Orange Man Down


Will the attempted murder of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania the other day be framed as a “threat to our democracy” by the people who so regard not just Trump but also anyone who supports Trump?

And will Trump support “reasonable” restrictions on gun owners – that is to say, criminalization of gun ownership by people who didn’t take a shot at him or anyone else for that matter?

After all, he already has.

It was Trump who tried to ban bumpstocks, which you’ll you’ll recall aren’t even guns. They are attachments used by some to make it easier to fire a semi-automatic rifle faster (but not automatically fire). Why should that be illegal? More finely, why ought mere possession of a part of a gun be criminal? The Supreme Court agreed.

But the point is, Trump disagreed.

How about “due process later”? That is to say, seize the guns of people who aren’t criminals – by dint of the fact that they haven’t done anything illegal – on the basis of worry that they might.

Which is very wrong – if you don’t think it’s right to punish people who’ve not even been charged with (let alone convicted of) a criminal act. Perhaps Trump is now more sensitive to such persecution, having been the victim of it himself. All it took for a single Colorado bureaucrat to remove him from the primary ballot was the assertion that Trump was guilty of “insurrection.” Never mind that he’d yet to be convicted or even charged with this offense.

Will he extend the same courtesy to us that was extended to him – once again, via the Supreme Court? It ruled that it was illegal to deny Trump the right to be a candidate in the primaries – more finely, that it was illegal to deny primary voters their right to vote for him in the primaries – on account of supposed “crimes” he hasn’t been charged with much less convicted of having committed.

The worry is he may not – because Trump seems to be all about Trump. That is to say, he is for whatever redounds to his credit (and benefit) such as the “beautiful” drugs that weren’t vaccines that were pushed on everyone – which by the way is a very important point of distinction vs. the drugs that are dealt to people who want them. It is doubtful there’s even a single provable instance of anyone being pushed by their employer to smoke pot or snort coke. They might have gotten fired if their employer discovered they were choosing to smoke pot or snorting coke – but that’s another distinction that makes all the difference.

Trump has yet to apologize for being a key player in the pushing of drugs on people – even though such an admission would, ironically, redound to his credit among those (such as myself) who not only no longer trust him but expect him to put what he considers to be in his best interests first.

And that might just be to push the next drug the pharma cartel sees as its ticket to billions in profit. Possibly something much worse than that.

Things get interesting.

More so with each passing day. They are certain to become more so as the (s)election approaches and probably well before then. The Senile Man continues to defy his parental authority figures by refusing to hand over the keys to the country – which assumes he’s the one holding them. He isn’t, of course – but appearances do matter. It’s necessary that the people continue to believe they are in control of the government rather than the other way around, which has been the fact since at least the conclusion of the war that put an end to that silly idea about government by consent people such as Jefferson considered to be the only mechanism by which government have legitimacy, if it has any.

Will the people behind the scenes retire the Senile Man? Or is the plan to keep the Senile Man in play as the foil for the Orange Man, whose (s)election has already been decided upon by those who count the votes and tell us who we voted for? So as to drape the blame for what comes after the (s)election not merely on the Orange Man but on the backs of everyone who voted for him?

All this assumes the Orange Man will make it to the (s)election. There is a more-than-small chance he won’t, as proved by the events of the other day. How many enraged Leftists are itching to have their turn? It is actually rather surprising it’s taken this long for one of them (who may have been sheep-dipped in the finest tradition of Lee Harvey Oswald to seem as though he wasn’t a Leftist) to try what was tried the other day.

Expect it be tried again – because that is what you get when a candidate for the presidency who appears to have a good shot at being (s)elected president is characterized by the current president as a “threat to our democracy,” if you take the hint.

Yesterday, someone did.

. . .

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  1. Yesterday the mumbling old geezer ‘Biden’ announced at the NAACP convention that he’s limiting rent increases to 55 dollars. They whooped and hollered. Except that what the teleprompter actually said was, 5%.

    Drive 5%, stay alive. 😉

  2. Who Was Maxwell Yearick? ….The Real Shooter In Trump Rally Shooting Identified

    The shooter, initially misidentified, has now been confirmed as Maxwell Yearick, a 30-year-old left-wing extremist from Perry South. Yearick, who voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, had a history of violent protests and clashes with law enforcement.

    Over a year ago, he injured several police officers during an Antifa rally in Pennsylvania. He organized protests that resulted in property damage and physical violence against individuals.

    • Who Is Jonathan Willis Sniper? Meet Trump Secret Service Police Officer

      Willis claims, “I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perpetrator.”

      He goes on to describe how he defied orders and returned fire once the shooter opened fire on Trump, eventually killing the gunman but facing arrest and job loss as a result.

    • Hi Anon,

      It is very odd that this kid could just walk up to a building so close to where Trump was speaking holding a rife and then climb up the side of the building and then crawl around on the roof… and take a shot… before there was any response.

    • This retired Canadian Army veteran had better get the hell out of Soviet Canuckistan for pointing out what many already suspect: There’s more to this incident than meets the eye, including the likelihood that this punk was “helped” by INSIDERS. Else Fidel Castro’s bastard kid will have him jailed, or WORSE, for doing what the Canadian Constitution is SUPPOSED to protect…him speaking his MIND.

  3. Trump has the nomination, picked a decent VP, got his Florida document case tossed and now is a shoe in the next elected President. Nothing can stop Trump now except another bullet – but that is unlikely. The race is over. The Demonrats have no candidate, and Biden refuses to stand down.

    Over at RBN tonight, the “Jeremy from Kentucky” show is a must listen, he lays out the litmus test for Trump – will Trump (with new found power) underwrite the Israeli genocide on Palestine or not? War with Iran or not? Keep throwing money at Ukraine or not?

    In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, July 15, 2024

    At the RINO convention today, Trump came out a changed man, he seemed very different man to me – and perhaps after dodging all the political bullets and attempted assassination – Trump will no longer be the big mouthed bully boy but a serious statesman. Let’s hope that Trump did change and is no longer a slavish Zionist whore and will no longer just roll the red carpet out for Israel to genocide the natives on their land.

    Will Trump betray his Jewish donors and bring sanity to the land? That is what I will be watching for, but think is unlikely.

    • If Trump defies the Jews, especially those that back Republicans, he’s a GONER. Remember, JFK had signed orders to issue silver certificates in place of the Federal Reserve notes; LBJ quickly rescinded that order. JFK also was briefed about the Israeli nuclear program at Dimona and ordered for any related assistance to be withdrawn. We know how Isra-hell and the Zionist responded on Nov 22, 1963.

  4. YEEHAW!

    ‘The Florida judge Aileen Cannon overseeing Donald Trump’s classified documents case dismissed the indictment against the former president Monday on the grounds that the appointment and funding of special counsel Jack Smith was illegal.’ — NBC News

    This is a massive blow, both to Ape Lincoln lookalike Jack Smith, and to his boss — the impostor Merrick Beria Garland, who’s impersonating a law enforcement official, and should be arrested without delay.

    • Merrick “Garland’s” true name is Garfinkel, he’s no relation to Liza Minelli’s mother. The phony AG’s mother was born “Horowitz”. Can’t get more “Kosher” than that!

    • You can stuff only so many rounds in the magazine of a firearm. Ballot boxes can be stuffed and/or SUBSTITUTED.

  5. In his book “Profiles in Courage”, President John F. Kennedy defined courage as “grace under pressure”.

    Leadership isn’t just about principals or policies, it’s fundamentally about courage. The courage to take the risks, take the stands and take the heat. Disagree with Trump’s policies or criticize his character, but Trump displayed the courage and fortitude that few men possess. Where most would shrink and cower, he stood tall. For that he deserves respect.

    Drop the “Orange Man” slur Eric. It makes you look petty and small.

    • Grace? You mean, stepping to the side for, “two weeks to flatten the curve” and the Lockdowns which resulted in so much harm, suffering & death was a virtue coming from God, a special favor, and an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency? As was encouraging people to get The Clot Shot?

      “take the heat”? As in, take responsibility & recognize the damages from the above?

  6. It’s all jew theatre. Your real owners putting on a show using goyim actors who have betrayed country and heritage, blood and soil.

  7. The counter sniper Jonathan Willis had him in his sites for 3 minutes but was told to stand down. The only person who could order that is his SS commander who reports directly to Biden. It is bald faced treason and Biden must be immediately arrested and removed from office ASAP.

    Image capture from Twitter feed:

    Nora O’Donnel on CBS News tonight said the counter sniper couldn’t take the shot because the sniper was aiming at him! Totally lame BS, the counter sniper is a battle hardened veteran.

    • Biden is toast. Tomorrow be sure to check the updated John Stossel Betting Odds for who will win, click on charts:

      This failed assassination attempt will shoe DJT at the RINO convention this week, then Trump is home free for a landslide victory. I hold my breath for the lame ass VP he picks.

      • Has there been proof the statement in that image is true? My gut tells me it’s not it’s genuine. 2 Why are they seemingly handing this to Trump on a “silver platter” in the last few days? That has me super worried about events to be unleashed in 2025 PS I always enjoy your comments here

  8. The Biden – Trump rivalry is an elemental conflict, harking back to classical Greek drama and all that’s followed since.

    For me, it recalls the late Martin Amis’s novel The Information (1995). In it, the prominent success of schlok writer Gwen Barry torments ‘serious’ novelist Richard Tull, who struggles to sell even a couple of copies of his own work at book signings. Barry’s vapid best-seller Amelior drives him to despair. Tull plots his revenge: he will dissipate Barry’s fortune, seduce his wife, and finally ruin him.

    This Tull determines to do by printing a counterfeit novel on aged paper titled Stumbling on Melons, by Thad Green. With a title page dated 1954, long antedating Amelior, and a text incorporating vast tracts of the latter, it’s a smoking gun to demolish Barry as a reckless plagiarist. Tull reasons as follows:

    ‘Plagiarism was good. Plagiarism was just punishment. Richard Tull was going to make it look as though Gwyn Barry had stolen Amelior. And Gwen had stolen it. Not from Thad Green. From Richard Tull. And Richard, as he typed, had been stealing it back.’

    With the comic inevitability of a Roadrunner cartoon, nemesis ends up destroying Richard Tull [Joe Biden] instead, as an impervious Gwen Barry [Donald Trump} ascends from strength to strength. THE END. 🙂

  9. Once the Official Story is posited any questioning of said story will be a Conspiracy Theory held only by Tin Foil Hat wearing Flat Earthers.

  10. Is Trump the luckiest man alive? He turned his head at the last minute and escaped with a mere nick on the ear. He must be blessed by God no? No. Here is an open letter I wrote to Trump back in January. Until Trump publicly repents for the “beautiful vaccines” AKA bioweapon shots that have killed and continue to kill millions, his “luck” will eventually run out and he will never be President again.

    • The Curse of Tippecanoe, in effect every 20 years since 1840, skipped a beat in 2000 when nothing happened to the Smirking Chimp (maybe because he’s a primate, and thus exempt). Wikipedia omits Reagan, who was shot by an assassin in March 1981 but didn’t die.

      Now it’s back with a vengeance … if one interprets the definition elastically enough to hold that Trump WAS elected in 2020.

    • Trump has also never apologized for his “take the guns, due process later” stance. That is something I have never forgotten. Even if this assassination attempt jettisons him to the 2024 Presidency, does he realize that the Establishment will promptly crash everything, and blame him for it? They will hang all their failures and crimes around his neck. Trump will be at the helm of the country’s worst economic crash dwarfing 1929, and beyond anything we have ever seen. He will not be able to turn anything around, nor save us. Is he really naïve to think that he will turn anything around? I just have to wonder. Perhaps he will change after this near-miss?

  11. This is my conspiracy theory analysis:

    Here is a picture of the bullet whizzing by Trump:

    The bullet, moving faster than Mach 1, is caught on a camera as a straight line.

    Now examine the elevation of the bullet relative to Trump’s ear. The bullet is to low to hit Trump’s ear, the bullet would of hit Trump’s neck, below the ear.

    The shooter is on a roof a 100+ yards away, the shooter is above Trump in elevation. That means the bullet is traveling at an angle going down. The pic shows the bullet is traveling nearly level to the ground (implies another shooter at a lower elevation).

    There is no way that bullet in the pic hit Trump in his right ear, it is much to low.

    That implies when Trump ducked down he used his hand to blow a blood pack, to simulate being hit. Thus we have evidence Trump was in on this plot. (Or the pic of the bullet is not the one that hit Trump)

    The shooter, Crooks, was a registered Republican.

    What does this mean? The shooter could have been an active participant in a false flag shooting, told he was being patriotic to stage a fake shooting to boost Trump in the election. The shooter did not know he was a patsy being set up to take the fall. The shooter-patsy was shot in the head and killed silencing him and his story forever.

    It is unfathomable that the shooter Crooks would be willing to lay on the roof and get capped by the counter snipers. Crooks must of been told something else, that he was part of a team to simulate a shooting to help Trump in the polls. I really doubt anyone would just crawl up there and be willingly exposed to being killed themselves. This reeks.

    The FBI is investigating. We all know the role of the FBI – it is to seize all the evidence and bury it. The purpose of the FBI is to sterilize the crime scene to make sure TPTB are not implicated.

    On 911, the FBI seized all the video tapes around the Pentagon to make sure the public did not see what really hit the Pentagon. The claim is a large Boeing multi-engine jet hit the Pentagram, of which there is zero evidence. Most researchers think an AGM-86 was used.

    • I don’t know where to begin in pointing out that this is mere fantasy and not well thought-out.

      Number one, Crooks was firing from Trump’s RIGHT. If that’s indeed a still of the bullet whizzing BEHIND him, it’d have already struck his ear, spewing blood, flesh, and other bodily fluids, likely quite visible!

      Number two, the bullet would probably have been deflected and likely started TUMBLING; even soft flesh like an ear lobe can greatly alter the course of a bullet, especially something like the 55 grain bullet from Crook’s .22 LR. We don’t see that at all

      Number three, Crooks being registered as a Republican to vote in PA is meaningless. His parents are lifelong liberal Democrats. There were calls for liberals and “progressives” to re-register with the GOP, so they could vote AGAINST Trump (ie. for Nikki Haley) in a vain hope of denying him the GOP nomination. Crooks also gave to very leftist causes.

      As for helping Trump in a STAGED assassination attempt, that’d only make sense if his rifle had nothing but BLANKS, AND…if NO ONE was hit! But besides Trump’s superficial injury to his right ear (which narrowly came close to a FATAL shot!), THREE attendees were hit, and ONE of them is DEAD! When LIVE rounds are being used, it’s an almost foregone conclusion that the shooter(s) had DEADLY intent, Crooks included! And thus far, there is simply no evidence of any other shooters, though I don’t dismiss that possibility. An expert sniper with 14 years experience with that work for the Canadian Armed Forces has opined that the circumstances indicate “inside HELP”. Given how attendees tried to point out Crooks’ presence for about TWO MINUTES prior to the incident, and apparently the counter-sniper was held back in taking his (killing) shot on Crooks, it does cause one to wonder if Trump shouldn’t hire the Pinkertons for security instead!

  12. Folks,
    Nothing surprising here to people paying attention over time. Remember in 2016 after Trump’s election the term By Any Means Necessary? Kathy Griffin’s severed head and Madonna rattling on about assassination? The rational observation might look like acknowledging the fact that the U.S.A. as an ideal is as dead as the U.S.S.R. The government has repeatedly demonstrated its level of corruption from top to bottom since at least the Wilson regime. All the drama over the “election” amounts to a distraction and the various subgroups in the populace have been programmed effectively into violent, irrational camps…there will never be a resolution because the blob cannot be reformed. The details of what corrupt entity supported the assassination attempt really don’t matter….rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The best we can hope for is to survive the process and begin to heal on the other side, those of us who survive. Dark thoughts for sure, but I think realistic ones. It’s been real folks….keep your heads about you and hopefully survive….

    • Great post. If both Biden and Trump were killed ZOG would still be in charge of the USSA. Politicians are paid actors, we are watching political Kabuki theater. If Trump and/or Biden are removed from this next voting debacle is won’t matter.

      The Fed will still be printing unbacked money.

      The MSM will still be lying.

      The wars will continue.

      Inflation will still be ruining our savings accounts.

      The criminal politicians will still go unprosecuted.

      The government will still stage false flags, and terrorize us by every means available. So why vote, why participate is this fraud of state power?

      Free people with good minds would NEVER vote for oppressors. If you vote you empower ZOG to rape, rob, steal, muder, lie, etc. It does not matter that Zionist whore A or B is elected, or that the current Zionist whores are removed and replaced with new whores, like Nimrata Haley or Gavin Newscum. The elected whore will rubber stamp the Zionist agenda. Trump is a faux savior, he just took the big bribe from Jewess Marion Adelson.

      • I will not vote for ANY candidate that is a jew, “dual citizen” or supporter of israel.
        In very case, I will write-in my vote for HAMAS.

      • Do you have any physical proof, something concrete, that Michelle Obama was born into this world as a male human being?

        You don’t, which strains your credibility, doesn’t blend with your credence.

        Although, gorillas would probably welcome her into the tribe. Not too many would argue, everybody needs somebody to love.

        Yosemite is a Native American word that translates to ‘those who kill’.

        Anti-Yosemite, gotta add that one

        Yo, Semites, leave those Palestinians alone.

  13. They have tipped their hand. And proved that they are idiots.

    Maybe they can’t beat him. Maybe they can. Maybe the next attempt will be successful, maybe not.

    In some sense it doesn’t matter.

    What matters, is that approximately half of the country, maybe more in some places, is on his side. And the more they try to drag him down, the more they rally to him.

    THAT is what matters. Trump is just the guy that all of those people have latched on to. Get rid of him, and the people are still there — and even angrier. They’ll latch on to someone else soon enough.

    You can’t antagonize half the country and expect to remain in power. If you do, it will only be by the skin of your teeth and only after an exceedingly rough period of extreme civil disturbance. The smart play is to quit while you’re ahead.

    But hey, what do I know? I’m nobody.

    • “What matters, is that approximately half of the country, maybe more in some places, is on his side. And the more they try to drag him down, the more they rally to him.”

      Correct. Reagan got a 12point boost in the polls from his assassination attempt:

      Strange Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt
      Paul Joseph Watson 1.99M subscribers

  14. My current employer insisted on a drug screen on a very tight time table as a condition of being hired. On the Wednesday before a holiday weekend (Thanksgiving), I was given until Monday to get an appointment at a national franchise lab and submit the test results to the screening contractor.

    Then the company turned around and insisted that I either get the jab or submit a unreliable PCR test every time I wanted to walk into the building for the first year of my employment (2022).

  15. It’s good that President Trump survived but sadly it seems one of the spectators at the rally was murdered and two others injured, my prayers go out to their families.

    One question I have is who was responsible for securing those rooftops? 140 yard shots are not that hard, as it sounds like it would be a shot involving a drop in elevation that might have also helped save President Trumps life. Either way you don’t often hear of a head shot that doesn’t kill you.

    The next question or hope is that the government does not use this as an excuse to disarm
    the citizenry. A disarmed citizen is no longer a free citizen no matter what he may believe.

    • Landru: “The next question or hope is that the government does not use this as an excuse to disarm
      the citizenry.”

      Ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me. I know, I know!

    • An armed citizen who refuses to rebel is still not free.
      An armed citizen who follows all “reasonable gun laws” is still not free.
      An armed citizen who hands over his weapon on demand to law enforcement is still not free.
      An armed citizen who allows theft of his property through taxation or inflation is still not free.
      An armed citizen who allows his children to be enslaved into the U.S. military is still not free.
      an armed citizen who obeys Covid restrictions, allows unwarranted searches at airports, accepts the governments interpretation of his right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness…is still not free.

      What good is an armed citizen in America if he is not willing to use his weapon to defend liberty?

      2A supporters…stop crying about “gun restrictions” and start disobeying, openly. Then I might care.

    • A head shot is typically fatal. In the cases where it isn’t, the victim is often left as if death would have been preferable. The relatively few cases where the victim survives and is somewhat coherent, there are usually still lasting disabilities and PAIN. Just as Gabby Giffords.

  16. Election? What election? We don’t need no steeeen-king election.

    Trump lived to die another day. What doesn’t kill him keeps him alive. More alive than ever today. Might as well tip a few and celebrate, jump for joy.

    The shooter made a bad decision.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  17. The attempted assassination of Trump reminded me of the final scene in Robert Altman’s 1975 film Nashville. At a fictional Nashville political rally of the Replacement Party’s presidential candidate, and following the shooting of the beautiful country singer (Ronee Blakely) as she sang to the crowd, others who remained on the stage broke out into a song having the refrain of “You may say that I ain’t free, but it don’t bother me….” Worth watching to revisit Ronee Blakey’s performance, for which she should have won the Oscar.

  18. There’s something very fishy about this “assassination attempt”. Early reports stated that “gunshot-like noises were heard at Trump rally. Trump: ‘I’ve been shot’.. Somehow, overnight it went from “gunshot-like noises” and “Trump claiming to have been shot” [as if such a thing would not be readily apparent] to “an assassination attempt”…. Uh…yeah….
    I’m not one to yell “psyop” lightly, but…
    I sense that Mr. Wonderful Drugs® is the ’24 selection, and thisw “assassination attempt” is a show to elicit the “See? TPTB really hate Trump and want to get rid of him! Oh boy! Get out and vote for him and he’ll save ‘Merica!” sentiment. That, or it was just some random weirdo. But really, when does it ever turn out to be just some weirdo? [Or at least a random one, who doesn’t have a long history with the CIA/FBI and pyschotropic drugs]

  19. Eric- Thanks for not losing focus. This was an appropriate juncture to remind the “I want to believe” crew about what was, what is and what isn’t. First thing I thought was, now OF will be all in on banning semi-autos or something. However, I have gone further down the rabbit hole. I read yesterday that Nimrata, who had previously been conspicuously NOT invited to the Rethugs upcoming (Mon.) convention was invited to speak at the convention yesterday afternoon. Watch, OF “rethinks” his candidacy to “spend more time with his grandkids” and, with his endorsement, Nimrata ascends.

    • > ‘central fuel tank spark’
      Which is why all 747s were withdrawn from service until a fix for this very dangerous malfunction could be provided. Right? [snicker]

      • Right. And as we know, hundreds of tall buildings were evacuated and condemned, after the WTC Building 7 collapse proved that a minor fire could fell a 47-story building.

        Safety works in mysterious ways.

  20. “If you vote for the lesser of two evils you are still voting for evil… You should always vote for the best possible candidate, whether they have a chance of winning or not, and then, even if the worst possible candidate wins, the Lord will bless our country more because more people were willing to stand up for what is right.” ― Ezra Taft Benson

    “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” ― Donald Rumsfeld

    I don’t know anyone who was going into the election cycle voting for Trump. They were voting against Biden. As the left continues the assault Trump just keeps getting more people who are actually coming around to voting for him. He’s still a train wreck when it comes to all his policies other than his ongoing vague desire to “drain the swamp” and reduce the bureaucracy without ever going into specifically how -especially in the face of shutting down the nation for “two weeks” over a chest cold. Talk about governmental overreach!

    Now that the Libertarian party is once again a hot mess, I’m probably going to sit this one out. At least until there’s a tax increase or some other screwball amendment put on the ballot.

    “The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger.” ― Emperor Palpatine

    The problem of course is that Trump is polling even higher since this happened. The soc-nets are going nuts with activity. The legacy media is showing blood, something unheard of since Vietnam. There’s a story that we’re being fed. I’m not saying it’s a staged event, but I’m sure some producer has played out the story line in the conference room years ago, much like the NYT has celebrity obituaries ready to go. The public understands that the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) are pushing the SSRI-infused left into a tizzy, and there will be another backlash. Yesterday before this happened one of the stories was that a group of Democratic donors froze $90M of campaign funds on the condition that they won’t be freed up until Biden steps aside. I have to wonder if they’ve changed their minds.

    “Never give up, never surrender!” – Commander Taggart

    Thing is, we’re at a point where neither one of them is looking at reality. Trump, ever the Positive Thinker, won’t ever admit defeat. Indeed, the Jan 6 “insurrection” was more about Trump not making the concession call, as is tradition… “good show old boy,” because it’s just not in his nature to admit defeat. That’s just not good sportsmanship. Even Al Gore spent years introducing himself as the actual 43 president of the US, but he made that call because that’s what you do in elite circles if you want to live another day.

    “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” ― George Costanza

    And Biden, having had 6+ years of living in a bubble with yes men and a gushing press pool, believes his own press secretary. Of course they both believe they’re the best human for the job. No one else comes close. Whether it’s Biden’s “best economy in history” or Trump shutting down the nation over a chest cold (that wasn’t a weak bioweapon… no way), both are delusional. Just that one still appears to have his faculties while the other… well… “what are we going to do about Grandpa?”

  21. ‘Trump seems to be all about Trump.’ — eric

    Indubitably. Eric probes Trump’s ideological deformities like a masseur working a throbbing muscle. But for many, ‘that don’t count no more.’

    Hard truth: the photo of a bloody-faced Trump defiantly raising his fist, with the stars-‘n-stripes waving above him, is the most iconic presidential image since that of George Washington crossing the icy Delaware River in a wooden boat to attack the British on Christmas Day. And that image wasn’t committed to canvas until years later.

    Mind you, I’m no fawning fan boy of Trump. I’ll be even less of a fan, in the 99.9% likelihood that he names another abject Israel fellator as his VP. But there’s no denying that — whether through dumb luck or (as Steve Bannon claims) ‘the armor of God’ — Trump is now a living legend. His indelible image as a defiant wounded warrior seals the deal on the spot for tens of millions who have no truck with analysis and reflection.

    As one star-struck admirer Matt Walsh captioned the ‘wounded warrior’ photo:

    Impeached. Arrested. Convicted. Shot. Still standing.

    This is potent, incandescent propaganda. Frankly, other candidates (remind me of their names?) might as well just withdraw now and pledge their supporters to the Donald.

    The election ended yesterday. Trump won.

    I missed my shot and I feel so bad
    I guess my race is run
    Oh, he’s the best prez we ever had
    I fought the law and the law won
    I fought the law and the law won

    — Bobby Fuller Four, I Fought the Law

  22. Wow, I am a little surprised that this is the morning’s topic. Trump has said nothing about coming after the 2nd Amendment. If yesterday proved anything it was that our government is incapable of protecting the American citizen, hell, they can’t even protect one of their own. With the manufacturing of ghost guns and 3D printers taking away anyone’s right to defend themselves and their family will not happen. Buying an unregistered gun is as easy as buying a counterfeit Louis Vuitton Neverfull handbag.

    Yesterday’s events will go down in history. It was a remarkable display of calmness and strength. The invention of the camera phone (not a favorite of mine) allowed citizens to truly see what was happening in real time. The lies and omissions put forth from the US media showed every citizen they cannot be trusted as newsworthy sources. I thought Zerohedge did a fantastic job. They were the first to report the name of the shooter, had videos from people at the rally, showed the interview with BBC, etc. I thought they did an excellent job and were two to three hours ahead of any mainstream media outlet.

    The Trump rally supporters and The Donald showed an unwavering form of strength. We needed to see that. Over the last 3.5 years our country has been in a feeble position. Our “leaders” and our peers have looked weak and debilitated on the world stage. Yesterday changed that. There was shock, yes, but also an underlying anger that you could see on the face of Americans. Yesterday the enemy pushed too far. We can debate whether this was done by a 20 year old kid due to ineptness or someone more sinister, but today we have a chip on our shoulder and our spine is a little straighter.

    • Agree about folks at the rally, very calm and aware situationally except for that one woman screaming hysterically. This shows the high caliber of Trump supporters. Leftists/democrats would be freaking out and running around like chickens without heads.

    • Hi RG,

      I am just trying to do my bit to hold Trump accountable. Yes, he handled himself well yesterday. But my concern remains about he handled things during the “pandemic.”

      • Eric- Right now it’s like the plandemic never happened. They are going to spring something else on us probably sooner than later.

      • Hi Eric,

        I believe yesterday’s events should not forego the horrible policies, people, and propaganda that were established under the Trump Administration, but it should be noted as the day the US got her balls back.

    • ‘I thought [ZH] did an excellent job and were two to three hours ahead of any mainstream media outlet.’ — Raider Girl

      Hours after the dead were dragged away, Fox News was still reporting ‘loud noises’ and ‘suspected gunfire’ at the rally. Our Lügenpresse gatekeepers, who also discovered last week that ‘Joe’ is mentally impaired, are worthless.

      Your remark about ‘unwavering strength’ is precisely what millions saw in those dramatic images of Trump’s unbowed face, streaked with his own blood. It really doesn’t matter what he says anymore — they cannot unsee it.

    • Also agree with the total coverup by the US fake news. Last night my wife was showing me Amir Tsarfati’s coverage on his Telegram channel on her iPad. He had photos, videos and the name of the alleged shooter, videos of the whole thing, interviews with witnesses, photos and arial photos of the entire scene. And he’s in Israel!

    • Not only that, they killed an apparently innocent
      Member of the audience.

      Lots of unanswered questions. Who was the shooter? Who was the other guy? Why was the other guy in a sniper’s crosshairs? Where’s the apology? Where’s the wrongful death lawsuit? Why didn’t the secret service investigate the man with a gun in the roof, which they were warned about by some observant bystanders, until after he fired? Is this a setup? A warning? A boba dude attempt that somehow failed?

    • Hey Raider,

      Did someone hack your “account” here? That doesnt even sound like you.

      I think the donald may have been in on this. He knows how to milk it for sure

      • Hi swamp,

        The account has not been hacked. 😁

        Trump and his fist in the air does makes quite a picture, but I am more impressed with my fellow Americans. They are angry. Anger breeds change. Change is what is needed in this country if she hopes to survive.

        I am doubtful The Donald was in on it. There are too many phones and too many people for his reactions to be anything but genuine. I think most of us believed the Deep State would try to assassinate him. This can’t be a surprise. That they did it in broad daylight is the shocking thing.

      • swamprat: “I think the donald may have been in on this. ”

        Unless he played magician and poked that hole in his ear himself, even The Donald is not stupid enough to let someone shoot at him. An inch to the rigth and they would be dusting off the rotunda. Consipiracy, as likely as not. Great history of those with Oswald, Ray, and Sirhan playing The Patsy. But even a showman like Trump would not risk having lead flying around to take a million vote wound.

    • The BBC interview seemed like an accident, with the reporter and camera crew initially looking to get a rambling bit of incoherence and a laugh from a “ginger”.

      UK prejudice

      The fact that the “ginger” was coherent and related the events well seemed to surprise the reporter.

      • LOL! Ain’t that the truth. Don’t say “they blew his head off!”, say “he was apparently shot” as people might be upset. This reminds me of the BBC reporter’s infamous 9-11 WTC7 collapse premonition as the WTC7 stood standing behind her.

  23. Has Trump learned anything these last 4 years? Now its all on him. Will he pick a VP outside the swamp, or, will he listen to the same voices telling him who the “good people” were last time?

    That was a pretty OG move for an old man, gotta give him that, he has balls. But does he have brains? If he picks some milquetoast shill, or vapid chick as VP I’m inclined to let the Ds own it all. They still have the little problem of being illegitimate, with more people realizing it all the time. Broken Government, with an ungovernable people would be preferable to Trump pretending to drain the swamp.

  24. The media and Democrat Party establishment has been POUNDING a narrative for 8 or 9 years that Donald Trump was a NAZI, a fascist, and even Hitler 2.0, and there are people who have been propagandized into believing that as TRUTH. Was the guy who tried to assassinate Trump someone who belieeeeeeeeeeeeved the MASSIVE propaganda involving Trump? We may never know.

    Democrat Congress critters have been trying to deny Secret Service protection to Trump after his (BS) convictions in the Trump New York trial, like the Biden regime has been denying numerous requests for Secret Service protection from RFK Jr, despite the fact that someone tried to assassinate Kennedy several months ago, and Kennedy’s father and uncle were assassinated in the 1960s.

    • Amen to everything that you said! I have never seen anything like the demonizing of and hatred for Trump that has been unleashed by the Dems.

      • Hi Rick,

        The crazy thing is, many of these Democrats LOVED Trump BEFORE he ran for President in 2015-16. Ever since then, they’ve been poisoned by sheer hatred for Trump, while at the same time claiming that we should “End hatred”.

          • Many of them do act like the Borg from Star Trek……insistent on assimilating everyone into THEIR worldview and destroying those who refuse to be “assimilated”. Case in point, the way they treated people who REFUSED to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma, refuse to have their children be guinea pigs for the Trans agenda, etc.

    • I am sure that Trump still has his private security detail interspersed with the Secret Service. It was noted that the Secret Service vehemently protested against Trump having his own security personnel interspersed with the Secret Service during his presidency but was countermanded by Trump himself–a very smart move.

  25. When they broke into the teevee program with the breathless “breaking news” flashing red I expected it to be an announcement that Biden had a “heart attack”, arranged by whoever has access to his meals. Surprised to see it was Orange Man as the target but with the hysterical psychopaths on both sides of the political class it was only a matter of time until someone tried to take out the opposition.

  26. So who was the shooter? They’re saying it was a 20-year-old kid who carried no ID.

    Yet they managed to ID him within hours.

    They’re saying he was a “registered Republican,” LOL. Mighty convenient.

    How does a 20-year old kid get within 100 yards of a president with a rifle? I’ve been within 100 yards of a president, I know what the security was like.

    How did he get on the roof? Did he bring a rifle AND a ladder, LOL?

    YOU try that and see how fast you get shot or cuffed.

    Yet some kid, 20 years old, no real history of anything does it easily. Mighty convenient.

    Either the Secret Service is so incompetent they can be casually defeated by any 20-year-old random kid on the spur of the moment in any random city… or the kid was groomed to be the fall guy for the people who want Trump dead but don’t want to leave any trace of their involvement.

    Added bonus, they get bipartisan support to ban guns.

    A lot of this doesn’t add up, just as it didn’t add up as to how an actual Soviet defector could return to the U.S. and shoot the president a year after the Cuban Missile Crisis… and then somehow some rando named Jacob Rubenstein managed to walk right up to the cops and kill the suspect — who then never stood trial, and thus there were no witnesses, discovery, or defense.

    And five years later the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed.

    Mighty strange.

    • >some rando named Jacob Rubenstein
      Not a rando.
      Known associate of Sam Giancana and the Chicago Outfit.
      “Jack Ruby” was his mob nickname.
      Ran a strip joint in Dallas, which in newspaper reports of the time was never described as such, but as a “night club,” which sounds more respectable.
      Conveniently died of cancer 3 Jan 1967.

      • Hi Adi,
        That’s a common tactic of the actual Mafia (as opposed to the insurance mafia) – to recruit a hitman who has a terminal illness, knowing he’s likely to be caught, with a promise to take good care of his family in return. The Mafia has more integrity than Fedgov, given the choice we would be better ruled by them.

    • Very good points and observations. Thinking 3 letter opp, and the SS is either DEI incompetent or in on it too. How can you NOT secure all the rooftops? Doesn’t fly with me. Also 20yo patsy with a second shooter somewhere? Hmmm. I have to say it was a total miracle of God that Trump wasn’t killed. Get ready for what else is coming.

    • The building where the shooter was positioned is owned by a company ultimately controlled by a private equity firm with ties to the usual conspiracy theory suspects.

      CD&R, founded by CFR and Brookings alum Joseph Rice.

      The subsidiary company name is AGR International.

      This all assumes that the company name from USA Today was correct.

  27. These are communists. Their modus operandi is that they murder their opponents. I’m surprised it took them this long.

    As to DJT, he is what he is. I wish there was an anti Zionist candidate, or someone more worthy of being a champion of the constitution. I do hope he’s a petty and vindictive man, and has learned something of his communist enemies by their vicious lawfare and murder attempts. Hope springs eternal…

    • ‘I wish there was an anti Zionist candidate.’ — Ernie

      You and I might as well be Diogenes, searching the streets fruitlessly for an honest man. One of the worst civilian atrocities of the Gaza conflict occurred yesterday, just hours before the Trump rally — over 90 civilians killed, hundreds wounded, as Israel pounded a ‘safe zone’ in Khan Younis in alleged pursuit of one (1) elderly Hamas figure.

      Incredibly, the butcher of Jerusalem — blood still dripping from his shit-smeared paws — will be welcomed onto the dais of the House just ten days from now, as co-opted Congress Clowns bark and howl for an indicted mass murderer. In the afterworld, cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer wonders why he didn’t at least get a statue in the Capitol Rotunda.

  28. Trump is fortunate his assailant was incompetent. In my prime, I could consistently hit a golf ball at that range.

      • I’ve done some shooting at 100 and 200 hundred yards (three hundred and 600 feet) with scope and without. It would take a miracle to nick an ear at that distance. Some people do believe in miracles.
        But what do I know as I was the top shooter (highest score) at my battalion size
        (up to 1,000 soldiers) basic training class. Unfortunately I was only 4th (my mile run was only six and a half min) in the physical fitness tests.

    • I grew up in western PA. I’m pretty sure the shooter’s dad had a momentary thought of “He never could figure out how to sight-in a rifle.”

    • Trump it seems turned his head at just the right time otherwise he would have been hit square in the side of his head. Luck was on his side that day.
      I attended one Trump rally back in 2016. That was in Chicago at UIC. University of Illinois Chicago is just west of downtown and is the heart of Communism/Socialism. UIC is where Bill Ayers was a professor. Some of you will recognize Ayers back from his Youthful Communist days. At the rally everything went well initially but then the announcement was made that Trump will not attend because the police or someone told him that it was too dangerous. It got rather hectic inside the stadium as a very large group of communists invaded the stadium. The police did not stop them. The group consisted almost equally of blacks, Mexicans ME and white Communists. Fights erupted inside as the Communists tried to take over. The Mexicans even had a very large Mexican flag that they waved around. The blacks were the loudest as they whooped and hollered while dancing their victory dance. Yes our country has been turned into a multicultural mud hole courtesy of the internationalists/Communists.
      Getting home was a bit of a challenge because I used public transportation but lucky for me I was not wearing any Trump emblems. Believe me we were totally surrounded by third world type of peoples.
      Some of the politicians are claiming that our country is divided and that they will unite us. I call BS on this. But the fools that control us think that they can get disparate people into the US and turn them into united model citizens. Just give them some magic dirt and they will turn into European White people.
      BTW, the US will soon be a minority/majority country. Maybe then White people will unite. Democracy is a good idea not in a multicultural nation. Remember that 51% will control the other 49%.

      • Quite a story about Chitcago. Actually, “the fools that control us” are bringing them in to destroy our civilization and replace us. My wife told me there were LOTS of moslems in Costco on Friday. They’re peaceful now in the US anyway, but once they reach a certain percentage of the population they get violent and demand sharia law like what’s happening in Europe.

  29. The reaction of politicians is unpredictable, because they are psychopaths. There is no telling what Trump may do or say in reaction to being shot, just as there is no telling what Biden may do or say in reaction to publicly demonstrating his incompetence.
    The thing one must always keep in mind is that they don’t give a damn about you or those you love. None are on your side. They’re psychopaths. They are on their own side, and no one else’s. Ever.


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