us. Then again…look at the libtards…

  10. I used to have to work on the cable in a largish hotel/ski resort. Because my employer was too cheap to install new set top boxes in the rooms, I was there often enough to get to know the building. There were rooms full of broken and worn out furniture and fixtures. When the place opened they looked very nice and premium. But there in the storage closet, under the florescent lights, you could see how cheap they were. Over time those closets and utility rooms got more and more cluttered. I saw this across most hotels I had to work on. The utility rooms had junked furniture and fixtures lying around. This pretty much stuck with me, when visiting hotels I immediately notice the quality of the fixtures. Even in nice places they aren’t good. Certainly nothing like what you’d buy for your house. Lamps are the worst by far. They’re all falling apart.

    Trump made his fortune renovating old hotels. They probably had “good bones” but needed modernization. So paint, patch and promote was his business plan. And it must have worked. All the while slapping his “brand” on everything. Because the high end market wasn’t interested in his gingerbread remodels he pivoted to the Playboy and Stern crowd. The Al Czervik types that don’t get no respect no matter how much they think they’ve achieved.

    I’ve never stayed at a Trump branded property, so I can’t speak to the experience. But I know that just looking at them from the street there isn’t really anything new there. Just paint, patch and promote. Emphasis on promote. I guess if you can keep the debt under control it’s a good model. And at least he’s out there trying things (Trump Steaks? Trump Ties? Trump Shuttle? Trump wrestling? Trump Republicans?) but I just think that once he’s gone the brand will go with him. And maybe that’s not a bad thing either.

    Problem is you can’t just paint patch and promote the United States.

  11. The bolsheviks want Trump obliterated. It’s that simple. No one can articulate what his supposed crimes were. It’s all bullshit and the world knows it.

  12. DJT prosecuting Hillary? Not likely since the Trump’s and Clinton’s are best of friends. IMO politics is theater (or perhaps better said a Vaudeville clown show).

    Trump said he would lock Hillary up then first day in office he rescinded his promise. Why? It’s theater, and DJT is best buds with Clintons, golfs with Bill on a regular basis. Bill was best friends with GHW Bush.

    Did Bill and Hillary Clinton attended Donald Trump’s last wedding?

    From Polifact – “The short answer is, yes, the Clintons did attend Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania Knauss.”

    • Here is a duck duck go search of DJT golfing with Bill and another presidential “rival” Bloomberg:

      What needs to be revealed is how power is brokered in Amerika. At the top is Rothschild and the central bankers. They own the world. The middle level managers are the political hacks you see on TV. They compete with one another to be elected. They are not in charge of shit, they are whores.

      The purpose of the elected political whore is to sell the elite agenda to the plebs. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump both have tremendous charisma, personalities that connect with the voters. Once elected the charismatic “whore” then implements the agenda with a smile.

      Voters are confused because they do not understand who the elected whore actually works for, and it is not you or the nation.

      Each election cycle matters not, the agenda is steadily advanced. If a president goes against this Zionist Jewish agenda, like JFK, they eliminate him. JFK was made and example to all political whores who followed, step out of line and we will kill you. JFK wrote EOs to stop Israel’s nuclear bomb program. The day after LBJ was sworn in, his first task was to rescind those executive orders. Israel now has the world’s 3rd largest nuclear arsenal. Their nuclear bomb program kicked into high gear by the secret illegal transfer of the Davy Crockett W-54 nuke warheads to Dimona – later photographed by Mordecai Vanunu.

      Notice how Trump still shills the vaxx and doubles down on the Gaza holocaust. He pissed the owners off and is being railroaded into prison. He disobeyed them, so now he is being flushed down the toilet, he is shilling trying to avoid further punishment. Trump was ordered to attack Iran, when he did not, Bibi ordered Trump to be flushed down the toilet, his re-election denied – this according to the David Goldberg notes.

      When Obama did not attack Iran as ordered, Andrew Adler, the editor of the Atlanta Jewish Times, wrote and op-ed calling for Obama’s assassination. Obviously the Zionists have so much power they can order our presidents to go to war.

    • Right on, Yukon! 2005 (When Hitlery attended The Donald’s and Trumpette’s wedding) wasn’t that around the same time The Donald donated $200K to Hitlery’s campaign?

      It doesn’t surprise me that the average cellphone-addled ‘Mercan today can’t see these oh-so-plain facts, but it does surprise me that so many who read a site like this actually believe that the theater is real.

      And as despicable and loathsome as Pedo Joe is, I think if one compares the last four years of his reign with the four years of The Best Friend Israel Ever Had’s® reign, amazingly I think we have actually suffered less damage under Pedo -although it is close.

      • Neither Trump nor Biden is a viable candidate. So once again the choice will be Zionist WHORE A vs. Zionist WHORE B. No one can now deny our elected officials are slavish Zionist whores, Nikki Haley signing a warhead in Israel on Memorial Day proves where their loyalty lies.

        Not with you. Not with our Republic. Not with our Constitution. Not with decency or the American liberty and freedom value set. Our elected whores are all treasonous, loyal to a foreign state. I would like to remind all of you the penalty for treason is death.

        BTW, that is not the first time some photo op of signing bombs to kill innocent people, and note when Israeli children are taught to hate, the ADl is silent.

        And also note the Jews always bring up the Nazis and the Holocaust, but when they do the same things, and worse, it is ok, because Jews are allowed to hate and murder, but the Goy are not. Jews obviously practice a double standard, one set of rules for us, and they are above morals and the law.

        Also note, the big news this week is how Israel threatened to murder the families of the ICC which is now seeking an arrest warrant for Bibi Netanyahu. Also note how Clowngress whores formally invited that war criminal to speak on our soil – when they should be arresting him for war crimes and genocide.

  13. Even if it were true, I certainly would find no comfort in it. Government is inherently evil. They are all full of psychopaths. Regardless who is supposedly in charge.

    • John, that is the most concise and simplest explanation as to why one should not vote.
      Fuck “Israel”
      Fuck DJT (The Best Friend Israel Ever Had® )
      Fuck Pedo Joe

      • I agree. Voting is how you put your psychic approval on a completely criminal political operation called government. I could call our government Satanic, but then I would have to apologize to Satan, as they are worse than the devil himself. Our elected officials are pure evil – worse than any devil we every imagined.

        The Amerikan people have a moral obligation and civic duty to arrest our elected whores, try them for treason, then execute them by firing squad, all on live TV. I volunteer to kill every Israeli and friend of Israel. Eliminating evil is the highest calling for any man.

  14. The Derek Johnson tweet at the top is incoherent. Maybe he’s referring to admirality law, or the Illuminati, or something. Or maybe he’s just an old dude in a tent in the park, with a three-day stubble and a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 in his grimy paw, pecking away on a stolen Obamaphone.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t waste pixels on these flakes. The insane, like the poor, will always be with us.

    • Admiralty law…covers crews on ships at sea only……no other purpose….

      Maritime law only…. is our current legal system……not common law…..

      All corporate law is Maritime law……

  15. I wonder what the founding fathers would say about the mess we’re in, from weaponized courts to foreign encumbrances the elites and their paid for friends in congress do what they want and some how the “Press” blame the working man for all the problems in the world. Maybe if we all went “Galt” they might get the message.


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